Keyword: GUI
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TUPAB108 Upgrade of BTS Control System for the Taiwan Light Source controls, EPICS, interface, operation 1570
  • Y.-S. Cheng, J. Chen, K.T. Hsu, K.H. Hu, C.H. Huang, D. Lee, C.Y. Liao, C.Y. Wu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  The Taiwan Light Source (TLS) is a third generation of synchrotron light source, and it has been operated since 1993. The TLS control system is a proprietary design. It was performed minor upgrade several times to avoid obsolete of some system components and keep up-to-date during last two decades. The control system of BTS (Booster-to-Storage ring) transport line includes control interfaces of power supplies, screen monitors, vacuum and temperature. The cPCI (CompactPCI) based EPICS IOC (Input Output Controller) has been adopted for renewing TLS BTS control system to replace the existed VME based ILC (Intelligent Local Controller) to be as an easy-to-maintain control environment. Moreover, each TLS control console supports not only the existing control software interfaces, but also the newly developed EPICS graphical user interfaces. Upgraded TLS BTS control system had been successfully commissioning in February 2017. Compare new system with old system, new system provides more functionality, fast response, and highly reliability. The efforts are summarized at this paper.  
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TUPIK007 VisualPIC: A New Data Visualizer and Post-Processor for Particle-in-Cell Codes simulation, software, plasma, interface 1696
  • A. Ferran Pousa, R.W. Aßmann
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • A. Martinez de la Ossa
    University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
  Numerical simulations are heavily relied on for evaluating optimal working points with plasma accelerators and for predicting their performance. These simulations produce high volumes of complex data, which is often analyzed by scientists with individually prepared software and analysis tools. As a consequence, there is a lack of a commonly available, quick, complete and easy-to-use data visualizer for Particle-In-Cell simulation codes. VisualPIC is a new application created with the aim of filling that void, providing a graphical user interface with advanced tools for 2D and 3D data visualization, post-processing and particle tracking. The program is developed under the principles of open source and with a modular design, an approach and architecture which allow interested scientists to contribute by adding new features or compatibility for additional simulation codes.  
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THPAB092 Orbit and Dispersion Tool at European XFEL Injector laser, electron, dipole, quadrupole 3932
  • N. Ghazaryan
    CANDLE SRI, Yerevan, Armenia
  • M.E. Castro Carballo, W. Decking
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  Trajectory and electron beam size play an essential role in Free Electron Laser (FEL) obtainment. Since transverse dispersion changes off-energy particle trajectories and increases the effective beam size, dispersion and orbit must constantly be controlled and corrected along the whole lattice. In this paper the principles underlying the orbit and dispersion correction tool, developed at DESY, are described. The results of its testing on European XFEL injector are presented.  
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THPAB137 New Approach in Developing Open XAL Applications interface, software, framework, controls 4043
  • C. Rosati, E. Laface
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  Open XAL project is a pure-Java open source development environment used for creating accelerator physics applications, scripts and services. Working with Open XAL requires developing a Java application with a prominent graphical user interface, allowing the final user to interact with the accelerator model, and to graphically view the results such interaction produced. Nevertheless the Open XAL support for specialized components (handling plotting, EPICS connection) and for a document-view application framework, relieving the developer of the burden related with this programming aspects, a lot of boilerplate code has still to be created, making the developer spending more time in UI than in accelerator physics code. In this paper a new approach in developing Open XAL applications is explained. Here the developer is relieved of the UI-related common code code by using software tools, allowing him to visually design the flow of data and events between the various elements of the applications (widgets and models), and automatically generate the application code, where code generation can be customized to use one of the available plugged programming languages (Java, Python, JS, …).  
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THPAB140 MAX IV Online Linac Model linac, TANGO, simulation, controls 4047
  • L. Isaksson, E. Mansten, S. Thorin
    MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
  An online linac model has been developed at MAX IV in order to enable a calculation of the properties of the linac beam based on the actual settings of the magnetic elements. The model is based on the Elegant simulation code and uses the design linac lattice file. A set of Matlab scripts fetch the actual settings of all elements via the Tango control system, pass these values on to Elegant and run the simulation. The model includes an optimization option for yielding desired beta- and alpha-function values at various points along the linac by calculating optimal settings for chosen elements.  
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THPVA093 Open XAL Status Report 2017 software, controls, site, interface 4676
  • A.P. Zhukov, C.K. Allen, A.P. Shishlo
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
  • D.A. Brown
    NMSU, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA
  • Y.-C. Chao
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  • C.P. Chu, Y. Li
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  • J.F. Esteban Müller, B.T. Folsom, E. Laface, Y.I. Levinsen, C. Rosati
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  • P. Gillette, P. Laurent, E. Lécorché, G. Normand
    GANIL, Caen, France
  • I. List, M. Pavleski
    Cosylab, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • X.H. Lu
    CSNS, Guangdong Province, People's Republic of China
  • J.E. Muller
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The Open XAL accelerator physics software platform is being developed through an international collaboration among several facilities since 2010 The goal of the collaboration is to establish Open XAL as a multi-purpose software platform supporting a broad range of tool and application development in accelerator physics (Open XAL also ships with a suite of general purpose accelerator applications). This paper discusses progress in beam dynamics simulation, interaction with control system and software organization. We present the current status of the project, a roadmap for continued development and an overview of the project status at each participating facility.  
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