Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOBAUST05 | Control System Achievement at KEKB and Upgrade Design for SuperKEKB | controls, EPICS, software, operation | 17 |
SuperKEKB electron-positron asymmetric collider is being constructed after a decade of successful operation at KEKB for B physics research. KEKB completed all of the technical milestones, and had offered important insights into the flavor structure of elementary particles, especially the CP violation. The combination of scripting languages at the operation layer and EPICS at the equipment layer had led the control system to successful performance. The new control system in SuperKEKB will continue to employ those major features of KEKB, with additional technologies for the reliability and flexibility. The major structure will be maintained especially the online linkage to the simulation code and slow controls. However, as the design luminosity is 40-times higher than that of KEKB, several orders of magnitude higher performance will be required at certain area. At the same time more controllers with embedded technology will be installed to meet the limited resources. | |||
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Slides MOBAUST05 [2.781 MB] | ||
MOPKN013 | Image Acquisition and Analysis for Beam Diagnostics Applications of the Taiwan Photon Source | EPICS, GUI, controls, software | 117 |
Design and implementation of image acquisition and analysis is in proceeding for the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) diagnostic applications. The optical system contains screen, lens, and lighting system. A CCD camera with Gigabit Ethernet interface (GigE Vision) will be a standard image acquisition device. Image acquisition will be done on EPICS IOC via PV channel and analysis the properties by using Matlab tool to evaluate the beam profile (σ), beam size position and tilt angle et al. The EPICS IOC integrated with Matlab as a data processing system is not only could be used in image analysis but also in many types of equipment data processing applications. Progress of the project will be summarized in this report. | |||
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Poster MOPKN013 [0.816 MB] | ||
MOPMN002 | Integration of the Moment-Based Beam-Dynamics Simulation Tool V-Code into the S-DALINAC Control System | simulation, recirculation, interface, quadrupole | 235 |
Funding: This work is supported by DFG through SFB 634. Within accelerator control systems fast and accurate beam dynamics simulation programs can advantageously assist the operators to get a more detailed insight into the actual machine status. The V-Code simulation tool implemented at TEMF is a fast tracking code based on the Vlasov equation. Instead of directly solving this partial differential equation the considered particle distribution function is represented by a discrete set of characteristic moments. The accuracy of this approach is adjustable with the help of the considered order of moments and by representing the particle distribution through multiple sets of moments in a multi-ensemble environment. In this contribution an overview of the numerical model is presented together with implemented features for its dedicated integration into the control system of the Superconducting Linear Accelerator S-DALINAC. |
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Poster MOPMN002 [0.901 MB] | ||
MOPMS010 | LANSCE Control System Front-End and Infrastructure Hardware Upgrades | controls, network, EPICS, hardware | 343 |
Funding: This work has benefited from the use of LANSCE at LANL. This facility is funded by the US DoE and operated by Los Alamos National Security for NSSA, Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396. LA-UR-11-10228 The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) linear accelerator drives user facilities for isotope production, proton radiography, ultra-cold neutrons, weapons neutron research and various sciences using neutron scattering. The LANSCE Control System (LCS), which is in part 30 years old, provides control and data monitoring for most devices in the linac and for some of its associated experimental-area beam lines. In Fiscal Year 2011, the control system went through an upgrade process that affected different areas of the LCS. We improved our network infrastructure and we converted part of our front-end control system hardware to Allen Bradley ControlsLogix 5000 and National Instruments Compact RIO programmable automation controller (PAC). In this paper, we will discuss what we have done, what we have learned about upgrading the existing control system, and how this will affect our future planes. |
MOPMS014 | GSI Operation Software: Migration from OpenVMS to Linux | software, Linux, operation, controls | 351 |
The current operation software at GSI controlling the linac, beam transfer lines, synchrotron and storage ring, has been developed over a period of more than two decades using OpenVMS now on Alpha-Workstations. The GSI accelerator facilities will serve as a injector chain for the new FAIR accelerator complex for which a control system is currently developed. To enable reuse and integration of parts of the distributed GSI software system, in particular the linac operation software, within the FAIR control system, the corresponding software components must be migrated to Linux. The interoperability with FAIR controls applications is achieved by adding a generic middleware interface accessible from Java applications. For porting applications to Linux a set of libraries and tools has been developed covering the necessary OpenVMS system functionality. Currently, core applications and services are already ported or rewritten and functionally tested but not in operational usage. This paper presents the current status of the project and concepts for putting the migrated software into operation. | |||
MOPMS026 | J-PARC Control toward Future Reliable Operation | controls, EPICS, operation, GUI | 378 |
J-PARC accelerator complex comprises Linac, 3-GeV RCS (Rapid Cycle Synchrotron), and 30-GeV MR (Main Ring). The J-PARC is a joint project between JAEA and KEK. Two control systems, one for Linac and RCS and another for MR, were developed by two institutes. Both control systems use the EPICS toolkit, thus, inter-operation between two systems is possible. After the first beam in November, 2006, beam commissioning and operation have been successful. However, operation experience shows that two control systems often make operators distressed: for example, different GUI look-and-feels, separated alarm screens, independent archive systems, and so on. Considering demands of further power upgrade and longer beam delivery, we need something new, which is easy to understand for operators. It is essential to improve reliability of operation. We, two control groups, started to discuss future directions of our control systems. Ideas to develop common GUI screens of status and alarms, and to develop interfaces to connect archive systems to each other, are discussed. Progress will be reported. | |||
MOPMS029 | The BPM DAQ System Upgrade for SuperKEKB Injector Linac | emittance, electron, positron, controls | 389 |
The KEK injector linac provides beams with four different rings: a KEKB high-energy ring (HER; 8 GeV/electron), a KEKB low-energy ring (LER; 3.5 GeV/positron), a Photon Factory ring (PF; 2.5 GeV/electron), and an Advanced Ring for Pulse X-rays (PF-AR; 3 GeV/electron). For the three rings except PF-AR, the simultaneous top-up injection has been completed since April 2009. In the simultaneous top-up operation, the common DC magnet settings are utilized for the beams with different energies and amount of charges, whereas the different optimized settings of RF timing and phase are applied to each beam acceleration by using a fast low-level RF (LLRF) phase and trigger delay control up to 50 Hz. The non-destructive beam position monitor (BPM) is an indispensable diagnostic tool for the stable beam operation. In the KEK Linac, approximately nineteen BPMs with the strip-line type electrodes are used for the beam orbit measurement and feedback. In addition, some of them are also used for the beam energy feedback loops. The current DAQ system consists of the digital oscilloscopes (Tektronix DPO7104, 10 GSa/s). A signal from each electrode is analyzed with a predetermined response function up to 50 Hz. The beam position resolution of the current system is limited to about 0.1 mm because of ADC resolution. For the SuperKEKB project, we have a plan to upgrade the BPM DAQ system since the Linac should provide the smaller emittance beam. We will report on the system description of the new DAQ system and the results of performance test in detail. | |||
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Poster MOPMS029 [3.981 MB] | ||
MOPMU008 | Solaris Project Status and Challenges | controls, network, TANGO, operation | 439 |
Funding: Work supported by the European Regional Development Fund within the frame of the Innovative Economy Operational Program: POIG.02.01.00-12-213/09 The Polish synchrotron radiation facility, Solaris, is being built in Krakow. The project is strongly linked to the MAX-IV project and the 1.5 GeV storage ring. A overview will be given of activities and of the control system and will outline the similarities and differences between the two machines. |
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Poster MOPMU008 [11.197 MB] | ||
MOPMU014 | Development of Distributed Data Acquisition and Control System for Radioactive Ion Beam Facility at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata. | controls, interface, embedded, status | 458 |
To facilitate frontline nuclear physics research, an ISOL (Isotope Separator On Line) type Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facility is being constructed at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC), Kolkata. The RIB facility at VECC consists of various subsystems like ECR Ion source, RFQ, Rebunchers, LINACs etc. that produce and accelerate the energetic beam of radioactive isotopes required for different experiments. The Distributed Data Acquisition and Control System (DDACS) is intended to monitor and control large number of parameters associated with different sub systems from a centralized location to do the complete operation of beam generation and beam tuning in a user friendly manner. The DDACS has been designed based on a 3-layer architecture namely Equipment interface layer, Supervisory layer and Operator interface layer. The Equipment interface layer consists of different Equipment Interface Modules (EIMs) which are designed around ARM processor and connected to different equipment through various interfaces such as RS-232, RS-485 etc. The Supervisory layer consists of VIA-processor based Embedded Controller (EC) with embedded XP operating system. This embedded controller, interfaced with EIMs through fiber optic cable, acquires and analyses the data from different EIMs. Operator interface layer consists mainly of PCs/Workstations working as operator consoles. The data acquired and analysed by the EC can be displayed at the operator console and the operator can centrally supervise and control the whole facility. | |||
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Poster MOPMU014 [2.291 MB] | ||
MOPMU017 | TRIUMF's ARIEL Project | controls, ISAC, EPICS, interface | 465 |
The Advanced Rare IsotopE Laboratory (ARIEL) will expand TRIUMF's capabilities in rare-isotope beam physics by doubling the size of the current ISAC facility. Two simultaneous radioactive beams will be available in addition to the present ISAC beam. ARIEL will consist of a 50 MeV, 10 mA CW superconducting electron linear accelerator (E-Linac), an additional proton beam-line from the 520MeV cyclotron, two new target stations, a beam-line connecting to the existing ISAC superconducting linac, and a beam-line to the ISAC low-energy experimental facility. Construction will begin in 2012 with commissioning to start in 2014. The ARIEL Control System will be implemented using EPICS allowing seamless integration with the EPICS based ISAC Control System. The ARIEL control system conceptual design will be discussed. | |||
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Poster MOPMU017 [1.232 MB] | ||
MOPMU036 | Upgrade of the CLS Accelerator Control and Instrumentation Systems | booster, controls, feedback, EPICS | 518 |
The Canadian Light Source is undertaking a major upgrade to it's accelerator system in preparation for the eventual migration to top-up and to meet the increasing demanding needs of it's synchrotron user community. These upgrades on the Linac include the development of software for new modulators, RF sections, power supplies and current monitors. On the booster ring the upgrades include the development of new improved BPM instrumentation and improved diagnostics on the extracted beam. For the storage ring these upgrades include fast orbit correct, instrumentation for use by the safety systems and a new transverse feedback system. | |||
TUCAUST04 | Changing Horses Mid-stream: Upgrading the LCLS Control System During Production Operations | controls, EPICS, interface, software | 574 |
The control system for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) began as a combination of new and legacy systems. When the LCLS began operating, the bulk of the facility was newly constructed, including a new control system using the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) framework. The Linear Accelerator (LINAC) portion of the LCLS was repurposed for use by the LCLS and was controlled by the legacy system, which was built nearly 30 years ago. This system uses CAMAC, distributed 80386 microprocessors, and a central Alpha 6600 computer running the VMS operating system. This legacy control system has been successfully upgraded to EPICS during LCLS production operations while maintaining the 95% uptime required by the LCLS users. The successful transition was made possible by thorough testing in sections of the LINAC which were not in use by the LCLS. Additionally, a system was implemented to switch control of a LINAC section between new and legacy control systems in a few minutes. Using this rapid switching, testing could be performed during maintenance periods and accelerator development days. If any problems were encountered after a section had been switched to the new control system, it could be quickly switched back. | |||
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Slides TUCAUST04 [0.183 MB] | ||
WEPKN014 | NSLS-II Filling Pattern Measurement | controls, EPICS, storage-ring, diagnostics | 735 |
Multi-bunch injection will be deployed at NSLS-II. High bandwidth diagnostic monitors with high-speed digitizers are used to measure bunch-by-bunch charge variation. The requirements of filling pattern measurement and layout of beam monitors are described. The evaluation results of commercial fast digitizer Agilent Acqiris and high bandwidth detector Bergoz FCT are presented. | |||
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Poster WEPKN014 [0.313 MB] | ||
WEPMS027 | The RF Control System of the SSRF 150MeV Linac | controls, interface, EPICS, Ethernet | 1039 |
Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) use a 150 MeV linear electron accelerator as injector, its RF system consists of many discrete devices. The control system is mainly composed of a VME controller and a home-made signal conditioner with DC power supplies. The uniform signal conditioner serves as a hardware interface between the controller and the RF components. The DC power supplies are used for driving the mechanical phase shifters. The control software is based on EPICS toolkit. Device drivers and related runtime database for the VME modules were developed. The operator interface was implemented by EDM. | |||
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Poster WEPMS027 [0.702 MB] | ||
WEPMU005 | Personnel Protection, Equipment Protection and Fast Interlock Systems: Three Different Technologies to Provide Protection at Three Different Levels | controls, radiation, network, interlocks | 1055 |
The Personnel Safety System is based on PILZ PLCs, SIL3 compatible following the norm IEC 61508. It is independent from other subsystems and relies on a dedicated certification by PILZ first and then by TÜV. The Equipment Protection System uses B&R hardware and comprises more than 50 PLCs and more than 100 distributed I/0 modules installed inside the tunnel. The CPUs of the PLCs are interconnected by a deterministic network, supervising more than 7000 signals. Each Beamline has an independent system. The fast interlocks use the bidirectional fibers of the MRF timing system for distributing the interlocks in the microsecond range. Events are distributed by fiber optics for synchronizing more than 280 elements. | |||
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Poster WEPMU005 [32.473 MB] | ||
WEPMU025 | Equipment and Machine Protection Systems for the FERMI@Elettra FEL facility | vacuum, TANGO, electron, controls | 1119 |
Funding: The work was supported in part by the Italian Ministry of University and Research under grants FIRB-RBAP045JF2 and FIRB-RBAP06AWK3 FERMI@Elettra is a Free Electron Laser (FEL) based on a 1.5 GeV linac presently under commissioning in Trieste, Italy. Three PLC-based systems communicating to each other assure the protection of machine devices and equipment. The first is the interlock system for the linac radiofrequency plants; the second is dedicated to the protection of vacuum devices and magnets; the third is in charge of protecting various machine components from radiation damage. They all make use of a distributed architecture based on fieldbus technology and communicate with the control system via Ethernet interfaces and dedicated Tango device servers. A complete set of tools including graphical panels, logging and archiving systems are used to monitor the systems from the control room. |
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Poster WEPMU025 [0.506 MB] | ||
FRBHAULT03 | Beam-based Feedback for the Linac Coherent Light Source | feedback, network, timing, controls | 1310 |
Funding: Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 Beam-based feedback control loops are required by the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) program in order to provide fast, single-pulse stabilization of beam parameters. Eight transverse feedback loops, a 6x6 longitudinal feedback loop, and a loop to maintain the electron bunch charge were successfully commissioned for the LCLS, and have been maintaining stability of the LCLS electron beam at beam rates up to 120Hz. In order to run the feedback loops at beam rate, the feedback loops were implemented in EPICS IOCs with a dedicated ethernet multicast network. This paper will discuss the design, configuration and commissioning of the beam-based Fast Feedback System for LCLS. Topics include algorithms for 120Hz feedback, multicast network performance, actuator and sensor performance for single-pulse control and sensor readback, and feedback configuration and runtime control. |
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Slides FRBHAULT03 [1.918 MB] | ||
FRBHAULT04 | Commissioning of the FERMI@Elettra Fast Trajectory Feedback | feedback, controls, real-time, Ethernet | 1314 |
Funding: The work was supported in part by the Italian Ministry of University and Research under grants FIRB-RBAP045JF2 and FIRB-RBAP06AWK3 FERMI@Elettra is a new 4th-generation light source based on a single pass Free Electron Laser (FEL). In order to ensure the feasibility of the free electron lasing and the quality of the produced photon beam, a high degree of stability is required for the main parameters of the electron beam. For this reason a flexible real-time feedback framework integrated in the control system has been developed. The first implemented bunch-by-bunch feedback loop controls the beam trajectory. The measurements of the beam position and the corrector magnet settings are synchronized to the 50 Hz linac repetition rate by means of the real-time framework. The feedback system implementation, the control algorithms and preliminary close loop results are presented. |
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Slides FRBHAULT04 [2.864 MB] | ||
FRCAUST02 | Status of the CSNS Controls System | controls, interface, power-supply, Ethernet | 1341 |
The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is planning to start construction in 2011 in China. The CSNS controls system will use EPICS as development platform. The scope of the controls system covers thousands of devices located in Linac, RCS and two transfer lines. The interface from the control system to the equipment will be through VME Power PC processors and embedded PLC as well as embedded IPC. The high level applications will choose XAL core and Eclipse platform. Oracle database is used to save historical data. This paper introduces controls preliminary design and progress. Some key technologies, prototypes,schedule and personnel plan are also discussed. | |||
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Slides FRCAUST02 [3.676 MB] | ||