Keyword: monitoring
Paper Title Other Keywords Page
MOBAUST02 The ATLAS Detector Control System controls, detector, interface, experiment 5
  • S. Schlenker, S. Arfaoui, S. Franz, O. Gutzwiller, C.A. Tsarouchas
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • G. Aielli, F. Marchese
    Università di Roma II Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy
  • G. Arabidze
    MSU, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
  • E. Banaś, Z. Hajduk, J. Olszowska, E. Stanecka
    IFJ-PAN, Kraków, Poland
  • T. Barillari, J. Habring, J. Huber
    MPI, Muenchen, Germany
  • M. Bindi, A. Polini
    INFN-Bologna, Bologna, Italy
  • H. Boterenbrood, R.G.K. Hart
    NIKHEF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • H. Braun, D. Hirschbuehl, S. Kersten, K. Lantzsch
    Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany
  • R. Brenner
    Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
  • D. Caforio, C. Sbarra
    Bologna University, Bologna, Italy
  • S. Chekulaev
    TRIUMF, Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vancouver, Canada
  • S. D'Auria
    University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • M. Deliyergiyev, I. Mandić
    JSI, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • E. Ertel
    Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Institut für Physik, Mainz, Germany
  • V. Filimonov, V. Khomutnikov, S. Kovalenko
    PNPI, Gatchina, Leningrad District, Russia
  • V. Grassi
    SBU, Stony Brook, New York, USA
  • J. Hartert, S. Zimmermann
    Albert-Ludwig Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
  • D. Hoffmann
    CPPM, Marseille, France
  • G. Iakovidis, K. Karakostas, S. Leontsinis, E. Mountricha
    National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
  • P. Lafarguette
    Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • F. Marques Vinagre, G. Ribeiro, H.F. Santos
    LIP, Lisboa, Portugal
  • T. Martin, P.D. Thompson
    Birmingham University, Birmingham, United Kingdom
  • B. Mindur
    AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
  • J. Mitrevski
    SCIPP, Santa Cruz, California, USA
  • K. Nagai
    University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences,, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
  • S. Nemecek
    Czech Republic Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics, Prague, Czech Republic
  • D. Oliveira Damazio, A. Poblaguev
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  • P.W. Phillips
    STFC/RAL, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, United Kingdom
  • A. Robichaud-Veronneau
    DPNC, Genève, Switzerland
  • A. Talyshev
    BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • G.F. Tartarelli
    Universita' degli Studi di Milano & INFN, Milano, Italy
  • B.M. Wynne
    Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  The ATLAS experiment is one of the multi-purpose experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), constructed to study elementary particle interactions in collisions of high-energy proton beams. Twelve different sub-detectors as well as the common experimental infrastructure are supervised by the Detector Control System (DCS). The DCS enables equipment supervision of all ATLAS sub-detectors by using a system of 140 server machines running the industrial SCADA product PVSS. This highly distributed system reads, processes and archives of the order of 106 operational parameters. Higher level control system layers based on the CERN JCOP framework allow for automatic control procedures, efficient error recognition and handling, manage the communication with external control systems such as the LHC controls, and provide a synchronization mechanism with the ATLAS physics data acquisition system. A web-based monitoring system allows accessing the DCS operator interface views and browse the conditions data archive worldwide with high availability. This contribution firstly describes the status of the ATLAS DCS and the experience gained during the LHC commissioning and the first physics data taking operation period. Secondly, the future evolution and maintenance constraints for the coming years and the LHC high luminosity upgrades are outlined.  
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MOMMU002 NFC Like Wireless Technology for Monitoring Purposes in Scientific/Industrial Facilities controls, EPICS, network, vacuum 66
  • I. Badillo, M. Eguiraun
    ESS-Bilbao, Zamudio, Spain
  • J. Jugo
    University of the Basque Country, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bilbao, Spain
  Funding: The present work is supported by the Basque Government and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Wireless technologies are becoming more and more used in large industrial and scientific facilities like particle accelerators for facilitating the monitoring and indeed sensing in these kind of large environments. Cabled equipment means little flexibility in placement and is very expensive in both money an effort whenever reorganization or new installation is needed. So, when cabling is not really needed for performance reasons wireless monitoring and control is a good option, due to the speed of implementation. There are several wireless flavors to choose, as Bluetooth, Zigbee, WiFi, etc. depending on the requirements of each specific application. In this work a wireless monitoring system for EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) is presented, where desired control system variables are acquired over the network and published in a mobile device, allowing the operator to check process variables everywhere the signal spreads. In this approach, a Python based server will be continuously getting EPICS Process Variables via Channel Access protocol and sending them through a WiFi standard 802.11 network using ICE middleware. ICE is a toolkit oriented to build distributed applications. Finally the mobile device will read the data and show it to the operator. The security of the communication can be assured by means of a weak wireless signal, following the same idea as in NFC, but for more large distances. With this approach, local monitoring and control applications, as for example a vacuum control system for several pumps, are easily implemented.
slides icon Slides MOMMU002 [0.309 MB]  
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MOPKN014 A Web Based Realtime Monitor on EPICS Data EPICS, interface, status, real-time 121
  • L.F. Li, C.H. Wang
    IHEP Beijing, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  Funding: IHEP China
Monitoring systems such as EDM and CSS are extremely important in EPICS system. Most of them are based on client/server(C/S). This paper designs and implements a web based realtime monitoring system on EPICS data. This system is based on browser and server (B/S using Flex [1]). Through CAJ [2] interface, it fetches EPICS data including beam energy, beam current, lifetime and luminosity and so on. Then all data is displayed in a realtime chart in browser (IE or Firefox/Mozilla). The chart is refreshed every regular interval and can be zoomed and adjusted. Also, it provides data tips showing and full screen mode.
[2]M.Sekoranja, "Native Java Implement of channel access for Epics", 10th ICALEPCS, Geneva, Oct 2005, PO2.089-5.
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MOPKN015 Managing Information Flow in ALICE detector, distributed, controls, database 124
  • O. Pinazza
    INFN-Bologna, Bologna, Italy
  • A. Augustinus, P.Ch. Chochula, L.S. Jirdén, A.N. Kurepin, M. Lechman, P. Rosinský
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • G. De Cataldo
    INFN-Bari, Bari, Italy
  • A. Moreno
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, E.T.S.I Industriales, Madrid, Spain
  ALICE is one of the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), CERN (Geneva, Switzerland). The ALICE detector control system is an integrated system collecting 18 different subdetectors' controls and general services and is implemented using the commercial SCADA package PVSS. Information of general interest, beam and ALICE condition data, together with data related to shared plants or systems, are made available to all the subsystems through the distribution capabilities of PVSS. Great care has been taken during the design and implementation to build the control system as a hierarchical system, limiting the interdependencies of the various subsystems. Accessing remote resources in a PVSS distributed environment is very simple, and can be initiated unilaterally. In order to improve the reliability of distributed data and to avoid unforeseen dependencies, the ALICE DCS group has enforced the centralization of the publication of global data and other specific variables requested by the subsystems. As an example, a specific monitoring tool will be presented that has been developed in PVSS to estimate the level of interdependency and to understand the optimal layout of the distributed connections, allowing for an interactive visualization of the distribution topology.  
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MOPKN017 From Data Storage towards Decision Making: LHC Technical Data Integration and Analysis database, operation, beam-losses, Windows 131
  • A. Marsili, E.B. Holzer, A. Nordt, M. Sapinski
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The monitoring of the beam conditions, equipment conditions and measurements from the beam instrumentation devices in CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) produces more than 100 Gb/day of data. Such a big quantity of data is unprecedented in accelerator monitoring and new developments are needed to access, process, combine and analyse data from different equipments. The Beam Loss Monitoring (BLM) system has been one of the most reliable pieces of equipment in the LHC during its 2010 run, issuing beam dumps when the detected losses were above the defined abort thresholds. Furthermore, the BLM system was able to detect and study unexpected losses, requiring intensive offline analysis. This article describes the techniques developed to: access the data produced (∼ 50.000 values/s); access relevant system layout information; access, combine and display different machine data.  
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MOPKN018 Computing Architecture of the ALICE Detector Control System controls, detector, network, interface 134
  • P. Rosinský, A. Augustinus, P.Ch. Chochula, L.S. Jirdén, M. Lechman
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • G. De Cataldo
    INFN-Bari, Bari, Italy
  • A.N. Kurepin
    RAS/INR, Moscow, Russia
  • A. Moreno
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, E.T.S.I Industriales, Madrid, Spain
  • O. Pinazza
    INFN-Bologna, Bologna, Italy
  The ALICE Detector Control System (DCS) is based on a commercial SCADA product, running on a large Windows computer cluster. It communicates with about 1200 network attached devices to assure safe and stable operation of the experiment. In the presentation we focus on the design of the ALICE DCS computer systems. We describe the management of data flow, mechanisms for handling the large data amounts and information exchange with external systems. One of the key operational requirements is an intuitive, error proof and robust user interface allowing for simple operation of the experiment. At the same time the typical operator task, like trending or routine checks of the devices, must be decoupled from the automated operation in order to prevent overload of critical parts of the system. All these requirements must be implemented in an environment with strict security requirements. In the presentation we explain how these demands affected the architecture of the ALICE DCS.  
MOPKN025 Integrating the EPICS IOC Log into the CSS Message Log EPICS, database, controls, network 151
  • K.-U. Kasemir, E. Danilova
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
  Funding: SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U.S. Department of Energy
The Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) includes the "IOCLogServer", a tool that logs error messages from front-end computers (Input/Output Controllers, IOCs) into a set of text files. Control System Studio (CSS) includes a distributed message logging system with relational database persistence and various log analysis tools. We implemented a log server that forwards IOC messages to the CSS log database, allowing several ways of monitoring and analyzing the IOC error messages.
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MOPMN014 Detector Control System for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer And Operational Experience After The First Year of LHC Data Taking detector, controls, electronics, hardware 267
  • S. Zimmermann
    Albert-Ludwig Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
  • G. Aielli
    Università di Roma II Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy
  • M. Bindi, A. Polini
    INFN-Bologna, Bologna, Italy
  • S. Bressler, E. Kajomovitz, S. Tarem
    Technion, Haifa, Israel
  • R.G.K. Hart
    NIKHEF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • G. Iakovidis, E. Ikarios, K. Karakostas, S. Leontsinis, E. Mountricha
    National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
  Muon Reconstruction is a key ingredient in any of the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider LHC. The muon spectrometer of ATLAS comprises Monitored Drift Tube (MDTs) and Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) for precision tracking as well as Resistive Plate (RPC) and Thin Gap (TGC) Chambers as muon trigger and for second coordinate measurement. Together with a strong magnetic field provided by a super conducting toroid magnet and an optical alignment system a high precision determination of muon momentum up to the highest particle energies accessible by the LHC collisions is provided. The Detector Control System (DCS) of each muon sub-detector technology must efficiently and safely manage several thousands of LV and HV channels, the front-end electronics initialization as well as monitoring of beam, background, magnetic field and environmental conditions. This contribution will describe the chosen hardware architecture, which as much as possible tries to use common technologies, and the implemented controls hierarchy. In addition the muon DCS human machine interface (HMI) layer and operator tools will be covered. Emphasis will be given to reviewing the experience from the first year of LHC and detector operations, and to lessons learned for future large scale detector control systems. We will also present the automatic procedures put in place during last year and review the improvements gained by them for data taking efficiency. Finally, we will describe the role DCS plays in assessing the quality of data for physics analysis and in online optimization of detector conditions.
On Behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration
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MOPMN019 Controling and Monitoring the Data Flow of the LHCb Read-out and DAQ Network network, detector, controls, FPGA 281
  • R. Schwemmer, C. Gaspar, N. Neufeld, D. Svantesson
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The LHCb readout uses a set of 320 FPGA based boards as interface between the on-detector hardware and the GBE DAQ network. The boards are the logical Level 1 (L1) read-out electronics and aggregate the experiment's raw data into event fragments that are sent to the DAQ network. To control the many parameters of the read-out boards, an embedded PC is included on each board, connecting to the boards ICs and FPGAs. The data from the L1 boards is sent through an aggregation network into the High Level Trigger farm. The farm comprises approximately 1500 PCs which at first assemble the fragments from the L1 boards and then do a partial reconstruction and selection of the events. In total there are approximately 3500 network connections. Data is pushed through the network and there is no mechanism for resending packets. Loss of data on a small scale is acceptable but care has to be taken to avoid data loss if possible. To monitor and debug losses, different probes are inserted throughout the entire read-out chain to count fragments, packets and their rates at different positions. To keep uniformity throughout the experiment, all control software was developed using the common SCADA software, PVSS, with the JCOP framework as base. The presentation will focus on the low level controls interface developed for the L1 boards and the networking probes, as well as the integration of the high level user interfaces into PVSS. We will show the way in which the users and developers interact with the software, configure the hardware and follow the flow of data through the DAQ network.  
MOPMS020 High Intensity Proton Accelerator Controls Network Upgrade network, controls, operation, proton 361
  • R.A. Krempaska, A.G. Bertrand, F. Lendzian, H. Lutz
    Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  The High Intensity Proton Accelerator (HIPA) control system network is spread through about six buildings and has grown historically in an unorganized way. It consisted of about 25 network switches, 150 nodes and 20 operator consoles. The miscellaneous hardware infrastructure and the lack of the documentation and components overview could not guarantee anymore the reliability of the control system and facility operation. Therefore, a new network, based on modern network topology, PSI standard hardware with monitoring and detailed documentation and overview was needed. We would like to present the process how we successfully achieved this goal and the advantages of the clean and well documented network infrastructure.  
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MOPMS021 Detector Control System of the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer detector, controls, software, hardware 364
  • S. Kersten, P. Kind, K. Lantzsch, P. Mättig, C. Zeitnitz
    Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany
  • M. Citterio, C. Meroni
    Universita' degli Studi di Milano e INFN, Milano, Italy
  • F. Gensolen
    CPPM, Marseille, France
  • S. Kovalenko
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • B. Verlaat
    NIKHEF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  To improve tracking robustness and precision of the ATLAS inner tracker an additional fourth pixel layer is foreseen, called Insertable B-Layer (IBL). It will be installed between the innermost present Pixel layer and a new smaller beam pipe and is presently under construction. As, once installed into the experiment, no access is available, a highly reliable control system is required. It has to supply the detector with all entities required for operation and protect it at all times. Design constraints are the high power density inside the detector volume, the sensitivity of the sensors against heatups, and the protection of the front end electronics against transients. We present the architecture of the control system with an emphasis on the CO2 cooling system, the power supply system and protection strategies. As we aim for a common operation of pixel and IBL detector, the integration of the IBL control system into the Pixel one will be discussed as well.  
MOPMS032 Re-engineering of the SPring-8 Radiation Monitor Data Acquisition System radiation, data-acquisition, controls, operation 401
  • T. Masuda, M. Ishii, K. Kawata, T. Matsushita, C. Saji
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken, Japan
  We have re-engineered the data acquisition system for the SPring-8 radiation monitors. Around the site, 81 radiation monitors are deployed. Seventeen of them are utilized for the radiation safety interlock system for the accelerators. The old data-acquisition system consisted of dedicated NIM-like modules linked with the radiation monitors, eleven embedded computers for data acquisition from the modules and three programmable logic controllers (PLCs) for integrated dose surveillance. The embedded computers periodically collected the radiation data from GPIB interfaces with the modules. The dose-surveillance PLCs read analog outputs in proportion to the radiation rate from the modules. The modules and the dose-surveillance PLCs were also interfaced with the radiation safety interlock system. These components in the old system were dedicated, black-boxed and complicated for the operations. In addition, GPIB interface was legacy and not reliable enough for the important system. We, therefore, decided to replace the old system with a new one based on PLCs and FL-net, which were widely used technologies. We newly deployed twelve PLCs as substitutes for all the old components. Another PLC with two graphic panels is installed near a central control room for centralized operations and watches for the all monitors. All the new PLCs and a VME computer for data acquisition are connected through FL-net. In this paper, we describe the new system and the methodology of the replacement within the short interval between the accelerator operations.  
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MOPMS037 A Customizable Platform for High-availability Monitoring, Control and Data Distribution at CERN controls, database, software, hardware 418
  • M. Brightwell, M. Bräger, A. Lang, A. Suwalska
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  In complex operational environments, monitoring and control systems are asked to satisfy ever more stringent requirements. In addition to reliability, the availability of the system has become crucial to accommodate for tight planning schedules and increased dependencies to other systems. In this context, adapting a monitoring system to changes in its environment and meeting requests for new functionalities are increasingly challenging. Combining maintainability and high-availability within a portable architecture is the focus of this work. To meet these increased requirements, we present a new modular system developed at CERN. Using the experience gained from previous implementations, the new platform uses a multi-server architecture to allow running patches and updates to the application without affecting its availability. The data acquisition can also be reconfigured without any downtime or potential data loss. The modular architecture builds on a core system that aims to be reusable for multiple monitoring scenarios, while keeping each instance as lightweight as possible. Both for cost and future maintenance concerns, open and customizable technologies have been preferred.  
MOPMU024 Status of ALMA Software software, operation, controls, framework 487
  • T.C. Shen, J.P.A. Ibsen, R.A. Olguin, R. Soto
    ALMA, Joint ALMA Observatory, Santiago, Chile
  The Atacama Large Millimeter /submillimeter Array (ALMA) will be a unique research instrument composed of at least 66 reconfigurable high-precision antennas, located at the Chajnantor plain in the Chilean Andes at an elevation of 5000 m. Each antenna contains instruments capable of receiving radio signals from 31.3 GHz up to 950 GHz. These signals are correlated inside a Correlator and the spectral data are finally saved into the Archive system together with the observation metadata. This paper describes the progress in the deployment of the ALMA software, with emphasis on the control software, which is built on top of the ALMA Common Software (ACS), a CORBA based middleware framework. In order to support and maintain the installed software, it is essential to have a mechanism to align and distribute the same version of software packages across all systems. This is achieved rigorously with weekly based regression tests and strict configuration control. A build farm to provide continuous integration and testing in simulation has been established as well. Given the large amount of antennas, it is imperative to have also a monitoring system to allow trend analysis of each component in order to trigger preventive maintenance activities. A challenge for which we are preparing this year consists in testing the whole ALMA software performing complete end-to-end operation, from proposal submission to data distribution to the ALMA Regional Centers. The experience gained during deployment, testing and operation support will be presented.  
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TUBAUIO05 Challenges for Emerging New Electronics Standards for Physics controls, software, hardware, interface 558
  • R.S. Larsen
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: Work supported by US Department of Energy Contract DE AC03 76SF00515
A unique effort is underway between industry and the international physics community to extend the Telecom industry’s Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture (ATCA and MicroTCA) to meet future needs of the physics machine and detector community. New standard extensions for physics have now been designed to deliver unprecedented performance and high subsystem availability for accelerator controls, instrumentation and data acquisition. Key technical features include a unique out-of-band imbedded standard Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) system to manage hot-swap module replacement and hardware-software failover. However the acceptance of any new standard depends critically on the creation of strong collaborations among users and between user and industry communities. For the relatively small high performance physics market to attract strong industry support requires collaborations to converge on core infrastructure components including hardware, timing, software and firmware architectures; as well as to strive for a much higher degree of interoperability of both lab and industry designed hardware-software products than past generations of standards. The xTCA platform presents a unique opportunity for future progress. This presentation will describe status of the hardware-software extension plans; technology advantages for machine controls and data acquisition systems; and examples of current collaborative efforts to help develop an industry base of generic ATCA and MicroTCA products in an open-source environment.
1. PICMG, the PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturer’s Group
2. Lab representation on PICMG includes CERN, DESY, FNAL, IHEP, IPFN, ITER and SLAC
slides icon Slides TUBAUIO05 [1.935 MB]  
WEBHAUST01 LHCb Online Infrastructure Monitoring Tools controls, status, Windows, Linux 618
  • L.G. Cardoso, C. Gaspar, C. Haen, N. Neufeld, F. Varela
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • D. Galli
    INFN-Bologna, Bologna, Italy
  The Online System of the LHCb experiment at CERN is composed of a very large number of PCs: around 1500 in a CPU farm for performing the High Level Trigger; around 170 for the control system, running the SCADA system - PVSS; and several others for performing data monitoring, reconstruction, storage, and infrastructure tasks, like databases, etc. Some PCs run Linux, some run Windows but all of them need to be remotely controlled and monitored to make sure they are correctly running and to be able, for example, to reboot them whenever necessary. A set of tools was developed in order to centrally monitor the status of all PCs and PVSS Projects needed to run the experiment: a Farm Monitoring and Control (FMC) tool, which provides the lower level access to the PCs, and a System Overview Tool (developed within the Joint Controls Project – JCOP), which provides a centralized interface to the FMC tool and adds PVSS project monitoring and control. The implementation of these tools has provided a reliable and efficient way to manage the system, both during normal operations but also during shutdowns, upgrades or maintenance operations. This paper will present the particular implementation of this tool in the LHCb experiment and the benefits of its usage in a large scale heterogeneous system.  
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WEMMU006 Management Tools for Distributed Control System in KSTAR controls, software, operation, EPICS 694
  • S. Lee, J.S. Hong, J.S. Park, M.K. Park, S.W. Yun
    NFRI, Daejon, Republic of Korea
  The integrated control system of the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) has been developed with distributed control systems based on Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS). It has the essential role of remote operation, supervising of tokamak device and conducting of plasma experiments without any interruption. Therefore, the availability of the control system directly impacts on the entire device performance. For the non-interrupted operation of the KSTAR control system, we have developed a tool named as Control System Monitoring (CSM) to monitor the resources of EPICS Input/Output Controller (IOC) servers (utilization of memory, cpu, disk, network, user-defined process and system-defined process), the soundness of storage systems (storage utilization, storage status), the status of network switches using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), the network connection status of every local control sever using Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), and the operation environment of the main control room and the computer room (temperature, humidity, water-leak) in real time. When abnormal conditions or faults are detected by the CSM, it alerts abnormal or fault alarms to operators. Especially, if critical fault related to the data storage occurs, the CSM sends the simple messages to operator’s mobile phone. In addition to the CSM, other tools, which are subversion for software version control and vmware for the virtualized IT infrastructure, for managing the integrated control system for KSTAR operation will be introduced.  
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WEPKN006 Running a Reliable Messaging Infrastructure for CERN's Control System controls, network, operation, GUI 724
  • F. Ehm
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The current middleware for CERN's accelerator controls system is based on two implementations: corba-based Controls MiddleWare (CMW) and Java Messaging Service [JMS]. The JMS service is realized using the open source messaging product ActiveMQ and had became an increasing vital part of beam operations as data need to be transported reliably for various areas such as the beam protection system, post mortem analysis, beam commissioning or the alarm system. The current JMS service is made of 17 brokers running either in clusters or as single nodes. The main service is deployed as a two node cluster providing failover and load balancing capabilities for high availability. Non-critical applications running on virtual machines or desktop machines read data via a third broker to decouple the load from the operational main cluster. This scenario was introduced last year and the statistics showed an uptime of 99.998% and an average data serving rate of 1.6GB /min represented by around 150 messages/sec. Deploying, running, maintaining and protecting such messaging infrastructure is not trivial and includes setting up of careful monitoring and failure pre-recognition. Naturally, lessons have been learnt and their outcome is very important for the current and future operation of such service.  
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WEPKN019 A Programmable Logic Controller-Based System for the Recirculation of Liquid C6F14 in the ALICE High Momentum Particle Identification Detector at the Large Hadron Collider controls, detector, operation, framework 745
  • I. Sgura, G. De Cataldo, A. Franco, C. Pastore, G. Volpe
    INFN-Bari, Bari, Italy
  We present the design and the implementation of the Control System (CS) for the recirculation of liquid C6F14 (Perfluorohexane) in the High Momentum Particle Identification Detector (HMPID). The HMPID is a sub-detector of the ALICE experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and it uses liquid C6F14 as Cherenkov radiator medium in 21 quartz trays for the measurement of the velocity of charged particles. The primary task of the Liquid Circulation System (LCS) is to ensure the highest transparency of C6F14 to ultraviolet light by re-circulating the liquid through a set of special filters. In order to provide safe long term operation a PLC-based CS has been implemented. The CS supports both automatic and manual operating modes, remotely or locally. The adopted Finite State Machine approach minimizes the possible operator errors and provides a hierarchical control structure allowing the operation and monitoring of a single radiator tray. The LCS is protected against anomalous working conditions by both active and passive systems. The active ones are ensured via the control software running in the PLC whereas the human interface and data archiving are provided via PVSS, the SCADA framework which integrates the full detector control. The LCS under CS control has been fully commissioned and proved to meet all requirements, thus enabling HMPID to successfully collect the data from the first LHC operation..  
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WEPKS008 Rules-based Analysis with JBoss Drools : Adding Intelligence to Automation controls, synchrotron, software, DSL 790
  • E. De Ley, D. Jacobs
    iSencia Belgium, Gent, Belgium
  Rules engines are less-known as software technology than the traditional procedural, object-oriented, scripting or dynamic development languages. This is a pity, as their usage may offer an important enrichment to a development toolbox. JBoss Drools is an open-source rules engine that can easily be embedded in any Java application. Through an integration in our Passerelle process automation suite, we have been able to provide advanced solutions for intelligent process automation, complex event processing, system monitoring and alarming, automated repair etc. This platform has been proven for many years as an automated diagnosis and repair engine for Belgium's largest telecom provider, and it is being piloted at Synchrotron Soleil for device monitoring and alarming. After an introduction to rules engines in general and JBoss Drools in particular, we will present some practical use cases and important caveats.  
WEPMN023 The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Detector Control System detector, controls, experiment, electronics 929
  • G. Ribeiro
    LIP, Lisboa, Portugal
  • G. Arabidze
    MSU, East Lansing, Michigan, USA
  • P. Lafarguette
    Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • S. Nemecek
    Czech Republic Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics, Prague, Czech Republic
  The main task of the ATLAS Tile calorimeter Detector Control System (DCS) is to enable the coherent and safe operation of the calorimeter. All actions initiated by the operator, as well as all errors, warnings and alarms concerning the hardware of the detector are handled by DCS. The Tile calorimeter DCS controls and monitors mainly the low voltage and high voltage power supply systems, but it is also interfaced with the infrastructure (cooling system and racks), the calibration systems, the data acquisition system, configuration and conditions databases and the detector safety system. The system has been operational since the beginning of LHC operation and has been extensively used in the operation of the detector. In the last months effort was directed to the implementation of automatic recovery of power supplies after trips. Current status, results and latest developments will be presented.  
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WEPMU019 First Operational Experience with the LHC Beam Dump Trigger Synchronisation Unit software, hardware, embedded, operation 1100
  • A. Antoine, C. Boucly, P. Juteau, N. Magnin, N. Voumard
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  Two LHC Beam Dumping Systems (LBDS) remove the counter-rotating beams safely from the collider during setting up of the accelerator, at the end of a physics run and in case of emergencies. Dump requests can come from 3 different sources: the machine protection system in emergency cases, the machine timing system for scheduled dumps or the LBDS itself in case of internal failures. These dump requests are synchronised with the 3 μs beam abort gap in a fail-safe redundant Trigger Synchronisation Unit (TSU) based on Digital Phase Lock Loops (DPLL), locked onto the LHC beam revolution frequency with a maximum phase error of 40 ns. The synchronised trigger pulses coming out of the TSU are then distributed to the high voltage generators of the beam dump kickers through a redundant fault-tolerant trigger distribution system. This paper describes the operational experience gained with the TSU since their commissioning with beam in 2009, and highlights the improvements which have been implemented for a safer operation. This includes an increase of the diagnosis and monitoring functionalities, a more automated validation of the hardware and embedded firmware before deployment, or the execution of a post-operational analysis of the TSU performance after each dump action. In the light of this first experience the outcome of the external review performed in 2010 is presented. The lessons learnt on the project life-cycle for the design of mission critical electronic modules are discussed.  
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WEPMU022 Quality-Safety Management and Protective Systems for SPES controls, proton, radiation, operation 1108
  • S. Canella, D. Benini
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD), Italy
  SPES (Selective Production of Exotic Species) is an INFN project to produce Radioactive Ion Beams (RIB) at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL). The RIB will be produced using the proton induced fission on a Direct Target of UCx. In SPES the proton driver will be a Cyclotron with variable energy (15-70 MeV) and a maximum current of 0.750 mA on two exit ports. The SPES Access Control System and the Dose Monitoring will be integrated in the facility Protective System to achieve the necessary high degree of safety and reliability and to prevent dangerous situations for people, environment and the facility itself. A Quality and Safety Management System for SPES (QSMS) will be realized at LNL for managing all the phases of the project (from design to decommissioning), including therefore the commissioning and operation of the Cyclotron machine too. The Protective System, its documents, data and procedures will be one of the first items that will be considered for the implementation of the QSMS of SPES. Here a general overview of SPES Radiation Protection System, its planned architecture, data and procedures, together with their integration in the QSMS are presented.  
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WEPMU024 The Radiation Monitoring System for the LHCb Inner Tracker radiation, luminosity, detector, electronics 1115
  • O. Okhrimenko, V. Iakovenko, V.M. Pugatch
    NASU/INR, Kiev, Ukraine
  • F. Alessio, G. Corti
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The performance of the LHCb Radiation Monitoring System (RMS) [1], designed to monitor radiation load on the Inner Tracker [2] silicon micro-strip detectors, is presented. The RMS comprises Metal Foil Detectors (MFD) read-out by sensitive Charge Integrators [3]. MFD is a radiation hard detector operating at high charged particle fluxes. RMS is used to monitor radiation load as well as relative luminosity of the LHCb experiment. The results obtained by the RMS during LHC operation in 2010-2011 are compared to the Monte-Carlo simulation.
[1] V. Pugatch et al., Ukr. J. Phys 54(4), 418 (2009).
[2] LHCb Collaboration, JINST S08005 (2008).
[3] V. Pugatch et al., LHCb Note 2007-062.
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WEPMU026 Protecting Detectors in ALICE detector, injection, experiment, controls 1122
  • M. Lechman, A. Augustinus, P.Ch. Chochula, G. De Cataldo, A. Di Mauro, L.S. Jirdén, A.N. Kurepin, P. Rosinský, H. Schindler
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • A. Moreno
    Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, E.T.S.I Industriales, Madrid, Spain
  • O. Pinazza
    INFN-Bologna, Bologna, Italy
  ALICE is one of the big LHC experiments at CERN in Geneva. It is composed of many sophisticated and complex detectors mounted very compactly around the beam pipe. Each detector is a unique masterpiece of design, engineering and construction and any damage to it could stop the experiment for months or even for years. It is therefore essential that the detectors are protected from any danger and this is one very important role of the Detector Control System (DCS). One of the main dangers for the detectors is the particle beam itself. Since the detectors are designed to be extremely sensitive to particles they are also vulnerable to any excess of beam conditions provided by the LHC accelerator. The beam protection consists of a combination of hardware interlocks and control software and this paper will describe how this is implemented and handled in ALICE. Tools have also been developed to support operators and shift leaders in the decision making related to beam safety. The gained experiences and conclusions from the individual safety projects are also presented.  
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WEPMU028 Development Status of Personnel Protection System for IFMIF/EVEDA Accelerator Prototype radiation, operation, controls, status 1126
  • T. Kojima, T. Narita, K. Nishiyama, H. Sakaki, H. Takahashi, K. Tsutsumi
    Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), International Fusion Energy Research Center (IFERC), Rokkasho, Kamikita, Aomori, Japan
  The Control System for IFMIF/EVEDA* accelerator prototype consists of six subsystems; Central Control System (CCS), Local Area Network (LAN), Personnel Protection System (PPS), Machine Protection System (MPS), Timing System (TS) and Local Control System (LCS). The IFMIF/EVEDA accelerator prototype provides deuteron beam with power greater than 1 MW, which is the same as that of J-PARC and SNS. The PPS is required to protect technical and engineering staff against unnecessary exposure, electrical shock hazard and the other danger phenomena. The PPS has two functions of building management and accelerator management. For both managements, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), monitoring cameras and limit switches and etc. are used for interlock system, and a sequence is programmed for entering and leaving of controlled area. This article presents the PPS design and the interface against each accelerator subsystems in details.
* International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility / Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activity
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WEPMU029 Assessment And Testing of Industrial Devices Robustness Against Cyber Security Attacks network, controls, framework, target 1130
  • F.M. Tilaro, B. Copy
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research),like any organization, needs to achieve the conflicting objectives of connecting its operational network to Internet while at the same time keeping its industrial control systems secure from external and internal cyber attacks. With this in mind, the ISA-99 [1] international cyber security standard has been adopted at CERN as a reference model to define a set of guidelines and security robustness criteria applicable to any network device. Devices robustness represents a key link in the defense-in-depth concept as some attacks will inevitably penetrate security boundaries and thus require further protection measures. When assessing the cyber security robustness of devices we have singled out control system-relevant attack patterns derived from the well-known CAPEC [2] classification. Once a vulnerability is identified, it needs to be documented, prioritized and reproduced at will in a dedicated test environment for debugging purposes. CERN - in collaboration with SIEMENS –has designed and implemented a dedicated working environment, the Test-bench for Robustness of Industrial Equipments [3] (“TRoIE”). Such tests attempt to detect possible anomalies by exploiting corrupt communication channels and manipulating the normal behavior of the communication protocols, in the same way as a cyber attacker would proceed. This document provides an inventory of security guidelines [4] relevant to the CERN industrial environment and describes how we have automated the collection and classification of identified vulnerabilities into a test-bench.
[3] F. Tilaro, "Test-bench for Robustness…", CERN, 2009
[4] B. Copy, F. Tilaro, "Standards based measurable security for embedded devices", ICALEPCS 2009
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WEPMU030 CERN Safety System Monitoring - SSM network, interface, database, controls 1134
  • T. Hakulinen, P. Ninin, F. Valentini
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • J. Gonzalez, C. Salatko-Petryszcze
    ASsystem, St Genis Pouilly, France
  CERN SSM (Safety System Monitoring) is a system for monitoring state-of-health of the various access and safety systems of the CERN site and accelerator infrastructure. The emphasis of SSM is on the needs of maintenance and system operation with the aim of providing an independent and reliable verification path of the basic operational parameters of each system. Included are all network-connected devices, such as PLCs, servers, panel displays, operator posts, etc. The basic monitoring engine of SSM is a freely available system monitoring framework Zabbix, on top of which a simplified traffic-light-type web-interface has been built. The web-interface of SSM is designed to be ultra-light to facilitate access from handheld devices over slow connections. The underlying Zabbix system offers history and notification mechanisms typical advanced monitoring systems.  
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WEPMU033 Monitoring Control Applications at CERN controls, operation, framework, software 1141
  • F. Varela, F.B. Bernard, M. Gonzalez-Berges, H. Milcent, L.B. Petrova
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The Industrial Controls and Engineering (EN-ICE) group of the Engineering Department at CERN has produced, and is responsible for the operation of around 60 applications, which control critical processes in the domains of cryogenics, quench protections systems, power interlocks for the Large Hadron Collider and other sub-systems of the accelerator complex. These applications require 24/7 operation and a quick reaction to problems. For this reason the EN-ICE is presently developing the monitoring tool to detect, anticipate and inform of possible anomalies in the integrity of the applications. The tool builds on top of Simatic WinCC Open Architecture (formerly PVSS) SCADA and makes usage of the Joint COntrols Project (JCOP) and UNICOS Frameworks developed at CERN. The tool provides centralized monitoring of the different elements integrating the controls systems like Windows and Linux servers, PLCs, applications, etc. Although the primary aim of the tool is to assist the members of the EN-ICE Standby Service, the tool may present different levels of details of the systems depending on the user, which enables experts to diagnose and troubleshoot problems. In this paper, the scope, functionality and architecture of the tool are presented and some initial results on its performance are summarized.  
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WEPMU035 Distributed Monitoring System Based on ICINGA network, distributed, database, experiment 1149
  • C. Haen, E. Bonaccorsi, N. Neufeld
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The basic services of the large IT infrastructure of the LHCb experiment are monitored with ICINGA, a fork of the industry standard monitoring software NAGIOS. The infrastructure includes thousands of servers and computers, storage devices, more than 200 network devices and many VLANS, databases, hundreds diskless nodes and many more. The amount of configuration files needed to control the whole installation is big, and there is a lot of duplication, when the monitoring infrastructure is distributed over several servers. In order to ease the manipulation of the configuration files, we designed a monitoring schema particularly adapted to our network and taking advantage of its specificities, and developed a tool to centralize its configuration in a database. Thanks to this tool, we could also parse all our previous configuration files, and thus fill in our Oracle database, that comes as a replacement of the previous Active Directory based solution. A web frontend allows non-expert users to easily add new entities to monitor. We present the schema of our monitoring infrastructure and the tool used to manage and automatically generate the configuration for ICINGA.  
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WEPMU036 Efficient Network Monitoring for Large Data Acquisition Systems network, interface, database, software 1153
  • D.O. Savu, B. Martin
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • A. Al-Shabibi
    Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany
  • S.M. Batraneanu, S.N. Stancu
    UCI, Irvine, California, USA
  • R. Sjoen
    University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
  Though constantly evolving and improving, the available network monitoring solutions have limitations when applied to the infrastructure of a high speed real-time data acquisition (DAQ) system. DAQ networks are particular computer networks where experts have to pay attention to both individual subsections as well as system wide traffic flows while monitoring the network. The ATLAS Network at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has more than 200 switches interconnecting 3500 hosts and totaling 8500 high speed links. The use of heterogeneous tools for monitoring various infrastructure parameters, in order to assure optimal DAQ system performance, proved to be a tedious and time consuming task for experts. To alleviate this problem we used our networking and DAQ expertise to build a flexible and scalable monitoring system providing an intuitive user interface with the same look and feel irrespective of the data provider that is used. Our system uses custom developed components for critical performance monitoring and seamlessly integrates complementary data from auxiliary tools, such as NAGIOS, information services or custom databases. A number of techniques (e.g. normalization, aggregation and data caching) were used in order to improve the user interface response time. The end result is a unified monitoring interface, for fast and uniform access to system statistics, which significantly reduced the time spent by experts for ad-hoc and post-mortem analysis.  
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THBHMUST02 Assessing Software Quality at Each Step of its Lifecycle to Enhance Reliability of Control Systems software, TANGO, controls, factory 1205
  • V.H. Hardion, G. Abeillé, A. Buteau, S. Lê, N. Leclercq, S. Pierre-Joseph Zéphir
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  A distributed software control system aims to enhance the evolutivity and reliability by sharing responsibility between several components. Disadvantage is that detection of problems is harder on a significant number of modules. In the Kaizen spirit, we choose to continuously invest in automatism to obtain a complete overview of software quality despite the growth of legacy code. The development process was already mastered by staging each lifecycle step thanks to a continuous integration server based on JENKINS and MAVEN. We enhanced this process focusing on 3 objectives : Automatic Test, Static Code Analysis and Post-Mortem Supervision. Now the build process automatically includes the test part to detect regression, wrong behavior and integration incompatibility. The in-house TANGOUNIT project satisfies the difficulties of testing the distributed components that Tango Devices are. Next step, the programming code has to pass a complete code quality check-up. SONAR quality server was integrated to the process, to collect each static code analysis and display the hot topics on synthetic web pages. Finally, the integration of Google BREAKPAD in every TANGO Devices gives us an essential statistic from crash reports and allows to replay the crash scenarii at any time. The gain already gives us more visibility on current developments. Some concrete results will be presented like reliability enhancement, better management of subcontracted software development, quicker adoption of coding standard by new developers and understanding of impacts when moving to a new technology.  
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FRBHAULT02 ATLAS Online Determination and Feedback of LHC Beam Parameters database, feedback, detector, experiment 1306
  • J.G. Cogan, R. Bartoldus, D.W. Miller, E. Strauss
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  The High Level Trigger of the ATLAS experiment relies on the precise knowledge of the position, size and orientation of the luminous region produced by the LHC. Moreover, these parameters change significantly even during a single data taking run. We present the challenges, solutions and results for the online luminous region (beam spot) determination, and its monitoring and feedback system in ATLAS. The massively parallel calculation is performed on the trigger farm, where individual processors execute a dedicated algorithm that reconstructs event vertices from the proton-proton collision tracks seen in the silicon trackers. Monitoring histograms from all the cores are sampled and aggregated across the farm every 60 seconds. We describe the process by which a standalone application fetches and fits these distributions, extracting the parameters in real time. When the difference between the nominal and measured beam spot values satisfies threshold conditions, the parameters are published to close the feedback loop. To achieve sharp time boundaries across the event stream that is triggered at rates of several kHz, a special datagram is injected into the event path via the Central Trigger Processor that signals the pending update to the trigger nodes. Finally, we describe the efficient near-simultaneous database access through a proxy fan-out tree, which allows thousands of nodes to fetch the same set of values in a fraction of a second.  
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FRBHMUST02 Towards High Performance Processing in Modern Java Based Control Systems controls, software, real-time, distributed 1322
  • M. Misiowiec, W. Buczak, M. Buttner
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  CERN controls software is often developed on Java foundation. Some systems carry out a combination of data, network and processor intensive tasks within strict time limits. Hence, there is a demand for high performing, quasi real time solutions. Extensive prototyping of the new CERN monitoring and alarm software required us to address such expectations. The system must handle dozens of thousands of data samples every second, along its three tiers, applying complex computations throughout. To accomplish the goal, a deep understanding of multithreading, memory management and interprocess communication was required. There are unexpected traps hidden behind an excessive use of 64 bit memory or severe impact on the processing flow of modern garbage collectors, including the state of the art Oracle GarbageFirst. Tuning JVM configuration significantly affects the execution of the code. Even more important is the amount of threads and the data structures used between them. Accurately dividing work into independent tasks might boost system performance. Thorough profiling with dedicated tools helped understand the bottlenecks and choose algorithmically optimal solutions. Different virtual machines were tested, in a variety of setups and garbage collection options. The overall work provided for discovering actual hard limits of the whole setup. We present this process of architecting a challenging system in view of the characteristics and limitations of the contemporary Java runtime environment.
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FRCAUST04 Status of the ASKAP Monitoring and Control System software, controls, EPICS, hardware 1349
  • J.C. Guzman
    CSIRO ATNF, NSW, Australia
  The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder, or ASKAP, is CSIRO’s new radio telescope currently under construction at the Murchison Radio astronomy Observatory (MRO) in Mid West region of Western Australia. As well as being a world-leading telescope in its own right, ASKAP will be an important testbed for the Square Kilometre Array, a future international radio telescope that will be the world’s largest and most sensitive. This paper gives a status update of the ASKAP project and provides a detailed look at the initial deployment of the monitoring and control system as well as major issues to be addressed in future software releases before the start of system commissioning later this year.  
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