Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOPVA013 | Application of Non-Isochronous Beam Dynamics in ERLs for Improving Energy Spread and Beam Stability | linac, electron, acceleration, operation | 873 |
Funding: Work supported by DFG through the PRISMA cluster of excellence EXC 1098/2014 and Research Training Group GRK 2128 Non-isochronous recirculation is the common operation mode for synchrotrons or microtrons. In such a non-isochronous recirculation scheme the recirculation paths provide a non-zero longitudinal dispersion while the accelerating field is operated at a certain phase off-crest with respect to the maximum. In few turn linacs like ERLs and in microtrons non-isochronous beam dynamics can be used to reduce the energy spread by cancelling out any rf-jitters coming from the linac cavities. To do so the longitudinal phase advance needs to be tuned to a half-integer number of oscillations in longitudinal phase space. Then the total energy spread after main linac acceleration conserves the value at injection. In addition to the improved energy spread the beam stability of few-turn recirculators can be increased as well using such a system. Such concept provides an inherent beam stability and has been introduced many years ago [*] and proven to work successfully in a few-turn recirculator already [**]. We will present beam dynamics calculations for the application of nonisochronous beam dynamics in single- and multi-turn energy recovery linacs at different longitudinal working points. [*] H. Herminghaus, NIM. A 314 (1992) 209. [**] F. Hug et al., Proc. of LINAC '12 (2012) 531. |
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TUPAB030 | Construction and Status of the Thrice Recirculating S-DALINAC | alignment, lattice, dipole, operation | 1384 |
Funding: Work supported by DFG through RTG 2128 and CRC 634. From 1991 until 2015 the S-DALINAC (Superconducting-DArmstadt-LINear-ACcelerator) was operated as a twice recirculating electron accelerator. Its design energy of 130 MeV in cw-operation was not reached so far due to a lower quality factor of the SRF cavities and thus a higher dissipated power to the helium bath. In 2015/2016 a third recirculation has been built. Enabling a fourth passage through the main linac, the accelerating gradients can be reduced to fit the resulting dissipated power to the available cooling power for running at design energy. The upgrade to a thrice recirculating accelerator required the reconstruction of main parts of the existing lattice as well as an installation of a new beam line. All magnets had to be aligned carefully in position and orientation using high-precision metrology sensors. This contribution will present an overview of the construction and the alignment process. A latest status of the commissioning will be given. |
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