Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUOCB3 | CBETA - Cornell University Brookhaven National Laboratory Electron Energy Recovery Test Accelerator | electron, linac, acceleration, gun | 1285 |
Funding: New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Cornell's Lab of Accelerator-based Sciences and Education (CLASSE) and the Collider Accelerator Department (BNL-CAD) are developing the first SRF multi-turn energy recovery linac with Non-Scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (NS-FFAG) racetrack. The existing injector and superconducting linac at Cornell University are installed together with a single NS-FFAG arcs and straight section at the opposite side of the the linac to form an Electron Energy Recovery (ERL) system. Electron beam from the 6 MeV injector is injected into the 36 MeV superconducting linac, and accelerated by four successive passes: from 42 MeV up to 150 MeV using the same NS-FFAG structure made of permanent magnets. After the maximum energy of 150 MeV is reached, the electron beam is brought back to the linac with opposite Radio Frequency (RF) phase. Energy is recovered and reduced to the initial value of 6 MeV with 4 additional passes. There are many novelties: a single NS-FFAG structure, made of permanent magnets, brings electrons with four different energies back to the linac. A new adiabatic NS-FFAG arc-to-straight section merges 4 separated orbits into a single orbit in the straight section. |
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TUPAB026 | Status of the Cryogenic Undulator CPMU-17 for EMIL at BESSY II / HZB | vacuum, undulator, Windows, feedback | 1372 |
The CPMU-17 is the hard X-ray radiation source of a canted double undulator system for the Energy Materials In-situ Laboratory EMIL at BESSY II [1]. Various ambitious concepts are realized in this undulator such as Dy-hardened PrFeB-magnets, direct liquid Nitrogen cooling, dual loop feedback gap drive based on an optical micrometer and a low permeability stainless steel In-Vacuum(IV)-girder without keepers. The magnets are sorted according to Helmholtz coil and stretched wire data. Reproducibility and accuracy measurements of two IV-measurement tools needed for the CPMU-17 are presented: an IV-Hall probe bench and an IV-Moving Wire. | |||
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TUPAB041 | Improvements in Production of Magnets and Pole Pieces for Undulators | undulator, induction, dipole, target | 1415 |
Permanent magnets and highly saturable pole pieces are widely used in the setup of undulators as well as dipoles, quadrupoles and sextupoles. We will present actual improvements of precision, homogeneity and basic material properties in the range of NdFeB-based permanent magnets and CoFe-based soft magnetic alloys. | |||
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TUPAB053 | Proof-of-Principle Experiment of Phase-Combined Undulator | undulator, experiment, gun, electron | 1446 |
A huge attractive force is the largest concern in designing a mechanical structure of undulators, in which an accurate control and high uniformity of the gap between the upper and lower magnetic girders are required. This problem is especially serious for in-vacuum undulators, in which the girders are located inside the vacuum chamber. We have proposed a new concept called a phase-combined undulator, which has intrinsically no magnetic force*. In this undulator, the magnetic forces acting on the girders locally head to the longitudinal axis instead of the attractive direction, and are actually canceled out in total. Numerical calculations have shown that the attractive force will be reduced down to a negligible level. Recently, we performed a proof-of-principle experiment to examine the feasibility of this undulator concept in terms of the force between the girders and magnetic field distribution, which will be reported in the conference.
* R. Kinjo and T. Tanaka, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 17, 122401 |
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TUPAB064 | Development of a PrFeB Cryogenic Permanent Magnet Undulator (CPMU) Prototype at IHEP | vacuum, cryogenics, undulator, photon | 1469 |
A PrFeB cryogenic permanent magnet undulator (CPMU) prototype is under construction for High Energy Photon Source Test Facility (HEPS-TF) at IHEP. The device is a full scale in-vacuum undulator with a magnetic length of 2 meters and a period of 13.5 mm, and it will work at less than 85K. The whole design scheme of prototype is presented and the specifications are given, where the consideration of in-vacuum magnetic measurement bench is also included. The development progress is introduced. | |||
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TUPAB066 | Mechanical Design of a Cryogenic Permanent Magnet Undulator at IHEP | vacuum, cryogenics, undulator, photon | 1475 |
High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) at Institute of High energy Physics (IHEP) is a new 6 GeV third generation electron storage ring. Insertion devices play a significant role in achieving the high performance of the photon source. A 13.5mm period-length Cryogenic Permanent Magnet Undulator (CPMU) prototype is designed and under construction. The mechanical structure designed based on physical requirements will be presented.
Work supported by Project of High Energy Photon Source Test Facility, email address: |
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TUPAB075 | Compact High Energy Electron Radiography System Based on Permanent Magnet Quadrupole | electron, quadrupole, target, experiment | 1494 |
High energy electron radiography(HEER) is a promising diagnostic method for High Energy Density Physics (HEDP) or Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) owing to its capability of picosecond-nanometer spatio-temporal resolution, and is cost-effective in the meantime. A Compact HEER (CHEER) system based on Permanent Magnet Quadrupoles (PMQ) instead of conventional electromagnetic quadrupole is proposed. Its lattice design and beam optics optimization is finished, and experiment is to be carried out on Tsinghua Thomson X-ray source (TTX) beamline after PMQs fabrication and installation. | |||
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TUPAB105 | Field Measurement System for a Cryogenic Permanent Magnet Undulator in TPS | undulator, cryogenics, vacuum, multipole | 1559 |
Short period in-vacuum, permanent magnet undulators operating at cryogenic temperatures are being developed worldwide to serve as brilliant and coherent light sources for medium energy storage rings. A hybrid cryogenic permanent magnet undulator (CU) with PrFeB magnets has now been designed and constructed at NSRRC [1]. To characterize the performance and to determine magnetic field errors after cool down poses some technical chal-lenges compared to room temperature undulators. A new system combining a Hall probe and a stretched wire has been designed to measure the field integrals, trajectory, phase errors, and K value under low temperature and vacuum conditions. Field measurements in this cryogenic undulator will be performed around 77 K as well as at room temperature, making temperature dependent calibra-tion of the Hall probes necessary. The main features and improvement of the measurement and calibration system are presented. | |||
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TUPAB106 | Development of a Cryogenic Permanent Magnet Undulator for the TPS | undulator, vacuum, cryogenics, radiation | 1562 |
Development of a cryogenic permanent magnet undu-lator (CPMU) at the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) is the most recent activity toward a new light source for the Phase-II beamlines. A hybrid-type CPMU with a period length of 15 mm is under construction with PrFeB permanent-magnet materials. A maximum effective magnetic field of 1.77 T at a gap of 3 mm is expected when the magnets (PMs) are cooled down around 77 K. The features desired for the TPS CPMU are low-intrinsic-phase-error characteristics and high thermal budget for various kinds of heat loads. The design of the TPS CPMU is discussed in this paper. | |||
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TUPAB134 | Life Expectancy Studies for LCLS-II Permanent Magnet Undulators | undulator, radiation, electron, optics | 1640 |
Funding: Work supported by U.S. Department of Energy contract DE-AC02-76SF00515 LCLSII at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory will add a 4 GeV superconducting Linac to the existing 20 GeV Cu structure. Electron beams from the two sources going through two new variable gap undulators [*] will produce FEL ranging 200-5000 keV at up to 929 kHz, also reaching 20 keV at low frequency. Such performance will be achieved by hybrid design undulators with NdFeB magnet blocks until radiation-induced demagnetization exceeds 0.01%. This is a sizable challenge, as LCLS-II will carry 120 kW beams in both its soft (SXR) and hard (HXR) beam-lines. Even small fractional losses could result excessive if too frequent or not detected and aborted fast enough. A model of SXR undulator was set for FLUKA [**] radiation transport, including segments, phase-shifters, quadrupoles, RFBPM, stands/pillars and interconnecting parts. Components were installed according to MAD files, which were also used to code the optics. Beam-loss/shower propagation was simulated for beam mis-steering, interception at wire scanners and gas-bremsstrahlung interactions. Results help set limits on shut-off times, uniform loss levels and wire scanner use, and to define placement for beam loss monitors. * M. Leitner et al, Hard X-Ray and Soft X-Ray Undulator Segments for the Linear Coherent Light Source Upgrade (LCLS-II) Project, these proceedings ** A. Ferrari et al, The FLUKA Code: Developments and Challenges for High Energy and Medical Applications, Nuclear Data Sheets 120, 211-214 (2014) |
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TUPIK130 | A Permanent Magnet Quadrupole Magnet for CBETA | quadrupole, dipole, lattice, electron | 2016 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Recently a collaboration between Brookhaven National Laboratory and Cornell University was established, aiming to build the CBETA accelerator. CBETA is a 150 MeV electron test accelerator, which prototypes essential technologies of eRHIC, which is a proposed upgrade to the existing Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) hadron facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Similar to eRHIC, CBETA employs an FFAG lattice for the arcs. The arcs require short, large aperture quadrupole magnets, which are located close together. BNL has been working on a design employing permanent magnets; we show the concept and the engineering design of these magnets. Prototype magnets have been constructed recently; we report on magnetic field quality measurements and their agreement with computer simulations. |
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WEPIK075 | Electron Cloud Instability in SuperKEKB Phase I Commissioning | electron, target, simulation, solenoid | 3104 |
Beam size blow-up due to electron cloud has been observed in Phase I commissioning of SuperKEKB. Vacuum chambers in LER (low energy positron ring) were cured by antechamber and TiN coating for electron cloud. Some parts, bellows, were not cured by the coating. In the early stage of Phase I commissioning, beam size blow up has been observed above a threshold current. The blow up was suppressed by weak permanent magnets generating longitudinal field, which cover the bellows. Electron cloud current have been monitored during the commissioning. The thresholds for the electron cloud induced fast head-tail instability have been simulated in the operating beam conditions. Coupled bunch instability caused by electron cloud has been measured in the operating beam conditions and installation of the permanent magnets. The measurement and simulation results are presented. | |||
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THPIK022 | Measurements of High-Order Magnetic Field Components of Permanent Quadrupole Magnets for a Laser-Plasma-Driven Undulator X-Ray Source | quadrupole, electron, laser, plasma | 4145 |
Laser wakefield acceleration as a novel source of high-energy electron beam is a prominent candidate to drive a next generation of compact light sources. For applications, the electron beam needs to be captured using quadrupole magnets with extremely high field gradient. It allows to preserve properties of the laser-plasma driven electron beam. We designed and manufactured compact permanent quadrupole magnets providing magnetic field gradient up to 510 T/m at an aperture radius of only of a few mm. The Halbach-type quadrupole magents use 12 NdFeB wedges with a remanent magnetic field of 1.2 Tesla. We measured the magnetic field of the permanent magnet quadrupoles using the pulsed-wire and rotating-coil methods. Here, we present an analysis of the magnetic field quality and, in particular, the integrated field gradient and high-order field components. We further discuss the influence of the field imperfections on the electron beam quality and its consequences for application in the transport line of a laser-plasma-driven undulator X-ray source. | |||
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THPIK105 | The ZEPTO Dipole: Zero Power Tuneable Optics for CLIC | dipole, target, quadrupole, collider | 4338 |
Permanent magnet (PM) based systems create a significantly reduced power consumption compared to conventional room temperature electromagnets. STFC and CERN are investigating the feasibility of using tuneable PM systems to reduce high electricity and water-cooling costs; plus the associated large scale infrastructure burden in the proposed CLIC accelerator. This collaboration has previously resulted in the development of two tuneable PM Quadrupole systems. We present here a continuation of this work in the development of a pure PM C-Dipole with a tuning range of over 50%. A prototype has been simulated and constructed using a single 50x40x20 cm block of NdFeB which slides horizontally to provide tuning. We outline the design, construction and measurement of a prototype dipole and discuss its suitability as a replacement for electromagnetic systems. Issues including field homogeneity over a large tuning range and the management of high magnetic forces are addressed. | |||
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THPVA094 | Permanent Halbach Magnet Proton and Superconducting Carbon Cancer Therapy Gantries | proton, ion, focusing, dipole | 4679 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Hadron cancer therapy facilities are expanding exponentially as advantages with respect to other radiation treatments are localized energy deposition at the tumor and reduction of side effects. The main problem of expansion is the high cost and large size of the facility. The largest cost is the delivery systems, especially isocentric gantries. We present first, the permanent Halbach gantry with significant reduction in cost and simplified operation as all treatment energies are transported from an accelerator to the patient through the same Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) structure. The superconducting FFAG gantry also transports at one setting all energies required for the cancer treatment of the patient with carbon ions. |
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THPVA151 | Halbach Magnets for CBETA and eRHIC | simulation, electron, proton, quadrupole | 4814 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. At Brookhaven National Laboratory two design efforts are underway: eRHIC and CBETA. eRHIC is a proposed upgrade to the existing Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), which would allow collisions of up to 21 GeV polarized electrons with protons or heavy ions. CBETA is a 150 MeV electron accelerator, aiming to demonstrate essential technology necessary for eRHIC. Both machines employ FFAG arcs and are designated to use permanent magnet material for the required quadrupole magnets. One proposed design is a Halbach magnet; this paper investigates the feasibility of this approach. |
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