Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOBAUST04 | The RHIC and RHIC Pre-Injectors Controls Systems: Status and Plans | controls, ion, proton, luminosity | 13 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) is one of the premier high energy and nuclear physics laboratories in the world and has been a leader in accelerator based physics research for well over half a century. For the past ten years experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) have recorded data from collisions of heavy ions and polarized protons, leading to major discoveries in nuclear physics and the spin dynamics of quarks and gluons. BNL is also the site of one of the oldest alternating gradient synchrotrons, the AGS, which first operated in 1960. The accelerator controls systems for these instruments span multiple generations of technologies. In this report we will describe the current status of the Collider-Accelerator Department controls systems, which are used to control seven different accelerator facilities (from the LINAC and Tandem van de Graafs to RHIC) and multiple science programs (high energy nuclear physics, high energy polarized proton physics, NASA programs, isotope production, and multiple accelerator research and development projects). We will describe the status of current projects, such as the just completed Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS), our R&D programs in superconducting RF and an Energy Recovery LINAC (ERL), innovations in feedback systems and bunched beam stochastic cooling at RHIC, and plans for future controls system developments. |
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Slides MOBAUST04 [6.386 MB] | ||
MOCAUIO04 | The SESAME Project | controls, booster, EPICS, synchrotron | 31 |
SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East) is a third generation synchrotron light source under construction near Amman (Jordan), which is expected to begin operation in 2015. SESAME will foster scientific and technological excellence in the Middle East and the Mediterranean region, build scientific bridges between neighbouring countries and foster mutual understanding through international cooperation. The members of SESAME are currently Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority and Turkey. An overview about the progress of the facility and the general plan will be given in this talk. Then I will focus on the control system by explaining how this part is managed: the technical choice, the main deadlines, the local staff, the international virtual control team, and the first results. | |||
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Slides MOCAUIO04 [8.526 MB] | ||
MOPKS019 | Electro Optical Beam Diagnostics System and its Control at PSI | laser, controls, software, electronics | 195 |
Electro Optical (EO) techniques are very promising non-invasive methods for measuring extremely short (in a sub-picosecond range) electron bunches. A prototype of an EO Bunch Length Monitoring System (BLMS) for the future SwissFEL facility is created at PSI. The core of this system is an advanced fiber laser unit with pulse generating and mode locking electronics. The system is integrated into the EPICS based PSI controls, which significantly simplifies its operations. The paper presents main components of the BLMS and its performance. | |||
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Poster MOPKS019 [0.718 MB] | ||
MOPMN013 | Operational Status Display and Automation Tools for FERMI@Elettra | TANGO, controls, operation, status | 263 |
Funding: The work was supported in part by the Italian Ministry of University and Research under grants FIRB-RBAP045JF2 and FIRB-RBAP06AWK3 Detecting and locating faults and malfunctions of an accelerator is a difficult and time consuming task. The situation is even more difficult during the commissioning phase of a new accelerator, when physicists and operators are still acquiring confidence with the plant. On the other hand a fault free machine does not imply that it is ready to run: the definition of "readiness" depends on what is the expected behavior of the plant. In the case of FERMI@Elettra, in which the electron beam goes to different branches of the machine depending on the programmed activity, the configuration of the plant determines the rules for understanding whether the activity can be carried out or not. In order to help the above task and display the global status of the plant, a tool known as the "matrix" has been developed. It is composed of a graphical front-end, which displays a synthetic view of the plant status grouped by subsystem and location along the accelerator, and by a back-end made of Tango servers which reads the status of the machine devices via the control system and calculates the rules. The back-end also includes a set of objects known as "sequencers" that perform complex actions automatically for actively switching from one accelerator configuration to another. |
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Poster MOPMN013 [0.461 MB] | ||
MOPMS029 | The BPM DAQ System Upgrade for SuperKEKB Injector Linac | linac, emittance, positron, controls | 389 |
The KEK injector linac provides beams with four different rings: a KEKB high-energy ring (HER; 8 GeV/electron), a KEKB low-energy ring (LER; 3.5 GeV/positron), a Photon Factory ring (PF; 2.5 GeV/electron), and an Advanced Ring for Pulse X-rays (PF-AR; 3 GeV/electron). For the three rings except PF-AR, the simultaneous top-up injection has been completed since April 2009. In the simultaneous top-up operation, the common DC magnet settings are utilized for the beams with different energies and amount of charges, whereas the different optimized settings of RF timing and phase are applied to each beam acceleration by using a fast low-level RF (LLRF) phase and trigger delay control up to 50 Hz. The non-destructive beam position monitor (BPM) is an indispensable diagnostic tool for the stable beam operation. In the KEK Linac, approximately nineteen BPMs with the strip-line type electrodes are used for the beam orbit measurement and feedback. In addition, some of them are also used for the beam energy feedback loops. The current DAQ system consists of the digital oscilloscopes (Tektronix DPO7104, 10 GSa/s). A signal from each electrode is analyzed with a predetermined response function up to 50 Hz. The beam position resolution of the current system is limited to about 0.1 mm because of ADC resolution. For the SuperKEKB project, we have a plan to upgrade the BPM DAQ system since the Linac should provide the smaller emittance beam. We will report on the system description of the new DAQ system and the results of performance test in detail. | |||
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Poster MOPMS029 [3.981 MB] | ||
MOPMS033 | Status, Recent Developments and Perspective of TINE-powered Video System, Release 3 | interface, controls, Windows, site | 405 |
Experience has shown that imaging software and hardware installations at accelerator facilities need to be changed, adapted and updated on a semi-permanent basis. On this premise, the component-based core architecture of Video System 3 was founded. In design and implementation, emphasis was, is, and will be put on flexibility, performance, low latency, modularity, interoperability, use of open source, ease of use as well as reuse, good documentation and multi-platform capability. In the last year, a milestone was reached as Video System 3 entered production-level at PITZ, Hasylab and PETRA III. Since then, development path is stronger influenced by production-level experience and customer feedback. In this contribution, we describe the current status, layout, recent developments and perspective of the Video System. Focus will be put on integration of recording and playback of video sequences to Archive/DAQ, a standalone installation of the Video System on a notebook as well as experiences running on Windows 7-64bit. In addition, new client-side multi-platform GUI/application developments using Java are about to hit the surface. Last but not least it must be mentioned that although the implementation of Release 3 is integrated into the TINE control system, it is modular enough so that integration into other control systems can be considered. | |||
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Slides MOPMS033 [0.254 MB] | ||
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Poster MOPMS033 [2.127 MB] | ||
MOPMU001 | Software and Capabilities of the Beam Position Measurement System for Novosibirsk Free Electron Laser | FEL, pick-up, controls, software | 422 |
The system that measures the electron beam position in Novosibirsk free electron laser with the application of electrostatic pick-up electrodes is described. The measuring hardware and main principles of measurement are considered. The capabilities and different operation modes of this system are described. In particular, the option of simultaneous detection of accelerated and decelerated electron beams at one pick-up station is considered. Besides, the operational features of this system at different modes of FEL performance (the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd stages) are mentioned. | |||
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Poster MOPMU001 [0.339 MB] | ||
MOPMU012 | The Local Control System of an Undulator Cell for the European XFEL | undulator, controls, quadrupole, photon | 450 |
The European XFEL project is a 4th generation light source. The first beam will be delivered in the beginning of 2015. At the project startup three light sources SASE 1, SASE 2 and SASE 3 will produce spatially coherent ≤80fs short photon pulses with a peak brilliance of 1032-1034 photons/s/mm2/mrad2/0.1% BW in the energy range from 0.26 to 24 keV at an electron beam energy 14 GeV. The Undulator systems are used to produce photon beams for SASE 1, SASE 2 and SASE 3. Each undulator system consists of an array of undulator cells installed in a row along the electron beam. The undulator cell itself consists of a planar undulator, a phase shifter, magnetic field correction coils and a quadrupole mover. The local control system of the undulator cell is based on industrial components produced by Beckhoff and on PLC software implemented in TwinCAT system. Four servo motors are installed on each undulator and control the gap between girders with micrometer accuracy. One stepper motor is used for phase shifter control, and two other stepper motors control the position of the quadrupole magnet. The current of magnetic field correction coils as well as the gap of the phase shifter are adjustable as a function of the undulator gap. The high level of synchronization (<<1μs) for the complete undulator system (for instance SASE2 with 35 undulator cells in total) could be achieved due to implementation of the EtherCAT fieldbus system in the local control. The description of the hardware components and the software functionality of the local control system will be discussed. | |||
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Poster MOPMU012 [1.163 MB] | ||
MOPMU027 | Controls System Developments for the ERL Facility | controls, software, interface, Linux | 498 |
Funding: Funding: This manuscript has been authored by employees of Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U. S. Department of Energy. The BNL Energy Recovery LINAC (ERL) is a high beam current, superconducting RF electron accelerator that is being commissioned to serve as a research and development prototype for a RHIC facility upgrade for electron-ion collision (eRHIC). Key components of the machine include a laser, photocathode, and 5-cell superconducting RF cavity operating at a frequency of 703 MHz. Starting with a foundation based on existing ADO software running on Linux servers and on the VME/VxWorks platforms developed for RHIC, we are developing a controls system that incorporates a wide range of hardware I/O interfaces that are needed for machine R&D. Details of the system layout, specifications, and user interfaces are provided. |
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Poster MOPMU027 [0.709 MB] | ||
TUDAUST01 | Inauguration of the XFEL Facility, SACLA, in SPring-8 | controls, laser, experiment, operation | 585 |
The construction of the X-ray free electron laser facility (SACLA) in SPring-8 started in 2006. After 5 years of construction, the facility completed to accelerate electron beams in February 2011. The main component of the accelerator consists of 64 C-band RF units to accelerate beams up to 8GeV. The beam shape is compressed to a length of 30fs, and the beams are introduced into the 18 insertion devices to generate 0.1nm X-ray laser. The first SASE X-ray was observed after the beam commissioning. The beam tuning will continue to achieve X-ray laser saturation for frontier scientific experiments. The control system adopts the 3-tier standard model by using MADOCA framework developed in SPring-8. The upper control layer consists of Linux PCs for operator consoles, Sybase RDBMS for data logging and FC-based NAS for NFS. The lower consists of 100 Solaris-operated VME systems with newly developed boards for RF waveform processing, and the PLC is used for slow control. The Device-net is adopted for the frontend devices to reduce signal cables. The VME systems have a beam-synchronized data-taking link to meet 60Hz beam operation for the beam tuning diagnostics. The accelerator control has gateways to the facility utility system not only to monitor devices but also to control the tuning points of the cooling water. The data acquisition system for the experiments is challenging. The data rate coming from 2D multiport CCD is 3.4Gbps that produces 30TB image data in a day. A sampled data will be transferred to the 10PFlops supercomputer via 10Gbps Ethernet for data evaluation. | |||
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Slides TUDAUST01 [5.427 MB] | ||
TUDAUST02 | Status Report of the FERMI@Elettra Control System | controls, TANGO, real-time, FEL | 589 |
Funding: The work was supported in part by the Italian Ministry of University and Research under grants FIRB-RBAP045JF2 and FIRB-RBAP06AWK3 FERMI@Elettra is a new 4th-generation light source based on a seeded Free Electron Laser (FEL) presently under commissioning in Trieste, Italy. It is the first seeded FEL in the world designed to produce fundamental output wavelength down to 4 nm with High Gain Harmonic Generation (HGHG). Unlike storage ring based synchrotron light sources that are well known machines, the commissioning of a new-concept FEL is a complex and time consuming process consisting in thorough testing, understanding and optimization, in which a reliable and powerful control system is mandatory. In particular, integrated shot-by-shot beam manipulation capabilities and easy to use high level applications are crucial to allow an effective and smooth machine commissioning. The paper reports the status of the control system and the experience gained in two years of alternating construction and commissioning phases. |
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Slides TUDAUST02 [8.064 MB] | ||
TUDAUST03 | Control System in SwissFEL Injector Test Facility | controls, EPICS, laser, network | 593 |
The Free Electron Laser (SwissFEL) Test Facility is an important milestone for realization of a new SwissFEL facility. The first beam in the Test Facility was produced on the 24th of August 2010 which inaugurated the operation of the Injector. Since then, beam quality in various aspects has been greatly improved. This paper presents the current status of the Test Facility and is focused on the control system related issues which led to the successful commissioning. In addition, the technical challenges and opportunities in view of the future SwissFEL facility are discussed. | |||
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Slides TUDAUST03 [3.247 MB] | ||
WEMMU011 | Radiation Safety Interlock System for SACLA (XFEL/SPring-8) | radiation, gun, controls, network | 710 |
The radiation safety interlock system for SACLA (XFEL/SPring-8) protects personnel from radiation hazards. The system controls access to the accelerator tunnel, monitors the status of safety equipment such as emergency stop buttons, and gives permission for accelerator operation. The special feature of the system is a fast beam termination when the system detects an unsafe state. A total beam termination time is required less than 16.6 ms (linac operation repetition cycle: 60 Hz). Especially important is the fast beam termination when the electron beams deviates from the proper transport route. Therefore, we developed optical modules in order to transmit a signal at a high speed for a long distance (an overall length of around 700 m). An exclusive system was installed for fast judgment of a proper beam route. It is independent from the main interlock system which manages access control and so on. The system achieved a response time of less than 7ms, which is sufficient for our demand. The construction of the system was completed in February 2011 and the system commenced operation in March 2011. We will report on the design of the system and its detailed performance. | |||
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Slides WEMMU011 [0.555 MB] | ||
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Poster WEMMU011 [0.571 MB] | ||
WEPKN026 | The ELBE Control System – 10 Years of Experience with Commercial Control, SCADA and DAQ Environments | controls, software, hardware, interface | 759 |
The electron accelerator facility ELBE is the central experimental site of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany. Experiments with Bremsstrahlung started in 2001 and since that, through a series of expansions and modifications, ELBE has evolved to a 24/7 user facility running a total of seven secondary sources including two IR FELs. As its control system, ELBE uses WinCC on top of a networked PLC architecture. For data acquisition with high temporal resolution, PXI and PC based systems are in use, applying National Instruments hardware and LabVIEW application software. Machine protection systems are based on in-house built digital and analogue hardware. An overview of the system is given, along with an experience report on maintenance, reliability and efforts to keep track with ongoing IT, OS and security developments. Limits of application and new demands imposed by the forthcoming facility upgrade as a centre for high intensity beams (in conjunction with TW/PW femtosecond lasers) are discussed. | |||
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Poster WEPKN026 [0.102 MB] | ||
WEPMN022 | LIA-2 Power Supply Control System | controls, interlocks, experiment, network | 926 |
LIA-2 is an electron Linear Induction Accelerator designed and built by BINP for flash radiography. Inductors get power from 48 modulators, grouped by 6 in 8 racks. Each modulator includes 3 control devices, connected via internal CAN bus to an embedded modulator controller, which runs Keil RTX real-time OS. Each rack includes a cPCI crate equipped with x86-compatible processor board running Linux*. Modulator controllers are connected to cPCI crate via external CAN bus. Additionally, brief modulator status is displayed on front indicator. Integration of control electronics into devices with high level of electromagnetic interferences is discussed, use of real-time OSes in such devices and interaction between them is described.
*"LIA-2 Linear Induction Accelerator Control System", this conference |
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Poster WEPMN022 [5.035 MB] | ||
WEPMS026 | The TimBel Synchronization Board for Time Resolved Experiments at Synchrotron SOLEIL | synchrotron, experiment, storage-ring, FPGA | 1036 |
Time resolved experiments are one of the major services that synchrotrons can provide to scientists. The short, high frequency and regular flashes of synchrotron light are a fantastic tool to study the evolution of phenomena over time. To carry out time resolved experiments, beamlines need to synchronize their devices with these flashes of light with a jitter shorter than the pulse duration. For that purpose, Synchrotron SOLEIL has developed the TimBeL board fully interfaced to TANGO framework. This paper presents the main features required by time resolved experiments and how we achieved our goals with the TimBeL board. | |||
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Poster WEPMS026 [1.726 MB] | ||
WEPMU025 | Equipment and Machine Protection Systems for the FERMI@Elettra FEL facility | vacuum, TANGO, controls, linac | 1119 |
Funding: The work was supported in part by the Italian Ministry of University and Research under grants FIRB-RBAP045JF2 and FIRB-RBAP06AWK3 FERMI@Elettra is a Free Electron Laser (FEL) based on a 1.5 GeV linac presently under commissioning in Trieste, Italy. Three PLC-based systems communicating to each other assure the protection of machine devices and equipment. The first is the interlock system for the linac radiofrequency plants; the second is dedicated to the protection of vacuum devices and magnets; the third is in charge of protecting various machine components from radiation damage. They all make use of a distributed architecture based on fieldbus technology and communicate with the control system via Ethernet interfaces and dedicated Tango device servers. A complete set of tools including graphical panels, logging and archiving systems are used to monitor the systems from the control room. |
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Poster WEPMU025 [0.506 MB] | ||
THCHMUST03 | A New Fast Data Logger and Viewer at Diamond: the FA Archiver | network, FPGA, feedback, target | 1244 |
At the Diamond Light Source position data from 168 Electron Beam Position Monitors (BPMs) and some X-Ray BPMs is distributed over the Fast Acquisition communications network at an update rate of 10kHz; the total aggregate data rate is around 15MB/s. The data logger described here (the FA Archiver) captures this entire data stream to disk in real time, re-broadcasts selected subsets of the live stream to interested clients, and allows rapid access to any part of the saved data. The archive is saved into a rolling buffer allowing retrieval of detailed beam position data from any time in the last four days. A simple socket-based interface to the FA Archiver allows easy access to both the stored and live data from a variety of clients. Clients include a graphical viewer for visualising the motion or spectrum of a single BPM in real time, a command line tool for retrieving any part of the stored data by time of day, and Matlab scripts for exploring the dataset, helped by the storage of decimated minimum, maximum, and mean data. | |||
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Slides THCHMUST03 [0.482 MB] | ||