Keyword: EPICS
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MOPAB063 IFMIF EVEDA RFQ Local Control System: Power Tests controls, rfq, hardware, cavity 253
  • M. Montis, L. Antoniazzi, A. Baldo, M.G. Giacchini
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD), Italy
  In the IFMIF EVEDA project, normal conducting Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) is used to bunch and accelerate a 130 mA steady beam to 5 MeV. RFQ cavity is divided into three structures, named super-modules. Each super-module is divided into 6 modules for a total of 18 modules for the overall structure. The final three modules have to be tested at high power to test and validate the most critical RF components of RFQ cavity and, on the other hand, to test performances of the main ancillaries that will be used for IFMIF EVEDA project (vacuum manifold system, tuning system and control system). The choice of the last three modules is due to the fact that they will operate in the most demanding conditions in terms of power density (100 kW/m) and surface electric field (1.8*Ekp). The Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) environment [1] provides the framework for monitoring any equipment connected to it. This paper reports the usage of this framework to the RFQ power tests at Legnaro National Laboratories [2,3,4].
[4] M. Giacchini et al. LivEPICS: an EPICS Linux Live CD Nagios Equipped, TPPA32, ICALEPCS2007, Oak Ridge, USA
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MOPAB089 Development of a Digital Beam Signal Processor Test System Based on MATLAB and SCPI controls, hardware, data-acquisition, software 329
  • F.Z. Chen, L.W. Lai, Y.B. Leng, N. Zhang
    SSRF, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  • Y.B. Yan
    SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  The SXFEL (Soft X-ray Free Electron Laser) and DCLS (Dalian Coherence Light Source) have been under con-structions since 2015. To satisfy the huge demands of digital beam position monitor processor, we batch pro-duced over 200 sets of DBPM processor. This paper de-scribes a high automatic test platform based on MATLAB and SCPI, used for the device acceptance test and performance evaluation. The simulation beam sig-nals generated by the Agilent signal source MXG N5181A, connected to a 4-way power splitter. The network control system based on the architecture of the client and server mode, integrated instruments test commands and exper-imental data transferred via a Mercury router. Using EP-ICS LabCA realized the data acquisition channel access interface. The platform has been successfully used for the Dalian Coherent Light Source (DCLS) devices acceptance testing, the noise level, crosstalk between channels, ampli-tude frequency response and SNR test reports automatic generation under test.  
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TUPAB042 Current Status of IPM Linac Control System controls, PLC, linac, electron 1418
  • S. Haghtalab, F. Abbasi
    Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
  • S. Ahmadiannamin
    ILSF, Tehran, Iran
  • F. Ghasemi, M. Lamehi
    IPM, Tehran, Iran
  This paper reports the progress of the control system for IPM 10 MeV accelerator. As an electron linac, it consists of beam injection acceleration tube, radio frequency production and transmission, target, diagnostics and control and safety. In support of this source, an EPICS-based integrated control system has been designed and being implemented from scratch to provide access to the critical control points and continues to grow to simplify operation of the system. In addition to a PLC-based machine protection component and IO interface, a CSS-based suite of control GUI monitors systems including Modulator and RF, Vacuum, Magnets, and electron gun. An overview of this system is presented in this article.  
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TUPAB108 Upgrade of BTS Control System for the Taiwan Light Source controls, interface, operation, GUI 1570
  • Y.-S. Cheng, J. Chen, K.T. Hsu, K.H. Hu, C.H. Huang, D. Lee, C.Y. Liao, C.Y. Wu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  The Taiwan Light Source (TLS) is a third generation of synchrotron light source, and it has been operated since 1993. The TLS control system is a proprietary design. It was performed minor upgrade several times to avoid obsolete of some system components and keep up-to-date during last two decades. The control system of BTS (Booster-to-Storage ring) transport line includes control interfaces of power supplies, screen monitors, vacuum and temperature. The cPCI (CompactPCI) based EPICS IOC (Input Output Controller) has been adopted for renewing TLS BTS control system to replace the existed VME based ILC (Intelligent Local Controller) to be as an easy-to-maintain control environment. Moreover, each TLS control console supports not only the existing control software interfaces, but also the newly developed EPICS graphical user interfaces. Upgraded TLS BTS control system had been successfully commissioning in February 2017. Compare new system with old system, new system provides more functionality, fast response, and highly reliability. The efforts are summarized at this paper.  
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TUPIK049 ChimeraTK - A Software Tool Kit for Control Applications controls, framework, hardware, software 1798
  • G. Varghese, M. Heuer, M. Hierholzer, M. Killenberg, L.P. Petrosyan, Ch. Schmidt, N. Shehzad, M. Viti
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • K. Czuba, A. Dworzanski
    Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems, Warsaw, Poland
  • C.P. Iatrou, J. Rahm
    TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany
  • T. Kozak, P. Prędki, J. Wychowaniak
    TUL-DMCS, Łódź, Poland
  • M. Kuntzsch, R. Steinbrück
    HZDR, Dresden, Germany
  • S. Marsching
    Aquenos GmbH, Baden-Baden, Germany
  • A. Piotrowski
    FastLogic Sp. z o.o., Łódź, Poland
  The presentation provides an overview of the ChimeraTK framework. The project started from a demand for software libraries that provide convenient access to PCIE bus based cards on the MicroTCA.4 platform. Previously called MTCA4U, ChimeraTK is evolving towards a set of frameworks and tools that enable users to build up control applications, while abstracting away specifics of the underlying system. Initially, the focus of the project was the DeviceAccess C++ library and its bindings for Matlab and Python, along with a Qt based client that used DeviceAccess under the hood. However, ChimeraTK has expanded to include more tools like the ControlSystemAdapter, VirtualLab and ApplicationCore. The ControlSystemAdapter framework focuses on tools that enable application code to be written in a middle ware agnostic manner. VirtualLab focuses on facilitating testing of application code and providing functional mocks. The ApplicationCore library aims at unifying application interfaces to other tools in the toolkit and improving abstraction. We present an update on improvements to the project and discuss motivations and applications for these new set of tools introduced into the toolkit.  
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TUPIK050 COSY Slow Orbit Feedback System controls, closed-orbit, feedback, dipole 1802
  • M. Simon, M. Bai, C. Böhme, F. Hinder, B. Lorentz, C. Weidemann
    FZJ, Jülich, Germany
  • J. Bobnar, J. Malec, R. Modic, K. Žagar
    Cosylab, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • A. Marusic
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  The Cooler Synchrotron (COSY) at Forschungszentrum Jülich is currently carrying out the preparation for a direct measurement of the electric Dipole Moment (EDM) of the deuteron using an RF Wien filter*,**. In a magnetic storage ring with the spin vector aligned along the direction of motion, the EDM manifests in a buildup of the vertical spin component. Besides this signal, radial magnetic fields due to a distortion of the vertical closed orbit can produce a similar signal. This signal is a systematic limit of the proposed measurement procedure. Based on simulation studies***, a vertical closed orbit distortion with a RMS smaller than 0.1 mm is required to achieve a sensitivity of 10-19 or better. In order to accomplish this challenging goal, a slow orbit feedback system was proposed and recently commissioned at COSY. The design and commissioning results will be presented, and the future plan will also be discussed.
* A. Lehrach et. al, arXiv:1201.5773 [hep-ex].
** W. M. Morse, Y. F. Orlov and Y. K. Semertzidis, PRSTAB 16, no.11, 114001 (2013).
*** M. Rosenthal, Ph.D. thesis, RWTH Aachen University, 2016, available from
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TUPIK063 The Configurable Software Interlock System for HLS-II software, operation, controls, vacuum 1836
  • Y. Song, G. Liu, K. Xuan
    USTC/NSRL, Hefei, Anhui, People's Republic of China
  The interlock system is an essential component for an accelerator facility. A configurable software interlock system(SIS) is designed for Hefei Light Source II (HLS-II), which complements the hardware interlock system to ensure equipment and operators' safety. The system is developed using Python under the EPICS framework with the method of separating the configuration file from the interlock program. The interlock logic is completely determined by the configuration file and its nested tree structure is easy to expand. The test results indicate that the new software interlock system is reliable, flexible and convenient to operate. This paper will describe the design and the construction of HLS-II SIS.  
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TUPIK084 The EPICS Based Control System at the FREIA Laboratory controls, PLC, interface, radiation 1890
  • K. Fransson, K.J. Gajewski, M. Jacewicz, M. Jobs, R.J.M.Y. Ruber, V.G. Ziemann
    Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
  FREIA (Facility for REsearch and Instrumentation for Accelerator development) Laboratory at Uppsala University, Sweden, is a new facility, inaugurated 2013. Initially FREIA is testing and developing superconducting accelerating cavities and high power RF sources in collaboration with the European Spallation Source (ESS). Later projects include testing of superconducting cavities and magnets for the high luminosity LHC. The high level control, alarm system and archiving is implemented in EPICS. Presently this includes a helium liquefaction plant, a horizontal test cryostat, two high power RF amplifiers, a low level RF system, environment monitoring and safety systems. Some attention will be given to integration of commercially acquired systems as well as the safety system, interlocks and radiation monitoring. The implementation of the EPICS environment follows closely that of ESS and thus can provide a test bench for developments at ESS.  
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TUPVA106 Solvements of the Asynchronization between the Bpms and Corrector Power Supplies in RCS of CSNS* software, hardware, injection, power-supply 2339
  • M.T. Li
    CSNS, Guangdong Province, People's Republic of China
  • Y.W. An, Y.D. Liu
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  Funding: Work supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( Grant No. 11405189)
This paper studies the possible solvements of the asyn-chronization between the BPMs and Corrector Supplies in RCS of CSNS, to increase the accuracy of the response matrix measurement and the obit correction.
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THPAB113 Time Synchronization for Distant IOCs of the SuperKEKB Accelerators timing, operation, linac, network 3982
  • H. Kaji, T. Naito, S. Sasaki
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • Y. Iitsuka
    EJIT, Hitachi, Ibaraki, Japan
  The time synchronization for multi CPU system is always a problem to be worried. The control system of accelerator is no exception since it consists of a lot of CPUs located among large area distantly. The problem appears conspicuously when the beam is aborted. Usually, several hardware show abort signals in one beam abort event. However it is difficult to know which is the source of beam abort and which issues an abort signal under the influence of original failure. We introduce the time synchronization system of the SuperKEKB collider which choose EPICS as the control software. The system utilize Event Timing System and synchronizes the EPICS general time for I/O controllers located distantly. The accuracy of synchronization is around 10ns. It is the excellent performance in terms of synchronization of CPU time. The all abort channels of SuperKEKB are synchronized their issued time. Besides they synchronize with also the injector linac which is operated with the different control system in different network.  
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THPAB121 The Study of Accelerator Data Archiving and Retrieving Software database, interface, software, operation 4007
  • Y.S. Qiao, G. Lei, Z. Zhao
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  This paper presents a novel archiving and retrieving software designed for BEPC-II and other particle accelerators. At BEPC-II, real-time data are stored as index files recorded by traditional EPICS Channel Archiver. Never-theless, index files are not suitable for long-term maintenance and difficult for data analysis. The NoSQL database MongoDB is used for this new system due to aging technologies, so as to promote the data storage reliability, usability, and possible future advanced data analysis. A cross-platform UI (User Interface) has also been developed to make it quicker and easier to access the database. The writing and query performance are tested for this software.  
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THPAB136 Kameleon - a Behavior-Rich, Non-Memoryless and Time-Aware Generic Simulator status, controls, power-supply, simulation 4040
  • R.N. Fernandes
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  • N. Senaud
    CEA/DRF/IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  At ESS, thousands of devices will be used to control both the machine and end-station instruments. To enable ongoing development when access to these devices is not possible (for whatever the reason), Kameleon was implemented. It is a behavior-rich, non-memoryless and time-aware generic simulator that handles clients through a TCP/IP connection. An instance of this client is an EPICS IOC or a Tango Device Server. Kameleon consumes a user-defined file that describes the commands received from a client and, optionally, the reaction to these through statuses sent back to the client. Key features are: 1) Ubiquitous (runs in disparate platforms such as Windows and Linux). 2) Behavior-rich (predefined behaviors as well as user-defined). 3) Non-memoryless (the state of the simulation can be preserved between events and/or elapsed time). 4) Time-aware (statuses can be sent to the client either event-based or time-based). 5) Flexible (commands and statuses are described in a simple user-defined file - nothing is hard-coded in Kameleon). Kameleon will be used in a myriad of scenarios at ESS such as development of EPICS devices support, IOCs, OPI screens, testing of IOCs and alarm workflows.  
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THPAB150 Input Output Controller of Digital Low Level RF System in NSRRC LLRF, operation, FPGA, controls 4083
  • Z.K. Liu, F.Y. Chang, L.-H. Chang, M.H. Chang, L.J. Chen, F.-T. Chung, M.-C. Lin, C.H. Lo, C.L. Tsai, Ch. Wang, M.-S. Yeh, T.-C. Yu
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  Low Level Radio Frequency (LLRF) systems operating at NSRRC are based on analog technology and are used both at the Taiwan Light Source and the Taiwan Photon Source. In order to have better RF field stability, a new digital LLRF system based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) was developed. A card-sized single-board computer is used as the input/output controller of the digital LLRF system and its design and implementation with EPICS applications are reported here.  
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THPVA064 Timing System at ESS timing, distributed, operation, proton 4588
  • J. Cereijo García, T. Korhonen, J.H. Lee, D.P. Piso
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  • R.R. Osorio
    UDC, A Coruña, Spain
  The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a research facility being built in Lund (Sweden) that will produce neutrons by the spallation process. It uses the Micro-Research Finland (MRF) Timing System, which provides a complete event-based timing distribution system. The timing signal generation consists of a basic topology: an Event Generator (EVG), an optical distribution layer (fan-out modules) and an array of Event Receivers (EVRs). The timing system will provide clock synchronization and timing services to devices with real time requirements. Its main purposes are event generation and distribution, time stamping and synchronous data transmission. The event clock frequency will be 88.0525 MHz, divided down from the bunch frequency of 352.21 MHz. An integer number of ticks of this clock will define the beam macropulse full length, around 2.86 ms, with a repetition rate of 14 Hz. ESS will be the first facility to deploy large amounts of uTCA EVRs, and is planning to take advantage of the features provided by the uTCA standard, like trigger and clock distribution over the backplane. These EVRs are already being deployed in some systems and test stands.  
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THPVA066 TPS LINAC Temperature Monitoring System linac, PLC, monitoring, controls 4595
  • C.L. Chen, H.-P. Chang, C.-S. Fann, K.-K. Lin, K.L. Tsai
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  TPS Linac has been providing with electron beams which conform to the specifications to the requirement since 2014. Firstly electrons are extracted from electron gun (e-gun), and they are accelerated and gained energy from 90 keV to 150 MeV in three linear accelerating sections. Then electron beams are successfully injected to the booster ring via Linac to Booster (LTB) transport line. Providing a stable and reliable operating system is next priority objective and so a temperature monitoring system is established. This temperature monitoring system is used to monitor the temperatures for each Linac sub-system and its surrounding environment. By using this temperature monitoring system, it helps to understand the relation between beam energy and working temperature for each sub-system, when Linac is under normal operation. This report will detail the temperature monitoring components, including thermalcouples, PLC thermal modules, PLC programming and graphic user interface (GUI). By integrating with EPICS, this monitoring system is becoming a complete solution for ensuring any possible influence due to thermal effects.  
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