Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOPIK028 | Simulation Study of Halo Collimation in the TRIUMF Ariel Proton Beam Line | proton, collimation, scattering, simulation | 557 |
Funding: Funded under a contribution agreement with NRC (National Research Council of Canada). Capital funding from CFI (Canada Foundation for Innovation). The TRIUMF 500 MeV H− cyclotron uses stripping foil extraction to drive several proton beam lines serving different experimental programs. As part of TRIUMF's Ariel facility now under construction, a new proton beam line 4-North will be installed to transport up to 100 microamps of 480 MeV protons to an ISOL target station for rare isotope beam production. This beam line has been designed for low-loss (< 1nA/m) operation and provides space for a collimator to remove the beam halo produced by large-angle scattering in the cyclotron extraction foil. We have studied proton loss patterns and collimation efficiency using simulation codes: the older REVMOC program and a fully 3D simulation based on Geant4, with all particle interactions in matter included. Scattering in the foil is treated by a separate iterated single-scatter model. Using these tools we arrive at a prototype design for an effective collimator. |
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MOPIK030 | Design of a Beamline From a TR24 Cyclotron for Biological Tissues Irradiation | emittance, proton, quadrupole, dipole | 564 |
Funding: The PRECy project is supported by the Contrat de Projet Etat-Région (CPER) Alsace Champagne-Ardenne Lorraine. The PRECy project foresees the use of a 16-25 MeV energy proton beam produced by the recently installed TR24 cyclotron, CYRCé, at the Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC) of Strasbourg for biological tissues irradiation. One of the exit ports of the cyclotron will be used for this application along with a combination magnet. The platform will consist of up to 3 or 5 experimental stations linked to beamlines in a dedicated area next to the cyclotron vault. One of the beamlines will receive proton beams of a few cm diameter at intensities up to 100 nA. The status of the design of this first beam line is presented. |
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MOPIK092 | Computer Modelling of the SC202 Superconducting Cyclotron for Hadron Therapy | simulation, extraction, resonance, proton | 742 |
The SC202 superconducting cyclotron for hadron therapy is under development by collaboration of ASIPP (Hefei, China) and JINR (Dubna, Russia). The accelerator will provide about 200 MeV proton beam with maximum current of 1μA in 2017-2018. We have performed simulations of all systems of the SC202 cyclotron and specified the main parameters of magnet, acceleration system and extraction elements. | |||
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TUPIK030 | Characterization of the AMIT Internal Ion Source With a Devoted DC Extraction Test Bench | ion, ion-source, cathode, electron | 1740 |
Funding: Work partially funded under the Resolution of the Spanish Ministery of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness dated May 24 th, 2016 and project FIS2013-40860-R With the main aim of a compact machine for 18F and 11C radioisotope production, AMIT cyclotron relies on a superconducting 4T magnet with an internal cold cathode PIG ion source for H− production. Given the limited access to the ion source in the cyclotron as well the reduced number of beam diagnostics, an experimental facility was proposed for the commissioning of such ion source. The versatility of this test bench, which includes a movable puller, gives us the opportunity to validate and characterize the ion source behavior as well as to optimize the H− production. In a first stage, the discharge characteristics of the ion source has been studied in the CIEMAT IST facilities. |
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TUPVA113 | The Feature of Magnetic Field Formation of Multi-Purpose Isochronous Cyclotron DC280 | acceleration, ion, extraction, ion-source | 2352 |
At the present time the activities on creation of the new heavy-ion isochronous cyclotron DC280 are carried out at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The isochronous cyclotron DC-280 will produce accelerated beam of ions A/Z= 4 - 7 with a smooth variation of the beam energy W= 4 ' 8 MeV/n. The variation of energy is provided by the wide range of the magnetic field levels from 0.64T till 1.32T and usage of the 11 radial and 4 pairs of harmonic correcting coils. In the work the results of calculations and final measurements of the magnetic field are presented. The magnetic field of cyclotron DC-280 is formed in a good conformity with results of computer modeling. | |||
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TUPVA129 | Energy Efficiency and Saving Potential Analysis of the High Intensity Proton Accelerator HIPA at PSI | proton, cavity, neutron, cryogenics | 2399 |
High power proton machines consume a large amount of energy. Thus, the energy efficiency of grid to beam power conversion is particularly important for the overall power consumption of such facilities. In this study, we analyse the energy efficiency of PSI's cyclotron-based HIPA facility, which presently delivers a maximum of 1.4 MW beam power. The total power consumption of the entire facility is 12.5 MW at 2.2 mA beam current (1.3 MW). Main power consumers are: RF systems, electromagnets, water cooling and auxiliary systems including infrastructure, each consuming 5.3 MW, 3.6 MW, 1.65 MW and 1.95 MW, respectively. HIPA's grid to beam efficiency is 18.3% when considering only those parts of any subsystems (RF components, magnets, cooling, and auxiliary systems), which are minimally required to produce a full 1.3 MW beam. The dependency of individual subsystems on beam power was also studied. These findings serve as a basis for further optimizations of the HIPA facility and give a reference of the efficiency estimate for the cyclotron-based high power machines.
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WEPVA053 | New Extraction Line for the Lns Cyclotron | extraction, ion, emittance, quadrupole | 3378 |
The LNS Superconducting Cyclotron will be modified to allow the extraction by stripper of ion beams with power up to 10 kW. By choosing properly the position of the stripper foils and of the corrector magnetic channels, it is possible to convoy the trajectories of the selected representative ion beams across a new extraction channel. It is mandatory to design a new extraction line to transport these beams to the existing beam transport line. The extracted beams have an energy spread of about ±0.4%, so, the new extraction line has to compensate the correlation energy-position of the beam and to produce an achromatic waist of the beam at the common starting point of the existing transport lines. The main changes of the cyclotron will be briefly described and the performance and the features of the new extraction line will be presented too. | |||
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WEPVA054 | Study of The New Return Yoke for The Upgraded Superconducting Cyclotron of INFN-LNS | extraction, ion, experiment, acceleration | 3381 |
The LNS Superconducting Cyclotron (CS) has been working for 20 years making available a wide range of ions and energies. Its operational diagram is peculiar and many experiment are performed each year. In the near future a major upgrade is planned. This will allow to overcome the major limitation of the CS, which is the beam power limited at 100 W. In the new version of the CS, the extracted beam power will be increased up to a factor 100. This improvement will be reached adding a new extraction line dedicated to a specific set of light ions and energies extracted by stripping. The new design could affect the beam dynamics strongly. Indeed, the iron yoke penetrations don't respect the three folds symmetry of our cyclotron. This inhomogeneity produces unwanted field harmonics, which have to be reduced as much as possible to avoid beam precession or second order effects. Here the study accomplished to minimize the perturbation of the non-three fold field symmetry using the current sheet approximation (CSA) is presented, along with the state-of-art configuration of the updated cyclotron | |||
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WEPVA081 | Topology Optimization for a Superconducting Cyclotron Main Magnet | proton, extraction, software, target | 3446 |
Main magnet is the heaviest component in a superconducting cyclotron, which occupies a large amount of cost. Topology optimization method is implanted to minimize the weight of main magnet while keep the field performance, which will make significant economic benefit. Due to the powerful superconducting coils, the main magnet is driven into saturation, and the nonlinear effect of the material must be considered. If the ordinary standard density method is used for the main magnet structure optimization, the nonlinear B-H relation have to be interpolated and the sensitivity analysis is very complicated. In this paper, a proper 2D model is established and the optimization formulation is given using standard density method. Then, the optimized topology of the main magnet for a 250MeV superconducting proton cyclotron is designed. | |||
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WEPVA143 | Cooling-down and Cooling of Superconducting Magnets at 4.5K with Very Little Liquid Helium using Coolers* | cryogenics, superconducting-magnet, solenoid, factory | 3606 |
Funding: This work is supported in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation. The Michigan State University grant number is PHY0958726. Because liquid helium is often in short supply, it is often difficult to get helium for cooling superconducting magnets that are too large to be cryogen free magnets. Grade A helium is often available in high-pressure bottles, but not in large quantities. This report describes how one can cool-down and maintain a constant temperature of ~4.5 K in a superconducting magnet that has less than 5 L of liquid in the cryostat once it has been filled with liquid helium. One can do this with either GM coolers in the drop-in mode with pulsed tube coolers. The number of coolers needed to cool the magnet depends to the heat load at 4.5 K and the desired cool-down time for the magnet system. This type of cooling system is suitable for magnets that are away from a conventional large helium refrigeration system. Examples are S/C insertion (wigglers and undulators), spectrometer magnets, and ECR ion source magnets. |
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THPAB035 | Central Region Design of the Hust SCC250 Superconducting Cyclotron | ion-source, proton, injection, cathode | 3778 |
Recently, the development of a 250 MeV cyclotron for advanced cancer therapy has been carried out by Huazhong University of Science and Technology(HUST) . It has four sector magnet and RF cavity which resonance frequency is 74.69 MHz. The internal ion source was adopted and the central region was designed to accommodate the starting beam. In this paper, the design of the central region to optimize the initial circumstances for H¬+ beam were described. The electric and magnetic field distribution were designed by electrostatic and magnetic solver in OPERA-3D TOSCA. The beam characteristics including the beam orbit, motion of the center of orbit, energy gain was investigated for central region was simulated by means of computer code Z3CYCLONE. | |||
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THPAB077 | Opal Simulations of the PSI Ring Cyclotron and a Design for a Higher Order Mode Flat Top Cavity | cavity, simulation, flattop, injection | 3891 |
Funding: The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ 2007-2013) under grant agreement n.°290605 (PSI-FELLOW/COFUND). The PSI cyclotron has been producing high power proton beam for 41 years. Over its lifetime it has been upgraded from producing 100 μA to 2.2 mA at 590 MeV. As the power reaches higher levels, it become more important to understand how the machine's beam dynamics will reach to new features of devices introduced. We present an OPAL (Object Oriented Parallel Accelerator Library) model of the cyclotron and compared it to the probe measurements from the machine. This model has good agreement with the measurements over the ~180 revolutions in the machine. Using this same model, a higher order mode flat top cavity was inserted into the machine to illustrate that its design and field structure allowed beam to be extracted. The HOM cavity design will also be presented. This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. |
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THPIK080 | Magnetic Performance of the New ALBA Magnetic Measurements Bench for Closed Structures | dipole, undulator, simulation, controls | 4269 |
ALBA has designed and built a new magnetic measurement bench for closed structures, presented elsewhere. This bench has been fully built in-house and has been magnetically characterized at ALBA, showing excellent performance in terms of repeatability and accuracy. In the case of homogeneous fields, the accuracy reaches 10 microTesla, and in the case of undulators characterization, the accuracy of period determination reach 0.5 microns and the field accuracy is 60 microTesla. After this characterization, the bench has been moved to CIEMAT premises, and has been used to magnetically characterize the superconducting magnet of the AMIT cyclotron. In this paper we present the results of magnetic characterization of the bench as well as the first results of cyclotron measurements. | |||
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THPVA015 | Application of Modified KV-Distributions to Study the Phase Portrait Transformation of Intense Bunches in Magnetic Fields | emittance, optics, electronics, multipole | 4448 |
Modified KV-distribution functions are applied to study the intense bunch behavior in transverse magnetic fields. The functions used allow to consider both the emittance-dominated and charge-dominated bunches in 2D and 3D approximations. Peculiarities of the bunch phase portrait transformation in magnetic fields of achromatic structures are discussed. Particular case is proved to exist characterized by the absence of the emittance transfer. | |||
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THPVA062 | Fabrication and Tests of a RF Cavity for a Novel Compact Superconducting Cyclotron for Radioisotope Production | cavity, vacuum, simulation, pick-up | 4585 |
Funding: Work partially funded by CDTI and supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under project AMIT, within the subprogram CEN-20101014 The AMIT cyclotron will be a 8.5 MeV, 10 microAmp, CW, H− accelerator for radioisotope production, including a superconducting, weak focusing, 4 T magnet, allowing for a low extraction radius and a compact design. The cavity is a 60 MHz, quarter wave resonator powered by a modular 8 kW solid state amplifier. The design of the cavity dealed with challenging requirements: high electric fields required by a high voltage (60 kV) on a small gap, a small aperture of the magnet leading to high capacitances and thermal losses and a requirement for a low overall size of the cavity. The fabrication process included high precision machining, soft soldering, laser welding and careful metrologies, which are described together with other technical and practical aspects. The low power tests showed a good agreement with the simulations. The conditioning of the cavity was performed with a 1.1 T magnetic field applied on the central region. It was successfully finished regarding to maximum voltage reached, power losses and temperatures. The cavity was also tested at high power with a constant hydrogen flow injected in the central region (as expected in the cyclotron) with success. |
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THPVA077 | Turn-Key Beamlines for the 15 - 30 MeV Medical Cyclotron at VECC | target, vacuum, diagnostics, beam-diagnostic | 4631 |
Turn-key beamlines built by Danfysik are to be installed in 2017 at the medical cyclotron facility VECC in Kolkata, India. The beamlines will transport a 500 μA beam of 15 - 30 MeV protons to the target stations where they're used for the production of radioisotopes/radio-pharmaceuticals, and in research and development. A raster scanning system is used to generate an even dose distribution in a square or circular pattern. The beamline components, collimators, diagnostics, and helium cooled HAVAR separation foils protecting the beamlines and cyclotron from possible contamination from the targets are designed for the up to 15 kW beam power. | |||
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THPVA096 | Development of 11C+ Ion Source for Reacceleration With HIMAC for Real-Time Observation of Dose Distribution | ion, proton, dipole, ion-source | 4686 |
In order to improve the precision of dose distribution in a patient's body in the case of carbon therapy, realtime measurement of the dose distribution with the use of the so called OPEN PET is desirable. For realization of such a treatment, usage of isotope separator online scheme based on target fragment might be inevitable to keep the needed S/N ratio. From the above requirement, we have been developing 1+ ion source of positron emitting 11C+ ions*, which will be charge breeded before injection into the injector LINAC of the HIMAC. 11C+ ion is to be produced by a high intensity proton beam from a cyclotron. In the real process, a small cyclotron like HM20 might provide the proton beam, but at the development stage, we are planning investigation utilizing proton beam from the AVF cyclotron existing at NIRS with K-number of 110. In the present paper, the total scheme of radioactive ion re-acceleration will be described together with the recent ion source development.
* K. Katagiri et al., Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 02B509 (2016) |
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THPVA109 | Design and Fuild-Solid-Heat Coupling Analysis of an Electrostatic Deflector for Hust SCC250 Proton Therapy Facility | septum, proton, extraction, coupling | 4713 |
The study of proton therapy equipment has earned more and more attention in recent years in China. A superconducting cyclotron based proton therapy facility is being developed for/at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). The proton beam is extracted by means of electrostatic deflectors followed by a series of magnetic channels. This paper introduces the design of an electrostatic deflector, including the structure optimization and the material selections. In order to minimize the risk of destruction caused by the proton beam loss, fluid-solid-heat coupling analysis for the deflector has been conducted by applying computational fluid dynamics (CFD) on ANSYS 16.0 software. The maximum temperatures of the septum in various cases of cooling water speed, septum thickness and material have been investigated respectively. The result based on thermal analysis will give us a valuable reference to choose a suitable configuration for the deflector. | |||
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THPVA111 | Central Region Design for a Superconducting Cyclotron in the HUST Proton Therapy Facility | proton, ion, ion-source, extraction | 4716 |
A 250 MeV isochronous superconducting cyclotron was adopted in the HUST proton therapy facility. Since the proton beam quality is often limited by the parameters of the central region, special care is given to the design and optimization of the central region to obtain a qualified proton beam using for treatment. An internal proton PIG source with constant arc current is adopted to meet the stability requirements of the beam. Furthermore, a puller followed by an adjustable slit and a fixed vertical collimator are installed to maintain a good centering and vertical focusing beam with maximum intensity. In order to meet the requirement of the intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT), a vertical kicker is used just followed the puller. The central region structure is optimized iteratively with the simulation results of the OPERA3D and the CYCLONE code. An optimum central region structure has been obtained with RF phase acceptance is around 24°. This paper presents the design parameters of the central region and the results of the proton beam simulation. | |||
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THPVA112 | Progress of the Beamline and Energy Selection System for HUST Proton Therapy Facility | optics, proton, dipole, scattering | 4719 |
Funding: Work supported by The National Key Research and Development Program of China, with grant No. 2016YFC0105305 HUST proton therapy facility is a 5 years National Key Research and Development Program of China. This facil-ity is based on an isochronous superconducting cyclotron with two gantry treatment-rooms and one fixed beamline treatment station. The status for physical and technical design of the beamline and Energy Selection System (ESS) will be introduced in this paper. |
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THPVA120 | Present Status of the SC202 Superconducting Cyclotron Project | simulation, extraction, cavity, proton | 4730 |
In 2015 the joint project with ASIPP (Hefei, China) on design and construction of superconducting proton cyclotron SC202 was started. Two copies of SC202 shall be produced, according to the Collaboration Agreement between JINR and ASIPP. One will be used for proton therapy in Hefei and the second one will be used to replace the Phasotron in the research and treatment program on proton therapy at JINR. Recent status of the SC202 superconducting cyclotron for hadron therapy design and manufacture is presented. | |||
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THPVA121 | Focusing and Bunching of Ion Beam in Axial Injection Channel of IPHC Cyclotron TR24 | bunching, ion, focusing, solenoid | 4733 |
The CYRCé cyclotron (CYclotron pour la ReCherche et l'Enseignement) is used at IPHC (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien) for the production of radio-isotopes for diagnostics, medical treatments and fundamental research in radiobiology. The TR24 cyclotron produced and commercialized by ACSI (Canada) delivers a 16-25 MeV proton beam with intensity from few nA up to 500 mcA. The solenoidal focusing instead of existing quadrupole one is proposed in this report. The changing of the focusing elements will give the better beam matching with the acceptance of the spiral inflector of the cyclotron. The parameters of the focusing solenoid is found. Additionally, the main parameters of the bunching system are evaluated in the presence of the beam space charge. This system consists of the buncher installed in the axial injection beam line of the cyclotron. The using of the greedless multi harmonic buncher may increase the accelerated beam current and will give the opportunity to a new proton beam applications. | |||
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THPVA124 | Simulations and Measurements of Proton Beam Energy Spectrum After Energy Degradation | proton, simulation, dipole, superconducting-magnet | 4740 |
At the proton therapy facility PROSCAN of the Paul Scherrer Institute the energy modulation of the cyclotron generated proton beam is performed via material insertion into the beam trajectory. The energy spectrum of the particles propagating forwards after such procedure has been simulated and measured. The current paper summarizes the results of these simulations and measurements and illustrates their significance for the future developments of a gantry for proton therapy at the Paul Scherrer Institute. | |||
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THPVA130 | Modelling PET Radionuclides Production in Tissue and External Targets Using Geant4 | proton, target, TRIUMF, isotope-production | 4757 |
The Proton Therapy Facility in TRIUMF provides 74 MeV protons extracted from a 500 MeV H− cyclotron for ocular melanoma treatments. During treatment, positron emitting radionuclides such as C-11, O-15 and N-13 are produced in patient tissue. Using PET scanners, the isotopic activity distribution can be measured for in-vivo range verification. A second cyclotron, the TR13, provides 13 MeV protons onto liquid targets for the production of PET radionuclides such as F-18, N-13 or Ga-68, for medical applications. The aim of this work was to validate Geant4 against FLUKA and experimental measurements for production of the above-mentioned isotopes using the two cyclotrons. The results show variable degrees of agreement. For proton therapy, the proton-range agreement was within 2 mm for C-11 activity, whereas N-13 disagreed. For liquid targets at the TR13 the average absolute deviation ratio between FLUKA and experiment was 1.9±2.8, whereas the average absolute deviation ratio between Geant4 and experiment was 0.6±0.4. This is due to the uncertainties present in experimentally determined reaction cross sections. | |||
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THPVA134 | Coupled Longitudinal and Transverse Beam Dynamics Studies for Hadron Therapy Linacs | simulation, proton, linac, cavity | 4772 |
Precise proton therapy planning can be assisted by augmenting conventional medical imaging techniques with proton computed tomography (pCT). For adults this requires an incident proton energy up to at least 330 MeV, an energy not readily accessible using cyclotrons. We are presently constructing a prototype of the ProBE 54 MV/m 3GHz post-cyclotron booster linac as a compact method to achieve 330 MeV in the context of the Christie Hospital proton therapy centre, to be tested in the research room there. In this paper, we present beam dynamics studies and tracking simulations of proton beams through the booster region. The longitudinal and transverse particle transmission is calculated from tracking simulations and compared to theoretical models to help understand how best to optimise the optics design through the ProBE region. | |||
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THPVA135 | ProBE: Proton Boosting Extension for Imaging and Therapy | proton, cavity, booster, linac | 4776 |
Funding: This work was funded by STFC The ProBE linac aims at accelerating protons from a particle therapy cyclotron to the c.330 MeV required for proton tomography. To obtain the c. 55 MV/m gradients required to achieve 100 MeV gain in a suitably short distance, we propose the use of a high-gradient S-band side-coupled standing-wave structure. In this paper we discuss the progress toward the testing of the prototype at the S-box facility at CERN. |
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FRXBA1 | Compact and Efficient Accelerators for Radioisotope Production | target, electron, isotope-production, linac | 4824 |
The production in an efficient way of radioisotopes for medical use is crucial. With the closing in the next ten years of nuclear reactors the problem of the production of some of them is being critical. New approaches of producing these radioisotopes via accelerators are being developed. In the other hand a big effort is being made for making the accelerators for the production of radioisotopes more compact, efficient and with an optimized cost. This paper describes the recent advances in this kind of accelerator techniques. | |||
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FRXCB1 | The Energy Efficiency of High Intensity Proton Driver Concepts | proton, linac, cavity, SRF | 4842 |
For MW class proton driver accelerators the energy efficiency is an important aspect; the talk reviews the efficiency of different accelerator concepts including s.c./n.c. linac, rapid cycling synchrotron, cyclotron; the potential of these concepts for very high beam power is discussed. | |||
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