Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOBAUST01 | News from ITER Controls - A Status Report | controls, network, real-time, software | 1 |
Construction of ITER has started at the Cadarache site in southern France. The first buildings are taking shape and more than 60 % of the in-kind procurement has been committed by the seven ITER member states (China, Europe, India, Japan, Korea, Russia and Unites States). The design and manufacturing of the main components of the machine is now underway all over the world. Each of these components comes with a local control system, which must be integrated in the central control system. The control group at ITER has developed two products to facilitate this; the plant control design handbook (PCDH) and the control, data access and communication (CODAC) core system. PCDH is a document which prescribes the technologies and methods to be used in developing the local control system and sets the rules applicable to the in-kind procurements. CODAC core system is a software package, distributed to all in-kind procurement developers, which implements the PCDH and facilitates the compliance of the local control system. In parallel, the ITER control group is proceeding with the design of the central control system to allow fully integrated and automated operation of ITER. In this paper we report on the progress of design, technology choices and discuss justifications of those choices. We also report on the results of some pilot projects aiming at validating the design and technologies. | |||
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Slides MOBAUST01 [4.238 MB] | ||
MOBAUST05 | Control System Achievement at KEKB and Upgrade Design for SuperKEKB | controls, software, operation, linac | 17 |
SuperKEKB electron-positron asymmetric collider is being constructed after a decade of successful operation at KEKB for B physics research. KEKB completed all of the technical milestones, and had offered important insights into the flavor structure of elementary particles, especially the CP violation. The combination of scripting languages at the operation layer and EPICS at the equipment layer had led the control system to successful performance. The new control system in SuperKEKB will continue to employ those major features of KEKB, with additional technologies for the reliability and flexibility. The major structure will be maintained especially the online linkage to the simulation code and slow controls. However, as the design luminosity is 40-times higher than that of KEKB, several orders of magnitude higher performance will be required at certain area. At the same time more controllers with embedded technology will be installed to meet the limited resources. | |||
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Slides MOBAUST05 [2.781 MB] | ||
MOCAULT02 | Managing the Development of Plant Subsystems for a Large International Project | controls, software, interface, site | 27 |
ITER is an international collaborative project under development by nations representing over one half of the world's population. Major components will be supplied by "Domestic Agencies" representing the various participating countries. While the supervisory control system, known as "CODAC", will be developed at the project site in the south of France, the EPICS and PLC-based plant control subsystems are to be developed and tested locally, where the subsystems themselves are being built. This is similar to the model used for the development of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), which was a US national collaboration. However the far more complex constraints of an international collaboration, as well as the mandated extensive use of externally contracted and commercially-built subsystems, preclude the use of many specifics of the SNS collaboration approach which may have contributed to its success. Moreover, procedures for final system integration and commissioning at ITER are not yet well defined. This paper will outline the particular issues either inherent in an international collaboration or specific to ITER, and will suggest approaches to mitigate those problems with the goal of assuring a successful and timely integration and commissioning phase. | |||
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Slides MOCAULT02 [3.684 MB] | ||
MOCAUIO04 | The SESAME Project | controls, booster, synchrotron, electron | 31 |
SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East) is a third generation synchrotron light source under construction near Amman (Jordan), which is expected to begin operation in 2015. SESAME will foster scientific and technological excellence in the Middle East and the Mediterranean region, build scientific bridges between neighbouring countries and foster mutual understanding through international cooperation. The members of SESAME are currently Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority and Turkey. An overview about the progress of the facility and the general plan will be given in this talk. Then I will focus on the control system by explaining how this part is managed: the technical choice, the main deadlines, the local staff, the international virtual control team, and the first results. | |||
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Slides MOCAUIO04 [8.526 MB] | ||
MOMAU007 | How to Maintain Hundreds of Computers Offering Different Functionalities with Only Two System Administrators | controls, software, Linux, database | 56 |
The Controls section in PSI is responsible for the Control Systems of four Accelerators: two proton accelerators HIPA and PROSCAN, Swiss Light Source SLS and the Free Electron Laser (SwissFEL) Test Facility. On top of that, we have 18 additional SLS beamlines to control. The controls system is mainly composed of the so called Input Output Controllers (IOCs) which require a complete and complex computing infrastructure in order to boot, being developed, debugged and monitored. This infrastructure consists currently mainly of Linux computers like boot server, port server, or configuration server (called save and restore server). Overall, the constellation of computers and servers which compose the control system counts about five hundred Linux computers which can be split into 38 different configurations based on the work each of this system need to provide. For the administration of all this we do employ only two system administrators who are responsible for the installation, configuration and maintenance of those computers. This paper shows which tools are used to squash this difficult task: like Puppet (an open source Linux tool we further adapted) and many in-house developed tools offering an overview about computers, installation status and relations between the different servers / computers. | |||
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Slides MOMAU007 [0.384 MB] | ||
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Poster MOMAU007 [0.708 MB] | ||
MOMMU002 | NFC Like Wireless Technology for Monitoring Purposes in Scientific/Industrial Facilities | controls, monitoring, network, vacuum | 66 |
Funding: The present work is supported by the Basque Government and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Wireless technologies are becoming more and more used in large industrial and scientific facilities like particle accelerators for facilitating the monitoring and indeed sensing in these kind of large environments. Cabled equipment means little flexibility in placement and is very expensive in both money an effort whenever reorganization or new installation is needed. So, when cabling is not really needed for performance reasons wireless monitoring and control is a good option, due to the speed of implementation. There are several wireless flavors to choose, as Bluetooth, Zigbee, WiFi, etc. depending on the requirements of each specific application. In this work a wireless monitoring system for EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) is presented, where desired control system variables are acquired over the network and published in a mobile device, allowing the operator to check process variables everywhere the signal spreads. In this approach, a Python based server will be continuously getting EPICS Process Variables via Channel Access protocol and sending them through a WiFi standard 802.11 network using ICE middleware. ICE is a toolkit oriented to build distributed applications. Finally the mobile device will read the data and show it to the operator. The security of the communication can be assured by means of a weak wireless signal, following the same idea as in NFC, but for more large distances. With this approach, local monitoring and control applications, as for example a vacuum control system for several pumps, are easily implemented. |
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Poster MOMMU002 [7.243 MB] | ||
MOPKN005 | Construction of New Data Archive System in RIKEN RI Beam Factory | controls, database, data-acquisition, beam-diagnostic | 90 |
The control system of RIKEN RI Beam Factory (RIBF) is based on EPICS and three kinds of data archive system have been in operation. Two of them are EPICS applications and the other is MyDAQ2 developed by SPring-8 control group. MyDAQ2 collects data such as cooling-water temperature and magnet temperature etc and is not integrated into our EPICS control system. In order to unify the three applications into a single system, we have started to develop a new system since October, 2009. One of the requirements for this RIBF Control data Archive System (RIBFCAS) is that it routinely collects more than 3000 data from 21 EPICS Input/Output Controllers (IOC) at every 1 to 60 seconds, depending on the type of equipment. An ability to unify MyDAQ2 database is also required. To fulfill these requirements, a Java-based system is constructed, in which Java Channel Access Light Library (JCAL) developed by J-PARC control group is adopted in order to acquire large amounts of data as mentioned above. The main advantage of JCAL is that it is based on single threaded architecture for thread safety and user thread can be multi-threaded. The RIBFCAS hardware consists of an application server, a database server and a client-PC. The client application is executed on the Adobe AIR runtime. At the moment, we succeeded in getting about 3000 data from 21 EPICS IOCs at every 10 seconds for one day, and validation tests are proceeding. Unification of MyDAQ2 is now in progress and it is scheduled to be completed in 2011. | |||
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Poster MOPKN005 [27.545 MB] | ||
MOPKN006 | Algorithms and Data Structures for the EPICS Channel Archiver | hardware, operation, software, database | 94 |
Diamond Light Source records 3GB of process data per day and has a 15TB archive on line with the EPICS Channel Archiver. This paper describes recent modifications to the software to improve performance and usability. The file-size limit on the R-Tree index has been removed, allowing all archived data to be searchable from one index. A decimation system works directly on compressed archives from a backup server and produces multi-rate reduced data with minimum and maximum values to support time efficient summary reporting and range queries. The XMLRPC interface has been extended to provide binary data transfer to clients needing large amounts of raw data. | |||
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Poster MOPKN006 [0.133 MB] | ||
MOPKN012 | Hyperarchiver: An Epics Archiver Prototype Based on Hypertable | controls, embedded, Linux, target | 114 |
This work started in the context of NSLS2 project at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The NSLS2 control system foresees a very high number of PV variables and has strict requirements in terms of archiving/retrieving rate: our goal was to store 10K PV/sec and retrieve 4K PV/sec for a group of 4 signals. The HyperArchiver is an EPICS Archiver implementation engined by Hypertable, an open source database whose internal architecture is derived from Google's Big Table. We discuss the performance of HyperArchiver and present the results of some comparative tests.
HyperArchiver: Epics: |
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Poster MOPKN012 [1.231 MB] | ||
MOPKN013 | Image Acquisition and Analysis for Beam Diagnostics Applications of the Taiwan Photon Source | GUI, controls, linac, software | 117 |
Design and implementation of image acquisition and analysis is in proceeding for the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) diagnostic applications. The optical system contains screen, lens, and lighting system. A CCD camera with Gigabit Ethernet interface (GigE Vision) will be a standard image acquisition device. Image acquisition will be done on EPICS IOC via PV channel and analysis the properties by using Matlab tool to evaluate the beam profile (σ), beam size position and tilt angle et al. The EPICS IOC integrated with Matlab as a data processing system is not only could be used in image analysis but also in many types of equipment data processing applications. Progress of the project will be summarized in this report. | |||
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Poster MOPKN013 [0.816 MB] | ||
MOPKN014 | A Web Based Realtime Monitor on EPICS Data | monitoring, interface, status, real-time | 121 |
Funding: IHEP China Monitoring systems such as EDM and CSS are extremely important in EPICS system. Most of them are based on client/server(C/S). This paper designs and implements a web based realtime monitoring system on EPICS data. This system is based on browser and server (B/S using Flex [1]). Through CAJ [2] interface, it fetches EPICS data including beam energy, beam current, lifetime and luminosity and so on. Then all data is displayed in a realtime chart in browser (IE or Firefox/Mozilla). The chart is refreshed every regular interval and can be zoomed and adjusted. Also, it provides data tips showing and full screen mode. [1] [2]M.Sekoranja, "Native Java Implement of channel access for Epics", 10th ICALEPCS, Geneva, Oct 2005, PO2.089-5. |
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Poster MOPKN014 [1.105 MB] | ||
MOPKN020 | The PSI Web Interface to the EPICS Channel Archiver | interface, controls, software, operation | 141 |
The EPICS channel archiver is a powerful tool to collect control system data of thousands of EPICS process variables with rates of many Hertz each to an archive for later retrieval. [1] Within the package of the channel archiver version 2 you get a Java application for graphical data retrieval and a command line tool for data extraction into different file formats. For the Paul Scherrer Institute we wanted a possibility to retrieve the archived data from a web interface. It was desired to have flexible retrieval functions and to allow to interchange data references by e-mail. This web interface has been implemented by the PSI controls group and has now been in operation for several years. This presentation will highlight the special features of this PSI web interface to the EPICS channel archiver.
[1] |
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Poster MOPKN020 [0.385 MB] | ||
MOPKN021 | Asynchronous Data Change Notification between Database Server and Accelerator Control Systems | database, controls, target, software | 144 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Database data change notification (DCN) is a commonly used feature. Not all database management systems (DBMS) provide an explicit DCN mechanism. Even for those DBMS's which support DCN (such as Oracle and MS SQL server), some server side and/or client side programming may be required to make the DCN system work. This makes the setup of DCN between database server and interested clients tedious and time consuming. In accelerator control systems, there are many well established software client/server architectures (such as CDEV, EPICS, and ADO) that can be used to implement data reflection servers that transfer data asynchronously to any client using the standard SET/GET API. This paper describes a method for using such a data reflection server to set up asynchronous DCN (ADCN) between a DBMS and clients. This method works well for all DBMS systems which provide database trigger functionality. |
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Poster MOPKN021 [0.355 MB] | ||
MOPKN025 | Integrating the EPICS IOC Log into the CSS Message Log | database, controls, network, monitoring | 151 |
Funding: SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U.S. Department of Energy The Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) includes the "IOCLogServer", a tool that logs error messages from front-end computers (Input/Output Controllers, IOCs) into a set of text files. Control System Studio (CSS) includes a distributed message logging system with relational database persistence and various log analysis tools. We implemented a log server that forwards IOC messages to the CSS log database, allowing several ways of monitoring and analyzing the IOC error messages. |
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Poster MOPKN025 [4.006 MB] | ||
MOPKN027 | BDNLS - BESSY Device Name Location Service | database, controls, interface, target | 154 |
Initially the relational database (RDB) for control system configuration at BESSY has been built around the device concept [1]. Maintenance and consistency issues as well as complexity of scripts generating the configuration data, triggered the development of a novel, generic RDB structure based on hierarchies of named nodes with attribute/value pair [2]. Unfortunately it turned out that usability of this generic RDB structure for a comprehensive configuration management relies totally on sophisticated data maintenance tools. On this background BDNS, a new database management tool has been developed within the framework of the Eclipse Rich Client Platform. It uses the Model View Control (MVC) layer of Jface to cleanly dissect retrieval processes, data path, data visualization and actualization. It is based on extensible configurations described in XML allowing to chain SQL calls and compose profiles for various use cases. It solves the problem of data key forwarding to the subsequent SQL statement. BDNS and its potential to map various levels of complexity into the XML configurations allows to provide easy usable, tailored database access to the configuration maintainers for the different underlying database structures. Based on Eclipse the integration of BDNS into Control System Studio is straight forward.
[1] T. Birke Relational Database for Controls Configuration Management, IADBG Workshop 2001, San Jose. [2] T. Birke Beyond Devices - An improved RDB Data-Model for Configuration Management, ICALEPCS 2005, Geneva |
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Poster MOPKN027 [0.210 MB] | ||
MOPKS011 | Beam Synchronous Data Acquisition for SwissFEL Test Injector | controls, timing, data-acquisition, real-time | 180 |
Funding: Paul Scherrer Institute A 250 MeV injector facility at PSI has been constructed to study the scientific and technological challenges of the SwissFEL project. Since in such pulsed machines in principle every beam can have different characteristics, due to varying machine parameters and/or conditions, it is very crucial to be able to acquire and distinguish control system data from one pulse to the next. In this paper we describe the technique we have developed to perform beam synchronous data acquisition at 100 Hz rate. This has been particularly challenging since it has provided us with a reliable and real-time data acquisition method in a non real-time control system. We describe how this can be achieved by employing a powerful and flexible timing system with well defined interfaces to the control system. |
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Poster MOPKS011 [0.126 MB] | ||
MOPKS022 | BPM System And Orbit Feedback System Deisgn For the Taiwan Photon Source | feedback, controls, FPGA, power-supply | 207 |
Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) is a 3 GeV synchrotron light source which is in construction at NSRRC. Latest generation BPM electronics with FPGA enhanced functionality of current generation products was adopted. The prototype is under testing. To achieve its design goal of the TPS and eliminate beam motions due to various perturbation sources, orbit feedback is designed with integration of BPM and corrector control system . The design and implementation of the BPM system will be summarized in this report. | |||
MOPKS029 | The CODAC Software Distribution for the ITER Plant Systems | software, controls, database, operation | 227 |
Most of the systems that constitutes the ITER plant will be built and supplied by the seven ITER domestic agencies. These plant systems will require their own Instrumentation and Control (I&C) that will be procured by the various suppliers. For improving the homogeneity of these plant system I&C, the CODAC group, that is in charge of the ITER control system, is promoting standardized solutions at project level and makes available, as a support for these standards, the software for the development and tests of the plant system I&C. The CODAC Core System is built by the ITER Organization and distributed to all ITER partners. It includes the ITER standard operating system, RHEL, and the ITER standard control framework, EPICS, as well as some ITER specific tools, mostly for configuration management, and ITER specific software modules, such as drivers for standard I/O boards. A process for the distribution and support is in place since the first release, in February 2010, and has been continuously improved to support the development and distribution of the following versions. | |||
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Poster MOPKS029 [1.209 MB] | ||
MOPMN009 | First Experience with the MATLAB Middle Layer at ANKA | controls, software, interface, alignment | 253 |
The MATLAB Middle Layer has been adapted for use at ANKA. It was finally commissioned in March 2011. It is used for accelerator physics studies and regular tasks like beam-based alignment and response matrix analysis using LOCO. Furthermore, we intend to study the MATLAB Middle Layer as default orbit correction tool for user operation. We will report on the experience made during the commissioning process and present the latest results obtained while using the MATLAB Middle Layer for machine studies. | |||
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Poster MOPMN009 [0.646 MB] | ||
MOPMN015 | Multi Channel Applications for Control System Studio (CSS) | controls, operation, database, storage-ring | 271 |
Funding: Work supported by U.S. Department of Energy This talk will present a set of applications for CSS built on top of the services provided by the ChannelFinder, a directory service for control system, and PVManager, a client library for data manipulation and aggregation. ChannelFinder Viewer allows for the querying of the ChannelFinder service, and the sorting and tagging of the results. Multi Channel Viewer allows the creation of plots from the live data of a group of channels. |
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Poster MOPMN015 [0.297 MB] | ||
MOPMN016 | The Spiral2 Radiofrequency Command Control | controls, interface, cavity, LLRF | 274 |
Mainly for carrying out nuclear physics experiences, the SPIRAL2 facility based at Caen in France will aim to provide new radioactive rare ion or high intensity stable ion beams. The driver accelerator uses several radiofrequency systems: RFQ, buncher and superconducting cavities, driven by independent amplifiers and controlled by digital electronics. This low level radiofrequency subsystem is integrated into a regulated loop driven by the control system. A test of a whole system is foreseen to define and check the computer control interface and applications. This paper describes the interfaces to the different RF equipment into the EPICS based computer control system. CSS supervision and foreseen high level tuning XAL/JAVA based applications are also considered. | |||
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Poster MOPMN016 [0.986 MB] | ||
MOPMN022 | Database Driven Control System Configuration for the PSI Proton Accelerator Facilities | database, controls, proton, hardware | 289 |
At PSI there are two facilities with proton cyclotron accelerators. The machine control system for PROSCAN which is used for medical patient therapy, is running with EPICS. The High Intensity Proton Accelerator (HIPA) is mostly running under the in-house control system ACS. Dedicated parts of HIPA are under EPICS control. Both these facilities are configured through an Oracle database application suite. This paper presents the concepts and tools which are used to configure the control system directly from the database-stored configurations. Such an approach has advantages which contribute for better control system reliability, overview and consistency. | |||
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Poster MOPMN022 [0.992 MB] | ||
MOPMN023 | Preliminary Design and Integration of EPICS Operation Interface for the Taiwan Photon Source | controls, operation, interface, GUI | 292 |
The TPS (Taiwan Photon Source) is the latest generation of 3 GeV synchrotron light source which has been in construction since 2010. The EPICS framework is adopted as control system infrastructure for the TPS. The EPICS IOCs (Input Output Controller) and various database records have been gradually implemented to control and monitor each subsystem of TPS. The subsystem includes timing, power supply, motion controller, miscellaneous Ethernet-compliant devices etc. Through EPICS PVs (Process Variables) channel access, remote access I/O data via Ethernet interface can be observed by the useable graphical toolkits, such as the EDM (Extensible Display Manager) and MATLAB. The operation interface mainly includes the function of setting, reading, save, restore and etc. Integration of operation interfaces will depend upon properties of each subsystem. In addition, the centralized management method is utilized to serve every client from file servers in order to maintain consistent versions of related EPICS files. The efforts will be summarized in this report. | |||
MOPMN029 | Spiral2 Control Command: First High-level Java Applications Based on the OPEN-XAL Library | database, software, controls, ion | 308 |
The Radioactive Ions Beam SPIRAL2 facility will be based on a supra-conducting driver providing deuterons or heavy ions beams at different energies and intensities. Using then the ISOLD method, exotic nuclei beams will be sent either to new physics facilities or to the existing GANIL experimental areas. To tune this large range of beams, high-level applications will be mainly developed in Java language. The choice of the OPEN-XAL application framework, developed at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), has proven to be very efficient and greatly helps us to design our first software pieces to tune the accelerator. The first part of this paper presents some new applications: "Minimisation" which aims at optimizing a section of the accelerator; a general purpose software named "Hook" for interacting with equipment of any kind; and an application called "Profils" to visualize and control the Spiral2 beam wire harps. As tuning operation has to deal with configuration and archiving issues, databases are an effective way to manage data. Therefore, two databases are being developed to address these problems for the SPIRAL2 command control: one is in charge of device configuration upstream the Epics databases while another one is in charge of accelerator configuration (lattice, optics and set of values). The last part of this paper aims at describing these databases and how java applications will interact with them. | |||
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Poster MOPMN029 [1.654 MB] | ||
MOPMS009 | IFMIF LLRF Control System Architecture Based on Epics | controls, LLRF, interface, database | 339 |
The IFMIF-EVEDA (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility - Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activity) linear accelerator will be a 9 MeV, 125mA CW (Continuous Wave) deuteron accelerator prototype to validate the technical options of the accelerator design for IFMIF. The RF (Radio Frequency) power system of IFMIF-EVEDA consists of 18 RF chains working at 175MHz with three amplification stages each; each one of the required chains for the accelerator prototype is based on several 175MHz amplification stages. The LLRF system provides the RF Drive input of the RF plants. It controls the amplitude and phase of this signal to be synchronized with the beam and it also controls the resonance frequency of the cavities. The system is based on a commercial cPCI FPGA Board provided by Lyrtech and controlled by a Windows Host PC. For this purpose, it is mandatory to communicate the cPCI FPGA Board with an EPICS Channel Access, building an IOC (Input Output Controller) between Lyrtech board and EPICS. A new software architecture to design a device support, using AsynPortDriver class and CSS as a GUI (Graphical User Interface), is presented. | |||
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Poster MOPMS009 [2.763 MB] | ||
MOPMS010 | LANSCE Control System Front-End and Infrastructure Hardware Upgrades | controls, network, linac, hardware | 343 |
Funding: This work has benefited from the use of LANSCE at LANL. This facility is funded by the US DoE and operated by Los Alamos National Security for NSSA, Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396. LA-UR-11-10228 The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) linear accelerator drives user facilities for isotope production, proton radiography, ultra-cold neutrons, weapons neutron research and various sciences using neutron scattering. The LANSCE Control System (LCS), which is in part 30 years old, provides control and data monitoring for most devices in the linac and for some of its associated experimental-area beam lines. In Fiscal Year 2011, the control system went through an upgrade process that affected different areas of the LCS. We improved our network infrastructure and we converted part of our front-end control system hardware to Allen Bradley ControlsLogix 5000 and National Instruments Compact RIO programmable automation controller (PAC). In this paper, we will discuss what we have done, what we have learned about upgrading the existing control system, and how this will affect our future planes. |
MOPMS013 | Progress in the Conversion of the In-house Developed Control System to EPICS and related technologies at iThemba LABS | controls, LabView, interface, hardware | 347 |
This paper highlights challenges associated with the upgrading of the iThemba LABS control system. Issues include maintaining an ageing control system which is based on a LAN of PCs running OS/2, using in-house developed C-code, hardware interfacing consisting of elderly CAMAC and locally manufactured SABUS [1] modules. The developments around integrating the local hardware into EPICS, running both systems in parallel during the transition period, and the inclusion of other environments like Labview are discussed. It is concluded that it was a good decision to base the underlying intercommunications on channel access and to move the majority of process variables over to EPICS given that it is at least an international standard, less dependant on a handful of local developers, and enjoys the support from a very active world community.
[1] SABUS - a collaboration between Iskor (PTY) Ltd. and CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial reseach) (1980) |
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Poster MOPMS013 [24.327 MB] | ||
MOPMS026 | J-PARC Control toward Future Reliable Operation | controls, operation, linac, GUI | 378 |
J-PARC accelerator complex comprises Linac, 3-GeV RCS (Rapid Cycle Synchrotron), and 30-GeV MR (Main Ring). The J-PARC is a joint project between JAEA and KEK. Two control systems, one for Linac and RCS and another for MR, were developed by two institutes. Both control systems use the EPICS toolkit, thus, inter-operation between two systems is possible. After the first beam in November, 2006, beam commissioning and operation have been successful. However, operation experience shows that two control systems often make operators distressed: for example, different GUI look-and-feels, separated alarm screens, independent archive systems, and so on. Considering demands of further power upgrade and longer beam delivery, we need something new, which is easy to understand for operators. It is essential to improve reliability of operation. We, two control groups, started to discuss future directions of our control systems. Ideas to develop common GUI screens of status and alarms, and to develop interfaces to connect archive systems to each other, are discussed. Progress will be reported. | |||
MOPMS028 | CSNS Timing System Prototype | timing, controls, operation, interface | 386 |
Timing system is important part of CSNS. Timing system prototype developments are based on the Event System 230 series. I use two debug platforms, one is EPICS base 3.14.8. IOC uses the MVME5100, running vxworks5.5 version; the other is EPICS base 3.13, using vxworks5.4 version. Prototype work included driver debugging, EVG/EVR-230 experimental new features, such as CML output signals using high-frequency step size of the signal cycle delay, the use of interlocking modules, CML, and TTL's Output to achieve interconnection function, data transmission functions. Finally, I programed the database with the new features and in order to achieve OPI. | |||
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Poster MOPMS028 [0.434 MB] | ||
MOPMS035 | A Beam Profiler and Emittance Meter for the SPES Project at INFN-LNL | diagnostics, emittance, software, ion | 412 |
The beam diagnostics system currently in use at LNL in the superconducting Linac has been upgraded for the SPES project. The control software has been rewritten using EPICS tools and a new emittance meter has been developed. The beam detector is based on wire grids, the IOC is implemented in a VME system running under Vxworks and the graphic interface is based on CSS. The system is now in operation in the SPES Target Laboratory for the characterization of beams produced by the new ion source. | |||
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Poster MOPMS035 [0.367 MB] | ||
MOPMU002 | Progress of the TPS Control System Development | controls, interface, power-supply, feedback | 425 |
The Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) is a low-emittance 3-GeV synchrotron light source which is in construction on the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC) campus. The control system for the TPS is based upon EPICS framework. The standard hardware and software components have been defined. The prototype of various subsystems is on going. The event based timing system has been adopted. The power supply control interface accompanied with orbit feedback support have also been defined. The machine protection system is in design phase. Integration with the linear accelerator system which are installed and commissioned at temporary site for acceptance test has already been done. The interface to various systems is still on going. The infrastructures of high level and low level software are on going. Progress will be summarized in the report. | |||
MOPMU005 | Overview of the Spiral2 Control System Progress | controls, ion, database, interface | 429 |
Spiral2 whose construction physically started at the beginning of this year at Ganil (Caen, France) will be a new Radioactive Ion Beams facility to extend scientific knowledge in nuclear physics, astrophysics and interdisciplinary researches. The project consists of a high intensity multi-ion accelerator driver delivering beams to a high power production system to generate the Radioactive Ion Beams being then post-accelerated and used within the existing Ganil complex. Resulting from the collaboration between several laboratories, Epics has been adopted as the standard framework for the control command system. At the lower level, pieces of equipment are handled through VME/VxWorks chassis or directly interfaced using the Modbus/TCP protocol; also, Siemens programmable logic controllers are tightly coupled to the control system, being in charge of specific devices or hardware safety systems. The graphical user interface layer integrates both some standard Epics client tools (EDM, CSS under evaluation, etc ) and specific high level applications written in Java, also deriving developments from the Xal framework. Relational databases are involved into the control system for equipment configuration (foreseen), machine representation and configuration, CSS archivers (under evaluation) and Irmis (mainly for process variable description). The first components of the Spiral2 control system are now used in operation within the context of the ion and deuteron sources test platforms. The paper also describes how software development and sharing is managed within the collaboration. | |||
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Poster MOPMU005 [2.093 MB] | ||
MOPMU007 | ISHN Ion Source Control System Overview | controls, ion, ion-source, operation | 436 |
Funding: The present work is supported by the Basque Government and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. ISHN project consists of a Penning ion source which will deliver up to 65mA of H− beam pulsed at 50 Hz with a diagnostics vessel for beam testing purposes. The present work analyzes the control system of this research facility. The main devices of ISHN are the power supplies for high density plasma generation and beam extraction, the H2 supply and Cesium heating system, plus refrigeration, vacuum and monitoring devices. The control system implemented with LabVIEW is based on PXI systems from National Instruments, using two PXI chassis connected through a dedicated fiber optic link between HV platform and ground. Source operation is managed by a real time processor at ground, while additional tasks are performed by means of an FPGA located at HV. The real time system manages the control loop of heaters, the H2 pulsed supply for a stable pressure in the plasma chamber, data acquisition from several diagnostics and sensors and the communication with the control room. The FPGA generates the triggers for the different power supplies and H2 flow as well as some data acquisition at high voltage. A PLC is in charge of the vacuum control (two double stage pumps and two turbo pumps), and it is completely independent of the source operation for avoiding risky failures. A dedicated safety PLC is installed to handle personnel safety issues. Current running diagnostics are, ACCT, DCCT, Faraday Cup and a pepperpot. In addition, a MySQL database stores the whole operation parameters while source is running. The aim is to test and train in accelerator technologies for future developments. |
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Poster MOPMU007 [1.382 MB] | ||
MOPMU009 | The Diamond Control System: Five Years of Operations | controls, operation, interface, photon | 442 |
Commissioning of the Diamond Light Source accelerators began in 2005, with routine operation of the storage ring commencing in 2006 and photon beamline operation in January 2007. Since then the Diamond control system has provided a single interface and abstraction to (nearly) all the equipment required to operate the accelerators and beamlines. It now supports the three accelerators and a suite of twenty photon beamlines and experiment stations. This paper presents an analysis of the operation of the control system and further considers the developments that have taken place in the light of operational experience over this period. | |||
MOPMU011 | The Design Status of CSNS Experimental Control System | controls, software, neutron, database | 446 |
To meet the increasing demand from user community, China decided to build a world-class spallation neutron source, called CSNS(China Spallation Neutron Source). It can provide users a neutron scattering platform with high flux, wide wavelength range and high efficiency. CSNS construction is expected to start in 2011 and will last 6.5 years. The control system of CSNS is divided into accelerator control system and experimental control system. CSNS Experimental Control System is based on EPICS architecture, offering device operating and device debug interface, communication between devices, environment monitor, machine and people protection, interface for accelerator system, control system monitor and database service. The all control system is divided into 4 parts, such as front control layer, Epics global control layer, database and network service. The front control layer is based on YOKOGAWA PLC and other controllers. Epics layer provides all system control and information exchange. Embedded PLC YOKOGAWA RP61 is considered used as communication node between front layer and EPICS layer. Database service provides system configuration and historical data. From the experience of BESIII, MySQL is a option. The system will be developed in Dongguan , Guangdong p province and Beijing, so VPN will be used to help development. Now,there are 9 people working on this system. The system design is completed. We are working on a prototype system now. | |||
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Poster MOPMU011 [0.224 MB] | ||
MOPMU013 | Phase II and III The Next Generation of CLS Beamline Control and Data Acquisition Systems | controls, software, experiment, interface | 454 |
The Canadian Light Source is nearing the completion of its suite of phase II Beamlines and in detailed design of its Phase III Beamlines. The paper presents an overview of the overall approach adopted by CLS in the development of beamline control and data acquisition systems. Building on the experience of our first phase of beamlines the CLS has continued to make extensive use of EPICS with EDM and QT based user interfaces. Increasing interpretive languages such as Python are finding a place in the beamline control systems. Web based environment such as ScienceStudio have also found a prominent place in the control system architecture as we move to tighter integration between data acquisition, visualization and data analysis. | |||
MOPMU017 | TRIUMF's ARIEL Project | controls, ISAC, linac, interface | 465 |
The Advanced Rare IsotopE Laboratory (ARIEL) will expand TRIUMF's capabilities in rare-isotope beam physics by doubling the size of the current ISAC facility. Two simultaneous radioactive beams will be available in addition to the present ISAC beam. ARIEL will consist of a 50 MeV, 10 mA CW superconducting electron linear accelerator (E-Linac), an additional proton beam-line from the 520MeV cyclotron, two new target stations, a beam-line connecting to the existing ISAC superconducting linac, and a beam-line to the ISAC low-energy experimental facility. Construction will begin in 2012 with commissioning to start in 2014. The ARIEL Control System will be implemented using EPICS allowing seamless integration with the EPICS based ISAC Control System. The ARIEL control system conceptual design will be discussed. | |||
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Poster MOPMU017 [1.232 MB] | ||
MOPMU025 | The Implementation of the Spiral2 Injector Control System | controls, emittance, software, diagnostics | 491 |
The EPICS framework was chosen for the Spiral2 project control system [1] in 2007. Four institutes are involved in the command control: Ganil (Caen), IPHC (Strasbourg) and IRFU (Saclay) and LPSC (Grenoble), the IRFU institute being in charge of the Injector controls. This injector includes two ECR sources (one for deuterons and one for A/q= 3 ions) with their associated low-energy beam transport lines (LEBTs). The deuteron source is installed at Saclay and the A/q=3 ion source at Grenoble. Both lines will merge before injecting beam in a RFQ cavity for pre acceleration. This paper presents the control system for both injector beamlines with their diagnostics (Faraday cups, ACCT/DCCT, profilers, emittancemeters) and slits. This control relies on COTS VME boards and an EPICS software platform. Modbus/TCP protocol is also used with COTS devices like power supplies and Siemens PLCs. The Injector graphical user interface is based on Edm while the port to CSS BOY is under evaluation; also high level applications are developed in Java. This paper also emphasizes the EPICS development for new industrial VME boards ADAS ICV108/178 with a sampling rate ranging from 100 K Samples/s to 1.2 M Samples/s. This new software is used for the beam intensity measurement by diagnostics and the acquisition of sources.
[1] Overview of the Spiral2 control system progress E. Lécorché & al (Ganil/CAEN),this conference. |
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Poster MOPMU025 [1.036 MB] | ||
MOPMU032 | An EPICS IOC Builder | hardware, database, controls, software | 506 |
An EPICS IO controller is typically assembled from a number of standard components each with potentially quite complex hardware or software initialisation procedures intermixed with a good deal of repetitive boilerplate code. Assembling and maintaining a complex IOC can be a quite difficult and error prone process, particularly if the components are unfamiliar. The EPICS IOC builder is a Python library designed to automate the assembly of a complete IOC from a concise component level description. The dependencies and interactions between components as well as their detailed initialisation procedures are automatically managed by the IOC builder through component description files maintained with the individual components. At Diamond Light Source we have a large library of components that can be assembled into EPICS IOCs. The IOC Builder is further finding increasing use in helping non-expert users to assemble an IOC without specialist knowledge. | |||
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Poster MOPMU032 [3.887 MB] | ||
MOPMU033 | ControlView to EPICS Conversion of the TRIUMF TR13 Cyclotron Control System | controls, TRIUMF, database, ISAC | 510 |
The TRIUMF TR13 Cyclotron Control System was developed in 1995 using Allen Bradley PLCs and ControlView. A console replacement project using the EPICS toolkit was started in Fall 2009 with the strict requirement that the PLC code not be modified. Access to the operating machine would be limited due to production schedules. A complete mock-up of the PLC control system was built, to allow parallel development and testing without interfering with the production system. The deployment allows both systems to operate simultaneously easing verification of all functions. A major modification was required to the EPICS Allen Bradley PLC5 Device Support software to support the original PLC programming schema. EDM screens were manually built to create similar displays to the original ControlView screens, reducing operator re-training. A discussion is presented on some of the problems encountered and their solutions. | |||
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Poster MOPMU033 [2.443 MB] | ||
MOPMU036 | Upgrade of the CLS Accelerator Control and Instrumentation Systems | booster, controls, feedback, linac | 518 |
The Canadian Light Source is undertaking a major upgrade to it's accelerator system in preparation for the eventual migration to top-up and to meet the increasing demanding needs of it's synchrotron user community. These upgrades on the Linac include the development of software for new modulators, RF sections, power supplies and current monitors. On the booster ring the upgrades include the development of new improved BPM instrumentation and improved diagnostics on the extracted beam. For the storage ring these upgrades include fast orbit correct, instrumentation for use by the safety systems and a new transverse feedback system. | |||
TUAAUST01 | GDA and EPICS Working in Unison for Science Driven Data Acquisition and Control at Diamond Light Source | detector, controls, hardware, data-acquisition | 529 |
Diamond Light Source has recently received funding for an additional 10 photon beamlines, bringing the total to 32 beamlines and around 40 end-stations. These all use EPICS for the control of the underlying instrumentation associated with photon delivery, the experiment and most of the data acquisition hardware. For the scientific users Diamond has developed the Generic Data Acquisition (GDA) application framework to provide a consistent science interface across all beamlines. While each application is customised to the science of its beamline, all applications are built from the framework and predominantly interface to the underlying instrumentation through the EPICS abstraction. We will describe the complete system, illustrate how it can be configured for a specific beamline application, and how other synchrotrons are, and can, adapt these tools for their needs. | |||
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Slides TUAAUST01 [9.781 MB] | ||
TUAAULT03 | BLED: A Top-down Approach to Accelerator Control System Design | database, controls, lattice, operation | 537 |
In many existing controls projects the central database/inventory was introduced late in the project, usually to support installation or maintenance activities. Thus construction of this database was done in a bottom-up fashion by reverse engineering the installation. However, there are several benefits if the central database is introduced early in machine design, such as the ability to simulate the system as a whole without having all the IOCs in place, it can be used as an input to the installation/commissioning plan, or act as an enforcer of certain conventions and quality processes. Based on our experience with the control systems, we have designed a central database BLED (Best and Leanest Ever Database), which is used for storage of all machine configuration and parameters as well as control system configuration, inventory, and cabling. First implementation of BLED supports EPICS, meaning it is capable of storage and generation of EPICS templates and substitution files as well as archive, alarm and other configurations. With a goal in mind to provide functionality of several existing central databases (IRMIS, SNS db, DBSF etc.) a lot of effort has been made to design the database in a way to handle extremely large set-ups, consisting of millions of control system points. Furthermore, BLED also stores the lattice data, thus providing additional information (e.g. survey data) required by different engineering groups. The lattice import/export tools among others support MAD and TraceWin Tools formats which are widely used in the machine design community. | |||
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Slides TUAAULT03 [4.660 MB] | ||
TUCAUST04 | Changing Horses Mid-stream: Upgrading the LCLS Control System During Production Operations | controls, linac, interface, software | 574 |
The control system for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) began as a combination of new and legacy systems. When the LCLS began operating, the bulk of the facility was newly constructed, including a new control system using the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) framework. The Linear Accelerator (LINAC) portion of the LCLS was repurposed for use by the LCLS and was controlled by the legacy system, which was built nearly 30 years ago. This system uses CAMAC, distributed 80386 microprocessors, and a central Alpha 6600 computer running the VMS operating system. This legacy control system has been successfully upgraded to EPICS during LCLS production operations while maintaining the 95% uptime required by the LCLS users. The successful transition was made possible by thorough testing in sections of the LINAC which were not in use by the LCLS. Additionally, a system was implemented to switch control of a LINAC section between new and legacy control systems in a few minutes. Using this rapid switching, testing could be performed during maintenance periods and accelerator development days. If any problems were encountered after a section had been switched to the new control system, it could be quickly switched back. | |||
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Slides TUCAUST04 [0.183 MB] | ||
TUCAUST05 | New Development of EPICS-based Data Acquisition System for Millimeter-wave Interferometer in KSTAR Tokamak | diagnostics, plasma, data-acquisition, operation | 577 |
After achievement of first plasma in 2008, Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) is going to be performed in the 4nd campaign in 2011. During the campaigns, many diagnostic devices have been installed for measuring the various plasma properties in the KSTAR tokamak. From the first campaign, a data acquisition system of Millimeter-wave interferometer (MMWI) has been operated to measure the plasma electron density. The DAQ system at the beginning was developed for three different diagnostics having similar channel characteristics with a VME-form factor housing three digitizers in Linux OS platform; MMWI, H-alpha and ECE radiometer. However, this configuration made some limitations in operation although it had an advantage in hardware utilization. It caused unnecessarily increasing data acquired from the other diagnostics when one of them operated at higher frequency. Moreover, faults in a digitizer led to failure in data acquisition of the other diagnostics. In order to overcome these weak points, a new MMWI DAQ system is under development with a PXI-form factor in Linux OS platform and main control application is going to be developed based on EPICS framework like other control systems installed in KSTAR. It also includes MDSplus interface for the pulse-based archiving of experimental data. Main advantages of the new MMWI DAQ system besides solving the described problems are capabilities of calculating plasma electron density during plasma shot and display it in run-time. By this the data can be provided to users immediately after archiving in MDSplus DB. | |||
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Slides TUCAUST05 [1.724 MB] | ||
TUDAUST03 | Control System in SwissFEL Injector Test Facility | controls, laser, electron, network | 593 |
The Free Electron Laser (SwissFEL) Test Facility is an important milestone for realization of a new SwissFEL facility. The first beam in the Test Facility was produced on the 24th of August 2010 which inaugurated the operation of the Injector. Since then, beam quality in various aspects has been greatly improved. This paper presents the current status of the Test Facility and is focused on the control system related issues which led to the successful commissioning. In addition, the technical challenges and opportunities in view of the future SwissFEL facility are discussed. | |||
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Slides TUDAUST03 [3.247 MB] | ||
WEMAU004 | Integrating EtherCAT Based IO into EPICS at Diamond | controls, real-time, Ethernet, Linux | 662 |
Diamond Light Source is actively investigating the use of EtherCAT-based Remote I/O modules for the next phase of photon beamline construction. Ethernet-based I/O in general is attractive, because of reduced equipment footprint, flexible configuration and reduced cabling. EtherCAT offers, in addition, the possibility of using inexpensive Ethernet hardware, off-the-shelf components with a throughput comparable to current VME based solutions. This paper presents the work to integrate EtherCAT-based I/O to the EPICS control system, listing platform decisions, requirement considerations and software design, and discussing the use of real-time pre-emptive Linux extensions to support high-rate devices that require deterministic sampling. | |||
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Slides WEMAU004 [0.057 MB] | ||
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Poster WEMAU004 [0.925 MB] | ||
WEMMU006 | Management Tools for Distributed Control System in KSTAR | controls, software, monitoring, operation | 694 |
The integrated control system of the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) has been developed with distributed control systems based on Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS). It has the essential role of remote operation, supervising of tokamak device and conducting of plasma experiments without any interruption. Therefore, the availability of the control system directly impacts on the entire device performance. For the non-interrupted operation of the KSTAR control system, we have developed a tool named as Control System Monitoring (CSM) to monitor the resources of EPICS Input/Output Controller (IOC) servers (utilization of memory, cpu, disk, network, user-defined process and system-defined process), the soundness of storage systems (storage utilization, storage status), the status of network switches using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), the network connection status of every local control sever using Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), and the operation environment of the main control room and the computer room (temperature, humidity, water-leak) in real time. When abnormal conditions or faults are detected by the CSM, it alerts abnormal or fault alarms to operators. Especially, if critical fault related to the data storage occurs, the CSM sends the simple messages to operator’s mobile phone. In addition to the CSM, other tools, which are subversion for software version control and vmware for the virtualized IT infrastructure, for managing the integrated control system for KSTAR operation will be introduced. | |||
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Slides WEMMU006 [0.247 MB] | ||
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Poster WEMMU006 [5.611 MB] | ||
WEPKN005 | Experiences in Messaging Middleware for High-Level Control Applications | controls, framework, interface, software | 720 |
Funding: This project is funded by the US Department of Energy, Office of High Energy Physics under the contract #DE-FG02-08ER85043. Existing high-level applications in accelerator control and modeling systems leverage many different languages, tools and frameworks that do not interoperate with one another. As a result, the community has moved toward the proven Service-Oriented Architecture approach to address the interoperability challenges among heterogeneous high-level application modules. This paper presents our experiences in developing a demonstrative high-level application environment using emerging messaging middleware standards. In particular, we utilized new features such as pvData, in the EPICS v4 and other emerging standards such as Data Distribution Service (DDS) and Extensible Type Interface by the Object Management Group. Our work on developing the demonstrative environment focuses on documenting the procedures to develop high-level accelerator control applications using the aforementioned technologies. Examples of such applications include presentation panel clients based on Control System Studio (CSS), Model-Independent plug-in for CSS, and data producing middle-layer applications such as model/data servers. Finally, we will show how these technologies enable developers to package various control subsystems and activities into "services" with well-defined "interfaces" and make leveraging heterogeneous high-level applications via flexible composition possible. |
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Poster WEPKN005 [2.723 MB] | ||
WEPKN014 | NSLS-II Filling Pattern Measurement | controls, storage-ring, diagnostics, linac | 735 |
Multi-bunch injection will be deployed at NSLS-II. High bandwidth diagnostic monitors with high-speed digitizers are used to measure bunch-by-bunch charge variation. The requirements of filling pattern measurement and layout of beam monitors are described. The evaluation results of commercial fast digitizer Agilent Acqiris and high bandwidth detector Bergoz FCT are presented. | |||
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Poster WEPKN014 [0.313 MB] | ||
WEPKN027 | The Performance Test of F3RP61 and Its Applications in CSNS Experimental Control System | controls, target, Linux, embedded | 763 |
F3RP61 is an embedded PLC developed by Yokogawa, Japan. It is based on PowerPC 8347 platform. Linux and EPICS can run on it. We do some tests on this device, including CPU performance, network performance, CA access time and scan time stability of EPICS. We also compare E3RP61 with MVME5100, which is most used IOC in BEPCII. After the tests and comparison, the performance and ability of F3RP61 is clear. It can be used in Experiment Control System of CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) as communication nodes between front control layer and Epics layer. And in some cases, F3RP61 also has the ability to exert more functions such as control tasks. | |||
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Poster WEPKN027 [0.200 MB] | ||
WEPKS002 | Quick EXAFS Experiments Using a New GDA Eclipse RCP GUI with EPICS Hardware Control | experiment, detector, interface, hardware | 771 |
Funding: Diamond Light Source Ltd. The Generic Data Acquisition (GDA)* framework is an open source, Java and Eclipse RCP based data acquisition software for synchrotron and neutron facilities. A new implementation of the GDA on the B18 beamline at the Diamond synchrotron will be discussed. This beamline performs XAS energy scanning experiments and includes a continuous-scan mode of the monochromator synchronised with various detectors for Quick EXAFS (QEXAFS) experiments. A new perspective for the GDA's Eclipse RCP GUI has been developed in which graphical editors are used to write xml files which hold experimental parameters. The same xml files are marshalled by the GDA server to create Java beans used by the Jython scripts run within the GDA server. The underlying motion control is provided by EPICS. The new Eclipse RCP GUI and the integration and synchronisation between the two software systems and the detectors shall be covered. * GDA website: |
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Poster WEPKS002 [1.277 MB] | ||
WEPKS003 | An Object Oriented Framework of EPICS for MicroTCA Based Control System | controls, framework, interface, software | 775 |
EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) is a distributed control system platform which has been widely used for large scientific devices control like particle accelerators and fusion plant. EPICS has introduced object oriented (C++) interfaces to most of the core services. But the major part of EPICS, the run-time database, only provides C interfaces, which is hard to involve the EPICS record concerned data and routines in the object oriented architecture of the software. This paper presents an object oriented framework which contains some abstract classes to encapsulate the EPICS record concerned data and routines in C++ classes so that full OOA (Objected Oriented Analysis) and OOD (Object Oriented Design) methodologies can be used for EPCIS IOC design. We also present a dynamic device management scheme for the hot-swap capability of the MicroTCA based control system. | |||
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Poster WEPKS003 [0.176 MB] | ||
WEPKS004 | ISAC EPICS on Linux: The March of the Penguins | Linux, controls, ISAC, hardware | 778 |
The DC linear accelerators of the ISAC radioactive beam facility at TRIUMF do not impose rigorous timing constraints on the control system. Therefore a real-time operating system is not essential for device control. The ISAC Control System is completing a move to the use of the open source Linux operating system for hosting all EPICS IOCs. The IOC platforms include GE-Fanuc VME based CPUs for control of most optics and diagnostics, rack mounted servers for supervising PLCs, small desktop PCs for GPIB and serial "one-of-a-kind" instruments, as well as embedded ARM processors controlling CAN-bus devices that provide a suitcase sized control system. This article focuses on the experience of creating a customized Linux distribution for front-end IOC deployment. Rationale, a roadmap of the process, and efficiency advantages in personnel training and system management realized by using a single OS will be discussed. | |||
WEPKS009 | Integrating Gigabit Ethernet Cameras into EPICS at Diamond Light Source | Ethernet, controls, software, photon | 794 |
At Diamond Light Source we have selected Gigabit Ethernet cameras supporting GigE Vision for our new photon beamlines. GigE Vision is an interface standard for high speed Ethernet cameras which encourages interoperability between manufacturers. This paper describes the challenges encountered while integrating GigE Vision cameras from a range of vendors into EPICS. | |||
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Poster WEPKS009 [0.976 MB] | ||
WEPKS011 | Use of ITER CODAC Core System in SPIDER Ion Source | controls, experiment, data-acquisition, framework | 801 |
In February 2011 ITER released a new version (v2) of the CODAC Core System. In addition to the selected EPICS core, the new package includes also several tools from Control System Studio [1]. These tools are all integrated in Eclipse and offer an integrated environment for development and operation. The SPIDER Ion Source experiment is the first experiment planned in the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility under construction at Consorzio RFX, Padova, Italy. As the final product of the Test Facility is the ITER Neutral Beam Injector, we decided to adhere since the beginning to the ITER CODAC guidelines. Therefore the EPICS system provided in the CODAC Core System will be used in SPIDER for plant control and supervision and, to some extent, for data acquisition. In this paper we report our experience in the usage of CODAC Core System v2 in the implementation of the control system of SPIDER and, in particular, we analyze the benefits and drawbacks of the Self Description Data (SDD) tools which, based on a XML description of the signals involved in the system, provide the automatic generation of the configuration files for the EPICS tools and PLC data exchange.
[1] Control System Studio home page: |
WEPKS016 | Software for Virtual Accelerator Designing | simulation, distributed, framework, software | 816 |
The article discusses appropriate technologies for software implementation of the Virtual Accelerator. The Virtual Accelerator is considered as a set of services and tools enabling transparent execution of computational software for modeling beam dynamics in accelerators on distributed computing resources. Distributed storage and information processing facilities utilized by the Virtual Accelerator make use of the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) according to a cloud computing paradigm. Control system toolkits (such as EPICS, TANGO), computing modules (including high-performance computing), realization of the GUI with existing frameworks and visualization of the data are discussed in the paper. The presented research consists of software analysis for realization of interaction between all levels of the Virtual Accelerator and some samples of middleware implementation. A set of the servers and clusters at St.-Petersburg State University form the infrastructure of the computing environment for Virtual Accelerator design. Usage of component-oriented technology for realization of Virtual Accelerator levels interaction is proposed. The article concludes with an overview and substantiation of a choice of technologies that will be used for design and implementation of the Virtual Accelerator. | |||
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Poster WEPKS016 [0.559 MB] | ||
WEPKS020 | Adding Flexible Subscription Options to EPICS | framework, database, operation, controls | 827 |
Funding: Work supported by U.S. Department of Energy (under contracts DE-AC02-06CH11357 resp. DE-AC02-98CH10886), German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung and Land Berlin. The need for a mechanism to control and filter subscriptions to control system variables by the client was described in a paper at the ICALEPCS2009 conference.[1] The implementation follows a plug-in design that allows the insertion of plug-in instances into the event stream on the server side. The client can instantiate and configure these plug-ins when opening a subscription, by adding field modifiers to the channel name using JSON notation.[2] This paper describes the design and implementation of a modular server-side plug-in framework for Channel Access, and shows examples for plug-ins as well as their use within an EPICS control system. [1] R. Lange, A. Johnson, L. Dalesio: Advanced Monitor/Subscription Mechanisms for EPICS, THP090, ICALEPCS2009, Kobe, Japan. [2] A. Johnson, R. Lange: Evolutionary Plans for EPICS Version 3, WEA003, ICALEPCS2009, Kobe, Japan. |
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Poster WEPKS020 [0.996 MB] | ||
WEPKS021 | EPICS V4 in Python | software, controls, status, data-analysis | 830 |
Funding: Work supported under auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC, and in part by the DOE Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 A novel design and implementation of EPICS version 4 is undergoing in Python. EPICS V4 defined an efficient way to describe a complex data structure, and data protocol. Current implementation in either C++ or Java has to invent a new wheel to present its data structure. However, it is more efficient in Python by mapping the data structure into a numpy array. This presentation shows the performance benchmarking, comparison in different language, and current status. |
WEPKS024 | CAFE, A Modern C++ Interface to the EPICS Channel Access Library | interface, controls, GUI, framework | 840 |
CAFE (Channel Access interFacE) is a C++ library that provides a modern, multifaceted interface to the EPICS-based control system. CAFE makes extensive use of templates and multi-index containers to enhance efficiency, flexibility and performance. Stability and robustness are accomplished by ensuring that connectivity to EPICS channels remains in a well defined state in every eventuality, and results of all synchronous and asynchronous operations are captured and reported with integrity. CAFE presents the user with a number of options for writing and retrieving data to and fro the control system. In addition to basic read and write operations, a further abstraction layer provides transparency to more intricate functionality involving logical sets of data; such object sequences are easily instantiated through an XML-based configuration mechanism. CAFE's suitability for use in a broad spectrum of applications is demonstrated. These range from high performance Qt GUI control widgets, to event processing agents that propagate data through OMG's Data Distribution Service (DDS), to script-like frameworks such as MATLAB. The methodology for the modular use of CAFE serves to improve maintainability by enforcing a logical boundary between the channel access components and the specifics of the application framework at hand. | |||
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Poster WEPKS024 [0.637 MB] | ||
WEPKS030 | A General Device Driver Simulator to Help Compare Real Time Control Systems | TANGO, device-server, software, controls | 863 |
Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition systems (SCADA) such as Epics, Tango and Tine usually provide small example device driver programs for testing or to help users get started, however they differ between systems making it hard to compare the SCADA. To address this, a small simulator driver was created which emulates signals and errors similar to those received from a hardware device. The simulator driver can return from one to four signals: a ramp signal, a large alarm ramp signal, an error signal and a timeout. The different signals or errors are selected using the associated software device number. The simulator driver performs similar functions to Epic’s clockApp [1], Tango’s TangoTest and the Tine’s sinegenerator but the signals are independent of the SCADA. A command line application, an Epics server (IOC), a Tango device server, and a Tine server (FEC) were created and linked with the simulator driver. In each case the software device numbers were equated to a dummy device. Using the servers it was possible to compare how each SCADA behaved against the same repeatable signals. In addition to comparing and testing the SCADA the finished servers proved useful as templates for real hardware device drivers.
[1] F.Furukawa, "Very Simple Example of EPICS Device Suport", |
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Poster WEPKS030 [1.504 MB] | ||
WEPMN001 | Experience in Using Linux Based Embedded Controllers with EPICS Environment for the Beam Transport in SPES Off–Line Target Prototype | controls, software, database, target | 875 |
EPICS [1] was chosen as general framework to develop the control system of SPES facility under construction at LNL [2]. We report some experience in using some commercial devices based on Debian Linux to control the electrostatic deflectors installed on the beam line at the output of target chamber. We discuss this solution and compare it to other IOC implementations in use in the Target control system.
[1] [2] * M.Montis, MS thesis: |
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Poster WEPMN001 [1.036 MB] | ||
WEPMN005 | Spiral2 Control Command: a Standardized Interface between High Level Applications and EPICS IOCs | interface, status, controls, operation | 879 |
The SPIRAL2 linear accelerator will produce entirely new particle beams enabling exploration of the boundaries of matter. Coupled with the existing GANIL machine this new facility will produce light and heavy exotic nuclei at extremely high intensities. The field deployment of the Control System relies on Linux PCs and servers, VME VxWorks crates and Siemens PLCs; equipment will be addressed either directly or using a Modbus/TCP field bus network. Several laboratories are involved in the software development of the control system. In order to improve efficiency of the collaboration, special care is taken of the software organization. During the development phase, in a context of tough budget and time constraints, this really makes sense, but also for the exploitation of the new machine, it helps us to design a control system that will require as little effort as possible for maintenance and evolution. The major concepts of this organization are the choice of EPICS, the definition of an EPICS directory tree specific to SPIRAL2, called "topSP2": this is our reference work area for development, integration and exploitation, and the use of version control system (SVN) to store and share our developments independently of the multi-site dimension of the project. The next concept is the definition of a "standardized interface" between high level applications programmed in Java and EPICS databases running in IOCs. This paper relates the rationale and objectives of this interface and also its development cycle from specification using UML diagrams to testing on the actual equipment. | |||
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Poster WEPMN005 [0.945 MB] | ||
WEPMN006 | Commercial FPGA Based Multipurpose Controller: Implementation Perspective | FPGA, hardware, GUI, controls | 882 |
Funding: The present work is supported by the Basque Government and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. This work presents a fast acquisition multipurpose controller, focussing on its EPICS integration and on its XML based configuration. This controller is based on a Lyrtech VHS-ADC board which encloses an FPGA, connected to a Host PC. This Host acts as local controller and implements an IOC integrating the device in an EPICS network. These tasks have been performed using Java as the main tool to program the PC to make the device fit the desired application. All the process includes the use of different technologies: JNA to handle C functions i.e. FPGA API, JavaIOC to integrate EPICS and XML w3c DOM classes to easily configure the particular application. In order to manage the functions, Java specific tools have been developed: Methods to manage the FPGA (read/write registers, acquire data,…), methods to create and use the EPICS server (put, get, monitor,…), mathematical methods to process the data (numeric format conversions,…) and methods to create/initialize the application structure by means of an XML file (parse elements, build the DOM and the specific application structure). This XML file has some common nodes and tags for all the applications: FPGA registers specifications definition and EPICS variables. This means that the user only has to include a node for the specific application and use the mentioned tools. It is the developed main class which is in charge of managing the FPGA and EPICS server according to this XML file. This multipurpose controller has been successfully used to implement a BPM and an LLRF application for the ESS-Bilbao facility. |
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Poster WEPMN006 [0.559 MB] | ||
WEPMN012 | PC/104 Asyn Drivers at Jefferson Lab | controls, interface, hardware, operation | 898 |
Funding: Authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U.S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177. PC/104 embedded IOCs that run RTEMS and EPICS have been applied in many new projects at Jefferson Lab. Different commercial PC/104 I/O modules on the market such as digital I/O, data acquisition, and communication modules are integrated in our control system. AsynDriver, which is a general facility for interfacing device specific code to low level drivers, was applied for PC/104 serial communication I/O cards. We choose the ines GPIB-PC/104-XL as the GPIB interface module and developed the low lever device driver that is compatible with the asynDriver. The ines GPIB-PC/104-XL has iGPIB 72110 chip, which is register compatible with NEC uPD7210 in GPIB Talker/Listener applications. Instrument device support was created to provide access to the operating parameters of GPIB devices. Low level device driver for the serial communication board Model 104-COM-8SM was also developed to run under asynDriver. This serial interface board contains eight independent ports and provides effective RS-485, RS-422 and RS-232 multipoint communication. StreamDevice protocols were applied for the serial communications. The asynDriver in PC/104 IOC application provides standard interface between the high level device support and hardwire level device drivers. This makes it easy to develop the GPIB and serial communication applications in PC/104 IOCs. |
WEPMN013 | Recent Developments in Synchronised Motion Control at Diamond Light Source | controls, software, interface, framework | 901 |
At Diamond Light Source the EPICS control system is used with a variety of motion controllers. The use of EPICS ensures a common interface over a range of motorised applications. We have developed a system to enable the use of the same interface for synchronised motion over multiple axes using the Delta Tau PMAC controller. Details of this work will be presented, along with examples and possible future developments. | |||
WEPMN024 | NSLS-II Beam Position Monitor Embedded Processor and Control System | embedded, controls, Ethernet, FPGA | 932 |
Funding: Work supported by DOE contract No: DE-AC02-98CH10886 NSLS-II is a 3 Gev 3rd generation light source that is currently under construction. A sub-micron Digital Beam Position Monitor (DBPM) system which is hardware electronics and embedded software processor and EPICS IOC has been successfully developed and tested in the ALS storage ring and BNL Lab. |
WEPMN036 | Comparative Analysis of EPICS IOC and MARTe for the Development of a Hard Real-Time Control Application | controls, real-time, framework, software | 961 |
EPICS is used worldwide to build distributed control systems for scientific experiments. The EPICS software suite is based around the Channel Access (CA) network protocol that allows the communication of different EPICS clients and servers in a distributed architecture. Servers are called Input/Output Controllers (IOCs) and perform real-world I/O or local control tasks. EPICS IOCs were originally designed for VxWorks to meet the demanding real-time requirements of control algorithms and have lately been ported to different operating systems. The MARTe framework has recently been adopted to develop an increasing number of hard real-time systems in different fusion experiments. MARTe is a software library that allows the rapid and modular development of stand-alone hard real-time control applications on different operating systems. MARTe has been created to be portable and during the last years it has evolved to follow the multicore evolution. In this paper we review several implementation differences between EPICS IOC and MARTe. We dissect their internal data structures and synchronization mechanisms to understand what happens behind the scenes. Differences in the component based approach and in the concurrent model of computation in EPICS IOC and MARTe are explained. Such differences lead to distinct time models in the computational blocks and distinct real-time capabilities of the two frameworks that a developer must be aware of. | |||
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Poster WEPMN036 [2.406 MB] | ||
WEPMS013 | Timing System of the Taiwan Photon Source | timing, controls, injection, gun | 999 |
The timing system of the Taiwan Photon Source provides synchronization for electron gun, modulators of linac, pulse magnet power supplies, booster power supply ramp, bucket addressing of storage ring, diagnostic equipments, beamline gating signal for top-up injection. The system is based on an event distribution system that broadcasts the timing events over a optic fiber network, and decodes and processes them at the timing event receivers. The system supports uplink functionality which will be used for the fast interlock system to distribute signals like beam dump and post-mortem trigger with 10 μsec response time. The hardware of the event system is a new design that is based on 6U CompactPCI form factor. This paper describes the technical solution, the functionality of the system and some applications that are based on the timing system. | |||
WEPMS027 | The RF Control System of the SSRF 150MeV Linac | controls, interface, linac, Ethernet | 1039 |
Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) use a 150 MeV linear electron accelerator as injector, its RF system consists of many discrete devices. The control system is mainly composed of a VME controller and a home-made signal conditioner with DC power supplies. The uniform signal conditioner serves as a hardware interface between the controller and the RF components. The DC power supplies are used for driving the mechanical phase shifters. The control software is based on EPICS toolkit. Device drivers and related runtime database for the VME modules were developed. The operator interface was implemented by EDM. | |||
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Poster WEPMS027 [0.702 MB] | ||
WEPMU007 | Securing a Control System: Experiences from ISO 27001 Implementation | controls, software, operation, network | 1062 |
Recent incidents have emphasized the importance of security and operational continuity for achieving the quality objectives of an organization, and the safety of its personnel and machines. However, security and disaster recovery are either completely ignored or given a low priority during the design and development of an accelerator control system, the underlying technologies, and the overlaid applications. This leads to an operational facility that is easy to breach, and difficult to recover. Retrofitting security into the control system becomes much more difficult during operations. In this paper we describe our experiences in achieving ISO 27001 compliance for NSCL's control system. We illustrate problems faced with securing low-level controls, infrastructure, and applications. We also provide guidelines to address the security and disaster recovery issues upfront during the development phase. | |||
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Poster WEPMU007 [1.304 MB] | ||
WEPMU017 | Safety Control System and its Interface to EPICS for the Off-Line Front-End of the SPES Project | controls, target, status, interface | 1093 |
The SPES off-line front-end apparatus involves a number of subsystems and procedures that are potentially dangerous both for human operators and for the equipments. The high voltage power supply, the ion source complex power supplies, the target chamber handling systems and the laser source are some example of these subsystems. For that reason, a safety control system has been developed. It is based on Schneider Electrics Preventa family safety modules that control the power supply of critical subsystems in combination with safety detectors that monitor critical variables. A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), model BMXP342020 from the Schneider Electrics Modicon M340 family, is used for monitoring the status of the system as well as controlling the sequence of some operations in automatic way. A touch screen, model XBTGT5330 from the Schneider Electrics Magelis family, is used as Human Machine Interface (HMI) and communicates with the PLC using MODBUS-TCP. Additionally, an interface to the EPICS control network was developed using a home-made MODBUS-TCP EPICS driver in order to integrate it to the control system of the Front End as well as present the status of the system to the users on the main control panel. | |||
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Poster WEPMU017 [2.847 MB] | ||
WEPMU031 | Virtualization in Control System Environment | controls, network, hardware, operation | 1138 |
In a large scale distribute control system, there are lots of common services composing an environment of the entire control system, such as the server system for the common software base library, application server, archive server and so on. This paper gives a description of a virtualization realization for a control system environment, including the virtualization for server, storage, network system and application for the control system. With a virtualization instance of the epics based control system environment built by the VMware vSphere v4, we tested the whole functionality of this virtualization environment in the SSRF control system, including the common server of the NFS, NIS, NTP, Boot and EPICS base and extension library tools, we also carried out virtualization of the application server such as the Archive, Alarm, EPICS gateway and all of the network based IOC. Specially, we tested the high availability (HA) and VMotion for EPICS asynchronous IOC successfully under the different VLAN configuration of the current SSRF control system network. | |||
WEPMU034 | Infrastructure of Taiwan Photon Source Control Network | controls, network, Ethernet, timing | 1145 |
A reliable, flexible and secure network is essential for the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) control system which is based upon the EPICS toolkit framework. Subsystem subnets will connect to control system via EPICS based CA gateways for forwarding data and reducing network traffic. Combining cyber security technologies such as firewall, NAT and VLAN, control network is isolated to protect IOCs and accelerator components. Network management tools are used to improve network performance. Remote access mechanism will be constructed for maintenance and troubleshooting. The Ethernet is also used as fieldbus for instruments such as power supplies. This paper will describe the system architecture for the TPS control network. Cabling topology, redundancy and maintainability are also discussed. | |||
WEPMU038 | Network Security System and Method for RIBF Control System | controls, network, operation, status | 1161 |
In RIKEN RI beam factory (RIBF), the local area network for accelerator control system (control system network) consists of commercially produced Ethernet switches, optical fibers and metal cables. On the other hand, E-mail and Internet access for unrelated task to accelerator operation are usually used in RIKEN virtual LAN (VLAN) as office network. From the viewpoint of information security, we decided to separate the control system network from the Internet and operate it independently from VLAN. However, it was inconvenient for users for the following reason; it was unable to monitor the information and status of accelerator operation from the user's office in a real time fashion. To improve this situation, we have constructed a secure system which allows the users to get the accelerator information from VLAN to control system network, while preventing outsiders from having access to the information. To allow access to inside control system network over the network from VLAN, we constructed reverse proxy server and firewall. In addition, we implement a system to send E-mail as security alert from control system network to VLAN. In our contribution, we report this system and the present status in detail. | |||
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Poster WEPMU038 [45.776 MB] | ||
WEPMU039 | Virtual IO Controllers at J-PARC MR using Xen | controls, operation, network, Linux | 1165 |
The control system for J-PARC accelerator complex has been developed based on the EPICS toolkit. About 100 traditional ("real") VME-bus computers are used as EPICS IOCs in the control system for J-PARC MR (Main Ring). Recently, we have introduced "virtual" IOCs using Xen, an open-source virtual machine monitor. Scientific Linux with an EPICS iocCore runs on a Xen virtual machine. EPICS databases for network devices and EPICS soft records can be configured. Multiple virtual IOCs run on a high performance blade-type server, running Scientific Linux as native OS. A few number of virtual IOCs have been demonstrated in MR operation since October, 2010. Experience and future perspective will be discussed. | |||
WEPMU040 | Packaging of Control System Software | software, controls, Linux, database | 1168 |
Funding: ITER European Union, European Regional Development Fund and Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Control system software consists of several parts – the core of the control system, drivers for integration of devices, configuration for user interfaces, alarm system, etc. Once the software is developed and configured, it must be installed to computers where it runs. Usually, it is installed on an operating system whose services it needs, and also in some cases dynamically links with the libraries it provides. Operating system can be quite complex itself – for example, a typical Linux distribution consists of several thousand packages. To manage this complexity, we have decided to rely on Red Hat Package Management system (RPM) to package control system software, and also ensure it is properly installed (i.e., that dependencies are also installed, and that scripts are run after installation if any additional actions need to be performed). As dozens of RPM packages need to be prepared, we are reducing the amount of effort and improving consistency between packages through a Maven-based infrastructure that assists in packaging (e.g., automated generation of RPM SPEC files, including automated identification of dependencies). So far, we have used it to package EPICS, Control System Studio (CSS) and several device drivers. We perform extensive testing on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5, but we have also verified that packaging works on CentOS and Scientific Linux. In this article, we describe in greater detail the systematic system of packaging we are using, and its particular application for the ITER CODAC Core System. |
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Poster WEPMU040 [0.740 MB] | ||
THAAUST01 | Tailoring the Hardware to Your Control System | controls, hardware, FPGA, interface | 1171 |
Funding: Work supported by the US Department of Energy under contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 In the very early days of computerized accelerator control systems the entire control system, from the operator interface to the front-end data acquisition hardware, was custom designed and built for that one machine. This was expensive, but the resulting product was a control system seamlessly integrated (mostly) with the machine it was to control. Later, the advent of standardized bus systems such as CAMAC, VME, and CANBUS, made it practical and attractive to purchase commercially available data acquisition and control hardware. This greatly simplified the design but required that the control system be tailored to accommodate the features and eccentricities of the available hardware. Today we have standardized control systems (Tango, EPICS, DOOCS) using commercial hardware on standardized busses. With the advent of FPGA technology and programmable automation controllers (PACs & PLCs) it now becomes possible to tailor commercial hardware to the needs of a standardized control system and the target machine. In this paper, we will discuss our experiences with tailoring a commercial industrial I/O system to meet the needs of the EPICS control system and the LANSCE accelerator. We took the National Instruments Compact RIO platform, embedded an EPICS IOC in its processor, and used its FPGA backplane to create a "standardized" industrial I/O system (analog in/out, binary in/out, counters, and stepper motors) that meets the specific needs of the LANSCE accelerator. |
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Slides THAAUST01 [0.812 MB] | ||
THBHAUST01 | SNS Online Display Technologies for EPICS | controls, network, status, site | 1178 |
Funding: SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U.S. Department of Energy The ubiquitousness of web clients from personal computers to cell phones results in a growing demand for web-based access to control system data. At the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) we have investigated different technical approaches to provide read access to data in the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) for a wide variety of web client devices. We compare them in terms of requirements, performance and ease of maintenance. |
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Slides THBHAUST01 [3.040 MB] | ||
THBHAUST03 | Purpose and Benefit of Control System Training for Operators | controls, status, hardware, background | 1186 |
The complexity of accelerators is ever increasing and today it is typical that a large number of feedback loops are implemented, based on sophisticated models which describe the underlying physics. Despite this increased complexity the machine operators must still effectively monitor and supervise the desired behaviour of the accelerator. This is not alone sufficient; additionally, the correct operation of the control system must also be verified. This is not always easy since the structure, design, and performance of the control system is usually not visualized and is often hidden to the operator. To better deal with this situation operators need some knowledge of the control system in order to react properly in the case of problems. In this paper we will present the approach of the Paul Scherrer Institute for operator control system training and discuss its benefits. | |||
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Slides THBHAUST03 [4.407 MB] | ||
THDAULT05 | Embedded LLRF Controller with Channel Access on MicroTCA Backplane Interconnect | controls, LLRF, embedded, FPGA | 1274 |
A low-level RF controller has been developed for the accelerator controls for SuperKEKB, Super-conducting RF Test facility (STF) and Compact-ERL (cERL) at KEK. The feedback mechanism will be performed on Vertex-V FPGA with 16-bit ADCs and DACs. The card was designed as an advanced mezzanine card (AMC) for a MicroTCA shelf. An embedded EPICS IOC on the PowerPC core in FPGA will provide the global controls through channel access (CA) protocol on the backplane interconnect of the shelf. No other mechanisms are required for the external linkages. CA is exclusively employed in order to communicate with central controls and with an embedded IOC on a Linux-based PLC for slow controls. | |||
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Slides THDAULT05 [1.780 MB] | ||
FRBHMULT06 | EPICS V4 Expands Support to Physics Application, Data Acsuisition, and Data Analysis | controls, data-acquisition, database, interface | 1338 |
Funding: Work supported under auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC, and in part by the DOE Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 EPICS version 4 extends the functionality of version 3 by providing the ability to define, transport, and introspect composite data types. Version 3 provided a set of process variables and a data protocol that adequately defined scalar data along with an atomic set of attributes. While remaining backward compatible, Version 4 is able to easily expand this set with a data protocol capable of exchanging complex data types and parameterized data requests. Additionally, a group of engineers defined reference types for some applications in this environment. The goal of this work is to define a narrow interface with the minimal set of data types needed to support a distributed architecture for physics applications, data acquisition, and data analysis. |
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Slides FRBHMULT06 [0.188 MB] | ||
FRCAUST03 | Status of the ESS Control System | controls, database, hardware, software | 1345 |
The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a high current proton LINAC to be built in Lund, Sweden. The LINAC delivers 5 MW of power to the target at 2500 MeV, with a nominal current of 50 mA. It is designed to include the ability to upgrade the LINAC to a higher power of 7.5 MW at a fixed energy of 2500 MeV. The Accelerator Design Update (ADU) collaboration of mainly European institutions will deliver a Technical Design Report at the end of 2012. First protons are expected in 2018, and first neutrons in 2019. The ESS will be constructed by a number of geographically dispersed institutions which means that a considerable part of control system integration will potentially be performed off-site. To mitigate this organizational risk, significant effort will be put into standardization of hardware, software, and development procedures early in the project. We have named the main result of this standardization the Control Box concept. The ESS will use EPICS, and will build on the positive distributed development experiences of SNS and ITER. Current state of control system design and key decisions are presented in the paper as well as immediate challenges and proposed solutions.
From PAC 2011 article From IPAC 2010 article |
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Slides FRCAUST03 [1.944 MB] | ||
FRCAUST04 | Status of the ASKAP Monitoring and Control System | software, controls, hardware, monitoring | 1349 |
The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder, or ASKAP, is CSIRO’s new radio telescope currently under construction at the Murchison Radio astronomy Observatory (MRO) in Mid West region of Western Australia. As well as being a world-leading telescope in its own right, ASKAP will be an important testbed for the Square Kilometre Array, a future international radio telescope that will be the world’s largest and most sensitive. This paper gives a status update of the ASKAP project and provides a detailed look at the initial deployment of the monitoring and control system as well as major issues to be addressed in future software releases before the start of system commissioning later this year. | |||
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Slides FRCAUST04 [3.414 MB] | ||