Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOMMU003 | Aperture Meter for the Large Hadron Collider | operation, optics, alignment, collimation | 70 |
The control of the high intensity beams of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is particular challenging and requires a good modeling of the machine and monitoring of various machine parameters. During operation it is crucial to ensure a minimal distance between the beam edge and the aperture of sensitive equipment, e.g. the superconducting magnets, which in all cases must be in the shadow of the collimators that protect the machine. Possible dangerous situations must be detected as soon as possible. In order to provide the operator with information about the current machine bottlenecks an aperture meter application was developed based on the LHC online modeling toolchain. The calculation of available free aperture takes into account the best available optics and aperture model as well as the relevant beam measurements. This paper describes the design and integration of this application into the control environment and presents results of the usage in daily operation and from validation measurements. | |||
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Slides MOMMU003 [0.565 MB] | ||
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Poster MOMMU003 [0.694 MB] | ||
MOPKN013 | Image Acquisition and Analysis for Beam Diagnostics Applications of the Taiwan Photon Source | EPICS, controls, linac, software | 117 |
Design and implementation of image acquisition and analysis is in proceeding for the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) diagnostic applications. The optical system contains screen, lens, and lighting system. A CCD camera with Gigabit Ethernet interface (GigE Vision) will be a standard image acquisition device. Image acquisition will be done on EPICS IOC via PV channel and analysis the properties by using Matlab tool to evaluate the beam profile (σ), beam size position and tilt angle et al. The EPICS IOC integrated with Matlab as a data processing system is not only could be used in image analysis but also in many types of equipment data processing applications. Progress of the project will be summarized in this report. | |||
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Poster MOPKN013 [0.816 MB] | ||
MOPKN016 | Tango Archiving Service Status | TANGO, controls, database, insertion | 127 |
In modern scientific instruments like ALBA, ELETTRA or Synchrotron Soleil the monitoring and tuning of thousands of parameters is essential to drive high-performing accelerators and beamlines. To keep tracks of these parameters and to manage easily large volumes of technical data, an archiving service is a key component of a modern control system like Tango [1]. To do so, a high-availability archiving service is provided as a feature of the Tango control system. This archiving service stores data coming from the Tango control system into MySQL [2] or Oracle [3] databases. Tree sub-services are provided: An historical service with an archiving period up to 10 seconds; a short term service providing a few weeks retention with a period up to 100 milliseconds; a snapshot service which takes "pictures" of Tango parameters and can reapply them to the control system on user demand. This paper presents how to obtain a high-performance and scalable service based on our feedback after years of operation. Then, the deployment architecture in the different Tango institutes will be detailed. The paper conclusion is a description of the next steps and incoming features which will be available in the next future.
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MOPMN023 | Preliminary Design and Integration of EPICS Operation Interface for the Taiwan Photon Source | controls, operation, EPICS, interface | 292 |
The TPS (Taiwan Photon Source) is the latest generation of 3 GeV synchrotron light source which has been in construction since 2010. The EPICS framework is adopted as control system infrastructure for the TPS. The EPICS IOCs (Input Output Controller) and various database records have been gradually implemented to control and monitor each subsystem of TPS. The subsystem includes timing, power supply, motion controller, miscellaneous Ethernet-compliant devices etc. Through EPICS PVs (Process Variables) channel access, remote access I/O data via Ethernet interface can be observed by the useable graphical toolkits, such as the EDM (Extensible Display Manager) and MATLAB. The operation interface mainly includes the function of setting, reading, save, restore and etc. Integration of operation interfaces will depend upon properties of each subsystem. In addition, the centralized management method is utilized to serve every client from file servers in order to maintain consistent versions of related EPICS files. The efforts will be summarized in this report. | |||
MOPMN027 | The LHC Sequencer | database, controls, operation, injection | 300 |
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is a highly complex system made of many different sub-systems whose operation implies the execution of many tasks with stringent constraints on the order and duration of the execution. To be able to operate such a system in the most efficient and reliable way the operators in the CERN control room use a high level control system: the LHC Sequencer. The LHC Sequencer system is composed of several components, including an Oracle database where operational sequences are configured, a core server that orchestrates the execution of the sequences, and two graphical user interfaces: one for sequence edition, and another for sequence execution. This paper describes the architecture of the LHC Sequencer system, and how the sequences are prepared and used for LHC operation. | |||
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Poster MOPMN027 [2.163 MB] | ||
MOPMS026 | J-PARC Control toward Future Reliable Operation | controls, EPICS, operation, linac | 378 |
J-PARC accelerator complex comprises Linac, 3-GeV RCS (Rapid Cycle Synchrotron), and 30-GeV MR (Main Ring). The J-PARC is a joint project between JAEA and KEK. Two control systems, one for Linac and RCS and another for MR, were developed by two institutes. Both control systems use the EPICS toolkit, thus, inter-operation between two systems is possible. After the first beam in November, 2006, beam commissioning and operation have been successful. However, operation experience shows that two control systems often make operators distressed: for example, different GUI look-and-feels, separated alarm screens, independent archive systems, and so on. Considering demands of further power upgrade and longer beam delivery, we need something new, which is easy to understand for operators. It is essential to improve reliability of operation. We, two control groups, started to discuss future directions of our control systems. Ideas to develop common GUI screens of status and alarms, and to develop interfaces to connect archive systems to each other, are discussed. Progress will be reported. | |||
MOPMS027 | Fast Beam Current Transformer Software for the CERN Injector Complex | software, hardware, real-time, timing | 382 |
The Fast transfer-line BCTs in CERN injector complex are undergoing a complete consolidation to eradicate obsolete, maintenance intensive hardware. The corresponding low-level software has been designed to minimise the effect of identified error sources while allowing remote diagnostics and calibration facilities. This paper will present the front-end and expert application software with the results obtained. | |||
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Poster MOPMS027 [1.223 MB] | ||
MOPMS034 | Software Renovation of CERN's Experimental Areas | software, controls, hardware, detector | 409 |
The experimental areas at CERN (AD, PS and SPS) have undergone a wide-spread electronics and software consolidation based on modern techniques allowing them to be used in the many years to come. This paper will describe the scale of the software renovation and how the issues were overcome in order to ensure a complete integration into the respective control systems. | |||
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Poster MOPMS034 [1.582 MB] | ||
MOPMU023 | The MRF Timing System. The Complete Control Software Integration in Tango. | timing, TANGO, device-server, controls | 483 |
The deployment of the Timing system based on the MRF hardware has been a important part of the control system. Hundreds of elements are integrated in the scheme, which provides synchronization signals and interlocks, transmitted in the microsecond range and distributed all around the installation. It has influenced several hardware choices and has been largely improved to support interlock events. The operation of the timing system requires a complex setup of all elements. A complete solution has been developed including libraries and stand alone Graphical User Interfaces. Therefore this set of tools is of a great added value, even increased if using Tango, since most high level applications and GUIs are based on Tango Servers. A complete software solution for managing the events, and interlocks of a large installation is presented. | |||
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Poster MOPMU023 [25.650 MB] | ||
WEAAUST01 | Sardana: The Software for Building SCADAS in Scientific Environments | controls, interface, TANGO, synchrotron | 607 |
Sardana is a software for supervision, control and data acquisition in large and small scientific installations. It delivers important cost and time reductions associated with the design, development and support of the control and data acquisition systems. It enhances Tango with the capabilities for building graphical interfaces without writing code, a powerful python-based macro environment for building sequences and complex macros, and a comprehensive access to the hardware. It scales well to small laboratories as well as to large scientific institutions. It has been commissioned for the control system of Accelerators and Beamlines at the Alba Synchrotron. | |||
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Slides WEAAUST01 [6.978 MB] | ||
WEMAU001 | A Remote Tracing Facility for Distributed Systems | interface, controls, database, operation | 650 |
Today the CERN's accelerator control system is built upon a large number of services mainly based on C++ and JAVA which produce log events. In such a largely distributed environment these log messages are essential for problem recognition and tracing. Tracing is therefore a vital part of operations, as understanding an issue in a subsystem means analyzing log events in an efficient and fast manner. At present 3150 device servers are deployed on 1600 diskless frontends and they send their log messages via the network to an in-house developed central server which, in turn, saves them to files. However, this solution is not able to provide several highly desired features and has performance limitations which led to the development of a new solution. The new distributed tracing facility fulfills these requirements by taking advantage of the Simple Text Orientated Message Protocol [STOMP] and ActiveMQ as the transport layer. The system not only allows to store critical log events centrally in files or in a database but also it allows other clients (e.g. graphical interfaces) to read the same events at the same time by using the provided JAVA API. This facility also ensures that each client receives only the log events of the desired level. Thanks to the ActiveMQ broker technology the system can easily be extended to clients implemented in other languages and it is highly scalable in terms of performance. Long running tests have shown that the system can handle up to 10.000 messages/second. | |||
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Slides WEMAU001 [1.008 MB] | ||
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Poster WEMAU001 [0.907 MB] | ||
WEMAU010 | Web-based Control Application using WebSocket | controls, Linux, Windows, experiment | 673 |
The Websocket [1] brings asynchronous full-duplex communication between a web-based (i.e. java-script based) application and a web-server. The WebSocket started as a part of HTML5 standardization but has now been separated from the HTML5 and developed independently. Using the WebSocket, it becomes easy to develop platform independent presentation layer applications of accelerator and beamline control software. In addition, no application program has to be installed on client computers except for the web-browser. The WebSocket based applications communicate with the WebSocket server using simple text based messages, so the WebSocket can be applicable message based control system like MADOCA, which was developed for the SPring-8 control system. A simple WebSocket server for the MADOCA control system and a simple motor control application was successfully made as a first trial of the WebSocket control application. Using google-chrome (version 10.x) on Debian/Linux and Windows 7, opera (version 11.0 beta) on Debian/Linux and safari (version 5.0.3) on MacOSX as clients, the motors can be controlled using the WebSocket based web-application. The more complex applications are now under development for synchrotron radiation experiments combined with other HTML5 features.
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Poster WEMAU010 [44.675 MB] | ||
WEPKN006 | Running a Reliable Messaging Infrastructure for CERN's Control System | controls, monitoring, network, operation | 724 |
The current middleware for CERN's accelerator controls system is based on two implementations: corba-based Controls MiddleWare (CMW) and Java Messaging Service [JMS]. The JMS service is realized using the open source messaging product ActiveMQ and had became an increasing vital part of beam operations as data need to be transported reliably for various areas such as the beam protection system, post mortem analysis, beam commissioning or the alarm system. The current JMS service is made of 17 brokers running either in clusters or as single nodes. The main service is deployed as a two node cluster providing failover and load balancing capabilities for high availability. Non-critical applications running on virtual machines or desktop machines read data via a third broker to decouple the load from the operational main cluster. This scenario was introduced last year and the statistics showed an uptime of 99.998% and an average data serving rate of 1.6GB /min represented by around 150 messages/sec. Deploying, running, maintaining and protecting such messaging infrastructure is not trivial and includes setting up of careful monitoring and failure pre-recognition. Naturally, lessons have been learnt and their outcome is very important for the current and future operation of such service. | |||
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Poster WEPKN006 [0.877 MB] | ||
WEPKN010 | European XFEL Phase Shifter: PC-based Control System | controls, LabView, undulator, hardware | 731 |
Funding: Work partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under SEI Resolution on 17-September-2009 The Accelerator Technology Unit at CIEMAT is in charge of part of the Spanish contribution to the European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser (EXFEL). This paper presents the control system of the Phase Shifter (PS), a beam phase corrector magnet that will be installed in the intersections of the SASE undulator system. Beckhoff has been chosen by EXFEL as its main supplier for the industrial control systems. Beckhoff Twincat PLC architecture is a PC-based control technology built over EtherCAT, a real-time Ethernet fieldbus. The PS is operated with a stepper motor, its position is monitored by an incremental encoder, and it is controlled by a Twincat-PLC program using the TcMC2 library, an implementation of the PLCopen Motion Control specification. A GUI has been developed in LabVIEW instead of using Beckhoff visualization tool. The control system for the first and second prototype devices has been developed in-house using COTS hardware and software. The specifications request a repeatability of ±50μm in bidirectional movements and ±10μm in unidirectional movements. The second prototype can reach speeds up to 15 mm/s. |
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Poster WEPKN010 [3.077 MB] | ||
WEPKS005 | State Machine Framework and its Use for Driving LHC Operational States* | framework, controls, operation, embedded | 782 |
The LHC follows a complex operational cycle with 12 major phases that include equipment tests, preparation, beam injection, ramping and squeezing, finally followed by the physics phase. This cycle is modeled and enforced with a state machine, whereby each operational phase is represented by a state. On each transition, before entering the next state, a series of conditions is verified to make sure the LHC is ready to move on. The State Machine framework was developed to cater for building independent or embedded state machines. They safely drive between the states executing tasks bound to transitions and broadcast related information to interested parties. The framework encourages users to program their own actions. Simple configuration management allows the operators to define and maintain complex models themselves. An emphasis was also put on easy interaction with the remote state machine instances through standard communication protocols. On top of its core functionality, the framework offers a transparent integration with other crucial tools used to operate LHC, such as the LHC Sequencer. LHC Operational States has been in production for half a year and was seamlessly adopted by the operators. Further extensions to the framework and its application in operations are under way.
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Poster WEPKS005 [0.717 MB] | ||
WEPKS022 | Mango: an Online GUI Development Tool for the Tango Control System | TANGO, controls, interface, device-server | 833 |
Mango is an online tool based on QTango that allows easy development of graphical panels ready to run without need to be compiled. Developing with Mango is easy and fast because widgets are dragged from a widget catalogue and dropped into the Mango container. Widgets are then connected to the control system variables by choosing them from a Tango device list or by dragging them from any other running application built with the QTango library. Mango has also been successfully used during the FERMI@Elettra commissioning both by machine physicists and technicians. | |||
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Poster WEPKS022 [0.429 MB] | ||
WEPKS024 | CAFE, A Modern C++ Interface to the EPICS Channel Access Library | interface, EPICS, controls, framework | 840 |
CAFE (Channel Access interFacE) is a C++ library that provides a modern, multifaceted interface to the EPICS-based control system. CAFE makes extensive use of templates and multi-index containers to enhance efficiency, flexibility and performance. Stability and robustness are accomplished by ensuring that connectivity to EPICS channels remains in a well defined state in every eventuality, and results of all synchronous and asynchronous operations are captured and reported with integrity. CAFE presents the user with a number of options for writing and retrieving data to and fro the control system. In addition to basic read and write operations, a further abstraction layer provides transparency to more intricate functionality involving logical sets of data; such object sequences are easily instantiated through an XML-based configuration mechanism. CAFE's suitability for use in a broad spectrum of applications is demonstrated. These range from high performance Qt GUI control widgets, to event processing agents that propagate data through OMG's Data Distribution Service (DDS), to script-like frameworks such as MATLAB. The methodology for the modular use of CAFE serves to improve maintainability by enforcing a logical boundary between the channel access components and the specifics of the application framework at hand. | |||
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Poster WEPKS024 [0.637 MB] | ||
WEPKS027 | Java Expert GUI Framework for CERN's Beam Instrumentation Systems | framework, software, controls, software-architecture | 852 |
The CERN Beam Instrumentation Group software section have recently performed a study of the tools used to produce Java expert applications. This paper will present the analysis that was made to understand the requirements for generic components and the resulting tools including a compilation of Java components that have been made available for a wider audience. The paper will also discuss the eventuality of using MAVEN as deployment tool with its implications for developers and users. | |||
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Poster WEPKS027 [1.838 MB] | ||
WEPKS029 | Integrating a Workflow Engine within a Commercial SCADA to Build End User Applications in a Scientific Environment | controls, alignment, software, interface | 860 |
To build integrated high-level applications, SOLEIL is using an original component-oriented approach based on GlobalSCREEN, an industrial Java SCADA [1]. The aim of this integrated development environment is to give SOLEIL's scientific and technical staff a way to develop GUI applications for beamlines external users . These GUI applications must address the 2 following needs : monitoring and supervision of a control system and development and execution of automated processes (like beamline alignment, data collections, and on-line data analysis). The first need is now completely answered through a rich set of Java graphical components based on the COMETE [2] library and providing a high level of service for data logging, scanning and so on. To reach the same quality of service for process automation, a big effort has been made to integrate more smoothly PASSERELLE [3], a workflow engine, with dedicated user-friendly interfaces for end users, packaged as JavaBeans in GlobalSCREEN components library. Starting with brief descriptions of software architecture of the PASSERELLE and GlobalSCREEN environments, we will then present the overall system integration design as well as the current status of deployment on SOLEIL beamlines.
[1] V. Hardion, M. Ounsy, K. Saintin, "How to Use a SCADA for High-Level Application Development on a Large-Scale Basis in a Scientific Environment", ICALEPS 2007 [2] G. Viguier, K. Saintin,, ICALEPS'11, MOPKN016. [3] A. Buteau, M. Ounsy, G. Abeille, "A Graphical Sequencer for SOLEIL Beamline Acquisitions", ICALEPS'07, Knoxville, Tennessee - USA, Oct 2007. |
WEPMN006 | Commercial FPGA Based Multipurpose Controller: Implementation Perspective | EPICS, FPGA, hardware, controls | 882 |
Funding: The present work is supported by the Basque Government and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. This work presents a fast acquisition multipurpose controller, focussing on its EPICS integration and on its XML based configuration. This controller is based on a Lyrtech VHS-ADC board which encloses an FPGA, connected to a Host PC. This Host acts as local controller and implements an IOC integrating the device in an EPICS network. These tasks have been performed using Java as the main tool to program the PC to make the device fit the desired application. All the process includes the use of different technologies: JNA to handle C functions i.e. FPGA API, JavaIOC to integrate EPICS and XML w3c DOM classes to easily configure the particular application. In order to manage the functions, Java specific tools have been developed: Methods to manage the FPGA (read/write registers, acquire data,…), methods to create and use the EPICS server (put, get, monitor,…), mathematical methods to process the data (numeric format conversions,…) and methods to create/initialize the application structure by means of an XML file (parse elements, build the DOM and the specific application structure). This XML file has some common nodes and tags for all the applications: FPGA registers specifications definition and EPICS variables. This means that the user only has to include a node for the specific application and use the mentioned tools. It is the developed main class which is in charge of managing the FPGA and EPICS server according to this XML file. This multipurpose controller has been successfully used to implement a BPM and an LLRF application for the ESS-Bilbao facility. |
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Poster WEPMN006 [0.559 MB] | ||
WEPMU009 | The Laser MégaJoule Facility: Personnel Security and Safety Interlocks | laser, controls, interlocks, operation | 1070 |
The French CEA (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique) is currently building the LMJ (Laser MégaJoule), at the CEA Laboratory CESTA near Bordeaux. The LMJ is designed to deliver about 1.4 MJ of 0.35 μm light to targets for high energy density physics experiments. Such an installation entails specific risks related to the presence of intense laser beams, and high voltage power laser amplifiers. Furthermore, the thermonuclear fusion reactions induced by the experiment also produce different radiations and neutrons burst and also activate some materials in the chamber environment. Both risks could be lethal. This presentation (paper) discusses the SSP (system for the personnel safety) that was designed to prevent accidents and protect personnel working in the LMJ. To achieve the security level imposed on us by labor law and by the French Safety Authority, the system consists of two independent safety barriers based on different technologies, whose combined effect can reduce to insignificant level the occurrence probability of all accidental scenarios identified during the risk analysis. | |||
WEPMU010 | Automatic Analysis at the Commissioning of the LHC Superconducting Electrical Circuits | operation, framework, hardware, status | 1073 |
Since the beginning of 2010 the LHC has been operating in a routinely manner, starting with a commissioning phase and then an operation for physics phase. The commissioning of the superconducting electrical circuits requires rigorous test procedures before entering into operation. To maximize the beam operation time of the LHC these tests should be done as fast as procedures allow. A full commissioning needs 12000 tests and is required after circuits have been warmed above liquid nitrogen temperature. Below this temperature, after an end of year break of two months, commissioning needs about 6000 tests. Because the manual analysis of the tests takes a major part of the commissioning time, we proceeded to the automation of the existing analysis tools. We present the way in which these LabVIEW™ applications were automated. We evaluate the gain in commissioning time and reduction of experts on night shift observed during the LHC hardware commissioning campaign of 2011 compared to 2010. We end with an outlook at what can be further optimized. | |||
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Poster WEPMU010 [3.124 MB] | ||
WEPMU011 | Automatic Injection Quality Checks for the LHC | injection, kicker, timing, software | 1077 |
Twelve injections per beam are required to fill the LHC with the nominal filling scheme. The injected beam needs to fulfill a number of requirements to provide useful physics for the experiments when they take data at collisions later on in the LHC cycle. These requirements are checked by a dedicated software system, called the LHC injection quality check. At each injection, this system receives data about beam characteristics from key equipment in the LHC and analyzes it online to determine the quality of the injected beam after each injection. If the quality is insufficient, the automatic injection process is stopped, and the operator has to take corrective measures. This paper will describe the software architecture of the LHC injection quality check and the interplay with other systems. A set of tools for self-monitoring of the injection quality checks to achieve optimum performance will be discussed as well. Results obtained during the LHC commissioning year 2010 and the LHC run 2011 will finally be presented. | |||
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Poster WEPMU011 [0.358 MB] | ||
THBHMUST01 | Multi-platform SCADA GUI Regression Testing at CERN. | framework, software, Windows, Linux | 1201 |
Funding: CERN The JCOP Framework is a toolkit used widely at CERN for the development of industrial control systems in several domains (i.e. experiments, accelerators and technical infrastructure). The software development started 10 years ago and there is now a large base of production systems running it. For the success of the project, it was essential to formalize and automate the quality assurance process. The paper will present the overall testing strategy and will describe in detail mechanisms used for GUI testing. The choice of a commercial tool (Squish) and the architectural features making it appropriate for our multi-platform environment will be described. Practical difficulties encountered when using the tool in the CERN context are discussed as well as how these were addressed. In the light of initial experience, the test code itself has been recently reworked in OO style to facilitate future maintenance and extension. The paper concludes with a description of our initial steps towards incorporation of full-blown Continuous Integration (CI) support. |
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Slides THBHMUST01 [1.878 MB] | ||