Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOPAB028 | Estimation of Longitudinal Dimensions of Sub-Picosecond Electron Bunches with the 3-Phase Method | electron, space-charge, simulation, gun | 139 |
An estimation of the longitudinal dimensions for short electron bunches in an accelerating field is an important diagnostic and can be extremely helpful in evaluating the performance of an accelerator. We investigate a method for close estimation of bunch length for sub-picosecond electron bunches from the measurement of their energy spreads. Three or more measurements for the bunch energy spread are made by varying the phase of the accelerating structure and later a reconstruction of the bunch longitudinal dimensions, namely bunch length, initial energy spread and chirp at the entrance of the accelerating structure are obtained using the least square method. A comparison of the obtained results with ASTRA simulations is also included to validate the 3-phase method for sub-ps electron bunches. It is a simple method from both understanding (easy reconstruction using transport matrices) and experimental point of views (multiple measurements of energy spread with varying phase of the accelerating structure). | |||
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MOPAB031 | Orbit Measurements in the BESSY II Booster in Preparation for Quasi-Low-Alpha Operation | injection, data-acquisition, lattice, extraction | 146 |
Diagnostic refurbishments are ongoing in the booster synchrotron in preparation for the near future Variable pulse Storage Ring (VSR) project at BESSY II. Essential orbit measurements have been re-installed after almost two decades of latency. This diagnostic will help assess the effectiveness of the possible upgrade scenarios such as quasi-low-alpha operation and extraction optimization. The contribution presents the preliminary results of the continual global upgrade of the injector systems. | |||
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MOPAB033 | Optics Development and Trajectory Tuning of BERLinPro at Low Energies | linac, gun, diagnostics, SRF | 153 |
Funding: Work supported by the German Bundesministerium fr Bildung und Forschung, Land Berlin and grants of the Helmholtz Association The Berlin Energy Recovery Linac project has taken shape during the past year. The magnets have been set up in the newly constructed subterraneous hall; first electrons are expected in the SRF-gun test laboratory in June 2017. Starting in February 2018 the complete gun module will be transferred to the accelerator hall for the commissioning of BERLinPro. For the first months, operation is planned without further accelerating structures (booster and linac), due to delays in their fabrication. Several modes of operation are applicable at this early stage [1]. The available hardware is displayed and the adapted optics at 2.7 MeV and at 6.5 MeV (including the booster) are presented. The trajectory distortions under the influence of the earth magnetic field are studied. The concept for trajectory correction is outlined. |
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MOPIK015 | Improvement of Electron Intensity Reduction System at SLRI Beam Test Facility | electron, target, synchrotron, shielding | 528 |
Funding: This work is partly supported by the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) under contract FDA-C0-2558-855-TH. Synchrotron Light Research Institute (SLRI) has been commissioning an additional experimental station, a Beam Test Facility (BTF), to the SLRI accelerator complex. SLRI BTF was constructed to provide electron test beams with energy ranging from 40 MeV up to 1.2 GeV and with tunable electron intensity from a few to millions of electrons per burst. In order to obtain low intensity of test beams, an approach using a metal target together with an energy selector has been employed. A combination of a target chamber installed at the high energy beam transport line and the existing 4-degree bending magnet that is used as an energy selector first produced low intensity test beams. However, the test beam profile was not well determined due to the insufficient bending angle of the energy selector and high primary beam energy. Another approach mounting a target chamber at the low energy beam transport line and using the synchrotron booster as an energy selector was implemented to avoid such problems. Once in operation, the facility will have the potential to service calibration and testing of high energy detectors as well as beam diagnostic instrumentations. |
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MOPVA005 | Status of the Berlin Energy Recovery Linac Project BERLinPro | gun, SRF, linac, cavity | 855 |
Funding: Work supported by German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Land Berlin, and grants of Helmholtz Association. The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin is constructing the Energy Recovery Linac Prototype BERLinPro, a demonstration facility for the science and technology of ERLs for future light source applications. BERLinPro is designed to accelerate a high current (100 mA, 50 MeV), high brilliance (norm. emittance below 1 mm mrad) cw electron beam. We report on the project status. This includes the completion of the building and the installation of the first accelerator components as well as the assembly of the SRF gun and GunLab beam diagnostics, which are now ready for commissioning. |
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MOPVA029 | Conceptual Design of a Pre-Booster Ring for the FCC e+e− Injector | emittance, extraction, damping, injection | 917 |
The FCC-ee injector complex needs to produce and to transport a high-intensity e+/e− beam at a fast repetition rate of about 0.1 Hz for topping up the collider at its collision energy. A basic parameter set exists for all the collider energies, assuming a 10 GeV linac operating with a large number of bunches being accumulated in the existing SPS, which serves as pre-accelerator and damping ring before the bunches are transferred to the high-energy booster. The purpose of this study is to provide the conceptual design of an alternative accelerator ring, replacing the SPS in the present scheme. This ring will have injection energy of around 5 GeV and extraction energy of around 20 GeV. Apart from establishing the basic parameters of the ring, the study work will include the optics design and layout, single particle linear and non-linear dynamics optimization, including magnetic and alignment error tolerances. The study will also contain some basic estimation of collective effects and address the issue of synchrotron radiation handling. | |||
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MOPVA046 | 120kW RF Power Input Couplers for BERLinPro | cavity, coupling, SRF, linac | 960 |
The 50-MeV, 100-mA energy-recovery-linac (ERL) demonstration facility BERLinPro is currently undergoing construction at HZB. The high power injection system, that will deliver a beam at 6.5MeV, is split into a 1.4 cell SRF Photo injector and three Cornell-style 2-cell boosters. The injector and two of the booster cavities will provide about 2MeV each and must handle up to 220 kW of beam loading. New, cERL-based 115-kW high power couplers needed for the cavities' twin coupler system have begun manufacture. The design, optimization and manufacturing considerations of these couplers are presented. | |||
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TUPAB014 | Preliminary Design of FCC-ee Pre-Injector Complex | linac, emittance, damping, positron | 1337 |
The design of a 100 km circular e+e− collider with extremely high luminosity is an important component of the global Future Circular Collider (FCC) study hosted by CERN. FCC-ee is being designed to serve as Z, W, H and top factory, covering beam energies from 45.6 to 175 GeV. For the injectors, the Z-operation is the most challenging mode, due to the high total charge and low equilibrium emittance in the collider at this energy. Thus, fulfilling the Z-mode will also meet the demands for all other modes of FCC-ee. This goal can be achieved by using a 6 GeV NC linac with an S-band RF frequency of 2.856 GHz and a repetition rate of 100 Hz. This linac will accelerate two bunches per RF pulse, each with a charge of 6.5 nC. Positrons will be generated by sending 4.46 GeV e- onto a hybrid target so that the e+ created can still be accelerated to 1.54 GeV in the remaining part of the same linac. The emittance of the e+ beam will then shrink to the nm level in a 1.54 GeV damping ring. After damping, the e+ will be reinjected into the linac and accelerated to 6 GeV. The e- and e+ will then be accelerated alternately to 45.6 GeV in the booster, before they are injected into the collider. | |||
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TUPAB063 | High Energy Transport Line Design for the HEPS Project | injection, storage-ring, extraction, quadrupole | 1466 |
The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS), a kilometer-scale storage ring light source with the energy of 6GeV is to be built in China. For the injection scheme of the stor-age ring, on-axis injection is the baseline scheme. To simultaneously accommodate on-axis accumulation and swap-out injection schemes, we designed two high energy transport lines. In this paper we will report the detailed design of these two transport lines, including the layout and lattice design. | |||
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TUPAB065 | The Progress of HEPS Booster Design | lattice, storage-ring, injection, emittance | 1472 |
The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS), a kilometre-scale, ultralow-emittance storage ring light source, is to be built in Beijing, China. For HEPS, a full energy booster synchrotron operating at a frequency of 2Hz is considered. In this paper, we will report the progress of the lattice design and physics studies on HEPS booster, containing the injection consideration, ramping process, error studies, and so on. | |||
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TUPIK041 | Cleaning of Parasitic Bunches for Time Structured Filling of the ESRF Storage Ring During Top Up Operation | extraction, kicker, electron, storage-ring | 1774 |
In order to generate time structured synchrotron radiation the 6GeV ESRF storage ring can be operated with 16 buckets filled with 15nC separated by 16 gaps of 61 nearly perfectly empty buckets. The contrast required by some users between the population of the main and empty buckets is 1011. In order to obtain these empty buckets some RF knock out (cleaning) of the parasitic bunches is needed. Until now this cleaning was performed on the beam stored in the storage ring. Recently we have started to deliver this 16 bunches filling in a so called top up mode, drastically increasing the rate of the storage ring refills. In this top up mode it is very penalizing to perform the cleaning in the storage ring so we are now performing it in the booster synchrotron which accelerates the 200MeV beam coming from the linac up to 6GeV. We describe the set up used to perform the cleaning in the booster and all the measurement and experiments performed in order to correctly understand the origin of the unwanted electrons populating buckets of the gaps separating the 16 main bunches. | |||
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TUPIK096 | Data-Driven Controller Design for High Precision Pulsed Power Converters for Bumper Magnets of the PS Booster | controls, flattop, framework, survey | 1928 |
A new data-driven approach using the frequency response function of a system is proposed for designing robust digital controllers for the injection bumper magnet (BSW) power supplies of the PS Booster. The powering of the BSW requires high precision 3.4 kA to 6.7 kA trapezoidal current pulses with 2 ms flat-top and 5 ms ramp-up and ramp-down time. The tracking error must remain within ± 50 parts-per-million (ppm) during the flat-top of the trapezoidal reference, and ± 500 ppm during the ramp-down. The BSW is powered with a four quadrant switch-mode power converter and the current through the magnet is controlled in closed-loop form with a 2-degree-of-freedom controller at a sampling rate of 10 kHz. A convex optimization algorithm is performed for obtaining the controller parameters. The effectiveness of the method is illustrated by designing the controller for a full-scale prototype of the BSW system at CERN, which is in the framework of the LHC Injector Upgrade (LIU) project. | |||
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TUPIK103 | Development of Automatic Turn-on Systems for TPS Machine | operation, injection, linac, controls | 1954 |
The Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) has been successfully commissioned and has reached now stable operation. Now, the machine must be turned off routinely for week-ly maintenance. While following standard machine turn-on procedures for now, we have developed an automatic turn-on program to accelerate operation, for automatic system status checks and to prevent human errors. The turn-on program process flow includes: turn-on of the LTB (linac to booster transport line), the BTS (booster to storage ring transport line), the SR (storage ring), the BR (booster ring) power supplies and BR&SR pulsers as well as degaussing magnets, turning on the BR&SR RF sys-tems, activating the linac electron source, opening all insertion device (ID) gaps to their parking positions, set-ting all ID phases to zero, controlling all front ends (FEs) and loading the desired machine lattice. Individual pro-cedures can be executed alone depending on the desired practical situation. Experience so far shows, that it takes about 30 minutes to proceed from tunnel safety search to the injection ready state of the light source, including a 20 minute period for magnet degaussing. | |||
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TUPIK116 | Injection Bucket Jitter Compensation Using Phase Lock System at Fermilab Booster | injection, controls, extraction, proton | 1999 |
Phase synchronization between Booster extraction and Recycler injection has been done with the phase lock loop at Booster extraction. The phase Lock Loop control rf phase by changing radial position at extraction and it causes ± one bucket error, not phase error at Recycler injection. By switching a mode of operation for the phase lock loop by measuring the extraction gap position, the jitter was eliminated. The beam loss at the Recycler injection was reduced by 20%. Beam studies and the phase lock system will be discussed in this paper. | |||
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TUPIK117 | Optimization of the Booster Notch System at Fermilab | kicker, proton, extraction, power-supply | 2002 |
The Booster Beam Notch is a beam gap needed to allow extraction kickers to reach full field strength for a single turn extraction scheme. The Notch is created at injection energy by kicking 3 out of the 84 bunches to a dedicated absorber. The kicker voltage, pulse length and geometry of the absorber must be optimized to minimize the beam loss due to the notch creation. Beam studies, simulation and implementation as well as the optimization and improvement of the notch system will be discussed in this paper. | |||
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TUPVA046 | Beam Energy Scan With Asymmetric Collision at RHIC | cavity, operation, emittance, kicker | 2175 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. A beam energy scan of deuteron-gold collision, with center-of-mass energy at 19.6, 39, 62.4 and 200.7 GeV/n, was performed at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider in 2016 to study the threshold for quark-gluon plasma (QGP) production. The lattice, RF, stochastic cooling and other subsystems were in different configurations for the various energies. The operational challenges changed with every new energy. The operational experience at each energy, the operation performance, highlights and lessons of the beam energy scan are reviewed in this report. |
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TUPVA091 | Batch Compression Scheme for Multi-MW J-PARC | injection, cavity, beam-loading, proton | 2294 |
Replacement of all J-PARC MR cavities has completed in this summer to increase the RF voltage. Nine sets of new high-gradient FT3L cavities will generate the required RF voltage for the 1.16 second cycle operation. Upgrade of magnet power supplies is planned and the cycle time becomes 1.3 seconds from the present 2.48 seconds in FY2018 to achieve the beam power of 750 kW-1 MW. For the further improvement of beam power, a new rapid-cycling booster is considered to increase the injection energy of the MR from 3 GeV to 6-8 GeV. By the reduction of the space charge effects, the injection time can be extended and a batch compression scheme becomes possible. It will increase the number of bunches from 8 to 11 or 12 during the beam injection. And, recent beam study of the 3 GeV RCS shows the potential capability of 6.6·1013 proton per bunch. Combining these improvements with the booster, the beam power of 3 MW will be manageable. | |||
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TUPVA149 | AGS Polarized Proton Operation Experience in RHIC Run17 | emittance, timing, polarization, proton | 2452 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Imperfection and vertical intrinsic depolarizing resonances have been overcome by the two partial Siberian snakes in the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS). The relatively weak but numerous horizontal resonances are overcome by a pair of horizontal tune jump quads. 70% proton polarization has been achieved for 2·1011 intensity. Further gain can come from maintaining smaller transverse emittance with same beam intensity. The main efforts now are to reduce the transverse emittance in the AGS and Booster, as well as robust jump quads timing generation scheme. This paper summarizes the operation results in the injectors. |
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WEOCA2 | Experience of Taiwan Photon Source Commissioning and Operation | vacuum, operation, radiation, injection | 2495 |
The TPS commissioning period is from August 2014 to March 2016. The experience of phase I [1] (bare lattice 2014.8~2015.3) and phase II [2,3] (SRF and insertion devices 2015.9~2016.3) commissioning is overviewed. Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) started user operation in March 2016. The delivery user time reached 3211 hours. The continuous improvements of integrated accelerator performance are described and future developments are discussed. | |||
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WEZB1 | Review and Prospects of RF Solid State Amplifiers for Particle Accelerators | cavity, coupling, power-supply, vacuum | 2537 |
Thanks to the growth of high power semiconductor technology, solid state power amplifier (SSPA) systems with several hundred kW RF power are now available for various accelerator fields. Following the successful development at 352 MHz that took place at SOLEIL in the 2000s, the technology was transferred to industry and SSPAs at different frequencies, power levels, and pulse lengths have been widely adopted. In this paper we report about the SOLEIL experience with SSPAs and review the used or planned SSPAs in other accelerator facilities. | |||
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WEPAB004 | Progress Status for the 10 Year Old SOLEIL Synchrotron Radiation Facility | operation, injection, storage-ring, undulator | 2564 |
Synchrotron SOLEIL has just turned 10 years since its commissioning. The 2.75 GeV facility is now delivering very stable photon beams to 29 beam lines. A total of 5 operation modes are available in top-up. Maintaining and updating the key performance metric remains a daily work facing both aging of components and tighter operation requirements. Low-alpha operation is attracting more beam lines leading us to an upgrade of the Booster (BOO) radiofrequency (RF) system in order to increase the injection efficiency into the storage ring (SR). The femtoslicing experiment is now in production for a hard X-ray beam line; a dedicated chicane has been installed for a second beam line in the soft X-ray regime. The two long canted beam lines can operate simultaneously at minimum gaps since May 2016 thanks to the introduction of a dedicated photon absorber and a fast angle interlock. R&D work in several areas will be reported. In parallel lattice design are in progress both for short term and long term evolution of the ring performance. | |||
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WEPAB045 | Development of Dedicated Linac and Booster for KEK PF | linac, operation, lattice, injection | 2681 |
KEK Photon Factory (PF) is a major light source facility in Japan. The injector of PF is KEK LINAC and it is shared with other three rings; PF-AR, SuperKEKB HER (High Energy Ring) and LER (Low Energy Ring). Due to the large electricity consumption, all accelerators in KEK are shut down during every summer for about 3 months. In 2017, because of the LINAC upgrade for SuperKEKB Phase 2 operation, the summer shutdown will be extended to about 5 months. On the other hand, the PF users always strongly wish the shorter shutdown and longer operation. Especially the structural biology users require the ability for the measurement within about 2 weeks after the irregular sample manufacture throughout the year. In order to satisfy these requests, the independent injector system is required for the realization of such longer operation. The examined system consists of an about 100 MeV small linac and a booster ring in the present PF ring tunnel. We show the results of the feasibility study for the independent injector system for the PF ring. | |||
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WEPAB052 | Progress of the Lattice Design and Physics Studies on the High Energy Photon Source | lattice, injection, storage-ring, emittance | 2697 |
Funding: Work supported by NSFC (11475202, 11405187, 11205171) The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is a 6-GeV, kilometer-scale, ultralow-emittance storage ring light source to be built in Beijing, China. In this paper we will discuss the progress of the lattice design and related physics studies on HEPS, covering issues of storage ring design, booster design, injection design, collective effects, error study, insertion device effects, longitudinal dynamics, etc. |
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WEPAB053 | Candidate Lattice Design of the HEPS Booster Consisting of Combined-Function Dipoles | dipole, lattice, emittance, sextupole | 2700 |
Funding: Work supported by NSFC (11475202, 11405187) The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is a 6-GeV, ultralow-emittance, kilometer-scale storage ring light source to be built in China. It is planned to use a 300 MeV linac and a full energy booster as the injector. In this paper we present one of the candidate lattice designs for the HEPS booster, where most of the dipoles are combined with quadrupole and sextupole gradients. Global optimization of the lattice has been done, where the dependencies of the lattice performance on various parameters, including the minimum pole face field, damping partition number, number of dipoles, etc. are discussed. |
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WEPIK016 | CEPC-SppC Towards CDR | collider, luminosity, positron, detector | 2954 |
Funding: supported by National Key Programme for S&T Research and Development (2016YFA0400400), National Natural Science Foundation of China (11575218, 11605211, 11605210, 11505198), Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences, CAS, (QYZDJ-SSW-SLH004) and CAS Center for Excellence in Particle Physics (CCEPP) In this paper we will give an introduction to Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). The scientific background, physics goal, the collider design requirements and the conceptual design principle of CEPC are described. On CEPC accelerator, the optimization of parameter designs for CEPC with different energies, machine lengthes, single ring and crab-waist collision partial double ring, advanced partial double partial ring and fully partial double ring options, etc. have been discussed systematically, and compared. CEPC accelerator baseline and alternative designs have been proposed based on the luminosity potential in relation with the design goals. The sub-systems of CEPC, such as collider main ring, booster, electron positron injector, etc. ave also been introduced. The detector and MDI design have been briefly mentioned. Finally, the optimization design of Super Proton-Proton Collider (SppC), its energy and luminosity potentials, in the same tunnel of CEPC are also discussed. The CEPC-SppC Progress Report (2015-2016) has been published. |
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WEPIK022 | CEPC Booster Lattice Design | lattice, resonance, dynamic-aperture, collider | 2968 |
In September 2012, Chinese scientists proposed a Circular Electron Positron Collider(CEPC) at 240 GeV centre of mass for Higgs studies. The CEPC booster(CEPCB) provides 120 GeV electron and positron beams to the CEPC collider for top-up injection. We foucus on the beam dynamic study for CEPCB and analyse the key point of CEPCB lattice design. In this paper, a lattice design with good dynamic aperture is proposed. | |||
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WEPIK031 | Challenges and Status of the Rapid Cycling Top-Up Booster for FCC-ee | collider, injection, synchrotron, emittance | 2996 |
FCC-ee is a 100 km e+ e− collider, which is being designed within the Future Circular Collider Study (FCC) for precision studies and rare decay observations in the range of 90 to 350 GeV center-of- mass energy. The beam lifetime will be limited to less than one hour, because of radiative Bhaba scattering and beamstrahlung. In order to keep the luminosity on the high level of 1035 cm-2s-1 continuous top-up injection is required. Therefore, besides the collider, that will operate at constant energy, a fast cycling booster synchrotron will be installed in the tunnel. The injection energy to the booster synchrotron will be around 6-20 GeV. Such a small energy together with the large bending radius not only creates an ultra-small beam emittance, but also requires very low magnetic fields close to the limit of technical feasibility. This paper will focus on the challenges and requirements for the top-up booster design arising from low magnetic fields and collective instabilities and present the status of the lattice design. | |||
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WEPIK035 | Adapting the JLEIC Electron Ring for Ion Acceleration | ion, lattice, electron, dipole | 3007 |
Funding: This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 for ANL and by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U.S. DOE Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177. A key component of the recently proposed alternative design approach for the JLab-EIC (JLEIC) ion complex is to consolidate the electron storage ring (e-ring) as a large booster for the ions*. A preliminary parameter study showed that it is possible to do so for different design options of the e-ring. In this paper we will report on the adaptation of the e-ring lattice to accelerate ions. After studying the beam dynamics at the injection and extraction energies, we will determine the RF requirements for ion acceleration, in particular the number of required accelerating sections and their locations. The effect of this potential lattice change on the electron beam will be investigated. In a second stage, we will focus on the spin manipulation and determine if the spin rotators and flippers available for the electron could be used for the ions. * An Alternative Approach for the JLEIC Ion Accelerator Complex, B. Mustapha et al, Proceedings of NAPAC-2016, October 9-14, Chicago, IL. |
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WEPIK096 | Assessment of Beam Impedance for the CERN-PS Booster Wire Scanner | simulation, coupling, impedance, proton | 3167 |
It is well known that performance of accelerators critically depends on the interaction of high intensity beams with the surrounding structures. As a result of these beam interactions, it is required at CERN to characterize the beam coupling impedance of each new machine element that is to be installed in the accelerator ring. In the framework of the LIU (LHC Injectors Upgrade) project, a new design of rotational wire scanner to be used in the PS Booster is currently under development. As an intermediate step, the prototype of this wire scanner was evaluated with respect to its longitudinal beam coupling impedance. Depending on the performance of this machine element, it is planned to replace existing wire scanners in other machines at CERN (e.g. PS-Booster, PS and SPS) with very similar designs. This paper presents the simulations and describes the measurement methods used for benchmarking electromagnetic simulations performed for the impedance evaluation of the LIU wire scanner for the PS-Booster. Additionally, the device was fitted with an RF feed-through in order to monitor and attenuate certain undesired modes supported by this structure. | |||
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WEPVA037 | Machine Development Studies in the CERN PS Booster, in 2016 | injection, emittance, extraction, space-charge | 3339 |
The paper presents the outstanding studies performed in 2016 in preparation of the PS Booster upgrade, within the LHC Injector Upgrade project (LIU), to provide twice higher brightness and intensity to the High-Luminosity LHC. Major changes include the increase of injection and extraction energy, the implementation of a H− charge-exchange injection system, the replacement of the present Main Power Supply and the deployment of a new RF system (and related Low-Level), based on the Finemet technology. Although the major improvements will be visible only after the upgrade, the present machine can already benefit of the work done, in terms of better brightness, transmission and improved reproducibility of the present operational beams. Studies address the space-charge limitations at low energy, for which a detailed optics model is needed and for which mitigation measurements are under study, and the blow-up reduction at injection in the downstream machine, for which the beams need careful preparation and transmission. Moreover they address the requirements and the reliability of new beam instrumentation and hardware that is being installed in view of LIU. | |||
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WEPVA039 | Transition Crossing in the Main Injector for PIP-II | simulation, lattice, emittance, operation | 3347 |
Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II) is Fermilab's plan for providing powerful, high-intensity proton beams to the laboratory's experiments. PIP II will include upgrades to the Booster, Recycler and Main Injector which will be required to accelerate 50% more beam as well as increasing the Booster repetition rate from 15 to 20 Hz. To accommodate the faster rate, the momentum separation of the slip stacking beams in the Recycler must increase which will result in in larger longitudinal emittance bunches in MI. In order to cross transition without losses, it is expected a gamma-t jump will be needed. Gamma-t jump schemes for the MI are investigated. | |||
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WEPVA040 | Design of Imaginary Transition Gamma Booster Synchrotron for the Jefferson Lab EIC (JLEIC) | injection, optics, ion, lattice | 3350 |
Funding: Work has been authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. Government retains a non- exclusive, world-wide license to publish or reproduce this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. Baseline design of the JLEIC booster synchrotron is presented. Its aim is to inject and accumulate heavy ions and protons at 285 MeV, to accelerate them to about 7 GeV, and finally to extract them into the ion collider ring. The Figure-8 ring features two 260 deg. achromatic arcs configured with negative momentum compaction lattices, designed to avoid transition crossing for all ion species during the course of acceleration. The arc optics is based on a lightly perturbed 90 deg. FODO, with missing dipoles every fourth half-cell, where the horizontal dispersion is driven partly negative for the inward bending arc leading to negative momentum compaction. The lattice also features a specialized high dispersion injection insert optimized to facilitate the transverse phase-space painting in both planes for multi-turn ion injection. Furthermore, the lattice has been optimized to mitigate magnet error sensitivity and to ease chromaticity correction with two families of sextupoles in each plane. The booster ring is configured with super-ferric, 3 Tesla bends. We are presently launching optimization of the booster synchrotron design to operate in the extreme space-charge dominated regime. |
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WEPVA041 | Rematching AGS Booster Synchrotron Injection Lattice for Smaller Transverse Beam Emittances | injection, proton, quadrupole, emittance | 3353 |
Funding: Work supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The polarized proton beam is injected into the booster via the charge-exchange (H− to H+) scheme. The emittance growth due to scattering at the stripping foil is proportional to the beta functions at the foil. It was demonstrated that the current scheme of reducing the beta functions at the stripping foil preserves the emittance better, however the betatron tunes are above but very close to half integer. Due to concern of space charge and half integer in general, options of lattice designs aimed towards reducing the beta functions at the stripping foil with tunes at more favorable places are explored. |
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WEPVA064 | The Pulsed Power Supplies of the SESAME Booster and Storage Ring | septum, kicker, injection, extraction | 3415 |
SESAME the Synchrotron Radiation Light Source in Allan (Jordan) consists of an 800 MeV injector (original from BESSY I, Berlin, Germany) and a 2.5 GeV Storagering. Injection into the Booster is done by an electrostatic Septum and one stripline kicker. Extraction out of the Booster is done by means of a bumper magnet, a strip-line-line kicker and a direct driven in-vacuum septum. Injection into the Storagering is done by a direct driven out-off vacuum septum and one kicker. The pulses of all septa are full sine, the ones of the kicker half sine with exception of the extraction kicker (flat-top). Extraction Kicker and Storage ring injection kicker are switched by Thyratron, all others via transistors. This report describes the injection and extraction optics and the results of the commissioning. | |||
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WEPVA087 | Magnetic Measurements of NICA Booster Dipoles | dipole, injection, collider, synchrotron | 3458 |
NICA is a new accelerator collider complex under construction at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna. NICA booster magnetic system consists of 40 dipole and 48 quadrupole superconducting magnets. Measurement of magnetic field parameters is assumed for each booster magnets. At the moment 20 series dipole magnets are assembled and have passed all tests. Booster dipole magnets are 2.14 m-long, 128 /65 mm (h/v) aperture magnets with design similar to Nuclotron dipole magnet but with curved (14.1 m radius) yoke. They will produce fields up to 1.8 T. The magnetic field parameters will be measured at warm (300 K) and cold (4.5 K) conditions. This paper describes magnetic measurements methods and developing of magnetic measurements system. The obtained results of magnetic measurements of 20 magnets are summarized here. | |||
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WEPVA088 | Testing of SC-Magnets of NICA booster synchrotron | dipole, synchrotron, cryogenics, quadrupole | 3461 |
Serial tests of sc-magnets of NICA Booster started at the dedicated facility of LHEP JINR. Magnets' assembly and testing workflow are presented. Main steps of the magnet preparation to the cryogenics tests are described. First results of serial tests are presented and discussed. | |||
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WEPVA089 | Magnetic Measurement System for the NICA Quadrupole Magnets | quadrupole, controls, superconducting-magnet, collider | 3464 |
NICA is a new accelerator collider Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna. More than 250 superconducting magnets need for the NICA booster and collider. These magnets will be assembled and tested at the new test facility in the Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR. A method of measuring the quality of the magnetic field in the aperture of the quadrupole magnet for the booster synchrotron is described. Commissioning of equipment for magnetic measurements in the aperture of the doublet of quadrupole lenses is described. | |||
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WEPVA130 | Simulation the Iterative Learing Control Applied to the TPS Booster Ring Quadruple Magnet Power Supply | controls, power-supply, simulation, feedback | 3574 |
In the newly built TPS (Taiwan Photon Source), the AC power supplies of the Booster ring are required to operate in DC and AC mode with accuracy. Especially in AC mode, during the booster ramping process, the current ramping profiles of the Quadruple Magnets have to track that of the Dipole AC power supply with precise phase and amplitude to maximize the beam energy boost efficiency. At the present time, analog controllers are used for all the booster supplies and the tracking waveforms are generated externally in an EPICS control unit, converted to analog signals with precision Digital-to-Analog Converters (DACs) and then distributed to all the booster power supplies with differential signal pairs. In this paper, here we propose a hybrid iterative learning control algorithm combined with discrete PID feedback controller with the objective to eliminate the signal integrity problem inherent in analogue signals, so that boosting the beam energy might become more reliable. The proposed digital controller algorithm for the TPS booster ring magnet power supply and quadruple magnet load has been simulated with success. | |||
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THPAB081 | The Effects of Space-Charge on the Dynamics of the Ion Booster in the Jefferson Lab EIC (JLEIC) | space-charge, resonance, injection, emittance | 3906 |
Funding: Notice: This manuscript has been authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23177 with the U.S. Department of Energy. Optimization of the booster synchrotron design to operate in the extreme space-charge dominated regime is proposed. This study is motivated by the ultra-high luminosity promised by the JLEIC accelerator complex, which poses several beam dynamics and lattice design challenges for its individual components. We examine the effects of space charge on the dynamics of the booster synchrotron for the proposed JLEIC electron ion collider. This booster will inject and accumulate protons and heavy ions at an energy of 280 MeV and then engage in a process of acceleration and electron cooling to bring it to its extraction energy of 8 GeV. This would then be sent into the ion collider ring part of JLEIC. In order to examine the effects of space charge on the dynamics of this process we use the software SYNERGIA. |
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THPAB141 | Control and Operation of a Wideband RF System in CERN's PS Booster | HLRF, LLRF, operation, controls | 4050 |
A prototype wideband High-Level RF (HLRF) sys-tem based on Finemet metal alloy has been installed in CERN's PS Booster (PSB) Ring 4 in 2012, within the frame of the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project. A digital Low-Level RF (LLRF) system was used to control the HLRF system to ascertain the capabilities of the combined system, especially under heavy beam loading. The testing campaign was satisfactory and in 2015 the CERN management decided to replace all ferrite-based systems with Finemet ones for the PS Booster restart in 2020. This paper describes the LLRF features implemented for operating the wideband HLRF system and the main beam results obtained. Hints on the LLRF evolution in view of the PSB HLRF renovation are also given. | |||
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THPAB143 | Operational Experience With the New Digital Low-Level RF System for CERN's PS Booster | LLRF, extraction, HLRF, emittance | 4058 |
The four rings of CERN's PS Booster have been equipped in 2014 with a new digital low-level RF (LLRF) system based upon a new, in-house developed LLRF family. This is a second-generation LLRF family that has been since then deployed on other synchrotrons. The paper provides an overview of the system's commissioning and first years of operation. In particular, an overview is given of the main system features and capabilities, such as beam loops and longitudinal beam blowup implementation. Operational improvements with respect to the previous, analogue digital LLRF are also mentioned, together with the planned system evolution to satisfy new requirements. | |||
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The Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) is a 3 GeV, 500 mA, 499.65 MHz, 3rd generation synchrotron light source at NSRRC. To achieve the requirements of system flexibil-ity, fault diagnosis, precise control and high noise reduc-tion, a digital low level RF (DLLRF) control system based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) was developed. The communication interface is based on Raspberry Pi. The feedback loop performance of the control system was tested on the booster of the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) with 950 kV gap voltage. | |||
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THPAB152 | Digital Low Level RF Systems for Diamond Light Source | cavity, storage-ring, LLRF, hardware | 4089 |
Analogue low level RF (LLRF) systems have been used to date for both Diamond storage ring and booster RF cavities. They have been in operation for nearly ten years without a major problem. However, digital LLRF can offer new desirable functionalities such as fast data logging, 'probe blip' blockage and automation of routine tasks. Better performance is also envisaged with up to date hardware. A digital LLRF system has been developed with Alba Synchrotron as a common platform for the storage ring and booster, including superconducting and normal conducting RF cavities. The new digital LLRF is based on Virtex6 FPGA and fast ADCs and DACs. One system has been built and verified in the Diamond booster with beam. The design will be implemented for all other Diamond RF cavities. | |||
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THPIK003 | Novel RF Structure for Energy Matching into an RFQ | rfq, ion, ISAC, cavity | 4111 |
Funding: National Research Council of Canada The ISAC RFQ at TRIUMF is designed to accelerate ions with A/q<=30 and requires an ion injection energy of 2.04 keV/u (β=0.002) for successful matching. This means that the ions (typically radioactive ions produced via the ISOL method) have to be extracted from a source at a terminal voltage in excess of 60 kV. Presently the ISAC target modules cannot hold more than 54 kV (and some lower than this) so that some of the higher masses cannot be successfully accelerated. A small 3-gap RF structure at 11.8 MHz has been designed to provide an energy matching to the RFQ. The structure operates in pi-mode and provides a maximum effective accelerating voltage of 16 kV to the low energy ions. Beam dynamics considerations, RF and mechanical design will be described. First results of RF tests of the structure will be given. |
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THPIK113 | Tuner of a Second Harmonic Cavity of the Fermilab Booster | cavity, injection, resonance, extraction | 4362 |
Introducing a second harmonic cavity in the accelerating system of the Fermilab Booster promises significant reduction of the particle beam loss during the injection, transition, and extraction stages. To follow the changing energy of the beam during acceleration cycles, the cavity is equipped with a tuner that employs perpendicularly biased AL800 garnet material as the frequency tuning media. The required tuning range of the cavity is from 75.73 MHz at injection to 105.64 MHz at extraction. This large range necessitates the use of a relatively low bias magnetic field at injection, which could lead to high RF loss power density in the garnet, or a strong bias magnetic field at extraction, which could result in high power consumption in the tuner's bias magnet. The required 15 Hz repetition rate of the device and high sensitivity of the local RF power loss to the level of the magnetic field added to the challenges of the bias system design. In this report, the main features of a proposed prototype of the second harmonic cavity tuner are presented. | |||
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THPIK115 | Status of the Perpendicular Biased 2nd Harmonic Cavity for the Fermilab Booster | cavity, Windows, simulation, solenoid | 4366 |
Funding: Operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the United States Department of Energy. This is a status report on the 2nd harmonic cavity for the Fermilab Booster as part of the Proton Improvement Plan (PIP) for increasing beam transmission efficiency, and thus reducing losses. A set of tuner rings has been procured and is undergoing quality control tests. The Y567 tube for driving the cavity has been successfully tested at both injection and extraction frequencies. A cooling scheme for the tuner and cavity has been developed after a thorough thermal analysis of the system. RF windows have been procured and substantial progress has been made on the mechanical designs of the cavity and the bias solenoid. The goal is to have a prototype cavity ready for testing by the end of 2017. |
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THPIK116 | Static Magnetization Properties of AL800 Garnet Material | cavity, injection, extraction, power-supply | 4370 |
A second harmonic tunable RF cavity is being developed for the Fermilab Booster. This device, which promises reduction of the particle beam loss at the injection, transition, and extraction stages, employs perpendicularly biased garnet material for the frequency tuning. The required range of the tuning is significantly wider than in previously built and tested tunable RF devices. As a result, the magnetic field in the garnet becomes fairly close to the gyromagnetic resonance line at the lower end of the frequency range. The chosen design concept of a tuner for the cavity cannot ensure uniform magnetic field in the garnet material; thus it is important to know the static magnetic properties of the material to avoid significant increase in the local RF loss power density. This report summarizes studies performed at Fermilab to understand variations in the magnetic properties of the AL-800 garnet material used to build the tuner of the cavity. | |||
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THPVA052 | Preliminary Design of Magnet Support System for CEPC | dipole, collider, quadrupole, sextupole | 4557 |
Magnet support system is important for CEPC. For the 100 km design of CEPC, there will be thousands of mag-nets and their supports in both collider and booster. Espe-cially, the booster ring is above the collider in the space, the magnets are hung by the supports. The goals of mag-net supports are simple and flexible structure, minimizing the magnet deformation, good stability, low cost and so on. This paper will describe the preliminary design of magnet support system, the optimization to minimize the magnet deformation and the topology optimization of the frame structure in booster. | |||
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THPVA135 | ProBE: Proton Boosting Extension for Imaging and Therapy | proton, cavity, cyclotron, linac | 4776 |
Funding: This work was funded by STFC The ProBE linac aims at accelerating protons from a particle therapy cyclotron to the c.330 MeV required for proton tomography. To obtain the c. 55 MV/m gradients required to achieve 100 MeV gain in a suitably short distance, we propose the use of a high-gradient S-band side-coupled standing-wave structure. In this paper we discuss the progress toward the testing of the prototype at the S-box facility at CERN. |
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THPVA152 | Performance of ATCA LLRF System at LCLS | LLRF, controls, klystron, hardware | 4817 |
Funding: Work supported by Department of Energy contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. The low level RF control for the SLAC LINAC is being upgraded to provide improved performance and maintainability. The new LLRF system is based on the SLAC ATCA common platform hardware. RF control is achieved through a high performance FPGA based DDS/DDC system. The signal processing is designed to be phase insensitive, allowing the use of modest performance on-board digitizer clock and LO. The prototype LLRF control system was installed and used to operate RF station 28-2 in LCLS-I. Design details and prototype performance results will be presented. |
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