Keyword: klystron
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MOXBA1 Progress on the ESS Project Construction target, controls, cryomodule, linac 7
  • R. Garoby
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  The construction of the European Spallation Source (ESS) is advancing at a high pace with the support of many laboratories and institutions all over Europe. Prototyping and manufacturing for the accelerator are in full swing in more than 23 laboratories distributed over 12 European partner countries. The origin and goals of the ESS will be briefly outlined in this paper. The milestones achieved, both in Lund and at the partner labs will be described as well as the plans up to operations.  
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MOYCA1 Ultimate Field Gradient in Metallic Structures linac, collider, damping, linear-collider 24
  • W. Wuensch
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  Significant progress has been made over the past decade by studies of normal-conducting linear colliders, NLC/JLC (Next/Japanese Linear Collider) and CLIC (Compact Linear Collider), to raise achievable accelerating gradient from the range of 20-30 MV/m up to 100-120 MV/m. The gain has come through a greatly increased understanding of high-power rf phenomena, development of quantitative high-gradient rf design methods, refinements in cavity fabrication techniques and through development of high peak rf power sources. Recently accelerating gradients in excess of 100 MV/m, at very low breakdown rates, have been successfully achieved with new techniques of conditioning in numerous prototypes at different laboratories. The talk will report on the impact of these new results on the understanding of the physics of breakdown and of conditioning, and on the ultimate gradients that can be expected in metallic RF structures.  
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MOOCA1 High Efficiency Klystrons Using the COM Bunching Technique electron, cavity, simulation, bunching 37
  • D.A. Constable
    Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom
  • A.Yu. Baikov
    Moscow University of Finance & Law, Moscow, Russia
  • G. Burt
    Cockcroft Institute, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom
  • R.D. Kowalczyk
    L-3, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA
  • I. Syratchev
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  Future large-scale particle accelerators, for example, the Future Circular Collider (FCC), the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) and the International Linear Collider (ILC), will require significant RF drive power on the order of 100 MW. Thus, an RF source with high efficiency is preferable to minimise the overall power required. Klystrons represent an attractive RF source, with the current state of the art operating at efficiencies of up to 70%. Such devices feature monotonic bunching, where at the output cavity, a number of electrons will not be in the main bunch, and instead will be present in the anti-bunch, and therefore not contributing to the output power. Therefore, novel bunching methods, such as the Core Oscillation Method (COM), are worthy of investigation. By allowing the core of the electron beam to bunch and de-bunch between successive cavities, the number of electrons contained in the final bunch can increase, and therefore improve the efficiency of the device. Numerical simulation of klystrons featuring COM will be presented, with efficiencies of up to 85% being predicted thus far.  
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MOPIK098 Techniques for Achieving High Reliability Operation of the Spallation Neutron Source High Power Radio-Frequency System cathode, operation, cavity, neutron 756
  • J. Moss, M.S. Champion
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
  Funding: *ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U.S. Department of Energy. This research was supported by the DOE Office of Science, Basic Energy Science, Scientific User Facilities.
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) high power radiofrequency (HPRF) system operates with high reliability to support the goals of the SNS user program. In recent operational periods the availability of the HPRF System has exceeded 97 percent while the neutron source availability overall is typically greater than 90 percent. SNS has a unique set of 92 HPRF stations that operate at either 402.5 MHz or 805 MHz with peak output power ranging from 550 kW to 5 MW and average power ranging from 49.5 kW to 450 kW. The HPRF transmitters consist of chassis-mounted power supplies, solid-state amplifiers and other equipment that support the operation of the klystrons that ultimately provide the RF power to the accelerating structures. Management of the operation and maintenance of the HPRF system has increasingly focused on reliability and sustainability in recent years. Techniques for klystron lifetime preservation and optimization of transmitter reliability have been developed and will be described.
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MOPVA058 Commissioning and Operation Experience of the 3.9 GHz System in the EXFEL Linac cavity, operation, LLRF, linac 999
  • C.G. Maiano, J. Branlard, M. Hüning, M. Omet, P. Pierini, E. Vogel
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • A. Bosotti, R. Paparella, P. Pierini, D. Sertore
    INFN/LASA, Segrate (MI), Italy
  The European X-ray Free Electron Laser (EXFEL) injector linac hosts a 3.9~GHz module (AH1) for beam longitudinal phase space manipulation after the first acceleration stage, in order for the linac to deliver the high current beams with sufficiently low emittance for the production of 1 Angstrom FEL light to the experimental users. The module was technically commissioned in December 2015 and operated well above its nominal performances during the Injector Run from January to July 2016. Its operation has restarted in January 2017 with the startup of the whole facility, and the system met the design beam specifications after the bunch compression stages. A brief review of the commissioning and first operation experience of the RF system are presented here.  
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MOPVA089 The Cryomodule Test Stands for the European Spallation Source cryomodule, cryogenics, cavity, controls 1064
  • E. Asensi Conejero, W. Hees
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  • K. Fransson, K.J. Gajewski, L. Hermansson, M. Jobs, H. Li, T. Lofnes, R.J.M.Y. Ruber, R. Santiago Kern, R. Wedberg
    Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
  The European Spallation Source (ESS) is currently under construction in Lund, in southern Sweden. The superconducting section of the linear accelerator consists of three parts; 26 double-spoke cavities at 352.21 MHz gathered in 13 cryomodules, 36 medium beta elliptical cavities at 704.42 MHz gathered in 9 cryomodules and 84 high beta elliptical cavities also at 704.42 MHz gathered in 21 cryomodules. These cryomodules allow the acceleration of the beam from 90 MeV to 2.0 GeV. The cryomodules have to be tested in dedicated test facilities before installation in the ESS tunnel, the Test Stand 2 (TS2) in Lund and the FREIA Test Stand at Uppsala University, Sweden, which are dedicated to the tests of the medium and high beta elliptical cryomodules and the spoke cavity cryomodules, respectively, for the ESS linear accelerator. All cryomodules will go through their Site Acceptance Tests (SAT) on these dedicated test stands which will each consist of an RP bunker, a test stand cryoplant and RF power sources. Both test stands will allow the SAT of cryomodules with full cryogenic load at the final operating temperature and with full RF load on all cavities in parallel.  
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MOPVA099 The Study of Electromagnet Compensated High Power Ferrite Circulator Operation With Superconducting RF Cavity cavity, SRF, operation, vacuum 1091
  • T.-C. Yu, F.Y. Chang, L.-H. Chang, M.H. Chang, L.J. Chen, F.-T. Chung, M.-C. Lin, Z.K. Liu, C.H. Lo, C.L. Tsai, M.H. Tsai, Ch. Wang, M.-S. Yeh
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  In a high power RF system for accelerator application, the circulator is very important for protecting klystron or IOT from damage due to high reflection power from the cavity. When there is no beam current passing through the superconducting RF cavity of the accelerator, almost 100% RF power will be reflected from the cavity even the cavity is on resonance. The circulator shall be able to forward the reflected power to the load and remain good matching and isolation condition between ports at klystron and the cavity. However, for a ferrite material based circulator, the magnetic field within circulator would be temperature dependent which would cause the variation of input return loss and isolation between ports. Additional DC current driving electromagnet field is thus re-quired for compensating the temperature variation. Even with the compensating DC current, the circulator is still not ideal for practical operation especially when the performance of the circulator is strongly phase dependent. The phenomenon observed in actual operation with one set of SRF systems in NSRRC is thus reported in this article.  
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MOPVA102 Modeling the Low Level RF Response on the Beam during Crab Cavity Quench cavity, simulation, luminosity, SRF 1098
  • R. Apsimon, G. Burt, A.C. Dexter
    Cockcroft Institute, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom
  • R.B. Appleby
    UMAN, Manchester, United Kingdom
  • P. Baudrenghien, K.N. Sjobak
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The High Luminosity Upgrade for the LHC (HL-LHC) relies on crab cavities to compensate for the luminosity reduction due to the crossing angle of the colliding bunches at the interaction points. In this paper we present the simulation studies of cavity quenches and the impact on the beam. The cavity voltage and phase during the quench is determined from a simulation in Matlab and used to determine the impact on the beam from tracking simulations in SixTrack. The results of this study are important for determining the required machine protection and interlock systems for HL-LHC.  
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MOPVA124 Effectiveness of Chemical Treatments for Reducing the Surface Roughness of Nb3Sn niobium, SRF, linac, cavity 1145
  • R.D. Porter, F. Furuta, D.L. Hall, M. Liepe, J.T. Maniscalco
    Cornell University (CLASSE), Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-Based Sciences and Education, Ithaca, New York, USA
  Funding: DOE DE-SC008431, NSF-PHY 1549132, NSF DMR-1120296
Current Niobium-3 Tin (Nb3Sn) superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) accelerator cavities have rougher surfaces than conventional electropolished Niobium accelerator cavities. The surface roughness can cause enhancement of the surface magnetic field, pushing it beyond the critical field. If this occurs over a large enough area it can cause the cavity to quench. The surface roughness may cause other effects that negatively impact cavity quality factor (Q) performance. Reducing surface roughness of Nb3Sn cavities may be necessary to achieve higher gradient with high Q. Current chemical treatments for reducing the surface roughness of Niobium are challenging for Nb3Sn: the Nb3Sn layer is only ~2 um thick while it is difficult to remove less than 1 mu uniformly with most chemical treatments. This paper presents measurements of the surface roughness before and after Buffered Chemical Polish, Electropolishing and oxipolishing.
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MOPVA126 Sample Host Cavity Design for Measuring Flux Entry and Quench cavity, niobium, SRF, dipole 1149
  • R.D. Porter, M. Liepe, J.T. Maniscalco, V. Veshcherevich
    Cornell University (CLASSE), Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-Based Sciences and Education, Ithaca, New York, USA
  Funding: NSF-PHY 1549132
Current state-of-the-art Niobium superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) accelerator cavities have reached surface magnetic field close to the theoretical maximum set by the superheating field. Further increasing accelerating gradients will require new superconducting materials for accelerator cavities that can support higher surface magnetic fields. This necessitates measuring the quench fields of new materials in high power RF fields. In this paper, we present designs and simulations of a sample host cavity. The cavity design is optimized to maximize the surface magnetic field achieved on the sample.
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TUPAB016 The CLIC Main Linac Module Updated Design alignment, linac, operation, luminosity 1345
  • C. Rossi, M. Aicheler, N. Catalán Lasheras, R. Corsini, S. Döbert, A. Grudiev, A. Latina, H. Mainaud Durand, M. Modena, H. Schmickler, D. Schulte, S. Stapnes, I. Syratchev, A.L. Vamvakas, W. Wuensch
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • M. Aicheler
    HIP, University of Helsinki, Finland
  In 2016, CLIC implementation working groups have started their reflection on how to finalize the CLIC design work in the different areas of the project, aiming for a technical design and an overall implementation plan for CLIC being available for the next European Strategy Update around 2019. One of the working groups has focused its attention on the Main Linac hardware, which has brought together the different competences of the study with the aim of producing an advanced set of specifications for the design, installation and operation of the CLIC module. As the fundamental unit for the construction of the Main Beam linac, the CLIC module needs to move from the existing prototypes exploring its performance into an advanced and functional unit where the full life cycle of the module is considered. The progress of the working group activity is summarized in this paper, with considerations on the requirements for the design of the next-phase CLIC module.  
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TUPAB017 Results of the Beam-Loading Breakdown Rate Experiment at the CLIC Test Facility CTF3 beam-loading, experiment, operation, linac 1348
  • E. Senes, T. Argyropoulos, N. Catalán Lasheras, R. Corsini, D. Gamba, J. Giner Navarro, A. Grudiev, G. McMonagle, R. Rajamaki, X.F.D. Stragier, I. Syratchev, F. Tecker, W. Wuensch
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • J. Giner Navarro
    IFIC, Valencia, Spain
  • R. Rajamaki
    Aalto University, School of Science and Technology, Aalto, Finland
  • E. Senes
    Torino University, Torino, Italy
  The RF breakdown rate is crucial for the luminosity performance of the CLIC linear collider. The required breakdown rate at the design gradient of 100 MV/m has been demonstrated, without beam presence, in a number of 12 GHz CLIC prototype structures. Nevertheless, the beam-loading at CLIC significantly changes the field profile inside the structures, and the behaviour with beam needs to be understood. A dedicated experiment in the CLIC Test Facility CTF3 to determine the effect of beam on the breakdown rate has been collecting breakdown data throughout the year 2016. The complete results of the experiment and the effect of the beam-loading on the breakdown rate are presented.  
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TUPAB048 Long Beam Pulses With SLED Compression in DAΦNE LINAC linac, gun, electron, flattop 1434
  • P. Valente
    INFN-Roma, Roma, Italy
  • M. Belli, B. Buonomo, R. Ceccarelli, A. Cecchinelli, R. Clementi, D.G.C. Di Giulio, L.G. Foggetta, G. Piermarini, L.A. Rossi, S. Strabioli, R. Zarlenga
    INFN/LNF, Frascati (Roma), Italy
  The DAΦNE LINAC is a ~60 m long, S-band (2856 MHz) linear accelerator, made up by four 45 MW klystrons with SLED compression, and by 15 travelling-wave, 2/3p, SLAC-type, 3 m long accelerating sections. It serves as injector of the DAΦNE e+ e collider, with 510 MeV, 10 ns long, electron and positron pulses, and the Beam-Test Facility extraction line, with variable beam energy and intensity and with pulses from 1.5 to 40 ns. A new pulsing system for the gun allows longer beam pulses, but the shape of the accelerating field in the sections due to the SLED compression has to be taken into account. We describe the tuning of the RF power, phase and delays in the pre-buncher, buncher and following accelerating sections, and the results of the tests performed in order to reach >200 ns 500 MeV electron pulses and the characterization of the quality of the beam in terms of energy spread, time distribution, etc.  
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TUPAB084 Beam Stability Modeling and Jitter Control for SXFEL Linac linac, FEL, controls, quadrupole 1513
  • M. Zhang, R.B. Deng, D. Gu, Q. Gu, D. Huang, Z. Wang
    SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  FEL operations foresee stringent requirements for the stability of the global linac output parameters and this requirement is particularly stringent for the successful operation of an externally seeded FEL. In order to understand the sensitivity of these parameters to jitters of various error sources along the SXFEL linac, studies have been performed based on analytical methods and tracking code simulations. Using the tolerance budget as guidance, beam jitter control techniques are discussed on the view of the beam dynamics.  
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TUPIK033 Test and Commissioning Results of NSC KIPT 100 MeV/ 100 kW Electron Linear Accelerator, Subcritical Neutron Source Driver electron, neutron, gun, vacuum 1751
  • A.Y. Zelinsky, O.E. Andreev, V.P. Androsov, S.V. Bazarov, O. Bezditko, O.V. Bykhun, Y.L. Chi, A.N. Gordienko, V.A. Grevtsev, A. Gvozd, D.Y. He, X. He, V.E. Ivashchenko, A.A. Kalamayko, I.I. Karnaukhov, I.M. Karnaukhov, X.C. Kong, V.P. Lyashchenko, H.Z. Ma, M. Moisieienko, S. Pei, X.H. Peng, A.V. Reuzayev, I.M. Subotenko, D.V. Tarasov, V.I. Trotsenko, X. Wang
    NSC/KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine
  • Y.L. Chi, D.Y. He, X. He, X.C. Kong, H.Z. Ma, S. Pei, X.H. Peng, X. Wang
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  • S. Shu
    Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  Neutron Source on the base of subcritical assembly has been constructed and is under commissioning in NSC KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine. The source uses 100 MeV/ 100 kW electron linear accelerator as a driver. The accelerator was designed and manufactured in IHEP, Beijing, China. The accelerator has been assembled at NSC KIPT, all accelerator systems and components were and accelerator is under commissioning. Reports describes the status of the NSC KIPT 100 MeV/ 100 kW electron linear accelerator. The results of the first tests are presented.  
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TUPIK054 The MAMI-C Accelerator: 25 Years of Operation and Strategies for the Next Decade operation, experiment, microtron, electron 1816
  • M. Dehn, K. Aulenbacher, F. Fichtner, R.G. Heine, P. Jennewein, W. Klag, H.-J. Kreidel, J.R. Röthgen, V. Tioukine
    IKP, Mainz, Germany
  Funding: Work supported by DFG (CRC 1044) and the German federal state of Rheinland-Pfalz
The Mainz Microtron Accelerator (MAMI-C) is a staged Race Tack Microtron (RTM) accelerator for 100μA polarised electrons up to 1.6 GeV energy. This report addresses the problems and our strategies to reliably operate the MAMI-C Accelerator for at least another ten years and what lessons have been learned for the new Mainz Energy recovering Superconducting Accelerator (MESA).
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TUPVA090 Performance and Status of the J-PARC Accelerators operation, linac, ion-source, extraction 2290
  • K. Hasegawa, N. Hayashi, M. Kinsho, H. Oguri, K. Yamamoto, Y. Yamazaki
    JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-mura, Japan
  • Y. Hori, N. Yamamoto
    J-PARC, KEK & JAEA, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
  • T. Koseki, F. Naito
    KEK, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan
  The J-PARC is a high intensity proton facility and the accelerator consists of a 400 MeV linac, a 3 GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) and a Main Ring Synchrotron (MR). We have taken many hardware upgrades. The beam powers for the neutrino experiment and hadron experiment from the MR have been steadily increased by tuning and reducing beam losses. The designed 1 MW equivalent beam was demonstrated and user program was performed at 500 kW from the RCS to the neutron and muon experiments. We have experienced many failures and troubles, however, to impede full potential and high availability. In this report, operational performance and status of the J-PARC accelerators are presented.  
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TUPVA147 Progress on the Proton Power Upgrade of the Spallation Neutron Source target, cryomodule, linac, proton 2445
  • M.S. Champion, R.A. Dean, J. Galambos, M.P. Howell, M.A. Plum, B.W. Riemer
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
  Funding: Work performed at (or work supported by) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U.S. Department of Energy.
The Proton Power Upgrade Project is underway at the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and will double the proton beam power capability from 1.4 MW to 2.8 MW to provide increased neutron intensity at the first target station and to support future operation of the second target station. This will be accomplished by increasing the beam energy to 1.3 GeV and the beam current to 38 mA (average during the macro-pulse). Installation of 28 additional superconducting cavities and their associated technical systems will provide for the energy increase. Increased beam loading throughout the accelerator will be accommodated primarily through the use of existing margin in the RF systems and the installation of 700 kW klystrons to power the new superconducting cavities. Upgrades of a few existing RF stations may also be needed. The injection and extraction regions of the accumulator ring will be upgraded, a ring to second target station tunnel stub will be constructed, and a 2 MW target will be developed for the first target station. The project anticipates attainment of Critical Decision 1 in 2017 to ratify the project conceptual design and cost range.
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WEPVA082 Technical Overview of the SOLARIS Low-Conductivity Water Cooling System synchrotron, operation, storage-ring, linac 3449
  • P. Czernecki, P. Bulira, P. Gębala, J. Janiga, P. Klimecki
    Solaris National Synchrotron Radiation Centre, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
  National Synchrotron Radiation Centre Solaris started operation in May 2015. In order to receive heat deposited in various synchrotron devices during operation, a low-conductivity water (LCW) cooling system was installed. To fulfill all tasks of cooling system at an acceptable cost of investment and maintenance certain technical and economic conditions, i.e.:installation materials, LCW quality, hydraulic balancing system, automation, control and diagnostics, including the planned service intervals, have to be met. Within this presentation the design, construction and operation of the LCW cooling system will be discussed.  
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THOBB1 High Power Test Results of the Eli-NP S-Band Gun Fabricated with the New Clamping Technology Without Brazing gun, vacuum, cathode, operation 3662
  • D. Alesini, A. Battisti, M. Bellaveglia, A. Falone, A. Gallo, V.L. Lollo, L. Pellegrino, S. Pioli, S. Tomassini, A. Variola
    INFN/LNF, Frascati (Roma), Italy
  • F. Cardelli, L. Palumbo
    University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
  • L. Ficcadenti, V. Pettinacci
    INFN-Roma, Roma, Italy
  • D.T. Palmer
    Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Milano, Italy
  • L. Piersanti
    INFN-Roma1, Rome, Italy
  High gradient RF photoguns have been a key development to enable several applications of high quality electron beams. They allow the generation of beams with very high peak current and low transverse emittance, satisfying the tight demands for free-electron lasers, energy recovery Linacs, Compton/Thomson Sources and high-energy linear colliders. A new fabrication technique for this type of structures has been recently developed and implemented at the Laboratories of the National Institute of Nuclear physics in Frascati (LNF-INFN, Italy). It is based on the use of special RF-vacuum gaskets that allow avoiding brazing in the realization process. The S-band gun of the Compton-based ELI-NP gamma beam system (GBS) has been fabricated with this new technique. It operates at 100 Hz with 120 MV/m cathode peak field and long RF pulses to allow the 32 bunch generation foreseen for the GBS. High gradient tests have been performed at full power full repetition rate and have shown the extremely good performances of the structure in term of breakdown rates. In the paper we report and discuss all experimental results with details of the electromagnetic design and mechanical realization processes.  
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THPAB116 Evaluation of Digital LLRF Control System Performance at STF in KEK cavity, LLRF, controls, cryomodule 3992
  • S.B. Wibowo, N. Liu
    Sokendai, Ibaraki, Japan
  • T. Matsumoto, S. Michizono, T. Miura, F. Qiu
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  The Superconducting RF Test Facility (STF) at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) was built for research and development of the International Linear Collider (ILC). Several digital low-level radio frequency (LLRF) control systems were developed at the STF. The purposes of these developments are to construct a minimal configuration of the ILC LLRF system and achieve the amplitude and phase stability of the accelerating field in the superconducting accelerator. Evaluations of digital LLRF control systems were conducted during the conditioning of eight superconducting cavities performed between October and November 2016. The digital LLRF control system configured for ILC was demonstrated and the performance fulfilled the required stability criteria of the accelerating field in the ILC. These evaluations are reported in this paper.  
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THPAB117 Development of a New LLRF System Based on MicroTCA.4 for the SPring-8 Storage Ring cavity, controls, LLRF, storage-ring 3996
  • T. Ohshima, H. Ego, N. Hosoda, H. Maesaka
    RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo, Japan
  • T. Fukui
    RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Innovative Light Sources Division, Hyogo, Japan
  • M. Ishii
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken, Japan
  SPring-8 is a 3rd generation synchrotron radiation facility, which has been operated since 1997. The analog-circuit-based rf modules now in use at the storage ring are obsolete and hard to be maintained. The renewal of them with modern digital ones is underway and the developed LLRF system will be used for the operation of SPring-8-II. We built an amplitude and phase stabilizing system with commercial MicroTCA.4 modules. A motor driver controlled through EtherCAT was newly adapted to the cavity tuner. The system was implemented to the high power rf test stand which consists of a 1 MW klystron, a circulator, and a 508.58 MHz cavity. The rf power was successfully regulated to keep the cavity voltage with an amplitude deviation of less than 0.1% and a phase stability of less than 0.1 degree in rms. We are also developing new MTCA.4 modules: a digitizer AMC having sampling rate of 370 MHz and 16bit resolution, and a signal conditioning RTM. These modules are used for under-sampling rf detection achieving simple composition and more robustness to the ambient parameter changes. We will start installation of the digital system to one of four rf stations in the storage ring in summer 2017.  
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THPAB123 Low Level RF Control System Architecture OF IR-FEL controls, LLRF, electron, FEL 4014
  • B. Du, G. Huang, L. Lin, W. Liu, Z.R. Zhou
    USTC/NSRL, Hefei, Anhui, People's Republic of China
  Infrared free electron laser (IR-FEL) is one type of laser driven by accelerator and generated by undulator. It is built by National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (NSRL). Compared to synchrotron radiation light source, it have much higher demand of beam quality. Low level RF control system (LLRF) need to reach higher controlled accuracy corresponded to the demand. Accelerating structure which contains one pre-buncher, one buncher and two accelerating tube can accelerate beam to 60MeV. Frequency distribution system use direct digital synthesizer technology to generate 5 signal of different frequency. LLRF system detect 8 channels signal, one for control loop, and the others for monitor and interlock. The hardware contain MTCA.4 architecture which is advanced in global; RF board for downconverter and IQ modulation output; DSP board for sampling, controller and transmission.  
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THPIK013 Renewal of Bessy Ii Rf System - Solid State Amplifiers and Hom Damped Cavities cavity, HOM, storage-ring, synchrotron 4127
  • W. Anders, P. Goslawski, A. Heugel, H.-G. Hoberg, H. Hoffmann, A. Jankowiak, J. Knobloch, G. Mielczarek, M. Ries, M. Ruprecht, A. Schälicke, B. Schriefer, H. Stein
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  • M. Haucke
    Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH (HZB), Berlin, Germany
  • K. Ludwig
    BESSY GmbH, Berlin, Germany
  Due to the fact that the klystrons run out of production and due to the aging of the old cavities, a renewal of the RF system was necessary. Solid state based transmitters and HOM damped nc single cell cavities have been installed at the BESSY II storage ring. The parameters of the components, the installation phase and the results to the beam will be presented.  
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THPIK038 Design of a 100 kW Solid-State RF Pulse Amplifier with a TE011 Mode RF Combiner at 476 MHz cavity, electron, FEL, laser 4180
  • Y. Otake, T. Asaka, T. Inagaki
    RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo, Japan
  Solid-state RF amplifiers, which have long lifetimes and small failures, are the recent current of high-power RF sources for particle accelerators. Hence, we designed a 100 kW solid-state amplifier with a TE011 mode cavity (Q0=100, 000) power combiner with extreme low-loss operated at 476 MHz and a 6 us pulse width. Developing this amplifier is for replacement of a high-power amplifier using an induction output tube, IOT, in the X-ray free-electron laser, SACLA. In SACLA, highly RF phase and amplitude stabilities of less than 0.01 deg. and 10-4 in rms are necessary to stable lasing within a 10 % intensity fluctuation. The amplifier comprises a drive amplifier, a reentrant cavity RF power divider, 100 final amplifier modules with a 1 kW output each and a TE011 mode cavity combiner. Water-cooling within 10 mK and a DC power supply with a noise of less than -100 dBV at 10 Hz for the amplifier is necessary to realize the previously mentioned stabilities. Based on the experimental results of a test amplifier module and test combiner cavities, possibility to realize the above-mentioned specifications is large. We report the detail and a part of the performance of the 100 kW amplifier.  
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THPIK046 Design, Fabrication and Cold Test of a C-Band Barrel Open Cavity Pulse Compressor cavity, coupling, simulation, vacuum 4200
  • S. Shu
    Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  • M. Hou, S. Pei, N.B. Song, J.R. Zhang, F. Zhao
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  The first prototype of the C band barrel open cavity (BOC) pulse compressor has been manufactured by the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Beijing, which is used to test the brazing process and the RF properties of the structure at low power. The whispering gallery mode TM6, 1,1 with an unload Q of 100, 000 was adopt to oscillate in the cavity, and the coupling factor was optimized to achieve the highest power gain. This paper mainly deals with the RF design, mechanical design and cold test of the C band BOC pulse compressor.  
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THPIK054 The X-Band Pulse Compressor for Tsinghua Thomson Scattering X-Ray Source cavity, coupling, simulation, scattering 4214
  • Y.L. Jiang, H.B. Chen, C. Cheng, W. Gai, J. Shi, P. Wang, X.W. Wu, H. Zha
    TUB, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  An X-band (11.424 GHz) high-power RF station is being built for Tsinghua Thomson scattering X-ray Source (TTX). The station aims to feed several X-band accelerating structures working at a high gradient of 80 MV/m. An X-band pulse compressor is designed to compress the RF pulse from 1.5 us to 100 ns and to generate more than 250 MW peak power from a 50MW klystron. This pulse compressor implements a resonate cavity housing the HE11-mode as the energy storage cavity, with a high quality factor Q of more than 105. The detailed design of the high-Q cavity as well as the dedicate couplers of this pulse compressor are present in this work.  
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THPIK056 Design of a C-Band High-Efficiency Multi-Beam Klystron electron, bunching, cavity, simulation 4221
  • Z.N. Liu, H.B. Chen, M.M. Peng, J. Shi
    TUB, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  A multi-beam klystron at 5.712GHz has been designed with efficiency of more than 80%. It can generate a pulse with output power of about 3MW and a pulse length of 5 us. Space charge effect and large signal theory, which both increase the accuracy theoretically, are considered in the simulation. A series of parameters of cavities are given after optimizing, including the frequency, R/Q, Q0 and Qe. This paper describes the beam dynamics design of the klystron as well as a preliminary machenical design.  
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THPIK058 Development of a S-Band Pulse Compressor cavity, coupling, linac, laser 4227
  • P. Wang, H.B. Chen, C. Cheng, J. Shi, X.W. Wu, H. Zha
    TUB, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  We designed and fabricated a pulse compressor for S-band high power test stand at Tsinghua University. This pulse compressor is made up of a sphere resonant cavity with quality factor of 100000 and a rf polarizer. It has the ability of compressing a pulse from 3.6 us to 300 ns with the power gain of 7. A short description of the pulse compressor is presented, together with the RF design and low level RF measurement.  
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THPIK059 Experimental Study on PM-AM Method in Pulse Compression System LLRF, experiment, cavity, acceleration 4230
  • P. Wang, H.B. Chen, C. Cheng, M.M. Peng, J. Shi, X.W. Wu, J. Yang, H. Zha
    TUB, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  We experimentally demonstrate the PM-AM method (Phase Modulation to Amplitude Modulation) at the S-band high power test stand, which consists of two S-band klystrons, a SLED type pulse compressor and two high power stainless steel RF loads, in Tsinghua University. A LLRF (low level RF) system has been developed to modulate the phases of the two klystrons in real time such that pulse compressor could generate a flat output pulse. Experimental results presents that the efficiency of the pulse compression system is 45% and the power gain is 2.9.  
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THPIK081 Design and Construction of a High-Gradient RF Lab at IFIC-Valencia linac, vacuum, diagnostics, network 4272
  • A. Vnuchenko, T. Argyropoulos, C. Blanch Gutiérrez, D. Esperante Pereira, A. Faus-Golfe, J. Giner Navarro
    IFIC, Valencia, Spain
  • N. Catalán Lasheras, G. McMonagle, I. Syratchev, W. Wuensch
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • A. Faus-Golfe
    LAL, Orsay, France
  The IFIC High-Gradient (HG) Radio Frequency (RF) laboratory is designed to host a high-power infrastructure for testing HG S-band normal-conducting RF accelerating structures and has been under construction since 2016. The main objective of the facility is to develop HG S-band accelerating structures and to contribute to the study of HG phenomena. A particular focus is RF structures for medical hadron therapy applications. The design of the laboratory has been made through collaboration between the IFIC and the CLIC RF group at CERN. The layout is inspired by the scheme of the Xbox-3 test facility at CERN, and it has been adapted to S-band frequency. In this paper we describe the design and construction status of such a facility.  
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THPIK084 Results from the 704 MHz Klystron and Multi-beam IOT Prototypes for the European Spallation Source factory, linac, operation, electron 4282
  • M. Jensen, C. Marrelli
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  The European Spallation Source, currently under construction in Lund, Sweden, will contain 155 RF sources for proton beam acceleration. Of these, 120 are at 704 MHz. Each cavity will be powered by individual RF sources. The nominal beam pulse width is 2.86 ms and the RF systems are being specified for a pulse width up to 3.5 ms to allow for ramping and time for regulation. The repetition frequency is 14 Hz which results in 5% duty. The 704 MHz linac is divided into two sections, the medium beta and the high beta cavities. For schedule reasons, the medium beta linac, 36 RF sources, will be based on 1.5 MW pulsed power klystrons and the high beta section, 84 RF sources, is planned to be operated with 1.2 MW multi-beam IOTs. ESS ordered three klystron prototypes designed for the ESS parameters from different supplies and two multi-beam IOT technology demonstrators under two different contracts. We present the specifications for the amplifiers and the results of the klystron prototypes and report the result of the first 1.2 MW multi-beam IOT prototypes.  
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THPIK095 High Power X-Band Generation Using Multiple Klystrons and Pulse Compression controls, vacuum, detector, network 4311
  • B.J. Woolley, T. Argyropoulos, N. Catalán Lasheras, G. McMonagle, S.F. Rey, I. Syratchev, W. Wuensch
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • D. Esperante Pereira
    IFIC, Valencia, Spain
  • J. Tagg
    National Instruments Switzerland, Ennetbaden, Switzerland
  • M. Volpi
    The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  CERN has constructed and is operating a new X-band test stand containing two pairs of 12 GHz, 6 MW klystrons. By power combination through hybrid couplers and the use of pulse compressors, up to 45 MW of peak power can be sent to any of 4 test slots at pulse repetition rates up to 400 Hz. The test stand is dedicated to RF conditioning and testing of high gradient accelerating structures for the CLIC study and also future X-band FELs. Operations have been ongoing for a few months, with initial operation dedicated to control algorithm development. Significant progress has been made in understanding the unique challenges of high power RF combination and phase switching using RF hybrids.  
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THPIK097 High Power Tests of a Prototype X-Band Accelerating Structure for CLIC vacuum, linac, electron, collider 4318
  • R. Zennaro, H. Blumer, M. Bopp, T. Garvey, L. Rivkin
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  • T. Argyropoulos, D. Esperante Pereira
    IFIC, Valencia, Spain
  • N. Catalán Lasheras, A. Grudiev, G. McMonagle, A. Solodko, I. Syratchev, R. Wegner, B.J. Woolley, W. Wuensch
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • T.G. Lucas, M. Volpi
    The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  Funding: Partially funded by SNF FLARE grant 20FL20147463
We present the design, construction and high-power test of an X-band radio-frequency accelerating structure, built as a prototype for the CERN LInear Collider (CLIC) study. X-band structures have been attracting increasing attention in recent years with applications foreseen in the domains of compact free electron lasers, medical accelerators and as diagnostics for ultra-short (femtosecond) electron bunches (when used in deflecting mode). To date, the main motivation for developments in this field has been as accelerating structures for linear colliders such as CLIC. In the context of a CERN/PSI collaboration we have built a prototype structure based on an existing CERN design, but with some modification, and following, as closely as possible, the realization and vacuum brazing techniques employed in the production of the C-band structures for the Swiss Free Electron Laser, SwissFEL. We will present the basic design of the structure and describe the fabrication process. The results of high power conditioning of the structure at CERN on an X-box test stand, to assess conditioning times, accelerating field and measure breakdown rates, will also be presented.
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THPIK121 Eddy Current Analysis for a 1.495 GHz Injection-Locked Magnetron interaction-region, cavity, injection, SRF 4383
  • S.A. Kahn, A. Dudas, R.P. Johnson, M.L. Neubauer
    Muons, Inc, Illinois, USA
  • R.A. Rimmer, H. Wang
    JLab, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  Funding: U.S. DOE SBIR/STTR grant DE-SC0013203
An injection-locked amplitude modulated magnetron is being developed as a reliable, efficient RF source that could replace klystrons used in particle accelerators. A trim magnetic coil is used to alter the magnetic field in conjunction with the anode voltage to maintain an SRF cavity voltage while the cavity is experiencing microphonics and changing beam loading. The microphonic noise modes have frequencies in the range 10-100 Hz. The changing magnetic field will induce transient eddy currents in the copper anode of the magnetron which will buck the field in the interaction region. This paper will describe the calculation and handling of the eddy currents in the magnetron.
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THPVA059 Development of a New High Power RF Window for S-band Linac linac, vacuum, cavity, high-voltage 4576
  • W.H. Hwang, J.Y. Choi, Y.D. Joo, S.H. Kim, B.-J. Lee
    PAL, Pohang, Kyungbuk, Republic of Korea
  • S.J. Roh
    Vitzrotech Co., Ltd., Ansan City, Kyunggi-Do, Republic of Korea
  A prototype rf window was developed in collaboration with Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL) and domestic companies. The PAL designed the S-band TE012 rf window and conducted the high power performance tests of single rf window to verify the operation characteristics for the application to the PLSII Linac. The test was performed in the in-situ facility consisting of a modulator, klystron, waveguide network, vacuum system, cooling system, and rf analyzing equipment. As the test results with SLED, no breakdown appeared up to 75 MW peak power with 4.5 micro-seconds rf pulse width at a repetition rate of 10 Hz. The test results with the current operation level of PLSII Linac confirms that the rf window well satisfies the criteria of PLS Linac operation.  
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THPVA070 Cooling and Thermo Stabilization System of 100MeV/100kW Electron Linear Accelerator of Neutron Source Driver electron, operation, neutron, controls 4607
  • M. Moisieienko, I.M. Karnaukhov, A. Mytsykov, A.Y. Zelinsky
    NSC/KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine
  Cooling system and temperature control technology elements of the linear electron accelerator of 100 MeV/100kW is a complex technological system composed of three subsystems: the cooling klystron gallery equipment (30 C ± 1), cooling of the accelerator tunnel equipment (30 C ± 1) and the cooling and temperature control accelerating sections and waveguide (40 ° C ± 0,2). The block diagram of cooling and temperature control of the linear electron accelerator of 100 MeV/100 kW, describes the basic principles to formulate requirements to the cooling systems. It describes the status of the installation, commissioning and testing of the cooling and temperature control of the accelerator - driver subcritical neutron source KIPT.  
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THPVA090 The TOP-IMPLART Linac: Machine Status and Experimental Activity proton, linac, target, framework 4669
  • C. Ronsivalle, A. Ampollini, G. Bazzano, P. Nenzi, L. Picardi, V. Surrenti, E. Trinca, M. Vadrucci
    ENEA C.R. Frascati, Frascati (Roma), Italy
  Funding: Regione Lazio in the framework of the TOP-IMPLART Project
The TOP-IMPLART (Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy Linear Accelerator for Radiotherapy) linac is a 150 MeV pulsed proton linear accelerator for protontherapy applications under realization, installation and progressive commissioning at ENEA. It is the first linac running with 3GHz SCDTL (Side Coupled DTL) accelerating modules. These constitute the first two sections of the whole linac up to 71 MeV proton energy, while the accelerating structure of the following part of the accelerator is under definition. Each SCDTL section is powered by a 10 MW peak power klystron. The first section, consisting of 4 modules (7 to 35 MeV) has been completed and it is operational at low repetition rate (25 Hz). The second section, consisting of other 4 modules (up to 71 MeV), is currently under executive design. The output beam at each stage of the progressive commissioning is fully characterized. The beam is routinely employed in radiobiology experiments and detector evaluation. The paper presents the actual status of the machine, installation, beam characterization and an overview of the experimental activity results.
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THPVA114 Status of High-Efficiency Klystron Development for the PLS-II and PAL-XFEL electron, cavity, gun, cathode 4726
  • S.J. Park, H.S. Han, W.H. Hwang, S.D. Jang, Y.D. Joo, K.R. Kim, C.D. Park, Y.J. Park
    PAL, Pohang, Kyungbuk, Republic of Korea
  • J.H. Hwang, S.S. Jang
    POSTECH, Pohang, Kyungbuk, Republic of Korea
  • S.Y. Hyun, H.S. Seo, D.H. Yu
    Vitzrotech Co., Ltd., Ansan City, Kyunggi-Do, Republic of Korea
  Funding: This work was supported by the National R&D program (grant number: 2016R1A6B2A01016828) through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF).
We are developing a high-efficiency klystron for use in the PLS-II(Pohang Light Source II) and the PAL-XFEL in the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory. Since the PLS-II and the PAL-XFEL are already running with ~70 klystron modulator systems, newly developed klystrons should be designed to fit into existing installation spaces and power supplies, and their overall lengths(< 2 m) and beam perveances(2 upervs) should not be changed. In order to achieve the high efficiency with aforementioned boundary conditions, we are going to adopt a multi-cell output cavity in which, unlike those of the the SLAC X-band and KEK C-band klystrons, the cell frequencies are independently tuned to provide maximum beam-to-rf power conversion. In this article we report on our physics and engineering design efforts to achieve the high efficiency with minimum instabilities.
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THPVA147 KlyLac Conceptual Design for Borehole Logging linac, cavity, electron, vacuum 4808
  • A.V. Smirnov, S. Boucher, M.A. Harrison, A.Y. Murokh
    RadiaBeam Systems, Santa Monica, California, USA
  • R.B. Agustsson, D. Chao, J.J. Hartzell, K.J. Hoyt, A.Yu. Smirnov
    RadiaBeam, Santa Monica, California, USA
  • E.A. Savin
    MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
  Funding: This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (award No. DE-SC0015721).
Linac-based system for borehole logging exploits KlyLac approach combing klystron and linac sharing the same electron beam, vacuum volume, and RF net-work. The conceptual design tailors delivering 3.5-4 MeV electrons within 3.5 inch borehole at ambient temperatures 150 degrees C to replace 137Cs, >1 Ci source used in borehole logging. The linac part is based on a very robust, high group velocity, cm-wave, standing wave accelerating structure. The design concept features i) self-oscillation analog feedback that automatically provides modal stability; ii) ferrite-free isolation of the klystron; and iii) long accelerating section with large (0.3%) frequency separation between adjacent modes; and iv) low-voltage klystron.
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THPVA152 Performance of ATCA LLRF System at LCLS LLRF, controls, hardware, booster 4817
  • J.M. D'Ewart, J.C. Frisch, B. Hong, K.H. Kim, J.J. Olsen, D. Van Winkle
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: Work supported by Department of Energy contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.
The low level RF control for the SLAC LINAC is being upgraded to provide improved performance and maintainability. The new LLRF system is based on the SLAC ATCA common platform hardware. RF control is achieved through a high performance FPGA based DDS/DDC system. The signal processing is designed to be phase insensitive, allowing the use of modest performance on-board digitizer clock and LO. The prototype LLRF control system was installed and used to operate RF station 28-2 in LCLS-I. Design details and prototype performance results will be presented.
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