Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOPKS013 | Beam Spill Structure Feedback Test in HIRFL-CSR | feedback, extraction, controls, FPGA | 186 |
The slow extraction beam from HIRFL-CSR is used in nuclear physics experiments and heavy ion therapy. 50Hz ripple and harmonics are observed in beam spill. To improve the spill structure, the first set of control system consisting of fast Q-magnet and feedback device based FPGA is developed and installed in 2010, and spill structure feedback test also has been started. The commissioning results with spill feedback system are presented in this paper. | |||
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Poster MOPKS013 [0.268 MB] | ||
MOPKS021 | High-speed Data Handling Using Reflective Memory Thread for Tokamak Plasma Control | controls, real-time, feedback, plasma | 203 |
The KSTAR plasma control system (PCS) is defined as a system consisting of electronic devices and control software that identifies and diagnoses various plasma parameters, calculates appropriate control signals to each actuator to keep the plasma sustained in the KSTAR operation regime. Based on the DIII-D PCS, the KSTAR PCS consists of a single box of multiprocess Linux system which can run up to 8 processes, and both digital and analog data acquisition methods are adapted for fast real-time data acquisition up to 20 kHz. The digital interface uses a well-known shared memory technology, the reflective memory (RFM), which can support data transmission up to 2Gbits/s. An RFM technology is adopted for interfacing the actuators, 11 PF power supplies and 1 IVC power supply, and the data acquisition system for plasma diagnostics. To handle the fast control of the RFM data transfer, the communication using the RFM with the actuators and diagnostics system is implemented as thread. The RFM thread sends commands like target current or voltage which is calculated by the PCS to the actuators area of RFM for plasma control and receives measured data by the magnet power supply. The RFM thread also provides the method for monitoring signal in real time by sharing data of diagnostics system. The RFM thread complete all data transfer within 50us so that data process can be completed within the fastest control cycle time of the PCS. This paper will describe the design, implementations, performances of RFM thread and applications to the tokamak plasma controls utilizing the technique. | |||
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Poster MOPKS021 [1.745 MB] | ||
MOPKS022 | BPM System And Orbit Feedback System Deisgn For the Taiwan Photon Source | feedback, controls, FPGA, EPICS | 207 |
Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) is a 3 GeV synchrotron light source which is in construction at NSRRC. Latest generation BPM electronics with FPGA enhanced functionality of current generation products was adopted. The prototype is under testing. To achieve its design goal of the TPS and eliminate beam motions due to various perturbation sources, orbit feedback is designed with integration of BPM and corrector control system . The design and implementation of the BPM system will be summarized in this report. | |||
MOPMS005 | The Upgraded Corrector Control Subsystem for the Nuclotron Main Magnetic Field | controls, status, software, operation | 326 |
This report discusses a control subsystem of 40 main magnetic field correctors which is a part of the superconducting synchrotron Nuclotron Control System. The subsystem is used in static and dynamic (corrector's current depends on the magnetic field value) modes. Development of the subsystem is performed within the bounds of the Nuclotron-NICA project. Principles of digital (PSMBus/RS-485 protocol) and analog control of the correctors' power supplies, current monitoring, remote control of the subsystem via IP network, are also presented. The first results of the subsystem commissioning are given. | |||
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Poster MOPMS005 [1.395 MB] | ||
MOPMU002 | Progress of the TPS Control System Development | controls, EPICS, interface, feedback | 425 |
The Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) is a low-emittance 3-GeV synchrotron light source which is in construction on the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC) campus. The control system for the TPS is based upon EPICS framework. The standard hardware and software components have been defined. The prototype of various subsystems is on going. The event based timing system has been adopted. The power supply control interface accompanied with orbit feedback support have also been defined. The machine protection system is in design phase. Integration with the linear accelerator system which are installed and commissioned at temporary site for acceptance test has already been done. The interface to various systems is still on going. The infrastructures of high level and low level software are on going. Progress will be summarized in the report. | |||
MOPMU021 | Control System for Magnet Power Supplies for Novosibirsk Free Electron Laser | controls, FEL, operation, software | 480 |
The control system for the magnetic system of the free electron laser (FEL) is described. The characteristics and structure of the power supply system are presented. The power supply control system based on embedded intelligent controllers with the CAN-BUS interface is considered in detail. The control software structure and capabilities are described. Besides, software tools for power supply diagnostics are described. | |||
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Poster MOPMU021 [0.291 MB] | ||
WEPMN030 | Power Supply Control Interface for the Taiwan Photon Source | controls, interface, Ethernet, quadrupole | 950 |
The Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) is a latest generation synchrotron light source. Stringent power supply specifications should be met to achieve design goals of the TPS. High precision power supply equipped with 20, 18, and 16 bits DAC for the storage ring dipole, quadrupole, and sextupole are equipped with Ethernet interfaces. Control interface include basic functionality and some advanced features which are useful for performance monitoring and post-mortem diagnostics. Power supply of these categories can be accessed by EPICS IOCs. The corrector power supplies' control interface is a specially designed embedded interface module which will be mounted on the corrector power supply cages to achieve required performance. The setting reference of the corrector power supply is generated by 20 bits DAC and readback is done by 24 bits ADC. The interface module has embedded EPICS IOC for slow control. Fast setting ports are also supported by the internal FPGA for orbit feedback supports. | |||
WEPMN034 | YAMS: a Stepper Motor Controller for the FERMI@Elettra Free Electron Laser | controls, software, interface, TANGO | 958 |
Funding: The work was supported in part by the Italian Ministry of University and Research under grants FIRB-RBAP045JF2 and FIRB-RBAP06AWK3 New projects, like FERMI@Elettra, demand for standardization of the systems in order to cut development and maintenance costs. The various motion control applications foreseen in this project required a specific controller able to flexibly adapt to any need while maintaining a common interface to the control system to minimize software development efforts. These reasons led us to design and build "Yet Another Motor Subrack", YAMS, a 3U chassis containing a commercial stepper motor controller, up to eight motor drivers and all the necessary auxiliary systems. The motors can be controlled locally by means of an operator panel or remotely through an Ethernet interface and a dedicated Tango device server. The paper describes the details of the project and the deployment issues. |
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Poster WEPMN034 [4.274 MB] | ||
THBHAUIO06 | Cognitive Ergonomics of Operational Tools | controls, interface, operation, software | 1196 |
Control systems have become continuously more powerful over the past decades. The ability for high data throughput and sophisticated graphical interactions have opened a variety of new possibilities. But has it helped to provide intuitive, easy to use applications to simplify the operation of modern large scale accelerator facilities? We will discuss what makes an application useful to operation and what is necessary to make a tool easy to use. We will show that even the implementation of a small number of simple design rules for applications can help to ease the operation of a facility. | |||
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Slides THBHAUIO06 [23.914 MB] | ||
FRCAUST02 | Status of the CSNS Controls System | controls, interface, linac, Ethernet | 1341 |
The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is planning to start construction in 2011 in China. The CSNS controls system will use EPICS as development platform. The scope of the controls system covers thousands of devices located in Linac, RCS and two transfer lines. The interface from the control system to the equipment will be through VME Power PC processors and embedded PLC as well as embedded IPC. The high level applications will choose XAL core and Eclipse platform. Oracle database is used to save historical data. This paper introduces controls preliminary design and progress. Some key technologies, prototypes,schedule and personnel plan are also discussed. | |||
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Slides FRCAUST02 [3.676 MB] | ||