Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOPAB031 | Orbit Measurements in the BESSY II Booster in Preparation for Quasi-Low-Alpha Operation | booster, injection, data-acquisition, extraction | 146 |
Diagnostic refurbishments are ongoing in the booster synchrotron in preparation for the near future Variable pulse Storage Ring (VSR) project at BESSY II. Essential orbit measurements have been re-installed after almost two decades of latency. This diagnostic will help assess the effectiveness of the possible upgrade scenarios such as quasi-low-alpha operation and extraction optimization. The contribution presents the preliminary results of the continual global upgrade of the injector systems. | |||
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MOPAB046 | Lattice Considerations for the Use of an X-Band Transverse Deflecting Structure (TDS) at SINBAD | dipole, quadrupole, cavity, electron | 192 |
An X-band TDS is a well-known device for the characterization of the longitudinal properties of an electron bunch in a linear accelerator. It is planned that a novel X-band TDS with variable polarization* will be installed within the next few years at SINBAD, an upcoming accelerator R&D facility at DESY**. There are several measurements that can be performed with the TDS, each with specific optics requirements to reach the highest possible resolution and keep induced energy spread to a tolerable level. Quadrupoles will be installed between the TDS and the screen to help satisfy these conditions. In this paper, the requirements for the bunch length measurements, a novel 3D charge density reconstruction technique and slice energy measurements are discussed and some simulation results for the slice energy measurement using example lattices are presented.
* A. Grudiev, CLIC-note-1067 (2016). ** B. Marchetti et al. X-band TDS project contribution to these conference proceedings. |
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MOPAB151 | Techniques for Transparent Lattice Measurement and Correction | feedback, operation, betatron, storage-ring | 483 |
Funding: Work supported by DOE contract No: DE-SC0012704 NSLS-II storage ring started top off operation since Oct 2015. It has been noticed during the user operation that machine lattice was affected by insertion devices (ID). The storage ring coupling, emittance and lifetime vary when ID gap changes. Lattice characterization was typically carried out with dedicated machine study time with low storage current. Due to collective effect, the lattice at high operation current is different. To characterize the machine lattice during normal user operation with little disturbance, a small portion of beam (~1%) filled in the ion gap can be excited by the bunch by bunch feedback system near betatron frequency. Recent development on BPM electronics enables the gate function to detect partial beam motion in the ring. With the gated BPM turn by turn data from excited bunches, storage ring lattice can be measured and corrected with the well-developed tools. We present in the paper preliminary test results with these tools to characterize the lattice and how it improves the machine performance during user operation. |
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MOPIK054 | Towards the Low Emittance CANDLE Storage Ring | emittance, wiggler, storage-ring, synchrotron | 641 |
Stimulated by the recent approaches and developments in low emittance lattice design and magnet technology a continuous process of CANDLE storage ring lattice improvement has been launched aiming to keep the project competitive in the field. The main goal of the upgrade program is to bring the beam emittances down to sub-nm level, having the condition of cost and performance efficiency. This paper summarizes the results obtained in the above-mentioned direction. The main design characteristics and linear/nonlinear beam dynamics aspects of the obtained new lattices are presented. | |||
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MOPIK059 | Linear and Nonlinear Optimizations of Combined 7BA-6BA Lattices for the Future Upgrade of SOLEIL | emittance, injection, dipole, sextupole | 659 |
Previous MBA studies converged to a combination of 7BA and 6BA structures, in terms of the target horizontal emittance of below 300 pm-rad, where the effect of anti-bends, dipole field values, and straight section lengths were investigated. Inspired by the successful lattice designs elsewhere adopting the interleaved sextupole scheme with dispersion bumps originally developed at the ESRF, the 7BA-6BA structures adopting this scheme are studied in details in parallel to those without it. The former aims at the horizontal emittance in the 200-300 pm-rad range with on and off-momentum dynamic acceptances sufficiently large for off-axis injection and good Touschek lifetime. The latter pursues the lower bound of the reachable horizontal emittance with quadrupole and sextupole strengths in the feasible range with maximum dynamic acceptance. The option of non-standard on-axis injection such as displacing the injected beam longitudinally is envisaged for the latter solutions. In both lattices, the numerical search using MOGA-based codes is employed extensively. The studies focus on the impact of linear optics and straight section lengths on the off-momentum and nonlinear properties. | |||
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MOPIK060 | Applying MOGA to Search Linear Lattice in Soleil Upgrade Project | emittance, sextupole, synchrotron, quadrupole | 662 |
In the community of synchrotron radiation facilities, multi-bend structure becomes the trend of the storage ring design toward lower emittance. For SOLEIL upgrade project, the 7BA-6BA hybrid structure is one of the current options. This paper puts the focus on the 7BA section. There are many degrees of freedom to tweak and many constraints to follow. Here, the idea is to search and build the linear lattice utilizing Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA), which is efficient dealing with higher dimension optimization problems. Within MOGA, subsidiary matchings are performed to ensure certain criteria when the new generation is bred. Delicate designs and manipulations of the objective functions are needed, in order to have a better convergence without being trapped in a local minimum. The results will be shown and discussed. | |||
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MOPIK062 | Optics Adaptations for Bending Magnet Beam Lines at ESRF: Short Bend, 2-Pole Wiggler, 3-Pole Wiggler | wiggler, radiation, dipole, alignment | 666 |
The ESRF-EBS project foresees the replacement of the existing bending magnets beamlines with different radiation sources: short bend, 2-pole wiggler or 3-pole wiggler. After describing the reasons for this choices the required modifications to the storage ring lattice are described in details for each case. The study of the impact of lattice errors is also addressed, leading to the definition of beamlines' alignment tolerances. | |||
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MOPIK066 | COBEA - Optical Parameters From Response Matrices without Knowledge of Magnet Strengths | storage-ring, optics, closed-orbit, betatron | 676 |
This paper presents some results of Closed-Orbit Bilinear-Exponential Analysis (COBEA), an algorithm designed to decompose (coupled) response matrices into betatron tunes and other optical parameters at beam position monitor and corrector positions. The only additional information strictly required by the algorithm is the ordering of monitors and correctors along the storage ring beam path. The presented method is largely lattice-independent, as no magnet strengths or dimensions are needed, and converges in a reasonable time interval due to usage of gradient-based optimization. After describing key features of the algorithm, a set of COBEA results is compared to LOCO results for the storage rings of MLS and BESSY II. The paper is concluded by a brief discussion of further applications, limits and further development of the COBEA algorithm. | |||
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MOPIK068 | Beam Dynamics Design Parameters for KONUS Lattices | linac, acceleration, cavity, emittance | 683 |
The 'Combined Zero-Degree Structure' ('Kombinierte Null Grad Struktur - KONUS') beam dynamics concept has been successfully applied on several linacs, some of them in routine operation since decades. However, the KONUS lattice parameters optimization is often done in a results-oriented approach, depending on the designers' experience. This paper focuses on the description of the longitudinal beam motion along one KONUS lattice period. A test lattice is used for demonstrating the potential of KONUS lattices with respect to stable, periodic beam motion with emittance growth rates similar to those of conventional designs. The main objective of this ongoing work is to derive more general rules for the parametrization of KONUS lattices. | |||
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MOPIK076 | Optimization of Dynamic Aperture with Constraints on Linear Chromaticity | luminosity, sextupole, coupling, simulation | 705 |
This paper presents numerical technique to optimize dynamic aperture with constraints on linear chromaticity of optical functions. By solving a set of linear equations at each iteration step of dynamic aperture optimization, the linear chromaticity is kept unchanged. The variable range of tuning knobs is taken into account in order to make the technique applicable to practical use. Numerical simulations assuming the SuperKEKB design lattice are performed, and it is demonstrated that the dynamic aperture obtained with the presented scheme is almost comparable to that without constraints. Luminosity simulations assuming weak-strong model show that the constraints lead to improvements of luminosity performance. | |||
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MOPIK079 | The Off-Axis Injection Lattice Design of HEPS Storage Ring | injection, dynamic-aperture, storage-ring, multipole | 716 |
The dynamic aperture size determines the injection scheme to a large extent. The aim of storage ring design of HEPS is to achieve ultralow emittances on both transverse planes. This will bring very strong lattice nonlinearities. The present nominal design is a hybrid 7BA design with effective dynamic aperture of about 3 mm both in horizontal and vertical plane. Due to the restriction of dynamic aperture of this lattice, on-axis injection is the only choice . But, on-axis injection will bring a very big challenge for injector or injection kicker, if it is feasible to obtain a large dynamic aperture, off-axis injection is a favoured choice. In this paper, we will show the preliminary study of the lattice design with a sufficient dynamic aperture for pulsed multipole injection.. | |||
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MOPIK082 | First Turn Around Strategy for HEPS | quadrupole, closed-orbit, accumulation, dipole | 724 |
The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is a 6-GeV, kilometer-scale, quasi-diffraction limited storage ring light source to be built in China[1]. Getting the first turn and approaching the closed orbit is very important in accelerator commissioning. In order to make first turn beam commissioning efficiently, we develop a MATLAB tool based on AT for automatic beam correction and closed orbit searching. The algorithm and simulation results are presented in this paper. | |||
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MOPIK085 | Linear Optics Calibration at the HLS-II Storage Ring Using Model Independent Analysis | storage-ring, optics, experiment, operation | 727 |
Linear optics are the main lattice parameters characterizing the linear properties of storage rings. Especially for beta function and phase advance, they are the basic lattice functions which must be accurately calibrated to ensure high quality operation of the machine. Model Independent Analysis (MIA), which adopts mathematical statistical methods to extract the effective lattice information of storage rings by directly analyzing the turn-by-turn beam-position-monitor (BPM) measurements, has been applied at HLS-II to calibrate the linear optics model of the storage ring. The measurements of the turn-by-turn BPM data with all of the 32 BPMs are reported in this paper. The calibration results of the beta function using MIA are presented. | |||
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MOPIK087 | Development of a Tune Knob for the HLS-II Storage Ring | quadrupole, storage-ring, sextupole, simulation | 730 |
A tune knob is a useful tool for lattice setup and machine studies in a storage ring. It is used to adjust the transverse tunes with a small impact on the beam dynamics. A global tune knob is designed for the Hefei Light Source (HLS). In the tune knob, the quadrupoles are grouped into four families and are symmetrically adjusted. Methodical Accelerator Design-X (MAD-X) is used to calculate the coefficients of the tune knob and the Accelerator Toolbox (AT) is used to double check the accuracy of the tune knob. The chromaticity is corrected by the sextupoles in the storage ring. This paper reports preliminary simulation results of the tune knob for HLS. The beta function deviations are also studied. | |||
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MOPIK090 | Beta Function Measurement in the SOLARIS Storage Ring | quadrupole, storage-ring, optics, sextupole | 736 |
One of the most essential lattice function used for transverse beam dynamics studies of the storage rings is a beta function. It characterizes the linear properties of magnets layout and allows to optimize the compatibility of the model and the machine by reducing the beta-beating. Moreover, the calculation of other parameters like transverse beam emittance, dynamic aperture, energy spread and others, requires knowledge of the quantity of beta function along the ring. Various methods of measurement of this function used in Solaris will be presented. | |||
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MOPIK099 | Tuning-Based Design Optimization of CLIC Final Focus System at 3 TeV | luminosity, sextupole, collider, linear-collider | 760 |
The tuning aims to mitigate static imperfections of the Final Focus System (FFS) for emittance preservation at the Interaction Point (IP). A simulation campaign on the nominal CLIC FFS at 3 TeV have shown the need of rethink the design in order to ease the tuning of the machine. The goal is to optimize the lattice in order to make the FFS more tolerant to misalignments by reducing the strength of the sextupoles. The tuning efficiency is promoted as figure of merit to find the optimal layout of the FFS. A comparative study of the tuning performances have been performed for two L* options. | |||
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MOPIK100 | Beam Delivery System Optimization for CLIC 380 GeV | luminosity, sextupole, quadrupole, optics | 764 |
In the framework of the CLIC rebaselining, the Beam Delivery System (BDS) have been re-optimized for its initial stage at 380 GeV. Two BDS designs with L*=4.3 meters and L*=6 meters have been investigated. The optimization of the lattices and the beam parameters at the interaction point (IP) have been performed by taking into account their energy upgrade to 3 TeV and the tuning feasibility of the BDS in presence of static imperfections. | |||
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MOPIK108 | Tuning Simulations for the CLIC Traditional Beam Delivery System | luminosity, simulation, collider, linear-collider | 788 |
As the design of the CLIC Beam Delivery System (BDS) evolves, tuning simulations must be performed on each of the proposed lattice designs to see which system achieves the highest luminosity in the most realistic manner. This work will focus on the tuning simulations performed on the so-called Traditional lattice design for the center-of-mass energy of 3 TeV. The lattice modifications required to target the most important aberrations and the latest tuning results will be presented. | |||
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MOPIK118 | Model Based Optics Studies in the MEBT Section of SNS | emittance, linac, simulation, rfq | 814 |
Funding: This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC, under Contract No. DE-AC0500OR22725 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The paper presents the beam dynamics studies for the Medium Energy Beam Transport (MEBT) section of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) accelerator. The analysis of measurements is based on the PyORBIT linac model. The diagnostics data includes wire scanners' profiles, slit-harp and slit-slit transverse emittances, MEBT re-bunchers calibration data, and bunch length measurements. The MEBT is a matching section between RFQ and a Drift Tube Linac (DTL). It is also a place for beam halo scraping which helps to reduce beam loss in downstream linac sections. The linac simulation code was benchmarked against the diagnostics data. |
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MOPIK123 | Beam Dynamics Numerical Studies Regarding CBETA Cornell-BNL ERL | quadrupole, multipole, simulation, optics | 824 |
Funding: Work supported by New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) The Cornell-BNL Electron Test Accelerator CBETA is based on a 36 MeV superconducting linac and on a single 4-pass up/4-pass down linear FFAG return loop, for beam acceleration from 6 to 150 MeV and energy recovery. Numerical beam dynamics simulations have accompanied and eventually validated the quadrupole-doublet FFAG cell technology and parameters, and following that the complete return loop, all along the ERL lattice design process. They are key to assessing and validating the ERL optics and beam behavior over the whole acceleration/ER cycle, and in preparing future machine operation. This paper presents various of these beam dynamics studies, including start-to-end simulations. |
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MOPIK124 | A New Method to Tune the Nonlinear Lattice Online | sextupole, betatron, focusing, injection | 828 |
Most nonlinear lattice tuning methods use only part of the optimization constraints, for example, part of the driving terms, nonlinear detuning, lifetime or injection efficiency. Even though some of the nonlinear properties can be improved, it is not guaranteed the nonlinear lattice is fully optimized. In this paper we propose to optimize the nonlinear lattice by correcting the betatron phase advance and detuning of the off-orbit lattices. It is shown that all the leading order optimization constraints are restored in this approach. One advantage of this new method is that the measurement is independent of BPM calibration errors. We succeed in both simulation and experiment in identifying the intentionally added sextupole errors. | |||
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MOPIK125 | Multi-frequency AC LOCO: A Fast and Precise Technique for Lattice Correction | quadrupole, optics, power-supply, experiment | 831 |
We developed a novel technique to improve the precision and shorten the measurement time of the LOCO (Linear Optics from Closed Orbits) method at NSLS-II [1]. This technique named AC LOCO is based on a sine-wave (AC) beam excitation via fast correctors typically installed at synchrotron light sources for the fast orbit feedback. The beam oscillations are measured by beam position monitors. The narrow band used for the beam excitation and measurement not only allows us to suppress effectively the beam position noise and also makes simultaneously exciting multiple correctors at different frequencies (multi-frequency mode) possible. We demonstrated at NSLS-II that the new technique provides better lattice corrections and achieves two minutes measurement time in the thirty-frequency mode.
[1] X. Yang et al., 'Fast and precise technique for magnet lattice correction via sine-wave excitation of fast correctors', Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams, vol. 20, p. 054001, 2017. |
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TUXA1 | Towards Diffraction Limited Storage Ring Based Light Sources | emittance, storage-ring, undulator, electron | 1203 |
Experimental x-ray techniques that benefit from the great increase in brightness and coherent flux provided by the fourth generation of synchrotron light sources, based on recent advances in accelerator design and technology, are widely expanding nowadays. The basic ingredient to higher brightness is a further reduction of the electron beam emittance in storage rings dedicated to light sources. However, to fully explore the potential of these new sources, it is necessary to optimize other variables as well, such as the proper matching of electrons and photons phase-space and the possibility of using new kinds of insertion devices. Equally important is to try new ways to improve the integration between the light source capabilities and the experiment needs. In this work, recent progress of low emittance rings will be reviewed and the efforts to improve transverse coherent flux and source-to-beamline integration at the Brazilian Sirius project will be described. | |||
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TUPAB030 | Construction and Status of the Thrice Recirculating S-DALINAC | alignment, recirculation, dipole, operation | 1384 |
Funding: Work supported by DFG through RTG 2128 and CRC 634. From 1991 until 2015 the S-DALINAC (Superconducting-DArmstadt-LINear-ACcelerator) was operated as a twice recirculating electron accelerator. Its design energy of 130 MeV in cw-operation was not reached so far due to a lower quality factor of the SRF cavities and thus a higher dissipated power to the helium bath. In 2015/2016 a third recirculation has been built. Enabling a fourth passage through the main linac, the accelerating gradients can be reduced to fit the resulting dissipated power to the available cooling power for running at design energy. The upgrade to a thrice recirculating accelerator required the reconstruction of main parts of the existing lattice as well as an installation of a new beam line. All magnets had to be aligned carefully in position and orientation using high-precision metrology sensors. This contribution will present an overview of the construction and the alignment process. A latest status of the commissioning will be given. |
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TUPAB037 | An Optimized Lattice for a Very Large Acceptance Compact Storage Ring | storage-ring, laser, electron, sextupole | 1402 |
Combining a circular storage ring and a laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA) might be the basis for future compact light sources and advancing user facilities to different commercial applications. Meanwhile the post-LWFA beam is not directly suitable for storage and accumulation in conventional storage rings. New generation rings with adapted features are required. Different geometries and ring lattices of very large-acceptance compact storage ring operating between 50 to 500 MeV energy range were studied. The main objective was to create a model suitable to store the post-LWFA beam with a wide momentum spread (2% to3%) and ultra-short electron bunches of fs range. The DBA-FDF lattice with relaxed settings, split elements and optimized parameters allows to open the dynamic aperture up to 20 mm while dispersion is limited and sextupole strength is high. The proposed machine model could be a basis for further, more detailed design studies. | |||
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TUPAB051 | Substrate Dependence of CsK2Sb Cathode Performance | cathode, electron, laser, experiment | 1443 |
Funding: Quantum beam project by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, entitled High Brightness Photon Beam by Laser Compton Scattering and Cooperative supporting Program for Research and education in University by KEK(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization). \rm CsK2Sb is a high performance cathode which can be driven with a green laser. The cathode is generated by evaporation on a substrate in a high vacuum environment. The cathode was evaporated on various material and surface condition to evaluate the dependence of the cathode performance. GaAs (100), Si(100), and Si(111) were examined as samples of the substrate. For each materials, the cathode on the cleaned and as-received substrates were examined and those on the cleaned showed better performance than the as-received for all materials. The detail of the experimental results are presented. |
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TUPAB065 | The Progress of HEPS Booster Design | booster, storage-ring, injection, emittance | 1472 |
The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS), a kilometre-scale, ultralow-emittance storage ring light source, is to be built in Beijing, China. For HEPS, a full energy booster synchrotron operating at a frequency of 2Hz is considered. In this paper, we will report the progress of the lattice design and physics studies on HEPS booster, containing the injection consideration, ramping process, error studies, and so on. | |||
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TUPAB067 | Studies of Beam Lifetime at HEPS | scattering, electron, storage-ring, photon | 1478 |
The electron storage ring's beam lifetime is determined by scattering of the electrons at the nucleus and the shell of the atoms of the residual gas (gas lifetime) and the scattering of electrons within a bunch (Touschek lifetime).Beam lifetime studies have been performed at the 6 GeV electron storage ring HEPS. | |||
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TUPAB080 | Considerations of the HALS Injection System and a New Non-linear Kicker Design | injection, kicker, accumulation, multipole | 1503 |
Funding: Work supported by The National Key Research and Development Program of China No. 2016YFA0402000(2016YFA0402002) Hefei Advanced Light Source (HALS) is a newly designed diffraction-limited synchrotron radiation source with an energy of 2GeV and a natural emittance of 18.4 pm. A project to build test facility of this new light source has been approved and funded in 2017. Among many key subsystems, the injection system of HALS is a very important one. Both on-axis swap out, on-axis longitudinal accumulation and off-axis single multipole kicker injection are considered. For on-axis fast kicker injection, basic parameters of the system are given. Layout of kickers and septums are presented. For off-axis multipole injection, non-linear kickers (NLK) draw much attention in recent years, various studies have been carried out in many laboratories. But it suffered from low injection efficiency and has not been used in routine operation. In this paper, we propose a new ferrite-loaded non-linear kicker (FNLK) and a prototype FNLK has been developed and tested. Compared to the air bus design of NLK, the FNLK not only improves the flat region of magnetic field but also reduce the error sensitivity of bars' position. |
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TUPAB117 | Conceptual Design of a Novel SCAPE Undulator | undulator, photon, simulation, vacuum | 1596 |
Funding: Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. A concept of a novel SuperConducting Arbitrarily Polarizing Emitter, or SCAPE, has recently been suggested at the Advanced Photon Source. It consists of two pairs - both vertical and horizontal - of superconducting planar magnets assembled around a beam vacuum chamber. Such a device will be capable of generating either planar or circularly polarized photons, depending on which pair of magnets is energized. The magnetic simulation suggests that due to the employment of superconducting technology, the expected magnetic field is higher than that of the APPLE undulators. The SCAPE undulators could be useful for the fourth generation of storage rings with a multi-bend achromat lattice, as well as for the FELs where utilization of round beam vacuum chambers becomes possible. The results of magnetic modelling, as well as the design concept of the SCAPE, are presented. |
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TUPIK130 | A Permanent Magnet Quadrupole Magnet for CBETA | permanent-magnet, quadrupole, dipole, electron | 2016 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Recently a collaboration between Brookhaven National Laboratory and Cornell University was established, aiming to build the CBETA accelerator. CBETA is a 150 MeV electron test accelerator, which prototypes essential technologies of eRHIC, which is a proposed upgrade to the existing Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) hadron facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Similar to eRHIC, CBETA employs an FFAG lattice for the arcs. The arcs require short, large aperture quadrupole magnets, which are located close together. BNL has been working on a design employing permanent magnets; we show the concept and the engineering design of these magnets. Prototype magnets have been constructed recently; we report on magnetic field quality measurements and their agreement with computer simulations. |
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TUPVA001 | Progress on the Optics Corrections of FCC-hh | quadrupole, dipole, injection, coupling | 2019 |
The FCC-hh (Future Hadron-Hadron Circular Collider) is one of the three options considered for the next generation accelerator in high-energy physics as recommended by the European Strategy Group, and the natural evolution of existing LHC. Studies are ongoing about the evaluation of the various magnets mechanical errors and field errors tolerances in the arc sections of FCC-hh, as well as an estimation of the correctors strengths necessary to perform the corrections of the errors. In this study advanced correction schemes for the residual orbit, the linear coupling and the ring tune are described. The impact of magnet tolerances on the residual errors, on the correctors technological choice and on the beam screen design are discussed. In particular the effect of the dipole a2 error is emphasized. | |||
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TUPVA038 | Non Linear Field Correction Effects on the Dynamic Aperture of the FCC-hh | quadrupole, collider, interaction-region, dynamic-aperture | 2143 |
Funding: European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant No 654305. The Future Circular Collider (FCC) design study aims to develop the designs of possible circular colliders in the post LHC era. In particular the FCC-hh will aim to produce proton-proton collisions at a center of mass energy of 100 TeV. Given the large beta functions and integrated length of the quadrupoles of the final focus triplet the effect of systematic and random non linear errors in the magnets are expected to have a severe impact on the stability of the beam. Following the experience on the HL-LHC this work explores the implementation of non-linear correctors to minimize the resonance driving terms arising from the errors of the triplet. Dynamic aperture studies are then performed to study the impact of this correction. |
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TUPVA045 | Compensation of Head-on Beam-Beam Induced Resonance Driving Terms and Tune Spread in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider | electron, proton, optics, resonance | 2171 |
Funding: Work supported by U.S. DOE under contract No DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. A head-on beam-beam compensation scheme was implemented for operation in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The compensation consists of a lattice for the minimization of beam-beam driven resonance driving terms, and electron lenses for the reduction of the beam-beam induced tune spread. We describe the implementations of the lattice and electron lenses, and report on measurements of lattice properties and the effect of the electron lenses on the hadron beam. |
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TUPVA050 | RHIC Polarized Proton Operation for 2017 | resonance, polarization, injection, luminosity | 2188 |
Funding: Work supported by the US Department of Energy under contract number DE-SC0012704 The 2017 operation of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) involved the running of only a single experiment at STAR with PHENIX offline in the process of the upgrade to sPHENIX. For this run there were several notable changes to machine operations. These included, transverse polarization, luminosity leveling, a new approach to machine protection and the development of new store and ramped lattices. The new 255 GeV store lattice was designed to both accommodate the necessary phase advance between the e-lens and IP8 for testing and to maximize dynamic aperture. The new lattices on the ramp were designed to maximize polarization transmission during the three strong intrinsic spin resonances crossings. Finally we are also commissioning new 9 MHz RF cavities during this run. |
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TUPVA081 | An MDM Spin Transparent Quadrupole for Storage Ring Based EDM Search | quadrupole, closed-orbit, storage-ring, dipole | 2264 |
A storage ring provides an attractive option for directly measuring the electric dipole moment (EDM) of charged particles. To reach a sensitivity of 1029, it is critical to mitigate the systematic errors from all sources. This daunting task is pushing the precision frontier of accelerator science and technology beyond its current state of the art. Here, we present a unique idea of a magnetic dipole moment (MDM) spin transparent quadrupole that can significantly reduce the systematic errors due to the transverse electric and magnetic fields that particle encounters. | |||
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TUPVA082 | Spin Tracking for a Deuteron EDM Storage Ring | simulation, storage-ring, dipole, quadrupole | 2267 |
The purpose of the Jülich Electric Dipole moment Investigations (JEDI) collaboration is the measurement of the electric dipole moment (EDM) of charged particles like deuterons. There are two possible experimental setups under consideration for realization of this measurement with deuterons: The Frozen and Quasi Frozen Spin storage ring experiments. Both approaches are discussed and compared in this presentation. Various misalignments and systematic effects are simulated in the context of comparison. Furthermore the clockwise-counterclockwise method (CW-CCW) is applied and checked for its validity. | |||
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TUPVA084 | Quasi-Frozen Spin Concept of Deuteron Storage Ring as an Instrument to Search for the Electric Dipole Moment | dipole, sextupole, experiment, cavity | 2275 |
One of the possible arguments for the breaking of CP invariance is the existence of non-vanishing electric dipole moments (EDM) of elementary particles. Currently, the Jülich Electric Dipole Moment Investigation (JEDI) collaboration works under the conceptual design of the ring specifically for search of the deuteron electrical dipole moment (dEDM). The proposed Quasi-Frozen Spin concept differs from the Frozen Spin concept in that the spin of the reference particle is alternately deflected by a few degrees in different directions relative to momentum in the electric and magnetic parts of the ring. The QFS concept will allow using the existing COSY ring as pilot facility. The paper presents conceptual approach to ring design based on results of a study of spin decoherence and systematic errors, as well as the sensitivity estimation of the method to the determination of EDM. | |||
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TUPVA099 | Preparation for the CSNS-RCS Commissioning | quadrupole, simulation, dipole, proton | 2317 |
Funding: Work supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11405189) As a key part of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Project, the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) accumulates and accelerates the proton beam from 80MeV to 1.6GeV for extracting and striking the target with a repetition rate of 25Hz. As a commissioning plan, the BPM offset should be carefully investigated before closed orbit distortion (COD) correction. The fast response correctors are installed to correct orbit distortion and model the lattice of the RCS in every 1ms period. The bunch-by-bunch data from BPMs are collected and decomposed for better known of the RCS Lattice. |
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TUPVA127 | Optimisation of the Design of the Future Circular Collider from a Civil Engineering Perspective | civil-engineering, collider, site, alignment | 2392 |
This paper describes the role of civil engineering in the optimisation of the design of CERN's Future Circular Collider (FCC). The civil engineering team at CERN have employed a bespoke, interactive, geological tool to consider the suitability of multiple layout options for the FCC, situated in the Geneva Basin, in particular quasi-circular options with circumferences in the order of 100 km. The tool has been used to provide feedback on potential lattice designs that are assessed based on criteria such as geological risk, shaft depth and the environmental sensitivities of access and experimental sites. This paper presents the process and some results of the impact of civil engineering on the design of the FCC, in particular on the layout, location, and structural requirements, and also how the optimised design has been used as the basis for a cost and schedule study. | |||
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TUPVA136 | Using Sloppy Models for Constrained Emittance Minimization at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) | emittance, storage-ring, simulation, coupling | 2418 |
Funding: DOE DE-SC0013571 NSF DGE-1144153 In order to minimize the emittance at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR), we measure and correct the orbit, dispersion, and transverse coupling of the beam.* However, this method is limited by finite measurement resolution of the dispersion, and so a new procedure must be used to further reduce the emittance due to dispersion. In order to achieve this, we use a method based upon the theory of sloppy models.** We use a model of the accelerator to create the Hessian matrix which encodes the effects of various corrector magnets on the vertical emittance. A singular value decomposition of this matrix yields the magnet combinations which have the greatest effect on the emittance. We can then adjust these magnet ‘‘knobs'' sequentially in order to decrease the dispersion and the emittance. We present here comparisons of the effectiveness of this procedure in both experiment and simulation using a variety of CESR lattices. We also discuss techniques to minimize changes to parameters we have already corrected. * J. Shanks, D.L. Rubin, and D. Sagan, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 17, 044003 (2014). ** K.S. Brown and J.P. Sethna, Phys. Rev. E 68, 021904 (2003). |
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TUPVA148 | FODO Lattice Design for Beam Halo Research at SNS | quadrupole, simulation, rfq, experiment | 2449 |
Beam halo is a big challenge for high intensity accelerators. Knowledge of the mechanisms of halo formation could help to prevent it. The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Beam Test Facility (BTF) is a functional duplicate of the SNS front end with enhanced diagnostics capable of accelerating 50 mA H− or protons to 2.5 MeV. To explore halo development in both matched and mismatched beams, a dedicated FODO lattice is being designed as an extension to the BTF. The FODO lattice will be 3.5 meters in length and is comprised of 16 quadrupole magnets, with dedicating matching magnets. Simulations of the design lattice show halo can be seen clearly in the phase space density plot when beam is mismatched. Details of the FODO design will be presented in the paper. | |||
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WEOAB1 | Hénon-Heiles Single Particle Dynamics at IOTA | sextupole, experiment, synchrotron, electron | 2508 |
A Hénon-Heiles system is a simple, classical nonlinear Hamiltonian system offering a wide range of particle dynamics from regular orbits to resonant behavior to chaotic trajectories. Initially proposed to describe the motion of stars around a galactic center, it remains a vivid topic in Dynamics and Mathematical Physics since its discovery in 1964. Although the system and its modifications have been extensively studied numerically, its dynamics has never been observed in a controlled experiment. In this report we show that it is possible to create the Hénon-Heiles Hamiltonian using sextupoles in a realistic accelerator lattice. We propose a special sextupole channel to create the desired potential at the IOTA ring and study the 3D single particle dynamics by frequency map analysis and Poincare cross-sections. The proposed experiment would allow real world testing of regular and chaotic motion with a controlled strength of the nonlinearity. | |||
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WEPAB002 | Pushing the MAX IV 3 GeV Storage Ring Brightness and Coherence Towards the Limit of its Magnetic Lattice | optics, storage-ring, brightness, emittance | 2557 |
The MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring is presently being commissioned and crucial parameters such as machine functions, emittance, and stored current have either already been reached or are approaching their design specifications*. Once the baseline performance has been achieved, a campaign will be launched to further improve the brightness and coherence of this storage ring for typical x-ray users. During recent years, several such improvements have been designed**. Common to these approaches is that they attempt to improve the storage ring performance using existing hardware provided for the baseline design. Such improvements therefore present more short-term upgrades. In this paper, however, we investigate medium-term improvements assuming power supplies can be exchanged in an attempt to push the brightness and coherence of the storage ring to the limit of what can be achieved without exchanging the magnetic lattice itself. We outline optics requirements, the optics optimization process, and summarize achievable parameters.
* WEPAB075 & WEPAB076 at IPAC17 ** MOPHO05 at PAC2013, TUPRI026 at IPAC'4, PRAB 19 060701 (2016) |
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WEPAB005 | First MOGA Optimization of the Soleil Lattice | storage-ring, injection, synchrotron, simulation | 2568 |
The first optimization of the nonlinear beam dynamics of the SOLEIL synchrotron radiation light sources using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm is reported. After benchmarking ELEGANT against TRACY3, beam lifetime studies with the operation lattice and fine-tuning of the storage ring model, MOGA-ELEGANT was used to find the best settings of quadrupole and sextupole magnets in order to maximize the dynamic and momentum apertures used as proxies for the Touschek lifetime and the injection efficiency respectively. The solutions obtained after one month of computation in the high level computational cluster of SOLEIL using 200 CPUs are detailed. The improvement of the Touschek lifetime obtained with MOGA is confirmed by the beam-based experiments. The beam lifetime of the SOLEIL storage ring was increased experimentally by 40% as predicted by the simulations. | |||
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WEPAB036 | The Diffraction Limited Light Source Elettra 2.0 | emittance, dipole, insertion-device, insertion | 2660 |
Elettra 2.0 is the next generation to replace Elettra, the Italian third generation light source. The new machine will have an emittance of 0.25 nm-rad with coherent flux about two orders of magnitude higher than that of the present machine. In the paper the aspects of its feasibility are described and discussed. | |||
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WEPAB043 | DQBA Lattice Option for the KEK-LS Project | emittance, insertion-device, insertion, dynamic-aperture | 2675 |
KEK-LS is a fourth generation 3GeV light source and will be constructed in KEK Tsukuba campus. The lattice is 20 cells of ESRF type HMBA (Hybrid Multi Bend Achromat) with short straight section that enables to double the numbers of insertion device beam lines. The circumference is about 570m, and the horizontal natural emittance about 133pmrad. The conceptual design report (CDR) was published in October 2016. Adding two quadrupole magnets to the short straight section of the original lattice in CDR, the lattice design flexibility, emittance and dynamic apertures are improved. In this presentation, we show this new DQBA (Double Quadrupole Bend Achromat) lattice option for KEK-LS project. | |||
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WEPAB045 | Development of Dedicated Linac and Booster for KEK PF | booster, linac, operation, injection | 2681 |
KEK Photon Factory (PF) is a major light source facility in Japan. The injector of PF is KEK LINAC and it is shared with other three rings; PF-AR, SuperKEKB HER (High Energy Ring) and LER (Low Energy Ring). Due to the large electricity consumption, all accelerators in KEK are shut down during every summer for about 3 months. In 2017, because of the LINAC upgrade for SuperKEKB Phase 2 operation, the summer shutdown will be extended to about 5 months. On the other hand, the PF users always strongly wish the shorter shutdown and longer operation. Especially the structural biology users require the ability for the measurement within about 2 weeks after the irregular sample manufacture throughout the year. In order to satisfy these requests, the independent injector system is required for the realization of such longer operation. The examined system consists of an about 100 MeV small linac and a booster ring in the present PF ring tunnel. We show the results of the feasibility study for the independent injector system for the PF ring. | |||
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WEPAB046 | New HMBA Lattice for PF-AR | injection, dynamic-aperture, emittance, optics | 2684 |
Photon Factory Advanced Ring (PF-AR) has been operated for users about 30 years from 1987. The lattice and optics are not almost changed from the original one as the TRISTAN booster ring constructed in 1984. The lattice employs FODO structure and the horizontal emittance for the 6.5 GeV user run is about 300 nmrad. In order to improve the performance of PF-AR dramatically, the full replacement of the accelerator to the ESRF type HMBA (Hybrid multi bend achromat) lattice is examined. In order to geometrically fit the new lattice to the present PF-AR tunnel, the new ring consists of 12 cells with four long straight sections. The emittance is improved to about 500 pmrad at 3 GeV. With the present user experimental hall at the north half of the ring, at least eight undulator beam lines can be constructed. The simulated dynamic aperture is about 1.5 cm at the long straight section with reasonable magnetic errors and COD correction. The Touschek lifetime is about 6 hours. The beam injection with conventional injection system causes no problem and the beam lifetime is long enough. | |||
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WEPAB047 | Concept of a New Generation Synchrotron Radiation Facility KEK Light Source | undulator, cavity, emittance, brightness | 2687 |
KEK has proposed a new SR facility: KEK Light Source (KEK-LS) towards the completion of the first half of the 2020s. The energy and the natural horizontal emittance are 3 GeV and 0.13 nm rad, respectively. To mitigate the intra-beam scattering effect, we are planning to install third harmonic RF cavities. The extremely low emittance ring has been designed based on the Hybrid Multi-Bend Achromatic (HMBA) lattice, which was originally developed at the ESRF upgrade project. We have modified it to insert a short straight section at the center of the unit cell. The number of unit cells is 20, and the circumference is about 570 m. Except for an RF section and an injection section, the ring can accommodate 18 undulators in the long straight sections of 5.6 m, and the additional 20 short straight section of 1.2 m will be used for short-period narrow-gap undulators. If we assume an undulator of the magnetic period 20 mm, total length 5.0 m, and the smallest gap 4 mm, the SR brightness approaches 1022 Photons/mrad2/mm2/s/0.1%B.W. at the X-ray range. It has a high coherent fraction of about 20% at the diffraction limit wavelength 0.32 keV. | |||
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WEPAB052 | Progress of the Lattice Design and Physics Studies on the High Energy Photon Source | injection, booster, storage-ring, emittance | 2697 |
Funding: Work supported by NSFC (11475202, 11405187, 11205171) The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is a 6-GeV, kilometer-scale, ultralow-emittance storage ring light source to be built in Beijing, China. In this paper we will discuss the progress of the lattice design and related physics studies on HEPS, covering issues of storage ring design, booster design, injection design, collective effects, error study, insertion device effects, longitudinal dynamics, etc. |
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WEPAB053 | Candidate Lattice Design of the HEPS Booster Consisting of Combined-Function Dipoles | dipole, emittance, booster, sextupole | 2700 |
Funding: Work supported by NSFC (11475202, 11405187) The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is a 6-GeV, ultralow-emittance, kilometer-scale storage ring light source to be built in China. It is planned to use a 300 MeV linac and a full energy booster as the injector. In this paper we present one of the candidate lattice designs for the HEPS booster, where most of the dipoles are combined with quadrupole and sextupole gradients. Global optimization of the lattice has been done, where the dependencies of the lattice performance on various parameters, including the minimum pole face field, damping partition number, number of dipoles, etc. are discussed. |
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WEPAB054 | Candidate HEPS Lattice Design With Emittances Approaching the Diffraction Limit of Hard X-Rays | emittance, dipole, storage-ring, brightness | 2703 |
Funding: Work supported by NSFC (11475202, 11405187) The High Energy Photon Source is a 6-GeV, kilometre-scale storage ring light source to be built in Beijing. A lattice of the storage ring was proposed, consisting of 48 hybrid 7BAs, and having a natural emittance of 60 pm and a circumference of ~1.3 km. In this paper, we discuss the possibility of further reducing the emittance to approach the diffraction limit of hard X-ray with 'typical' wavelength of 1 Å. We introduce the considerations on the choice of lattice structure and circumference, and concrete lattice designs. |
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WEPAB055 | Characterizing the Nonlinear Performance of a DLSR With the Effective Acceptance of the Bare Lattice | resonance, sextupole, storage-ring, emittance | 2706 |
Funding: Work supported by NSFC (11475202, 11405187, 11605212) In a diffraction-limited storage ring (DLSR) light source, associated with the strong focusing and sextu-poles, the detuning terms are large and integer and half integer resonances can be reached at small momentum deviation and transverse amplitudes. We propose to use the effective ring acceptances of the bare lattice to characterize the nonlinear performance of the actual ring, by considering the limiting effects of integer and half integer resonances on beam dynamics. Such a concept will be very useful in lattice design of a DLSR light source. In this paper, we will discuss the reasoning, verification, and application range of this definition. |
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WEPAB060 | Design Study for the First Version of the HALS Lattice | storage-ring, sextupole, emittance, quadrupole | 2713 |
The Hefei Advanced Light Source (HALS) was proposed as a future soft X-ray diffraction-limited storage ring at NSRL. Recently the first version lattice of the HALS storage ring has been studied using a new lattice design concept that we proposed for diffraction-limited storage rings. In this new concept, the beta functions of each cell are made to be locally symmetric. In this paper, an 8BA lattice and a 6BA lattice are designed for the HALS with the first and the second kind of the new concept, respectively. In their nonlinear optimization, good dynamic aperture and momentum aperture can be easily obtained. Especially the dynamic momentum aperture can be larger than 7% or even 10%, which enables long beam lifetime and implementation of longitudinal injection scheme. The studied 6BA lattice is at present considered as the nominal HALS lattice of the first version. | |||
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WEPAB086 | Design and Optimisation of SPS-II Storage Ring | emittance, dipole, dynamic-aperture, undulator | 2773 |
Siam Photon Source (SPS) in Thailand has been operating and providing synchrotron radiation to users for more than a decade, leading to growing user community in South East Asia region. This gives rise to the possibility of constructing a new 3 GeV light source which could provide synchrotron light with higher photon energy and higher brilliance than the existing 1.2 GeV machine. Hybrid multi-bend achromat (HMBA) lattice design providing small natural beam emittance is a promising choice. In this paper, the Double-Triple Bend Achromat (DTBA) design with extra straight section scaled from Diamond Light Source upgrade lattice [ref.] is presented. Lattice optimisation with simplified magnet specifications still allows natural emittance of about 900 pm'rad for a 321.3 m circumference ring with sufficient dynamic aperture. | |||
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WEPAB095 | Electron Beam Commissioning of the DDBA Modification to the Diamond Storage Ring | injection, dipole, storage-ring, emittance | 2800 |
The Diamond storage ring has been modified by replacing one of the existing double bend achromat (DBA) cells with a double-DBA (DDBA) cell*. This change represents the largest modification to the storage ring since it was first commissioned in 2006, and was installed and fully commissioned during a single 8 week shutdown in autumn 2016. In view of this tight schedule, the planned commissioning steps and all high-level software needed to be developed and thoroughly tested in advance. Electron beam commissioning occupied the final 2 weeks of the shutdown, during which the injected electrons were captured and accumulated, the correct linear lattice was established, the nonlinear beam dynamics were studied, IDs were closed and the target 300 mA was achieved. This paper presents an overview of these activities.
* R.P. Walker et al., 'The Double-Double Bend Achromat (DDBA) Lattice Modification for the Diamond Storage Ring', Proc. IPAC 2014, MOPRO103, (2014) |
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WEPAB101 | Lattice Optimization Using Jupyter Notebook on HPC Clusters | Linux, software, Windows, operation | 2818 |
Funding: Work supported by the Director Office of Science of the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 Tracy accelerator simulation library was originally developed for the Advanced Light Source (ALS) design studies at LBNL in the late 1980's. It was originally written in Pascal, later ported to C++, and then to C#. It is still actively updated and currently used by the ALS Upgrade Project (ALS-U) to design and to optimize the lattice. Recently, it has been reconstructed to provide ease of use and flexibility by leveraging the quickly growing Python language. This paper describes our effort of porting it to Jupyter Notebook on our institutional High-Performance Computing (HPC) clusters. |
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WEPAB104 | Status of the Conceptual Design of ALS-U | emittance, kicker, storage-ring, vacuum | 2824 |
Funding: This work is supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. The ALS-U upgrade promises to deliver diffraction limited performance throughout the soft x-ray range by lowering the horizontal emittance to about 50~pm resulting in 2-3 orders of brightness increase for soft x-rays compared to the current ALS. The design utilizes a multi bend achromat lattice with on-axis swap-out injection and an accumulator ring. One central design goal is to install and commission ALS-U within a short dark period. This paper summarizes the status of the conceptual design of the accelerator, as well as some results of the R&D program that has been ongoing for the last 3 years. |
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WEPAB105 | Design of the ALS-U Storage Ring Lattice | emittance, quadrupole, storage-ring, focusing | 2827 |
Funding: The Advanced Light Source is supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 The Advanced Light Source (ALS) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is proposing the upgrade of its synchrotron light source to reach soft x-ray diffraction limits within the present ALS footprint. The storage ring lattice design and optimization of this light source is one of the challenging aspects for this proposed upgrade. The candidate upgrade lattice needs not only to fulfill the physics design requirements such as brightness, injection efficiency and beam lifetime, but also to meet engineering constraints such as space limitations, maximum magnet strength as well as beamline port locations. In this paper, we will present the lattice design goals and choices and discuss the optimization approaches for the proposed ALS upgrade. |
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WEPAB120 | Reproducibility Issues of NSLS-II Storage Ring and Modeling of the Lattice | operation, quadrupole, storage-ring, dipole | 2851 |
Funding: DOE Contract No: DE-SC0012704 As other facilities, in operating NSLS-II, we develop the lattices based on theoretical and simulation studies. Then the lattice is applied and the machine is optimized to have the desired design parameters. This process is very typical and works well and, furthermore, there is a general understanding that a model with the field measurement data is not realized as it is. However, it is evident that if the model represents the real machine close enough, there are lots of advantages we can take. One of them can be producing the lattice with changing environments. In this paper, we discuss the NSLS-II reproducibility status and efforts to construct the faithful realistic model. |
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WEPAB131 | Layout of the MICE Demonstration of Muon Ionization Cooling | emittance, betatron, detector, solenoid | 2881 |
Funding: STFC, DOE, NSF, INFN, CHIPP and more Muon beams of low emittance provide the basis for the intense, well-characterised neutrino beams necessary to elucidate the physics of flavour at the Neutrino Factory and to provide lepton-antilepton collisions up to several TeV at the Muon Collider. The international Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) will demonstrate muon ionization cooling, the technique proposed to reduce the phase-space volume occupied by the muon beam at such facilities. In an ionization-cooling channel, the muon beam traverses a material (the absorber) loosing energy, which is replaced using RF cavities. The combined effect is to reduce the transverse emittance of the beam (transverse cooling). The configuration of MICE required to deliver the demonstration of ionization cooling is presently being prepared in parallel to the execution of a programme designed to measure the cooling properties of liquid-hydrogen and lithium hydride (Step IV). The design of this final cooling demonstration will be presented together with a summary of the performance of each of its components and the cooling performance of the experiment. submitted by the Speakers Bureau of the collaboration, in charge of finding later a member to prepare and present the contribution |
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WEPAB135 | Novel Implementation of Non-parametric Density Estimation in MICE | emittance, experiment, beam-cooling, solenoid | 2895 |
Funding: Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23100. Cooled muon beams are essential to enable future Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider facilities. The international Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) aims to demonstrate muon beam cooling through ionization energy loss in material. A figure of merit for muon cooling in MICE is the transverse root-mean-square (RMS) emittance reduction and to measure this, the individual muon positions and momenta are reconstructed using two scintillating-fiber tracking detectors housed in spectrometer solenoid modules. The reconstructed positions and momenta before and after a low-Z absorbing material are then used for constructing the covariance matrix and measuring normalized transverse RMS emittance of MICE muon beam. In this study, the direct measurement of phase-space density and volume as measures of the efficacy of muon beam cooling in MICE, using the density estimation techniques is described. |
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WEPIK018 | Optics Design for Cepc Double Ring Scheme | interaction-region, optics, emittance, sextupole | 2962 |
CEPC is a future Circular Electron and Positron Collider proposed by China to mainly study the Higgs boson. Its baseline scheme is double ring scheme and alternative scheme is partial double ring scheme. This paper will present the optics design for the main ring of double ring scheme. CEPC will also work as W and Z factories. Compatible optics design for W and Z mode will be presented as well. | |||
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WEPIK022 | CEPC Booster Lattice Design | resonance, dynamic-aperture, collider, booster | 2968 |
In September 2012, Chinese scientists proposed a Circular Electron Positron Collider(CEPC) at 240 GeV centre of mass for Higgs studies. The CEPC booster(CEPCB) provides 120 GeV electron and positron beams to the CEPC collider for top-up injection. We foucus on the beam dynamic study for CEPCB and analyse the key point of CEPCB lattice design. In this paper, a lattice design with good dynamic aperture is proposed. | |||
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WEPIK023 | Sawtooth Effect in CEPC | synchrotron, synchrotron-radiation, radiation, closed-orbit | 2971 |
Funding: This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, under contract NO. 11405188. CEPC is a circular electron and positron machine designed to study the property of the Higgs boson. The beam energy for CEPC is thus chosen to be 120GeV. At such a high energy, synchrotron radiation has pronounced effect on the beam behavior. In this paper, we will show the synchrotron radiation effect in the CEPC single ring design, namely, the closed orbit, linear optics and dynamic aperture. Analytical analysis will be given trying to explain the phenomenon. |
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WEPIK035 | Adapting the JLEIC Electron Ring for Ion Acceleration | ion, booster, electron, dipole | 3007 |
Funding: This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 for ANL and by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U.S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177. A key component of the recently proposed alternative design approach for the JLab-EIC (JLEIC) ion complex is to consolidate the electron storage ring (e-ring) as a large booster for the ions*. A preliminary parameter study showed that it is possible to do so for different design options of the e-ring. In this paper we will report on the adaptation of the e-ring lattice to accelerate ions. After studying the beam dynamics at the injection and extraction energies, we will determine the RF requirements for ion acceleration, in particular the number of required accelerating sections and their locations. The effect of this potential lattice change on the electron beam will be investigated. In a second stage, we will focus on the spin manipulation and determine if the spin rotators and flippers available for the electron could be used for the ions. * An Alternative Approach for the JLEIC Ion Accelerator Complex, B. Mustapha et al, Proceedings of NAPAC-2016, October 9-14, Chicago, IL. |
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WEPIK041 | Update on the JLEIC Electron Collider Ring Design | sextupole, electron, emittance, ion | 3018 |
Funding: Authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under US DOE Contracts No. DE-AC05-06OR23177 and DE-AC02-06CH11357. Work supported by the US DOE Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. We present an update on the lattice design of the electron ring of the Jefferson Lab Electron-Ion Collider (JLEIC). The electron and ion collider rings feature a unique figure-8 layout providing optimal conditions for preservation of beam polarization. The rings include two arcs and two intersecting long straight sections containing a low-beta interaction region (IR) with special optics for detector polarimetry, electron beam spin rotator sections, ion beam cooling sections, and RF-cavity sections. Recent development of the electron ring lattice has been focused on minimizing the beam emittance while providing an efficient non-linear chromaticity correction and large dynamic aperture. We describe and compare three lattice designs, from which we determine the best option. |
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WEPIK043 | Modeling Local Crabbing Dynamics in the JLEIC Ion Collider Ring | ion, cavity, emittance, luminosity | 3022 |
The Jefferson Lab Electron-Ion Collider (JLEIC) design considers a 50 mrad crossing angle at the Interaction Point. Without appropriate compensation, this could geometrically reduce the luminosity by an order of magnitude. A local crabbing scheme is implemented to avoid the luminosity loss: crab cavities are placed at both sides of the interaction region to restore a head-on collision scenario. In this contribution, we report on the implementation of a local crabbing scheme in the JLEIC ion ring. The effects of this correction scheme on the stability of proton bunches are analyzed using the particle tracking software elegant. | |||
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WEPIK052 | Energy Acceptance and on Momentum Aperture Optimization for the Sirius Project | storage-ring, betatron, resonance, dynamic-aperture | 3041 |
A fast objective function to calculate Touschek lifetime and on momentum aperture is essential to explore the vast search space of strength of quadrupole and sextupole families in Sirius. Touschek lifetime is estimated by using the energy aperture (dynamic and physical), rf system parameters and driving terms. Non-linear induced betatron oscillations are considered to determine the energy aperture. On momentum aperture is estimated by using a chaos indicator and resonance crossing considerations. Touschek lifetime and on momentum aperture constitute the objective function, which was used in a multi-objective genetic algorithm to perform an optimization for Sirius. | |||
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WEPIK053 | Studies of Delta-Type Undulators for Sirius | undulator, polarization, storage-ring, dynamic-aperture | 3045 |
In this work we present the studies of the effects of Delta-type undulators in the storage ring beam dynamics of Sirius. The undulators were included in the ring model as kick maps and their effects on tune shift, dynamic aperture and beam lifetime were evaluated. | |||
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WEPIK061 | Lattice Tuning and Error Setting in Accelerator Toolbox | dipole, quadrupole, closed-orbit, multipole | 3067 |
New lattice designs need to be studied in the presence of magnetic and alignment errors and appropriate lattice tuning procedures. For this reason a set of tools to perform a commissioning-like sequence has been developed for the ESRF-EBS* ** upgrade in Accelerator Toolbox (AT)*** and is now generalized to be used for other accelerators lattice design. The functions presented here allow to correct first turn trajectory, orbit, tune, chromaticity, optics and coupling, in any order. A set of functions to define errors is introduced to address, among others, the issues of: misalignment of magnets modeled by several slices, multiple errors setting on the same magnet and spatially recursive errors along the lattice.
* J.C. Biasci et al. ,A low emittance lattice for the ESRF, Synchrotron Radiation News, vol. 27, Iss.6, 2014. ** ESRF upgrade programme phase II, ESRF, December 2014. *** Nash, B. et al.. New functionality for beam dynamics in Accelerator Toolbox (AT) IPAC'15. |
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WEPIK065 | Research Activities Towards a Conversion of PETRA III Into a Diffraction Limited Synchrotron Light Source | emittance, sextupole, synchrotron, photon | 3077 |
At DESY the Synchrotron Light Source PETRA III offers scientists outstanding opportunities for experiments with hard X-rays of exceptionally high brilliance since 2009. Research activities have been started towards a future upgrade scenario of PETRA III which envisions the conversion of the PETRA ring into a ultra-low emittance hard X-ray radiation source: PETRA IV. The lattice design is aiming for a horizontal emittance in the range between 10 pm rad and 30 pm rad at a beam energy of 6 GeV. Two different approaches have been considered for the lattice design: a design based on a hybrid multibend achromat with an interleaved sextupole configuration based on the ESRF design, and a lattice with a non-interleaved sextupole configuration with a special phase space exchange configuration. We are reporting the current status of the design activities including studies related to the injector. | |||
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WEPIK070 | Nonlinear Lattice Optimization for the SPring-8 Upgrade | sextupole, betatron, injection, octupole | 3091 |
The SPring-8 upgrade project has adopted the hybrid MBA lattice to achieve the emittance of about 100 pmrad at 6 GeV with damping effects by insertion devices. This optics has two dispersion bumps in one unit cell where chromaticity-correcting sextupoles locate. The horizontal and vertical betatron phases between these bumps are tuned to be 3PI and PI, respectively, to cancel the low order contributions of nonlinear kicks due to sextupoles. However, it is not easy to obtain a sufficiently large dynamic aperture (DA) since (i) the cancellation is incomplete due to a nested arrangement, (ii) sextupoles are very strong, and (iii) the number of tuning knobs is limited. The DA is quite small due to the leakage of nonlinear kicks by nested sextupoles. We hence proposed to install additional weak sextupoles between the dispersion bumps to suppress the leakage kick further. Simulations show that this simple scheme is very effective for suppressing ADTS and for enlarging DA. We present details of this scheme and some numerical examples together with a newly developed fourth-order formula of ADTS for describing and controlling the lattice nonlinearity. | |||
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WEPIK074 | Twiss Parameter Measurement and Application to Space Charge Dynamics | resonance, betatron, space-charge, emittance | 3101 |
We are looking for feasible and quantitative method to evaluate space charge induced beam loss in J-PARC MR. One possible way is space charge simulation and theory based on measured Twiss parameter. Twiss parameter measurement using turn-by-turn monitors is presented. Resonance strengths of lattice magnets and space charge force are estimated by the measured Twiss parameters. Emittance growth and beam loss under the resonance strengths are discussed. | |||
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WEPIK109 | Experimental Study of Vertical-Longitudinal Coupling Induced by Wakefields at CesrTA | wakefield, coupling, simulation, electron | 3200 |
Funding: Work supported by NSF PHY-1416318, PHYS-1068662 Transverse vertical wakefields can cause vertical beam size growth in accelerators. Here we report recent measurements and simulations of wakefields from movable scrapers at the CesrTA. The charge dependent vertical beam size growth was observed while a single scraper was inserted through the top of the chamber. No change in the beam size was observed with top and bottom scrapers inserted symmetrically. The apparent growth in the vertical beam size was due in large part to the y-z coupling (vertical crabbing) induced by the monopole wake of the asymmetric scraper configuration. We explored this y-z coupling by varying vertical betatron phase advance between the vertical beam size monitor and the scrapers. In addition, we found that existing residual, current independent y-z coupling could be compensated by the scraper wake. Predictions of a tracking simulation are in good agreement with the measurements. |
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WEPIK110 | Resistive Wall Instability and Impedance Studies of Narrow Undulator Chamber in CHESS-U | undulator, simulation, wakefield, dipole | 3204 |
Funding: Work supported by NSF DMR-0936384 and NSF DMR-1332208 In a major upgrade of the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) one sextant of ring will be replaced with double bend achromats (DBAs) and undulator straights for x-ray users. The resistive wall impedance from the narrow gap (4.5 mm) undulator chambers (5 m per straight) may limit total beam. Here we report recent results of modelling and calculation of multibunch instabilities due to the impedance of chamber walls and transition tapers. The short range wakefields and resistive wall impedance are modelled and incorporated in a tracking simulation. The coupled-bunch growth rate found with the tracking study is in good agreement with the analytic approximation. We find that the resistive wall instability can be readily damped by our existing bunch-by-bunch feedback system. |
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WEPIK117 | A Comprehensive Study of the Microwave Instability | simulation, storage-ring, electron, vacuum | 3224 |
Funding: Work supported by DOE contract DE-SC0012704 Several instability thresholds and special waveform beam pattern have been observed during measurements of the horizontal beam size change vs single bunch current by the synchrotron light monitor (SLM) camera installed in a low dispersion area of the NSLS-II storage ring. The electron beam energy spread from In-Vacuum Undulator (IVU) of the Soft Matter Interfaces (SMI) beam line confirmed the microwave beam pattern behavior as a current dependent effect. The numerically obtained total longitudinal wakepotential by the GdfidL code allowed us to compare the measured results with particle tracking simulations using the SPACE code. The instability thresholds behavior at different RF voltages are in some sort of overarching agreement. |
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WEPIK122 | Applying Square Matrix to Optimize Storage Ring Nonlinear Lattice | resonance, dynamic-aperture, sextupole, storage-ring | 3241 |
Funding: Supported by US DOE Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 and DE-SC0012704. A new method of using linear algebra technique to analyze periodical nonlinear beam dynamics is presented. For a given dynamical system, a square upper triangular transfer matrix is constructed out of a one turn Taylor transfer map. First we separate the matrix into different low dimensional invariant subspaces according to their eigenvalues. Then a stable Jordan transformation can be obtained on each subspace. The transformation provides an excellent action-angle approximation to the solution of the nonlinear dynamics. And the deviation of the new action from constancy provides a measure of the nonlinearity of the motions, which provides a novel method to optimize the nonlinear dynamic system. We applied this method to optimize various rings, such as NSLS-II, SPEAR3, and APS-U lattice, the promising dynamic aperture have been achieved from both tracking simulation and experimental measurements. |
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WEPVA039 | Transition Crossing in the Main Injector for PIP-II | simulation, booster, emittance, operation | 3347 |
Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II) is Fermilab's plan for providing powerful, high-intensity proton beams to the laboratory's experiments. PIP II will include upgrades to the Booster, Recycler and Main Injector which will be required to accelerate 50% more beam as well as increasing the Booster repetition rate from 15 to 20 Hz. To accommodate the faster rate, the momentum separation of the slip stacking beams in the Recycler must increase which will result in in larger longitudinal emittance bunches in MI. In order to cross transition without losses, it is expected a gamma-t jump will be needed. Gamma-t jump schemes for the MI are investigated. | |||
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WEPVA040 | Design of Imaginary Transition Gamma Booster Synchrotron for the Jefferson Lab EIC (JLEIC) | injection, optics, ion, booster | 3350 |
Funding: Work has been authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. Government retains a non- exclusive, world-wide license to publish or reproduce this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. Baseline design of the JLEIC booster synchrotron is presented. Its aim is to inject and accumulate heavy ions and protons at 285 MeV, to accelerate them to about 7 GeV, and finally to extract them into the ion collider ring. The Figure-8 ring features two 260 deg. achromatic arcs configured with negative momentum compaction lattices, designed to avoid transition crossing for all ion species during the course of acceleration. The arc optics is based on a lightly perturbed 90 deg. FODO, with missing dipoles every fourth half-cell, where the horizontal dispersion is driven partly negative for the inward bending arc leading to negative momentum compaction. The lattice also features a specialized high dispersion injection insert optimized to facilitate the transverse phase-space painting in both planes for multi-turn ion injection. Furthermore, the lattice has been optimized to mitigate magnet error sensitivity and to ease chromaticity correction with two families of sextupoles in each plane. The booster ring is configured with super-ferric, 3 Tesla bends. We are presently launching optimization of the booster synchrotron design to operate in the extreme space-charge dominated regime. |
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WEPVA137 | Progress on the Design of the Storage Ring Vacuum System for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project | vacuum, photon, storage-ring, radiation | 3590 |
Funding: Work supported by U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. Recent work on the design of the storage ring vacuum system for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade project (APS-U) includes: revising the vacuum system design to accommodate a new lattice with reverse bend magnets, modifying the designs of vacuum chambers in the FODO sections for more intense incident synchrotron radiation power, modifying the design of rf-shielding bellows liners for better performance and reliability, modifying photon absorber designs to make better use of available space, and integrated planning of components needed in the injection, extraction, and rf cavity straight sections. An overview of progress in these areas is presented. |
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THPPA3 | Hybrid Multi Bend Achromat: from SuperB to EBS | emittance, dipole, luminosity, synchrotron | 3670 |
The Hybrid Multi Bend Achromat: from SuperB to EBS. The motivations and rationale at the basis of the Hybrid Multi Bend Achromat (HMBA) lattice and its evolution through the years are presented. Its implementation in the ESRF Extremely Brilliant Source (EBS) upgrade is also shown. | |||
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THPAB019 | PSPA, a Web Platform for Simulation of Particle Accelerator | simulation, linac, interface, positron | 3730 |
PSPA (Platform for Simulation of Particle Accelerators) is an original web-based interactive simulation platform for designing and modelling particle accelerators created at Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire, Orsay. It aims at eventually containing all the tools to make a start-to-end simulation of an accelerator, and make it possible to run interactively several open source simulations codes available worldwide. At the moment, the focus is on electron/positron accelerators. PSPA will optimize the work of accelerator designers by factoring once and for all the tedious, time-consuming and error prone process of translating data formats between the various codes involved in the modelling of a machine, controlling the repeated execution of these models by easily varying some parameter and managing the associated data. Moreover, as a truly innovative feature, it will provide a convenient means for testing different physical models of a given part of a machine. The status of the project is described in this paper, and examples of its application to the ThomX compact Compton backscattering source at LAL are presented. | |||
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THPAB026 | Feasibility Analysis of Emittance Preservation During Bunch Compression in the Presence of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation in an Arc | emittance, dipole, simulation, synchrotron | 3753 |
Electron beam with low transverse emittance, short bunch length and high peak current is the basic requirement in modern high-brightness light sources. However, coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) will dilute the transverse emittance when the electron beams pass through a magnetic bunch compressor and degrade the performance of the machine. In this paper, based on our CSR point-kick analysis, arc compressors with high compression factor in the presence of CSR effect are studied, both periodic and aperiodic arcs are included. Through analytical and numerical research, an easy optics design technique is introduced to minimize the emittance dilution within these compressors. Taking practical considerations into account, the results of periodic and aperiodic arcs are compared. | |||
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THPAB032 | Estimates of Collective Effects in the HALS Storage Ring Having the First Version Lattice | emittance, impedance, coupling, storage-ring | 3770 |
The Hefei Advanced Light Source (HALS) is a diffraction-limited storage ring with a beam energy of 2.0 GeV. Recently the first version lattice has been designed for the HALS storage ring, and the natural emittance is about 18 pm·rad. In this paper, we study the collective effects in this storage ring, including calculations of intra-beam scattering effect and Touschek lifetime, and estimates of the thresholds of some single-bunch and multi-bunch instabilities. | |||
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THPAB038 | DYNAC: Extensions, Updates, and Upgrades | simulation, operation, linac, quadrupole | 3784 |
DYNAC is a multi-particle beamline simulation code suitable for modelling of the motion of protons, heavy ions, or electrons, moving through linear accelerators and beam transport lines. In this paper, we document extensions written in Python. It will be shown how these Python extensions add a considerable amount of flexibility to DYNAC, while maintaining the calculation speeds available from the core Fortran source. Real-world use-cases are discussed. In addition, some improvements that have been made to the DYNAC source are reported. | |||
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THPAB055 | Modelling of Curvilinear Electrostatic Multipoles in the Fermilab Muon g-2 Storage Ring | multipole, quadrupole, emittance, storage-ring | 3837 |
Funding: This research was funded by the STFC Cockcroft Institute Core grants no. ST/G008248/1 and ST/P002056/1. The Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment (E989) contains flat-plate electrostatic quadrupoles, curved with the reference trajectory as defined by the constant, uniform magnetic dipole field. To understand the beam behaviour at a sufficient level, we require fast, high-accuracy particle tracking methods for this layout. Standard multipole fits to numerically calculated 2D transverse electric field maps have provided a first approximation to the electric field within the main part of the quadrupole, but cannot model the longitudinal curvature or extended fringe fields of the electrostatic plates. Expressions for curvilinear multipoles can be fit to a 2D transverse slice taken from the central point of a numerically calculated 3D electric field map of the quadrupole, providing a curved-multipole description. Generalised gradients can be used to model the fringe field regions. We present the results of curvilinear multipole and generalised gradient fits to the curved quadrupole fields, and the differences in tracking using these fields over 200 turns of a model of the storage ring in BMAD. |
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THPAB058 | PyZgoubi Simulations of the CBETA Lattice | closed-orbit, electron, dipole, framework | 3847 |
Funding: Work supported by New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) The Cornell-BNL Electron Test Accelerator CBETA is a 4 pass up, 4 pass down energy recovery linac using Fixed-Field Alternating-Gradient (FFAG) recirculation arcs with a top energy of 150 MeV. We present lattice implemented in the tracking code pyZgoubi, with both hard edge and field map magnet versions. We also describe the recent developments in pyZgoubi such as importing lattice tables from other tracking codes. |
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THPAB060 | pyAT: A Python Build of Accelerator Toolbox | interface, synchrotron, synchrotron-radiation, radiation | 3855 |
Accelerator Toolbox* (AT) is a particle accelerator modelling tool originally written in MATLAB. It is used at many accelerator facilities, particularly synchrotron light sources, as an on-line model and is also used for off-line beam dynamics studies. For speed of execution, the tracking engine of AT was written in C and compiled for use in MATLAB. The C-based implementation allowed re-use of of the tracking engine compiled against the core Python libraries to create a Python version of AT. For additional purposes of speed, the C interface to the integration routines has been modified allowing equal speeds for both MATLAB and Python interfaces, with an increase in speed relative to the original MATLAB version. This paper describes the adaptation process, including adapting the MATLAB build, creating the Python build and laying the foundations for the additional Python library implementation. Speed benchmarks are included with comparison to other tracking codes Elegant and MADX.
* A. Terebilo, Accelerator Toolbox for MATLAB, SLAC-PUB-8732 (2001) |
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THPAB076 | Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Simulations for Off-Axis Beams Using the Bmad Toolkit | radiation, simulation, synchrotron, synchrotron-radiation | 3887 |
Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) potentially limits operation accelerators with high bunch charges and/or short bunch lengths by increasing energy spread, and by Except at the lowest beam energies, the one dimensional treatment of coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) originally developed by Saldin is an efficient and reasonably accurate way to simulate the effects of CSR on a particle beam. A possible problem with standard implementations of the 1D CSR formalism is that these implementations assume that the beam centroid is close to the reference trajectory that defines the lattice. In this paper, the one dimensional treatment is extended to take into account beams whose centroid is far from the reference trajectory and an example using the Cornell-BNL Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) accelerator CBETA is given. | |||
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THPVA021 | Dynamics of Spectator Particles in Space-Charge Fields of Mismatched Beams With Cross-Plane Coupling | space-charge, coupling, simulation, proton | 4462 |
In accelerators with high beam power, even moderate beam losses must be avoided. These losses are due to particles reaching large transverse amplitudes that form a low density halo orbiting the beam core. To study the beam halo formation, we place a spectator particle outside the beam core and let it interact with the core's electric field. The core, we model by a self-consistent transverse Gaussian beam including non-linear space charge forces and cross-plane coupling. | |||
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THPVA032 | Space-Charge Simulation of Integrable Rapid Cycling Synchrotron | sextupole, space-charge, optics, resonance | 4501 |
Integrable optics is an innovation in particle accelerator design that enables strong nonlinear focusing without generating parametric resonances. We use a Synergia space-charge simulation to investigate the application of integrable optics to a high-intensity hadron ring that could replace the Fermilab Booster. We find that incorporating integrability into the design suppresses the beam halo generated by a mismatched KV beam. Our integrable rapid cycling synchrotron (iRCS) design includes other features of modern ring design such as low momentum compaction factor and harmonically canceling sextupoles. Experimental tests of high-intensity beams in integrable lattices will take place over the next several years at the Fermilab Integrable Optics Test Accelerator (IOTA) and the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER). | |||
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THPVA101 | Scanning Irradiation System at SAGA-HIMAT | operation, synchrotron, extraction, ion | 4698 |
In SAGA-HIMAT, 620 patients have been treated by use of two irradiation rooms in 2015 financial year, where passive irradiation method is adopted. To increase treatment capacity of our facility, we have started the construction of the third treatment room at the beginning of 2014 with a scanning irradiation system. In the new treatment room (room C), there are horizontal and vertical irradiation courses. This construction was required to carry out without interruptions on the treatments in room A and room B. At the end of 2016 financial year, the system tests are almost scheduled to be ready for treatment. In this presentation, we will give obtained performances of our scanning system. | |||
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THPVA143 | Beam-Breakup Studies for the 4-Pass Cornell-Brookhaven Energy Recovery LINAC Test Accelerator | HOM, simulation, cavity, dipole | 4801 |
Cornell University and Brookhaven National Laboratory are currently designing the Cornell-BNL ERL Test Accelerator (CBETA). To be built at Cornell's Wilson Lab, CBETA utilizes the existing ERL injector and main linac cryomodule (MLC). As the electron bunches pass through the MLC cavities, higher order modes (HOMs) are excited. The recirculating bunches interact with the HOMs, which can give rise to beam-breakup instability (BBU). Here we present simulation results on how BBU limits the maximum achievable current, and potential ways to improve the threshold current. | |||
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FRXAB1 | Accelerator Vacuum Technology Challenges for Next-Generation Synchrotron-Light Sources | vacuum, photon, impedance, storage-ring | 4830 |
The development trend of future next-generation synchrotron light source storage rings is a compact lattice combined with small magnet apertures. This leads to important engineering challenges for the design and performance of a vacuum system because of lack of space, conductance limitation and high precision and stability positioning requirements. The speaker will review some possible solutions including the use of distributed pumping (NEG coating), distributed absorber (good thermal conducting material vacuum chamber wall), and distributed cooling (different water cooling channel design at the location where the synchrotron radiation hits the wall). In situ baking for NEG activation and precise installation will also be covered. | |||
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