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MOPAB133 |
Optimisation of Electrical and Instrumentation Design for the Diamond Light Source DDBA Upgrade |
storage-ring, dipole, instrumentation, insertion |
448 |
- A. Thomson, C.A. Abraham, M.T. Heron, S.C. Lay, G. Rehm, A.J. Rose, H.S. Shiers
DLS, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
In planning the upgrade of one cell of the Diamond Storage Ring, the DDBA upgrade, it was evident that the electrical installation and commissioning would contribute a significant component of the overall installation time. Given the pressures to minimise the shutdown length, the electrical and instrumentation design was optimised for time effective installation and commissioning. This paper outlines the electrical and instrumentation design for DDBA; explores the installation time determining issues and how these were addressed; and reports on the lessons learnt from the actual installation and commissioning process.
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TUPAB107 |
Study of 60 Hz Beam Orbit Fluctuations in the Taiwan Photon Source |
SRF, vacuum, shielding, photon |
1566 |
- C.H. Huang, Y.-S. Cheng, P.C. Chiu, K.T. Hsu, K.H. Hu, C.Y. Liao, C.Y. Wu
NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
The Taiwan Photon Source is a 3 GeV synchrotron light source at NSRRC. To achieve high quality experimental results, it is important to minimize beam motion. During the installation of insertion devices and front-ends, the beam motion around 60 Hz became significant. The response matrix together with singular value decomposition was used to identify the transmitter of the superconducting radio frequency system as the source for the 60 Hz perturbations. This was subsequently corrected by rerouting the grounding of the mains in the transmitters. Yet, the 60Hz orbit fluctuation became even more serious after the next shutdown. A serious of experiments are performed to dig out that the beam was disturbed by the magnetic field from newly installed fan motors. Shielding the fans with mu-metal and increasing the distance between fan and beam pipe drastically reduced the leakage field and greatly increased beam stability. These errors could be prevented at the design stage in the ideal case. However, these errors happened finally and need to be dug out and eliminated. The method and experiences are summarized in this report. These will benefit others who facing the similar problems.
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TUPAB115 |
Impact of Electron Beam Heating on Insertion Devices at Diamond Light Source |
electron, wiggler, cryogenics, insertion |
1588 |
- E.C.M. Rial, Z. Patel
DLS, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Electron beam heating is a widely observed phenomenon at synchrotron facilities around the world, and has a large impact particularly on cryogenic insertion devices, but also on room temperature devices. This paper seeks to outline electron beam heating measurements taken at Diamond Light Source (DLS) and produces an empirical heat load relationship that matches the form of heating through the anomalous skin effect, although gives an order of magnitude higher than that predicted by theory. Resistive wall heating should vary inversely with the gap of installed cryogenic and permanent magnet insertion devices. This is also examined in this paper and the results presented.
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TUPAB116 |
Insertion Devices at Diamond Light Source: A Retrospective Plus Future Developments |
wiggler, storage-ring, undulator, insertion |
1592 |
- Z. Patel, A. George, S. Milward, E.C.M. Rial, A.J. Rose, R.P. Walker, J.H. Williams
DLS, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
2017 marks the tenth year of Diamond operation, during which time all insertion device straights have been filled. Diamond Light Source is a third generation, 3 GeV facility that boasts 29 installed insertion devices. Most room temperature devices have been designed, manufactured and measured in-house, and progress has been made in structure design and control systems to ensure new devices continue to meet stringent requirements placed upon them. The ‘completion' of the storage ring is not, however, the end of activity for the ID group at Diamond, as beamlines map out potential upgrade paths to Cryogenic Permanent Magnet Undulators (CPMUs) and SuperConducting Undulators (SCUs). This paper traces the progress of ID design at Diamond, and maps out future projects such as the upgrade to CPMUs and the challenges of designing a fixed-gap mini-wiggler to replace a sextupole in the main storage ring lattice.
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TUPIK040 |
Commissioning of the Fast Orbit Feedback System at the Australian Synchrotron |
feedback, FPGA, synchrotron, controls |
1770 |
- Y.E. Tan, S. Chen, T.D. Cornall, A. Michalczyk, A. C. Starritt, E.J. Vettoor
SLSA, Clayton, Australia
- B. Dickson
Arrayware Pty Ltd, Scoresby, Australia
- D.J. Peake
DETECT Australia, Bundoora, Australia
- D.O. Tavares
LNLS, Campinas, Brazil
An FPGA based fast orbit feedback system developed at the Australian Synchrotron aims to improve the stability of the electron beam by reducing the impact of moving insertion devices and targeting orbit perturbations at the mains frequency (50 Hz, 100 Hz and 300 Hz). The feedback system uses a PI controller with harmonic suppressors in parallel to specifically target perturbations at the mains frequency and its harmonics. This report will present the results of the commissioning of the FOFB system demonstrating a reduction in the integrated RMS motion up to 300 Hz by 75% to 90%.
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WEPAB036 |
The Diffraction Limited Light Source Elettra 2.0 |
emittance, dipole, lattice, insertion |
2660 |
- E. Karantzoulis
Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Basovizza, Italy
Elettra 2.0 is the next generation to replace Elettra, the Italian third generation light source. The new machine will have an emittance of 0.25 nm-rad with coherent flux about two orders of magnitude higher than that of the present machine. In the paper the aspects of its feasibility are described and discussed.
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WEPAB043 |
DQBA Lattice Option for the KEK-LS Project |
emittance, lattice, insertion, dynamic-aperture |
2675 |
- K. Harada, N. Higashi, S. Nagahashi, N. Nakamura, S. Sakanaka, A. Ueda
KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
- S.M. Liuzzo
ESRF, Grenoble, France
KEK-LS is a fourth generation 3GeV light source and will be constructed in KEK Tsukuba campus. The lattice is 20 cells of ESRF type HMBA (Hybrid Multi Bend Achromat) with short straight section that enables to double the numbers of insertion device beam lines. The circumference is about 570m, and the horizontal natural emittance about 133pmrad. The conceptual design report (CDR) was published in October 2016. Adding two quadrupole magnets to the short straight section of the original lattice in CDR, the lattice design flexibility, emittance and dynamic apertures are improved. In this presentation, we show this new DQBA (Double Quadrupole Bend Achromat) lattice option for KEK-LS project.
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WEPAB093 |
Mechanical Engineering of the Diamond DDBA Upgrade |
storage-ring, insertion, vacuum, electron |
2794 |
- N.P. Hammond, A.G. Day, R.K. Grant, R. Holdsworth, J. Kay
DLS, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
The Diamond storage ring has been upgraded to replace one cell of Double Bend Achromat (DBA) with a Double Double Bend Achromat (DDBA). This upgrade has enabled the construction of a new straight to install a much brighter insertion device X-ray source for a new beamline rather than use a weaker bending magnet source. The engineering challenges and experience from this project are described, especially those aspects relevant to building a future low emittance storage ring at Diamond.
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WEPIK099 |
Beam Lifetime Studies for SPS Storage Ring |
storage-ring, operation, insertion, simulation |
3178 |
- P. Sudmuang, N. Juntong, P. Klysubun, T. Pulampong, N. Suradet
SLRI, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
Limitation of beam lifetime was systematically investigated and studied for Siam Photon Source (SPS) storage ring. The objective was to identify the main cause of the observed reduction of beam lifetime. The simulations of momentum acceptance and Touschek lifetime were performed, incorporating non-linear effects generated by the installed high-field insertion devices. The Touschek lifetime was measured as a function of RF voltage and compared with the values obtained from simulation. The measurements were performed for a variety of different operation conditions of the insertion devices and different chromaticities.
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THPVA028 |
Multi-Bunch Instabilities Measurement and Analysis at the Diamond Light Source |
impedance, damping, vacuum, insertion |
4485 |
- R. Bartolini, R.T. Fielder, E. Koukovini-Platia, G. Rehm
DLS, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
The characterisation of the multi-bunch dynamics at the Diamond light source is performed with an advanced TMBF system that is capable of operating fast grow damp experiments thus allowing the exploration of many machine conditions. We report here the latest results of the measurement campaign, the implication on the machine impedance model and some of the intricacies of the analysis and interpretation of the experimental data.
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THPVA030 |
Collective Effects Studies of the Double-Double Bend Achromat Cell at Diamond |
impedance, simulation, storage-ring, dipole |
4493 |
- E. Koukovini-Platia, R. Bartolini, L.M. Bobb, R.T. Fielder
DLS, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
- R. Bartolini
JAI, Oxford, United Kingdom
One cell of the Diamond storage ring has been converted from a double bend achromat to a double-double bend achromat (DDBA). After the successful installation and beam commissioning in November 2016, beam-based studies were done to assess the effect of the new cell on the single bunch and multi-bunch instabilities both in transverse and longitudinal planes. These are compared with the impedance estimate carried out both numerically and analytically.
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THPVA067 |
Observation of Beam Disturbance Caused by ID Gap Variation at TLS Storage Ring |
undulator, electron, injection, synchrotron |
4598 |
- H.C. Chen, C.L. Chen, H.H. Chen, C.H. Kuo, Y.K. Lin
NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Insertion device is controlled by user for specific experimental condition on user beam time. It operates with user defined gap and phase. Three different undulators are installed in TLS (Taiwan Light Source), including one elliptically polarized undulator. Interactions between these undulators were studied to demonstrate the impact on beam performance. How to get more stable beam under undulators' interaction is discussed in this study.
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