Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOMMU002 | NFC Like Wireless Technology for Monitoring Purposes in Scientific/Industrial Facilities | controls, EPICS, monitoring, network | 66 |
Funding: The present work is supported by the Basque Government and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Wireless technologies are becoming more and more used in large industrial and scientific facilities like particle accelerators for facilitating the monitoring and indeed sensing in these kind of large environments. Cabled equipment means little flexibility in placement and is very expensive in both money an effort whenever reorganization or new installation is needed. So, when cabling is not really needed for performance reasons wireless monitoring and control is a good option, due to the speed of implementation. There are several wireless flavors to choose, as Bluetooth, Zigbee, WiFi, etc. depending on the requirements of each specific application. In this work a wireless monitoring system for EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) is presented, where desired control system variables are acquired over the network and published in a mobile device, allowing the operator to check process variables everywhere the signal spreads. In this approach, a Python based server will be continuously getting EPICS Process Variables via Channel Access protocol and sending them through a WiFi standard 802.11 network using ICE middleware. ICE is a toolkit oriented to build distributed applications. Finally the mobile device will read the data and show it to the operator. The security of the communication can be assured by means of a weak wireless signal, following the same idea as in NFC, but for more large distances. With this approach, local monitoring and control applications, as for example a vacuum control system for several pumps, are easily implemented. |
Slides MOMMU002 [0.309 MB] | |||
Poster MOMMU002 [7.243 MB] | |||
MOPMN003 | A Bottom-up Approach to Automatically Configured Tango Control Systems. | controls, database, TANGO, hardware | 239 |
Alba maintains a central repository, so called "Cabling and Controls database" (CCDB), which keeps the inventory of equipment, cables, connections and their configuration and technical specifications. The valuable information kept in this MySQL database enables some tools to automatically create and configure Tango devices and other software components of the control systems of Accelerators, beamlines and laboratories. This paper describes the process involved in this automatic setup. | |||
Poster MOPMN003 [0.922 MB] | |||
MOPMS001 | The New Control System for the Vacuum of ISOLDE | controls, interlocks, hardware, software | 312 |
The On-Line Isotope Mass Separator (ISOLDE) is a facility dedicated to the production of radioactive ion beams for nuclear and atomic physics. From ISOLDE vacuum sectors to the pressurized gases storage tanks there are up to five stages of pumping for a total of more than one hundred pumps including turbo-molecular, cryo, dry, membrane and oil pumps. The ISOLDE vacuum control system is critical; the volatile radioactive elements present in the exhaust gases and the High and Ultra High Vacuum pressure specifications require a complex control and interlocks system. This paper describes the reengineering of the control system developed using the CERN UNICOS-CPC framework. An additional challenge has been the usage of the UNICOS-CPC in a vacuum domain for the first time. The process automation provides multiple operating modes (Rough pumping, bake-out, high vacuum pumping, regeneration for cryo-pumped sectors, venting, etc). The control system is composed of local controllers driven by PLC (logic, interlocks) and a SCADA application (operation, alarms monitoring and diagnostics). | |||
Poster MOPMS001 [4.105 MB] | |||
MOPMS006 | SARAF Beam Lines Control Systems Design | controls, operation, status, hardware | 329 |
The first beam lines addition to the SARAF facility was completed in phase I and introduced new hardware to be controlled. This article will describe the beam lines vacuum, magnets and diagnostics control systems and the design methodology used to achieve a reliable and reusable control system. The vacuum control systems of the accelerator and beam lines have been integrated into one vacuum control system which controls all the vacuum control hardware for both the accelerator and beam lines. The new system fixes legacy issues and is designed for modularity and simple configuration. Several types of magnetic lenses have been introduced to the new beam line to control the beam direction and optimally focus it on the target. The control system was designed to be modular so that magnets can be quickly and simply inserted or removed. The diagnostics systems control the diagnostics devices used in the beam lines including data acquisition and measurement. Some of the older control systems were improved and redesigned using modern control hardware and software. The above systems were successfully integrated in the accelerator and are used during beam activation. | |||
Poster MOPMS006 [2.537 MB] | |||
MOPMS008 | Control of the SARAF High Intensity CW Protron Beam Target Systems | target, controls, experiment, proton | 336 |
The first beam line addition to the SARAF facility was completed in phase I. two experiments are planned in this new beam line, the Liquid Lithium target and the Foils target. For those we are currently building hardware and software for their control systems. The Liquid Lithium target is planned to be a powerful neutron source for the accelerator, based on the proton beam of the SARAF phase I. The concept of this target is based on a liquid lithium that spins and produces neutron by the reaction Li7(p,n)Be7. This target was successfully tested in the laboratory and is intended to be integrated into the accelerator beam line and the control system this year. The Foils Target is planned for a radiation experiment designed to examine the problem of radiation damage to metallic foils. To accomplish this we have built a radiation system that enables us to test the foils. The control system includes varied diagnostic elements, vacuum, motor control, temp etc, for the two targets mentioned above. These systems were built to be modular, so that in the future new targets can be quickly and simply inserted. This article will describe the different control systems for the two targets as well as the design methodology used to achieve a reliable and reusable control on those targets. | |||
Poster MOPMS008 [1.391 MB] | |||
MOPMS016 | The Control System of CERN Accelerators Vacuum (Current Status and Recent Improvements) | controls, interface, status, interlocks | 354 |
The vacuum control system of most of the CERN accelerators is based on Siemens PLCs and on PVSS SCADA. The application software for both PLC and SCADA started to be developed specifically by the vacuum group; with time, it included a growing number of building blocks from the UNICOS framework. After the transition from the LHC commissioning phase to its regular operation, there has been a number of additions and improvements to the vacuum control system, driven by new technical requirements and by feedback from the accelerator operators and vacuum specialists. New functions have been implemented in PLC and SCADA: for the automatic restart of pumping groups, after power failure; for the control of the solenoids, added to reduce e-cloud effects; and for PLC power supply diagnosis. The automatic recognition and integration of mobile slave PLCs has been extended to the quick installation of pumping groups with the electronics kept in radiation-free zones. The ergonomics and navigation of the SCADA application have been enhanced; new tools have been developed for interlock analysis, and for device listing and selection; web pages have been created, summarizing the values and status of the system. The graphical interface for windows clients has been upgraded from ActiveX to QT, and the PVSS servers will soon be moved from Windows to Linux. | |||
Poster MOPMS016 [113.929 MB] | |||
WEPKN018 | NSLS-II Vacuum Control for Chamber Acceptance | controls, ion, storage-ring, multipole | 742 |
Funding: Work supported by U.S. Department of Energy The National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) uses extruded aluminium chambers as an integral part of the vacuum system. Prior to installation in the Storage Ring all dipole and multipole chamber assemblies must be tested to ensure vacuum integrity. A significant part of the chamber test requires a full bakeout of the assembly, as well as control and monitoring of the titanium sublimation pumps (TSP), non-evaporable getter pumps (NEG) and ion pumps (IP). Data that will be acquired by the system during bakeouts includes system temperature, vacuum pressure, residual gas analyzer scans, ion pump current, TSP operation and NEG activation. This data will be used as part of the acceptance process of the chambers prior to the installation in the storage ring tunnel. This paper presents the design and implementation of the vacuum bakeout control, as well as related vacuum control issues. |
Poster WEPKN018 [1.174 MB] | |||
WEPKN024 | UNICOS CPC New Domains of Application: Vacuum and Cooling & Ventilation | controls, framework, operation, cryogenics | 752 |
The UNICOS (UNified Industrial Control System) framework, and concretely the CPC package, has been extensively used in the domain of continuous processes (e.g. cryogenics, gas flows, ) and also others specific to the LHC machine as the collimators environmental measurements interlock system. The application of the UNICOS-CPC to other kind of processes: vacuum and the cooling and ventilation cases are depicted here. One of the major challenges was to figure out whether the model and devices created so far were also adapted for other types of processes (e.g Vacuum). To illustrate this challenge two domain use cases will be shown: ISOLDE vacuum control system and the STP18 (cooling & ventilation) control system. Both scenarios will be illustrated emphasizing the adaptability of the UNICOS CPC package to create those applications and highlighting the discovered needed features to include in the future UNICOS CPC package. This paper will also introduce the mechanisms used to optimize the commissioning time, the so-called virtual commissioning. In most of the cases, either the process is not yet accessible or the process is critical and its availability is then reduced, therefore a model of the process is used to offline validate the designed control system. | |||
Poster WEPKN024 [0.230 MB] | |||
WEPKS006 | UNICOS Evolution: CPC Version 6 | controls, framework, operation, cryogenics | 786 |
The UNICOS (UNified Industrial Control System) framework was created back in 1998, since then a noticeable number of applications in different domains have used this framework to develop process control applications. Furthermore the UNICOS framework has been formalized and their supervision layer has been reused in other kinds of applications (e.g. monitoring or supervisory tasks) where a control layer is not necessarily UNICOS oriented. The process control package has been reformulated as the UNICOS CPC package (Continuous Process Control) and a reengineering process has been followed. These noticeable changes were motivated by many factors as (1) being able to upgrade to the new more performance IT technologies in the automatic code generation, (2) being flexible enough to create new additional device types to cope with other needs (e.g. Vacuum or Cooling and Ventilation applications) without major impact on the framework or the PLC code baselines and (3) enhance the framework with new functionalities (e.g. recipes). This publication addresses the motivation, changes, new functionalities and results obtained. It introduces in an overall view the technologies used and changes followed, emphasizing what has been gained for the developer and the final user. Finally some of the new domains where UNICOS CPC has been used will be illustrated. | |||
Poster WEPKS006 [0.449 MB] | |||
WEPKS033 | UNICOS CPC6: Automated Code Generation for Process Control Applications | controls, software, framework, operation | 871 |
The Continuous Process Control package (CPC) is one of the components of the CERN Unified Industrial Control System framework (UNICOS). As a part of this framework, UNICOS-CPC provides a well defined library of device types, a methodology and a set of tools to design and implement industrial control applications. The new CPC version uses the software factory UNICOS Application Builder (UAB) to develop the CPC applications. The CPC component is composed of several platform oriented plug-ins (PLCs and SCADA) describing the structure and the format of the generated code. It uses a resource package where both, the library of device types and the generated file syntax are defined. The UAB core is the generic part of this software, it discovers and calls dynamically the different plug-ins and provides the required common services. In this paper the UNICOS CPC6 package is presented. It is composed of several plug-ins: the Instance generator and the Logic generator for both, Siemens and Schneider PLCs, the SCADA generator (based on PVSS) and the CPC wizard as a dedicated Plug-in created to provide the user a friendly GUI. A management tool called UAB bootstrap will administer the different CPC component versions and all the dependencies between the CPC resource packages and the components. This tool guides the control system developer to install and launch the different CPC component versions. | |||
Poster WEPKS033 [0.730 MB] | |||
WEPMS024 | ALBA High Voltage Splitter - Power Distribution to Ion Pumps | ion, high-voltage, controls, Ethernet | 1028 |
High Voltage Splitter (HVS) is an equipment designed in Alba that allows a high voltage (HV) distribution (up to +7kV) from one ion pump controller up to eight ion pumps. Using it, the total number of high voltage power supplies needed in Alba's vacuum installation has decreased significantly. The current drawn by each splitter channel is measured independently inside a range from 10nA up to 10mA with 5% accuracy, those measurements are a base for vacuum pressure calculations. A relation, current-pressure depends mostly on the ion pump type, so different tools providing the full calibration flexibility have been implemented. Splitter settings, status and recorded data are accessible over a 10/100 Base-T Ethernet network, none the less a local (manual) control was implemented mostly for service purposes. The device supports also additional functions as a HV cable interlock, pressure interlock output cooperating with the facility's Equipment Protection System (EPS), programmable pressure warnings/alarms and automatic calibration process based on an external current source. This paper describes the project, functionality, implementation, installation and operation as a part of the vacuum system at Alba. | |||
Poster WEPMS024 [3.734 MB] | |||
WEPMU001 | Temperature Measurement System of Novosibirsk Free Electron Laser | FEL, controls, operation, microtron | 1044 |
This paper describes the temperature-monitoring system of Novosibirsk FEL. The main task of this system is to prevent the FEL from being overheated and its individual components from being damaged. The system accumulates information from a large number of temperature sensors installed on different parts of the FEL facility, which allows measuring the temperature of the vacuum chamber, cooling water, and magnetic elements windings. Since the architecture of this system allows processing information not only from temperature sensors, it is also used to measure, for instance, vacuum parameters and some parameters of the cooling water. The software part of this system is integrated into the FEL control system, so readings taken from all sensors are recorded to the database every 30 seconds. | |||
Poster WEPMU001 [0.484 MB] | |||
WEPMU003 | The Diamond Machine Protection System | controls, interlocks, interface, photon | 1051 |
Funding: Diamond Light Source LTD The Diamond Light Source Machine Protection System manages the hazards from high power photon beams and other hazards to ensure equipment protection on the booster synchrotron and storage ring. The system has a shutdown requirement, on a beam mis-steer, of under 1msec and has to manage in excess of a thousand interlocks. This is realised using a combination of bespoke hardware and programmable logic controllers. The structure of the Machine Protection System will be described, together with operational experience and developments to provide post-mortem functionality. |
Poster WEPMU003 [0.694 MB] | |||
WEPMU025 | Equipment and Machine Protection Systems for the FERMI@Elettra FEL facility | TANGO, electron, controls, linac | 1119 |
Funding: The work was supported in part by the Italian Ministry of University and Research under grants FIRB-RBAP045JF2 and FIRB-RBAP06AWK3 FERMI@Elettra is a Free Electron Laser (FEL) based on a 1.5 GeV linac presently under commissioning in Trieste, Italy. Three PLC-based systems communicating to each other assure the protection of machine devices and equipment. The first is the interlock system for the linac radiofrequency plants; the second is dedicated to the protection of vacuum devices and magnets; the third is in charge of protecting various machine components from radiation damage. They all make use of a distributed architecture based on fieldbus technology and communicate with the control system via Ethernet interfaces and dedicated Tango device servers. A complete set of tools including graphical panels, logging and archiving systems are used to monitor the systems from the control room. |
Poster WEPMU025 [0.506 MB] | |||
FRAAUIO05 | High-Integrity Software, Computation and the Scientific Method | software, experiment, controls, background | 1297 |
Given the overwhelming use of computation in modern science and the continuing difficulties in quantifying the results of complex computations, it is of increasing importance to understand its role in the essentially Popperian scientific method. There is a growing debate but this has some distance to run as yet with journals still divided on what even constitutes repeatability. Computation rightly occupies a central role in modern science. Datasets are enormous and the processing implications of some algorithms are equally staggering. In this paper, some of the problems with computation, for example with respect to specification, implementation, the use of programming languages and the long-term unquantifiable presence of undiscovered defect will be explored with numerous examples. One of the aims of the paper is to understand the implications of trying to produce high-integrity software and the limitations which still exist. Unfortunately Computer Science itself suffers from an inability to be suitably critical of its practices and has operated in a largely measurement-free vacuum since its earliest days. Within CS itself, this has not been so damaging in that it simply leads to unconstrained creativity and a rapid turnover of new technologies. In the applied sciences however which have to depend on computational results, such unquantifiability significantly undermines trust. It is time this particular demon was put to rest. | |||
Slides FRAAUIO05 [0.710 MB] | |||