Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOZA1 | Electron Cloud Effects at the LHC and LHC Injectors | electron, operation, simulation, emittance | 30 |
Electron cloud effects are one of the main limitations of the performance of the LHC and its injectors. Enormous progress has been done in the simulation of the electron cloud build-up and of the effects on beam stability while mitigation measures have been identified and implemented (scrubbing, low secondary electron yield coatings, etc.). The above has allowed reaching nominal beam parameters in the LHC during Run 2. A review of the studies and results obtained and the strategy and expected performance for the High Luminosity operation of the LHC will be presented. | |||
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MOPAB003 | Energy Deposition in the Betatron Collimation Insertion of the 100 TeV Future Circular Collider | insertion, proton, betatron, simulation | 68 |
The FCC proton beam is designed to carry a total energy of about 8500 MJ, a factor of 20 above the LHC. In this context, the collimation system has to deal with extremely tight requirements to prevent quenches and material damage. A first layout of the betatron cleaning insertion was conceived, adapting the present LHC collimation system to the FCC lattice. A crucial ingredient to assess its performance, in particular to estimate the robustness of the protection devices and the load on the downstream elements, is represented by the simulation of the particle shower generated at the collimators, allowing detailed energy deposition estimations. This paper presents the first results of the simulation chain starting from the proton losses generated with the Sixtrack-FLUKA coupling, as currently done for the present LHC and for its upgrade. Expectations in terms of total power, peak power density and integrated dose on the different accelerator components are presented. | |||
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MOPAB006 | Design and Prototyping of New CERN Collimators in the Framework of the LHC Injector Upgrade (LIU) Project and the High-Luminosity (HL-LHC) Project | impedance, collimation, proton, vacuum | 80 |
In the framework of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Injectors Upgrade (LIU) and the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) Projects at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research, in Geneva, Switzerland), collimators in the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) to LHC transfer lines as well as ring collimators in the LHC will undergo important upgrades in the forthcoming years, mainly focused during the Long Shutdown 2 foreseen during 2019-2020. This contribution will detail the current design of the TCDIL collimators with a particular emphasis on the engineering developments performed on the collimator jaws, aiming at getting a stringent flatness while consid-ering also the integration of thermal shock resistant materials. The prototyping phase done at CERN will be also described. The activities ongoing to prepare the series production for other LHC collimator types (TCPPM, TCSPM, TCTPM, TCLD) will be presented, describing the role that each of these collimators play on the HL-LHC Project. A focus on the series production processes, the manufacturing and assembly technologies involved and the quality and performance assurance tests will be given. | |||
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MOPAB015 | Optimization of a Skew Parametric Resonance Ionization Cooling Channel Using Genetic Algorithm | resonance, optics, controls, collider | 111 |
Funding: This work is supported by Muons Inc. Skew Parametric-resonance Ionization Cooling (Skew PIC) is designed for the final 6D cooling of a high-luminosity muon collider. Tracking of muons in such a channel has been modeled in MADX and matter-dominated simulation tool G4beanline in previous studies. In this work, we developed an optimization code based on Genetic Algorithm (GA). We optimized the cooling channel and increased the acceptance of the channel by using the GA code. |
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MOPAB037 | Analytical and Numerical Performance Analysis of a Cryogenic Current Comparator | damping, cryogenics, simulation, beam-diagnostic | 160 |
Funding: This research is funded by the German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung as the project BMBF-05P15RDRBB Ultra-Sensitive Strahlstrommessung für zukünftige Beschleunigeranlagen. Nowadays, cryogenic current comparators (CCCs) are among the most accurate devices for measuring extremely small electric currents. Probably the most interesting property of this equipment, is the excellent position independence of the current passing through it. This feature motivated the use of CCCs for beam instrumentation in particle accelerators. A typical CCC consists of a ferrite core, a pick-up coil, a superconducting quantum interference device, appropriate electronics and superconducting shielding consisting of a meander structure. This configuration offers a strong attenuation for all the magnetic field components, except for the azimuthal one. Thus, high precision measurements of extremely low beam currents are made possible. The damping performance of this device is analysed in this work. A 3D finite element (FE) analysis has been carried out and the computed results were compared to an analytical model*. Furthermore, in order to reduce the computation time, a 2.5D FE model is also proposed and discussed. * K. Grohmann et al., Field attenuation as the underlying principle of cryo-current comparators 2. Ring cavity elements, Cryogenics, vol. 16, no. 10, pp. 601-605, 1976. |
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MOPAB046 | Lattice Considerations for the Use of an X-Band Transverse Deflecting Structure (TDS) at SINBAD | quadrupole, lattice, cavity, electron | 192 |
An X-band TDS is a well-known device for the characterization of the longitudinal properties of an electron bunch in a linear accelerator. It is planned that a novel X-band TDS with variable polarization* will be installed within the next few years at SINBAD, an upcoming accelerator R&D facility at DESY**. There are several measurements that can be performed with the TDS, each with specific optics requirements to reach the highest possible resolution and keep induced energy spread to a tolerable level. Quadrupoles will be installed between the TDS and the screen to help satisfy these conditions. In this paper, the requirements for the bunch length measurements, a novel 3D charge density reconstruction technique and slice energy measurements are discussed and some simulation results for the slice energy measurement using example lattices are presented.
* A. Grudiev, CLIC-note-1067 (2016). ** B. Marchetti et al. X-band TDS project contribution to these conference proceedings. |
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MOPAB054 | Development and Application of Rogowski Coils as Beam Position Monitors | simulation, storage-ring, instrumentation, synchrotron | 223 |
We have developed segmented Rogowski coils as a beam position monitors at the storage ring COSY Jülich as an alternative to the conventional monitors installed there. These coils feature a torus with two or four segments, each densely covered with an insulating copper wire of 150μm in diameter. The bunched particle beam induces voltages in these segments, which are combined and analysed to yield information about beam displacements in the horizontal and the vertical plane. We highlight our theoretical understanding of position determination of these coils together with corresponding numerical simulations. The integration of such a beam position monitor with COSY and first results with it for a bunched deuteron beam are described. The ultimate goal of this development is a better control of the beam orbit for the very demanding requirements in a future ring dedicated to the measurement of Electric Dipole Moments (EDMs) of charged particles. | |||
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MOPAB098 | Coronagraph Based Beam Halo Monitor Development for BERLinPro | background, electron, linac, scattering | 355 |
For linac based high power electron machines, beam halo induced by nonlinear space charge force and scattering of trapped ions is one of the critical issues on a machine protection system. It causes additional radiation which can be a heat source on a cryogenic system as a result of uncontrolled beam losses. During the last decades, several instruments have been newly developed for measuring the beam halo distribution. The conceptual design and optimization of the coronagraph based halo monitor were performed to measure the beam halo which has ~ 10-3 contrast to the beam core. | |||
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MOPAB133 | Optimisation of Electrical and Instrumentation Design for the Diamond Light Source DDBA Upgrade | storage-ring, instrumentation, insertion-device, insertion | 448 |
In planning the upgrade of one cell of the Diamond Storage Ring, the DDBA upgrade, it was evident that the electrical installation and commissioning would contribute a significant component of the overall installation time. Given the pressures to minimise the shutdown length, the electrical and instrumentation design was optimised for time effective installation and commissioning. This paper outlines the electrical and instrumentation design for DDBA; explores the installation time determining issues and how these were addressed; and reports on the lessons learnt from the actual installation and commissioning process. | |||
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MOPAB154 | Measurement of Proton Transverse Emittance in the Brookhaven AGS | emittance, injection, flattop, proton | 494 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. High luminosity and high polarization in RHIC require good control and measurement of emittance in its injector, the Brookhaven AGS. In the past, the AGS emittance has been measured by using an ion collecting IPM during the whole cycle. The beam profiles from this IPM are distorted by space charge forces at higher energy, which makes the emittance determination very hard. The effect has been measured with IPM measurement at different energies with RF off to mitigate the space charge effect. In addition, helical snake magnets and near integer vertical tune for polarized proton operation distort the lattice in the AGS and introduce large beta beating. For more precise measurements of the emittance, we need turn-by-turn (TBT) measurements near injection and beta function measurements at the IPM. The AGS has also been modeled to get the beta functions at the locations of IPM. A new type of electron collecting IPM has been installed and tested in the AGS with proton beam. The vertical beta functions at the IPM locations have been measured with a local corrector near the IPM. This paper summarizes our current understanding of AGS emittances and plans for the further improvements. |
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MOPIK007 | THz Driven Electron Acceleration with a Multilayer Structure | electron, acceleration, laser, gun | 512 |
We present first results in THz-based electron acceleration using a novel multilayer structure which we dub a Butterfly LINAC. THz-based accelerators are mm-scale devices that bridge the gap between micron-scale, ultra-compact devices such as laser-plasma accelerators (LPAs) and dielectric laser accelerators (DLAs) and meter-scale conventional accelerators. These intermediate-scale devices are promising because they combine many of the benefits of LPAs and DLAs, such as intrinsic synchronization and high acceleration gradients with the benefits of conventional accelerators such as high charge capacity, tunability as well as the robustness, stability and simple fabrication of static, macroscopic acceleration structures. The Butterfly LINAC allows optimization of electron acceleration using transversely-coupled single-cycle THz pulses by phase-matching electrons with the driving field. Proof-of-concept experiments will be described demonstrating 10 keV energy gain of a 55 keV source, in good agreement with simulation. Scalability of this device to the MeV level and applicability towards free electron lasers and ultrafast electron diffractometers will also be discussed. | |||
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MOPIK030 | Design of a Beamline From a TR24 Cyclotron for Biological Tissues Irradiation | emittance, cyclotron, proton, quadrupole | 564 |
Funding: The PRECy project is supported by the Contrat de Projet Etat-Région (CPER) Alsace Champagne-Ardenne Lorraine. The PRECy project foresees the use of a 16-25 MeV energy proton beam produced by the recently installed TR24 cyclotron, CYRCé, at the Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC) of Strasbourg for biological tissues irradiation. One of the exit ports of the cyclotron will be used for this application along with a combination magnet. The platform will consist of up to 3 or 5 experimental stations linked to beamlines in a dedicated area next to the cyclotron vault. One of the beamlines will receive proton beams of a few cm diameter at intensities up to 100 nA. The status of the design of this first beam line is presented. |
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MOPIK056 | On the Ariel Pre-Separator | target, emittance, ion, optics | 648 |
Funding: Funded under a contribution agreement with NRC (National Research Council Canada) and Capital funding from CFI (Canada Foundation for Innovation). Two new independent target ion sources with dedicated pre-separators will be built in the ARIEL facility to triple the radioactive ion beam production at TRIUMF. A compact Nier-Johnson type of pre-separator has been designed to achieve a mass resolving power of 300 in order to minimize the undesired radioactive species contaminating the downstream beamlines. It consists of a 112 degree magnetic and a 90 degree toroidal electrostatic dipole with deflection in opposite direction. It also contains electrostatic quadrupole elements in between the dipoles. The electrostatic dipole compensates the energy dispersion of the magnetic dipole. This allows an achromatic mode of operation resulting in a high mass resolving power downstream to the electrostatic deflector even for beams with a high energy spread. We present the result of beam optics calculations for the ARIEL pre-separator. |
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MOPIK059 | Linear and Nonlinear Optimizations of Combined 7BA-6BA Lattices for the Future Upgrade of SOLEIL | emittance, lattice, injection, sextupole | 659 |
Previous MBA studies converged to a combination of 7BA and 6BA structures, in terms of the target horizontal emittance of below 300 pm-rad, where the effect of anti-bends, dipole field values, and straight section lengths were investigated. Inspired by the successful lattice designs elsewhere adopting the interleaved sextupole scheme with dispersion bumps originally developed at the ESRF, the 7BA-6BA structures adopting this scheme are studied in details in parallel to those without it. The former aims at the horizontal emittance in the 200-300 pm-rad range with on and off-momentum dynamic acceptances sufficiently large for off-axis injection and good Touschek lifetime. The latter pursues the lower bound of the reachable horizontal emittance with quadrupole and sextupole strengths in the feasible range with maximum dynamic acceptance. The option of non-standard on-axis injection such as displacing the injected beam longitudinally is envisaged for the latter solutions. In both lattices, the numerical search using MOGA-based codes is employed extensively. The studies focus on the impact of linear optics and straight section lengths on the off-momentum and nonlinear properties. | |||
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MOPIK062 | Optics Adaptations for Bending Magnet Beam Lines at ESRF: Short Bend, 2-Pole Wiggler, 3-Pole Wiggler | lattice, wiggler, radiation, alignment | 666 |
The ESRF-EBS project foresees the replacement of the existing bending magnets beamlines with different radiation sources: short bend, 2-pole wiggler or 3-pole wiggler. After describing the reasons for this choices the required modifications to the storage ring lattice are described in details for each case. The study of the impact of lattice errors is also addressed, leading to the definition of beamlines' alignment tolerances. | |||
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MOPIK069 | Approximate Matrices for Modeling the Focusing of the Undulator Periods and Undulator End Fields | undulator, focusing, betatron, laser | 686 |
We describe procedure for constructing approximate matrices for modeling the focusing of the undulator periods and undulator end fields and discuss applicability of these matrices to the European XFEL undulators. | |||
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MOPIK073 | Calibration of Linear Optics of COSY Based on ORM Data | quadrupole, factory, optics, sextupole | 699 |
The COoler SYnchrotron in Jülich is a well suited accelerator for a precursor experiment on the direct measurement of the Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) of the deuteron (see* and references within). It provides polarized and unpolarized proton and deuteron beams in the momentum range between 0.3 GeV/c and 3.65 GeV/c**, allows for phase space cooling and is highly flexible with respect to ion-optical settings***. Unfortunately, a model independent linear optics measurement is not possible and so far the existing MAD-X model of COSY does not provide an agreement with the actual machine parameters that is required by future experiments, such as the EDM experiment. Significant deviations with respect to the working point and linear optics have been reported****. As shown in*****, a MAD-X based LOCO (Linear Optics from Closed Orbits) algorithm in a C++ program was successfully developed and carefully benchmarked. This contribution presents the application of the new program on measured ORM data and its capabilities in calibrating linear optics as well as reconstructing machine imperfections such as gradient errors of quadrupole magnets and calibration factors of BPMs and steerers.
* D. Eversmann et al., PRL 115, no. 9, 094801 (2015). ** R. Maier, NIM A 390, 1 (1997). *** C. Weidemann et al., PRSTAB 18, 020101 (2015). **** D. Ji et al., IPAC16, doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-TUPMR026. ***** C. Weidemann et al., IPAC16, doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2016-THPMB009. |
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MOPIK082 | First Turn Around Strategy for HEPS | quadrupole, lattice, closed-orbit, accumulation | 724 |
The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is a 6-GeV, kilometer-scale, quasi-diffraction limited storage ring light source to be built in China[1]. Getting the first turn and approaching the closed orbit is very important in accelerator commissioning. In order to make first turn beam commissioning efficiently, we develop a MATLAB tool based on AT for automatic beam correction and closed orbit searching. The algorithm and simulation results are presented in this paper. | |||
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MOPIK106 | Effect of Magnetic Element Alignment Errors on Electron Beam Dynamics in the Transportation Channel of the NSC KIPT Neutron Source Driven With Linear Accelerator | target, neutron, electron, alignment | 781 |
In the paper, the results of beam dynamics simulation in the transportation channel of the NSC KIPT neutron source taking into account the errors of the electromagnetic elements alignment are presented. It is show that the values of RMS alignment errors such as 100 mkm in transverse planes and 200 mkrad in angle installations lead to the essential shifts of the beam at a neutron target and, therefore, to the essential beam losses at the vacuum chamber walls. To avoid the losses one should provide additional electron beam correction and to increase the accuracy of the equipment alignment. | |||
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MOPIK119 | Beam Dynamics in g-2 Storage Ring | storage-ring, resonance, experiment, quadrupole | 817 |
The muon anomalous magnetic moment has played an important role in constraining physics beyond the Standard Model. The Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment has a goal to measure it to unprecedented precision: 0.14 ppm. To achieve this goal, we must understand the beam dynamics systematic effects in the muon storage ring. We will present the muon beam dynamics and discuss two specific topics here: the beam resonance which is related to the muon loss and the fast rotation analysis to determine the muon momentum distribution. | |||
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MOPIK122 | The Beam Optics of the FFAG Cell of the CBETA ERL Accelerator | quadrupole, electron, optics, focusing | 820 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The CBETA project[*] is a prototype electron accelerator for the proposed eRHIC project[**]. The electron accelerator is based on the Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) and the Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) principles. The FFAG arcs and the straight section of the accelerator are comprised of one focusing and one defocusing quadrupoles which are designed as Halbach-type permanent dipole magnets with quadrupoles component[***]. We will present the beam optics of the FFAG cell which is based on 3D field maps derived with the use of the OPERA computer code[****]. We will also present the electromagnetic design of the corrector magnets of the cell. * ** *** K. Halbach, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 169 (1980) pp. 1-10 **** |
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MOPVA025 | Step-Like Field Magnets to Uniform Beam Distribution and Experiment at CADS Injector-I | simulation, target, experiment, proton | 908 |
High power is the development tendency of proton accelerator, so obtaining uniform beam distribution on target becomes more and more important and critical. The method of using step-like field magnets to obtain a uniform beam distribution on target was presented. In the beamdump line of CADS injector-I test facility four step-like field magnets have been installed to uniform beam distribution to reduce the maximum current density on the beamdump. The magnetic field of step-like field magnets have been measured and discussed in this paper. The simulation results and measurement results of beam uniformization are presented. | |||
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MOPVA126 | Sample Host Cavity Design for Measuring Flux Entry and Quench | cavity, niobium, SRF, klystron | 1149 |
Funding: NSF-PHY 1549132 Current state-of-the-art Niobium superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) accelerator cavities have reached surface magnetic field close to the theoretical maximum set by the superheating field. Further increasing accelerating gradients will require new superconducting materials for accelerator cavities that can support higher surface magnetic fields. This necessitates measuring the quench fields of new materials in high power RF fields. In this paper, we present designs and simulations of a sample host cavity. The cavity design is optimized to maximize the surface magnetic field achieved on the sample. |
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MOPVA135 | Fabrication, Processing and RF Test of RF-Dipole Prototype Crabbing Cavity for LHC High Luminosity Upgrade | cavity, HOM, luminosity, cryogenics | 1174 |
The superconducting rf-dipole crabbing cavity is one of two crabbing cavity designs proposed for the LHC high luminosity upgrade. The proof-of-principle rf-dipole cavity operating at 400 MHz has demonstrated excellent performance exceeding the design specifications. The prototype cavity for SPS beam test has been designed to include the fundamental power coupler, HOM couplers, and all the ancillary components intended to meet the design requirements. A crabbing cavity system is expected to be installed in the SPS beam line and tested prior to the installation in LHC; this will be the first crabbing cavity operation on a proton beam. The fabrication of two prototype rf-dipole cavities is currently being completed at Jefferson Lab. This paper presents the details on cavity processing and cryogenic test results of the rf-dipole cavities. | |||
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MOPVA136 | Higher Order Multipole Analysis for 952.6 Mhz Superconducting Crabbing Cavities for Jefferson Lab Electron-Ion Collider | cavity, multipole, electron, proton | 1177 |
The proposed electron ion collider at Jefferson Lab requires a crabbing cavity system to increase the luminosity in the colliding beams. Currently several superconducting crabbing cavity designs are being reviewed as the design option for the crabbing cavity. Knowledge of higher order mode multipole field effects is important for accurate beam dynamics study for the crabbing system, in selecting the design that meets the design specifications. The multipole components can be accurately determined numerically using the electromagnetic field data in the rf structure. This paper discusses the detailed analysis of higher order multipole components for the operating crabbing mode and design modifications in reducing those components. | |||
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MOPVA146 | Optimization of Carbon Treatments at CNAO | extraction, feedback, acceleration, ion | 1197 |
CNAO facility is treating patients with carbon ion beams since 2012. Often carbon ions are used to treat tumors with great volumes that causes long time irradiations: this represents a complaint for the patient, a limit in the number of treatable patients per day and an increase in the cost of the treatment itself. An effort has been done in the last year to increase the particle intensity in order to reduce the irradiation time for the carbon treatments: this article illustrates the changes in the machine done to achieve this goal. | |||
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MOPVA147 | High Energy Transport Line Orbit Correction at CNAO | kicker, proton, synchrotron, ion | 1200 |
CNAO is the only Italian facility for the cancer treatment with protons and carbon ions. Each treatment needs hundreds of energies in the range of the tumor and needs a great precision in terms of beam position and divergence at the target. Goal of the article is to show the layout of the CNAO high energy lines and the strategy that has been used to optimize the transport and set the beam trajectory. | |||
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TUPAB030 | Construction and Status of the Thrice Recirculating S-DALINAC | alignment, recirculation, lattice, operation | 1384 |
Funding: Work supported by DFG through RTG 2128 and CRC 634. From 1991 until 2015 the S-DALINAC (Superconducting-DArmstadt-LINear-ACcelerator) was operated as a twice recirculating electron accelerator. Its design energy of 130 MeV in cw-operation was not reached so far due to a lower quality factor of the SRF cavities and thus a higher dissipated power to the helium bath. In 2015/2016 a third recirculation has been built. Enabling a fourth passage through the main linac, the accelerating gradients can be reduced to fit the resulting dissipated power to the available cooling power for running at design energy. The upgrade to a thrice recirculating accelerator required the reconstruction of main parts of the existing lattice as well as an installation of a new beam line. All magnets had to be aligned carefully in position and orientation using high-precision metrology sensors. This contribution will present an overview of the construction and the alignment process. A latest status of the commissioning will be given. |
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TUPAB041 | Improvements in Production of Magnets and Pole Pieces for Undulators | undulator, induction, permanent-magnet, target | 1415 |
Permanent magnets and highly saturable pole pieces are widely used in the setup of undulators as well as dipoles, quadrupoles and sextupoles. We will present actual improvements of precision, homogeneity and basic material properties in the range of NdFeB-based permanent magnets and CoFe-based soft magnetic alloys. | |||
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TUPAB062 | Single Dipole Kicker Injection Into the Sesame Storage Ring | injection, kicker, septum, storage-ring | 1463 |
SESAME (Synchrotron Radiation Light Source in Allan, Jordan) consists of an 800 MeV injector (original from BESSY I, Berlin, Germany) and a 2.5 GeV storage ring. Extraction out of the Booster is done by means of a bumper, a delay-line kicker, and a direct driven in-vacuum septum. This paper will present the injection procedure into the storage ring. Simulations of the injection process are compared to the results obtained during commissioning | |||
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TUPAB133 | Perturbation Analysis for Beam Trajectories. Determining Local Shielding Containment for LCLS-II | shielding, quadrupole, simulation, undulator | 1637 |
Funding: Work supported by U.S. Department of Energy contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 Containment of beam losses by halo and momentum/energy collimators is a well-established practice for normal operation of particle accelerators where tracking codes are applied. However, for exceptional events, such as magnet power failures, severe lattice mis-match, etc., ad-hoc analytical approaches are typically applied. Oftentimes those simplified methods are not automatic; they don't define the full phase-space of mis-steered trajectories and cannot keep up with beam-line upgrades. Moreover, there may exist a disconnect between the teams analyzing consequences of errant beams and those involved in beam-line design. With electron beams exceeding 100 kW, design of LCLS-II at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory required exhaustive beam-containment studies to avoid potential destruction of components and excessive dose rates. The geometry of the different beam-lines and the nominal optics was built with MadFLUKA [1], and FLUKA [2] Monte Carlo code along with perturbations to magnetic fields was used to inspect failures compatible with beam operations and hardware settings. Consequences of mis-steered rays and the respective mitigations were directly analyzed with FLUKA. [1] M. Santana-Leitner et al., MadFLUKA Beam Line 3D Builder. Simulation of Beam Loss Propagation in Accelerators, IPAC14 proceedings, MOPME040 [2] A. Ferrari et al, The FLUKA Code: Developments and Challenges for High Energy and Medical Applications, Nuclear Data Sheets 120, 211-214 (2014) |
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TUPIK035 | Solenoidal Focussing Internal Target Ring | target, emittance, proton, solenoid | 1757 |
FFAGs have been considered for a high power proton source for a neutron target by means of an internal target. In an internal target type ring, protons are repeatedly passed through a thin foil, producing neutrons and other secondary particles. This technique has the potential to produce higher secondary particle fluxes with modest beam currents and energies. Scattering of the protons causes emittance growth in the beam, but this can be partially offset by energy lost through ionisation of the foil, which causes ionisation cooling. The resultant beams typically have large position and momentum spread, with transverse emittances of order mm. In this paper, the design of a solenoid-focussing ring is studied which may enable containment of large emittance beams. | |||
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TUPIK048 | Longitudinal Beam Stabilization at FAIR by Means of a Derivative Estimation | simulation, synchrotron, controls, experiment | 1795 |
Funding: Supported by the GSI During acceleration in SIS18/SIS100 at GSI/FAIR longitudinal beam-oscillations are expected to occur. To reduce emittance blow-up, dedicated LLRF beam feedback systems are planned. To date longitudinal beam oscillations have been damped in machine experiments with a finite-impulse-response (FIR) filter controller with 3 filter taps[1]. An alternative approach implementing the FIR filter as a derivative estimator controller is simulated and tested. This approach shares the same controller topology and can therefore be easily integrated in the system. It exploits the fact that the sampling rate of the feedback hardware is considerably higher than the frequency of the beam oscillations. It is therefore capable of damping oscillations without overshoot within one oscillation period. |
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TUPIK050 | COSY Slow Orbit Feedback System | controls, closed-orbit, EPICS, feedback | 1802 |
The Cooler Synchrotron (COSY) at Forschungszentrum Jülich is currently carrying out the preparation for a direct measurement of the electric Dipole Moment (EDM) of the deuteron using an RF Wien filter*,**. In a magnetic storage ring with the spin vector aligned along the direction of motion, the EDM manifests in a buildup of the vertical spin component. Besides this signal, radial magnetic fields due to a distortion of the vertical closed orbit can produce a similar signal. This signal is a systematic limit of the proposed measurement procedure. Based on simulation studies***, a vertical closed orbit distortion with a RMS smaller than 0.1 mm is required to achieve a sensitivity of 10-19 or better. In order to accomplish this challenging goal, a slow orbit feedback system was proposed and recently commissioned at COSY. The design and commissioning results will be presented, and the future plan will also be discussed.
* A. Lehrach et. al, arXiv:1201.5773 [hep-ex]. ** W. M. Morse, Y. F. Orlov and Y. K. Semertzidis, PRSTAB 16, no.11, 114001 (2013). *** M. Rosenthal, Ph.D. thesis, RWTH Aachen University, 2016, available from |
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TUPIK112 | Progress Towards Nanometre-Level Beam Stabilisation Using a Cavity BPM System at ATF2 | feedback, cavity, kicker, electronics | 1986 |
A low-latency feedback system has been designed and tested to achieve inter-bunch position stabilisation at the final focus of the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF2) at KEK. This system has now been enhanced through the use of position information from two cavity beam position monitors (BPMs) to enable beam stabilisation at a third, intermediate location where a witness BPM measures the correction. Low-Q cavity BPMs were used, along with custom signal processing electronics designed for low latency and optimal position resolution. A custom stripline kicker, power amplifier and digital feedback board were used to provide beam correction and feedback control. The system was tested in single-pass, multi-bunch mode with the aim of providing inter-bunch beam stabilisation on electron bunches of charge ~1 nC separated in time by 280 ns. In 2015 a single BPM feedback system demonstrated beam stabilisation to below 75 nm. To date the two BPM input feedback system has demonstrated beam stabilisation to 83 ± 6 nm. This performance is limited by the current understanding of the cavity BPM resolution. Work will be described with the aim of improving this result. | |||
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TUPIK130 | A Permanent Magnet Quadrupole Magnet for CBETA | permanent-magnet, quadrupole, lattice, electron | 2016 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Recently a collaboration between Brookhaven National Laboratory and Cornell University was established, aiming to build the CBETA accelerator. CBETA is a 150 MeV electron test accelerator, which prototypes essential technologies of eRHIC, which is a proposed upgrade to the existing Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) hadron facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Similar to eRHIC, CBETA employs an FFAG lattice for the arcs. The arcs require short, large aperture quadrupole magnets, which are located close together. BNL has been working on a design employing permanent magnets; we show the concept and the engineering design of these magnets. Prototype magnets have been constructed recently; we report on magnetic field quality measurements and their agreement with computer simulations. |
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TUPVA001 | Progress on the Optics Corrections of FCC-hh | quadrupole, injection, coupling, lattice | 2019 |
The FCC-hh (Future Hadron-Hadron Circular Collider) is one of the three options considered for the next generation accelerator in high-energy physics as recommended by the European Strategy Group, and the natural evolution of existing LHC. Studies are ongoing about the evaluation of the various magnets mechanical errors and field errors tolerances in the arc sections of FCC-hh, as well as an estimation of the correctors strengths necessary to perform the corrections of the errors. In this study advanced correction schemes for the residual orbit, the linear coupling and the ring tune are described. The impact of magnet tolerances on the residual errors, on the correctors technological choice and on the beam screen design are discussed. In particular the effect of the dipole a2 error is emphasized. | |||
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TUPVA002 | Updates on the Optics of the Future Hadron-Hadron Collider FCC-hh | quadrupole, optics, sextupole, hadron | 2023 |
Funding: The European Circular Energy-Frontier Collider Study (EuroCirCol) project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant No 654305. The FCC-hh (Future Hadron-Hadron Circular Collider) is one of the three options considered for the next generation accelerator in high-energy physics as recommended by the European Strategy Group. The layout of FCC-hh has been optimized to a more compact design following recommendations from civil engineering aspects. The updates on the first order and second order optics of the ring will be shown for collisions at the required centre-of-mass energy of 100 TeV. Special emphasis is put on the dispersion suppressors and general beam cleaning sections as well as first considerations of injection and extraction sections. |
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TUPVA003 | Advance on Dynamic Aperture at Injection for FCC-hh | optics, injection, dynamic-aperture, target | 2027 |
Funding: This Research and Innovation Action project submitted to call H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1 receives funding from the European Union's H2020 Framework Programme under grant agreement no. 654305. In the hadron machine option, proposed in the context of the Future Circular Colliders (FCC) study, the first evaluation of dipole field quality, based on the Nb3Sn technology, has shown a Dynamic Aperture at injection above the LHC target value. In this paper the effect of field imperfections on the dynamic aperture, using the updated lattice design, is presented. Tolerances on the main multipole components are evaluated including feed-down effect. |
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TUPVA012 | Beam Related Machine Protection of the Future Circular Collider | proton, collider, operation, beam-losses | 2063 |
In the Future Circular Collider (FCC) study, each nominal proton beam at top particle energy of 50 TeV has an energy of 8500 MJ, which is more than 20 times the energy of today's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) beam. Machine protection of such a high-energy and high-energy density accelerator becomes very challenging. In this paper, preliminary considerations of beam related machine protection issues of the FCC will be reported. Based on the current optics design, a few major critical equipment failures that could potentially lead to very fast (within a few turns) beam losses have been studied. The serious failure scenarios that have been considered, typically occurring at locations with high beta functions, include powering failures of normal conducting magnets, quenches of superconducting magnets as well as critical RF failures. Some fundamental questions related to the beam interlock system, e.g., the need for additional particle free abort gaps to shorten the synchronization time before executing a beam dump, will be discussed. | |||
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TUPVA016 | Identification and Analysis of Prompt Dose Maxima in the Insertion Regions IR1 and IR5 of the Large Hadron Collider | radiation, luminosity, operation, quadrupole | 2078 |
During the operation of the LHC the continuous particle losses create a radiation field in the LHC tunnel and the adjacent caverns. Exposed electronics and accelerator components show dose dependent accelerated aging effects and stochastic Single Event Effects which can lead to faults and downtime of the LHC. In order to achieve an optimal life duration, the position of the equipment is chosen in dependency of the amplitude of the radiation fields. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor the prompt dose distributions along the whole LHC. By using the LHC beam loss monitor and RadMon systems, the prompt dose during the accelerator operation is continuously monitored. Measurements in the long straight sections and the dispersion suppressors in IR1 (ATLAS) and in IR5 (CMS) have shown that the radiation levels have localised maxima which exceed the base line by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude. The analysis of these radiation peaks will be presented and the underlying loss mechanisms will be discussed. The results will help to identify areas not suitable for radiation sensitive electronics. Implications on the expected radiation levels for High-Luminosity LHC are also discussed. | |||
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TUPVA018 | Macroparticle Simulation Studies of the LHC Beam Dynamics in the Presence of Electron Cloud | simulation, electron, quadrupole, octupole | 2081 |
Beam quality degradation caused by the Electron Cloud (EC) effects has been identified as one of the main performance limitations for the high intensity 25 ns beams in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). When a proton bunch passes through an EC, electrons are attracted towards the transverse center of the beam resulting into an increasing electron density within the bunch. The effects driven by the interaction of the electrons with the bunch have been studied with macroparticle simulations in order to evaluate, in different operational scenarios, the threshold for the coherent instabilities as well as the incoherent tune spread. This contribution will summarize the main findings of the simulation study and compare them with the available experimental observations. | |||
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TUPVA023 | Effect of Quench Heater and CLIQ Firing on the Circulating HL-LHC Beam | quadrupole, simulation, collimation, superconducting-magnet | 2101 |
Funding: Research supported by the HL-LHC project. A small vertical orbit oscillation of the LHC beam was observed following a quench of a main dipole magnet. This effect was thought to be caused by the current dis-charged in the quench heater (QH) strips of the superconducting magnet and confirmed in dedicated experiments with beam in the LHC. Quench heater connection schemes with the largest effect have been identified for the LHC and its future HiLumi upgrade (HL-LHC). Furthermore, the impact on the beam following discharges of the Coupling-Loss Induced Quench (CLIQ) system, a novel technology to protect high current superconducting magnets in case of a quench, was studied to evaluate the possible failure cases. |
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TUPVA030 | Measurement of Beta-Beating Due to Strong Head-on Beam-Beam Interactions in the LHC | emittance, optics, simulation, injection | 2121 |
The LHC operation relies on a good knowledge of the optics, usually corrected in absence of beam-beam interactions. In a near future, both the LHC and the HL-LHC will need to cope with large head-on beam-beam parameters, the impact on the optics needs to be understood and, if necessary, corrected. The results of a dedicated experiment performed at injection energy are discussed in this paper. | |||
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TUPVA039 | Effect of Alignment Errors and Orbit Correctors on the Interaction Region of the FCC-hh | quadrupole, interaction-region, optics, collider | 2147 |
Funding: European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant No 654305. The Future Circular Collider (FCC) design study aims to develop the design of possible circular colliders in the LHC era. In particular the FCC-hh will aim to produce proton-proton collisions at a center of mass energy of 100 TeV. The interaction region has been designed to meet the requirements in terms of energy and luminosity. However, as it is the case in any real accelerator, misalignments in the magnets are likely to occur; the effect of these misalignments, if not properly compensated for, can jeopardize the performance of the machine. This study contemplates alignment and field errors in the interaction region in order to estimate the tolerance necessary to provide a good correction measured in terms of deviation of the orbit and strength of the correctors. |
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TUPVA040 | Overview of Design Development of FCC-hh Experimental Interaction Regions | luminosity, optics, detector, experiment | 2151 |
The experimental interaction region is one of the key areas that define the performance of the Future Circular Collider. In this overview we will describe the status and the evolution of the design of EIR of FCC-hh, focusing on design of the optics, energy deposition in EIR elements, beam-beam effects and machine detector interface issues. | |||
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TUPVA049 | Re-Visiting RHIC Snakes and Spin Orbit | injection, polarization, proton, collider | 2184 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Recent analyses of RHIC run12 to run15 proton-carbon polarimeter measurements have shown significant tilt of the polarization vector from vertical, at high energy essentially. This is confirmed by extensive measurements performed in the present Run 17. Possible origins of such large tilt may reside in snake spin rotation angle or orbit defects, to mention just two. Dedicated simulations have been undertaken to investigate possible causes, they are presented and discussed, they include the computation and use of 3-D field maps of RHIC siberian snakes. |
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TUPVA051 | Magnets and Wien Filters for SECAR | quadrupole, multipole, target, high-voltage | 2191 |
The Separator for Capture Reactions, SECAR, is being built at Michigan State University for the study of low-energy capture reactions. The high performance magnets and two large Wien filters required to reach the very high recoil mass separation factor are being designed and produced at Danfysik to the SECAR specifications. The 2.4 m long Wien filters with a weight of 35 ton each including a large vacuum tank have high electrode voltages of ±300 kV combined with a magnetic field of 0.12 T. Challenging design requirements for integrated magnetic and electrostatic field homogeneity combined with tight tolerance on the effective lengths have been meet. The dipole magnets for this facility are special in having stringent ±0.5 mm effective magnetic length specifications in a wide excitation range and the transverse field boundary variation is described by a 4th order polynomial. Most of the dipoles are made with variable segmented field clamps in order to keep the deviation of the magnetic fringe field boundary within the required ±0.1 mm. The wide range of different quadrupole, sextupole and octupole magnets are required to meet the specified magnetic length with a tight tolerance. | |||
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TUPVA060 | Upgrade of GSI HADES Beamline in Preparation for High Intensity Runs | quadrupole, target, optics, beam-losses | 2214 |
HADES is a fixed target experiment using SIS18 heavy-ion beams. It investigates the microscopic properties of matter formed in heavy-ion, proton and pion - induced reactions in the 1-3.5 GeV/u energy regime. In 2014 HADES used a secondary pion beam produced by interaction between high-intensity nitrogen primary beam and a beryllium target. In these conditions beam losses, generated by slow extraction and beam transport to the experimental area, led to activation of the beam line elements and triggered radiation alarms. The primary beam intensity had to be reduced and the beam optics modified in order to keep radiation levels within the allowed limits. Similar beam conditions are requested by HADES experiment for upcoming run in 2018 and in the following years. Therefore, a number of measures have been proposed to improve beam transmission and quality. These measures are: additional shielding, additional beam instrumentation, modification of beam optics and increase of vacuum chambers' apertures in critical locations. The optics study and preliminary results of FLUKA simulations for optimization of location of loss detectors are presented. | |||
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TUPVA070 | Dipole Compensation of the 176 MHz MYRRHA RFQ | rfq, simulation, quadrupole, proton | 2240 |
The MYRRHA (Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications) Project is planned as an accelerator driven system (ADS) for the transmutation of long-living radioactive waste. For this project a cw 4-Rod-RFQ with 176 MHz and a total length of about 4 m is required. It is supposed to accelerate protons from 30 keV up to 1.5 MeV*. One of the main tasks during the development of the RFQ is the very high reliability of the accelerator to limit the thermal stress inside the reactor. Another challenge was to compensate the dipole component of the MYRRHA-RFQ which is due to the design principle of 4-Rod-RFQs. This dipole component is responsible for shifting the ideal beam axis from the geometrical center of the quadrupole downwards. Design studies with CST MICROWAVE STUDIO have shown that the dipole component can be almost completely compensated by widening the stems alternately so that the current paths of the lower electrodes are increased.
* C. Zhang, H. Podlech: NEW REFERENCE DESIGN OF THE EUROPEAN ADS RFQ ACCELERATOR FOR MYRRHA. In Proceedings of IPAC'14, 3223-3225 (2014) |
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TUPVA071 | The MYRRHA-RFQ - Status and First Measurements | rfq, linac, proton, ECR | 2243 |
Funding: H2020, European Commission, grant agreement number 662186 (MYRTE) The MYRRHA project requires a proton linac with an energy of 600 MeV with a beam current of 4 mA in cw operation. As first RF structure a 176 MHz 4-Rod RFQ has been chosen because of tuning possibilities, maintenance, lower capital costs and technological risk compared to a 4-Vane-RFQ. The aim of beam dynamics design was to preserve excellent beam quality and to avoid the creation of halo particles especially in the longitudinal plane. Using the NFSP (New Four-Section Procedure) with a soft and symmetric pre-bunching with full 360° acceptance it was possible to reach the requirements. The simulated transmission of the 4 m long RFQ is close to 100%. The electrode voltage has been chosen to 44 kV which gives enough transverse focusing but limits the required RF losses to about 25 kW/m. The cooling has been optimized for reliable operation and a new method of dipole compensation has been applied. The RFQ has been built and tuned with respect to field flatness. The paper describes the status of the RFQ and first measurements. |
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TUPVA074 | Status of the modulated 3 MeV 325 MHz Ladder-RFQ | rfq, simulation, operation, linac | 2249 |
Funding: BMBF 05P12RFRB9 Based on the positive results of the unmodulated 325 MHz Ladder-RFQ from 2013 to 2016, we develop a modulated 3.3 m Ladder-RFQ. The unmodulated Ladder-RFQ features a very constant voltage along the axis. It could withstand more than 3 times the operating power of which is needed in operation at a pulse length of 200μseconds. That corresponds to a Kilpatrick factor of 3. The 325 MHz RFQ is designed to accelerate protons from 95 keV to 3.0 MeV according to the design parameters of the p-linac at FAIR. This particularly high frequency for a 4-Rod-type RFQ creates difficulties, which are challenging in developing an adequate cavity. The results of the unmodulated prototype have shown, that the Ladder-RFQ is a suitable candidate for that frequency. Inspired by the successful rf power test, the nominal vane-vane voltage was increased from 80 kV to 96 kV. The basic design and tendering of the RFQ has been successfully completed in 2016. EM simulations of a modulated full structure, especially in terms of field-flatness and frequency tuning, will be shown. Furthermore, the mechanical design including a direct cooling of the structure for duty cycles up to about 5% will be discussed. |
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TUPVA079 | Model of Statistical Errors in the Search for the Deuteron EDM in the Storage Ring | detector, simulation, experiment, scattering | 2258 |
In this work we investigate the standard error of the spin precession frequency estimate in an experiment for the search for the electric dipole moment (EDM) of the deuteron using the polarimeter. The basic principle of polarimetry is the scattering of a polarized beam on a carbon target. Since the number of particles in one fill is limited, we must maximize the utility of the beam. This raises the question of sampling efficiency, as the signal, being an oscillating function, varies in informational content. To address it, we define a numerical measurement model, and compare two sampling strategies (uniform and frequency-modulated) in terms of beam-use efficiency. The upshot is the formulation of the conditions necessary for the effective use of the modulated sampling strategy, and the evaluation of its advantage over the uniform strategy. The simulation results are also used to compare two competing analytical models for the standard error of the frequency estimate. | |||
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TUPVA081 | An MDM Spin Transparent Quadrupole for Storage Ring Based EDM Search | quadrupole, lattice, closed-orbit, storage-ring | 2264 |
A storage ring provides an attractive option for directly measuring the electric dipole moment (EDM) of charged particles. To reach a sensitivity of 1029, it is critical to mitigate the systematic errors from all sources. This daunting task is pushing the precision frontier of accelerator science and technology beyond its current state of the art. Here, we present a unique idea of a magnetic dipole moment (MDM) spin transparent quadrupole that can significantly reduce the systematic errors due to the transverse electric and magnetic fields that particle encounters. | |||
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TUPVA082 | Spin Tracking for a Deuteron EDM Storage Ring | simulation, lattice, storage-ring, quadrupole | 2267 |
The purpose of the Jülich Electric Dipole moment Investigations (JEDI) collaboration is the measurement of the electric dipole moment (EDM) of charged particles like deuterons. There are two possible experimental setups under consideration for realization of this measurement with deuterons: The Frozen and Quasi Frozen Spin storage ring experiments. Both approaches are discussed and compared in this presentation. Various misalignments and systematic effects are simulated in the context of comparison. Furthermore the clockwise-counterclockwise method (CW-CCW) is applied and checked for its validity. | |||
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TUPVA083 | Analysis of Closed-Orbit Deviations for a First Direct Deuteron Electric Dipole Moment Measurement at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY | closed-orbit, power-supply, quadrupole, simulation | 2271 |
This presentation investigates closed orbit influencing effects focusing on transverse orbit deviations. Using a model of the Cooler Synchrotron COSY at the Forschungszentrum Jülich implemented in the Methodical Accelerator Design program, several magnet misalignments are simulated and analyzed. A distinction is made between magnet displacements along the axes and rotations around them. Results are always analyzed for the uncorrected as well as for the orbit after the application of an orbit correction. Furthermore, the effect of displaced beam position monitors is simulated and a constraint resolution of their readout is considered. Besides magnet misalignments also field variations resulting from residual power supply oscillations are quantified for all types of magnets. | |||
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TUPVA084 | Quasi-Frozen Spin Concept of Deuteron Storage Ring as an Instrument to Search for the Electric Dipole Moment | lattice, sextupole, experiment, cavity | 2275 |
One of the possible arguments for the breaking of CP invariance is the existence of non-vanishing electric dipole moments (EDM) of elementary particles. Currently, the Jülich Electric Dipole Moment Investigation (JEDI) collaboration works under the conceptual design of the ring specifically for search of the deuteron electrical dipole moment (dEDM). The proposed Quasi-Frozen Spin concept differs from the Frozen Spin concept in that the spin of the reference particle is alternately deflected by a few degrees in different directions relative to momentum in the electric and magnetic parts of the ring. The QFS concept will allow using the existing COSY ring as pilot facility. The paper presents conceptual approach to ring design based on results of a study of spin decoherence and systematic errors, as well as the sensitivity estimation of the method to the determination of EDM. | |||
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TUPVA088 | Observing Suppression of Syncrotron Oscillation Amplitudes | synchrotron, acceleration, betatron, cavity | 2284 |
We proposed a method to reduce loosing particles in acceleration stage of synchrotrons. A slowly varying horizontal electrostatic field may be useful to de-excite synchrotron oscillations. Then we have to somehow observe the damping of amplitudes of synchrotron oscillations to confirm the effect. We assume that the synchrotron component of rationalized Hamiltonian in acceleration stage is kept constant. Our experimental results did not contradict with this assumption. Taking advantage of this assumption, we can easily confirm the damping of synchrotron oscillation amplitudes experimentally through the increase of synchrotron frequencies. |
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TUPVA099 | Preparation for the CSNS-RCS Commissioning | quadrupole, lattice, simulation, proton | 2317 |
Funding: Work supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11405189) As a key part of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Project, the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) accumulates and accelerates the proton beam from 80MeV to 1.6GeV for extracting and striking the target with a repetition rate of 25Hz. As a commissioning plan, the BPM offset should be carefully investigated before closed orbit distortion (COD) correction. The fast response correctors are installed to correct orbit distortion and model the lattice of the RCS in every 1ms period. The bunch-by-bunch data from BPMs are collected and decomposed for better known of the RCS Lattice. |
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TUPVA131 | Beam Commissioning Planning Updates for the ESS Linac | linac, target, DTL, rfq | 2407 |
The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a flagship research facility currently under construction in Lund, Sweden. It is driven by a 2 GeV linac, accelerating a 62.5 mA proton beam at a 4% duty cycle. With an average beam power of 5 MW, when completed the ESS linac will become the world's most powerful. In this paper we summarise the latest beam commissioning plans from the ion source to the target, highlighting the individual phases, the beam dynamics challenges as well as the scheduling strategy. | |||
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TUPVA146 | 6D Phase Space Measurement of Low Energy, High Intensity Hadron Beam | simulation, experiment, hadron, quadrupole | 2441 |
Funding: SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U.S. Department of Energy. The work has been partially supported by NSF grant 1535312 The goal of this experiment is to measure the full 6D phase space of a low energy, high intensity hadron beam. We use 4D emittance measurement techniques for the transverse plane combined with dispersion measurement and a beam shape monitor to provide the longitudinal phase space. The Beam Testing Facility (BTF) at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS), a 2.5 MeV functional duplicate front end of the SNS accelerator is being used to facilitate the measurement. Early 6D measurements will be presented. |
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TUPVA154 | Project-Based Cooperative Learning in Accelerator Science and Technology Education | feedback, FEL, quadrupole, cavity | 2458 |
Funding: The work is funded by STFC via the Cockcroft Institute core grant. The next generation of particle accelerators will require the training of greater numbers of specialist accelerator physicists and engineers . These physicists and engineers should have a broad understanding of accelerator physics as well as the technology used in particle accelerators as well as a specialist in some area of accelerator science and technology . Such specialists can be trained by combining a University based PhD, in collaboration with national laboratory training with a broad taught accelerator lecture program. In order to have a faster start we decided to run an intensive two week school to replace the basic course at the Cockcroft Institute. At the same time we decided to investigate the use of problem based learning to simulate the way accelerator science tends to work in practice. In this exercise he students worked in groups of 5 to design a 3rd generation light source from scratch based on photon light specifications. In comparison to similar design exercises we stipulate that all students must do all parts and students are not allowed to specialise. A comparison with a standard lecture based education programme is discussed in this paper. |
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WEOBB3 | Advancement of an Accelerator-Driven High-Brightness Source for Fast Neutron Imaging | neutron, target, quadrupole, brightness | 2533 |
Funding: This work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) is building an intense, high-brightness fast neutron source to create millimeter-scale neutron radiographs and images. An intense source (1011 n/s/sr at 0 degrees) of fast neutrons (10 MeV) allows for penetrating very thick, dense objects while preserving the ability to create good image contrast in low density features within the object and maintaining high detector response efficiency. Fast neutrons will be produced using a pulsed 7 MeV, 300 microamp average-current commercial ion accelerator that will deliver deuteron bunches to a 3 atmosphere deuterium gas cell target to produce neutrons by the D(d, n)3He reaction. Due to the high power density of such a tightly focused, modest-energy ion beam, the transport, controls, diagnostics, and in particular the neutron production gas target and beam stop approaches present significant engineering challenges. Progress and status on the building and early commissioning of the lab-scale demonstration machine shall be presented. |
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WEOCB1 | HTS Magnets for Accelerator Applications | operation, target, ion-source, power-supply | 2543 |
We have developed HTS magnets using the first generation wires for 15 years. HTS materials have larger temperature margin than LTS materials. Magnets can be operated around 20 K or higher temperature and can be conduction-cooled by cryocoolers. The cooling structure becomes simpler and the cooling power of a cooler is high. We expect to excite HTS magnets by AC or pulsed currents without quenching. After successful performance tests of prototype magnets, we fabricated two magnets for practical use, an air-core cylindrical magnet and a super-ferric dipole magnet. The former one is used to polarize ultra-cold neutrons and the latter is a switching dipole magnet to deliver accelerated beams to two target stations by time sharing. Their design and operational performance are presented | |||
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WEOCB2 | Superconducting Magnets at FAIR | quadrupole, operation, superconducting-magnet, ion | 2546 |
For the FAIR (Facility of Antiproton and Ion Research) accelerators, various technologies of superconducting magnets have been developed. In total, 613 superconducting magnets are required for the FAIR modularized start version. For the heavy ion synchrotron SIS100, which is the central accelerator under construction, fast ramped, iron dominated superconducting magnets of the Nuclotron type will be used. Due to the high beam intensity operation desired for SIS100, highest precision and reproducibility is requested for the iron yoke of these magnets. For the dipole magnets of SIS100 the series production has already been released. In parallel, the Super-FRS will be built for the generation of radioactive beams and for isotope separation. Huge aperture superconducting dipole magnets and multiplet modules are required for the main separator of the Super-FRS. For testing of the various types of sc magnets, three test facilities at GSI, JINR and CERN have been set-up. We give an overview on the modern design aspects for the different magnet types and their first test results and the preparation of the appropriate test facilities. | |||
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WEPAB003 | The Danish Synchrotron Radiation Light Source ASTRID2 | quadrupole, cavity, synchrotron, operation | 2561 |
The ASTRID2 synchrotron light source has now been in user operation for more than 3 years, and most of the initially unresolved minor issues have been dealt with. This paper will report on the solutions, and give an over-view of the current status. The problem of the fast injection bumpers, which overheated at high currents, has been solved. The 3rd harmonic Landau cavity has been installed, and it has resulted in a much better lifetime and a more stable beam. We observe vertically unstable beams above a given threshold beam current. Initially this threshold was quite low, but with time, as the vacuum chambers have been conditioned more and more, the threshold has increased steadily, and is now close to the design current of 200 mA. It is planned to add 3 more power supplies to each of the pole-face windings, which are found in all 12 dipoles. These three supplies will in addition to the original quadrupole correctors give a vertical corrector, a horizontal corrector and a skew quadrupole corrector. Furthermore we are presently producing a new timing system, which will allow us to run single-bunch operation, and a fast orbit feedback system. | |||
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WEPAB026 | BRho-Dependent Taylor Transfer Maps for Super-FRS Dipole Magnets | ion, simulation, radiation, multipole | 2631 |
The Super-FRS is an in-flight projectile fragment separator being built at GSI for FAIR. Due to the required high design momentum resolution and large acceptance (Ah= ±40mrad, Av= ±20mrad) the dipole magnets of the Super-FRS have large apertures (38×14cm²). The wide design magnetic rigidity (BRho) range 2-20 Tm requires the variation of the main dipole magnetic field B0 in the range 0.16-1.6 T. Since the upper third of the B0 range is situated in a non-linear saturation region of the magnetization curve B(H) and the spatial distribution of magnetic permeability in the steel yoke is non-uniform, the field distribution in the useful aperture of the magnet is a non-linear and non-uniform function of the excitation current I. One consequence is the shortening of the effective length and the change of the field distribution with increasing I. In this study we analyze these effects for the Super-FRS dipole magnets. We use 3D field distribution from FEM simulations for different I values and a resulting BRho(I). From the fields the Taylor transfer maps for the particles are obtained using DA techniques (COSY-infinity) and the convergence of the resulting transfer maps is discussed. | |||
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WEPAB036 | The Diffraction Limited Light Source Elettra 2.0 | emittance, insertion-device, lattice, insertion | 2660 |
Elettra 2.0 is the next generation to replace Elettra, the Italian third generation light source. The new machine will have an emittance of 0.25 nm-rad with coherent flux about two orders of magnitude higher than that of the present machine. In the paper the aspects of its feasibility are described and discussed. | |||
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WEPAB053 | Candidate Lattice Design of the HEPS Booster Consisting of Combined-Function Dipoles | lattice, emittance, booster, sextupole | 2700 |
Funding: Work supported by NSFC (11475202, 11405187) The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is a 6-GeV, ultralow-emittance, kilometer-scale storage ring light source to be built in China. It is planned to use a 300 MeV linac and a full energy booster as the injector. In this paper we present one of the candidate lattice designs for the HEPS booster, where most of the dipoles are combined with quadrupole and sextupole gradients. Global optimization of the lattice has been done, where the dependencies of the lattice performance on various parameters, including the minimum pole face field, damping partition number, number of dipoles, etc. are discussed. |
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WEPAB054 | Candidate HEPS Lattice Design With Emittances Approaching the Diffraction Limit of Hard X-Rays | lattice, emittance, storage-ring, brightness | 2703 |
Funding: Work supported by NSFC (11475202, 11405187) The High Energy Photon Source is a 6-GeV, kilometre-scale storage ring light source to be built in Beijing. A lattice of the storage ring was proposed, consisting of 48 hybrid 7BAs, and having a natural emittance of 60 pm and a circumference of ~1.3 km. In this paper, we discuss the possibility of further reducing the emittance to approach the diffraction limit of hard X-ray with 'typical' wavelength of 1 Å. We introduce the considerations on the choice of lattice structure and circumference, and concrete lattice designs. |
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WEPAB072 | Apple II Undulator and Front End Design for the New LOREA Beamline at ALBA | polarization, undulator, vacuum, wiggler | 2747 |
ALBA synchrotron has started the construction of a new beamline LOREA, for Low-Energy Ultra-High-Resolution Angular Photoemission for Complex Materials. It will operate in the range of 10 to 1500 eV and will use polarized light. In order to produce the light to be used in this beamline, several options have been studied, and finally an Apple II design has been chosen. The device can operate as an undulator at low energies and as a wiggler at high energies, reaching a wide energy range. The high demanding characteristics of the beamline in terms of energies lead to a device providing high power and wide beam in some working modes. This situation has been a challenge for the Front End design, especially for the vertically polarized mode, with some changes with respect to standard ALBA front ends. In this paper we present the magnetic design and expected performances of the device, that currently is being built by KYMA, as well as the Front End design, that currently is being built by RMP and TVP. | |||
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WEPAB086 | Design and Optimisation of SPS-II Storage Ring | emittance, lattice, dynamic-aperture, undulator | 2773 |
Siam Photon Source (SPS) in Thailand has been operating and providing synchrotron radiation to users for more than a decade, leading to growing user community in South East Asia region. This gives rise to the possibility of constructing a new 3 GeV light source which could provide synchrotron light with higher photon energy and higher brilliance than the existing 1.2 GeV machine. Hybrid multi-bend achromat (HMBA) lattice design providing small natural beam emittance is a promising choice. In this paper, the Double-Triple Bend Achromat (DTBA) design with extra straight section scaled from Diamond Light Source upgrade lattice [ref.] is presented. Lattice optimisation with simplified magnet specifications still allows natural emittance of about 900 pm'rad for a 321.3 m circumference ring with sufficient dynamic aperture. | |||
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WEPAB095 | Electron Beam Commissioning of the DDBA Modification to the Diamond Storage Ring | injection, storage-ring, emittance, lattice | 2800 |
The Diamond storage ring has been modified by replacing one of the existing double bend achromat (DBA) cells with a double-DBA (DDBA) cell*. This change represents the largest modification to the storage ring since it was first commissioned in 2006, and was installed and fully commissioned during a single 8 week shutdown in autumn 2016. In view of this tight schedule, the planned commissioning steps and all high-level software needed to be developed and thoroughly tested in advance. Electron beam commissioning occupied the final 2 weeks of the shutdown, during which the injected electrons were captured and accumulated, the correct linear lattice was established, the nonlinear beam dynamics were studied, IDs were closed and the target 300 mA was achieved. This paper presents an overview of these activities.
* R.P. Walker et al., 'The Double-Double Bend Achromat (DDBA) Lattice Modification for the Diamond Storage Ring', Proc. IPAC 2014, MOPRO103, (2014) |
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WEPAB120 | Reproducibility Issues of NSLS-II Storage Ring and Modeling of the Lattice | operation, lattice, quadrupole, storage-ring | 2851 |
Funding: DOE Contract No: DE-SC0012704 As other facilities, in operating NSLS-II, we develop the lattices based on theoretical and simulation studies. Then the lattice is applied and the machine is optimized to have the desired design parameters. This process is very typical and works well and, furthermore, there is a general understanding that a model with the field measurement data is not realized as it is. However, it is evident that if the model represents the real machine close enough, there are lots of advantages we can take. One of them can be producing the lattice with changing environments. In this paper, we discuss the NSLS-II reproducibility status and efforts to construct the faithful realistic model. |
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WEPAB125 | Crossbar H-Mode Drift-Tube Linac Design With Alternative Phase Focusing for Muon Linac | cavity, linac, emittance, acceleration | 2868 |
Funding: This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 15H03666. A crossbar H-mode (CH) drift-tube linac (DTL) is one of alternatives for a low velocity part in a muon linac at the J-PARC E34 experiment. It will accelerate muons from v/c = 0.08 to 0.28 at an operational frequency of 324 MHz. In order to achieve higher acceleration efficiency and make cost lower, an alternative phase focusing (APF) scheme is adopted. In this poster, dynamics and cavity designs with computer calculations will be presented. |
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WEPIK010 | Commissioning Status of SuperKEKB Main Ring Magnet System | operation, power-supply, interaction-region, luminosity | 2933 |
SuperKEKB is an electron-positron collider, which aims for the very high peak luminosity of 8x1035 cm-2s-1 , 40 times higher than that of KEKB. The SuperKEKB Main Ring (MR) system is very large, consisting of more than 1700 water-cooled normal-conducting magnets and about 900 air-cooled normal-conducting magnets. More than 400 magnets and power supplies were newly fabricated, tested and installed for SuperKEKB Phase I beam operation. The MR magnet system worked well, which contributed greatly to the smooth start-up of the MR. Commissioning status of the MR magnet system during SuperKEKB Phase I operation will be reported. Some problems resulting in beam abort will also be reported. | |||
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WEPIK035 | Adapting the JLEIC Electron Ring for Ion Acceleration | ion, booster, lattice, electron | 3007 |
Funding: This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 for ANL and by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U.S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177. A key component of the recently proposed alternative design approach for the JLab-EIC (JLEIC) ion complex is to consolidate the electron storage ring (e-ring) as a large booster for the ions*. A preliminary parameter study showed that it is possible to do so for different design options of the e-ring. In this paper we will report on the adaptation of the e-ring lattice to accelerate ions. After studying the beam dynamics at the injection and extraction energies, we will determine the RF requirements for ion acceleration, in particular the number of required accelerating sections and their locations. The effect of this potential lattice change on the electron beam will be investigated. In a second stage, we will focus on the spin manipulation and determine if the spin rotators and flippers available for the electron could be used for the ions. * An Alternative Approach for the JLEIC Ion Accelerator Complex, B. Mustapha et al, Proceedings of NAPAC-2016, October 9-14, Chicago, IL. |
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WEPIK044 | Effects of Crab Cavitiy Multipoles on JLEIC Ion Ring Dynamic Aperture | multipole, cavity, ion, dynamic-aperture | 3025 |
We study the effects of crab cavity multipole fields on the beam dynamic aperture of the Jefferson Lab Electron-Ion Collider (JLEIC) ion ring. Crab cavities are needed to compensate for luminosity loss due to a 50 mrad crossing angle at the interaction point. New compact crab cavity designs are interesting as they do not require considerable space in the ring but their non-linear field needs to be well understood. In this contribution, we study the impact of field multipoles on the beam dynamic aperture and report tolerance values for crab cavity multipoles. | |||
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WEPIK054 | Evaluation and Attenuation of Sirius Components Impedance | impedance, HOM, storage-ring, vacuum | 3048 |
The Sirius in-vacuum components have their design improvements, possibilities and choices presented, where wake heating, single-bunch and multi-bunch effects and mechanical aspects were taken into account. The results were finally evaluated and added to the Sirius impedance budget. | |||
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WEPIK061 | Lattice Tuning and Error Setting in Accelerator Toolbox | lattice, quadrupole, closed-orbit, multipole | 3067 |
New lattice designs need to be studied in the presence of magnetic and alignment errors and appropriate lattice tuning procedures. For this reason a set of tools to perform a commissioning-like sequence has been developed for the ESRF-EBS* ** upgrade in Accelerator Toolbox (AT)*** and is now generalized to be used for other accelerators lattice design. The functions presented here allow to correct first turn trajectory, orbit, tune, chromaticity, optics and coupling, in any order. A set of functions to define errors is introduced to address, among others, the issues of: misalignment of magnets modeled by several slices, multiple errors setting on the same magnet and spatially recursive errors along the lattice.
* J.C. Biasci et al. ,A low emittance lattice for the ESRF, Synchrotron Radiation News, vol. 27, Iss.6, 2014. ** ESRF upgrade programme phase II, ESRF, December 2014. *** Nash, B. et al.. New functionality for beam dynamics in Accelerator Toolbox (AT) IPAC'15. |
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WEPIK066 | Calculation of Wakefields and Higher Order Modes for the Vacuum Chamber of the CMS, ATLAS, ALICE and LHCb Experiments for the HL-LHC | wakefield, vacuum, higher-order-mode, impedance | 3081 |
Funding: Partly funded by the European Commission within the Framework Programme 7 Capacities Specific Programme, Grant Agreement 284404. The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) project was started with the goal to extend the discovery potential of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The HL-LHC study implies also upgraded dimensions of the experimental beam pipes of the CMS, ATLAS, ALICE and LHCb experiments. The trapped monopole and dipole Higher Order Modes (HOMs) and the short range wakefields for the new design of the vacuum chambers were calculated with help of the computer codes MAFIA and ECHO2D. The results of the short range wakefields calculations and the HOMs calculations are presented in this report. The short range wakefields are presented in terms of longitudinal and transverse wake potentials and also in terms of loss and kick parameters. Selected results from the HOMs calculations , including the the frequency, the loss parameter, the R/Q and the Q value are presented. |
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WEPIK067 | Beam-Dynamics Simulation Studies for the HESR | dynamic-aperture, simulation, multipole, coupling | 3084 |
The High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) is part of the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) placed in Darmstadt (Germany). The HESR is designed for antiprotons with a momentum range from 1.5 GeV/c to 15 GeV/c, but will as well be suitable to provide heavy ion beams with a momentum range from approximately 0.6 GeV/c to 5.8 GeV/c. To guarantee smooth operation it is crucial to verify and to optimize the design with beam-dynamics simulations. Within recent studies* calculations based on a variant of the Lyapunov exponent were carried out to estimate the dynamic aperture. The studies could reproduce expected influences as reduced aperture due to tune resonances and tune shifts due to coupling. Thus they can be extended to investigate the dynamic behaviour of the beam and identify the main restrictions to the dynamic aperture near the chosen betatron tune. Furthermore ongoing measurements of the magnetic fields of the already produced bending dipoles and quadrupoles deliver a more precise insight to the harmonic content of these elements. Thus the existing simulations could now be updated by including the new measurement results.
*J. Hetzel, A. Lehrach, U. Bechstedt, J. Böker, B. Lorentz, R. Tölle: Towards Beam-Dynamics Simulations Including More Realistic Field Descriptions for the HESR, IPAC'16 |
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WEPIK093 | New Methods for Measurement of Nonlinear Errors in LHC Experimental IRs and Their Application in the HL-LHC | resonance, dynamic-aperture, optics, collider | 3155 |
Studies of nonlinear errors in LHC experimental insertions (IRs) during Run 1 were based upon feed-down to tune and coupling from the crossing angle orbit bumps. Useful for validating the magnetic model, this method alone is of limited use to understand discrepancies between magnetic and beam-based measurement. Feed-down from high-order multipoles is also difficult to observe. During Run 2 several alternative methods were tested in the LHC. This paper summarizes the results of these tests, and comments on their potential application to the High-Luminosity LHC upgrade. | |||
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WEPIK098 | Resonant Kicker System With Sub-part-per-million Amplitude Stability | kicker, electron, resonance, operation | 3174 |
High stability resonant kicker magnet systems have been developed as part of the fast electron beam switching system of Swiss Free Electron Laser (SwissFEL). They are designed to separate two closely spaced electron bunches (28 ns apart) accelerated in one RF macro-pulse and to send them to two separate undulator lines. High shot-to-shot amplitude stability is required to minimize the disturbance of the electron beam trajectories and to ensure stable X-ray lasing. The stability and speed was unlikely to be achieved by standard pulsed systems and a novel 18 MHz, lumped-element resonator deflector with high Q was developed. It is driven into resonance by a specialized pulsed RF driver. At resonance, the circulating currents can approach 300 A and the resulting magnetic field gives the required deflection to the electron bunches. The advanced DC offset measurement system is also described in this paper. The measured stability reached less than 1 ppm (10e-6) rms, well within the project requirements. | |||
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WEPIK101 | Novel Implementation of Quadrupole and Higher Order Fringe Fields to Accelerator Design | quadrupole, multipole, sextupole, space-charge | 3184 |
Until recently, in the initial design phase of any accelerator project, it was not possible to have an adequate description of quadrupole and higher order multipole fringe fields. We report on the latest developments in analytical fringe fields for multipoles, particularly for quadrupoles and sextupoles. We show how they can be used to improve accelerator codes and make them both faster and more precise. We also show how the analytical formulae for the fringe fields yield expressions for both the scalar and vector potentials in electromagnetism. We conclude by discussing the application of both potentials to the design of multipole magnets as well as the implementation of symplectic kick approximations for fringe fields in thin lens models that could be used in accelerator codes. | |||
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WEPIK102 | Measurement of RF Resonances and Measured Impact on Transverse Multibunch Instabilities from In-vacuum Insertions Devices | vacuum, resonance, damping, coupling | 3188 |
Diamond Light Source has currently 15 in-vacuum insertion devices (ID) installed, mostly built in-house. Their measured impact on multi-bunch mode damping as a result of varying magnet gap was shown before, now we augment these with measurements of broadband frequency spectra with stored beam obtained using an antenna placed in the ID vacuum. Finally, we present off-line measurements of resonances in the ID vessel acquired using a vector network analyser and two antennae installed in-vacuum. | |||
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WEPIK110 | Resistive Wall Instability and Impedance Studies of Narrow Undulator Chamber in CHESS-U | undulator, lattice, simulation, wakefield | 3204 |
Funding: Work supported by NSF DMR-0936384 and NSF DMR-1332208 In a major upgrade of the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) one sextant of ring will be replaced with double bend achromats (DBAs) and undulator straights for x-ray users. The resistive wall impedance from the narrow gap (4.5 mm) undulator chambers (5 m per straight) may limit total beam. Here we report recent results of modelling and calculation of multibunch instabilities due to the impedance of chamber walls and transition tapers. The short range wakefields and resistive wall impedance are modelled and incorporated in a tracking simulation. The coupled-bunch growth rate found with the tracking study is in good agreement with the analytic approximation. We find that the resistive wall instability can be readily damped by our existing bunch-by-bunch feedback system. |
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WEPIK113 | Entrance and Exit CSR Impedance for Non-Ultrarelativistic Beam | impedance, wakefield, bunching, FEL | 3214 |
Funding: Work supported by the Department of Energy, Laboratory Directed Research and Development Funding, under Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177 For a high-brightness electron beam being transported through beamlines involving bending systems, the coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) and longitudinal space charge (LSC) interaction could often cause microbunching instability. The semi-analytical Vlasov solver for microbunching gain* depends on the impedances for the relevant collective effects. The existing results for CSR impedances are usually obtained for the ultrarelativistic limit. To extend the microbunching analysis to cases of low energies, such as the case of an ERL merger, or to density modulations at extremely small wavelength, it is necessary to extend the impedance analysis to the non-ultrarelativistic regime. In this study, we present the impedance analysis for the transient CSR interaction in the non-ultrarelativistic regime, for transients including both entrance to and exit from a magnetic dipole. These impedance results will be compared to their ultra-relativistic counterparts**, and the corresponding wakefield obtained from the impedance for low-energy beams will be compared with the existing results of transient CSR wakefield for general beam energies***. * C.-Y. Tsai et al., Proc. of IPAC'15, 596 (2015). ** C. Mitchell et al ., Proc. of IPAC'13, 1832 (2014). *** E. L. Saldin et al ., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 398, 373 (1997). |
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WEPVA030 | FAIR SIS100 - Features and Status of Realisation | cryogenics, operation, ion, synchrotron | 3320 |
SIS100 is a unique heavy ion synchrotron designed for the generation of high intensity heavy ion and Proton beams. New features and solutions are implemented to enable operation with low charge state heavy ions and to minimize ionization beam loss driven by collisions with the residual gas. SIS100 aims for new frontier and world wide leading Uranium bam intensities. A huge effort is taken to stabilized the dynamics of the residual gas pressure and to suppress ion induced desorption. Fast ramped superconducting magnets have been developed and are in production with highest precision in engineering and field quality, matching the requirements from beams with high space charge. A powerful equipment with Rf stations for fast acceleration, pre- and final compression, for the generation of barrier buckets and provision of longitudinal feed-back shall allow a flexible handling of the ion bunches for the matching to various user requirements. Results obtained with FOS (first of series) devices, status of realisation and technical challenges resulting from the demanding goals, will be presented. | |||
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WEPVA033 | Conceptual Design Considerations for a 1.3 TeV Superconducting SPS (scSPS) | extraction, injection, target, proton | 3323 |
The Future Circular Collider for hadrons (FCC-hh) envisaged at CERN will require a High Energy Booster as injector. One option being studied is to reuse the 6.9 km circumference tunnel of the SPS to house a fast-ramping superconducting machine. This paper presents the conceptual design considerations for this superconducting single aperture accelerator (designated scSPS) which can be used to accelerate protons to an extraction energy of 1.3 TeV, both for FCC and for fixed target beam operation in CERN's North Area. As FCC injector this accelerator has to be used in a fast cycling mode to fulfil the FCC-hh requirements concerning filling time, which impacts directly the choice of magnet technology. The reliability and availability will also play important roles in the design, and the inclusion of a fixed target capacity also has significant implications for the lattice and layout. The cell design, magnet parameters, overall layout, design of the different insertion and performance estimates for specific applications will be presented and discussed. | |||
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WEPVA049 | Vacuum- and Bake-Out-Testbenches for the HESR at FAIR | vacuum, quadrupole, ion, heavy-ion | 3366 |
The High-Energy Storage Ring (HESR) is one part of the international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI Darmstadt. Forschungszentrum Jülich (IKP and ZEA-1) is responsible for the design and development of the HESR. The HESR is designed for antiprotons and heavy ion experiments as well. Therefore the vacuum is required to be 10-11 mbar or better. To achieve this also in the curved sections, where 44 bent dipole magnets are installed, NEG coated dipole chambers will be used to reach the needed pumping speed and capacity. For activation of the NEG a bake-out system is needed. Two test benches were installed to investigate the required equipment needed to reach this low pressure: A vacuum test bench to investigate the influence of different types and quantity of vacuum pumps for the straight sections of the HESR A bake-out test bench for checking the achievable end pressure and develop the bake-out system for the NEG coated dipole chambers in the curved sections of the HESR The results of the tests and the bake-out concept including the layout of the control system and the special design of the heater jackets inside the dipoles and quadrupoles are presented.
1 Central Institute of Engineering, Electronics and Analytics- Engineering and Technology ZEA-1 2 Institute for nuclear physics |
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WEPVA051 | Power Converters for the ESS Warm Magnets | quadrupole, beam-transport, linac, neutron | 3372 |
In the framework of the Italian In-Kind Contribution (IKC) to the construction of the European Spallation Source (ESS), Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste is in charge of providing some key equipment for the accelerator. Among them, there are the magnets and the associated power converters for the Linac Warm Units (LWU), the High Energy Beam Transport (HEBT) dogleg, the Dump Line (DmpL) and the Accelerator to Target (A2T) sections of the neutron source. Magnets and their power converters are complementary parts of common systems. Their design cannot be totally separated, requiring iterations for an optimal solution that should include also power cable standardization. This work will describe the power converters' solutions adopted for the magnets of the above-mentioned sections. They comprise 4-Quadrant power converters for the correctors, compact DC power converters for the small quadrupole magnets and more powerful DC power converters for the dipole and large quadrupole magnets. | |||
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WEPVA065 | High Precision Magnet Powering for the SESAME Storage Ring | power-supply, controls, quadrupole, timing | 3418 |
SESAME is the first synchrotron light source for the Middle East and is expected to start its operation mid-2017. It is composed of a 22 MeV Microtron, a 0.8 GeV booster synchrotron and a 2.5 GeV storage ring. The storage ring magnets and power supplies were designed, produced and validated under the framework of a collaboration between SESAME and CERN, supported by the European Commission. The power supply control strategy for the SESAME main ring follows the same model used in the LHC, where the power supplies are voltage sources bought from industry, to which a specially designed control unit and current sensors are added to implement a high precision current source. This strategy provides modularity, ease of maintenance, better control over performance and flexibility for the machine. Machine flexibility is further enhanced by individually powering the quadrupole magnets. In this paper, the powering strategy, design and validation of the magnet power supplies are described. Some of the challenges faced during those phases are discussed. Finally, performance results are presented, showing stability of the dipole power supply at nominal current of about 10 parts per million. | |||
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WEPVA085 | Development of High Stabile Magnet Power Supply | FPGA, power-supply, interface, experiment | 3455 |
A high stable magnet power supply (MPS) was devel-oped, which was a bipolar type with 200A of the output current at the 40V of output voltage. The MPS has been implemented by the digital signal processing technology using the DSP, FPGA, ADCs and so on. The output cur-rent stability of the MPS showed about 4 ppm peak-to-peak in a short term experiment at the 200A of its full output current. This paper shows the several design con-siderations being implemented to this high stable MPS. Some experimental data such as output stability, some waveforms and so on are given in this paper. | |||
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WEPVA087 | Magnetic Measurements of NICA Booster Dipoles | booster, injection, collider, synchrotron | 3458 |
NICA is a new accelerator collider complex under construction at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna. NICA booster magnetic system consists of 40 dipole and 48 quadrupole superconducting magnets. Measurement of magnetic field parameters is assumed for each booster magnets. At the moment 20 series dipole magnets are assembled and have passed all tests. Booster dipole magnets are 2.14 m-long, 128 /65 mm (h/v) aperture magnets with design similar to Nuclotron dipole magnet but with curved (14.1 m radius) yoke. They will produce fields up to 1.8 T. The magnetic field parameters will be measured at warm (300 K) and cold (4.5 K) conditions. This paper describes magnetic measurements methods and developing of magnetic measurements system. The obtained results of magnetic measurements of 20 magnets are summarized here. | |||
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WEPVA088 | Testing of SC-Magnets of NICA booster synchrotron | booster, synchrotron, cryogenics, quadrupole | 3461 |
Serial tests of sc-magnets of NICA Booster started at the dedicated facility of LHEP JINR. Magnets' assembly and testing workflow are presented. Main steps of the magnet preparation to the cryogenics tests are described. First results of serial tests are presented and discussed. | |||
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WEPVA111 | Change of Critical Current Density in Nb-Ti and Nb3Sn Strands After Millisecond Heating | superconducting-magnet, experiment, collider, luminosity | 3528 |
The damage mechanisms and limits of superconducting magnet components due to direct beam impact are not well understood. The energy deposition from beam losses can cause significant temperature rise and mechanical stress in the magnet coils, which can lead to a degradation of the insulation strength and critical current of the superconductor. An improved understanding of these mechanisms is not only important for the LHC in view of the planned increase in beam brightness, but also for other high energy accelerators using superconducting magnets. An experimental road map has been defined to study these damage mechanisms. Experiments have been performed with Nb-Ti and Nb3Sn strands and cable stacks at room temperature. This contribution focuses on the experimental study on the effect of millisecond heating on superconducting strands. | |||
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WEPVA112 | Characterisation of the Mechanical Behaviour of Superconducting Cables Used in High Field Magnets From Room Temperature Down to 77K | collider, luminosity, cryogenics, superconducting-magnet | 3532 |
A comprehensive knowledge of the mechanical properties of the superconducting cable used in high-field magnets is of paramount importance to study and model the behaviour of the magnet coil from assembly to the operational conditions at cryogenic temperature. The mechanical characterisation of such kind of materials presents practical challenges associated with the heterogeneity of the materials, the geometry, size and quality of the samples that can be produced out of actual cables. These constraints impose the undertaking of such measurements from a nonstandard approach, and hence the development of tailor-made tooling. An extensive characterisation campaign for the determination of the mechanical properties of the superconducting cable at room and cryogenic temperature was launched at CERN in order to determine the most relevant mechanical properties of the superconducting cables used in the MQXF and 11T magnets. This paper describes the design of the tooling developed for this specific application as well as the experimental set-up used for the tests, and discusses the outcomes of the matrix of tests performed. | |||
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WEPVA136 | Vacuum System for the Diamond Light Source DDBA Upgrade | vacuum, simulation, electron, photon | 3587 |
One cell of the Diamond Light Source (Diamond) storage ring was upgraded in late 2016 to a Double Double Bend Achromat (DDBA) configuration to provide an additional mid-achromat insertion device straight. For practical reasons it was decided to use discrete non-evaporable getter (NEG) pumps rather than NEG coatings. This paper outlines the vacuum design of the up-grade, the reasons for the choices made and the vacuum simulation tools used as well as describing the vacuum system engineering, assembly, installation and commissioning. The measured vacuum performance is found to be in close agreement with the simulations and a simple expression is derived for the beam gas lifetime. | |||
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WEPVA140 | Design Studies and Optimization of High-Field Nb3Sn Dipole Magnets for a Future Very High Energy pp Collider | collider, magnet-design, operation, quadrupole | 3597 |
Funding: Work is supported by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC, under contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the U.S. Department of Energy High filed accelerator magnets with operating fields of 15-16 T based on the Nb3Sn superconductor are being considered for the LHC energy upgrade or a future Very High Energy pp Collider. Magnet design studies are being conducted in the U.S., Europe and Asia to explore the limits of the Nb3Sn accelerator magnet technology while optimizing the magnet design and performance parame-ters, and reducing magnet cost. The first results of these studies performed at Fermilab in the framework of the US-MDP are reported in this paper. |
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WEPVA142 | Active Compensation Coils in the Fermilab g-2 Experiment | multipole, experiment, simulation, storage-ring | 3602 |
The recently commissioned Fermilab muon g-2 experiment is aiming to determine the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon to 140 ppb. To achieve this level of precision, the magnetic field seen by the muon must be know at fraction of a ppm level, which puts limits on the required magnetic field uniformity. In addition to the mechanical adjustments made to magnet pole tips, a set of 200 trim coils were added to the ring. These coils form concentric rings with 100 on the top pole and 100 on the bottom. Measurements of the remaining integrated filed errors were made using NMR probes. The use of these trim coils to reduce the remaining higher order field errors will be discussed. | |||
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WEPVA146 | Vacuum System Design and Simulation for CHESS-U | vacuum, operation, distributed, electron | 3612 |
Funding: This work is supported by National Science Foundation Reward #DMR-1332208 A major upgrade project (dubbed CHESS-U) is planned to elevate performance of Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) to the state-of-art 3rd generation light sources. In the project, about 80-m of Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) will be replaced with double-bend achromat (DBA) lattice to reduce electron beam emittance. In this presentation, we will describe designs of the CHESS-U vacuum system, including new beam pipe extrusions and chambers, sliding joints, and crotch absorbers. Vacuum pumping system consists of distributed pumps (in the form of NEG strips) in the dipole chambers, and compact discrete NEG/Ion pumps in the quad straight and undulator beampipes. MolFlow+ is used to evaluate pumping performances of the CHESS-U vacuum system. First, we demonstrate that the planned vacuum pumping system can achieve and sustain required ultra-high vacuum level in CHESS-U operations, after an initial beam conditioning. Second, we will explore beam commissioning processes of the new vacuum chambers, and simulate the saturation of the NEG strips during the commissioning. These simulations will aid continuing design optimization for the CHESS-U vacuum pumping system. |
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WEPVA151 | The eRHIC Interaction Region Magnets | electron, quadrupole, hadron, shielding | 3624 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-SC0012704 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Designing eRHIC Interaction Region (IR) magnets faces special Machine Detector Interface challenges. Based upon HERA-II experience, a fundamental consideration is to avoid excessive background due to synchrotron radiation striking masks and septa in the vicinity of the experiment. Circumventing such radiation is problematic because the colliding beams have quite different rigidities; we must shield the e-beam from hadron IR magnet multi-tesla coil fields. On the outgoing-hadron, i.e. forward IR side, this difficulty is compounded by needing large hadron beam apertures to enable downstream separation and experimental detection of a mix of scattered and produced forward going charged particles and (in the electron-ion case) a wide-spread cone of neutrons. Here we present superconducting magnet designs with combinations of active and passive shielding and Sweet Spot coils to meet these requirements along with the design of a superferric spectrometer dipole, with an integrated cancel coil, that extends the forward experimental acceptance. |
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THPPA3 | Hybrid Multi Bend Achromat: from SuperB to EBS | lattice, emittance, luminosity, synchrotron | 3670 |
The Hybrid Multi Bend Achromat: from SuperB to EBS. The motivations and rationale at the basis of the Hybrid Multi Bend Achromat (HMBA) lattice and its evolution through the years are presented. Its implementation in the ESRF Extremely Brilliant Source (EBS) upgrade is also shown. | |||
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THPAB011 | Optimization of Multicell Microwave Cavities Using YACS | cavity, controls, multipole, software | 3708 |
Funding: Work supported by the BMBF under contract no. 05K13PEB. YACS is a 2.5D finite element method solver capable of solving for the full 3D eigenfrequency spectra of resonant axisymmetric structures while reducing the computational problem to a 2D rotation plane. The most recent revision of the code introduced arbitrary order basis functions and curved meshes, for both triangular and quadrilateral unstructured meshes. This led to significant increases in convergence rates. However, due to the utilization of curved meshes and the complex coordinate transformations that are involved, spurious modes were introduced when solving the axisymmetric problem. Although workarounds do exist that circumvent these issues by lowering the likelihood and frequency of spurious modes, linear triangular meshes with higher order basis functions were chosen due to their simplicity and spurious free solutions. In order to support the usage of spline cavities as an alternative parameterization to the well known elliptical cavities, parameter space scans were carried out for non-reentrant spline cavities. In addition a new optimization strategy is presented that exploits the arbitrary polynomial order of Bézier curves by utilizing the degree elevation technique. |
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THPAB021 | Wake Field and Head-Tail Instability in Beam-Beam Collision with a Large Crossing Angle | wakefield, electron, positron, simulation | 3738 |
Head-tail type of coherent beam-beam instability has been seen in a strong-strong beam-beam simulation for collision with a large Piwinski angle σzθ/σx>>1, where θ is a half crossing angle. Beta x* is key parameter for the instability. The instability is not serious for SuperKEKB, but can be seen in phase II commissioning stage. It has a large impact for design of FCC-ee. We introduce wake field due to the beam-beam collision. The wake field gives turn-by-turn correlation of head-tail mode. Head-tail instability caused by the wake field explains that seen in the strong-strong beam-beam simulation. | |||
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THPAB026 | Feasibility Analysis of Emittance Preservation During Bunch Compression in the Presence of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation in an Arc | emittance, simulation, lattice, synchrotron | 3753 |
Electron beam with low transverse emittance, short bunch length and high peak current is the basic requirement in modern high-brightness light sources. However, coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) will dilute the transverse emittance when the electron beams pass through a magnetic bunch compressor and degrade the performance of the machine. In this paper, based on our CSR point-kick analysis, arc compressors with high compression factor in the presence of CSR effect are studied, both periodic and aperiodic arcs are included. Through analytical and numerical research, an easy optics design technique is introduced to minimize the emittance dilution within these compressors. Taking practical considerations into account, the results of periodic and aperiodic arcs are compared. | |||
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THPAB053 | Laser Heater Deisgn for the CLARA FEL Test Facility | laser, undulator, electron, FEL | 3833 |
We present considerations of microbunching studies in the CLARA (Compact Linear Accelerator for Research and Applications), the proposed UK FEL test facility under construction at Daresbury Laboratory. CLARA, a high-brightness electron linac, presents an opportunity to study the microbunching instability. A number of theoretical models have been proposed concerning the causes of this instability, and it has also been observed at various FEL facilities. We have applied these models to the CLARA FEL, and propose a suitable laser heater design which will provide flexibility in terms of the range of modes of operation for CLARA. We also propose a method for inducing and controlling the microbunching instability via pulse stacking of the photoinjector laser. | |||
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THPAB058 | PyZgoubi Simulations of the CBETA Lattice | lattice, closed-orbit, electron, framework | 3847 |
Funding: Work supported by New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) The Cornell-BNL Electron Test Accelerator CBETA is a 4 pass up, 4 pass down energy recovery linac using Fixed-Field Alternating-Gradient (FFAG) recirculation arcs with a top energy of 150 MeV. We present lattice implemented in the tracking code pyZgoubi, with both hard edge and field map magnet versions. We also describe the recent developments in pyZgoubi such as importing lattice tables from other tracking codes. |
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THPAB059 | CSR and Space Charge Studies for the CLARA Phase 1 Beamline | electron, simulation, linac, space-charge | 3851 |
The installation of Phase 1 of CLARA, the UK's new FEL test facility, is currently underway at Daresbury Laboratory. When completed, it will be able to deliver 45 MeV electron beams to the pre-existing VELA beamline, which runs parallel. Phase 1 consists of a 10 Hz photocathode gun, a 2 m long S-band travelling wave linac, a spectrometer line, and associated optics and diagnostics. A detailed study into the beam dynamics of the lattice is presented, with a focus towards the effects of space charge and coherent synchrotron radiation on the electron bunch. Simulations disagreed with predictions from a one-dimensional model of coherent radiation, and this disagreement is believed to be due to a violation of the Derbenev criterion. | |||
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THPAB061 | Limiting Effects in the Double EEX Beamline | emittance, shielding, timing, simulation | 3858 |
Funding: This work is supported by Department of Energy, Office of High Energy Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. The double emittance exchange (EEX) beamline is suggested to overcome the large horizontal emittance and transverse jitter issues associated with the single EEX beamline while preserving its powerful phase-space manipulation capability. However, the double EEX beamline also has potential limitations due to coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) and transverse jitter. The former limitation arises because double EEX uses twice as many bending magnets as single EEX which means stronger CSR effects degrading the beam quality. The latter limitation arises because a longitudinal jitter in front of the first EEX beamline is converted into a transverse jitter in the middle section (between the EEX beamlines) which can cause beam loss or beam degradation. In this paper, we numerically explore the effects of these two limitations on the emittance and beam transport. |
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THPAB062 | Preliminary Simulations on Chirpless Bunch Compression using Double-EEX Beamline | quadrupole, emittance, controls, simulation | 3862 |
Funding: This work is supported by Department of Energy, Office of High Energy Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. An emittance exchange (EEX) beamline can be used to compress an electron bunch via its transverse-to-longitudinal exchange mechanism. We are investigating this as an alternative to the normal magnetic chicane bunch compressor. The chicane method requires a longitudinal chirp before the chicane (since it relies on the path length difference of different energies) which results in an unwanted chirp after the compressor. Alternatively, the EEX method uses quadrupole magnets to compress the bunch. In this paper, we present preliminary simulations in preparation for a demonstration of chirp-less bunch compression using an EEX beamline at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator facility. |
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THPAB079 | Terahertz Chirper for the Bunch Compression of Ultra-Low Emittance Beams | emittance, electron, coupling, laser | 3899 |
Recent efforts have demonstrated the possibility of achieving ultralow transverse emittance beams for high brightness light sources and free electron lasers*. While these lower emittances should translate to improved lasing efficiency and higher peak brightness in FELs, these beams are commensurately more vulnerable to coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) for the selfsame reasons. Conserving these ultralow emittances through the bunch compressors in an FEL given their increased propensity to emit CSR is particularly challenging. We investigate the possibility of imposing a large energy chirp at terahertz wavelengths to reduce the required magnetic fields in the compressor, counteracting the ultralow emittance in the generation of CSR. A second, higher frequency THz chirper would then be used to dechirp the beam after the chicane. Operation at THz as opposed to conventional radiofrequencies offers significantly larger chirp at similar input powers, yet still with wavelengths greater than typical FEL bunch lengths (several femtoseconds). Potential experimental schemes will be suggested in the context of LCLS and their feasibility evaluated.
* S. Bettoni, M. Pedrozzi and S. Reiche, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams. 18, 123403 (December, 2015). |
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THPAB090 | Algorithm to Calculate Off-Plane Magnetic Field From an on-Plane Field Map | simulation, optics, proton, extraction | 3928 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. We present an algorithm to calculate the off-plane components of the magnetic field from the on-plane components of the magnetic field which are measured on a grid of the plane. The algorithm, which is a general one and it is not restricted on a mid-plane symmetry, is based on the Taylor series expansion of the magnetic field components in terms of the normal to the plane location. The coefficients of the Taylor series expansion are expressed in terms of the on-plane derivatives of the field components which are generated by the measured magnetic field components on the grid of the plane. The algorithm is use in the RATRACE computer code[*] and has been used[**] on a dipole magnet with median plane symmetry. * S.B. Kowalski and H.A. Enge The Ion-Optical Program Raytrace NIM A258 (1987) 407 ** N. Tsoupas et. al. Effects of Dipole Magnet Inhomogeneity on the Beam Ellipsoid NIM A258 (1987) 421-425 |
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THPAB092 | Orbit and Dispersion Tool at European XFEL Injector | laser, electron, quadrupole, GUI | 3932 |
Trajectory and electron beam size play an essential role in Free Electron Laser (FEL) obtainment. Since transverse dispersion changes off-energy particle trajectories and increases the effective beam size, dispersion and orbit must constantly be controlled and corrected along the whole lattice. In this paper the principles underlying the orbit and dispersion correction tool, developed at DESY, are described. The results of its testing on European XFEL injector are presented. | |||
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THPAB146 | Investigation of the Remanent Field of the SPS Main Dipoles and Possible Solutions for Machine Operation | closed-orbit, operation, extraction, proton | 4069 |
The CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) provides different types of beams at different extraction energies. The main magnets of the SPS are regulated with a current loop, but it has turned out that hysteresis effects from the main dipoles have a significant impact on reproducibility and hence efficiency and availability. Beam and machine parameters were found to depend on the programmed sequence of magnetic cycles - the so-called super cycle - representing the production of the different beams. The scientific program of the SPS requires frequent changes of the supercycle composition and the effect of the main magnet hysteresis has to be understood, modelled and used in accelerator control system. This paper summarises the first main field measurements carried out with the currently available systems during operational conditions as well as measurements of vital machine and beam parameters as a function of the super cycle composition. Finally, ideas will be presented to provide reproducibility by automatically correcting different parameters taking the magnetic history of the main magnets into account. | |||
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THPAB147 | Automatic Local Aperture Measurements in the SPS | target, proton, quadrupole, vacuum | 4073 |
The CERN SPS (Super Proton Synchrotron) serves as LHC injector and provides beam for the North Area fixed target experiments. It is equipped with flat vacuum chambers to accommodate the large horizontal beam size required during transition crossing and slow extraction. At low energy, the vertical acceptance becomes critical with high intensity large emittance fixed target beams. Optimizing the vertical available aperture is a key ingredient to optimize transmission and reduce activation around the ring. Aperture measurements are routinely carried out after each shutdown. Global vertical aperture measurements are followed by detailed bump scans at the locations with the loss peaks. During the 2016 run a tool was developed to provide an automated local aperture scan around the entire ring. This allowed to establish detailed reference measurements of the vertical aperture and identify directly the SPS aperture bottlenecks. The methodology applied for the scans will be briefly described in this paper and the analysis discussed. Finally, the 2016 SPS measured vertical aperture will be presented and compared to the results obtained with the previous method. | |||
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THPIK007 | Production of Low Cost, High Field Quality Halbach Magnets | quadrupole, multipole, simulation, controls | 4118 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. A shimming method has been developed at BNL that can improve the integrated field linearity of Halbach magnets to roughly 1 unit (1 part in 104) at r=10mm. Two sets of magnets have been produced: six quadrupoles of strength 23.62T/m and six combined-function (asymmetrical) Halbach magnets of 19.12T/m with a central field of 0.377T. These were assembled using a 3D printed plastic mould inside an aluminium tube for strength. A shim holder, which is also 3D printed, is fitted within the magnet bore and holds iron wires of particular masses that cancel the multipole errors measured using a rotating coil on the unshimmed magnet. A single iteration of shimming reduces error multipoles by a factor of 4 on average. This assembly and shimming method results in a high field quality magnet at low cost, without stringent tolerance requirements or machining work. Applications of these magnets include compact FFAG beamlines such as FFAG proton therapy gantries, or any bending channel requiring a ~4x momentum acceptance. The design and shimming method can also be generalised to produce custom nonlinear fields, such as those for scaling FFAGs. |
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THPIK012 | The Magnets of BERLinPro: Specification, Design, Measurement and Quality Analysis | multipole, quadrupole, sextupole, operation | 4124 |
Funding: Work supported by grants of Helmholtz Association VH-NG-636 and HRJRG-214 A total of 77 magnets form the magnetic lattice of the BERLinPro energy recovery linac prototype: 1+8+8 dipole magnets of three different types, 12+40 quadrupole magnets of two different types and 8 sextupole magnets have been produced by BINP. After the design phase, magnets production started in 2015, measurements and delivery took place in 2016, first assembly stage was finished in 03/2017. The motivation for the magnet specification and a summary of the basic design is given in this paper. Select-ed measurement data from the final acceptance tests are presented and analysed to ensure the magnet quality. |
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THPIK029 | THE RF CAVITY FOR THE INDUS-2 STORAGE RING | cavity, HOM, vacuum, operation | 4154 |
A new Elettra-type cavity has been delivered to the Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) Indus-2 facility. This cavity is the very same of those already installed several years ago with some optimization of the cooling channels. It is the Elettra-type cavity, normal conducting copper single cell but resonating at 505.8 MHz. The cavity description, the full characterization of the accelerating mode (L0) and high order modes (HOM) and the acceptance tests are presented in this paper. | |||
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THPIK032 | Installation and Low Power Test of IFMIF-EVEDA RFQ at Rokkasho Site | rfq, linac, cavity, vacuum | 4162 |
The IFMIF-EVEDA RFQ is composed of 18 modules for a total length of 9.8 m and is designed to accelerate the 125 mA D+ beam up to 5 MeV at the frequency of 175 MHz. The RFQ is subdivided into three Super-Modules of six modules each. The Super-Modules were shipped to Rokkasho (Japan) at the beginning of 2016, pre-assembled 3 m far from the final location and tuned to reach target field flatness requirements. Just after conclusion of injector commissioning, the tuned RFQ was disassembled, moved and reassembled in the final location. After confirmation that field flatness was not affected by this movement, high power couplers were installed and tuned and all the structure was baked. Assembling, tuning and coupling results will be presented. | |||
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THPIK042 | The Magnetic Measurement of Conventional Magnets for Electron Beam Accelerator of Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology | quadrupole, collimation, solenoid, electron | 4190 |
The project of electron beam accelerator is worked together completed by NINT (Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology) and IHEP (Institute of High Energy Physics, China). Conventional magnet of the project includes a total of three dipole magnets, four quadrupole magnets, six solenoid magnets, and four correction magnets. All of magnets to complete the measurement by IHEP hall measuring equipment. The integrated magnetic field measurement of the arc-shaped dipole magnet requires simultaneous movement by the X-axis and the Z-axis, using Labview software written a new measurement procedure, the new measurement procedure has been completed by setting the measuring angle and the measuring radius. All measurement results of conventional magnets have reached the physical design requirements, and each magnet were carried out more than twice the measurement, the reproducibility of the measurement results are better than one-thousandth, fully meet the design claim of NINT. | |||
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THPIK079 | Developments and Measurements Done at ALBA Magnetic Measurements Laboratory Along 2016 | quadrupole, alignment, storage-ring, extraction | 4266 |
Along 2016, ALBA magnetic measurements laboratory has measured magnets for a number of facilities that are being built over the world. Their measurement has been a challenge in terms of improving the methodologies of fiducialization and data analysis, since we have to accommodate to the different set of magnets characteristics and specifications. Especially relevant has been the measurement of closed structures using a conventional Hall probe bench, making the measurement in two steps and relying on alignment accuracy to merge both measurements. In this paper we enumerate the different projects in which ALBA has collaborated, and we remark the method for aligning the quadrupoles to the rotating coil, as well the methodology used to measure closed magnets in two steps with the conventional Hall probe bench. | |||
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THPIK080 | Magnetic Performance of the New ALBA Magnetic Measurements Bench for Closed Structures | cyclotron, undulator, simulation, controls | 4269 |
ALBA has designed and built a new magnetic measurement bench for closed structures, presented elsewhere. This bench has been fully built in-house and has been magnetically characterized at ALBA, showing excellent performance in terms of repeatability and accuracy. In the case of homogeneous fields, the accuracy reaches 10 microTesla, and in the case of undulators characterization, the accuracy of period determination reach 0.5 microns and the field accuracy is 60 microTesla. After this characterization, the bench has been moved to CIEMAT premises, and has been used to magnetically characterize the superconducting magnet of the AMIT cyclotron. In this paper we present the results of magnetic characterization of the bench as well as the first results of cyclotron measurements. | |||
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THPIK082 | Quadrupole Magnet Design for the ESS MEBT | quadrupole, operation, magnet-design, linac | 4276 |
Funding: Consortium ESS Bilbao ESS Bilbao is responsible for the design and fabrication of the ESS MEBT as an In-Kind contribution. The MEBT includes a focusing lattice with 11 quadrupole magnets with different operational gradients, but fabricated from the same model to simplify manufacturing and save costs. The magnet is designed with a 20.5 mm aperture radius to generate focusing fields of up to 2.74 T and also includes two additional steering coil systems assembled around yoke return arms to produce vertical and horizontal dipole fields up to 20 G·m. The magnet model, which fabrication starts in 2017, is here introduced. Magnetic, thermoelectric and dimensional studies are performed and results compared to specifications. Suitable transfer functions for magnet operation and magnetic fields for a doublet system with a BCM magnetically shielded placed between the two magnets are presented. |
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THPIK092 | Considerations on the Effect of Magnet Yoke Dilution on Remanent Field at ELENA | quadrupole, antiproton, simulation, multipole | 4299 |
The Extra Low Energy Antiproton ring (ELENA) is a small synchrotron constructed at CERN to decelerate antiprotons down to 100 keV and, thus, operated at very low magnetic fields. The CERN magnet group has carried out extensive investigations on accelerator magnets for very low fields, comprising theoretical studies and the construction of several prototype magnets, to ensure that the required field quality can be reached at these very low fields. In the course of this work, experimental investigations [1] led to the initially unexpected observation that dilution of the yoke, i.e. alternating laminations made of electric steel with thicker non-magnetic stainless steel laminations, increases the remnant field. An explanation for this behaviour has already been anticipated in a previous paper [2]. Here, we treat this specific topic in analytical detail. We come to the conclusion that magnet yoke thinning in most practical situations does not improve the field quality at very low field levels, but rather enhances the impact from hysteresis and remanence effects.
[1] L.Fiscarelli, Magnetic measurements on the quadrupoles prototypes for ELENA (PXMQNLGNAP), CERN internal report. [2] D. Schoerling, Case Study of a Magnetic System for low-Energy Machines, PRAB 19, 082401 (2016). |
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THPIK105 | The ZEPTO Dipole: Zero Power Tuneable Optics for CLIC | permanent-magnet, target, quadrupole, collider | 4338 |
Permanent magnet (PM) based systems create a significantly reduced power consumption compared to conventional room temperature electromagnets. STFC and CERN are investigating the feasibility of using tuneable PM systems to reduce high electricity and water-cooling costs; plus the associated large scale infrastructure burden in the proposed CLIC accelerator. This collaboration has previously resulted in the development of two tuneable PM Quadrupole systems. We present here a continuation of this work in the development of a pure PM C-Dipole with a tuning range of over 50%. A prototype has been simulated and constructed using a single 50x40x20 cm block of NdFeB which slides horizontally to provide tuning. We outline the design, construction and measurement of a prototype dipole and discuss its suitability as a replacement for electromagnetic systems. Issues including field homogeneity over a large tuning range and the management of high magnetic forces are addressed. | |||
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THPVA022 | Comparison of Different Methods to Calculate Induced Voltage in Longitudinal Beam Dynamics Codes | impedance, simulation, wakefield, damping | 4465 |
Collective effects in longitudinal beam dynamics simulations are essential for many studies since they can perturb the RF potential, giving rise to instabilities. The beam induced voltage can be computed in frequency or time domain using a slicing of the beam profile. This technique is adopted by many codes including CERN BLonD. The slicing acts as a frequency filter and cuts high frequency noise but also physical contributions if the resolution is not sufficient. Moreover, a linear interpolation usually defines the voltage for all the macro-particles, and this can be another source of unphysical effects. The MuSiC code describes interaction between the macro-particles with the wakes generated only by resonator impedances. The complications related to the slices are avoided, but the voltage can contain high frequency noise. In addition, since the computational time scales with the number of resonators and macro-particles, having a large number of them can be cumbersome. In this paper the features of the different approaches are described together with benchmarks between them and analytical formulas, considering both single and multi-turn wakes. | |||
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THPVA030 | Collective Effects Studies of the Double-Double Bend Achromat Cell at Diamond | impedance, simulation, storage-ring, insertion-device | 4493 |
One cell of the Diamond storage ring has been converted from a double bend achromat to a double-double bend achromat (DDBA). After the successful installation and beam commissioning in November 2016, beam-based studies were done to assess the effect of the new cell on the single bunch and multi-bunch instabilities both in transverse and longitudinal planes. These are compared with the impedance estimate carried out both numerically and analytically. | |||
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THPVA034 | Comparison of the Coupling of Dipole Motion From Bunch to Bunch in an Electron Beam Caused by Electron Clouds at CesrTA Due to Variations in Bunch Length and Chromaticity | electron, damping, positron, coupling | 4509 |
Earlier experiments at the Cornell Electron-Positron Storage Ring Test Accelerator (CesrTA) have probed the interaction of the electron cloud (EC) with a 2.1 GeV stored positron beam. Since a very low EC density is expected with the electron bunches, these results characterize the dependence of beam-vacuum chamber impedance interactions, which are common to both positron and electron beams. The experiments were performed on a 30-bunch electron train with a 14 ns spacing, at a fixed current of 0.75mA/bunch, at two different vertical chromaticity settings and for four different bunch lengths (or synchrotron tunes.) The beam dynamics of the stored beam, in the presence of the electron cloud, was quantified using: 20 turn-by-turn beam position monitors in CESR to measure the correlated bunch-by-bunch dipole motion and an x-ray beam size monitor to record the bunch-by-bunch, turn-by-turn vertical size of each bunch within the trains. In this paper we report on the analysis of the observations from these experiments and compare them with effects of the EC on the positron beam's dipole motion and coupling of the motion from each bunch to its succeeding bunches. | |||
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THPVA035 | Dependence of the Coupling of Dipole Motion From Bunch to Bunch Caused by Electron Clouds at CesrTA Due to Variations in Bunch Length and Chromaticity | damping, electron, positron, synchrotron | 4512 |
The Cornell Electron-Positron Storage Ring Test Accelerator (CesrTA) has conducted experiments to probe the interaction of the electron cloud (EC) with a 2.1 GeV stored positron beam. These experiments investigate the dependence of beam'electron cloud interactions vs. bunch length (or synchrotron tune) at two values of the vertical chromaticity. The experiments utilized a 30-bunch positron train with a 14 ns spacing, at a fixed current of 0.75mA/bunch. The beam dynamics of the stored beam, in the presence of the electron cloud, was quantified using: 20 turn-by-turn beam position monitors in CESR to measure the correlated bunch-by-bunch dipole motion and an x-ray beam size monitor to record the bunch-by-bunch, turn-by-turn vertical size of each bunch within the trains. In this paper we report on the observations from these experiments and a more detailed analysis for the coupling of dipole motion via the EC from each bunch to succeeding bunches in the train. | |||
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THPVA049 | Introduction About Key Techniques of Critical Equipment in CSNS | vacuum, operation, target, alignment | 4548 |
Funding: National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.11375217) The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is the complex consists of a negative hydrogen linear accelerator, a rapid cycling proton synchrotron (RCS) accelerating the beam to 1.6 GeV energy, a solid target station, and instruments for spallation neutron applications. Some equipment which work in high radiation zone, such as beam dumps, collimators, proton beam window and so on, should contain the performance of long lifetime, high vacuum, and remote maintenance easily. This paper mainly introduce some key techniques in these equipment, firstly quick-release remote clamp and remote maintenance tool in collimators and proton beam window will be introduced, then some key brazing techniques in processing of these equipment will also be mentioned. Vibration online monitoring system and other key techniques will be showed finally. |
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THPVA052 | Preliminary Design of Magnet Support System for CEPC | booster, collider, quadrupole, sextupole | 4557 |
Magnet support system is important for CEPC. For the 100 km design of CEPC, there will be thousands of mag-nets and their supports in both collider and booster. Espe-cially, the booster ring is above the collider in the space, the magnets are hung by the supports. The goals of mag-net supports are simple and flexible structure, minimizing the magnet deformation, good stability, low cost and so on. This paper will describe the preliminary design of magnet support system, the optimization to minimize the magnet deformation and the topology optimization of the frame structure in booster. | |||
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THPVA056 | Study of Influence of Dipole and Quadrupole Power Ripple on Slow Extraction for XiPAF | extraction, simulation, quadrupole, resonance | 4569 |
The 3rd resonant slow extraction and RF-Knockout technology has been adopted for XiPAF, which was designed for proton therapy and single event effects. The separatrix of stable region will fluctuate in the process of slow extraction due to power ripple, hence influence the uniform of extracted beam and the extraction efficiency. The influence of dipole and quadrupole power ripple is studied in theory and simulated by a MPI parallel multi-particle program, a method of making beam less sensitive to power ripple is discussed and verified by simulation. | |||
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THPVA094 | Permanent Halbach Magnet Proton and Superconducting Carbon Cancer Therapy Gantries | proton, ion, permanent-magnet, focusing | 4679 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Hadron cancer therapy facilities are expanding exponentially as advantages with respect to other radiation treatments are localized energy deposition at the tumor and reduction of side effects. The main problem of expansion is the high cost and large size of the facility. The largest cost is the delivery systems, especially isocentric gantries. We present first, the permanent Halbach gantry with significant reduction in cost and simplified operation as all treatment energies are transported from an accelerator to the patient through the same Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) structure. The superconducting FFAG gantry also transports at one setting all energies required for the cancer treatment of the patient with carbon ions. |
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THPVA096 | Development of 11C+ Ion Source for Reacceleration With HIMAC for Real-Time Observation of Dose Distribution | ion, cyclotron, proton, ion-source | 4686 |
In order to improve the precision of dose distribution in a patient's body in the case of carbon therapy, realtime measurement of the dose distribution with the use of the so called OPEN PET is desirable. For realization of such a treatment, usage of isotope separator online scheme based on target fragment might be inevitable to keep the needed S/N ratio. From the above requirement, we have been developing 1+ ion source of positron emitting 11C+ ions*, which will be charge breeded before injection into the injector LINAC of the HIMAC. 11C+ ion is to be produced by a high intensity proton beam from a cyclotron. In the real process, a small cyclotron like HM20 might provide the proton beam, but at the development stage, we are planning investigation utilizing proton beam from the AVF cyclotron existing at NIRS with K-number of 110. In the present paper, the total scheme of radioactive ion re-acceleration will be described together with the recent ion source development.
* K. Katagiri et al., Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 02B509 (2016) |
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THPVA112 | Progress of the Beamline and Energy Selection System for HUST Proton Therapy Facility | optics, proton, cyclotron, scattering | 4719 |
Funding: Work supported by The National Key Research and Development Program of China, with grant No. 2016YFC0105305 HUST proton therapy facility is a 5 years National Key Research and Development Program of China. This facil-ity is based on an isochronous superconducting cyclotron with two gantry treatment-rooms and one fixed beamline treatment station. The status for physical and technical design of the beamline and Energy Selection System (ESS) will be introduced in this paper. |
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THPVA113 | Inverse Problem-Based Magnetic Characterization of Weekly Magnetic Alloys | background, radiation, luminosity, collider | 4722 |
Understanding the magnetic properties of materials used in accelerator components is becoming more and more important. For example, in the upcoming LHC upgrade at CERN, the increasing luminosity will boost the radiation dose received by the accelerator magnet's coil and consequently decrease its lifespan. Hence, a radiation shield with relative permeability less than 1.005 is required. The goal of this research is to design and validate a new method for characterizing weekly magnetic materials, suitable to be used in quality control of series production. The proposed method is based on inverse analysis approach coupled with a finite-element model. A material with unknown permeability is inserted in the air gap of a dipole magnet and the consequent perturbations of the dipole background flux density are measured. The magnetic permeability is then identified through gray-box inverse modelling, based on a finite-element approach. The results have been used to predict the magnetic impact of the radiation shield and develop further research on this subject. | |||
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THPVA123 | Neutron Doses Due to Beam Losses in a Novel Concept of a Proton Therapy Gantry | neutron, proton, simulation, beam-losses | 4736 |
A novel design of a gantry for proton therapy is investigated in which a degrader and emittance limiting collimators are mounted on the gantry. Due to the interactions of protons in these components there will be an additional neutron dose at the location where a patient is positioned during a proton therapy. The results of numerical study of this additional dose are presented. Neutron prompt dose at the patient position is estimated through the Monte Carlo simulation using the MCNPX 2.7.0 particle transport code. Secondary neutron and photon fluxes from the distinct beam loss points are taken into consideration and the resulting dose is calculated using realistic estimates of beam losses. The dependence of the dose on the beam energy and individual impacts of each loss point on the total dose at the patient position as well as on critical beam line components are estimated and potential design constraints are discussed. It has been found that compared with a conventional gantry the expected additional dose is higher but the optimization of the beam line configuration and additional shielding shall help to reduce the dose to an acceptable value. | |||
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THPVA124 | Simulations and Measurements of Proton Beam Energy Spectrum After Energy Degradation | proton, simulation, cyclotron, superconducting-magnet | 4740 |
At the proton therapy facility PROSCAN of the Paul Scherrer Institute the energy modulation of the cyclotron generated proton beam is performed via material insertion into the beam trajectory. The energy spectrum of the particles propagating forwards after such procedure has been simulated and measured. The current paper summarizes the results of these simulations and measurements and illustrates their significance for the future developments of a gantry for proton therapy at the Paul Scherrer Institute. | |||
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THPVA140 | Superconducting Gantry Design for Proton Tomography | proton, quadrupole, linac, optics | 4795 |
Precise proton therapy planning can be assisted by augmenting conventional medical imaging techniques with proton computed tomography (pCT). For adults this requires an incident proton energy up to around 330 MeV, requiring superconducting magnets if an imaging gantry is to replace a conventional 230-250 MeV gantry in the same space. Here we present optics considerations for a superconducting gantry to deliver 330 MeV protons within the context of the future Christie Hospital proton therapy centre, where it is proposed to increase the proton energy in the future with a booster linac. | |||
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THPVA143 | Beam-Breakup Studies for the 4-Pass Cornell-Brookhaven Energy Recovery LINAC Test Accelerator | HOM, simulation, lattice, cavity | 4801 |
Cornell University and Brookhaven National Laboratory are currently designing the Cornell-BNL ERL Test Accelerator (CBETA). To be built at Cornell's Wilson Lab, CBETA utilizes the existing ERL injector and main linac cryomodule (MLC). As the electron bunches pass through the MLC cavities, higher order modes (HOMs) are excited. The recirculating bunches interact with the HOMs, which can give rise to beam-breakup instability (BBU). Here we present simulation results on how BBU limits the maximum achievable current, and potential ways to improve the threshold current. | |||
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