Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOBAUST04 | The RHIC and RHIC Pre-Injectors Controls Systems: Status and Plans | controls, proton, electron, luminosity | 13 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) is one of the premier high energy and nuclear physics laboratories in the world and has been a leader in accelerator based physics research for well over half a century. For the past ten years experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) have recorded data from collisions of heavy ions and polarized protons, leading to major discoveries in nuclear physics and the spin dynamics of quarks and gluons. BNL is also the site of one of the oldest alternating gradient synchrotrons, the AGS, which first operated in 1960. The accelerator controls systems for these instruments span multiple generations of technologies. In this report we will describe the current status of the Collider-Accelerator Department controls systems, which are used to control seven different accelerator facilities (from the LINAC and Tandem van de Graafs to RHIC) and multiple science programs (high energy nuclear physics, high energy polarized proton physics, NASA programs, isotope production, and multiple accelerator research and development projects). We will describe the status of current projects, such as the just completed Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS), our R&D programs in superconducting RF and an Energy Recovery LINAC (ERL), innovations in feedback systems and bunched beam stochastic cooling at RHIC, and plans for future controls system developments. |
Slides MOBAUST04 [6.386 MB] | |||
MOMMU009 | Upgrade of the Server Architecture for the Accelerator Control System at the Heidelberg Ion Therapy Center | database, controls, network, proton | 78 |
The Heidelberg Ion Therapy Center (HIT) is a heavy ion accelerator facility located at the Heidelberg university hospital and intended for cancer treatment with heavy ions and protons. It provides three treatment rooms for therapy of which two using horizontal beam nozzles are in use and the unique gantry with a 360° rotating beam port is currently under commissioning. The proprietary accelerator control system runs on several classical server machines, including a main control server, a database server running Oracle, a device settings modeling server (DSM) and several gateway servers for auxiliary system control. As the load on some of the main systems, especially the database and DSM servers, has become very high in terms of CPU and I/O load, a change to a more up to date blade server enclosure with four redundant blades and a 10Gbit internal network architecture has been decided. Due to budgetary reasons, this enclosure will at first only replace the main control, database and DVM servers and consolidate some of the services now running on auxiliary servers. The internal configurable network will improve the communication between servers and database. As all blades in the enclosure are configured identically, one dedicated spare blade is used to provide redundancy in case of hardware failure. Additionally we plan to use virtualization software to further improve redundancy and consolidate the services running on gateways and to make dynamic load balancing available to account for different performance needs e.g. in commissioning or therapy use of the accelerator. | |||
Slides MOMMU009 [0.233 MB] | |||
Poster MOMMU009 [1.132 MB] | |||
MOPKS003 | High Resolution Ion Beam Profile Measurement System | target, LabView, ion-source, detector | 164 |
A high resolution system designed for measuring the ion beam profile in the ion implanter installed at the Ion Beam Laboratory of the Technological Nuclear Institute (ITN) is described. Low energy, high current ion implantation is becoming increasingly important in todays technology. In order to achieve this, the use of electrostatic lens to decelerate a focused ion beam is essential, but one needs to measure, with high resolution, the 2D beam profile. Traditional beam profile monitors using a matrix of detectors, like Faraday Cups, were used. They are, in essence, discrete systems since they only measure the beam intensity in fixed positions. In order to increase the resolution further, a new system was developed that does a continuous measurement of the profile, made of a circular aluminum disc with a curved slit which extends approximately from the center of the disc to its periphery. The disc is attached to the ion implanter target, which is capable of rotating on its axis. A cooper wire, positioned behind the slit, works like a Faraday Cup and the current generated, proportional to the beam intensity, is measured. As the ion implanter is capable of scanning the beam over the target, the combination of vertical beam scanning with aluminum disc rotation allows the beam profile to be measured continuously in two dimensions. Hence, the developed system including the computer controlled positioning of the beam over the moving curved slit, the data acquisition and the beam profile representation, is described. | |||
Poster MOPKS003 [0.744 MB] | |||
MOPMN005 | ProShell – The MedAustron Accelerator Control Procedure Framework | interface, controls, framework, ion-source | 246 |
MedAustron is a centre for ion-therapy and research in currently under construction in Austria. It features a synchrotron particle accelerator for proton and carbon-ion beams. This paper presents the architecture and concepts for implementing a procedure framework called ProShell. Procedures to automate high level control and analysis tasks for commissioning and during operation are modelled with Petri-Nets and user code is implemented with C#. It must be possible to execute procedures and monitor their execution progress remotely. Procedures include starting up devices and subsystems in a controlled manner, configuring, operating O(1000) devices and tuning their operational settings using iterative optimization algorithms. Device interfaces must be extensible to accommodate yet unanticipated functionalities. The framework implements a template for procedure specific graphical interfaces to access device specific information such as monitoring data. Procedures interact with physical devices through proxy software components that implement one of the following interfaces: (1) state-less or (2) state-driven device interface. Components can extend these device interfaces following an object-oriented single inheritance scheme to provide augmented, device-specific interfaces. As only two basic device interfaces need to be defined at an early project stage, devices can be integrated gradually as commissioning progresses. We present the architecture and design of ProShell and explain the programming model by giving the simple example of the ion source spectrum analysis procedure. | |||
Poster MOPMN005 [0.948 MB] | |||
MOPMN012 | The Electronic Logbook for LNL Accelerators | experiment, software, Linux, booster | 260 |
In spring 2009 all run-time data concerning the particle accelerators at LNL (Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro) were still registered mainly on paper. TANDEM and its Negative Source data were logged on a large format paper logbook, for ALPI booster and PIAVE injector with its Positive ECR Source a number of independent paper notebooks were used, together with plain data files containing raw instant snapshots of each RF superconductive accelerators. At that time a decision was taken to build a new tool for a general electronic registration of accelerators run-time data. The result of this effort, the LNL electronic logbook, is presented here . | |||
Poster MOPMN012 [8.543 MB] | |||
MOPMN029 | Spiral2 Control Command: First High-level Java Applications Based on the OPEN-XAL Library | database, software, controls, EPICS | 308 |
The Radioactive Ions Beam SPIRAL2 facility will be based on a supra-conducting driver providing deuterons or heavy ions beams at different energies and intensities. Using then the ISOLD method, exotic nuclei beams will be sent either to new physics facilities or to the existing GANIL experimental areas. To tune this large range of beams, high-level applications will be mainly developed in Java language. The choice of the OPEN-XAL application framework, developed at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), has proven to be very efficient and greatly helps us to design our first software pieces to tune the accelerator. The first part of this paper presents some new applications: "Minimisation" which aims at optimizing a section of the accelerator; a general purpose software named "Hook" for interacting with equipment of any kind; and an application called "Profils" to visualize and control the Spiral2 beam wire harps. As tuning operation has to deal with configuration and archiving issues, databases are an effective way to manage data. Therefore, two databases are being developed to address these problems for the SPIRAL2 command control: one is in charge of device configuration upstream the Epics databases while another one is in charge of accelerator configuration (lattice, optics and set of values). The last part of this paper aims at describing these databases and how java applications will interact with them. | |||
Poster MOPMN029 [1.654 MB] | |||
MOPMS007 | Deep-Seated Cancer Treatment Spot-Scanning Control System | heavy-ion, database, hardware, controls | 333 |
System is mainly composed of hardware, the data for a given waveform scanning power supply controller, dose-controlled counting cards, and event generator system. Software consists of the following components: generating tumor shape and the corresponding waveform data system, waveform controller (ARM and DSP) program, counting cards FPGA procedures, event and data synchronization for transmission COM program. | |||
MOPMS030 | Improvement of the Oracle Setup and Database Design at the Heidelberg Ion Therapy Center | database, controls, operation, hardware | 393 |
The HIT (Heidelberg Ion Therapy) center is an accelerator facility for cancer therapy using both carbon ions and protons, located at the university hospital in Heidelberg. It provides three therapy treatment rooms: two with fixed beam exit (both in clinical use), and a unique gantry with a rotating beam head, currently under commissioning. The backbone of the proprietary accelerator control system consists of an Oracle database running on a Windows server, storing and delivering data of beam cycles, error logging, measured values, and the device parameters and beam settings for about 100,000 combinations of energy, beam size and particle number used in treatment plans. Since going operational, we found some performance problems with the current database setup. Thus, we started an analysis in cooperation with the industrial supplier of the control system (Eckelmann AG) and the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung. It focused on the following topics: hardware resources of the DB server, configuration of the Oracle instance, and a review of the database design that underwent several changes since its original design. The analysis revealed issues on all fields. The outdated server will be replaced by a state-of-the-art machine soon. We will present improvements of the Oracle configuration, the optimization of SQL statements, and the performance tuning of database design by adding new indexes which proved directly visible in accelerator operation, while data integrity was improved by additional foreign key constraints. | |||
Poster MOPMS030 [2.014 MB] | |||
MOPMS035 | A Beam Profiler and Emittance Meter for the SPES Project at INFN-LNL | diagnostics, EPICS, emittance, software | 412 |
The beam diagnostics system currently in use at LNL in the superconducting Linac has been upgraded for the SPES project. The control software has been rewritten using EPICS tools and a new emittance meter has been developed. The beam detector is based on wire grids, the IOC is implemented in a VME system running under Vxworks and the graphic interface is based on CSS. The system is now in operation in the SPES Target Laboratory for the characterization of beams produced by the new ion source. | |||
Poster MOPMS035 [0.367 MB] | |||
MOPMU005 | Overview of the Spiral2 Control System Progress | controls, EPICS, database, interface | 429 |
Spiral2 whose construction physically started at the beginning of this year at Ganil (Caen, France) will be a new Radioactive Ion Beams facility to extend scientific knowledge in nuclear physics, astrophysics and interdisciplinary researches. The project consists of a high intensity multi-ion accelerator driver delivering beams to a high power production system to generate the Radioactive Ion Beams being then post-accelerated and used within the existing Ganil complex. Resulting from the collaboration between several laboratories, Epics has been adopted as the standard framework for the control command system. At the lower level, pieces of equipment are handled through VME/VxWorks chassis or directly interfaced using the Modbus/TCP protocol; also, Siemens programmable logic controllers are tightly coupled to the control system, being in charge of specific devices or hardware safety systems. The graphical user interface layer integrates both some standard Epics client tools (EDM, CSS under evaluation, etc ) and specific high level applications written in Java, also deriving developments from the Xal framework. Relational databases are involved into the control system for equipment configuration (foreseen), machine representation and configuration, CSS archivers (under evaluation) and Irmis (mainly for process variable description). The first components of the Spiral2 control system are now used in operation within the context of the ion and deuteron sources test platforms. The paper also describes how software development and sharing is managed within the collaboration. | |||
Poster MOPMU005 [2.093 MB] | |||
MOPMU007 | ISHN Ion Source Control System Overview | controls, EPICS, ion-source, operation | 436 |
Funding: The present work is supported by the Basque Government and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. ISHN project consists of a Penning ion source which will deliver up to 65mA of H− beam pulsed at 50 Hz with a diagnostics vessel for beam testing purposes. The present work analyzes the control system of this research facility. The main devices of ISHN are the power supplies for high density plasma generation and beam extraction, the H2 supply and Cesium heating system, plus refrigeration, vacuum and monitoring devices. The control system implemented with LabVIEW is based on PXI systems from National Instruments, using two PXI chassis connected through a dedicated fiber optic link between HV platform and ground. Source operation is managed by a real time processor at ground, while additional tasks are performed by means of an FPGA located at HV. The real time system manages the control loop of heaters, the H2 pulsed supply for a stable pressure in the plasma chamber, data acquisition from several diagnostics and sensors and the communication with the control room. The FPGA generates the triggers for the different power supplies and H2 flow as well as some data acquisition at high voltage. A PLC is in charge of the vacuum control (two double stage pumps and two turbo pumps), and it is completely independent of the source operation for avoiding risky failures. A dedicated safety PLC is installed to handle personnel safety issues. Current running diagnostics are, ACCT, DCCT, Faraday Cup and a pepperpot. In addition, a MySQL database stores the whole operation parameters while source is running. The aim is to test and train in accelerator technologies for future developments. |
Poster MOPMU007 [1.382 MB] | |||
WEPKN018 | NSLS-II Vacuum Control for Chamber Acceptance | vacuum, controls, storage-ring, multipole | 742 |
Funding: Work supported by U.S. Department of Energy The National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) uses extruded aluminium chambers as an integral part of the vacuum system. Prior to installation in the Storage Ring all dipole and multipole chamber assemblies must be tested to ensure vacuum integrity. A significant part of the chamber test requires a full bakeout of the assembly, as well as control and monitoring of the titanium sublimation pumps (TSP), non-evaporable getter pumps (NEG) and ion pumps (IP). Data that will be acquired by the system during bakeouts includes system temperature, vacuum pressure, residual gas analyzer scans, ion pump current, TSP operation and NEG activation. This data will be used as part of the acceptance process of the chambers prior to the installation in the storage ring tunnel. This paper presents the design and implementation of the vacuum bakeout control, as well as related vacuum control issues. |
Poster WEPKN018 [1.174 MB] | |||
WEPMN015 | Timing-system Solution for MedAustron; Real-time Event and Data Distribution Network | timing, real-time, controls, software | 909 |
MedAustron is an ion beam cancer therapy and research centre currently under construction in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. This facility features a synchrotron particle accelerator for light ions. A timing system is being developed for that class of accelerators targeted at clinical use as a product of close collaboration between MedAustron and Cosylab. We redesignedμResearch Finland transport layer's FPGA firmware, extending its capabilities to address specific requirements of the machine to come to a generic real-time broadcast network for coordinating actions of a compact, pulse-to-pulse modulation based particle accelerator. One such requirement is the need to support for configurable responses to timing events on the receiver side. The system comes with National Instruments LabView based software support, ready to be integrated into the PXI based front-end controllers. This paper explains the design process from initial requirements refinement to technology choice, architectural design and implementation. It elaborates the main characteristics of the accelerator that the timing system has to address, such as support for concurrently operating partitions, real-time and non real-time data transport needs and flexible configuration schemes for real-time response to timing event reception. Finally, the architectural overview is given, with the main components explained in due detail. | |||
Poster WEPMN015 [0.800 MB] | |||
WEPMS019 | Measuring Angle with Pico Meter Resolution | electronics, FPGA, laser, controls | 1014 |
The kilogram is the only remaining fundamental unit within the SI system that is defined in terms of a material artefact (a PtIr cylinder kept in Paris). Therefore, one of the major tasks of modern metrology is the redefinition of the kilogram on the basis of a natural quantity or of a fundamental constant. However, any kilogram redefinition must approach a 10-8 relative accuracy in its practical realization. A joint research project amongst the major metrology institutes in Europe has proposed the redefinition of the kilogram based on the mass of the 12C atom. The goal can be achieved by counting in a first step the number of atoms in a macroscopic weighable object and, in a second step, by weighing the atom by means of measuring its Compton frequency vC. It is in the second step of the procedure, where the ILL is playing a fundamental role with GAMS, the high-resolution γ-ray spectrometer. Energies of the γ-rays emitted in the decay of the capture state to the ground state of a daughter nucleus after a neutron capture reaction can be measured with high precision. In order to match the high demand in angle measurement accuracy, a new optical interferometer with 10 picorad resolution and linearity over a total measurement range of 15° and high stability of about 0.1 nrad/hour has been developed. To drive the interferometer, a new FPGA based electronics for the heterodyne frequency generation and for real time phase measurement and axis control has been realized. The basic concepts of the FPGA implementation will be revised. | |||
Poster WEPMS019 [6.051 MB] | |||
WEPMS024 | ALBA High Voltage Splitter - Power Distribution to Ion Pumps | high-voltage, controls, vacuum, Ethernet | 1028 |
High Voltage Splitter (HVS) is an equipment designed in Alba that allows a high voltage (HV) distribution (up to +7kV) from one ion pump controller up to eight ion pumps. Using it, the total number of high voltage power supplies needed in Alba's vacuum installation has decreased significantly. The current drawn by each splitter channel is measured independently inside a range from 10nA up to 10mA with 5% accuracy, those measurements are a base for vacuum pressure calculations. A relation, current-pressure depends mostly on the ion pump type, so different tools providing the full calibration flexibility have been implemented. Splitter settings, status and recorded data are accessible over a 10/100 Base-T Ethernet network, none the less a local (manual) control was implemented mostly for service purposes. The device supports also additional functions as a HV cable interlock, pressure interlock output cooperating with the facility's Equipment Protection System (EPS), programmable pressure warnings/alarms and automatic calibration process based on an external current source. This paper describes the project, functionality, implementation, installation and operation as a part of the vacuum system at Alba. | |||
Poster WEPMS024 [3.734 MB] | |||