Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOPAB028 | Estimation of Longitudinal Dimensions of Sub-Picosecond Electron Bunches with the 3-Phase Method | booster, electron, space-charge, simulation | 139 |
An estimation of the longitudinal dimensions for short electron bunches in an accelerating field is an important diagnostic and can be extremely helpful in evaluating the performance of an accelerator. We investigate a method for close estimation of bunch length for sub-picosecond electron bunches from the measurement of their energy spreads. Three or more measurements for the bunch energy spread are made by varying the phase of the accelerating structure and later a reconstruction of the bunch longitudinal dimensions, namely bunch length, initial energy spread and chirp at the entrance of the accelerating structure are obtained using the least square method. A comparison of the obtained results with ASTRA simulations is also included to validate the 3-phase method for sub-ps electron bunches. It is a simple method from both understanding (easy reconstruction using transport matrices) and experimental point of views (multiple measurements of energy spread with varying phase of the accelerating structure). | |||
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MOPAB033 | Optics Development and Trajectory Tuning of BERLinPro at Low Energies | linac, booster, diagnostics, SRF | 153 |
Funding: Work supported by the German Bundesministerium fr Bildung und Forschung, Land Berlin and grants of the Helmholtz Association The Berlin Energy Recovery Linac project has taken shape during the past year. The magnets have been set up in the newly constructed subterraneous hall; first electrons are expected in the SRF-gun test laboratory in June 2017. Starting in February 2018 the complete gun module will be transferred to the accelerator hall for the commissioning of BERLinPro. For the first months, operation is planned without further accelerating structures (booster and linac), due to delays in their fabrication. Several modes of operation are applicable at this early stage [1]. The available hardware is displayed and the adapted optics at 2.7 MeV and at 6.5 MeV (including the booster) are presented. The trajectory distortions under the influence of the earth magnetic field are studied. The concept for trajectory correction is outlined. |
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MOPAB051 | Progress in FLASH Optics Consolidation | optics, undulator, emittance, laser | 211 |
FLASH is the superconducting soft X-ray Free Electron Laser in Hamburg at DESY, Germany. A precise knowledge of the beam optics is a key aspect of the operation of a SASE FEL. A campaign of optics consolidation has started in 2013 when the second beam line FLASH2 was installed downstream of the FLASH linac. We give an update on progress of this effort and on recent results. | |||
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MOPAB064 | Photoinjector Emittance Measurement at STAR | emittance, electron, solenoid, simulation | 257 |
STAR is an advanced Thomson source of monochromatic and tunable, ps-long, polarised X-ray beams in the 40-140 keV range. The commissioning has started at the Univ. of Calabria (Italy). The light source is driven by a high-brightness, low-emittance electron beam produced in a LINAC allowing for the source tunability and spectral density. This note reports on an emittance measurement schema based on the insertion of a slit mask in the vacuum chamber dedicated to the photocathode laser entrance. Results of the simulation of the measurement technique are reported, and the use of the data for the optimisation of the accelerator performance are detailed. The experimental setup and the application developed in EPICS for image recording and analysis are also described. | |||
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MOPAB072 | Measurement of Three-Dimensional Distribution of Electron Bunch Using RF Transverse Deflector | experiment, electron, laser, solenoid | 285 |
We have been studying a high quality electron beam generated by a photocathode RF gun at Waseda University. The electron beam is applied to a pulse radiolysis experiment, laser Compton scattering for soft X-ray generation, and a THz imaging experiment using coherent radiation. In these applications, longitudinal parameters of the electron beam are important. For this reason, we developed the RF deflector system which can directly convert longitudinal distribution of the beam to transverse with high temporal resolution, and performed longitudinal profile measurements of an electron beam from the RF gun. During a series of experiments using an RF deflector, we found that the bunch had a horizontal angle with respect to z axis. Thus we tried to reconstruct the three-dimensional profile of the bunch by computed tomography* in order to visualize the three-dimensional distribution of the bunch. In this conference, we will report the principle of measurement, experimental results of the bunch three-dimensional measurement, and future prospects.
* J. Shi, et al., Reconstruction of the three-dimensional bunch profile by tomography technique with RF deflecting cavity, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 752 (2014) 36-41 |
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MOPAB139 | A Supersonic Gas-Jet Based Beam Induced Fluorescence Prototype Monitor for Transverse Profile Determination | electron, ion, photon, experiment | 458 |
Supersonic gas jets have been used in transverse beam profile monitoring as Ionization Profile Monitors (IPMs) and Beam Induced Fluorescence (BIF) monitors. The former method images ions generated by the projectile beam, whilst the latter is based on the detection of photons. This is a promising technology for use in high energy accelerators, such as the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HLLHC). In this paper, the suitability of a supersonic gas jet in combination with a BIF detection system for the measurement of the transverse beam profile of a low energy electron beam is discussed. The technical layout and experimental results from measurements at a test installation at the Cockcroft Institute are also presented. | |||
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MOPIK003 | Improvement of the Photoemission Efficiency of Magnesium Photocathodes | cathode, SRF, laser, cavity | 500 |
Funding: The work is supported by the European Community under the FP7 programme (EuCARD-2) and by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) grant 05K12CR1. To improve the quality of photocathodes is one of the critical issues in enhancing the stability and reliability of photo-injector systems. Presently the primary choice is to use metallic photocathodes for the ELBE SRF Gun-II to reduce the risk of contamination of the superconducting cavity. Magnesium has a low work function (3.6 eV) and shows high quantum efficiency (QE) up to 0.3 % after laser cleaning. The SRF Gun II with an Mg photocathode has successfully provided electron beam for ELBE users. However, the present cleaning process with a high intensi-ty laser (activation) is time consuming and generates unwanted surface roughness. This paper presents the investigation of alternative surface cleaning procedures, such as thermal treatment. The QE and topography of Mg samples after treatment are reported. |
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MOPIK004 | Demonstration of an All-Optically Driven Sub-keV THz Gun | electron, acceleration, laser, operation | 503 |
Funding: European Research Council under the European Union Seventh Framework Program (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement no. 609920 Intense ultrashort THz and optical pulses with single-cycle pulse duration became possible after the recent advances in ultrafast technologies. Using such ultrashort pulses for electron acceleration offers advantages in terms of higher thresholds for material breakdown which opens up a promising path towards increased acceleration gradients. In addition, using optically generated THz pulses enable inherently synchronized acceleration schemes, since accelerating field and particle injecting field are excited by a single seed laser. In this contribution, we present the first experimental demonstration of laser-driven THz acceleration of electrons initially at rest. It is shown that strong-field, single-cycle THz fields accelerate electrons with peak energies of up to 0.8 keV in an ultracompact THz gun with bunch charge of 40 fC. The achieved energy spreads are as low as 5.8%. |
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MOPIK005 | Compact Electron Injectors Using Laser Driven THz Cavities | cavity, electron, laser, acceleration | 506 |
We present ultra-small electron injectors based on cascaded cavities excited by short multi-cycle THz signals. The designed structure is a 3.5 cell normal conducting cavity operating at 300 GHz. This cavity is able to generate pC electron bunches and accelerate them up to 250 keV using less than 1 mJ THz energy. Unlike conventional RF guns, the designed cavity operates in a transient state which, in combination with the high frequency of the driving field, makes it possible to apply accelerating gradients as high as 500 MV/m. Such high accelerating gradients are promising for the generation of high brightness electron beams with transverse emittances in the nm-rad range. The designed cavity can be used as the injector for a compact accelerator of low charge bunches. | |||
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MOPIK006 | Characterization of the Electron Beam from the Thz Driven Gun for AXSIS | electron, experiment, simulation, diagnostics | 509 |
Funding: The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n. 609920 The AXSIS (Attosecond X-ray Science: Imaging and Spectroscopy) project aims for development of a compact, fully coherent, THz-driven, attosecond X-ray source. A compact THz driven gun was developed, produced and tested as a source of the ultra-short electron bunches required for the project. To characterize the low energy, low-charge beam produced by such a gun tailored diagnostic devices were developed and commissioned at a test-stand chamber in CFEL (DESY). Results of the first experiments on the production and characterization of the electron beam are presented. |
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MOPIK007 | THz Driven Electron Acceleration with a Multilayer Structure | electron, acceleration, laser, dipole | 512 |
We present first results in THz-based electron acceleration using a novel multilayer structure which we dub a Butterfly LINAC. THz-based accelerators are mm-scale devices that bridge the gap between micron-scale, ultra-compact devices such as laser-plasma accelerators (LPAs) and dielectric laser accelerators (DLAs) and meter-scale conventional accelerators. These intermediate-scale devices are promising because they combine many of the benefits of LPAs and DLAs, such as intrinsic synchronization and high acceleration gradients with the benefits of conventional accelerators such as high charge capacity, tunability as well as the robustness, stability and simple fabrication of static, macroscopic acceleration structures. The Butterfly LINAC allows optimization of electron acceleration using transversely-coupled single-cycle THz pulses by phase-matching electrons with the driving field. Proof-of-concept experiments will be described demonstrating 10 keV energy gain of a 55 keV source, in good agreement with simulation. Scalability of this device to the MeV level and applicability towards free electron lasers and ultrafast electron diffractometers will also be discussed. | |||
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MOPIK008 | Numerical Studies on a Modified Cathode Tip for the ELBE Superconducting RF Gun | electron, cathode, SRF, simulation | 515 |
Future light sources such as synchrotron radiation sources driven by an Energy Recovery Linac (ERL), Free Electron Laser (FEL) or THz radiation sources have in common that they require injectors, which provide high-brilliance, high-current electron beams in almost continuous operation. Thus, the development of appropriate highly brilliant electron sources is a central factor. A promising approach for this key component is provided by superconducting radiofrequency photoinjectors (SRF guns) [*]. Since 2007, the free-electron laser FELBE at HZDR successfully operates such a SRF gun under real conditions and equipped with all components [**]. Nevertheless, there are limitations caused by multipacting which should be overcome in order to further improve the gun [***]. One aspect in order to reach this aim lies in studying various modifications of the cathode tip [****]. This contribution will present the effectiveness of isosceles triangular grooves with respect to MP.
* Arnold, et al., NIM A, 593, 57, (2008). ** J. Teichert, et al., 2008 NSS/MIC, Dresden, Germany. *** J. Teichert, et al., J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 298(2011), 012008. **** E. T. Tulu, et al., IPAC2014, p652, Dresden, Germany. |
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MOPIK009 | Characterization of Cold Model Cavity for Cryocooled C-Band 2.6-Cell Photocathode RF Gun at 20 K | cavity, experiment, cryogenics, simulation | 518 |
Funding: This work was partly supported by the Photon and Quantum Basic Research Coordinated Development Program of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT). A cryocooled C-band 2.6-cell photocathode RF electron gun has been studied at Nihon University in cooperation with KEK. The cold model cavity with an input coupler was completed in spring 2016. The RF characteristics measured at room temperature were in agreement with the prediction by the CST Studio simulation. The RF characteristics at 20 K have been measured using a rather simple cavity-cooling vacuum system that was built by using existing components for tentative experiments. A thin-wall stainless-steel R48 waveguide with copper-plated inner walls has been used for the RF power transmission from the room-temperature input port to the 20-K cooled coupler waveguide. The unloaded Q-value of 73000 has been obtained by the reflection coefficient measurement at 20 K, which is in agreement with the result of the CST Studio simulation using the cavity surface resistance predicted by the theory of the anomalous skin effect. |
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MOPIK011 | Electron Beam Generation From InGaN/GaN Superlattice Photocathode | electron, laser, polarization, brightness | 522 |
GaAs-type photocathode (PC) has been used as electron spin polarization (ESP) sources for various applications. Recently, by using a strain-compensated technique for GaAs/GaAsP, the super lattice (SL) thickness of up to 720 nm could be manufactured and the quantum efficiency (QE) improvements with the thickness increases was observed. In the experiments, the ESP degradation was also observed for the thicker thickness samples than 194nm and we considered that electron spin relaxation during diffusion process in the PC caused the degradation. Therefore, we propose developing fcc-GaN based PCs instead of GaAs because a factor of ten longer spin relaxation time compared with GaAs/GaAsP SL was reported. However an fcc-GaN sample with adequate dimensions for PC applications is not available at present due to manufacturing difficulties. Then at the start of GaN-type PC development, an hcp-GaN sample has been studied. In the study, NEA-activation was made for an InGaN/GaN SL sample and QE, surface lifetime and ESP were measured. The QE and ESP values were 1.3% and 2.1% at the pump laser wavelength of 405nm. | |||
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MOPIK013 | Design and Simulation of a C-Band Photocathode RF Gun With a Coaxial Coupler for UEM | electron, cavity, coupling, impedance | 525 |
A ultrafast electron microscope (UEM) has been become much more important research instrument and has been widely used in many fields. As a part of the UEM, a photocathode RF gun working at C-band frequency of 5712MHz is being developed, which provides electron beam with high qualities for UEM. This paper presents the physics and structure design, including optimization of cavity shape parameter for improving shunt impedance and Q factor. We adopt a novel coaxial coupler, which could decrease the multipole field and decrease the focusing coil size, build better accelerating field in the RF gun. In this paper, we discussed the simulation process and results of the RF gun, especially the design of the coaxial input coupler was described. | |||
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MOPIK016 | Sub-Picosecond Beam Production for External Injection Into Plasma Experiments | plasma, electron, linac, simulation | 531 |
Funding: This work has been funded by STFC. Applications of plasmas in accelerators benefit from short probe bunches comparable to plasma wavelength due to currently achievable plasma wake profiles. In plasma acceleration case, high capture efficiency within a narrow energy spectrum can be achieved when a sub-picosecond to femtosecond witness bunch injected behind the driver pulse at the high electric field region. A start-to-end simulation study was performed for parametric optimisation of an rf photoinjector to provide a short witness bunch for plasma applications in accelerators. An rf photoinjector is a laser-driven, high brightness and robust electron source that can provide stability and flexibility provided by today's advanced laser and rf technologies. |
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MOPIK019 | Upgrade Options Towards Higher Fields and Beam Energies for Continuous-Wave Room-Temperature VHF RF Guns | brightness, electron, cathode, cavity | 542 |
Funding: Work supported by the Director of the Office of Science of the US Department of Energy under Contract no. DEAC02-05CH11231 Science demand for MHz-class repetition rate electron beam applications such as free electron lasers (FELs), inverse Compton scattering sources, and ultrafast electron diffraction and microscopy (UED/UEM), pushed the development of new gun schemes that could generate high brightness beams at such high rates. At the Lawrence Berkeley Lab (LBNL), we proposed a new concept room-temperature RF gun resonating in the VHF frequency range (30-300 MHz) capable of operating in continuous wave mode at the fields required for high-brightness performance. A first VHF-Gun was constructed and tested in the APEX facility at LBNL, which successfully demonstrated all design parameters and the generation of high brightness electron beams. A second version of the APEX VHF-Gun is being built at LBNL for the LCLS-II, the new SLAC X-ray FEL. Recent studies showed that a proposed LCLS-II upgrade and UED/UEM applications would greatly benefit from an increased gun brightness obtained by raising the electric field at the cathode and the beam energy at the gun exit. In this paper, we present and discuss possible upgrade options that would allow extension of the VHF-Gun performance towards these new goals. |
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MOPIK021 | Generation of Transversely Segmented Beam Using a Nano-Patterned Photocathode | cathode, laser, simulation, acceleration | 545 |
Funding: Work supported by US Department of Energy (DOE) contract DE-SC0009656 with Radiabeam Technologies and by NSF grant PHY-1535401 with Northern Illinois University. Plasmonic photocathodes – nano-patterned photocathodes with periodicity comparable to the excitation laser – have demonstrated enhanced quantum efficiency. In the present paper we present numerical simulations of the beam dynamics associated to the emission process from this type of cathodes and to the subsequent acceleration to relativistic energies by combining WARP and IMPACT-T programs. We especially consider the possibility to transversely image the cathode surface at high energy and enable the generation of transversely segment beams. |
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MOPIK023 | Cornell Laboratory for High Intensity, Ultra-Bright and Polarized Electron Beams | electron, simulation, cathode, ion | 551 |
Funding: This work has been funded by the National Science Foundation (Grant No. PHY-1416318) and Department of Energy (Grants No. DE-SC0014338, No. DE-SC0011643 and No. DE-SC0016203). We report on the current activities pursued at Cornell University for the production of electron beams tailored to a wide range of applications. We have developed the expertise to grow many different type of high quantum efficiency photocathode belonging to the alkali antimonide family. Those materials are ideal candidates to produce high intensity beam with average currents in the mA range. When operated near threshold at cryogenic temperature in transmission mode they can also generate the electron beams needed to perform ultrafast electron diffraction of bio molecules. We have recently expanded our facility with a Mott polarimeter to include the capability to measure polarization of the electron beam. The photocathode lab is being complemented by a dedicated photo-gun laboratory to test the photocathode properties in a real environment and to perform measurement of the beam properties under new and yet unexplored operating conditions. |
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MOPIK075 | Design, Simulation and Compare of Flat Cathode Electron Guns with Spherical Cathode Electron Guns for Industrial Accelerators | cathode, electron, simulation, space-charge | 702 |
In this article, electron guns with flat and spherical cathodes have been designed and simulated for industrial accelerators. After checking the different features of each cathode geometry, there has been discussed about optimum values of this features. The most important features in selecting the best cathode geometry for industrial accelerators are beam waist radius, beam waist position, current density and price. Finally after comparing the different features of both geometries with each other, suitable geometry was selected. | |||
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MOPIK111 | Initial Performance Measurements of Multi-GHz Electron Bunch Trains | electron, laser, emittance, cathode | 795 |
Funding: This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. LLNL's compact laser-Compton based x-ray source is currently producing up to 35 keV photons, with the capability to upgrade to 250 keV. Increasing the average brightness of such sources requires increasing the electron beam current. To avoid degradation of the narrow-bandwidth performance of the source, the per-bunch charge shouldn't increase; the effective repetition rate of the electron beams must be raised. It has been proposed* to generate bunch trains of several hundred pulses spaced by the period of X-band RF (~87 ps), which raises questions about beam-loading effects on the energy uniformity of the bunches and wakefield effects degrading the emittance of later bunches, compromising the x-ray quality. As a first test of this concept, we have installed into the electron-generating laser of our system optical pulse-stacking hardware to allow generation of 16-electron-bunch trains. Here we present the current status of our x-ray source, along with initial results using this new multi-bunch train. This includes characterization of collective electron beam energy spread and emittance growth. * D.J. Gibson, et al., IPAC2012. |
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MOPVA005 | Status of the Berlin Energy Recovery Linac Project BERLinPro | SRF, linac, booster, cavity | 855 |
Funding: Work supported by German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Land Berlin, and grants of Helmholtz Association. The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin is constructing the Energy Recovery Linac Prototype BERLinPro, a demonstration facility for the science and technology of ERLs for future light source applications. BERLinPro is designed to accelerate a high current (100 mA, 50 MeV), high brilliance (norm. emittance below 1 mm mrad) cw electron beam. We report on the project status. This includes the completion of the building and the installation of the first accelerator components as well as the assembly of the SRF gun and GunLab beam diagnostics, which are now ready for commissioning. |
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MOPVA007 | Simulations for Beam-Based Measurements in BERLinPro | cavity, simulation, diagnostics, optics | 859 |
BERLinPro is an energy recovery linac project whose goal is to establish the accelerator physics knowledge and technology needed to produce 50 MeV beams with high current, low normalized emittance, and low losses. Precise measurements of beam parameters are essential for demonstrating the achievement of performance goals. In this paper we present simulations for measurements of energy, energy spread, and bunch length using the tracking code Astra. | |||
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MOPVA008 | Commissioning Considerations for BERLinPro | laser, diagnostics, target, linac | 862 |
BERLinPro is an energy recovery linac project whose goal is to establish the accelerator physics knowledge and technology needed to produce 50 MeV beams with high current, low normalized emittance, and low losses. The machine will be commissioned in phases beginning in 2018, and extensive planning is underway for start-up of the machine and to prepare for measurements to verify the achievement of target beam parameters. This paper outlines the planned phases for the commissioning of the machine, details the operational modes, and gives an overview of the diagnostics available for beam-based measurements to verify the achievement of performance goals. | |||
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MOPVA010 | Setup and Status of an SRF Photoinjector for Energy-Recovery Linac Applications | SRF, laser, cathode, emittance | 865 |
Funding: The work is funded by the Helmholtz-Association, BMBF, the state of Berlin and HZB. The Superconducting RF (SRF) photoinjector programme for the energy-recovery linac (ERL) test facility BERLinPro sets out to push the brightness and average current limits for ERL electron sources by tackling the main challenges related to beam dynamics of SRF photoinjectors, the incorporation of high quantum efficiency (QE) photocathodes, and suppression of unwanted beam generation. The paper details the experimental layout of the SRF photoinjector and the gun test facility GunLab at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. |
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MOPVA016 | ELI-NP GBS Status | laser, linac, electron, collimation | 880 |
New generation of Compton sources are developing in different countries to take advantage of the photon energy amplification given by the Compton backscattering effect. In this framework the Eurogammas international collaboration is producing a very high brilliance gamma source for the Nuclear Pillar of the Exterme Light Infrastructure program (ELI). At present there is a lot of effort in the mass production of all the components and in the developments and tests of the different high technology devices that will operate in the gammas beam source, like the optical recirculator and the high gradient - high average current warm C band accelerating sections. In this paper we will provide a general overview of the GBS status and of the perspectives for the future integration phase. | |||
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MOPVA021 | Optics Design of the Compact ERL Injector for 60 pC Bunch Charge Operation | optics, cathode, laser, operation | 898 |
EUV-FEL light source based on ERL has been designed at KEK for EUV lithography light source. The advantage of ERL is to accelerate high average current beam due to CW operation, and it is possible to drive high average power FEL. To generate the target EUV-FEL power, which is 10 kW, the bunch charge of 60 pC, the beam energy of 10.5 MeV and the bunch length of 1 ps are required at the end of the EUV-FEL injector. In order to demonstrate the target beam performance for the EUV-FEL accelerator, a high charge beam test was carried out at the cERL in KEK. We designed a new optics of the cERL injector prior to the high charge beam operation. To calculate beam dynamics more accurately, accelerator models corrected according to the condition of the actual cERL injector is used for the optics design. From results of the optics design that minimized the emittance and bunch length using the corrected accelerator models, the emittance and bunch length at the end of injector are 0.8 mm-mrad and 3.4 ps. Furthermore, based on the design optics, we carried out high bunch charge beam operation. | |||
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MOPVA024 | Investigation of the Coherent Cherenkov Radiation Using Tilted Electron Bunch | radiation, electron, target, laser | 905 |
Funding: This work was supported by a research granted from The Murata Science Foundation and JSPS KAKENHI 26286083. Cherenkov radiation can be produced when the velocity of the charged particles are faster than the light in some medium. We investigated the coherent Cherenkov radiation using electron bunch tilting for matching the wave front of the Cherenkov radiation. The electron bunch was tilted by using rf transverse deflecting cavity. We tested several materials for the Cherenkov target which has enough transmittance at the wavelength of THz region. As a result, high peak power THz was achieved using this novel technique. We will report the principle of this technique, the experimental results and future prospects at the conference. |
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MOPVA033 | A Compact Thermionic RF Injector with RF Bunch Compression fed by a Quadrupole-Free Mode Launcher | cathode, electron, undulator, linac | 924 |
Funding: This project was funded by U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515, and the National Science Foundation under Contract No. PHY-1415437. We present a design for a compact X-Band RF thermionic injector consisting of two iris-loaded accelerator structures. Both structures are fed by a single quadrupole-free TM01 mode launcher. In the first structure the electron bunches are extracted from a thermionic cathode. The second structure creates an energy chirp in the bunch for its further ballistic compression. This injector can produce short electron bunches without the need for a magnetic bunch compressor. We are developing this injector as part of a linac-based 91.392 GHz RF power source, which further comprises a booster linac and a mm-wave decelerator structure that extracts 91.392 GHz RF power from the electron beam. This source will be used to power a short-period RF undulator with 1.75 mm period*. * F. Toufexis and S.G. Tantawi, A 1.75 mm Period RF-Driven Undulator, these proceedings. |
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MOPVA034 | A Compact EUV Light Source Using a mm-Wave Undulator | undulator, electron, impedance, quadrupole | 928 |
Funding: This project was funded by U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515, and the National Science Foundation under Contract No. PHY-1415437. We are building an Extreme Ultra Violet (EUV) light source based on a 1.75 mm period RF undulator*. We will use a thermionic X-Band injector which utilizes RF bunch compression. The beam is accelerated using an X-Band traveling wave accelerating structure followed by a high shunt impedance standing wave accelerating structure up to 129 MeV. The beam then goes through a 91.392 GHz RF undulator with a period of 1.75 mm, producing EUV radiation around 13.5 nm. The RF undulator is powered by a 91.392 GHz decelerating structure, which extracts the RF power from the spent electron beam. The length of the entire beam line from the cathode to the beam dump is approximately 6 m. We describe the design and projected operating parameters for this EUV light source. * F. Toufexis and S.G. Tantawi, A 1.75 mm Period RF-Driven Undulator, these proceedings. |
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MOPVA036 | High Average Brilliance Compact Inverse Compton Light Source | electron, SRF, brilliance, laser | 932 |
Funding: Partially authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U.S. DOE contract NO. DE-AC05-6OR23177. There exists an increasing demand for compact Inverse Compton Light Sources (ICLS) capable of producing substantial fluxes of narrow-band X-rays. While multiple design proposals have been made, compared to typical bremsstrahlung sources, most of these have comparable fluxes and improve on the brilliance within a 0.1% bandwidth by only a few orders of magnitude. By applying cw superconducting rf beam acceleration and rf focusing to produce a beam of small emittance and magnetic focusing to produce a small spot size on the order of a few microns at collision, the source presented here provides a 12 keV X-ray beam which outperforms other compact designs and bremsstrahlung sources. Compared to a bremsstrahlung source, the flux is improved by at least an order of magnitude and the average brilliance by six orders of magnitude. Surpassing other compact ICLS designs, the source presented here is attractive to a wide variety of potential users. |
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MOPVA140 | Multipacting Behavior Study for the 112 MHz Superconducting Photo-Electron Gun | cavity, electron, SRF, cathode | 1180 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Superconducting 1.2 MV 112 MHz quarter-wave photo-electron gun (SRF gun) is used as a source of electron beam for the Coherent electron Cooling experiment (CeC) at BNL. During the CeC commissioning we encountered a number of multipacting zones in the gun. It was also observed that introduction of CsK2Sb photocathode creates additional multipacting zone. This paper presents numerical and experimental study of the multipactor discharge in the SRF gun. We also discuss ways of crossing the multipacting levels to the operational voltage. Finally, we compare the results of our numerical simulations of the multipactor discharge using ACE3P with experimental data. |
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TUOCB3 | CBETA - Cornell University Brookhaven National Laboratory Electron Energy Recovery Test Accelerator | electron, linac, permanent-magnet, acceleration | 1285 |
Funding: New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Cornell's Lab of Accelerator-based Sciences and Education (CLASSE) and the Collider Accelerator Department (BNL-CAD) are developing the first SRF multi-turn energy recovery linac with Non-Scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (NS-FFAG) racetrack. The existing injector and superconducting linac at Cornell University are installed together with a single NS-FFAG arcs and straight section at the opposite side of the the linac to form an Electron Energy Recovery (ERL) system. Electron beam from the 6 MeV injector is injected into the 36 MeV superconducting linac, and accelerated by four successive passes: from 42 MeV up to 150 MeV using the same NS-FFAG structure made of permanent magnets. After the maximum energy of 150 MeV is reached, the electron beam is brought back to the linac with opposite Radio Frequency (RF) phase. Energy is recovered and reduced to the initial value of 6 MeV with 4 additional passes. There are many novelties: a single NS-FFAG structure, made of permanent magnets, brings electrons with four different energies back to the linac. A new adiabatic NS-FFAG arc-to-straight section merges 4 separated orbits into a single orbit in the straight section. |
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TUPAB004 | Progress of 7-GeV SuperKEKB Injector Linac Upgrade and Commissioning | positron, injection, linac, electron | 1300 |
KEK injector linac has delivered electrons and positrons for particle physics and photon science experiments for more than 30 years. It is being upgraded for the SuperKEKB project, which aims at a 40-fold increase in luminosity over the previous project KEKB, in order to increase our understanding of new physics beyond the standard model of elementary particle physics. SuperKEKB asymmetric electron and positron collider with its extremely high luminosity requires a high current, low emittance and low energy spread injection beam from the injector. Electron beams will be generated by a new type of RF gun, that will provide a much higher beam current to correspond to a large stored beam current and a short lifetime in the ring. The positron source is another major challenge that enhances the positron bunch intensity from 1 to 4 nC by increasing the positron capture efficiency, and the positron beam emittance is reduced from 2000 micron to 20 micron in the vertical plane by introducing a damping ring, followed by the bunch compressor and energy compressor. The recent status of the upgrade and beam commissioning is reported. | |||
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TUPAB020 | AREAL 50 MeV Electron Accelerator Project for THz and Middle IR FEL | radiation, electron, emittance, FEL | 1355 |
Advanced Research Electron Accelerator Laboratory (AREAL) is an electron accelerator project based on photo cathode RF gun. First phase of the facility is a 5 MeV energy RF photogun, which is currently under operation. The facility development implies energy upgrade to 50 MeV with further delivery of the electron beam to the undulator sections for Free Electron Laser and coherent undulator radiation generation in MIR and THz frequency ranges respectively. In this report the design study of AREAL 50 MeV facility main systems along with the beam dynamics and characteristics of expected radiation are presented. | |||
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TUPAB021 | The Study of Focus-Dependent Dark Current for AREAL RF Photogun | electron, solenoid, experiment, simulation | 1358 |
AREAL (Advanced Research Electron Accelerator Laboratory) is a project of linear accelerator based facility aimed to produce ultra-short electron bunches with small emittance. In the first phase of AREAL project an electron beam with energy up to 5 MeV is produced by the electron RF photogun and used for irradiation experiments in biology, microelectronics and accelerator technology development. For such experiments the exact calculation of absorbed dose and electron bunch peak current is one of important conditions. The presence of a dark current in electron gun affects the electron emission from photocathode, the exact absorbed dose calculation, and in general harms the machine performance. In this paper the estimation of dark current amount, produced in the electron gun, the ways to avoid its influence on experiments are discussed. The dark current measurements are compared with the simulation results. The electron beam separation from a dark current is discussed. | |||
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TUPAB025 | Experimental Results for Multiphoton Nonlinear Photoemission Processes on Phil Test Line | laser, photon, electron, cathode | 1369 |
One of the prerequisites for the next generation high luminosity light sources is the availability of the short electron bunches. It also has several applications in other domains, including medical diagnostics and high-resolution imaging. In principle, using photoelectric effect a short electron bunch can initially be generated by illuminating a photocathode with an ultra-short light pulse of appropriate wavelength. Strong EM fields from a RF gun or similar accelerating structures, synchronized with the incoming laser pulses, are then used to accelerate these electron bunches initially up to an energy of tens of MeV. We present our preliminary results on the experimental investigation of two-photon nonlinear photoemission processes for the generation of picosecond, low-charge electron bunches conducted at PHIL photoinjector facility. A comparison of the emission efficiency and bunch characteristics with the single photon emission process is also made.
*PHIL is an acronym for Photo-injector at Linear Accelerator Laboratory (LAL). |
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TUPAB027 | Production, Tuning and Processing Challenges of the BERLinPro Gun1.1 Cavity | cavity, cathode, niobium, SRF | 1375 |
Funding: Work supported by German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Land Berlin, and grants of the Helmholtz Association For the BERLinPro energy recovery LINAC, HZB is developing a superconducting 1.4-cell electron gun, which, in its final version, is planned to be capable of CW 1.3 GHz operation with 77 pC/bunch. For this purpose a series of three superconducting cavities, denoted as Gun 1.0, Gun 1.1 (both designed for 6 mA) and Gun 2.0 (100 mA) are foreseen. Gun 1.0 now reached operational status and the Gun 1.1 cavity is completely manufactured. In the paper the chronology of manufacturing, tuning and processing of the Gun 1.1-cavity is described, also giving details about combined mechanical/electrodynamic simulations, which were performed in order to gain deeper understanding of the cavity's unexpected tuning behavior. |
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TUPAB031 | Status and Perspectives of the S-DALINAC Polarized-Electron Injector | electron, cathode, experiment, laser | 1388 |
Funding: Work supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through grants GRK 2128 and SFB 1245 The S-DALINAC Polarized Injector (SPIn) uses GaAs photocathodes to provide pulsed and/or polarized electron beams for nuclear-structure investigations. Recently, a test facility for Photo-Cathode Activation, Test and Cleaning using atomic-Hydrogen \mbox{(Photo-CATCH)} has been developed. This setup uses an inverted-insulator geometry for the photo-electron gun. Currently, tests and optimizations are conducted at \mbox{Photo-CATCH} in order to implement this new gun design at SPIn. We will present the current status of \mbox{Photo-CATCH}, the planned upgrade of SPIn (aimed at an operational voltage of 200 kV) and future measurements. |
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TUPAB038 | Electron Acceleration With a Ultrafast Gun Driven by Single-Cycle Terahertz Pulses | electron, acceleration, timing, laser | 1406 |
Funding: This work was supported by the European Research Council under the European Union Seventh Framework Program (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement no. 609920. We present results on an improved THz-driven electron gun using transversely-incident single-cycle THz pulses using a horn-coupler. Intrinsic synchronization between the electrons and the driving field was achieved by using a single laser system to create electrons by UV photoemission and to create THz radiation by difference frequency generation in a tilted-pulse front geometry. Details of the optical setups for the UV and THz pulses will be described as well as preliminary results showing evidence of electron acceleration. |
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TUPAB043 | Design and Simulation of Voltage Multiplier Column of a 300keV, 10mAParallel Fed Cockcroft Walton Electron Accelerator for Industrial Applications | simulation, electron, coupling, software | 1421 |
In this article a 300keV, 10mA multiplier column has been designed for a parallel fed Cockcroft Walton electron accelerator for industrial applications. The parallel fed Cockcroft Walton multiplier is a capacitive coupling multiplier with diode rectification which can convert an input RF voltage to a low ripple output DC voltage. In this research tried to get a low ripple (300keV output) dc voltage. At first, the voltage multiplier column has been simulated with pspice simulation software. After doing the pspice simulations, optimum value of different parameters has been get. At the end we try to get the optimum values of pspice simulations with a mechanical design with CST STODIO. The mechanical design of voltage multiplier and its equivalent circuit hah a good accordance with each other. | |||
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TUPAB047 | Design of a Low Emittance High Current Photocathode RF Gun for the IPM Linear Accelerator | cavity, emittance, focusing, simulation | 1431 |
The IPM accelerator project is developing a 50 MeV linear accelerator as an injector for a terahertz source or an IR FEL. The design specifications require a laser driven photocathode located in one end of a high gradient RF cavity operated at 3 GHz frequency and a solenoid channel for the beam transport. In this work, we report on the RF design of an special photocathode RF gun and its associated focusing channel for the emittance compensation process along the whole injector. | |||
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TUPAB048 | Long Beam Pulses With SLED Compression in DAΦNE LINAC | linac, electron, klystron, flattop | 1434 |
The DAΦNE LINAC is a ~60 m long, S-band (2856 MHz) linear accelerator, made up by four 45 MW klystrons with SLED compression, and by 15 travelling-wave, 2/3p, SLAC-type, 3 m long accelerating sections. It serves as injector of the DAΦNE e+ e− collider, with 510 MeV, 10 ns long, electron and positron pulses, and the Beam-Test Facility extraction line, with variable beam energy and intensity and with pulses from 1.5 to 40 ns. A new pulsing system for the gun allows longer beam pulses, but the shape of the accelerating field in the sections due to the SLED compression has to be taken into account. We describe the tuning of the RF power, phase and delays in the pre-buncher, buncher and following accelerating sections, and the results of the tests performed in order to reach >200 ns 500 MeV electron pulses and the characterization of the quality of the beam in terms of energy spread, time distribution, etc. | |||
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TUPAB053 | Proof-of-Principle Experiment of Phase-Combined Undulator | undulator, permanent-magnet, experiment, electron | 1446 |
A huge attractive force is the largest concern in designing a mechanical structure of undulators, in which an accurate control and high uniformity of the gap between the upper and lower magnetic girders are required. This problem is especially serious for in-vacuum undulators, in which the girders are located inside the vacuum chamber. We have proposed a new concept called a phase-combined undulator, which has intrinsically no magnetic force*. In this undulator, the magnetic forces acting on the girders locally head to the longitudinal axis instead of the attractive direction, and are actually canceled out in total. Numerical calculations have shown that the attractive force will be reduced down to a negligible level. Recently, we performed a proof-of-principle experiment to examine the feasibility of this undulator concept in terms of the force between the girders and magnetic field distribution, which will be reported in the conference.
* R. Kinjo and T. Tanaka, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 17, 122401 |
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TUPAB056 | New Achievements of the Laser System for RF-Gun at SuperKEKB Injector | laser, operation, electron, experiment | 1452 |
For realizing high charge and low emittance electron and positron beams in SuperKEKB, we have been making improvements in current laser system for RF-gun. In order to realize more excellent thermal management in current laser system at high repetition rate operation, novel soldering Yb:YAG thin disk and copper tungsten heat sink laser head is manufactured via gold tin solder. Comparing with old design, less residual stress is introduced and more efficient thermal removal can be obtained. These new soldering laser heads are placed into a compact vacuum chamber and cooled by Peltier plates directly. This design can realize higher gain and amplification factor in regenerative amplifier and multi-pass amplifier. In addition, the compact and simple cooling method can achieve excellent thermal management for the purpose of realize laser operation at high repetition rate for following phases of SuperKEKB project. A perspective towards the next step experiment is also presented in this paper. | |||
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TUPAB059 | Study on CsKSb Photocathode for the RF Electron Gun | cathode, electron, cavity, laser | 1456 |
At Waseda University, we have been developing a Cs-Te photocathode S-band RF electron gun and application experiments of the electron beam. On the experiments, charge amount is important factor, which strongly depends on laser power and photocathode quality. At present, we are studying CsKSb photocathode to increase the charge amount of an electron beam generated from the RF-Gun. As a result of using CsKSb photocathode in the RF-cavity, we obtained as much charge as using Cs-Te photocathode but the lifetime was shorter than that of Cs-Te. In order to lengthen the photocathode lifetime, we tried to coat a protective film on CsKSb photocathode surface and investigated its robustness for poor vacuum condition that simulates cathode transportation and usage in the RF-Gun. In this conference, we report current status of fabricating coated photocathode and future prospects.
A. Buzulutskov et al. The protection of K-Cs-Sb photocathodes with CsBr films Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 400 (1997) 173-176 |
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TUPAB074 | Measurements of Thermal Emittance for Cesium Telluride Photocathodes in an L-Band RF Gun | laser, emittance, electron, cathode | 1491 |
The thermal emittance is a major contributor to the final emittance of an electron beam in a photocathode RF gun. In this paper we present measurement results of thermal emittance for the cesium telluride photocathode at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) facility using the quadrupole scan method. Measurements of the thermal emittance vs. the laser spot size are presented. | |||
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TUPAB076 | Design of an X-Band Photocathode for Tsinghua Thomson Scattering X-Ray Source | laser, solenoid, cathode, emittance | 1497 |
Compared with S-band and C-band accelerating structures, X-band structures can run at a higher accelerating gradient and are more compact in size. In order to obtain higher electron energy in a limited space, a new X-band photo-injector operating at 11.424GHz has been designed at the Accelerator Laboratory of Tsinghua University. The structural design of the X-band photo-cathode RF gun and the accelerating structures as well as the beam dynamics simulation are presented in this paper, followed by the optimization of the structure based on the dispersed optimization experiment method(DOE). The results show that the design satisfies the working requirements with a small space occupied and a high beam quality. | |||
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TUPAB083 | Commissioning Experience and Beam Optimization for DCLS Linac | linac, emittance, FEL, cathode | 1509 |
Dalian Coherent Light Source (DCLS), which will focus on the Physical Chemistry with time-resolved pump-probe experiments and EUV absorption spectroscopy techniques, is the first high gain FEL user facility in China. The 300MeV linac consists of a laser-driven rf-gun followed by 7 Sband accelerating tubes. A magnetic chicane is adopted to get the desired 300A peak current. After 5 months component installation, first photoelectrons were generated on 17 August 2016. In this paper, we give a summary of the commissioning experience and the beam parameters measurements. In addition, beam jitter sources are studied based on real machine performances. | |||
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TUPAB086 | Design Study of a High-Intensity, Low-Energy Electron Gun | electron, simulation, emittance, FEL | 1517 |
An independently-tunable-cells thermionic RF gun (ITC-RF gun) is adopted in a compact FEL-THz facility due to its compactness, low-cost and high intensity. An electron gun is required to generate maximum beam current of 3.2 A at low energy of 15keV for the ITC-RF gun, which creates difficulties for the design of electron gun because of the strong space charge effect. A double-anode gridded gun structure is adopted that controls the beam current easily while maintains the energy dispersion less than 0.5%, with high perveance and high compression ratio. CST code has been used extensively for design optimization, which includes electrode shape, influences of grid, installation errors. A measurement scheme is also proposed for key parameters verification. Beam current, emittance and energy dispersion can be measured. | |||
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TUPAB094 | Emittance Improvements in the MAX IV Photocathode Injector | emittance, linac, quadrupole, laser | 1533 |
The MAX IV injector design predicts a beam with 100 pC of charge and an emittance lower than 1 mm mrad. The photocathode pre-injector is based on the now close to standard 1.6-cell gun adapted to 2.9985 GHz, in combination with a Ti:Sapphire laser system. This system reaches the requirements of the injector operation for the SPF, but can be tuned beyond specifications to open up new operation modes. During 2016 and 2017 several aspects where investigated to improve the emittance from the current gun, the goal was to meet the SPF specifications. In this paper we report on the progress, discuss the steps taken leading to a final emittance of ~ 1 mm mrad and beyond. | |||
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TUPAB095 | The New MAX IV Gun Test Stand | laser, emittance, cathode, operation | 1537 |
The gun test stand from MAX-Lab has been upgraded and moved to a new facility at the MAX IV Laboratory. The new test stand will reuse parts of the equipment from the old test stand but a number of improvements to the setup are be made. In this paper we report on the design of the new gun test stand, research plans in the near future as well as planned and possible future research topics. | |||
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TUPAB096 | Pulse Shaping at the MAX IV Photoelectron Gun Laser | laser, electron, emittance, cathode | 1541 |
A motivation for the development of a versatile, programmable source of shaped picosecond pulses for use in photocathode electron gun preinjectors is presented. We present the experimental setup for arbitrary longitudinal pusle shaping of the MAX IV photocathode gun laser. The setup consists of a grating-based Fourier-domain shaper capable of stretching the pulses directly in the UV domain. Preliminary results are presented and discussed. | |||
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TUPAB097 | MAXIV Photocathode Gun Laser System Specification and Diagnostics | laser, linac, diagnostics, cathode | 1544 |
The MAXIV injector has two guns - a thermionic used for ring injections, and a photocathode used for short pulse facility operation. A commercial Ti:sapphire laser from KMLabs drives the copper based photocathode gun. It has been running without major issues for more than 3 years. The laser delivers up to §I{500}{\textmu J} on the cathode at the third harmonic, §I{263}{nm}, via a vacuum laser transport system. To achieve the desired pulse duration of 2–§I10{ps} the laser pulses, originally ~§I{100}{fs} long, are stretched with a prism pair and the resulting §I{1.5}{ps} pulses stacked by a series of birefringent \textalpha -BBO crystals. Diagnostics consist of photodiodes, spectrometers, and cameras. Longitudinal pulse characterization is done with a cross correlator and a UV FROG. | |||
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TUPAB099 | Status of MAX IV Linac Beam Commissioning and Performance | linac, storage-ring, injection, sextupole | 1547 |
The MAX IV linac is used both for full energy injection into two storage rings at 3 GeV and 1.5 GeV, and as a high brightness driver for a Short Pulse Facility (SPF). The linac has also been designed to handle the high demands of an FEL injector. The linac is now routinely injecting into the two storage rings, and commissioning work is focused towards delivering high brightness pulses to the SPF. In this paper we present results from characterisation of the linac in ring injection mode, as well as results from measurements of key parameters for the SPF such as bunch length and emittance. | |||
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TUPAB102 | Compact Electron RF Travelling Wave Gun Photo Injector | cathode, laser, solenoid, electron | 1550 |
This paper reports on studies of a travelling wave photo gun as multipurpose device. The gun would be a cheap and compact alternative to thermionic guns with a bunching system or a standing wave photo injector gun. It allows one to reach much larger beam energies at the gun output. It can provide a beam with energy of up to 50 MeV and several hundred pC charge with low emittance and short bunch length. The laser system is a compact, industrial grade system with high MTBF and low maintenance cost. The gun design is based on the two-meter accelerating structures installed in SwissFEL, only the input coupler has been modified to accommodate the cathode. The gun is powered by a C-band (5.712 GHz) modulator-klystron system, identical to those of SwissFEL. The input coupler is a simple double feed coupler and it has been designed to increase the electric field enhancement at the cathode surface to improve the emittance. The first three accelerating cells have been readjusted in length in order to get the proper phase advance and synchronism with the beam. The remaining 110 accelerating cells and the output coupler follows the original design of the accelerating cavities for SwissFEL. | |||
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TUPAB126 | Multi-objective Genetic Optimization of Single Shot Ultrafast Electron Diffraction Beamlines | emittance, electron, cathode, cavity | 1615 |
We present the results of multi-objective genetic algorithm optimizations of two single-shot ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) beam lines. The first is based on a 225 kV dc gun featuring a novel cryocooled photocathode system and buncher cavity. The second uses a 100 MV/m 1.6 cell normal conducting rf (NCRF) gun, as well as a 9 cell 2 Pi/3 bunching cavity placed between two solenoids. Optimizations of the transverse projected emittance as a function of bunch charge are presented and discussed in terms of the scaling laws derived in the charge saturation limit. Additionally, optimization of the transverse coherence length as a function of final rms bunch length at the sample location have been performed. These results demonstrate the viability of the approaches taken for both beamlines studied as well as the use of using genetic algorithms in the design and operation of UED beamlines. | |||
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TUPAB127 | A Cryogenically Cooled High Voltage DC Photogun | electron, cryogenics, vacuum, cathode | 1618 |
A DC high voltage photogun with cryogenically cooling of the electrode has been newly built at Cornell University. This gun is designed to provide a DC high voltage and a photocathode in this gun can be cooled down to a cryogenic temperature. A photocathode puck design from INFN/DESY/LBNL is used, so we will be able to run a photocathode from other institutions as well. This paper describes the mechanical, thermal, and high voltage design of this gun. We also present data of high voltage conditioning and the thermal profile along the electrode structure. | |||
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TUPAB129 | Optimization of Beam Dynamics for an S-Band Ultra-High Gradient Photoinjector | brightness, electron, emittance, cathode | 1626 |
Funding: Work Supported by DOE/SU Contract DE-AC02-76-SF00515, US NSF Award PHY-1549132, the Center for Bright Beams, and DOE SCGSR Fellowship. Travel to IPAC'17 supported by the Div. of Phys. of the US NSF (Accel. Sci. Prog.) and the Div. of Beam Phys. of the APS New electron sources with improved brightness are desired to enhance the capabilities of FELs, making them more compact and fully coherent. Improvements in electron source brightness can be achieved by increasing electric fields on the cathode of photo-emitted electron guns. Recent developments in pulsed RF accelerator structures show that very high gradient fields can be sustained with low breakdown rates by operating at cryo-temperatures, which when applied to photoguns will lead to a large increase in the electron beam brightness. In particular, our simulations show that when operating with a peak gradient field of 240 MV/m on the cathode of an S-band, electron beam brightness of 80~nC/(mm· mrad)2/mm can be achieved with 100~pC bunches. In this paper, we present the design and optimization of an 1.x cell S-Band RF photoinjector, where the x varies from 4-6. The optimization in brightness has been obtained by using a multi-objective genetic algorithm on the solutions calculated with the ASTRA code. We calculate the optimum length of the rf gun, position of accelerating structure, and laser pulse dimensions for a variety of charges. |
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TUPAB138 | LCLS-II Injector Physics Design and Beam Tuning | laser, emittance, solenoid, cavity | 1655 |
Funding: US DOE under grant No. DE-AC02-76SF00515. LCLS-II is a proposed high-repetition rate (up to 1 MHz) Free Electron Laser X-ray light source, based on a CW normal conducting (NC) RF gun injector and a CW 4-GeV superconducting (SC) linac, under construction at SLAC. LCLS-II CW injector consists of a 186 MHz NC RF gun, two solenoids, two BPMs, 1.3 GHz NC RF buncher, and 1.3 GHz SC standard 8-cavity cryomodule to boost the beam energy >95 MeV, and 5 pairs of steering correctors. In this paper, we describe the injector physics design including the beam optimization and low level RF requirement, and also present the studies of beam performance with any one SC cavity failure. The beam tuning procedure is developed with the correctors and two BPMs. The simulations of the phase/amplitude calibration for the gun and buncher and beam based alignment for cathode, two solenoids, and RF buncher with the limited diagnostics, will be presented. |
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TUPAB139 | Design of an X-Band Photoinjector Operating at 1 kHz | cathode, solenoid, cavity, power-supply | 1659 |
A kHz repetition rate RF photoinjector with novel features has been designed for the ASU CXLS project. The photoinjector consists of a 9.3 GHz 4.5 cell standing-wave RF cavity that is constructed from 2 halves. The halves are brazed together, with the braze joint bisecting the irises and cells, greatly simplifying its construction. The cathode is brazed onto this assembly. RF power is coupled into the cavity through inline circular waveguide using a demountable TM01 mode launcher. The mode launcher feeds the power through 4 ports distributed azimuthally to eliminate both dipole and quadrupole field distortions. The brazed-in cathode and absence of complex power coupler result in a very inexpensive yet high performance device. The clean design allows the RF cavity to sit entirely within the solenoid assembly. The cathode gradient is 120 MV/m at 3 MW of input power. The cathode cell is just 0.17 RF wavelength so that laser arrival phase for peak acceleration is 70 degrees from zero crossing resulting in exit energy of 4 MeV. The photoinjector will operate with 1μs pulses at 1 kHz, dissipating 3 kW of heat. Details of the design are presented. | |||
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TUPIK033 | Test and Commissioning Results of NSC KIPT 100 MeV/ 100 kW Electron Linear Accelerator, Subcritical Neutron Source Driver | electron, neutron, vacuum, klystron | 1751 |
Neutron Source on the base of subcritical assembly has been constructed and is under commissioning in NSC KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine. The source uses 100 MeV/ 100 kW electron linear accelerator as a driver. The accelerator was designed and manufactured in IHEP, Beijing, China. The accelerator has been assembled at NSC KIPT, all accelerator systems and components were and accelerator is under commissioning. Reports describes the status of the NSC KIPT 100 MeV/ 100 kW electron linear accelerator. The results of the first tests are presented. | |||
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TUPIK051 | Statistics on High Average Power Operation and Results from the Electron Beam Characterization at PITZ | operation, cathode, vacuum, Windows | 1806 |
The Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ) develops, tests and characterizes high brightness electron sources for FLASH and European XFEL. Since these FELs work with superconducting accelerators in pulsed mode, also the corresponding normal-conducting RF gun has to operate with long RF pulses. Generating high beam quality from the photo-cathode RF gun in addition requires a high accelerating gradient at the cathode. Therefore, the RF gun has to ensure stable and reliable operation at high average RF power, e.g. 6.5 MW peak power in the gun for 650 μs RF pulse length and 10 Hz repetition rate for the European XFEL. Several RF gun setups have been operated towards these goals over the last years. The latest gun setup is in operation since March 2016 and includes RF Gun 4.6 with an improved contact spring design. The RF input distribution consists of a coaxial coupler, a T-combiner and 2 RF windows from DESY production. In this contribution we will present statistics on the high average power operation and results from the characterization of the produced electron beam. | |||
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TUPIK052 | Fast Automatic Ramping of High Average Power Guns | cavity, resonance, operation, feedback | 1809 |
The electron guns at PITZ, FLASH and European XFEL are standing wave structures which operate at high average power (>40 kW) to produce long trains of high quality beams. This amount of power heats the cavity surface enough to change signi'cantly the gun resonance frequency. As consequence, to keep the re'ection low, the RF power ramp must be enough slow to permit the water cooling system to keep the gun temperature close to the set-point. Also, as the temperature probe sits close to the surface of the iris, the required gun temperature set-point to maintain the gun on resonance is a function of the average power. The RF power ramping is a difficult process in which temperature and re'ection must be monitored to adjust accordingly the temperature set-point and the ramping speed of the RF power. An automatic software to adjust the RF frequency and the temperature set-point of the PITZ gun in parallel to the RF power ramping has been developed. The use of this software has signi'cantly reduced the time spent to start up the gun or to recover from interlocks, increasing the time spent at nominal parameters which would also be very important for user facilities. | |||
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TUPIK057 | The Real-Time Waveform Mask Interlock System for the RF Gun Conditioning of the ELI-NP Gamma Beam System | vacuum, operation, real-time, software | 1822 |
The new Gamma Beam System (GBS), within the ELI-NP project, under installation in Magurele (RO) by INFN, as part of EuroGammas consortium, can provide gamma rays that open new possibilities for nuclear photonics and nuclear physics. ELI-GBS gamma rays are produced by Compton back-scattering to get monochromaticity (0,1% bandwidth), high flux (1013 photon/s the highest in the world), tunable directions and energies up to 19 MeV. Such gamma beam is obtained when a high-intensity laser collides a high-brightness electronbeam with energies up to 720 MeV. The RF-Gun, made with the novel clamping gasket technique, working in '-mode at 100 Hz with a max. RF input of 16 MW, RF peak field of 120 MV/m and filling time of 420 ns was fully tested and conditioned few month ago at ELSA. This paper will describe the real-time fast-interlock system based on waveform mask technique used during RF Gun conditioning in order to monitor on-line reflected RF signals for a faster pulse-to-pulse detection of breakdowns and to ensure the safety of Gun and modulator tripping such devices before next RF pulse. | |||
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TUPIK058 | The Machine Protection System for the ELI-NP Gamma Beam System | vacuum, electron, laser, operation | 1824 |
The new Gamma Beam System (GBS), within the ELI-NP project, under installation in Magurele (RO) by INFN, as part of EuroGammas consortium, can provide gamma rays that open new possibilities for nuclear photonics and nuclear physics. ELI-GBS gamma rays are produced by Compton back-scattering to get monochromaticity (0,1% bandwidth), high flux (1013 photon/s the highest in the world), tunable directions and energies up to 19 MeV. Such gamma beam is obtained when a high-intensity laser collides a high-brightness electron beam with energies up to 720 MeV with a repetition rate of 100 Hz in multi-bunch mode with trains of 32 bunches. An advanced Machine Protection System was developed in order to ensure proper operation for this challenging facility. Such system operate on different layers of the control system to be interfaced with all sub-systems of the control system. It's equipped with different beam loss monitors based on Cherenkov optical fiber, hall probes, fast current transformer together with BPM and an embedded system based on FPGA with distributed I/O over EtherCAT to monitor vacuum and RF systems which requires fast response to be interlocked within the next RF pulse. | |||
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TUPIK070 | Main Control System of the Linear Accelerator for the HUST THz-FEL | controls, operation, beam-diagnostic, diagnostics | 1858 |
A free-electron laser terahertz radiation source(THz-FEL) with a table-top scale is constructed in Huazhong University of Science & Technology. The whole facility is under joint-debugging currently, and main measured parameters have already matched with design targets. This paper describes the main control system of the Linac-based injector, especially auto-matching and auto-commissioning modules. The former occurs at the begin of daily operation, which contains one key pre-heating and searching the best electric parameters and RF parameters automatically based on last operation status. The later applies in beam commissioning for both Linac and transport line combining with beam diagnostic system, which could save operation time and improve commissioning efficiency. Moreover, real-time monitoring and controlling for water-cooling and vacuum states are inserted in the main control system to protect the accelerator. | |||
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TUPVA059 | Overcoming the Space Charge Limit: Development of an Electron Lens for SIS18 | electron, ion, space-charge, injection | 2211 |
The 'Facility for Anti-Proton and Ion Research' (FAIR) presently under construction will deliver intense ion beams to its experimental users. The requested intensities require filling the existing synchrotron SIS18, which serves as injector to FAIR, up to the space charge (SC) limit. Operation under these conditions is challenging due to the large tune footprint of the beam, demanding delicate control of adverse effects caused by machine imperfections to avoid emittance growth and beam loss. To facilitate the high intensity operation, the installation of an electron lens for SC compensation into SIS18 is foreseen. This requires an electron beam of a current of several amperes with longitudinal and transverse distributions matched to those of the ion beam during the cycle. The electron beam needs to be RF modulated at a bandwidth of a few MHz with time varying amplitude ranging from DC to fully modulated, while the transverse size needs to be continuously adapted to the adiabatically shrinking ion beam. This contribution reports on the requirements on an electron lens for SC compensation in SIS18. | |||
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WEPAB083 | Development of Linac-Based MIR/THz FEL Facility and Photocathode RF-gun in Thailand | electron, undulator, FEL, laser | 2763 |
A linac-based MIR/THz free-electron laser facility is under the development at the Plasma and Beam Physics Research Facility, Chiang Mai University. The ultimate goal of the project is to generate the infrared radiation covering the wavelengths from 13 to 125 μm. The main applications of the radiation involved MIR/THz imaging and spectroscopy. The future FEL facility will consists of an injector system, an experimental station for coherent transition radiation, two magnetic bunch compressors and two undulator magnets equipped with optical cavities for MIR and THz beamlines. An expected electron beam energy is between 10 to 20 MeV with an energy spread of about or less than 1 %. Two undulator magnets with maximum undulator parameters of 1 and 0.95 will be used for generation of the THz-FEL and MIR-FEL, respectively. In this paper, we present the status of the design and construction of this future FEL facility. | |||
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WEPAB084 | Development of Injector System for MIR/THz Free-Electron Laser Facility in Thailand | electron, undulator, simulation, FEL | 2767 |
Development of a linac-based MIR/THz FEL light source is ongoing at the Plasma and Beam Physics Research Facility, Chiang Mai University. The future facility will consist of an S-band thermionic cathode RF electron gun, a pre-magnetic bunch compressor in a form of alpha magnet, an S-band travelling-wave linac structure, a 180-degree achromat system and two undulator magnets equipped with optical cavities. This research focuses on start-to-end beam dynamics simulations of the injector system. The aim of the study is to produce high quality electron beam at the entrance of the THz undulator magnet. The simulation was conducted by using programs PARMELA and ELEGANT. The program PARMELA was utilized to study the electron beam dynamics inside the RF-gun. Then, the program ELEGANT was used to optimize the injector system parameters. Optimization of physical specifications for the achromat system was performed to obtain short electron bunches with small energy spread at the undulator entrance. In this paper, results of beam dynamics simulations with suitable condition for the THz-FEL beamline are presented and discussed. | |||
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WEPAB088 | Dark Current Studies in the CLARA Front-End Injector | solenoid, linac, simulation, electron | 2779 |
At STFC Daresbury a new facility CLARA (Compact Linear Accelerator for Research and Applications) is being designed and constructed. The principal aim of CLARA is advanced Free Electron Laser research. Halo and dark current in CLARA is a concern for damage to the undulator, and other applications of the machine. Recently the front end (gun, diagnostics, first linac) of CLARA has been installed including some collimation to mitigate halo effects. Beam halo may arise from gun field emission or due to beam dynamics in the early stages of acceleration, which may achieve the same energy as the core beam and thus may be transported to the undulator. The code CST is used to study the gun field emission. The code ASTRA is used to study the transport of field emission through the front end, including the effectiveness of collimators. Machine measurements of dark current are compared against these simulations. | |||
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WEPAB099 | Development of the Manufacturing and QA Processes for the LCLS-II Injector Source VHF Electron Gun | operation, site, electron, cavity | 2815 |
Funding: * This work is supported by the Office of Science, United States Department of Energy under DOE contract DE-AC02-05CH11231. The Linear Coherent Light Source-II (LCLS-II), a new free electron laser currently under construction at SLAC, requires a high repetition rate, high brightness, continuous wave electron source. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) has developed a design for a normal conducting VHF gun in response to that need and is responsible for its production and that of the associated beamline, with much of the fabrication done in-house. The 186 MHz copper cavity dissipates approximately 90 kW of RF power while maintaining a vacuum pressure on the order of 10-10 Torr. The gun is a critical component that requires a very high level of operational reliability to ensure uninterrupted availability for future system users. A quality assurance system to instruct manufacturing and change control is vital to ensure production of a gun that reliably meets physics requirements over an extended period of usage. This paper describes the QA processes developed for fabrication and assembly of the Injector Source electron gun along with results and lessons learned from their current implementation. |
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WEPIK107 | Comparison Studies of Graphene Sey Results in NSRL and DL | electron, factory, synchrotron, laser | 3196 |
Graphene has many excellent properties, such as high electron carrier mobility, good thermal conductivity and transparency etc. The secondary electron yield (SEY) of graphene with copper substrate had been studied in National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (NSRL) of China. The results show that the maximum SEY ('max) of 6~8 layers graphene film with copper substrates is about 1.25. Further studies indicate that many factors can affect the SEY test results. The recent SEY tests of graphene films with copper substrates in Daresbury Laboratory (DL) of UK gave the maximum SEY of as-received copper, graphene samples with copper substrates are 1.89, 1.83, and 1.68, respectively, under the incident charge per unit surface (Q) of 7.6×10-8 C 'mm-2. Meanwhile, the SEY test parameters and measurement results of graphene in both laboratories are compared and analysed. The effect of defects on the SEY results of graphene films with copper substrate is also discussed. | |||
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WEPIK112 | A 2D Finite Element Solver for Electromagnetic Fields with m-fold Azimuthal Symmetry | operation, simulation, interface, cavity | 3211 |
Radiofrequency (RF) cavities for use in accelerators, from RF sources to accelerating and transverse cavities, often exhibit m-fold azimuthal symmetry. For cases where m>0, commercially available finite element codes used to simulate the beam-wave interaction typically require a full 3D simulation. We have derived a finite element formulation which accounts for the known azimuthal dependence of the electromagnetic fields, allowing us to solve for these problems on a 2D mesh and reducing simulation times significantly. The theory, including the construction of the local finite element matrices and the selection of appropriate basis functions, will be presented in addition to numerical results. | |||
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WEPVA008 | Beam Dynamics in THz Dielectric Loaded Waveguides for the AXSIS Project | linac, injection, emittance, electron | 3268 |
In this paper, we investigate with ASTRA simulations the beam dynamics in dielectric-loaded waveguides driven by THz pulses, used as linac structure for the AXSIS project. We show that the bunch properties at the linac exit are very sensitive to the phase velocity of the THz pulse and are limited by the strong phase slippage of the bunch respective to it. We also show that some margins for instabilities of the injection phase into the linac structure are allowed. We finally demonstrate that the bunch properties are optimized when low frequencies (< 300 GHz) are used inside the linac, and that the longitudinal focal point can be put several tens of cm away from the linac exit thanks to ballistic bunching. However, a strong asymmetry in the bunch transverse sizes remains for which a solution is still to be found. | |||
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WEPVA075 | Labview-Based Software for Electron Gun Controller | controls, software, electron, LabView | 3439 |
Funding: Supported by the National Science Foundation of China (No: 21327901) Instrument control can improve measurement level of automation. In the actual control of the accelerator electron gun, we need to obtain a voltage with different amplitudes for the filament. Boost and voltage regulator modules should be used in the 220V AC input conditions. In order to adjust the filament voltage and stabilize the filament current more convenient, we developed a control software based on LabVIEW. |
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WEPVA105 | Upgrading of Ageing CERN Underground Infrastructure to Fulfil the Space Requirements of New Facilities at CERN | monitoring, experiment, electron, interface | 3510 |
Particle accelerator technology is constantly being developed, and new equipment and machines replace the former ones to keep pushing the energy and intensity frontiers. Therefore, in order to meet the space requirements of new equipment, the infrastructure often needs to be modified, and given its rigid nature, this presents a challenge for the civil engineers to provide the needed space without compromising the safety and serviceability of the structures. In this paper two underground works are presented: a new cross-passage tunnel for the AWAKE experiment completed in 2014 and the future SPS Beam Dump. The challenges that must be faced are: (a) to make sure that the movements of the adjacent structures remain within admissible limits, (b) to design and execute the works such that the life span of the structure is not reduced, (c) To ensure the effectiveness of existing and new drainage systems during and after the works. For these purposes, in the frame of future tunnel asset management, the use of novel and conventional monitoring techniques plays a crucial role as it can predict in real time potential tunnel deformations which can lead, in the worst scenario, to tunnel failure | |||
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WEPVA117 | Preliminary Mechanical Design Study of the Hollow Electron Lens for HL-LHC | electron, solenoid, cathode, proton | 3547 |
A Hollow Electron Lens has been proposed in order to improve performance of halo control and collimation in the Large Hadron Collider in view of its High Luminosity upgrade (HL-LHC). The concept is based on a beam of electrons that travels around the protons for a few meters. The electron beam is produced by a cathode and then guided by a strong magnetic field generated by a set of solenoids. Mechanical design and integration require a preliminary knowledge of the optimal configuration of the solenoids that drive the electron trajectories. The estimation of such trajectories by means of a dedicated Matlab tool is presented. The influence of the main geometrical and electrical parameters is analysed and discussed. The main mechanical design choices are also outlined along with the concept of the electron collector. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the feasibility study of the Electron Lens for LHC. The methods used in this study also serve as examples for future mechanical and integration designs of similar devices. | |||
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THOBB1 | High Power Test Results of the Eli-NP S-Band Gun Fabricated with the New Clamping Technology Without Brazing | vacuum, cathode, operation, klystron | 3662 |
High gradient RF photoguns have been a key development to enable several applications of high quality electron beams. They allow the generation of beams with very high peak current and low transverse emittance, satisfying the tight demands for free-electron lasers, energy recovery Linacs, Compton/Thomson Sources and high-energy linear colliders. A new fabrication technique for this type of structures has been recently developed and implemented at the Laboratories of the National Institute of Nuclear physics in Frascati (LNF-INFN, Italy). It is based on the use of special RF-vacuum gaskets that allow avoiding brazing in the realization process. The S-band gun of the Compton-based ELI-NP gamma beam system (GBS) has been fabricated with this new technique. It operates at 100 Hz with 120 MV/m cathode peak field and long RF pulses to allow the 32 bunch generation foreseen for the GBS. High gradient tests have been performed at full power full repetition rate and have shown the extremely good performances of the structure in term of breakdown rates. In the paper we report and discuss all experimental results with details of the electromagnetic design and mechanical realization processes. | |||
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THPAB009 | Multi-Objective Optimization of an SRF Photoinjector for ERL and UED Applications | laser, electron, SRF, emittance | 3704 |
Superconducting RF photoinjectors, running in continuous-wave (cw) mode, are able to generate electron beams of high average brightness and ultra-short bunches. Therefore, they satisfy the requirements of future accelerator facilities, such as energy recovery linacs (ERL). Further, SRF guns are able to provide relativistic probe beams for ultrafast electron diffraction (UED). Choosing suitable values for the drive laser, cavity and solenoid settings poses a great challenge for the injector commissioning and operation. Using multi-objective optimization based on an evolutionary algorithm, optimum gun parameter settings are extracted from Pareto-optimum solutions. The development of a universal multi-objective optimization algorithm for SRF photoinjectors as well as first Pareto optimum results for an ERL and UED application of GunLab, the compact SRF gun test facility at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, will be presented. | |||
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THPAB012 | Beam Transport Optimization for Applying an SRF Gun at the ELBE Center | electron, SRF, linac, radiation | 3712 |
An SRF gun at the ELBE center has been operated with a magnesium cathode. Electron beams were produced with a maximum bunch charge of 200 pC and an emit-tance of 7.7 μm. Simulations have been conducted with ASTRA and Elegant for applying the SRF gun to ELBE user experiments, including neutron beam generation, positron beam generation, THz radiation and Compton backscattering experiment. Beam transport has been optimized to solve the best beam performance for these user stations at the bunch charge of 200 pC. Simulation results indicate that the SRF gun is potential to benefit the high bunch charge applications at ELBE. | |||
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THPAB017 | Investigation of High Repetition Rate Femtosecond Electron Diffraction at PITZ | electron, laser, emittance, experiment | 3727 |
PITZ is a photoinjector test facility for FLASH and European XFEL, and it has been proposed to be a prototype machine to develop an accelerator based THz/IR source for European XFEL pump-probe experiment. In addition, the machine can also support femtosecond electron diffraction at the same beam repetition rate as European XFEL, which brings XFEL users more flexibility for different experiments. In this paper, a femtosecond electron diffraction scheme based on the PITZ accelerator setup is investigated. | |||
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THPAB023 | The Influence of Initial Current Density Distribution on the Emittance Reduction | emittance, cathode, electron, flattop | 3744 |
In this study, the influence of current density distribu-tion on the cathode surface on the beam emittance evolution was investigated. The emittance evolution with different beam profiles (flat-top, peak and hollow distribution) have been compared. The modification of the current profile was shown to affect the axial distance of the point of minimal emittance over wide range. The hollow profile allows extending the axial distance of the point of emittance minimum keeping its value extremely low. Further the parameters of a peak profile, which give the smallest emittance were determined. This work demonstrates the significance of initial current density distribution for the emittance evolution. | |||
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THPAB087 | Emittance Measurements and Simulations in 112 MHz Super-Conducting RF Electron Gun With CsK2Sb Photo-Cathode | emittance, solenoid, electron, SRF | 3921 |
The commissioning of the coherent electron cooling (CeC) proof of principle experiment is under way at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC).. A 112 MHz superconducting radio frequency photo-emission gun is used to generate the electron beam for this experiment. In this paper we report selected results of experimental emittance measurements and compare them with our simulations. | |||
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THPAB093 | Synchronization of a Photo-Injector and a High Power Laser With Independent Clocks | laser, electron, plasma, feedback | 3935 |
Funding: LAL/IN2P3/CNRS and Université Paris-Sud The plasma acceleration project ESCULAP (ElectronS CoUrts pour L'Acc\'el\'eration Plasma) aims at studying electrons injection into a laser plasma accelerator. This requires the injection of short electron bunches generated by the photo injector PHIL (Photo injector at LAL) into a plasma wave by the high power femtosecond Laser LASERIX. As a first step we have studied how to synchronize PHIL and LASERIX. As these two machines had not been initially designed to work together, simple synchronization solutions were not available. We detail here the synchronisation scheme that we have tested and the experimental results obtained. |
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THPAB155 | Photoinjector Optimization Using a Derivative-Free, Model-Based Trust-Region Algorithm for the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator | linac, emittance, laser, simulation | 4100 |
Funding: DE-SC0015479, DE-AC02-06CH11357, DE-AC02-06CH11357 Model-based, trust-region, derivative-free algorithms are increasingly popular for optimizing computationally expensive numerical simulations. A strength of such methods is their efficient use of function evaluations. In this paper, we use one such algorithm to optimize the beam dynamics in two cases of interest at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) facility. First, we minimize the emittance of the electron bunch produced by the AWA drive rf photocathode gun alone by adjusting three parameters: rf gun phase, solenoid strength, and laser radius. The algorithm used converges to a set of parameters with an emittance of 1.08 mm-mrad. Second, we expand the number of optimization parameters to model the complete AWA rf photoinjector linac (the gun and six accelerating cavities). These results are used in a Pareto study of the trade-off between beam emittance and bunch length for the AWA linac. |
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THPIK008 | Beam Dynamics for the ThomX Linac | emittance, electron, solenoid, focusing | 4121 |
We report the results of a recent beam dynamics study that has led to promising working points for the split ThomX photoinjector. ThomX is a back-scattering Thomson light source that will use S-band electron Linac with an energy of 50 MeV to produce 45 keV high X-rays flux (1011 - 1013 ph/s), by means of collision between electron bunches and laser pulses, in the energy range from 45 keV to 90 keV. Since Thomx has been conceived to maximise the average X-rays flux in a fixed bandwidth, the high rate electron-photon collisions impose a linear accelerator combined with a storage ring. The high performances of the accelerator are largely affected by the high quality of the electron beam at the interaction point in the ring. Beam specifications should be achieved at the interaction point to the extent that 1 nC, 50 nA average current per bunch with normalised rms transverse emittance less than 5 mm and around 0.3% energy spread, at the end of the linac. The beam dynamics along the linac has been studied to demonstrate the capability of the accelerator to meet the requirements for the high brightness electron beam using an RF photoinjector configuration. | |||
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THPIK014 | Travelling Wave Accelerating Structure for Areal 50 MeV Energy Upgrade | cavity, impedance, simulation, electron | 4130 |
AREAL facility development implies energy upgrade to 50 MeV in order to drive a THz free electron laser. To reach this goal, the installation of two 1.6 m long S-Band travelling wave accelerating sections, with nominal accel-erating gradient of 15 MV/m, are foreseen. In this paper the design study of accelerating sections along with the matching performance of RF couplers are presented. The simulations are performed using the CST Microwave Studio. The first results of the accelerating structure proto-type fabrication are discussed. | |||
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THPIK126 | Design of a Field-Emission X-Band Gun Driven by Solid-State RF Source | electron, cavity, experiment, linac | 4399 |
We present the design of a field-emission X-band gun designed to be powered using a solid-state RF source. The source of the electron beam is a field emission nano-tip array. The RF gun is intended to be a beam source for 1 MeV solid-state driven linac for deployment on a satellite to map magnetic fields in the magnetosphere. The gun has to satisfy strict requirements on both average and peak power consumption, as well as rapid turn on time. In order to achieve low power consumption, the RF gun operates at relatively low accelerating gradient of 2 MeV/m. The beam exit energy is ~20 keV for an RF power 1.5 kW. Each cell of the RF gun is separately powered by commercially available, GaN high electron mobility transistors. In proof of principle experiments we successfully powered a 9.3 GHz accelerating cavity with a 100 W transistor and a 1% duty cycle. | |||
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THPVA027 | Commissioning and First Results of the IBEX Paul Trap | ion, electron, experiment, focusing | 4481 |
The Intense Beam Experiment (IBEX) is a linear Paul trap designed to replicate the dynamics of intense particle beams in accelerators. Similar to the S-POD apparatus at Hiroshima University, IBEX is a small scale experiment which has been constructed and recently commissioned at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK. Its aim is to support theoretical studies of next-generation high intensity proton and ion accelerators, complementing existing computer simulation approaches. Here we report on the status of commissioning and first results obtained. | |||
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THPVA047 | Developing an Yb/Nd Doped Hybrid Solid Laser of RF Gun for SuperKEKB Phase II Commissioning | laser, cavity, electron, emittance | 4540 |
The electron beams with a charge of several nC and a normalized emittance of less than 10 'm are expected to be generated in the photocathode RF gun for injector linac of SuperKEKB accelerator project. By development of the Yb-doped laser system, more than 1.0 nC electron has been obtained in 25 Hz. The laser system is already for commissioning phase I. But, the 30 ps pulse width stretch limit the pulse energy of the amplifier laser system. As well-established laser material, Nd:YAG rods with high optical homogeneity and high damage threshold, simplify the design of high-pulse-energy amplifier. Therefore, a new Nd/Yb hybrid laser system is development to increase the pulse energy of the laser source. For phase II commissioning, more than 3 nC electron beam is expected. Also, a chirped pulse amplification (CPA) laser system is prepared for the phase III commissioning, both pulse energy and pulse shaping controller are expected. | |||
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THPVA079 | First Optics Design and Beam Performance Simulation of PRAE: Platform for Research and Applications With Electrons at Orsay | electron, instrumentation, optics, detector | 4637 |
The PRAE project aims at creating a multidisciplinary R&D facility in the Orsay campus gathering various scientific communities involved in radiobiology, subatomic physics, instrumentation and particle accelerators around an electron accelerator delivering a high-performance beam with energy up to 70 MeV and later 140 MeV, in order to perform a series of unique measurements and future challenging R&D. In addition PRAE will provide a major education and training asset for students and engineers yielding a regional instrument of advanced technology at the heart of the scientific, technological and academic complex of the Paris-Saclay University. In this paper we report the first optics design and performance evaluations of such a multidisciplinary machine, including a first description of future experiments and the required beam instrumentation. | |||
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THPVA081 | Radiation Tests of Aerospace Components at ELBE | electron, radiation, experiment, detector | 4641 |
The cw electron accelerator ELBE operates mainly in the beam energy range 6 to 32 MeV and beam current range 1μA to 1mA. For most experiments a thermionic gun is used as electron source. The cw electron pulse structure so as the pulse charge is realized by applying electrical pulses with specific amplitudes and frequencies on the grid of the gun. The standard cw operation frequency is 13 MHz but can be divided sequentially by the factor 2 down to 101 kHz. For very special pulse structures a so called single pulser module exist performing different patterns also with dark current suppression via a macro pulser gate. For evaluating the performance and hardness under irradiation of e.g. aerospace components much lower doses respectively currents lower than the μA range are required. Furthermore reproducible and stable doses in a specific area for consecutively radiation of samples are necessary. In the presentation the investigations and concepts used at ELBE for the irradiation of different aerospace components are described. | |||
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THPVA114 | Status of High-Efficiency Klystron Development for the PLS-II and PAL-XFEL | klystron, electron, cavity, cathode | 4726 |
Funding: This work was supported by the National R&D program (grant number: 2016R1A6B2A01016828) through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). We are developing a high-efficiency klystron for use in the PLS-II(Pohang Light Source II) and the PAL-XFEL in the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory. Since the PLS-II and the PAL-XFEL are already running with ~70 klystron modulator systems, newly developed klystrons should be designed to fit into existing installation spaces and power supplies, and their overall lengths(< 2 m) and beam perveances(2 upervs) should not be changed. In order to achieve the high efficiency with aforementioned boundary conditions, we are going to adopt a multi-cell output cavity in which, unlike those of the the SLAC X-band and KEK C-band klystrons, the cell frequencies are independently tuned to provide maximum beam-to-rf power conversion. In this article we report on our physics and engineering design efforts to achieve the high efficiency with minimum instabilities. |
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THPVA141 | Non-Destructive Measurement of Electron Microbunch Separation | electron, laser, radiation, experiment | 4798 |
With the development of femtosecond lasers, the generation of micro-bunched beams directly from a photocathode becomes routine; however, the monitoring of the separation is still a challenge. We present the results of proof-of-principle experiments measuring the distance between two bunches via the amplitude modulation analysis of a monochromatic radiation signal. Good agreement with theoretical prediction is shown. | |||
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THPVA148 | Inexpensive Brazeless RF Accelerator | vacuum, operation, cathode, electron | 4812 |
Funding: DOE SBIR A simple, inexpensive way to manufacture a standard radio frequency (RF) driven particle accelerator is presented. The simplification comes from two innovations: utilization of LCLS gun - type RF design to avoid an expensive brazing process and copper plating of stainless steel that further reduces manufacturing cost. This is realized by a special structure design where accelerating structure cells are made out of copper plated stainless steel with knife edges and structure irises - copper disks acts also as gaskets for vacuum and RF seal. Besides the reduced cost, brazeless assembly allows integration of effective cooling and magnet optics elements into accelerator cells. |
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FRXBB1 | Novosibirsk Four-Orbit ERL With Three FELs | FEL, electron, radiation, undulator | 4836 |
The Novosibirsk FEL facility has three FELs, installed on the first, second and fourth orbits of the ERL. The first FEL covers the wavelength range of 90 - 240 mkm at an average radiation power of up to 0.5 kW with a pulse repetition rate of 5.6 or 11.2 MHz and a peak power of up to 1 MW. The second FEL operates in the range of 40 - 80 mkm at an average radiation power of up to 0.5 kW with a pulse repetition rate of 7.5 MHz and a peak power of about 1 MW. These two FELs are the world's most powerful (in terms of average power) sources of coherent narrow-band (less than 1%) radiation in their wavelength ranges. The third FEL was commissioned in 2015 to cover the wavelength range of 5 - 20 mkm. The Novosibirsk ERL is the first and the only multiturn ERL in the world. Its peculiar features include the normal-conductive 180 MHz accelerating system, the DC electron gun with the grid thermionic cathode, three operation modes of the magnetic system, and a rather compact (6×40 m2) design. The facility has been operating for users of terahertz radiation since 2004. | |||
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