Keyword: device-server
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MOPKS014 Architecture and Control of the Fast Orbit Correction for the ESRF Storage Ring network, FPGA, storage-ring, controls 189
  • F. Epaud, J.M. Koch, E. Plouviez
    ESRF, Grenoble, France
  Two years ago, the electronics of all the 224 Beam Position Monitors (BPM) of the ESRF Storage Ring were replaced by the commercial Libera Brilliance units to drastically improve the speed and position resolution of the Orbit measurement. Also, at the start of this year, all the 96 power supplies that drive the Orbit steerers have been replaced by new units that now cover a full DC-AC range up to 200Hz. We are now working on the replacement of the previous Fast Orbit Correction system. This new architecture will also use the 224 Libera Brilliance units and in particular the 10 KHz optical links handled by the Diamond Communication Controller (DCC) which has now been integrated within the Libera FPGA as a standard option. The 224 Liberas are connected together with the optical links to form a redundant network where the data are broadcast and are received by all nodes within 40 μS. The 4 corrections stations will be based on FPGA cards (2 per station) also connected to the FOFB network as additional nodes and using the same DCC firmware on one side and are connected to the steerers power supplies using RS485 electronics standard on the other side. Finally two extra nodes have been added to collect data for diagnostics and to give BPMs positions to the beamlines at high rate. This paper will present the network architecture and the control software to operate this new equipment.  
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MOPKS028 Using TANGO for Controlling a Microfluidic System with Automatic Image Analysis and Droplet Detection TANGO, controls, software, interface 223
  • O. Taché, F. Malloggi
    CEA/DSM/IRAMIS/SIS2M, Gif sur Yvette, France
  Microfluidics allows one to manipulate small quantities of fluids, using channel dimensions of several micrometers. At CEA / LIONS, microfluidic chips are used to produce calibrated complex microdrops. This technique requires only a small volume of chemicals, but requires the use a number of accurate electronic equipment such as motorized syringes, valve and pressure sensors, video cameras with fast frame rate, coupled to microscopes. We use the TANGO control system for all heterogeneous equipment in microfluidics experiments and video acquisition. We have developed a set of tools that allow us to perform the image acquisition, allows shape detection of droplets, whose size, number, and speed can be determined, almost in real time. Using TANGO, we are able to provide feedback to actuators, in order to adjust the microfabrication parameters and time droplet formation.  
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MOPMU023 The MRF Timing System. The Complete Control Software Integration in Tango. timing, TANGO, GUI, controls 483
  • J. Moldes, D.B. Beltrán, D.F.C. Fernández-Carreiras, J.J. Jamroz, J. Klora, O. Matilla, R. Suñé
    CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  The deployment of the Timing system based on the MRF hardware has been a important part of the control system. Hundreds of elements are integrated in the scheme, which provides synchronization signals and interlocks, transmitted in the microsecond range and distributed all around the installation. It has influenced several hardware choices and has been largely improved to support interlock events. The operation of the timing system requires a complex setup of all elements. A complete solution has been developed including libraries and stand alone Graphical User Interfaces. Therefore this set of tools is of a great added value, even increased if using Tango, since most high level applications and GUIs are based on Tango Servers. A complete software solution for managing the events, and interlocks of a large installation is presented.  
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TUAAULT02 Tango Collaboration and Kernel Status TANGO, controls, CORBA, software 533
  • E.T. Taurel
    ESRF, Grenoble, France
  This paper is divided in two parts. The first part summarises the main changes done within the Tango collaboration since the last Icalepcs conference. This will cover technical evolutions but also the new way our collaboration is managed. The second part will focus on the evolution of the so-called Tango event system (asynchronous communication between client and server). Since its beginning, within Tango, this type of communication is implemented using a CORBA notification service implementation called omniNotify. This system is currently re-written using zeromq as transport layer. Reasons of the zeromq choice will be detailed. A first feedback of the new implementation will be given.  
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TUDAUST04 Status of the Control System for the European XFEL controls, hardware, distributed, feedback 597
  • K. Rehlich
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  DESY is currently building a new 3.4 km-long X-ray free electron laser facility. Commissioning is planned in 2014. The facility will deliver ultra short light pulses with a peak power up to 100 GW and a wavelength down to 0.1 nm. About 200 distributed electronic crates will be used to control the facility. A major fraction of the controls will be installed inside the accelerator tunnel. MicroTCA was chosen as an adequate standard with state-of-the-art connectivity and performance including remote management. The FEL will produce up to 27000 bunches per second. Data acquisition and controls have to provide bunch-synchronous operation within the whole distributed system. Feedbacks implemented in FPGAs and on service tier processes will implement the required stability and automation of the FEL. This paper describes the progress in the development of the new hardware as well as the software architecture. Parts of the control system are currently implemented in the much smaller FLASH FEL facility.  
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WEPKN002 Tango Control System Management Tool controls, status, TANGO, database 713
  • P.V. Verdier, F. Poncet, J.L. Pons
    ESRF, Grenoble, France
  • N. Leclercq
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  Tango is an object oriented control system toolkit based on CORBA initially developed at the ESRF. It is now also developed and used by Soleil, Elettra, Alba, Desy, MAX Lab, FRM II and some other labs. Tango concept is a full distributed control system. That means that several processes (called servers) are running on many different hosts. Each server manages one or several Tango classes. Each class could have one or several instances. This poster will show existing tools to configure, survey and manage a very large number of Tango components.  
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WEPKS022 Mango: an Online GUI Development Tool for the Tango Control System TANGO, controls, GUI, interface 833
  • G. Strangolino, C. Scafuri
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Italy
  Mango is an online tool based on QTango that allows easy development of graphical panels ready to run without need to be compiled. Developing with Mango is easy and fast because widgets are dragged from a widget catalogue and dropped into the Mango container. Widgets are then connected to the control system variables by choosing them from a Tango device list or by dragging them from any other running application built with the QTango library. Mango has also been successfully used during the FERMI@Elettra commissioning both by machine physicists and technicians.  
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WEPKS030 A General Device Driver Simulator to Help Compare Real Time Control Systems EPICS, TANGO, software, controls 863
  • M.S. Mohan
    EGO, Pisa, Italy
  Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition systems (SCADA) such as Epics, Tango and Tine usually provide small example device driver programs for testing or to help users get started, however they differ between systems making it hard to compare the SCADA. To address this, a small simulator driver was created which emulates signals and errors similar to those received from a hardware device. The simulator driver can return from one to four signals: a ramp signal, a large alarm ramp signal, an error signal and a timeout. The different signals or errors are selected using the associated software device number. The simulator driver performs similar functions to Epic’s clockApp [1], Tango’s TangoTest and the Tine’s sinegenerator but the signals are independent of the SCADA. A command line application, an Epics server (IOC), a Tango device server, and a Tine server (FEC) were created and linked with the simulator driver. In each case the software device numbers were equated to a dummy device. Using the servers it was possible to compare how each SCADA behaved against the same repeatable signals. In addition to comparing and testing the SCADA the finished servers proved useful as templates for real hardware device drivers.
[1] F.Furukawa, "Very Simple Example of EPICS Device Suport",
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