Keyword: booster
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MOCAUIO04 The SESAME Project controls, EPICS, synchrotron, electron 31
  • A. Nadji, S. Abu Ghannam, Z. Qazi, I. Saleh
    SESAME, Amman, Jordan
  • P. Betinelli-Deck, L.S. Nadolski
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • J.-F. Gournay
    CEA/IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • M.T. Heron
    Diamond, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
  • H. Hoorani
    NCP, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • B. Kalantari
    PSI, Villigen, Switzerland
  • E. D. Matias, G. Wright
    CLS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
  SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East) is a third generation synchrotron light source under construction near Amman (Jordan), which is expected to begin operation in 2015. SESAME will foster scientific and technological excellence in the Middle East and the Mediterranean region, build scientific bridges between neighbouring countries and foster mutual understanding through international cooperation. The members of SESAME are currently Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority and Turkey. An overview about the progress of the facility and the general plan will be given in this talk. Then I will focus on the control system by explaining how this part is managed: the technical choice, the main deadlines, the local staff, the international virtual control team, and the first results.  
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MOPKS001 Diamond Light Source Booster Fast Orbit Feedback System controls, feedback, storage-ring, synchrotron 160
  • S. Gayadeen, S. Duncan
    University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
  • C. Christou, M.T. Heron, J. Rowland
    Diamond, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
  The Fast Orbit Feedback system that has been installed on the Diamond Light Source Storage ring has been replicated on the Booster synchrotron in order to provide a test bed for the development of the Storage Ring controller design. To realise this the Booster is operated in DC mode. The electron beam is regulated in two planes using the Fast Orbit Feedback system, which takes the beam position from 22 beam position monitors for each plane, and calculates offsets to 44 corrector power supplies at a sample rate of 10~kHz. This paper describes the design and realization of the controller for the Booster Fast Orbit Feedback, presents results from the implementation and considers future development.  
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MOPMN012 The Electronic Logbook for LNL Accelerators experiment, ion, software, Linux 260
  • S. Canella, O. Carletto
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD), Italy
  In spring 2009 all run-time data concerning the particle accelerators at LNL (Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro) were still registered mainly on paper. TANDEM and its Negative Source data were logged on a large format paper logbook, for ALPI booster and PIAVE injector with its Positive ECR Source a number of independent paper notebooks were used, together with plain data files containing raw instant snapshots of each RF superconductive accelerators. At that time a decision was taken to build a new tool for a general electronic registration of accelerators run-time data. The result of this effort, the LNL electronic logbook, is presented here .  
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MOPMU006 The Commissioning of the Control System of the Accelerators and Beamlines at the Alba Synchrotron controls, database, TANGO, project-management 432
  • D.F.C. Fernández-Carreiras, F. Becheri, S. Blanch, A. Camps, T.M. Coutinho, G. Cuní, J.V. Gigante, J.J. Jamroz, J. Klora, J. Lidón-Simon, O. Matilla, J. Metge, A. Milán, J. Moldes, R. Montaño, M. Niegowski, C. Pascual-Izarra, S. Pusó, Z. Reszela, A. Rubio, S. Rubio-Manrique, A. Ruz
    CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  Alba is a third generation synchrotron located near Barcelona in Spain. The final commissioning of all accelerators and beamlines started the 8th of March 2011. The Alba control system is based on the middle layer and tools provided by TANGO. It extensively uses the Sardana Framework, including the Taurus graphical toolkit, based on Python and Qt. The control system of Alba is highly distributed. The design choices made five years ago, have been validated during the commissioning. Alba uses extensively Ethernet as a Fieldbus, and combines diskless machines running Tango on Linux and Windows, with specific hardware based in FPGA and fiber optics for fast real time transmissions and synchronizations. B&R PLCs, robust, reliable and cost-effective are widely used in the different components of the machine protection system. In order to match the requirements in terms of speed, these PLCs are sometimes combined with the MRF Timing for the fast interlocks. This paper describes the design, requirements, challenges and the lessons learnt in the installation and commissioning of the control system.  
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MOPMU036 Upgrade of the CLS Accelerator Control and Instrumentation Systems controls, feedback, linac, EPICS 518
  • E. D. Matias, L. Baribeau, S. Hu, C.G. Payne, H. Zhang
    CLS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
  The Canadian Light Source is undertaking a major upgrade to it's accelerator system in preparation for the eventual migration to top-up and to meet the increasing demanding needs of it's synchrotron user community. These upgrades on the Linac include the development of software for new modulators, RF sections, power supplies and current monitors. On the booster ring the upgrades include the development of new improved BPM instrumentation and improved diagnostics on the extracted beam. For the storage ring these upgrades include fast orbit correct, instrumentation for use by the safety systems and a new transverse feedback system.  
WEPMS015 NSLS-II Booster Timing System injection, timing, extraction, storage-ring 1003
  • P.B. Cheblakov, S.E. Karnaev
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • J.H. De Long
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  The NSLS-II light source includes the main storage ring with beam lines and injection part consisting of 200 MeV linac, 3 GeV booster synchrotron and two transport lines. The booster timing system is a part of NSLS-II timing system which is based on Event Generator (EVG) and Event Receivers (EVRs) fromμResearch Finland. The booster timing is based on the external events coming from NSLS-II EVG: "Pre-Injection", "Injection", "Pre-Extraction", "Extraction". These events are referenced to the specified bunch of the Storage Ring and correspond to the first bunch of the booster. EVRs provide two scales for triggering both of the injection and the extraction pulse devices. The first scale provides triggering of the pulsed septums and the bump magnets in the range of milliseconds and uses TTL outputs of EVR, the second scale provides triggering of the kickers in the range of microseconds and uses CML outputs. EVRs also provide the timing of a booster cycle operation and events for cycle-to-cycle updates of pulsed and ramping parameters, and the booster beam instrumentation synchronization. This paper describes the final design of the booster timing system. The timing system functional and block diagrams are presented.  
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WEPMS020 NSLS-II Booster Power Supplies Control controls, operation, injection, extraction 1018
  • P.B. Cheblakov, S.E. Karnaev, S.S. Serednyakov
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • W. Louie, Y. Tian
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  The NSLS-II booster Power Supplies (PSs) [1] are divided into two groups: ramping PSs providing passage of the beam during the beam ramp in the booster from 200 MeV up to 3 GeV at 300 ms time interval, and pulsed PSs providing beam injection from the linac and extraction to the Storage Ring. A special set of devices was developed at BNL for the NSLS-II magnetic system PSs control: Power Supply Controller (PSC) and Power Supply Interface (PSI). The PSI has one or two precision 18-bit DACs, nine channels of ADC for each DAC and digital input/outputs. It is capable of detecting the status change sequence of digital inputs with 10 ns resolution. The PSI is placed close to current regulators and is connected to the PSC via fiber-optic 50 Mbps data link. The PSC communicates with EPICS IOC through a 100 Mbps Ethernet port. The main function of IOC includes ramp curve upload, ADC waveform data download, and various process variable control. The 256 Mb DDR2 memory on PSC provides large storage for up to 16 ramping tables for the both DACs, and 20 second waveform recorder for all the ADC channels. The 100 Mbps Ethernet port enables real time display for 4 ADC waveforms. This paper describes a project of the NSLS-II booster PSs control. Characteristic features of the ramping magnets control and pulsed magnets control in a double-injection mode of operation are considered in the paper. First results of the control at PS testing stands are presented.
[1] Power Supply Control System of NSLS-II, Y. Tian, W. Louie, J. Ricciardelli, L.R. Dalesio, G. Ganetis, ICALEPCS2009, Japan
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WEPMS023 ALBA Timing System - A Known Architecture with Fast Interlock System Upgrade timing, diagnostics, interlocks, network 1024
  • O. Matilla, D.B. Beltrán, D.F.C. Fernández-Carreiras, J.J. Jamroz, J. Klora, J. Moldes, R. Suñé
    CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  Like most of the newest synchrotron facilities the ALBA Timing System works on event based architecture. Its main particularity is that integrated with the Timing system a Fast Interlock System has been implemented which allows for an automated and synchronous reaction time from any-to-any point of the machine faster than 5μs. The list of benefits of combining both systems is large: very high flexibility, reuse of the timing actuators, direct synchronous output in different points of the machine reacting to an interlock, implementation of the Fast Interlock with very low cost increase as the timing optic fiber network is reused or the possibility of combined diagnostic tools implementation for triggers and interlocks. To enhance this last point a global timestamp of 8ns accuracy that could be used both for triggers and interlocks has been implemented. The system has been designed, installed and extensively used during the Storage Ring commissioning with very good results.  
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