Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOPKN012 | Hyperarchiver: An Epics Archiver Prototype Based on Hypertable | EPICS, controls, embedded, Linux | 114 |
This work started in the context of NSLS2 project at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The NSLS2 control system foresees a very high number of PV variables and has strict requirements in terms of archiving/retrieving rate: our goal was to store 10K PV/sec and retrieve 4K PV/sec for a group of 4 signals. The HyperArchiver is an EPICS Archiver implementation engined by Hypertable, an open source database whose internal architecture is derived from Google's Big Table. We discuss the performance of HyperArchiver and present the results of some comparative tests.
HyperArchiver: Epics: |
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Poster MOPKN012 [1.231 MB] | ||
MOPKN021 | Asynchronous Data Change Notification between Database Server and Accelerator Control Systems | database, controls, software, EPICS | 144 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Database data change notification (DCN) is a commonly used feature. Not all database management systems (DBMS) provide an explicit DCN mechanism. Even for those DBMS's which support DCN (such as Oracle and MS SQL server), some server side and/or client side programming may be required to make the DCN system work. This makes the setup of DCN between database server and interested clients tedious and time consuming. In accelerator control systems, there are many well established software client/server architectures (such as CDEV, EPICS, and ADO) that can be used to implement data reflection servers that transfer data asynchronously to any client using the standard SET/GET API. This paper describes a method for using such a data reflection server to set up asynchronous DCN (ADCN) between a DBMS and clients. This method works well for all DBMS systems which provide database trigger functionality. |
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Poster MOPKN021 [0.355 MB] | ||
MOPKN027 | BDNLS - BESSY Device Name Location Service | database, controls, EPICS, interface | 154 |
Initially the relational database (RDB) for control system configuration at BESSY has been built around the device concept [1]. Maintenance and consistency issues as well as complexity of scripts generating the configuration data, triggered the development of a novel, generic RDB structure based on hierarchies of named nodes with attribute/value pair [2]. Unfortunately it turned out that usability of this generic RDB structure for a comprehensive configuration management relies totally on sophisticated data maintenance tools. On this background BDNS, a new database management tool has been developed within the framework of the Eclipse Rich Client Platform. It uses the Model View Control (MVC) layer of Jface to cleanly dissect retrieval processes, data path, data visualization and actualization. It is based on extensible configurations described in XML allowing to chain SQL calls and compose profiles for various use cases. It solves the problem of data key forwarding to the subsequent SQL statement. BDNS and its potential to map various levels of complexity into the XML configurations allows to provide easy usable, tailored database access to the configuration maintainers for the different underlying database structures. Based on Eclipse the integration of BDNS into Control System Studio is straight forward.
[1] T. Birke Relational Database for Controls Configuration Management, IADBG Workshop 2001, San Jose. [2] T. Birke Beyond Devices - An improved RDB Data-Model for Configuration Management, ICALEPCS 2005, Geneva |
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Poster MOPKN027 [0.210 MB] | ||
MOPKS003 | High Resolution Ion Beam Profile Measurement System | ion, LabView, ion-source, detector | 164 |
A high resolution system designed for measuring the ion beam profile in the ion implanter installed at the Ion Beam Laboratory of the Technological Nuclear Institute (ITN) is described. Low energy, high current ion implantation is becoming increasingly important in todays technology. In order to achieve this, the use of electrostatic lens to decelerate a focused ion beam is essential, but one needs to measure, with high resolution, the 2D beam profile. Traditional beam profile monitors using a matrix of detectors, like Faraday Cups, were used. They are, in essence, discrete systems since they only measure the beam intensity in fixed positions. In order to increase the resolution further, a new system was developed that does a continuous measurement of the profile, made of a circular aluminum disc with a curved slit which extends approximately from the center of the disc to its periphery. The disc is attached to the ion implanter target, which is capable of rotating on its axis. A cooper wire, positioned behind the slit, works like a Faraday Cup and the current generated, proportional to the beam intensity, is measured. As the ion implanter is capable of scanning the beam over the target, the combination of vertical beam scanning with aluminum disc rotation allows the beam profile to be measured continuously in two dimensions. Hence, the developed system including the computer controlled positioning of the beam over the moving curved slit, the data acquisition and the beam profile representation, is described. | |||
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Poster MOPKS003 [0.744 MB] | ||
MOPMS008 | Control of the SARAF High Intensity CW Protron Beam Target Systems | controls, experiment, proton, vacuum | 336 |
The first beam line addition to the SARAF facility was completed in phase I. two experiments are planned in this new beam line, the Liquid Lithium target and the Foils target. For those we are currently building hardware and software for their control systems. The Liquid Lithium target is planned to be a powerful neutron source for the accelerator, based on the proton beam of the SARAF phase I. The concept of this target is based on a liquid lithium that spins and produces neutron by the reaction Li7(p,n)Be7. This target was successfully tested in the laboratory and is intended to be integrated into the accelerator beam line and the control system this year. The Foils Target is planned for a radiation experiment designed to examine the problem of radiation damage to metallic foils. To accomplish this we have built a radiation system that enables us to test the foils. The control system includes varied diagnostic elements, vacuum, motor control, temp etc, for the two targets mentioned above. These systems were built to be modular, so that in the future new targets can be quickly and simply inserted. This article will describe the different control systems for the two targets as well as the design methodology used to achieve a reliable and reusable control on those targets. | |||
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Poster MOPMS008 [1.391 MB] | ||
TUDAUST05 | The Laser MegaJoule Facility: Control System Status Report | controls, laser, software, experiment | 600 |
The French Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA) is currently building the Laser MegaJoule (LMJ), a 176-beam laser facility, at the CEA Laboratory CESTA near Bordeaux. It is designed to deliver about 1.4 MJ of energy to targets for high energy density physics experiments, including fusion experiments. LMJ technological choices were validated with the LIL, a scale 1 prototype of one LMJ bundle. The construction of the LMJ building itself is now achieved and the assembly of laser components is on-going. A Petawatt laser line is also being installed in the building. The presentation gives an overview of the general control system architecture, and focuses on the hardware platform being installed on the LMJ, in the aim of hosting the different software applications for system supervisory and sub-system controls. This platform is based on the use of virtualization techniques that were used to develop a high availability optimized hardware platform, with a high operating flexibility, including power consumption and cooling considerations. This platform is spread over 2 sites, the LMJ itself of course, but also on the software integration platform built outside LMJ, and intended to provide system integration of various software control system components of the LMJ. | |||
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Slides TUDAUST05 [9.215 MB] | ||
WEAAULT02 | Model Oriented Application Generation for Industrial Control Systems | controls, software, framework, factory | 610 |
The CERN Unified Industrial Control Systems framework (UNICOS) is a software generation methodology that standardizes the design of slow process control applications [1]. A Software Factory, named the UNICOS Application Builder (UAB) [2], was introduced to provide a stable metamodel, a set of platform-independent models and platform-specific configurations against which code and configuration generation plugins can be written. Such plugins currently target PLC programming environments (Schneider UNITY and SIEMENS Step7 PLCs) as well as SIEMENS WinCC Open Architecture SCADA (previously known as ETM PVSS) but are being expanded to cover more and more aspects of process control systems. We present what constitutes the UAB metamodel and the models in use, how these models can be used to capture knowledge about industrial control systems and how this knowledge can be leveraged to generate both code and configuration for a variety of target usages.
[1] H. Milcent et al, "UNICOS: AN OPEN FRAMEWORK", ICALEPCS2009, Kobe, Japan, (THD003) [2] M. Dutour, "Software factory techniques applied to Process Control at CERN", ICALEPCS 2007, Knoxville Tennessee, USA |
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Slides WEAAULT02 [1.757 MB] | ||
WEAAULT03 | A Platform Independent Framework for Statecharts Code Generation | software, controls, framework, CORBA | 614 |
Control systems for telescopes and their instruments are reactive systems very well suited to be modeled using Statecharts formalism. The World Wide Web Consortium is working on a new standard called SCXML that specifies an XML notation to describe Statecharts and provides a well defined operational semantic for run-time interpretation of the SCXML models. This paper presents a generic application framework for reactive non real-time systems based on interpreted Statecharts. The framework consists of a model to text transformation tool and an SCXML interpreter. The tool generates from UML state machine models the SCXML representation of the state machines and the application skeletons for the supported software platforms. An abstraction layer propagates the events from the middleware to the SCXML interpreter facilitating the support of different software platforms. This project benefits from the positive experience gained in several years of development of coordination and monitoring applications for the telescope control software domain using Model Driven Development technologies. | |||
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Slides WEAAULT03 [2.179 MB] | ||
WEMAU002 | Coordinating Simultaneous Instruments at the Advanced Technology Solar Telescope | controls, experiment, software, interface | 654 |
A key component of the Advanced Technology Solar Telescope control system design is the efficient support of multiple instruments sharing the light path provided by the telescope. The set of active instruments varies with each experiment and possibly with each observation within an experiment. The flow of control for a typical experiment is traced through the control system to preset the main aspects of the design that facilitate this behavior. Special attention is paid to the role of ATST's Common Services Framework in assisting the coordination of instruments with each other and with the telescope. | |||
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Slides WEMAU002 [0.251 MB] | ||
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Poster WEMAU002 [0.438 MB] | ||
WEPKN027 | The Performance Test of F3RP61 and Its Applications in CSNS Experimental Control System | controls, EPICS, Linux, embedded | 763 |
F3RP61 is an embedded PLC developed by Yokogawa, Japan. It is based on PowerPC 8347 platform. Linux and EPICS can run on it. We do some tests on this device, including CPU performance, network performance, CA access time and scan time stability of EPICS. We also compare E3RP61 with MVME5100, which is most used IOC in BEPCII. After the tests and comparison, the performance and ability of F3RP61 is clear. It can be used in Experiment Control System of CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) as communication nodes between front control layer and Epics layer. And in some cases, F3RP61 also has the ability to exert more functions such as control tasks. | |||
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Poster WEPKN027 [0.200 MB] | ||
WEPKS023 | Further Developments in Generating Type-Safe Messaging | software, status, controls, network | 836 |
Funding: Operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the United States Department of Energy. At ICALEPCS '09, we introduced a source code generator that allows processes to communicate safely using native data types. In this paper, we discuss further development that has occurred since the conference in Kobe, Japan, including adding three more client languages, an optimization in network packet size and the addition of a new protocol data type. |
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Poster WEPKS023 [3.219 MB] | ||
WEPKS026 | A C/C++ Build System Based on Maven for the LHC Controls System | controls, Linux, pick-up, framework | 848 |
The CERN accelerator controls system, mainly written in Java and C/C++, consists nowadays of 50 projects and 150 active developers. The controls group has decided to unify the development process and standards (e.g. project layout) using Apache Maven and Sonatype Nexus. Maven is the de-facto build tool for Java, it deals with versioning and dependency management, whereas Nexus is a repository manager. C/C++ developers were struggling to keep their dependencies on other CERN projects, as no versioning was applied, the libraries have to be compiled and available for several platforms and architectures, and finally there was no dependency management mechanism. This results in very complex Makefiles which were difficult to maintain. Even if Maven is primarily designed for Java, a plugin (Maven NAR [1]) adapts the build process for native programming languages for different operating systems and platforms. However C/C++ developers were not keen to abandon their current Makefiles. Hence our approach was to combine the best of the two worlds: NAR/Nexus and Makefiles. Maven NAR manages the dependencies, the versioning and creates a file with the linker and compiler options to include the dependencies. The Makefiles carry the build process to generate the binaries. Finally the resulting artifacts (binaries, header files, metadata) are versioned and stored in a central Nexus repository. Early experiments were conducted in the scope of the controls group's Testbed. Some existing projects have been successfully converted to this solution and some starting projects use this implementation.
[1] |
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Poster WEPKS026 [0.518 MB] | ||
WEPMN001 | Experience in Using Linux Based Embedded Controllers with EPICS Environment for the Beam Transport in SPES Off–Line Target Prototype | EPICS, controls, software, database | 875 |
EPICS [1] was chosen as general framework to develop the control system of SPES facility under construction at LNL [2]. We report some experience in using some commercial devices based on Debian Linux to control the electrostatic deflectors installed on the beam line at the output of target chamber. We discuss this solution and compare it to other IOC implementations in use in the Target control system.
[1] [2] * M.Montis, MS thesis: |
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Poster WEPMN001 [1.036 MB] | ||
WEPMN020 | New Developments on Tore Supra Data Acquisition Units | Linux, real-time, data-acquisition, controls | 922 |
Tore Supra data acquisition system (DAS) was designed in the early 1980s and has considerably evolved since then. Three generations of data acquisition units still coexist: Multibus, VME, and PCI bus system. The second generation, VME bus system, running LynxOS real-time operating system (OS) is diskless. The third generation, PCI bus system, allows to perform extensive data acquisition for infrared and visible video cameras that produce large amounts of data to handle. Nevertheless, this third generation was up to now provided with an hard drive and a non real-time operating system Microsoft Windows. Diskless system is a better solution for reliability and maintainability as they share common resources like kernel and file system. Moreover, open source real-time OS is now available which provide free and convenient solutions for DAS. As a result, it was decided to explore an alternative solution based on an open source OS with a diskless system for the fourth generation. In 2010, Linux distributions for VME bus and PCI bus systems have been evaluated and compared to LynxOS. Currently, Linux OS is fairly mature to be used on DAS with pre-emptive and real time features on Motorola PowerPC, x86 and x86 multi-core architecture. The results allowed to choose a Linux version for VME and PC platform for DAS on Tore Supra. In 2011, the Tore Supra DAS dedicated software was ported on a Linux diskless PCI platform. The new generation was successfully tested during real plasma experiment on one diagnostic. The new diagnostics for Tore Supra will be developed with this new set up. | |||
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Poster WEPMN020 [0.399 MB] | ||
WEPMU017 | Safety Control System and its Interface to EPICS for the Off-Line Front-End of the SPES Project | controls, EPICS, status, interface | 1093 |
The SPES off-line front-end apparatus involves a number of subsystems and procedures that are potentially dangerous both for human operators and for the equipments. The high voltage power supply, the ion source complex power supplies, the target chamber handling systems and the laser source are some example of these subsystems. For that reason, a safety control system has been developed. It is based on Schneider Electrics Preventa family safety modules that control the power supply of critical subsystems in combination with safety detectors that monitor critical variables. A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), model BMXP342020 from the Schneider Electrics Modicon M340 family, is used for monitoring the status of the system as well as controlling the sequence of some operations in automatic way. A touch screen, model XBTGT5330 from the Schneider Electrics Magelis family, is used as Human Machine Interface (HMI) and communicates with the PLC using MODBUS-TCP. Additionally, an interface to the EPICS control network was developed using a home-made MODBUS-TCP EPICS driver in order to integrate it to the control system of the Front End as well as present the status of the system to the users on the main control panel. | |||
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Poster WEPMU017 [2.847 MB] | ||
WEPMU029 | Assessment And Testing of Industrial Devices Robustness Against Cyber Security Attacks | network, controls, framework, monitoring | 1130 |
CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research),like any organization, needs to achieve the conflicting objectives of connecting its operational network to Internet while at the same time keeping its industrial control systems secure from external and internal cyber attacks. With this in mind, the ISA-99 [1] international cyber security standard has been adopted at CERN as a reference model to define a set of guidelines and security robustness criteria applicable to any network device. Devices robustness represents a key link in the defense-in-depth concept as some attacks will inevitably penetrate security boundaries and thus require further protection measures. When assessing the cyber security robustness of devices we have singled out control system-relevant attack patterns derived from the well-known CAPEC [2] classification. Once a vulnerability is identified, it needs to be documented, prioritized and reproduced at will in a dedicated test environment for debugging purposes. CERN - in collaboration with SIEMENS has designed and implemented a dedicated working environment, the Test-bench for Robustness of Industrial Equipments [3] (“TRoIE”). Such tests attempt to detect possible anomalies by exploiting corrupt communication channels and manipulating the normal behavior of the communication protocols, in the same way as a cyber attacker would proceed. This document provides an inventory of security guidelines [4] relevant to the CERN industrial environment and describes how we have automated the collection and classification of identified vulnerabilities into a test-bench.
[1] [2] [3] F. Tilaro, "Test-bench for Robustness…", CERN, 2009 [4] B. Copy, F. Tilaro, "Standards based measurable security for embedded devices", ICALEPCS 2009 |
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Poster WEPMU029 [3.152 MB] | ||
THCHAUST04 | Management of Experiments and Data at the National Ignition Facility | laser, controls, experiment, diagnostics | 1224 |
Funding: This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. Experiments, or "shots", conducted at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) are discrete events that occur over a very short time frame (tens of ns) separated by hours. Each shot is part of a larger campaign of shots to advance scientific understanding in high-energy-density physics. In one campaign, energy from the 192-beam, 1.8-Megajoule pulsed laser in NIF will be used to implode a hydrogen-filled target to demonstrate controlled fusion. Each shot generates gigabytes of data from over 30 diagnostics that measure optical, x-ray, and nuclear phenomena from the imploding target. Because of the low duty cycle of shots, and the thousands of adjustments for each shot (target type, composition, shape; laser beams used, their power profiles, pointing; diagnostic systems used, their configuration, calibration, settings) it is imperative that we accurately define all equipment prior to the shot. Following the shot, and the data acquisition by the automatic control system, it is equally imperative that we archive, analyze and visualize the results within the required 30 minutes post-shot. Results must be securely stored, approved, web-visible and downloadable in order to facilitate subsequent publication. To-date NIF has successfully fired over 2,500 system shots, and thousands of test firings and dry-runs. We will present an overview of the highly-flexible and scalable campaign setup and management systems that control all aspects of the experimental NIF shot-cycle, from configuration of drive lasers all the way through presentation of analyzed results. LLNL-CONF-476112 |
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Slides THCHAUST04 [5.650 MB] | ||
THCHMUST01 | Control System for Cryogenic THD Layering at the National Ignition Facility | cryogenics, controls, hardware, laser | 1236 |
Funding: This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is the world largest and most energetic laser system for Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF). In 2010, NIF began ignition experiments using cryogenically cooled targets containing layers of the tritium-hydrogen-deuterium (THD) fuel. The 75 μm thick layer is formed inside of the 2 mm target capsule at temperatures of approximately 18 K. The ICF target designs require sub-micron smoothness of the THD ice layers. Formation of such layers is still an active research area, requiring a flexible control system capable of executing the evolving layering protocols. This task is performed by the Cryogenic Target Subsystem (CTS) of the NIF Integrated Computer Control System (ICCS). The CTS provides cryogenic temperature control with the 1 mK resolution required for beta layering and for the thermal gradient fill of the capsule. The CTS also includes a 3-axis x-ray radiography engine for phase contrast imaging of the ice layers inside of the plastic and beryllium capsules. In addition to automatic control engines, CTS is integrated with the Matlab interactive programming environment to allow flexibility in experimental layering protocols. The CTS Layering Matlab Toolbox provides the tools for layer image analysis, system characterization and cryogenic control. The CTS Layering Report tool generates qualification metrics of the layers, such as concentricity of the layer and roughness of the growth boundary grooves. The CTS activities are automatically coordinated with other NIF controls in the carefully orchestrated NIF Shot Sequence. LLNL-CONF-477418 |
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Slides THCHMUST01 [8.058 MB] | ||
THCHMUST03 | A New Fast Data Logger and Viewer at Diamond: the FA Archiver | network, FPGA, feedback, electron | 1244 |
At the Diamond Light Source position data from 168 Electron Beam Position Monitors (BPMs) and some X-Ray BPMs is distributed over the Fast Acquisition communications network at an update rate of 10kHz; the total aggregate data rate is around 15MB/s. The data logger described here (the FA Archiver) captures this entire data stream to disk in real time, re-broadcasts selected subsets of the live stream to interested clients, and allows rapid access to any part of the saved data. The archive is saved into a rolling buffer allowing retrieval of detailed beam position data from any time in the last four days. A simple socket-based interface to the FA Archiver allows easy access to both the stored and live data from a variety of clients. Clients include a graphical viewer for visualising the motion or spectrum of a single BPM in real time, a command line tool for retrieving any part of the stored data by time of day, and Matlab scripts for exploring the dataset, helped by the storage of decimated minimum, maximum, and mean data. | |||
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Slides THCHMUST03 [0.482 MB] | ||