Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOPAB038 | Research and Development of Diamond Based Beam Monitoring and Diagnostics Systems at the S-DALINAC | detector, monitoring, simulation, electron | 163 |
Funding: This work has been supported by the DFG through GRK 2128 and VH-NG-823. For future experiments with the HADES and CBM detectors at FAIR in Darmstadt, a radiation hard and fast beam detector is required. The beam detector has to perform precise T0 measurements (σT0 < 50 ps) and should also offer beam monitoring capabilities. These tasks can be fulfilled by utilizing single-crystal Chemical Vapor Deposition (scCVD) diamond based detectors. For research and development of such detectors, a test set-up will be installed at the Superconducting Darmstadt Electron Linear Accelerator (S-DALINAC) of TU Darmstadt. A read-out system for a beam monitoring and diagnostics system is currently under development. It is based on the already well established TRB3 platform, which can provide FPGA based signal discriminators and high precision FPGA-TDCs with on-line monitoring capabilities. In this contribution the concept and the performance of a prototype beam monitoring system will be discussed. Furthermore the preparatory work, with particular focus on the beam-line simulations, for a multipurpose beam detector test set-up at the S-DALINAC will be addressed. |
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MOPAB080 | The Development of Tune Measurement System Based on FPGA at HLSII Storage Ring | storage-ring, experiment, status, synchrotron | 305 |
A tune measurement system based on FPGA development board is developed at HLS II. The FPGA development board based on Zynq SOC, have ADC and DAC on board. The FPGA can provide two kinds of signal for exciting the beam: parametric frequency sweep signal and bandwidth limited white noise signal. The FFT algorithms and calculation of tune are running in the ARM CPU. In order to compare performance with the original system which is based on spectrum analyzer, we did experiments with new system based FPGA and original system respectively. The experiments on HLSII storage ring show that the tune measuring accuracy have reached 0.0006 / 0.0001 in horizontal and vertical direction based on sweep frequency of FPGA-based system. | |||
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MOPAB092 | Design and Performance of Digital BPM Processor for DCLS and SXFEL | pick-up, cavity, controls, electronics | 338 |
Funding: Work supported by National Natural Science Foundation (No. 11305253, 11575282) A digital BPM processor has been developed in SINAP, which can be used on the signal processing of both stripline BPM and cavity BPM. The processor is a standalone system and providing 4 channels 120MS/s, 16 bits ADC and powerful Virtex-5 FPGA. The processor has been mas applied on Dalian Coherent Light Source and Shanghai X-ray FE. The processor specification and performance evaluations including lab and beam tests will be introduced. |
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MOPAB100 | The Development of Button Type BPM Electronics for RAON | electronics, pick-up, ion, operation | 362 |
RAON is a heavy ion accelerator for the Rare Isotope Science Project in Korea. The main goals of RAON is to accelerate various stable ions from ECR ion source and rare isotopes ions from ISOL beam line. For the stable beam operation, the beam diagnostics equipment is very important. Recently, we developed a digital board electronics for the button type beam position monitor (BPM) to measure the position of ion beams. In this presentation, design of electronics, beam signal simulation results, and RF measurement test results with a developed button BPM will be described. | |||
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MOPIK095 | Implementation Issues and First Results of the ESS Beam Current Monitor System | electronics, linac, interface, ion-source | 745 |
The BCM system of the European Spallation Source needs to measure several beam parameters including pulse profile, charge, current, pulse width and repetition frequency. Moreover, it will measure differential beam currents using several ACCT pairs along the linac. This is particularly important at low beam energies where BLMs cannot be used for measuring beam losses. Due to the ESS-specific requirements, the BCM software and firmware will be customized. Also, parts of the electronics may need to be customized to be consistent with the ESS standard electronics platform, hence facilitate maintenance and maximize synergy with other systems. Technical challenges include maintaining signal integrity and a fast response despite large variations in the sensor cable length and ambient temperature, as well as minimizing the effect of the ground voltage fluctuations. This paper gives a general overview of the design and focuses on a few technical issues that are particularly important for satisfying the performance requirements. Also, BCM test results in laboratory conditions as well as preliminary results with the ESS ion source will be presented. | |||
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MOPVA076 | Measurement of Thin Film Coating on Superconductors | cryogenics, controls, experiment, photon | 1043 |
Funding: This research is supported by following programs: Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 26600142 and Photon and Quantum Basic Research Coordinated Development Program from the MEXT. Multilayer thin film coating is a promising technology to enhance performance of superconducting cavities. Until recently, principal parameters to achieve the sufficient performance had not been known, such as the thickness of each layer. We proposed a method to deduce a set of the parameters to exhibit a good performances. In order to verify the scheme, we are trying to make some experiments on the subject at Kyoto. The sample preparation and the test setup for the measurement apparatus will be discussed. |
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TUPIK040 | Commissioning of the Fast Orbit Feedback System at the Australian Synchrotron | feedback, synchrotron, controls, insertion-device | 1770 |
An FPGA based fast orbit feedback system developed at the Australian Synchrotron aims to improve the stability of the electron beam by reducing the impact of moving insertion devices and targeting orbit perturbations at the mains frequency (50 Hz, 100 Hz and 300 Hz). The feedback system uses a PI controller with harmonic suppressors in parallel to specifically target perturbations at the mains frequency and its harmonics. This report will present the results of the commissioning of the FOFB system demonstrating a reduction in the integrated RMS motion up to 300 Hz by 75% to 90%. | |||
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TUPIK069 | PXIe Embedded Control Station Based the Electric Breakdown Data Acquisition and RF Conditioning System for C-Band Accelerating Structures Using for Shanghai Soft X-Ray Free Electron Laser (SXFEL) | controls, hardware, vacuum, laser | 1855 |
Funding: Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, The Chinese Academy of Science., National Development and Reform Commission, the People's Republic of China., National Natural Science Foundation of China. Shanghai Soft X-Ray Free Electron Laser (SXFEL) adopts C-band structure to accelerate the electron to 1.5-GeV. Due to high gradient operation, the electric breakdown and structure conditioning problems need to be perfectly resolved. For this purpose, we develop an automatic conditioning control and electric breakdown data acquisition system. The control based on a PXI Express (PXIe) embedded frame and the LabView-FPGA technique. The prototype system design, the software programming and hardware test will be introduced. The experiment setup and test results for a low-level signal will be shown. ' Corresponding author: |
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WEPVA077 | Design of the Control System of Pulsed Power Supplies for WHMM Injection Bump Magnets | controls, injection, synchrotron, ion | 3442 |
The injection bump system of the synchrotron of the Wuwei Heavy-ion Medical Machine(WHMM) consists of four horizontal bump magnets to merge the injection beam with the circulating beam. In order to control the injection beam with sufficient accuracy, the bump mag-nets need four pulsed power supplies with high speed, precision, reliability. The power supplies, whose IBGT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) are working in the linear area, are required to output the maximum current of 2900A. Furthermore, the current pulse is activated by synchronous triggering events, the current pulse frequen-cy is required about 30Hz, and that the pulse current falling edge should be less than 60us. In this paper, a control system for the pulsed power supplies was described in details. The commissioning results showed that the control system owned high reliability and flexible and that beam could be injected effectively into the synchrotron of the WHMM. In addition, one on-line current pulse waveform is shown in the result section. | |||
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WEPVA085 | Development of High Stabile Magnet Power Supply | power-supply, interface, experiment, dipole | 3455 |
A high stable magnet power supply (MPS) was devel-oped, which was a bipolar type with 200A of the output current at the 40V of output voltage. The MPS has been implemented by the digital signal processing technology using the DSP, FPGA, ADCs and so on. The output cur-rent stability of the MPS showed about 4 ppm peak-to-peak in a short term experiment at the 200A of its full output current. This paper shows the several design con-siderations being implemented to this high stable MPS. Some experimental data such as output stability, some waveforms and so on are given in this paper. | |||
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THOAA1 | Development of a DLLRF Using Commercial uTCA Platform | cavity, LLRF, controls, synchrotron | 3631 |
The Digital LLRF of ALBA has been implemented using commercial cPCI boards with Virtex-4 FPGA, fast ADCs and fast DACs. The firmware of the FPGA is based on IQ demodulation technique and the main feed-back loops adjust the phase and amplitude of the cavity voltage and also the resonance frequency of the cavity. But the evolution of the market is moving towards uTCA technology and due to the interest of this technology by several labs, we have developed at ALBA a DLLRF using a HW platform based on uTCA commercial boards and Virtex-6 FPGA. The paper will present the development done and will compare it with respect the cPCI one. | |||
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THOAA2 | Research on Compensation of Superconducting Cavity Failures in C-ADS Injector-I | hardware, cavity, space-charge, linac | 3635 |
Funding: Work supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (11575216) For the proton accelerators such as the China Accelerator Driven subcritical System(C-ADS), it is essential and difficult to achieve extremely high performance reliability requirement. In order to achieve this performance reliability requirement, in addition to hardware improvement, a failure tolerant design is mandatory. A compensation mechanism to cope with hardware failure, mainly RF failures of superconducting cavities, will be in place in order to maintain the high uptime, short recovery time and extremely low frequency of beam loss. This paper proposes an innovative and challenging way for compensation and rematch of cavity failure with the hardware implementation of the scheme using fast electronic devices and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). A method combined building an equivalent model for the FPGA with an improved genetic algorithm has been developed. Results based on the model and algorithm are compared with TRACEWIN simulation to show the precision and correctness of the mechanism. |
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THOAB2 | MicroTCA Technology Lab at DESY: Start-Up Phase Summary | operation, electronics, hardware, site | 3659 |
Funding: The MicroTCA Technology Lab at DESY is a Helmholtz Innovation Lab (HIL-02) and jointly funded by DESY, the Helmholtz Association, and industry. Over the last decade, technology transfer has emerged as an important mission of major public research facilities. Funding agencies, regional governments and society at large have placed high hopes in the combination of scientific research and on-site technology transfer departments that can turn discoveries and research tools into marketable products. Pursuing economic interests while preserving scientific freedom is a delicate balancing act that requires novel instruments in finance, administration and governance. The Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres addressed this challenge with a set of new frameworks: the Helmholtz Validation Funds (HVF) and the Helmholtz Innovation Labs (HIL). MicroTCA is a case in point: Since 2009, DESY has upgraded this standard significantly to provide state-of-the-art LLRF systems for the facilities FLASH and European XFEL. When the technology sparked interest elsewhere, DESY bundled its transfer activities in the HVF project MicroTCA.4 for Industry (2012-2015) and the HIL project MicroTCA Technology Lab (since October 2016). We report on intermediate results achieved by the MicroTCA Technology Lab after seven months of operation. |
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THPAB095 | Detuning Compensation in SC Cavities Using Kalman Filters | cavity, controls, operation, coupling | 3938 |
For CW driven superconducting cavities operating at small bandwidth, like in ERL or FEL light sources, it is mandatory to precisely control any source of detuning. Therefore, a Kalman [1] filter based approach was developed and implemented as FPGA firmware to act as the core part of a detuning compensation algorithm. It relies on a fit by a second order model to a measured transfer function of cavity's forced oscillations with damping, caused by piezo drives and data about observed current phase with some adjustable confidence rate. The initial data for this core is taken from field detection firmware on mTCA.4's SIS8300-L2 digitizer, transferred by low latency links to a carrier board equipped by piezo drive controller where the DSP processing by the Kalman algorithm performed. The processing is characterized by a 550 kHz rate in pipeline mode and occupies almost all DSP resources of the Spartan 6 FPGA chip. The experimental results of detuning compensating technique applied to a SC photoinjector cavity are presented in this contribution.
Kalman, R. E. (1960): A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems, Transaction of the ASME, Journal of Basic Engineering, Pages 35-45. |
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THPAB129 | Contribution to the ESS LLRF System by Polish Electronic Group | LLRF, controls, resonance, cavity | 4026 |
Funding: Described work will be done as a part of polish in-kind contribution, granted by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the decision number DIR/WK/2016/03. Development of the LLRF system at ESS is coordinated by the Lund University, but part of it, LLRF systems for M-Beta and H-Beta sections, will be delivered within in-kind contribution from Poland. This document will describe the scope of work, work plan, and technical details of the selected components of the M-Beta and H-Beta LLRF systems sections. Described contribution will be made by the Polish Electronic Group (PEG), a consortium of three scientific units. LLRF system for ESS will be made of both, commercially available components and components designed specially for this project, and those last ones will be presented and described here. Except the technical details, the organizational aspects, such as schedule, project management or quality control, will be presented as well. |
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THPAB131 | Test of the Feedback and Feedforward Control Loop for Digital LLRF System of 1 MeV/n RFQ | LLRF, controls, rfq, feedback | 4028 |
Funding: This work has been supported through KOMAC (Korea of Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex) operation fund of KAERI by MSIP (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning) KOMAC (Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex) has a plan to develop the multipurpose ion irradiation system. This system includes the ion source, LEBT, RFQ and MEBT systems to transport ion particles to the target. In particular, the RFQ (Radio Frequency Quadrupole) system should receive 200 MHz RF within 1 % amplitude error stability. To supply stable 200 MHz RF signal to the RFQ cavity, the LLRF (Low-Level Radio Frequency) system should be controlled through a control system which implemented using commercial digital board. This 1 MeV/n RFQ LLRF system has a concept to minimize the number of the analog components for minimizing the control error. For this, the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) in the digital board will control the frequency of the output sinusoidal signal. In addition, this LLRF system applied the direct sampling, Non-IQ sampling, direct RF generation and fast IQ set update rate algorithm. In this presentation, the LLRF PI control and feed-forward control logic test using 200 MHz dummy cavity will be described. LLRF, direct sampling, Non-IQ, RFQ, control loop, feedback, feedforward |
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THPAB135 | Digital LLRF for MAX IV | cavity, LLRF, vacuum, interlocks | 4037 |
The MAX IV facility consists of a 3 GeV Storage Ring(SR), a 1.5 GeV SR, and a linear accelerator (fed by two guns) that serves as a full-energy injector to the rings, but also as a driver for the Short Pulse Facility. The RF systems of the two SRs work at 100MHz. There are 6 normal conducting capacity loaded accelerating cavities and three Landau passive cavities in the 3GeV SR. In the 1.5GeV SR there are two accelerating cavities and two Landau cavities with the same characteristics. Each of these cavities is fed by a modular 60kW SSA. In the 3 GeV SR the power will be doubled by adding a second SSA when required. A digital Low Level RF system has been developed using commercial uTCA boards, with a Virtex-6 FPGA mother board (Perseus 601X) and two double stack FMC boards with fast ADCs and DACs. The large capabilities of state-of-the-art FPGAs allowed including the control of two normal conducing cavities and two landau cavities in one single LLRF system, reducing the development costs. Other utilities like the handling of fast interlocks and post-mortem analysis were also added to this system. This paper summarizes the main capabilities and performance of this DLLRF. | |||
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THPAB148 | DIGITAL LOW LEVEL RF CONTROL SYSTEM FOR THE TAIWAN PHOTON SOURCE | controls, cavity, feedback, booster | 4077 |
The Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) is a 3 GeV, 500 mA, 499.65 MHz, 3rd generation synchrotron light source at NSRRC. To achieve the requirements of system flexibil-ity, fault diagnosis, precise control and high noise reduc-tion, a digital low level RF (DLLRF) control system based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) was developed. The communication interface is based on Raspberry Pi. The feedback loop performance of the control system was tested on the booster of the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) with 950 kV gap voltage. | |||
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THPAB150 | Input Output Controller of Digital Low Level RF System in NSRRC | EPICS, LLRF, operation, controls | 4083 |
Low Level Radio Frequency (LLRF) systems operating at NSRRC are based on analog technology and are used both at the Taiwan Light Source and the Taiwan Photon Source. In order to have better RF field stability, a new digital LLRF system based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) was developed. A card-sized single-board computer is used as the input/output controller of the digital LLRF system and its design and implementation with EPICS applications are reported here. | |||
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