Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOCAUIO04 | The SESAME Project | controls, booster, EPICS, electron | 31 |
SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East) is a third generation synchrotron light source under construction near Amman (Jordan), which is expected to begin operation in 2015. SESAME will foster scientific and technological excellence in the Middle East and the Mediterranean region, build scientific bridges between neighbouring countries and foster mutual understanding through international cooperation. The members of SESAME are currently Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority and Turkey. An overview about the progress of the facility and the general plan will be given in this talk. Then I will focus on the control system by explaining how this part is managed: the technical choice, the main deadlines, the local staff, the international virtual control team, and the first results. | |||
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Slides MOCAUIO04 [8.526 MB] | ||
MOMMU001 | Extending Alarm Handling in Tango | TANGO, database, controls, status | 63 |
This paper describes the alarm system developed at Alba Synchrotron, built on Tango Control System. It describes the tools used for configuration and visualization, its integration in user interfaces and its approach to alarm specification; either assigning discrete Alarm/Warning levels or allowing versatile logic rules in Python. This paper also covers the life cycle of the alarm (triggering, logging, notification, explanation and acknowledge) and the automatic control actions that can be triggered by the alarms. | |||
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Slides MOMMU001 [1.119 MB] | ||
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Poster MOMMU001 [2.036 MB] | ||
MOPKS001 | Diamond Light Source Booster Fast Orbit Feedback System | booster, controls, feedback, storage-ring | 160 |
The Fast Orbit Feedback system that has been installed on the Diamond Light Source Storage ring has been replicated on the Booster synchrotron in order to provide a test bed for the development of the Storage Ring controller design. To realise this the Booster is operated in DC mode. The electron beam is regulated in two planes using the Fast Orbit Feedback system, which takes the beam position from 22 beam position monitors for each plane, and calculates offsets to 44 corrector power supplies at a sample rate of 10~kHz. This paper describes the design and realization of the controller for the Booster Fast Orbit Feedback, presents results from the implementation and considers future development. | |||
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Poster MOPKS001 [0.597 MB] | ||
MOPKS024 | A Digital System for Longitudinal Emittance Blow-Up in the LHC | controls, feedback, FPGA, software | 215 |
In order to preserve beam stability above injection energy in the LHC, longitudinal emittance blowup is performed during the energy ramp by injecting band-limited noise around the synchrotron frequency into the beam phase loop. The noise is generated continuously in software and streamed digitally into the DSP of the Beam Control system. In order to achieve reproducible results, a feedback system on the observed average bunch length controls the strength of the excitation, allowing the operator to simply set a target bunch length. The frequency spectrum of the excitation depends on the desired bunch length, and as it must follow the evolution of the synchrotron frequency spread through the ramp, it is automatically calculated by the LHC settings management software from the energy and RF voltage. The system is routinely used in LHC operation since August 2010. We present here the details of the implementation in software, FPGA firmware and DSP code, as well as some results with beam. | |||
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Poster MOPKS024 [0.467 MB] | ||
TUAAULT04 | Web-based Execution of Graphical Workflows : a Modular Platform for Multifunctional Scientific Process Automation | controls, interface, framework, database | 540 |
The Passerelle process automation suite offers a fundamentally modular solution platform, based on a layered integration of several best-of-breed technologies. It has been successfully applied by Synchrotron Soleil as the sequencer for data acquisition and control processes on its beamlines, integrated with TANGO as a control bus and GlobalScreen as the Scada package. Since last year it is being used as the graphical workflow component for the development of an eclipse-based Data Analysis Work Bench, at ESRF. The top layer of Passerelle exposes an actor-based development paradigm, based on the Ptolemy framework (UC Berkeley). Actors provide explicit reusability and strong decoupling, combined with an inherently concurrent execution model. Actor libraries exist for TANGO integration, web-services, database operations, flow control, rules-based analysis, mathematical calculations, launching external scripts etc. Passerelle's internal architecture is based on OSGi, the major Java framework for modular service-based applications. A large set of modules exist that can be recombined as desired to obtain different features and deployment models. Besides desktop versions of the Passerelle workflow workbench, there is also the Passerelle Manager. It is a secured web application including a graphical editor, for centralized design, execution, management and monitoring of process flows, integrating standard Java Enterprise services with OSGi. We will present the internal technical architecture, some interesting application cases and the lessons learnt. | |||
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Slides TUAAULT04 [10.055 MB] | ||
WEAAUST01 | Sardana: The Software for Building SCADAS in Scientific Environments | controls, interface, TANGO, GUI | 607 |
Sardana is a software for supervision, control and data acquisition in large and small scientific installations. It delivers important cost and time reductions associated with the design, development and support of the control and data acquisition systems. It enhances Tango with the capabilities for building graphical interfaces without writing code, a powerful python-based macro environment for building sequences and complex macros, and a comprehensive access to the hardware. It scales well to small laboratories as well as to large scientific institutions. It has been commissioned for the control system of Accelerators and Beamlines at the Alba Synchrotron. | |||
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Slides WEAAUST01 [6.978 MB] | ||
WEMMU001 | Floating-point-based Hardware Accelerator of a Beam Phase-Magnitude Detector and Filter for a Beam Phase Control System in a Heavy-Ion Synchrotron Application | detector, controls, hardware, FPGA | 683 |
Funding: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research in the frame of Project FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research), Grant Number 06DA9028I. A hardware implementation of an adaptive phase and magnitude detector and filter of a beam-phase control system in a heavy ion synchrotron application is presented in this paper [1]. The main components of the hardware are adaptive LMS filters and a phase and magnitude detector. The phase detectors are implemented by using a CORDIC algorithm based on 32-bit binary floating-point arithmetic data formats. Therefore, a decimal to floating-point adapter is required to interface the data from an ADC to the phase and magnitude detector. The floating-point-based hardware is designed to improve the precision of the past hardware implementation that is based on fixed-point arithmetics. The hardware of the detector and the adaptive LMS filter have been implemented on a reconfigurable FPGA device for hardware acceleration purpose. The ideal Matlab/Simulink model of the hardware and the VHDL model of the adaptive LMS filter and the phase and magnitude detector are compared. The comparison result shows that the output signal of the floating-point based adaptive FIR filter as well as the phase and magnitude detector is simillar to the expected output signal of the ideal Matlab/Simulink model. [1] H. Klingbeil, "A Fast DSP-Based Phase-Detector for Closed-Loop RF Control in Synchrotrons," IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 54(3):1209–1213, 2005. |
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Slides WEMMU001 [0.383 MB] | ||
WEPKN020 | TANGO Integration of a SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture SCADA System at ANKA | TANGO, controls, software, Linux | 749 |
The WinCC OA supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system provides at the ANKA synchrotron facility a powerful and very scalable tool to manage the enormous variety of technical equipment relevant for house keeping and beamline operation. Crucial to the applicability of a SCADA system for the ANKA synchrotron are the provided options to integrate it into other control concepts even if they are working e.g. on different time scales, managing concepts, and control standards. Especially these latter aspects result into different approaches for controlling concepts for technical services, storage ring, and beamlines. The beamline control at ANKA is mainly based on TANGO and SPEC, which has been expanded by TANGO server capabilities. This approach implies the essential need to provide a stable and fast link, that does not increase the dead time of a measurement, to the slower WinCC OA SCADA system. The open architecture of WinCC OA offers a smooth integration in both directions and therefore gives options to combine potential advantages, e.g. native hardware drivers or convenient graphical skills. The implemented solution will be presented and discussed at selected examples. | |||
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Poster WEPKN020 [0.378 MB] | ||
WEPKS008 | Rules-based Analysis with JBoss Drools : Adding Intelligence to Automation | monitoring, controls, software, DSL | 790 |
Rules engines are less-known as software technology than the traditional procedural, object-oriented, scripting or dynamic development languages. This is a pity, as their usage may offer an important enrichment to a development toolbox. JBoss Drools is an open-source rules engine that can easily be embedded in any Java application. Through an integration in our Passerelle process automation suite, we have been able to provide advanced solutions for intelligent process automation, complex event processing, system monitoring and alarming, automated repair etc. This platform has been proven for many years as an automated diagnosis and repair engine for Belgium's largest telecom provider, and it is being piloted at Synchrotron Soleil for device monitoring and alarming. After an introduction to rules engines in general and JBoss Drools in particular, we will present some practical use cases and important caveats. | |||
WEPKS019 | Data Analysis Workbench | data-analysis, experiment, interface, TANGO | 823 |
Funding: ESRF Data Analysis Workbench [1] is a new software tool produced in collaboration by the ESRF, Soleil and Diamond. It provides data visualization and workflow algorithm design for data analysis in combination with data collection. The workbench uses Passerelle as the workflow engine and EDNA plugins for data analysis. Actors talking to Tango are used for sending limited commands to hardware and starting existing data collection algorithms. There are scripting interfaces to SPEC and Python. The current state at the ESRF is prototype. [1] |
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Poster WEPKS019 [2.249 MB] | ||
WEPMS026 | The TimBel Synchronization Board for Time Resolved Experiments at Synchrotron SOLEIL | experiment, electron, storage-ring, FPGA | 1036 |
Time resolved experiments are one of the major services that synchrotrons can provide to scientists. The short, high frequency and regular flashes of synchrotron light are a fantastic tool to study the evolution of phenomena over time. To carry out time resolved experiments, beamlines need to synchronize their devices with these flashes of light with a jitter shorter than the pulse duration. For that purpose, Synchrotron SOLEIL has developed the TimBeL board fully interfaced to TANGO framework. This paper presents the main features required by time resolved experiments and how we achieved our goals with the TimBeL board. | |||
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Poster WEPMS026 [1.726 MB] | ||
THBHAUST05 | First Operation of the Wide-area Remote Experiment System | experiment, operation, radiation, controls | 1193 |
The Wide-area Remote Experiment System (WRES) at the SPring-8 has been successfully developed [1]. The system communicates with the remote user's based on the SSL/TLS with the bi-directional authentication to avoid the interference from non-authorized access to the system. The system has message filtering system to allow remote user access only to the corresponding beamline equipment and safety interlock system to protect persons aside the experimental station from accidental motion of heavy equipment. The system also has a video streaming system to monitor samples or experimental equipment. We have tested the system from the point of view of safety, stability, reliability etc. and successfully made first experiment from remote site of RIKEN Wako site 480km away from SPring-8 in the end of October 2010.
[1] Y. Furukawa, K. Hasegawa, D. Maeda, G. Ueno, "Development of remote experiment system", Proc. ICALEPCS 2009(Kobe, Japan) P.615 |
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Slides THBHAUST05 [5.455 MB] | ||
THCHAUST02 | Large Scale Data Facility for Data Intensive Synchrotron Beamlines | data-management, experiment, detector, software | 1216 |
ANKA is a large scale facility of the Helmholtz Association of National Research Centers in Germany located at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. As the synchrotron light source it is providing light from hard X-rays to the far-infrared for research and technology. It is serving as a user facility for the national and international scientific community currently producing 100 TB of data per year. Within the next two years a couple of additional data intensive beamlines will be operational producing up to 1.6 PB per year. These amounts of data have to be stored and provided on demand to the users. The Large Scale Data Facility LSDF is located on the same campus as ANKA. It is a data service facility dedicated for data intensive scientific experiments. Currently storage of 4 PB for unstructured and structured data and a HADOOP cluster as a computing resource for data intensive applications are available. Within the campus experiments and the main large data producing facilities are connected via 10 GE network links. An additional 10 GE link exists to the internet. Tools for an easy and transparent access allow scientists to use the LSDF without bothering with the internal structures and technologies. Open interfaces and APIs support a variety of access methods to the highly available services for high throughput data applications. In close cooperation with ANKA the LSDF provides assistance to efficiently organize data and meta data structures, and develops and deploys community specific software running on the directly connected computing infrastructure. | |||
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Slides THCHAUST02 [1.294 MB] | ||
THCHAUST03 | Common Data Model ; A Unified Layer to Access Data from Data Analysis Point of View | detector, framework, data-analysis, neutron | 1220 |
For almost 20 years, the scientific community of neutrons and synchrotron facilities has been dreaming of using a common data format to be able to exchange experimental results and applications to analyse them. If using HDF5 as a physical container for data quickly raised a large consensus, the big issue is the standardisation of data organisation. By introducing a new level of indirection for data access, the CommonDataModel (CDM) framework offers a solution and allows to split development efforts and responsibilities between institutes. The CDM is made of a core API that accesses data through a data format plugins mechanism and scientific applications definitions (i.e. sets of logically organized keywords defined by scientists for each experimental technique). Using a innovative "mapping" system between applications definitions and physical data organizations, the CDM allows to develop data reduction applications regardless of data files formats AND organisations. Then each institute has to develop data access plugins for its own files formats along with the mapping between application definitions and its own data files organisation. Thus, data reduction applications can be developed from a strictly scientific point of view and are natively able to process data coming from several institutes. A concrete example on a SAXS data reduction application, accessing NeXus and EDF (ESRF Data Format) file will be commented. | |||
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Slides THCHAUST03 [36.889 MB] | ||