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MOOCB2 Laser System Design and Operation for SNS H Beam Laser Stripping laser, experiment, operation, ion 57
  • Y. Liu, A.V. Aleksandrov, S.M. Cousineau, T.V. Gorlov, A.A. Menshov, A. Webster
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
  • A. Rakhman
    ORNL RAD, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
  Funding: This work has been partially supported by U.S. DOE grant DE-FG02-13ER41967. ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U.S. DOE.
Recently, a high-efficiency laser assisted hydrogen ion (H) beam stripping was successfully carried out in the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) accelerator. The experiment was not only an important step toward foil-less H stripping for charge exchange injection, it also served as a first example of using megawatt ultraviolet (UV) laser in an operational high power proton accelerator facility. This talk reports the design, implementation, and commissioning results of the macropulse laser system, laser transport line, and laser operation for the laser stripping experiment. The macropulse laser consists of a mode-locked picosecond pulsed seed laser and a burst-mode Nd:YAG laser amplifier. The general design concept can be adapted to any temporal beam structures in most accelerators. We have achieved UV pulses with the pulse widths varying between 34 to 54 ps and a maximum peak power over 3.5 MW. A laser transport line is installed to deliver the UV beam to the laser stripping chamber at a transmission efficiency of 70%. Laser operation including remote control and monitor of laser parameters will be described.
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MOPAB011 Impact on the HL-LHC Triplet Region and Experiments From Asynchronous Beam Dumps on Tertiary Collimators proton, photon, optics, interface 96
  • A. Tsinganis, R. Bruce, F. Cerutti, A. Lechner
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  Accidental beam impacts on the tertiary collimators (TCTs) can lead to significant energy deposition in the triplet region and to leakage of the induced particle shower towards the experimental cavern. In this work, carried out in the context of the planned High Luminosity Upgrade of the LHC, severe impacts from asynchronous beam dumps on the horizontal tertiary collimators in cells 4 and 6 of the CMS insertion were studied, with half or a full proton bunch impacting on a collimator jaw. The choice of jaw material is shown to be of great importance, with over a factor of 10 increase in peak energy density values in the triplet coils moving from tungsten (Inermet) to molybdenum graphite jaws. Nevertheless, although the quench limit is exceeded in at least one or more triplet magnets in all the evaluated scenarios, values remain well below the damage limit. Energy spectra of particles leaking into the experimental cavern have also been estimated and are presented here.  
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MOPIK029 Energy Deposition and Activation Studies of the ESSnuSB Horn Station target, proton, hadron, linac 561
  • E. Bouquerel, E. Baussan, M. Dracos
    IPHC, Strasbourg Cedex 2, France
  • N. Vassilopoulos
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  Funding: This project is now supported by the COST Action CA15139 Combining forces for a novel European facility for neutrino-antineutrino symmetry-violation discovery (EuroNuNet).
The ESS'SB project foresees the production of a very intense neutrino beam to enable the discovery of leptonic CP violation. In addition to the neutrinos, a copious number of muons that could be used by a future Neutrino Factory and a muon collider will also be produced at the same time. This facility will use the world's most intense pulsed spallation neutron source, the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund. Its LINAC is expected to be operational by 2023, producing 2 GeV protons with a power of 5 MW. The primary proton beam line completing the linear accelerator will consist of one or several accumulator rings and a proton beam switchyard. The secondary beam line producing neutrinos and muons will consist of a four-horn target station, a decay tunnel and a beam dump. To detect the produced neutrinos a far megaton scale Water Cherenkov detector will be placed at a baseline of about 500 km in one of the existing active mines in Sweden. The estimation of the energy deposited and the activation within this secondary beam line are discussed in this paper.
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MOPIK036 Study of the Magnetizing Relationship of the Kickers for CSNS kicker, extraction, software, target 582
  • M.Y. Huang, Y.W. An, S. Fu, N. Huang, W. Kang, Y.Q. Liu, L. Shen, L. Wang, S. Wang, Y.W. Wu, S.Y. Xu, J. Zhai, J. Zhang
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  Funding: Work supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11205185)
The extraction system of CSNS mainly consists of two kinds of magnets: eight kickers and one lambertson magnet. In this paper, firstly, the magnetic test results of the eight kickers were introduced and then the filed uniformity and magnetizing relationship of the kickers were given. Secondly, during the beam commissioning in the future, in order to obtain more accurate magnetizing relationship, a new method to measure the magnetizing coefficients of the kickers by the real extraction beam was given and the data analysis would also be processed.
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MOPIK039 Transport Channel of Secondary Ion Beam of Experimental Setup for Selective Laser Ionization With Gas Cell Gals ion, quadrupole, target, simulation 589
  • N.Yu. Kazarinov, V. Bashevoy, G.G. Gulbekyan, I.A. Ivanenko, V.I. Kazacha, N.F. Osipov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  • S.G. Zemlyanoy
    JINR/FLNR, Moscow region, Russia
  GALS is the experimental setup intended for production and research of isobaric- and isotopically pure heavy neutron-rich nuclei. The beam line consists of two parts. The initial part is used for transport of the primary 136Xe ion beam with energy of 4.5-9.0 MeV/amu from the FLNR cyclotron U400M to the Pb target for the production of the studying ion beams. These beams have the following design parameters: the charge Z = +1, the mass A = 180-270 and the kinetic energy W = 40 keV. The second part placed after the target consists of SPIG (QPIG) system, the accelerating gap, the electrostatic Einzel lens, 90-degree spectrometric magnet (calculated value of the mass-resolution is equal to 1400) and the channel for the transportation of the ions from the focal plane of the magnet to a particle detector. The results of the simulation of particle dynamics and the basic parameters of the elements of the beam lines are presented in this report.  
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MOPIK040 Value Engineering of an Accelerator Design During Construction linac, cavity, cryomodule, proton 592
  • E. Bargalló, M. Eshraqi, M. Lindroos, S. Molloy, D.C. Plostinar, A. Sunesson
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  • F. Gerigk
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  Value engineering is an important part of the process of designing and realising large-scale installations such as high power accelerators. This typically occurs during the later part of the design stage of the system, however such exercises may also be requested by funding bodies at later stages in order to manage project contingency. Naturally, the later this is done, the more challenging it becomes. In this paper we report on a recently concluded Value Engineering effort at the European Spallation Source. The challenges presented by the initiation of such an exercise during the construction phase are discussed. In addition, we present and discuss the various options that we examined, and indicate the philosophy and figures of merit used to narrow down these options. The final conclusion will be presented.  
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MOPIK098 Techniques for Achieving High Reliability Operation of the Spallation Neutron Source High Power Radio-Frequency System klystron, cathode, operation, cavity 756
  • J. Moss, M.S. Champion
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
  Funding: *ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U.S. Department of Energy. This research was supported by the DOE Office of Science, Basic Energy Science, Scientific User Facilities.
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) high power radiofrequency (HPRF) system operates with high reliability to support the goals of the SNS user program. In recent operational periods the availability of the HPRF System has exceeded 97 percent while the neutron source availability overall is typically greater than 90 percent. SNS has a unique set of 92 HPRF stations that operate at either 402.5 MHz or 805 MHz with peak output power ranging from 550 kW to 5 MW and average power ranging from 49.5 kW to 450 kW. The HPRF transmitters consist of chassis-mounted power supplies, solid-state amplifiers and other equipment that support the operation of the klystrons that ultimately provide the RF power to the accelerating structures. Management of the operation and maintenance of the HPRF system has increasingly focused on reliability and sustainability in recent years. Techniques for klystron lifetime preservation and optimization of transmitter reliability have been developed and will be described.
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MOPIK106 Effect of Magnetic Element Alignment Errors on Electron Beam Dynamics in the Transportation Channel of the NSC KIPT Neutron Source Driven With Linear Accelerator target, electron, alignment, dipole 781
  • A.Y. Zelinsky, P. Gladkikh, A.A. Kalamayko
    NSC/KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine
  In the paper, the results of beam dynamics simulation in the transportation channel of the NSC KIPT neutron source taking into account the errors of the electromagnetic elements alignment are presented. It is show that the values of RMS alignment errors such as 100 mkm in transverse planes and 200 mkrad in angle installations lead to the essential shifts of the beam at a neutron target and, therefore, to the essential beam losses at the vacuum chamber walls. To avoid the losses one should provide additional electron beam correction and to increase the accuracy of the equipment alignment.  
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MOPIK112 High Average Power Deuteron Beam Dynamics target, quadrupole, emittance, diagnostics 798
  • R.A. Marsh, G.G. Anderson, S.G. Anderson, D.L. Bleuel, M.L. Crank, P. Fitsos, D.J. Gibson, M. Hall, M.S. Johnson, B. Rusnak, J.D. Sain, R. Souza, A. Wiedrick
    LLNL, Livermore, California, USA
  Funding: This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344
Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) is developing an intense, high-brightness fast neutron source to create sub-mm-scale resolution neutron radiographs and images. A pulsed 7MeV, 300μA average-current commercial deuteron accelerator will produce an intense source (1011 n/s/sr at 0 deg) of fast neutrons (10MeV) using a novel neutron target with a small (1.5mm diameter) beam spot size to achieve high resolution. A highly flexible multi-accelerator beamline has been developed allowing for the use of both 4MeV and 7MeV RFQ/DTL deuteron accelerators. TRACE3D has been used to model the beam transport and design the quadrupole lattice and results will be presented including iterated design within beamline mechanical constraints, sensitivities, and multiple use of the magnets. Because of the high power density of such a tightly focused, modest-energy ion beam, intercepting beam diagnostics are extremely challenging, motivating novel concepts and extensions of current techniques to higher average power densities. Full duty factor beamline diagnostics will be discussed including charge, position, emittance via beam-induced fluorescence, and a full power beam dump and Faraday cup.
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MOPVA047 Investigation of Trapped Magnetic Flux in Superconducting Niobium Samples with Polarized Neutron Radiography niobium, detector, experiment, polarization 964
  • O. Kugeler, J. Knobloch, M.M. Krzyzagorski, J.M. Köszegi, L. Riik, W. Treimer, R.F. Ziesche
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  The dynamics of flux expulsion during superconducting transition and the influence of external AC magnetic fields on expulsion of trapped fields in Nb samples has been investigated with radiography using polarized neu-trons. Results of these experiments are presented.  
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TUPAB033 Design of a Stripline Kicker for the ELBE Accelerator kicker, emittance, electron, laser 1393
  • Ch. Schneider, A. Arnold, J. Hauser, P. Michel, G.S. Staats
    HZDR, Dresden, Germany
  ELBE is a linac based cw electron accelerator serving different secondary beams one at a time. Depending on the user demand the bunch repetition rate may vary from single pulse up to 13 MHz. For the future different end stations should be served simultaneously, hence specific bunch patterns have to be kicked to other beam-lines. To use e.g. one bunch out of the bunch train very short kicking durations have to be realized. The variability of the bunch pattern and the frequency resp. switching time are one of the main arguments for a stripline-kicker combined with HV-switches as basic concept. A nearly homogenous field in the kicker has to be realized for uniform deflection of the electron bunch and emittance grow of the bunch has to be kept as low as possible. Furthermore the fast switching ability of the kicker demands for a fast decay of the HV-pulse resp. its reflections in the structure implying a specific design of the kicker elements. For this reason a design with two tapered active electrodes and two ground fenders was optimized in time and frequency domain with the software package CST. Additionally a first prototype was manufactured for laboratory and first beam-line tests.  
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TUPIK033 Test and Commissioning Results of NSC KIPT 100 MeV/ 100 kW Electron Linear Accelerator, Subcritical Neutron Source Driver electron, gun, vacuum, klystron 1751
  • A.Y. Zelinsky, O.E. Andreev, V.P. Androsov, S.V. Bazarov, O. Bezditko, O.V. Bykhun, Y.L. Chi, A.N. Gordienko, V.A. Grevtsev, A. Gvozd, D.Y. He, X. He, V.E. Ivashchenko, A.A. Kalamayko, I.I. Karnaukhov, I.M. Karnaukhov, X.C. Kong, V.P. Lyashchenko, H.Z. Ma, M. Moisieienko, S. Pei, X.H. Peng, A.V. Reuzayev, I.M. Subotenko, D.V. Tarasov, V.I. Trotsenko, X. Wang
    NSC/KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine
  • Y.L. Chi, D.Y. He, X. He, X.C. Kong, H.Z. Ma, S. Pei, X.H. Peng, X. Wang
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  • S. Shu
    Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  Neutron Source on the base of subcritical assembly has been constructed and is under commissioning in NSC KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine. The source uses 100 MeV/ 100 kW electron linear accelerator as a driver. The accelerator was designed and manufactured in IHEP, Beijing, China. The accelerator has been assembled at NSC KIPT, all accelerator systems and components were and accelerator is under commissioning. Reports describes the status of the NSC KIPT 100 MeV/ 100 kW electron linear accelerator. The results of the first tests are presented.  
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TUPIK034 NSC KIPT Neutron Source on the Base of Subcritical Assembly With Electron Linear Accelerator Driver target, electron, shielding, operation 1754
  • A.Y. Zelinsky, I.M. Karnaukhov, A. Mytsykov, I. Ushakov
    NSC/KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine
  • Y.L. Chi
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  • Y. Gohar
    ANL, Argonne, Illinois, USA
  National Science Center Kharkov Institute of Physics & Technology (NSC KIPT) together with ANL, Chicago, USA developed up to date scientific facility that is Neutron Source on the base of subcritical assembly driven with 100 MeV/100 kW electron accelerator. During bombarding of the Tungsten or Uranium targets the electron beam generates the original neutrons that are multiplied in the facility core of low enriched uranium trough the fission process. The maximal value of the neutron multiplication factor is 0.98. So the total neutron flux output is increased as much as 50 times and is 2·10 13 n·cm-2·c-1. The subcriticality of the system eliminates the possibility of self-sustained chain reaction existence that increases the nuclear safety of the facility drastically. The neutron source mentioned above is the first facility of such type in the world. The results that will be obtained at studies of neutron characteristics of the neutron source with low enriched uranium core and during optimization of the operation modes of the facility systems will became the scientific background for the further development of the safe, ecological nuclear energetics of the future.  
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TUPIK043 Upgrade of the Neutron Dose Measurement System at BESSY radiation, injection, electron, synchrotron 1781
  • K. Ott, Y. Bergmann, M. Martin, L. Pichl
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  Funding: Funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie and by the Land Berlin
Neutron radiation fields at synchrotron light sources are caused by bremsstrahlung from electron losses in accelerator components. Inside the enclosure and in transversal direction neutron and gamma radiation is of the same order of magnitude but high energy neutrons are much more penetrating. This causes outside the shielding neutron spectra with two broad maxima at about 1 MeV and 100 MeV. Standard Anderson-Braun or Leake neutron monitors measure thermalized neutrons in a proportional counter tube by nuclear reactions which limits the measurement range to neutron energies < 10 MeV. This implies two considerable systematic errors: Pulsed neutron beams causes dead-time losses due to the time structure of injections and the moderators are not sufficient to moderate high energy neutrons down to thermal energies. We determined and fixed these measurement errors by faster preamplifiers and by a more effective moderator developed by us, which expands the measurement range up to several GeV. Examples of the application at BESSY are presented.
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TUPVA103 Beam Dynamics Design of the 3MeV RFQ for BISOL Project rfq, emittance, simulation, linac 2328
  • H.P. Li, Q. Fu, P.P. Gan, Y.R. Lu, Z. Wang, K. Zhu
    PKU, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  The Beijing isotope separation online (BISOL) facility will be used to study the new physics and technologies at the limit of nuclear stability. The facility can be driven by a reactor or a deuteron accelerator. The driver accelerator for the BISOL facility aims to accelerate a 50 mA D+ beam to 40 MeV. As an injector for the downstream su-perconducting linac, a 4-vane RFQ operating at 162.5 MHz has been designed to accelerate the deuteron beam from 0.05 MeV to 3.0 MeV in CW mode. For the beam dynamics design of this high-intensity RFQ, a matched and equipartitioned design method is adopted in order to control beam loss. After the optimization, the simulated beam transmission efficiency is higher than 99%. The transverse normalized rms emittance growth is approxi-mately 12%. Detailed results of the beam dynamics as well as the error study of the RFQ are presented in this paper.  
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TUPVA111 Design of the Secondary Particle Production Beam Line at KOMAC target, ion, proton, ion-source 2346
  • H.-J. Kwon, Y.-S. Cho, J.J. Dang, H.S. Kim, Y.G. Song, S.P. Yun
    Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea
  Funding: This work was supported by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning of the Korean Government.
A 100-MeV proton linac is under operation since 2013 at KOMAC (Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex) and provides the accelerated proton beam to various users from the research institutes, universities and industries. To expand the utilization fields of the accelerator, we are planning to develop a target ion source to produce a secondary particle such as Li-8 based on the existing linac. A test beam line was designed to supply proton beam to target ion source. Details on the beam line design are presented.
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TUPVA118 Particle Accelerators for Humanity: Resources for Public Engagement with Particle Accelerators proton, survey, quadrupole, photon 2369
  • S.L. Sheehy
    JAI, Oxford, United Kingdom
  To those who work in the accelerator field, it is obvious that there are many applications of accelerators beyond particle physics. Yet the public remains largely unaware of the far reaching uses of accelerators, or the scientific and engineering challenges that lay behind them. A recent project Particle Accelerators for Humanity has addressed this gap by creating a series of video resources, based on a programme of live events, short films and a specially commissioned animation. The project captured the dedication and diversity of those who design, operate and work with accelerators and highlights the varied ways in which their work is impacting on our lives. Here we overview the project and the resources, available under Creative Commons license, and discuss the impact of the project so far. We encourage the accelerator community to use the resources in their teaching and public engagement activities.  
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TUPVA121 Shielding Calculations for the Commissioning Beam Dump During the First Stage Beam Commissioning of the ESS Warm Linac shielding, proton, linac, DTL 2376
  • K. Batkov, L. Tchelidze
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  Starting operations in 2019, the European Spallation Source will be a long pulsed neutron source powered by a 5 MW proton beam impinging on a rotating tungsten target. This study describes the results of shielding calculations performed to determine necessary shielding configuration during various steps of first stage beam commissioning of the ESS Linac. The first stage commissioning is divided in four steps with different beam energy, up to maximum 74 MeV. The commissioning beam dump shielding assessment is presented for each step of first stage commissioning and different beam parameters (energies, repetition rates, pulse lengths and currents).  
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TUPVA129 Energy Efficiency and Saving Potential Analysis of the High Intensity Proton Accelerator HIPA at PSI cyclotron, proton, cavity, cryogenics 2399
  • A. Kovach, J. Grillenberger, A.S. Parfenova, M. Seidel
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  High power proton machines consume a large amount of energy. Thus, the energy efficiency of grid to beam power conversion is particularly important for the overall power consumption of such facilities. In this study, we analyse the energy efficiency of PSI's cyclotron-based HIPA facility, which presently delivers a maximum of 1.4 MW beam power. The total power consumption of the entire facility is 12.5 MW at 2.2 mA beam current (1.3 MW). Main power consumers are: RF systems, electromagnets, water cooling and auxiliary systems including infrastructure, each consuming 5.3 MW, 3.6 MW, 1.65 MW and 1.95 MW, respectively. HIPA's grid to beam efficiency is 18.3% when considering only those parts of any subsystems (RF components, magnets, cooling, and auxiliary systems), which are minimally required to produce a full 1.3 MW beam. The dependency of individual subsystems on beam power was also studied. These findings serve as a basis for further optimizations of the HIPA facility and give a reference of the efficiency estimate for the cyclotron-based high power machines.
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WEOBB3 Advancement of an Accelerator-Driven High-Brightness Source for Fast Neutron Imaging target, dipole, quadrupole, brightness 2533
  • B. Rusnak, O. Alford, G.G. Anderson, S.G. Anderson, D.L. Bleuel, J.A. Caggiano, M.L. Crank, S.E. Fisher, P. Fitsos, D.J. Gibson, M. Hall, D.J. Jamero, M.S. Johnson, L. Kruse, K.S. Lange, R.A. Marsh, D. P. Nielsen, J.D. Sain, R. Souza, A. Wiedrick
    LLNL, Livermore, California, USA
  Funding: This work performed under the auspices of the U. S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.
Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) is building an intense, high-brightness fast neutron source to create millimeter-scale neutron radiographs and images. An intense source (1011 n/s/sr at 0 degrees) of fast neutrons (10 MeV) allows for penetrating very thick, dense objects while preserving the ability to create good image contrast in low density features within the object and maintaining high detector response efficiency. Fast neutrons will be produced using a pulsed 7 MeV, 300 microamp average-current commercial ion accelerator that will deliver deuteron bunches to a 3 atmosphere deuterium gas cell target to produce neutrons by the D(d, n)3He reaction. Due to the high power density of such a tightly focused, modest-energy ion beam, the transport, controls, diagnostics, and in particular the neutron production gas target and beam stop approaches present significant engineering challenges. Progress and status on the building and early commissioning of the lab-scale demonstration machine shall be presented.
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WEPAB020 Beam Loss Simulations for the Implementation of the Hard X-Ray Self-Seeding System at European XFEL undulator, electron, simulation, collimation 2611
  • S. Liu, W. Decking, L. Fröhlich
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  The European XFEL is designed to be operated with a nominal beam energy of 17.5 GeV at a maximum repetition rate of 27000 bunches/second. The high repetition rate together with the high loss sensitivity of the undulators raises serious radiation damage concern, especially for the implementation of the Hard X-ray Self-Seeding (HXRSS) system, where a 100 um thick diamond crystal will be inserted close to the beam in the undulator section. Since the seeding power level highly depends on the delay of the electron beam with respect to the photon beam, it is crucial to define the minimum electron beam offset to the edge of the crystal in the HXRSS chicane. At European XFEL a ~200 m long post-linac collimation section has been designed to protect the undulators. In the HXRSS scheme, however, beam halo hitting the crystal can generate additional radiation. Particle tracking simulations have been performed using GEANT4 and BDSIM for the undulator and the collimation section, respectively. The critical number of electrons allowed to hit the crystal is estimated for a certain operation mode and the efficiency of beam halo collimation is investigated to predict the minimum HXRSS chicane delay.  
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WEPAB127 EMuS Target Station Studies proton, solenoid, target, radiation 2871
  • N. Vassilopoulos, Z.L. Hou, Y. Yuan, G. Zhao
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  The experimental muon source (EMuS) is a high-intensity muon source at China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS), aiming to combine muSR applications, R&D efforts for a future muon-decay based neutrino beam, and neutrino cross-section measurements. The proton beam has 4 kW of power and is provided by the rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS) of CSNS to a capture system that consists of an adiabatic superconductive solenoid with a maximum field of 5 T and a graphite target located inside the first coil, in order to maximize muons/pions capture and reduce their transverse momentum. In this article we present the challenging target system and the optimization studies that led to the current 4-coil/3-step design. The challenge arises from the necessary extraction of the spent proton beam along the downstream area of the capture solenoid through a hole, in order to separate it from the muons and pions. In addition, shielding studies are presented in order to examine the effectiveness of the shields on the coils and the low radiation damage expected in the system.  
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WEPVA013 Small Size Neutron Generators with Laser Induced Plasma and Electron Conductivity Suppressed by Magnetic Field laser, target, plasma, electron 3278
  • V.I. Rashchikov, S.M. Polozov, A.E. Shikanov
    MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
  Coaxial neutron tubes generators with transverse dimension less than 0.1 m are discussed. Laser plasma containing deuterons is created at the anode by a focused laser beam. Deuterons from plasma are accelerated by pulse voltage and produces neutrons on cylindrical cathode symmetrically surrounding the anode. Magnetic field was used to suppress knock on parasitic electron current in the accelerating gap. Computer simulation with code SUMA* was fulfilled to investigate output neutron flow dependence on laser produced plasma density, magnetic fields and pulse voltage shapes and amplitudes, cathode and anode materials. The results obtained are in a good agreement with conducted experiments on diode with electron conductivity suppressed by magnetic field produced by permanent magnets**.
*V.I.Rashchikov, Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear Physics Investigations, 10(18), 50 (1990).
**A.E.Shikanov et al., Atomic energy, 119, No.4, 258 (2016).
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WEPVA051 Power Converters for the ESS Warm Magnets quadrupole, beam-transport, linac, dipole 3372
  • R. Visintini, M. Cautero
    Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Basovizza, Italy
  • G. Göransson, C.A. Martins, P.J. Torri
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  In the framework of the Italian In-Kind Contribution (IKC) to the construction of the European Spallation Source (ESS), Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste is in charge of providing some key equipment for the accelerator. Among them, there are the magnets and the associated power converters for the Linac Warm Units (LWU), the High Energy Beam Transport (HEBT) dogleg, the Dump Line (DmpL) and the Accelerator to Target (A2T) sections of the neutron source. Magnets and their power converters are complementary parts of common systems. Their design cannot be totally separated, requiring iterations for an optimal solution that should include also power cable standardization. This work will describe the power converters' solutions adopted for the magnets of the above-mentioned sections. They comprise 4-Quadrant power converters for the correctors, compact DC power converters for the small quadrupole magnets and more powerful DC power converters for the dipole and large quadrupole magnets.  
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WEPVA066 The ESS Target Proton Beam Imaging System as in-Kind Contribution target, proton, radiation, operation 3422
  • E. Adli, R. Andersson, D.M. Bang, O. Dorholt, H. Gjersdal, O. Røhne
    University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
  • M.G. Ibison, C.P. Welsch
    The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
  • S. Joshi
    University College West, Trollhätan, Sweden
  • T.J. Shea, C.A. Thomas
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  Funding: This work is part of the Norwegian in-kind contribution to ESS.
The ESS Target Proton Beam Imaging System will image the 5 MW ESS proton beam as it enters the spallation target. The system will operate in a harsh radiation environment, leading to a number of challenges: development of radiation hard photon sources, long aperture-restricted optical paths, and fast electronics to provide rapid response to beam anomalies. The newly formed accelerator group at the University of Oslo is the in-kind partner for the Imaging System. This paper outlines the main challenges of the Imaging System and how they are addressed within the collaborative nature of the in-kind project.
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WEPVA102 Design of the New CERN nTOF Neutron Spallation Target: R&D and Prototyping Activities target, interface, operation, proton 3503
  • R. Esposito, M. Calviani, T. Coiffet, M. Delonca, L. Dufay-Chanat, E. Gallay, M. Guinchard, D. Horvath, T. Koettig, A.P. Perez, A.T. Perez Fontenla, A. Perillo-Marcone, S. Sgobba, M.A. Timmins, A. Vacca, V. Vlachoudis
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • M. Beregret
    UTBM, Belfort, France
  • L. Gomez Pereira
    University of Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain
  • F. Latini
    University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, Italy
  • R. Logé
    EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
  A new spallation target for the CERN neutron time-of-flight facility will be installed during Long Shutdown 2 (2019-2020), with the objective of improving operational reliability, avoiding water contamination of spallation products, corrosion/erosion and creep phenomena, as well as optimizing it for the 20 m distant vertical experimental area 2, whilst keeping the same physics performances of the current target at the 200 m far experimental area 1. Several solutions have been studied with FLUKA Monte Carlo simulations in order to find the optimal solution with respect to neutron fluence, photon background, resolution function, energy deposition and radiation damage. Thermo-mechanical studies (including CFD simulations) have been performed in order to evaluate and optimize the target ability to withstand the beam loads in terms of maximum temperatures reached, cooling system efficiency, maximum stresses, creep and fatigue behaviour of the target materials, leading to a preliminary mechanical design of the target. This paper also covers the further prototyping and material characterization activities carried out in order to validate the feasibility of the investigated solutions.  
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THPAB075 Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors for Profitable Disposition of Surplus Weapons-Grade Plutonium and Energy Generation proton, target, simulation, operation 3883
  • M.A. Cummings, R.J. Abrams, R.P. Johnson, T.J. Roberts
    Muons, Inc, Illinois, USA
  We discuss the GEM*STAR reactor concept, which addresses all historical reactor failures, which includes an internal spallation neutron target and high temperature molten salt fuel with continuous purging of volatile radioactive fission products such that the reactor contains less than a critical mass and almost a million times fewer volatile radioactive fission products than conventional reactors like those at Fukushima. GEM*STAR is a reactor that without redesign will burn spent nuclear fuel, natural uranium, thorium, or surplus weapons material. It will operate without the need for a critical core, fuel enrichment, or reprocessing making it an excellent candidate for export. While conventional nuclear reactors are becoming more and more difficult to license and expensive to build, SRF technology development is on a steep learning curve and the simplicity implied by subcritical operation will lead to reductions in regulatory hurdles and construction complexity.  
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THPIK061 3D Model Analysis of Cavity for CSNS DTL DTL, cavity, simulation, insertion 4236
  • P.H. Qu, M.X. Fan, B. Li, Y. Wang
    CSNS, Guangdong Province, People's Republic of China
  • Q. Chen, K.Y. Gong, A.H. Li, H.C. Liu, F.X. Zhao
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  An Alvarez-type Drift tube linac (DTL) was utilized to accelerate an H ion beam from 3 MeV to 80 MeV of China Spallation neutron source (CSNS). RF field profile is always deviate from the design curve due to errors in fabrication and assembly of the structure cells, thus RF tuning of DTL is necessary. CSNS DTL operates in zero mode and has long tank, so accelerating field of which is unstable, this problem was solved through adding post couplers at the both side of cavity wall. In order to speed up the schedule of DTL low power RF tuning, we analyzed the operating mode, field flatness with slug tuners, field stabilization with post couplers by CST Micro wave studio (MWS) mainly with eigenmode solver in advance. Considering saving the computer memory and increasing the calculation speed, we divided each tank model into three short units. Slug tuner depth and PC-DT gap of DTL-1 and DTL-3 by simulation were shown which improved the efficiency of CSNS DTL RF tuning.  
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THPIK109 The RF Distribution System for the ESS detector, cavity, linac, insertion 4352
  • T.R. Edgecock, N. Turner
    University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield, United Kingdom
  • P. Aden, D. Naeem, R. Smith
    STFC/DL, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  • A. Sunesson, R.A. Yogi
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  The RF distribution system for the European Spallation Source will be one of the largest systems ever built. It will distribute the power from 146 power sources to the two types of ESS cavity at two different frequencies and will use one line per cavity for resilience. It will consist of a total of around 3.5 km of waveguide and coaxial line and over 1500 hundred bends. It is designed to transport this RF power over a distance of up to 40m per line, while minimising losses, avoiding reflections and allowing the monitoring of performance. This contribution will give an overview of the design of the system and its status. Installation is due to start in September 2017.  
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THPVA054 Research of the Chinese Spallation Neutron Source Stripper Foil vacuum, injection, ion, proton 4562
  • J.X. Chen
    CSNS, Guangdong Province, People's Republic of China
  • L. Kang, J.B. Yu
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  Funding: This research was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China No.11375217.
In the injection process of spallation neutron source, the effect of the stripper foil is extremely critical, which is the key equipment to realize the conversion of negative hydrogen ions into proton injection. This paper mainly introduces the research of Chinese Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) stripper foil. The CSNS stripper foil is a diamond-like carbon (DLC) foil with a thickness of 100 micrograms per square centimetre. This paper introduces the study of the thickness of the CSNS stripper foil, the installation method and the installation process in the tunnel site. Simultaneously, the influence of the gas flow rate of the vacuum chamber on the vibration of the foils is simulated. In the end of this paper, the research plan and follow-up of the experimental equipment of the stripper foil are introduced.
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THPVA065 Working Concept of 12.5 kW Tuning Dump at ESS linac, simulation, proton, target 4591
  • Y. Lee, M. Eshraqi, S. Ghatnekar Nilsson, Y.I. Levinsen, R. Miyamoto, S. Molloy, M. Möller, A. Olsson, T.J. Shea, C.A. Thomas, M. Wilborgsson
    ESS, Lund, Sweden
  • F. Sordo
    ESS Bilbao, Zamudio, Spain
  The linac system at the European Spallation Source (ESS) will deliver 2~GeV protons at 5~MW beam power. The accelerated protons from the linac will be transported to the rotating tungsten target by two bending magnets. A tuning beam dump will be provided at the end of the linac, downstream of the first bending magnet. This tuning dump shall be able to handle at least 12.5 kW of beam power. In this paper, we present the working concept of the tuning dump. The impact of the proton beam induced material damage on the operational loads and service lifetime of the tuning dump is analysed. A number of particle transport and finite-element simulations are performed for the tuning beam modes.  
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THPVA069 NSC KIPT Experience in Use of Laser Tracker Leica at 401 in Equipment Alignment of 100 MeV/100 KW Electron Linear Accelerator of Neutron Source Driver target, survey, quadrupole, electron 4604
  • M. Moisieienko, O. Bezditko, I.M. Karnaukhov, A. Mytsykov, A.Y. Zelinsky
    NSC/KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine
  For successful operation of electron linear accelerator that is driver of NSC KIPT Neutron source it is necessary that all the acceleration sections and all the electromagnetic elements should be installed in design position according to the designed lattice. Accuracies of all electromagnetic elements installation are 150 mkm in transverse positions and 200 mrad for all three rotation directions. The whole process, fiducialization and developing of coordinate net, is controlled by Laser tracker Leica AT 401. Well-planned methods allow to realize uniform irradiation of neutron-generation target.  
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THPVA070 Cooling and Thermo Stabilization System of 100MeV/100kW Electron Linear Accelerator of Neutron Source Driver electron, operation, controls, klystron 4607
  • M. Moisieienko, I.M. Karnaukhov, A. Mytsykov, A.Y. Zelinsky
    NSC/KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine
  Cooling system and temperature control technology elements of the linear electron accelerator of 100 MeV/100kW is a complex technological system composed of three subsystems: the cooling klystron gallery equipment (30 C ± 1), cooling of the accelerator tunnel equipment (30 C ± 1) and the cooling and temperature control accelerating sections and waveguide (40 ° C ± 0,2). The block diagram of cooling and temperature control of the linear electron accelerator of 100 MeV/100 kW, describes the basic principles to formulate requirements to the cooling systems. It describes the status of the installation, commissioning and testing of the cooling and temperature control of the accelerator - driver subcritical neutron source KIPT.  
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THPVA089 Optimization Study on Production of Mo-99 Using High Power Electron Accelerator Linac target, electron, linac, photon 4667
  • A. Taghibi Khotbeh-Sara, F. Rahmani
    KNTU, Tehran, Iran
  • S. Ahmadiannamin
    ILSF, Tehran, Iran
  • F. Ghasemi
    NSTRI, Tehran, Iran
  Molybdenum-99 is used for preparing 99mTc, which is the most widely used isotope in nuclear medicine. As a recent and now shortages in reactor-based supplies of 99Mo/99mTc and also some problems due to the time limitation in a direct production approach such as 100Mo(p, 2n)99mTc reaction by cyclotrons, many of developed countries have started the plan to produce this type of radioisotopes based on the production of non-reactor methods, especially by linac. In this study, the investigation on 99Mo production based on high power electron linac as an alternative approach has been performed, in which the use of 100Mo(gamma, n)99Mo (photoneutron production) has been proposed.  
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THPVA097 Estimation and Measurements of Radiation Dose Distibution for the Radiation Test Area in J-PARC Main Ring radiation, proton, photon, operation 4689
  • M.J. Shirakata
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  The J-PARC main ring has a beam collimator system in the first straight section for the beam halo rejection. Though it makes a high radiation area in the ring which requires a serious maintenance scheme, a high radiation dose can be applied to the tests of radiation resistible devices. The radiation dose distribution was estimated by using PHITS code, and it was confirmed by dose meas-urements using RadMon, nanoDot OSL dosimeters with continuous monitoring of beam losses. The availability of the radiation test area in the accelerator ring is reported in this paper.  
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THPVA098 Development of a 3.95 Mev X-Band Linac-Driven X-Ray Combined Neutron Source target, experiment, detector, linac 4692
  • J.M. Bereder, K. Dobashi, Y. Mitsuya, M. Uesaka
    The University of Tokyo, Nuclear Professional School, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
  • M. Ishida, Y. Ohshima
    PWRI, Ibaraki, Japan
  • J. Kusano
    Accuthera Inc., Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan
  • Y. Takahashi
    The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
  • Y. Tanaka
    The University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science, Tokyo, Japan
  Funding: Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI), Cross-Ministrial Strategic Innovation Promo-tion Program (SIP), Japan Science and Technoogy Agency (JST)
The existing non-destructive inspection method employed for concrete structures uses high energy X-rays to detect internal flaws in concrete structures and iron reinforcing rods. In addition to this conventional method, the authors are developing an innovative inspection system that uses a mobile compact linac-driven neutron source that utilizes neutron backscattering, to measure the moisture content in concrete structures and estimate the corrosion probability distribution of iron reinforcing rods. By combining the knowledge of the moisture distribution in concrete structures with the information of its inner structure, the remaining life of concrete structures can be estimated. Further experiments will be conducted in the laboratory, and the moisture detection experiment in the real bridge is scheduled for 2017.
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THPVA100 Future Plans of ADS Proton Drivers at Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute proton, extraction, synchrotron, kicker 4695
  • Y. Ishi, Y. Kuriyama, Y. Mori, T. Uesugi
    Kyoto University, Research Reactor Institute, Osaka, Japan
  The accelerator complex using FFAG synchrotrons at Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute has been operated for the ADS experiments connecting the 100 MeV proton beam line with the research reactor facility KUCA (Kyoto University Critical Assembly) since 2009. Number of neutrons produced through the nuclear spallation process strongly depends on the beam energy of the pri- mary protons. If the beam energy is increased from 100 MeV to 400 MeV, the number of neutrons corresponding to single primary proton is increased by a factor of 20. Therefore, the energy upgrade of the accelerator facility is desired by the reactor physicists. A new 400 MeV FFAG synchrotron has been designed. The results of the feasibility study of the 400 MeV ring will be presented.  
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THPVA123 Neutron Doses Due to Beam Losses in a Novel Concept of a Proton Therapy Gantry proton, simulation, beam-losses, dipole 4736
  • V. Talanov, D.C. Kiselev, D. Meer, V. Rizzoglio, J.M. Schippers, M. Seidel, M. Wohlmuther
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  A novel design of a gantry for proton therapy is investigated in which a degrader and emittance limiting collimators are mounted on the gantry. Due to the interactions of protons in these components there will be an additional neutron dose at the location where a patient is positioned during a proton therapy. The results of numerical study of this additional dose are presented. Neutron prompt dose at the patient position is estimated through the Monte Carlo simulation using the MCNPX 2.7.0 particle transport code. Secondary neutron and photon fluxes from the distinct beam loss points are taken into consideration and the resulting dose is calculated using realistic estimates of beam losses. The dependence of the dose on the beam energy and individual impacts of each loss point on the total dose at the patient position as well as on critical beam line components are estimated and potential design constraints are discussed. It has been found that compared with a conventional gantry the expected additional dose is higher but the optimization of the beam line configuration and additional shielding shall help to reduce the dose to an acceptable value.  
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THPVA129 Spatial Distributions of natU(n, f), 238U(n, g) Reaction Rates in Spallation Neutron Fields Produced by Deuterons and 12C Ions on the Massive Uranium Target target, detector, experiment, simulation 4753
  • A. Zhadan, V.V. Sotnikov, V.A. Voronko
    NSC/KIPT, Kharkov, Ukraine
  • S.I. Tyutyunnikov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  • P. Zhivkov
    INRNE, Sofia, Bulgaria
  The results of the experiments carried out within the framework of Energy and Transmutation of RAW at JINR NUCLOTRON accelerator are presented. The target assembly QUINTA consisting of 512 kg natural uranium was irradiated by deuteron and carbon beams with energies 1, 2, 4 and 8 GeV (deuterons), 24 and 48 GeV (carbon). Spatial distribution and total number of capture reaction and fission reaction rates was obtained using the activation technique. The integral number of fissions reactions in the volume of uranium target remains approximately constant within our statistical errors for 1, 2, 4 and 8 GeV deuteron beams and for 24 and 48 GeV carbon beams (per one primary particle and per 1 GeV of beam energy). For the integral number of capture reactions with deuteron beams we have seen maximum at 2 GeV. Some of the obtained experimental data was analyzed using the MCNPX transport code. For spatial distribution of reaction rates in case of 4 and 8 GeV deuteron beams we have seen a discrepancy between the experimental and calculated values in backward direction.  
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FRYAA1 Discovery of the Island of Stability for Super Heavy Elements target, ion, detector, heavy-ion 4848
  • Y.T. Oganessian
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  The existence of a region of hypothetical Super Heavy Elements (SHE) forming region (island) with high stability in the vicinity of the doubly magic nucleus 298 114 was postulated in the mid-1960s. For more than 30 years, scientists hard searched for naturally occurring SHEs and unsuccessfully attempted to synthesize them using heavy ion accelerators. Over the past 15 years the breakthroughs in heavy element synthesis has achieved, using rare actinide targets irradiated with 48Ca beams. More than 52 neutron-rich nuclei including the isotopes of the new element 113-118 and their alpha-decay product where synthesized for the first time. SHE with Z> 40% larger than that of Bi show an impressive extension in nuclear survival: the map of the nuclides have extended up to mass number 294, the 7th row of the periodic Table have completed. The talk will cover this achievement and will give an outlook for the field including any plans at the new facilities: SHE-Factory, SPIRAL-2 and others.  
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