Keyword: septum
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MOPIK033 The Development of a New Low Field Septum Magnet System for Fast Extraction in Main Ring of J-PARC feedback, operation, extraction, power-supply 573
  • T. Shibata, K. Ishii, H. Matsumoto, N. Matsumoto, T. Sugimoto
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • K.J. Kuanjun
    HUST, Wuhan, People's Republic of China
  The J-PARC Main Ring (MR) is being upgraded to improve its beam power to the design goal of 750 kW. One important way is to reduce the repetition period from 2.48 s to 1.3 s so that the beam power can be nearly doubled. We need to improve the septum magnets for fast extraction. We are improving the magnets and their power supplies. The present magnets which is conventional type have problem in durability of septum coil by its vibration, and large leakage field. The new magnets are eddy current type. The eddy current type does not have septum coil, but has a thin plate. We expect that there is no problem in durability, we can construct the thin septum plate, the leakage field can be reduced. The output of the present power supply are pattern current which of flat top is 10 ms width, the new one is short pulse which of one is 10 us. The short pulse consists of 1st and 3rd higher harmonic. We can expect that the flatness and reproducibility of flat top current can be improved. The calorific power can be also reduced. This paper will report the field measurement results with the eddy septum magnet systems.  
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MOPIK034 The New High Field Injection Septum Magnet System for Main Ring of J-PARC injection, operation, power-supply, flattop 576
  • T. Shibata, K. Ishii, H. Matsumoto, N. Matsumoto, T. Sugimoto
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • K. Fan
    HUST, Wuhan, People's Republic of China
  We are improving the Main Ring (MR) for beam power of 750 kw which is the first goal of J-PARC. The repetition period of the fast extraction must be short to 1.3 second from the current period of 2.48 second for the improvement of the beam power. We exchanged a injection septum magnet which are located at the injection line from RCS to MR and its power supply in summer of 2016. It was necessary to exchange, because the previous injection septum system can not be operated with 1.3 second repetition. The development of the new injection septum magnet and its power supply in which the maximum repetition are 1Hz and the order od the leakage field are 10-4 of the gap field were completed in 2016. In this presentation, we will report the final results of its performance, e.g. the magnetic fields and stability of the output current and field, and the beam performance after installation in MR with the new injection magnet.  
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MOPIK044 The Use of a Passive Scatterer for SPS Slow Extraction Beam Loss Reduction scattering, extraction, proton, simulation 607
  • B. Goddard, B. Balhan, J.C.C.M. Borburgh, M.A. Fraser, L.S. Stoel, F.M. Velotti
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  A significant reduction in the fraction of protons lost on the SPS electrostatic septum ES during resonant slow extraction is highly desirable for present Fixed-Target beam operation, and will become mandatory for the proposed SHiP experiment, which is now being studied in the framework of CERN's Physics Beyond Colliders program. In this paper the possible use of a passive scattering device (diffuser) is investigated. The physics processes underlying the use of a diffuser are described, and the dependence on the diffuser geometry, material and location of the potential loss reduction on the electrostatic septum (ES) wires is investigated with a semi-analytical approach. Numerical simulations to quantify the expected performance gain for the optimum configuration are presented, and the results discussed in view of the feasibility of a potential realisation in the SPS.  
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MOPIK050 Reduction of Resonant Slow Extraction Losses with Shadowing of Septum Wires by a Bent Crystal extraction, proton, simulation, collimation 631
  • F.M. Velotti, M.A. Fraser, B. Goddard, V. Kain, W. Scandale, L.S. Stoel
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  A new experiment, SHiP, is being studied at CERN to investigate the existence of three Heavy Neutral Leptons in order to give experimental proof to the proposed neutrino minimal Standard Model. High-intensity slow-extraction of protons from the SPS is a pre-requisite for SHiP. The experiment requires a resonant extraction with in a 7.2 s cycle, and about 4·1013 protons extracted at 400 GeV in a 1 s flat-top, to achieve the needed 2·1020 protons on target in five years. Although the SPS has delivered this in the past to the CNGS experiment with fast extraction, for SHiP beam losses and activation of the SPS electrostatic extraction septum (ZS) could be a serious performance limitation, since the target number of protons to resonantly extract per year is a factor of two higher than ever achieved before and a factor of four than ever reached with the third-integer slow extraction. In this paper, a novel extraction technique to significantly reduce the losses at the ZS is proposed, based on the use of a bent crystal to shadow the septum wires. Theoretical concepts are developed, the performance gain quantified and a possible layout proposed.  
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MOPIK104 Top-Up Injection With Anti-Septum injection, kicker, simulation, storage-ring 774
  • C.H. Gough, M. Aiba
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  We present a novel improvement for injection into the very restricted machine aperture of future light source synchrotrons. A conventional injection scheme is based on a septum to deflect the injected bunch plus a fast pulsed three or four kicker bump to bring the stored beam close to the septum wall. With the novel improvement, the bump kickers are fitted with a thin wall longitudinal metal plate which screens the injected bunch from deflection without changing the stored beam bump behaviour. This metal screen then forms the final septum, but inverted in function of the conventional approach, hence the name anti-septum. The approach does not remove the need for the main septum magnet, but for modest cost it permits the injected bunch to be brought closer to the stored beam. Application of the anti-septum to the SLS-2 project and simulation results on a prototype are presented.  
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MOPIK105 Preliminary Study of Injection Transients in TPS Storage Ring injection, vacuum, kicker, storage-ring 777
  • C.H. Chen, B.Y. Chen, J.Y. Chen, M.-S. Chiu, S. Fann, C.S. Huang, C.-C. Kuo, T.Y. Lee, C.C. Liang, Y.-C. Liu, G.-H. Luo, H.-J. Tsai, F.H. Tseng
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  An optimized injection efficiency is related to a perfect match between the pulsed magnetic fields in the storage ring and transfer line extraction in the TPS. However, misalignment errors, hardware output errors and leakage fields are unavoidable. We study the influence of injection transients on the stored TPS beam and discuss solutions to compensate these. Related simulations and measurements will be presented.  
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TUPAB062 Single Dipole Kicker Injection Into the Sesame Storage Ring injection, kicker, dipole, storage-ring 1463
  • K. Manukyan, I.A. Abid, M. Attal, M. Ebbeni, E. Huttel
    SESAME, Allan, Jordan
  SESAME (Synchrotron Radiation Light Source in Allan, Jordan) consists of an 800 MeV injector (original from BESSY I, Berlin, Germany) and a 2.5 GeV storage ring. Extraction out of the Booster is done by means of a bumper, a delay-line kicker, and a direct driven in-vacuum septum. This paper will present the injection procedure into the storage ring. Simulations of the injection process are compared to the results obtained during commissioning  
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TUPIK121 Dark Sector Experiments at LCLS-II (DASEL) Accelerator Design kicker, FEL, experiment, laser 2008
  • Y.M. Nosochkov, T.G. Beukers, A.R. Fry, C. Hast, T.W. Markiewicz, T.K. Nelson, N. Phinney, T.O. Raubenheimer, P.C. Schuster, N. Toro
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Funding: Work supported by the US DOE Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515.
DASEL (Dark Sector Experiments at LCLS-II) is a new accelerator and detector facility proposed to be built at SLAC. Its primary target is a direct observation of dark matter produced in electron-nuclear fixed-target collisions. DASEL takes advantage of the LCLS-II free electron laser (FEL) under construction at SLAC which will deliver a continuous electron beam from a 4-GeV superconducting linac. DASEL will operate parasitically to the LCLS-II FEL by extracting low intensity unused dark current bunches downstream of the FEL kickers. The DASEL key accelerator components include a 46-MHz gun laser system providing controlled intensity and timing of the dark current, a fast (MHz) kicker with 600-ns flat-top, a new transport line connecting the LCLS-II to the existing A-line and to End Station-A where the experiments will take place, and a spoiler and collimator system in the A-line for final shaping of the DASEL beam. An overview of the DASEL accelerator system is presented.
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WEPIK006 Cancellation of the Leak Field from Lambertson Septum for the Beam Abort System in the SuperKEKB quadrupole, coupling, sextupole, emittance 2918
  • N. Iida, M. Kikuchi, K. Kodama, T. Mimashi, T. Mori, Y. Ohnishi, K. Oide, H. Sugimoto, M. Tawada
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  The first commissioning of SuperKEKB, Phase 1, was performed from February 2016 for five months. A Lambertson septum magnet is utilized to vertically extract the aborted beam, kicked by the horizontal abort kickers upstream into a beam dump. This magnet creates unexpected leak field with a non-negligible skew quadrupole component to the stored beam. Two kinds of skew quadrupole magnets are installed on both sides of the Lambertson septum. One is additional skew windings on the sextupole magnet, and the other is a skew quadrupole magnet with permanent magnets. This paper will report that the cancellations of the leak fields was successful and useful for optics correction.  
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WEPIK013 Electron Beam Injection Septum injection, electron, emittance, synchrotron 2943
  • T. Mori, N. Iida, M. Kikuchi, T. Mimashi, Y. Sakamoto, S. Takasaki, M. Tawada
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  The SuperKEKB project is in progress toward the initial physics run in autumn 2018. It assumes the nano-beam scheme, in which the emittance of the colliding beams is 4.6 nm. To achieve such a low emittance, it is vitally important to preserve the emittance during the transport of the beam from the linac to the main ring. One of the most difficult sections is the injection system. Since the dynamic aperture is small for the low emittance, the allowed distances between the stored beam and the injected beam at the injection point are 7.8 mm for the betatron injection and 7.2 mm for the synchrotron injection. The new septum magnets has been constructed and installed in the beam line after the measurement of magnetic flux density and aging test. It has been also checked the septum magnets are capable of design orbit. The initial beam injection succeeded on schedule and they had been operated without any big troubles in the first beam run of Phase-1.  
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WEPVA059 Construction of the New Septum Magnet Systems for PF-Advanced Ring injection, vacuum, linac, storage-ring 3398
  • A. Ueda, S. Asaoka, T. Honda, S. Nagahashi, N. Nakamura, T. Nogami, H. Takaki, T. Uchiyama
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  From July 2016 we are constructing a new beam transport (BT) line for the Photon Factory Advanced Ring (PF-AR). The new BT line was designed to transport the full energy 6.5-GeV beam directly from the LINAC, and the top up injection will be possible for the PF-AR. We designed and produced new pulsed septum magnet systems for this project. Two pulsed septum magnets are used for the injection of the 6.5-GeV beam. The septum magnets were constructed with a passive type magnet, a copper eddy current shield and a silicon steel magnetic shield. The magnetic fields of these magnets have been measured by the search coil method. We paid attention to evaluating eddy current losses of the SUS beam duct in the magnetic field measurement.  
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WEPVA064 The Pulsed Power Supplies of the SESAME Booster and Storage Ring kicker, injection, booster, extraction 3415
  • E. Huttel, I.A. Abid, S.Kh. Jafar
    SESAME, Allan, Jordan
  SESAME the Synchrotron Radiation Light Source in Allan (Jordan) consists of an 800 MeV injector (original from BESSY I, Berlin, Germany) and a 2.5 GeV Storagering. Injection into the Booster is done by an electrostatic Septum and one stripline kicker. Extraction out of the Booster is done by means of a bumper magnet, a strip-line-line kicker and a direct driven in-vacuum septum. Injection into the Storagering is done by a direct driven out-off vacuum septum and one kicker. The pulses of all septa are full sine, the ones of the kicker half sine with exception of the extraction kicker (flat-top). Extraction Kicker and Storage ring injection kicker are switched by Thyratron, all others via transistors. This report describes the injection and extraction optics and the results of the commissioning.  
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THPVA109 Design and Fuild-Solid-Heat Coupling Analysis of an Electrostatic Deflector for Hust SCC250 Proton Therapy Facility proton, cyclotron, extraction, coupling 4713
  • S. Hu, K. Fan, L.X.F. Li, Z.Y. Mei, Z.J. Zeng, L.G. Zhang
    HUST, Wuhan, People's Republic of China
  The study of proton therapy equipment has earned more and more attention in recent years in China. A superconducting cyclotron based proton therapy facility is being developed for/at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). The proton beam is extracted by means of electrostatic deflectors followed by a series of magnetic channels. This paper introduces the design of an electrostatic deflector, including the structure optimization and the material selections. In order to minimize the risk of destruction caused by the proton beam loss, fluid-solid-heat coupling analysis for the deflector has been conducted by applying computational fluid dynamics (CFD) on ANSYS 16.0 software. The maximum temperatures of the septum in various cases of cooling water speed, septum thickness and material have been investigated respectively. The result based on thermal analysis will give us a valuable reference to choose a suitable configuration for the deflector.  
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