Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOPKN005 | Construction of New Data Archive System in RIKEN RI Beam Factory | EPICS, controls, database, beam-diagnostic | 90 |
The control system of RIKEN RI Beam Factory (RIBF) is based on EPICS and three kinds of data archive system have been in operation. Two of them are EPICS applications and the other is MyDAQ2 developed by SPring-8 control group. MyDAQ2 collects data such as cooling-water temperature and magnet temperature etc and is not integrated into our EPICS control system. In order to unify the three applications into a single system, we have started to develop a new system since October, 2009. One of the requirements for this RIBF Control data Archive System (RIBFCAS) is that it routinely collects more than 3000 data from 21 EPICS Input/Output Controllers (IOC) at every 1 to 60 seconds, depending on the type of equipment. An ability to unify MyDAQ2 database is also required. To fulfill these requirements, a Java-based system is constructed, in which Java Channel Access Light Library (JCAL) developed by J-PARC control group is adopted in order to acquire large amounts of data as mentioned above. The main advantage of JCAL is that it is based on single threaded architecture for thread safety and user thread can be multi-threaded. The RIBFCAS hardware consists of an application server, a database server and a client-PC. The client application is executed on the Adobe AIR runtime. At the moment, we succeeded in getting about 3000 data from 21 EPICS IOCs at every 10 seconds for one day, and validation tests are proceeding. Unification of MyDAQ2 is now in progress and it is scheduled to be completed in 2011. | |||
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Poster MOPKN005 [27.545 MB] | ||
MOPKS011 | Beam Synchronous Data Acquisition for SwissFEL Test Injector | controls, timing, EPICS, real-time | 180 |
Funding: Paul Scherrer Institute A 250 MeV injector facility at PSI has been constructed to study the scientific and technological challenges of the SwissFEL project. Since in such pulsed machines in principle every beam can have different characteristics, due to varying machine parameters and/or conditions, it is very crucial to be able to acquire and distinguish control system data from one pulse to the next. In this paper we describe the technique we have developed to perform beam synchronous data acquisition at 100 Hz rate. This has been particularly challenging since it has provided us with a reliable and real-time data acquisition method in a non real-time control system. We describe how this can be achieved by employing a powerful and flexible timing system with well defined interfaces to the control system. |
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Poster MOPKS011 [0.126 MB] | ||
MOPMN008 | LASSIE: The Large Analogue Signal and Scaling Information Environment for FAIR | controls, timing, detector, diagnostics | 250 |
At FAIR, the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research, several new accelerators such as the SIS 100, HESR, CR, the inter-connecting HEBT beam lines, S-FRS and experiments will be built. All of these installations are equipped with beam diagnostic devices and other components which deliver time-resolved analogue signals to show status, quality, and performance of the accelerators. These signals can originate from particle detectors such as ionization chambers and plastic scintillators, but also from adapted output signals of transformers, collimators, magnet functions, RF cavities, and others. To visualize and precisely correlate the time axis of all input signals a dedicated FESA based data acquisition and analysis system named LASSIE, the Large Analogue Signal and Scaling Information Environment, is under way. As the main operation mode of LASSIE, pulse counting with adequate scaler boards is used, without excluding enhancements for ADC, QDC, or TDC digitization in the future. The concept, features, and challenges of this large distributed DAQ system will be presented. | |||
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Poster MOPMN008 [7.850 MB] | ||
MOPMS032 | Re-engineering of the SPring-8 Radiation Monitor Data Acquisition System | radiation, controls, operation, monitoring | 401 |
We have re-engineered the data acquisition system for the SPring-8 radiation monitors. Around the site, 81 radiation monitors are deployed. Seventeen of them are utilized for the radiation safety interlock system for the accelerators. The old data-acquisition system consisted of dedicated NIM-like modules linked with the radiation monitors, eleven embedded computers for data acquisition from the modules and three programmable logic controllers (PLCs) for integrated dose surveillance. The embedded computers periodically collected the radiation data from GPIB interfaces with the modules. The dose-surveillance PLCs read analog outputs in proportion to the radiation rate from the modules. The modules and the dose-surveillance PLCs were also interfaced with the radiation safety interlock system. These components in the old system were dedicated, black-boxed and complicated for the operations. In addition, GPIB interface was legacy and not reliable enough for the important system. We, therefore, decided to replace the old system with a new one based on PLCs and FL-net, which were widely used technologies. We newly deployed twelve PLCs as substitutes for all the old components. Another PLC with two graphic panels is installed near a central control room for centralized operations and watches for the all monitors. All the new PLCs and a VME computer for data acquisition are connected through FL-net. In this paper, we describe the new system and the methodology of the replacement within the short interval between the accelerator operations. | |||
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Poster MOPMS032 [1.761 MB] | ||
MOPMU015 | Control and Data Acquisition Systems for the FERMI@Elettra Experimental Stations | controls, framework, TANGO, instrumentation | 462 |
Funding: The work was supported in part by the Italian Ministry of University and Research under grants FIRB-RBAP045JF2 and FIRB-RBAP06AWK3 FERMI@Elettra is a single-pass Free Electron Laser (FEL) user-facility covering the wavelength range from 100 nm to 4 nm. The facility is located in Trieste, Italy, nearby the third-generation synchrotron light source Elettra. Three experimental stations, dedicated to different scientific areas, have been installed installed in 2011: Low Density Matter (LDM), Elastic and Inelastic Scattering (EIS) and Diffraction and Projection Imaging (DiProI). The experiment control and data acquisition system is the natural extension of the machine control system. It integrates a shot-by-shot data acquisition framework with a centralized data storage and analysis system. Low-level applications for data acquisition and online processing have been developed using the Tango framework on Linux platforms. High-level experimental applications can be developed on both Linux and Windows platforms using C/C++, Python, LabView, IDL or Matlab. The Elettra scientific computing portal allows remote access to the experiment and to the data storage system. |
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Poster MOPMU015 [0.884 MB] | ||
MOPMU019 | The Gateways of Facility Control for SPring-8 Accelerators | controls, database, framework, network | 473 |
We integrated the utilities data acquisition into the SPring-8 accelerator control system based on MADOCA framework. The utilities data such as air temperature, power line voltage and temperature of machine cooling water are helpful to study the correlation between the beam stability and the environmental conditions. However the accelerator control system had no way to take many utilities data managed by the facility control system, because the accelerator control system and the facility control system was independent system without an interconnection. In 2010, we had a chance to replace the old facility control system. At that time, we constructed the gateways between the MADOCA-based accelerator control system and the new facility control system installing BACnet, that is a data communication protocol for Building Automation and Control Networks, as a fieldbus. The system requirements were as follows: to monitor utilities data with required sampling rate and resolution, to store all acquired data in the accelerator database, to keep an independence between the accelerator control system and the facility control system, to have a future expandability to control the facilities from the accelerator control system. During the work, we outsourced to build the gateways including data taking software of MADOCA to solve the problems of less manpower and short work period. In this paper we describe the system design and the approach of outsourcing. | |||
TUAAUST01 | GDA and EPICS Working in Unison for Science Driven Data Acquisition and Control at Diamond Light Source | detector, EPICS, controls, hardware | 529 |
Diamond Light Source has recently received funding for an additional 10 photon beamlines, bringing the total to 32 beamlines and around 40 end-stations. These all use EPICS for the control of the underlying instrumentation associated with photon delivery, the experiment and most of the data acquisition hardware. For the scientific users Diamond has developed the Generic Data Acquisition (GDA) application framework to provide a consistent science interface across all beamlines. While each application is customised to the science of its beamline, all applications are built from the framework and predominantly interface to the underlying instrumentation through the EPICS abstraction. We will describe the complete system, illustrate how it can be configured for a specific beamline application, and how other synchrotrons are, and can, adapt these tools for their needs. | |||
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Slides TUAAUST01 [9.781 MB] | ||
TUBAULT03 | The Upgrade Path from Legacy VME to VXS Dual Star Connectivity for Large Scale Data Acquisition and Trigger Systems | hardware, detector, fibre-optics, FPGA | 550 |
Funding: Authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U.S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177 New instrumentation modules have been designed by Jefferson Lab and to take advantage of the higher performance and elegant backplane connectivity of the VITA 41 VXS standard. These new modules are required to meet the 200KHz trigger rates envisioned for the 12GeV experimental program. Upgrading legacy VME designs to the high speed gigabit serial extensions that VXS offers, comes with significant challenges, including electronic engineering design, plus firmware and software development issues. This paper will detail our system design approach including the critical system requirement stages, and explain the pipeline design techniques and selection criteria for the FPGA that require embedded Gigabit serial transceivers. The entire trigger system is synchronous and operates at 250MHz clock with synchronization signals, and the global trigger signals distributed to each front end readout crate via the second switch slot in the 21 slot, dual star VXS backplane. The readout of the buffered detector signals relies on 2eSST over the standard VME64x path at >200MB/s. We have achieved 20Gb/s transfer rate of trigger information within one VXS crate and will present results using production modules in a two crate test configuration with both VXS crates fully populated. The VXS trigger modules that reside in the front end crates, will be ready for production orders by the end of the 2011 fiscal year. VXS Global trigger modules are in the design stage now, and will be complete to meet the installation schedule for the 12GeV Physics program. |
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Slides TUBAULT03 [7.189 MB] | ||
TUCAUST05 | New Development of EPICS-based Data Acquisition System for Millimeter-wave Interferometer in KSTAR Tokamak | diagnostics, plasma, operation, EPICS | 577 |
After achievement of first plasma in 2008, Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) is going to be performed in the 4nd campaign in 2011. During the campaigns, many diagnostic devices have been installed for measuring the various plasma properties in the KSTAR tokamak. From the first campaign, a data acquisition system of Millimeter-wave interferometer (MMWI) has been operated to measure the plasma electron density. The DAQ system at the beginning was developed for three different diagnostics having similar channel characteristics with a VME-form factor housing three digitizers in Linux OS platform; MMWI, H-alpha and ECE radiometer. However, this configuration made some limitations in operation although it had an advantage in hardware utilization. It caused unnecessarily increasing data acquired from the other diagnostics when one of them operated at higher frequency. Moreover, faults in a digitizer led to failure in data acquisition of the other diagnostics. In order to overcome these weak points, a new MMWI DAQ system is under development with a PXI-form factor in Linux OS platform and main control application is going to be developed based on EPICS framework like other control systems installed in KSTAR. It also includes MDSplus interface for the pulse-based archiving of experimental data. Main advantages of the new MMWI DAQ system besides solving the described problems are capabilities of calculating plasma electron density during plasma shot and display it in run-time. By this the data can be provided to users immediately after archiving in MDSplus DB. | |||
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Slides TUCAUST05 [1.724 MB] | ||
WEPKN015 | A New Helmholtz Coil Permanent Magnet Measurement System* | controls, FPGA, interface, permanent-magnet | 738 |
Funding: Work supported by U.S. Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. A new Helmholtz Coil magnet measurement system has been developed at the Advanced Phone Source (APS) to characterize and sort the insertion device permanent magnets. The system uses the latest state-of-the-art field programmable gate array (FPGA) technology to compensate the speed variations of the magnet motion. Initial results demonstrate that the system achieves a measurement precision better than 0.001 ampere-meters squared (A·m2) in a permanent magnet moment measurement of 32 A·m2, probably the world's best precision of its kind. |
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Poster WEPKN015 [0.710 MB] | ||
WEPKS011 | Use of ITER CODAC Core System in SPIDER Ion Source | EPICS, controls, experiment, framework | 801 |
In February 2011 ITER released a new version (v2) of the CODAC Core System. In addition to the selected EPICS core, the new package includes also several tools from Control System Studio [1]. These tools are all integrated in Eclipse and offer an integrated environment for development and operation. The SPIDER Ion Source experiment is the first experiment planned in the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility under construction at Consorzio RFX, Padova, Italy. As the final product of the Test Facility is the ITER Neutral Beam Injector, we decided to adhere since the beginning to the ITER CODAC guidelines. Therefore the EPICS system provided in the CODAC Core System will be used in SPIDER for plant control and supervision and, to some extent, for data acquisition. In this paper we report our experience in the usage of CODAC Core System v2 in the implementation of the control system of SPIDER and, in particular, we analyze the benefits and drawbacks of the Self Description Data (SDD) tools which, based on a XML description of the signals involved in the system, provide the automatic generation of the configuration files for the EPICS tools and PLC data exchange.
[1] Control System Studio home page: |
WEPMN020 | New Developments on Tore Supra Data Acquisition Units | Linux, real-time, target, controls | 922 |
Tore Supra data acquisition system (DAS) was designed in the early 1980s and has considerably evolved since then. Three generations of data acquisition units still coexist: Multibus, VME, and PCI bus system. The second generation, VME bus system, running LynxOS real-time operating system (OS) is diskless. The third generation, PCI bus system, allows to perform extensive data acquisition for infrared and visible video cameras that produce large amounts of data to handle. Nevertheless, this third generation was up to now provided with an hard drive and a non real-time operating system Microsoft Windows. Diskless system is a better solution for reliability and maintainability as they share common resources like kernel and file system. Moreover, open source real-time OS is now available which provide free and convenient solutions for DAS. As a result, it was decided to explore an alternative solution based on an open source OS with a diskless system for the fourth generation. In 2010, Linux distributions for VME bus and PCI bus systems have been evaluated and compared to LynxOS. Currently, Linux OS is fairly mature to be used on DAS with pre-emptive and real time features on Motorola PowerPC, x86 and x86 multi-core architecture. The results allowed to choose a Linux version for VME and PC platform for DAS on Tore Supra. In 2011, the Tore Supra DAS dedicated software was ported on a Linux diskless PCI platform. The new generation was successfully tested during real plasma experiment on one diagnostic. The new diagnostics for Tore Supra will be developed with this new set up. | |||
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Poster WEPMN020 [0.399 MB] | ||
WEPMN028 | Development of Image Data Acquisition System for 2D Detector at SACLA (SPring-8 XFEL) | detector, interface, laser, FPGA | 947 |
The x-ray free electron laser facility SACLA (SPring-8 Angstrom Compact free electron LAser) was constructed and started beam commissioning from March 2011. For the requirements of proposed experiments at SACLA, x-ray multi-readout ports CCD detectors (MPCCD) have been developed to realize a system with the total amount of 4 Mega-pixels area and 16bit wide dynamic range at a frame rate of 60Hz shot rate. We have developed the image data-handling scheme using the event-synchronized data-acquisition system. The front-end system used the CameraLink interface that excels in abilities of real-time triggering and high-speed data transfer. For the total data rate up to 4Gbps, the image data are collected by dividing the CCD detector into eight segments, which handles 0.5M pixels each, and then sent to high-speed data storage in parallel. We prepared two types of Cameralink imaging system for the VME and PC base. The Image Distribution board is made up of logic-reconfigurable VME board with CameraLink mezzanine card. The front-end system of MPCCD detector consists of eight sets of Image Distribution boards. We plan to introduce the online lossless compression using FPGA with arithmetic coding algorithm. For wide adaptability of user requirements, we also prepared the PC based imaging system, which consists of Linux server and commercial CameraLink PCI interface. It does not contain compression function, but supports various type of CCD camera, for example, high-definition (1920x1080) single CCD camera. | |||
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Poster WEPMN028 [5.574 MB] | ||
WEPMS025 | Low Current Measurements at ALBA | controls, diagnostics, TANGO, Ethernet | 1032 |
High accuracy low current readout is an extensively demanded technique in 3rd generation synchrotrons. Whether reading from scintillation excited large-area photodiodes for beam position measurement or out of gold meshes or metallic coated surfaces in drain-current based intensity monitors, low current measurement devices are an ubiquitous need both for diagnostics and data acquisition in today's photon labs. In order to tackle the problem of measuring from various sources of different nature and magnitude synchronously, while remaining flexible at the same time, ALBA has developed a 4 independent channel electrometer. It is based on transimpedance amplifiers and integrates high resolution ADC converters and an 10/100 Base-T Ethernet communication port. Each channel has independently configurable range, offset and low pass filter cut-off frequency settings and the main unit has external I/O to synchronize the data acquisition with the rest of the control system. | |||
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Poster WEPMS025 [0.797 MB] | ||
THCHMUST04 | Free and Open Source Software at CERN: Integration of Drivers in the Linux Kernel | Linux, controls, FPGA, framework | 1248 |
We describe the experience acquired during the integration of the tsi148 driver into the main Linux kernel tree. The benefits (and some of the drawbacks) for long-term software maintenance are analysed, the most immediate one being the support and quality review added by an enormous community of skilled developers. Indirect consequences are also analysed, and these are no less important: a serious impact in the style of the development process, the use of cutting edge tools and technologies supporting development, the adoption of the very strict standards enforced by the Linux kernel community, etc. These elements were also exported to the hardware development process in our section and we will explain how they were used with a particular example in mind: the development of the FMC family of boards following the Open Hardware philosophy, and how its architecture must fit the Linux model. This delicate interplay of hardware and software architectures is a perfect showcase of the benefits we get from the strategic decision of having our drivers integrated in the kernel. Finally, the case for a whole family of CERN-developed drivers for data acquisition models, the prospects for its integration in the kernel, and the adoption of a model parallel to Comedi, is also taken as an example of how this model will perform in the future. | |||
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Slides THCHMUST04 [0.777 MB] | ||
THDAUST02 | An Erlang-Based Front End Framework for Accelerator Controls | framework, controls, interface, hardware | 1264 |
We have developed a new front-end framework for the ACNET control system in Erlang. Erlang is a functional programming language developed for real-time telecommunications applications. The primary task of the front-end software is to connect the control system with drivers collecting data from individual field bus devices. Erlang's concurrency and message passing support have proven well-suited for managing large numbers of independent ACNET client requests for front-end data. Other Erlang features which make it particularly well-suited for a front-end framework include fault-tolerance with process monitoring and restarting, real-time response,and the ability to change code in running systems. Erlang's interactive shell and dynamic typing make writing and running unit tests an easy part of the development process. Erlang includes mechanisms for distributing applications which we will use for deploying our framework to multiple front-ends, along with a configured set of device drivers. We've developed Erlang code to use Fermilab's TCLK event distribution clock and Erlang's interface to C/C++ allows hardware-specific driver access. | |||
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Slides THDAUST02 [1.439 MB] | ||
FRBHMULT06 | EPICS V4 Expands Support to Physics Application, Data Acsuisition, and Data Analysis | controls, EPICS, database, interface | 1338 |
Funding: Work supported under auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC, and in part by the DOE Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 EPICS version 4 extends the functionality of version 3 by providing the ability to define, transport, and introspect composite data types. Version 3 provided a set of process variables and a data protocol that adequately defined scalar data along with an atomic set of attributes. While remaining backward compatible, Version 4 is able to easily expand this set with a data protocol capable of exchanging complex data types and parameterized data requests. Additionally, a group of engineers defined reference types for some applications in this environment. The goal of this work is to define a narrow interface with the minimal set of data types needed to support a distributed architecture for physics applications, data acquisition, and data analysis. |
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Slides FRBHMULT06 [0.188 MB] | ||