Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
MOPAB049 | Development of a Focusing System for the AXSIS Project | linac, quadrupole, plasma, focusing | 203 |
In this paper, we investigate with ASTRA simulations the achievable performances for several focusing systems considered in the AXSIS project. We focus our attention on the requirements in terms of position of the focal point and bunch transverse size at this point. We show that they cannot be fulfilled with a solenoid resistive electro-magnet, but that it is possible when using a solenoid permanent magnet. The use of a quadrupole doublet proves to be adequate to fulfil the requirement on the position of the focal point and be very close to the one on the bunch transverse size, which could possibly be achieved by a further optimization of the parameters of the doublet. Finally, we also investigate the possibility to use an active plasma lens, showing that it could easily fulfil the requirements but that several points must be carefully studied before considering its implementation. | |||
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MOPAB064 | Photoinjector Emittance Measurement at STAR | emittance, gun, electron, simulation | 257 |
STAR is an advanced Thomson source of monochromatic and tunable, ps-long, polarised X-ray beams in the 40-140 keV range. The commissioning has started at the Univ. of Calabria (Italy). The light source is driven by a high-brightness, low-emittance electron beam produced in a LINAC allowing for the source tunability and spectral density. This note reports on an emittance measurement schema based on the insertion of a slit mask in the vacuum chamber dedicated to the photocathode laser entrance. Results of the simulation of the measurement technique are reported, and the use of the data for the optimisation of the accelerator performance are detailed. The experimental setup and the application developed in EPICS for image recording and analysis are also described. | |||
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MOPAB072 | Measurement of Three-Dimensional Distribution of Electron Bunch Using RF Transverse Deflector | experiment, electron, laser, gun | 285 |
We have been studying a high quality electron beam generated by a photocathode RF gun at Waseda University. The electron beam is applied to a pulse radiolysis experiment, laser Compton scattering for soft X-ray generation, and a THz imaging experiment using coherent radiation. In these applications, longitudinal parameters of the electron beam are important. For this reason, we developed the RF deflector system which can directly convert longitudinal distribution of the beam to transverse with high temporal resolution, and performed longitudinal profile measurements of an electron beam from the RF gun. During a series of experiments using an RF deflector, we found that the bunch had a horizontal angle with respect to z axis. Thus we tried to reconstruct the three-dimensional profile of the bunch by computed tomography* in order to visualize the three-dimensional distribution of the bunch. In this conference, we will report the principle of measurement, experimental results of the bunch three-dimensional measurement, and future prospects.
* J. Shi, et al., Reconstruction of the three-dimensional bunch profile by tomography technique with RF deflecting cavity, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 752 (2014) 36-41 |
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MOPIK057 | Strategy of Beam Tuning Implementation for the SARAF MEBT and SC Linac | linac, quadrupole, focusing, simulation | 652 |
Beam dynamics of the MEBT and Superconducting Linac in the SARAF accelerator are being finalized. A strategy for beam tuning implementation is applied to this section, leading to specifying the complete set of error tolerances / beam measurements / correctors. A systematic and precise methodology in several steps is applied, leading to fairly distributing the error budget, from which correction schemes are studied, allowing to determine the necessary beam measurements and correctors. | |||
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MOPIK102 | Beam Dynamics Studies of the HIE-ISOLDE Transfer Lines in the Presence of Magnetic Stray Fields | quadrupole, experiment, shielding, operation | 768 |
The ISOLDE facility at CERN produces radioactive isotopes far from stability for fundamental nuclear physics research. The radioactive beams are accelerated to high-energy using a post-accelerator before being transferred for study in different experiments at the end of a network of High Energy Beam Transfer (HEBT) lines. In the framework of the HIE-ISOLDE project, the energy of post-accelerated beams is to be increased to over 10 MeV/u and new experimental detectors are being proposed for installation to exploit the new energy regime. The stray magnetic fields associated with many of the new detectors will distort the beam trajectories in the HEBT, potentially affecting the transmission of the low intensity beams delivered to the experiments. In this contribution, the influence on the HEBT of the stray field of the proposed ISOL Solenoidal Spectrometer is discussed, correction schemes described and shielding options assessed. | |||
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MOPIK113 | Beam Phase Space Tomography for FXR LIA | emittance, space-charge, simulation, electron | 801 |
Funding: This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. Knowing the initial beam parameters entering an accelerator or a downstream beamline allows us to select transport tunes optimized for a desired accelerator performance. In this study, we report unfolding LLNL's FXR [1] beam parameters by using the tomography technique [2, 3] to construct the beam phase space along the accelerator's downstream beamline. The unfolded phase spaces from tomography and simulations are consistent. |
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MOPIK114 | End-to-End Energy Variation Study for Induction Radiography Accelerator | target, emittance, beam-transport, simulation | 804 |
Funding: This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. Energy variation study for beam transport from the entrance of a conceptual induction radiography accelerator to the x-ray target has been reported previously [1]. In this report, we have extended the study upstream to the injector. To achieve minimum emittance growth and to obtain a desired final beam size, we have developed three optimal tunes. Among them, one optimal tune, capable of supressing beam break-up instability and producing acceptable corkscrew motions, is used to study the energy variation effects on radiography performance. The study shows that ±3% energy variation is acceptable. |
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MOPVA043 | Assembly Preparation of the IFMIF SRF Cryomodule | cavity, cryomodule, SRF, vacuum | 954 |
This article presents the preparation work performed by CEA for the assembly of the IFMIF Cryomodule. Before the shipping of the components to Japan many tests and trial assemblies has been realized on the CEA site of Saclay, France. The cryomodule, which is part of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) under construction at Rokkasho in Japan, will be assembled there under the responsibility of F4E (Fusion for Energy) with CEA assistance. To fulfill the assembly of the cavity string, a cleanroom will be built at Rokkasho under the responsibility of QST. | |||
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MOPVA049 | First Commissioning of an SRF Photo-Injector Module for BERLinPro | cavity, cathode, SRF, linac | 971 |
Funding: Work supported by German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Land Berlin, and grants of Helmholtz Association. Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) is currently building an high average current superconducting ERL to demonstrate ERL operation with low normalized beam emittance of 1 mm·mrad at 100mA and short pulses of about 2 ps. For the injector section a series of SRF photoinjector cavities is being developed. The medium power prototype presented here features a 1.4 x λ/2 cell SRF cavity with a normal-conducting, high quantum efficiency CsK2Sb cathode, implementing a modified HZDR-style cathode insert. This injector potentially allows for 6 mA beam current at up to 3.5 MeV kinetic energy. In this contribution, the first RF commissioning results of the photo-injector module will be presented and compared to the level of performance during the cavity production and string assembly process. |
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TUOBA2 | Commissioning of the MYRRHA Low Energy Beam Transport Line and Space Charge Compensation Experiments | rfq, proton, emittance, injection | 1226 |
Funding: This work is supported by the European Atomic Energy Community's (EURATOM) H2020 Programme under grant agreement n°662186 (MYRTE project). The MYRRHA project aims at the construction of a new research reactor in Mol (Belgium) to demonstrate the nuclear waste transmutation feasibility with an Accelerator Driven System (ADS). In its subcritical configuration, the MYRRHA facility requires a proton beam with a maximum power of 2.4 MW (600 MeV - 4 mA). Such a continuous wave beam will be delivered by a superconducting linear accelerator (linac) which must fulfil very stringent reliability requirements to ensure the safe ADS operation with a high level of availability. The linac injector will be composed of: a proton source, a low energy beam transport line (LEBT), a 176 MHz RFQ and CH-DTL cavities. The LEBT prototype has been built and is presently installed and operated at LPSC Grenoble (France). An experimental program, to optimise the tuning of the line, the beam transport, and to study the space charge compensation mechanism, is in progress. We here review the main achievements of the LEBT commissioning. Experimental results will be presented and discussed, in particular the influence of the residual gas (type and pressure) on the beam dynamics. |
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TUZB2 | Commissioning Status of High Luminosity Collider Rings for SuperKEKB | electron, emittance, quadrupole, positron | 1275 |
SuperKEKB project aims to obtain the world's highest luminosity of 8x1035/cm/s, in order to discover new particle physics beyond the Standard Model. Key technologies for the high luminosity are nano-beam scheme at the collision point and high positron and electron stored current with low emittance, which require the significant upgrade of both the injector and the collider rings. Recently commissioning of the renewal collider rings has been performed without final focus magnets and the Belle II detector (Phase 1). This talk gives results of the Phase 1 commissioning and construction status toward the first beam collisions (Phase 2). | |||
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TUPAB021 | The Study of Focus-Dependent Dark Current for AREAL RF Photogun | electron, gun, experiment, simulation | 1358 |
AREAL (Advanced Research Electron Accelerator Laboratory) is a project of linear accelerator based facility aimed to produce ultra-short electron bunches with small emittance. In the first phase of AREAL project an electron beam with energy up to 5 MeV is produced by the electron RF photogun and used for irradiation experiments in biology, microelectronics and accelerator technology development. For such experiments the exact calculation of absorbed dose and electron bunch peak current is one of important conditions. The presence of a dark current in electron gun affects the electron emission from photocathode, the exact absorbed dose calculation, and in general harms the machine performance. In this paper the estimation of dark current amount, produced in the electron gun, the ways to avoid its influence on experiments are discussed. The dark current measurements are compared with the simulation results. The electron beam separation from a dark current is discussed. | |||
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TUPAB076 | Design of an X-Band Photocathode for Tsinghua Thomson Scattering X-Ray Source | gun, laser, cathode, emittance | 1497 |
Compared with S-band and C-band accelerating structures, X-band structures can run at a higher accelerating gradient and are more compact in size. In order to obtain higher electron energy in a limited space, a new X-band photo-injector operating at 11.424GHz has been designed at the Accelerator Laboratory of Tsinghua University. The structural design of the X-band photo-cathode RF gun and the accelerating structures as well as the beam dynamics simulation are presented in this paper, followed by the optimization of the structure based on the dispersed optimization experiment method(DOE). The results show that the design satisfies the working requirements with a small space occupied and a high beam quality. | |||
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TUPAB102 | Compact Electron RF Travelling Wave Gun Photo Injector | gun, cathode, laser, electron | 1550 |
This paper reports on studies of a travelling wave photo gun as multipurpose device. The gun would be a cheap and compact alternative to thermionic guns with a bunching system or a standing wave photo injector gun. It allows one to reach much larger beam energies at the gun output. It can provide a beam with energy of up to 50 MeV and several hundred pC charge with low emittance and short bunch length. The laser system is a compact, industrial grade system with high MTBF and low maintenance cost. The gun design is based on the two-meter accelerating structures installed in SwissFEL, only the input coupler has been modified to accommodate the cathode. The gun is powered by a C-band (5.712 GHz) modulator-klystron system, identical to those of SwissFEL. The input coupler is a simple double feed coupler and it has been designed to increase the electric field enhancement at the cathode surface to improve the emittance. The first three accelerating cells have been readjusted in length in order to get the proper phase advance and synchronism with the beam. The remaining 110 accelerating cells and the output coupler follows the original design of the accelerating cavities for SwissFEL. | |||
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TUPAB138 | LCLS-II Injector Physics Design and Beam Tuning | laser, emittance, gun, cavity | 1655 |
Funding: US DOE under grant No. DE-AC02-76SF00515. LCLS-II is a proposed high-repetition rate (up to 1 MHz) Free Electron Laser X-ray light source, based on a CW normal conducting (NC) RF gun injector and a CW 4-GeV superconducting (SC) linac, under construction at SLAC. LCLS-II CW injector consists of a 186 MHz NC RF gun, two solenoids, two BPMs, 1.3 GHz NC RF buncher, and 1.3 GHz SC standard 8-cavity cryomodule to boost the beam energy >95 MeV, and 5 pairs of steering correctors. In this paper, we describe the injector physics design including the beam optimization and low level RF requirement, and also present the studies of beam performance with any one SC cavity failure. The beam tuning procedure is developed with the correctors and two BPMs. The simulations of the phase/amplitude calibration for the gun and buncher and beam based alignment for cathode, two solenoids, and RF buncher with the limited diagnostics, will be presented. |
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TUPAB139 | Design of an X-Band Photoinjector Operating at 1 kHz | gun, cathode, cavity, power-supply | 1659 |
A kHz repetition rate RF photoinjector with novel features has been designed for the ASU CXLS project. The photoinjector consists of a 9.3 GHz 4.5 cell standing-wave RF cavity that is constructed from 2 halves. The halves are brazed together, with the braze joint bisecting the irises and cells, greatly simplifying its construction. The cathode is brazed onto this assembly. RF power is coupled into the cavity through inline circular waveguide using a demountable TM01 mode launcher. The mode launcher feeds the power through 4 ports distributed azimuthally to eliminate both dipole and quadrupole field distortions. The brazed-in cathode and absence of complex power coupler result in a very inexpensive yet high performance device. The clean design allows the RF cavity to sit entirely within the solenoid assembly. The cathode gradient is 120 MV/m at 3 MW of input power. The cathode cell is just 0.17 RF wavelength so that laser arrival phase for peak acceleration is 70 degrees from zero crossing resulting in exit energy of 4 MeV. The photoinjector will operate with 1μs pulses at 1 kHz, dissipating 3 kW of heat. Details of the design are presented. | |||
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TUPAB145 | Alignment of Electron and Ion Beam Trajectories in Non-Magnetized Electron Cooler | electron, alignment, ion, ISOL | 1672 |
The cooling section (CS) of the low energy RHIC electron cooler (LEReC) consists of two 20 m long parts each containing six solenoids with trajectory correctors placed inside the solenoids and the BPMs located downstream of each solenoid. The solenoids are used to minimize the scalloping of the electron beam envelope. To obtain the cooling it is required to keep the overall RMS electron angles in the cooling section below 100 urad. Possible mechanical misalignment, such as shift and inclination of the CS solenoids can cause an unacceptable misalignment of the e-beam trajectory with respect to the ideal trajectory set by ions. Therefore, it is critical to perform a beam based alignment of the CS solenoids. In this paper we suggest a procedure for such an alignment. | |||
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TUPIK035 | Solenoidal Focussing Internal Target Ring | target, emittance, proton, dipole | 1757 |
FFAGs have been considered for a high power proton source for a neutron target by means of an internal target. In an internal target type ring, protons are repeatedly passed through a thin foil, producing neutrons and other secondary particles. This technique has the potential to produce higher secondary particle fluxes with modest beam currents and energies. Scattering of the protons causes emittance growth in the beam, but this can be partially offset by energy lost through ionisation of the foil, which causes ionisation cooling. The resultant beams typically have large position and momentum spread, with transverse emittances of order mm. In this paper, the design of a solenoid-focussing ring is studied which may enable containment of large emittance beams. | |||
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TUPIK042 | Solenoid Alignment for the SRF Photoinjector of BERLinPro at HZB | alignment, SRF, software, electron | 1778 |
The Berlin Energy Recovery Linac Prototype (BERLinPro) at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB) aims to deliver a continuous-wave (cw) electron beam of high average current (100 mA) and brilliance (normalized emittance below 1 mm mrad). The achievement of these demanding goals depends significantly on the performance of the electron source, a superconducting RF (SRF) photoinjector. A critical component for the quality of the generated beam is the superconducting solenoid magnet. In order to optimize its operation and minimize parasitic contributions, special attention has been given to the precise alignment of this element using a hexapod mover. Due to the strict limitations inside a cryostat, a complex coupling between the solenoid in vacuum and the hexapod in air has been realized, requiring sophisticated software and hardware mechanisms to prevent collisions. Along with this setup, the developed beam-based alignment procedure and its performance are demonstrated in this article. | |||
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TUPIK104 | Effects of Non-axisymmetric Solenoid Field on Beam Quality in Velocity Bunching | linac, electron, emittance, alignment | 1958 |
Space-charge effect is not negligible during the early stage of beam acceleration in a photoinjector rf linac that is operated for generation of short electron pulses by velocity bunching. A solenoid with iron shield can be used to provide the required axis-symmetric magnetic field to balance the radial space-charge force of the beam. However, the iron shield cannot be perfectly symmetric because openings are reserved for feeding water pipes and electrical cables to the coils. In addition, alignment errors of the solenoid may also spoil the symmetry of the focusing field. In this study, simulation is carried out to investigate how does the non-axisymmetric solenoid field of different origins influence beam properties, such as beam size, transverse emittance during the rf bunch compression. | |||
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TUPVA055 | Further Investigations for a Superconducting cw-LINAC at GSI | linac, cavity, ion, heavy-ion | 2197 |
For superconducting (sc) accelerator sections operating at low and medium beam energies very compact accelerating-focusing structures are strongly required, as well as short focusing periods, high accelerating gradients and very short drift spaces. The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) is going to use heavy ion beams with extremely high peak current from UNiversal Linear ACcelerator (UNILAC) and the synchrotron SIS18 as an injector for the SIS100. To keep the GSI-Super Heavy Element program competitive on a high level and even beyond, a standalone sc continuous wave LINAC in combination with the upgraded GSI High Charge State injector is envisaged. In preparation for this, testing of the first LINAC section (financed by HIM and GSI) as a demonstration of the capability of 216 MHz multi gap Crossbar H-structures (CH) is still ongoing, while an accelerating gradient of 9.6 MV/m (4K) at a sufficient quality factor has been already reached in a horizontal cryostat. As a final R&D step towards an entire LINAC three advanced cryo modules, each comprising two short CH cavities, should be built until 2019, serving for first user experiments at the coulomb barrier. | |||
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WEPAB088 | Dark Current Studies in the CLARA Front-End Injector | gun, linac, simulation, electron | 2779 |
At STFC Daresbury a new facility CLARA (Compact Linear Accelerator for Research and Applications) is being designed and constructed. The principal aim of CLARA is advanced Free Electron Laser research. Halo and dark current in CLARA is a concern for damage to the undulator, and other applications of the machine. Recently the front end (gun, diagnostics, first linac) of CLARA has been installed including some collimation to mitigate halo effects. Beam halo may arise from gun field emission or due to beam dynamics in the early stages of acceleration, which may achieve the same energy as the core beam and thus may be transported to the undulator. The code CST is used to study the gun field emission. The code ASTRA is used to study the transport of field emission through the front end, including the effectiveness of collimators. Machine measurements of dark current are compared against these simulations. | |||
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WEPAB127 | EMuS Target Station Studies | proton, target, neutron, radiation | 2871 |
The experimental muon source (EMuS) is a high-intensity muon source at China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS), aiming to combine muSR applications, R&D efforts for a future muon-decay based neutrino beam, and neutrino cross-section measurements. The proton beam has 4 kW of power and is provided by the rapid cycling synchrotron (RCS) of CSNS to a capture system that consists of an adiabatic superconductive solenoid with a maximum field of 5 T and a graphite target located inside the first coil, in order to maximize muons/pions capture and reduce their transverse momentum. In this article we present the challenging target system and the optimization studies that led to the current 4-coil/3-step design. The challenge arises from the necessary extraction of the spent proton beam along the downstream area of the capture solenoid through a hole, in order to separate it from the muons and pions. In addition, shielding studies are presented in order to examine the effectiveness of the shields on the coils and the low radiation damage expected in the system. | |||
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WEPAB129 | Study of Ionization Cooling with the MICE Experiment | emittance, experiment, optics, detector | 2874 |
The international Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) will demonstrate the ionization cooling of muons; the only known technique that can provide high brightness muon beams suitable for applications such as a Neutrino Factory or Muon Collider. MICE is underway at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and has recently taken the data necessary to characterise the physical processes that underlie the ionization-cooling effect. Measurements of the change in normalised transverse amplitude are presented in two configurations. The measurements of the ionization-cooling effect are discussed. | |||
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WEPAB130 | First Results from MICE Step IV | emittance, scattering, detector, simulation | 2878 |
Funding: STFC, DOE, NSF, INFN, CHIPP and more Muon beams of low emittance provide the basis for the intense, well characterised neutrino beams of the Neutrino Factory and for lepton-antilepton collisions at energies of up to several TeV at a Muon Collider. The international Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) will demonstrate ionization cooling - the technique by which it is proposed to reduce the phase-space volume occupied by the muon beam. MICE is being constructed in a series of Steps. The configuration currently in operation at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory is optimised for the study the properties of liquid hydrogen and lithium hydride that affect cooling. The data taken in the present configuration have been partially analyzed and the available results will be described in detail. submitted by the Speakers Bureau of the collaboration, in charge of finding later a member to prepare and present the contribution |
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WEPAB131 | Layout of the MICE Demonstration of Muon Ionization Cooling | emittance, betatron, detector, lattice | 2881 |
Funding: STFC, DOE, NSF, INFN, CHIPP and more Muon beams of low emittance provide the basis for the intense, well-characterised neutrino beams necessary to elucidate the physics of flavour at the Neutrino Factory and to provide lepton-antilepton collisions up to several TeV at the Muon Collider. The international Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) will demonstrate muon ionization cooling, the technique proposed to reduce the phase-space volume occupied by the muon beam at such facilities. In an ionization-cooling channel, the muon beam traverses a material (the absorber) loosing energy, which is replaced using RF cavities. The combined effect is to reduce the transverse emittance of the beam (transverse cooling). The configuration of MICE required to deliver the demonstration of ionization cooling is presently being prepared in parallel to the execution of a programme designed to measure the cooling properties of liquid-hydrogen and lithium hydride (Step IV). The design of this final cooling demonstration will be presented together with a summary of the performance of each of its components and the cooling performance of the experiment. submitted by the Speakers Bureau of the collaboration, in charge of finding later a member to prepare and present the contribution |
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WEPAB135 | Novel Implementation of Non-parametric Density Estimation in MICE | emittance, experiment, lattice, beam-cooling | 2895 |
Funding: Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC05-06OR23100. Cooled muon beams are essential to enable future Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider facilities. The international Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) aims to demonstrate muon beam cooling through ionization energy loss in material. A figure of merit for muon cooling in MICE is the transverse root-mean-square (RMS) emittance reduction and to measure this, the individual muon positions and momenta are reconstructed using two scintillating-fiber tracking detectors housed in spectrometer solenoid modules. The reconstructed positions and momenta before and after a low-Z absorbing material are then used for constructing the covariance matrix and measuring normalized transverse RMS emittance of MICE muon beam. In this study, the direct measurement of phase-space density and volume as measures of the efficacy of muon beam cooling in MICE, using the density estimation techniques is described. |
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WEPIK034 | Progress in the FCC-ee Interaction Region Magnet Design | detector, quadrupole, emittance, interaction-region | 3003 |
The design of the region close to the interaction point of the FCC-ee experiments is especially challenging. The beams collide at an angle (±15mrad) in a region where the detector solenoid magnetic field is large. Moreover, the very low vertical β* of the machine necessitates that the final focusing quadrupoles are also inside this high field region. The beams should be screened from the effect of the detector solenoid field, and the emittance blow-up due to vertical dispersion in the interaction region should be minimized while leaving enough space for detector components. Crosstalk between the two final focus quadrupoles, only about 6 cm apart at the tip, should also be minimized. We present an update on the subject. | |||
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WEPIK075 | Electron Cloud Instability in SuperKEKB Phase I Commissioning | electron, target, simulation, permanent-magnet | 3104 |
Beam size blow-up due to electron cloud has been observed in Phase I commissioning of SuperKEKB. Vacuum chambers in LER (low energy positron ring) were cured by antechamber and TiN coating for electron cloud. Some parts, bellows, were not cured by the coating. In the early stage of Phase I commissioning, beam size blow up has been observed above a threshold current. The blow up was suppressed by weak permanent magnets generating longitudinal field, which cover the bellows. Electron cloud current have been monitored during the commissioning. The thresholds for the electron cloud induced fast head-tail instability have been simulated in the operating beam conditions. Coupled bunch instability caused by electron cloud has been measured in the operating beam conditions and installation of the permanent magnets. The measurement and simulation results are presented. | |||
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WEPVA117 | Preliminary Mechanical Design Study of the Hollow Electron Lens for HL-LHC | electron, cathode, proton, gun | 3547 |
A Hollow Electron Lens has been proposed in order to improve performance of halo control and collimation in the Large Hadron Collider in view of its High Luminosity upgrade (HL-LHC). The concept is based on a beam of electrons that travels around the protons for a few meters. The electron beam is produced by a cathode and then guided by a strong magnetic field generated by a set of solenoids. Mechanical design and integration require a preliminary knowledge of the optimal configuration of the solenoids that drive the electron trajectories. The estimation of such trajectories by means of a dedicated Matlab tool is presented. The influence of the main geometrical and electrical parameters is analysed and discussed. The main mechanical design choices are also outlined along with the concept of the electron collector. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the feasibility study of the Electron Lens for LHC. The methods used in this study also serve as examples for future mechanical and integration designs of similar devices. | |||
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WEPVA143 | Cooling-down and Cooling of Superconducting Magnets at 4.5K with Very Little Liquid Helium using Coolers* | cryogenics, cyclotron, superconducting-magnet, factory | 3606 |
Funding: This work is supported in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation. The Michigan State University grant number is PHY0958726. Because liquid helium is often in short supply, it is often difficult to get helium for cooling superconducting magnets that are too large to be cryogen free magnets. Grade A helium is often available in high-pressure bottles, but not in large quantities. This report describes how one can cool-down and maintain a constant temperature of ~4.5 K in a superconducting magnet that has less than 5 L of liquid in the cryostat once it has been filled with liquid helium. One can do this with either GM coolers in the drop-in mode with pulsed tube coolers. The number of coolers needed to cool the magnet depends to the heat load at 4.5 K and the desired cool-down time for the magnet system. This type of cooling system is suitable for magnets that are away from a conventional large helium refrigeration system. Examples are S/C insertion (wigglers and undulators), spectrometer magnets, and ECR ion source magnets. |
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WEPVA147 | Iron-Free Detector System for the Linear Collider with Multiple Return Solenoids | detector, collider, linear-collider, emittance | 3615 |
We investigate the Iron-free magnetic system for implementation in a detector for future Linear Collider. One peculiarity is in usage of many small-diameter solenoids for the flux return. Machine-detector interface is discussed also. | |||
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THPAB084 | Integration of the Full-Acceptance Detector Into the JLEIC | dynamic-aperture, detector, ion, collider | 3912 |
Funding: Authored by Jefferson Science Associates, LLC under U.S. DOE Contracts No. DE-AC05-06OR23177 and DE-AC02-06CH11357. Work supported also by the U.S. DOE Contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. For physics requirements, the JLEIC (Jefferson Lab Electron Ion Collider) has a full-acceptance detector, which brings many new challenges to the beam dynamics integration. For example, asymmetric lattice and beam envelopes at interaction region (IR), forward detection, and large crossing angle with crab dynamics. Also some common problems complicate the picture, like coupling and coherent orbit from detector solenoid, high chromaticity and high multipole sensitivity from low beta-star at interaction point (IP), collision mode with different energy and ion species. Meanwhile, to get a luminosity level of a few 1033 cm-2ses−1, small beta-star are necessary at the IP, which also means large beta in the final focus area, chromaticity correction sections, etc. This sets a constraint on the field quality of magnets in large beta areas, in order to ensure a large enough dynamic aperture (DA). In this context, limiting multipole components of magnets are surveyed to get a standard line. And continuously, multipole magnets as dedicated correctors are studied to provide semi-local corrections of specific multipole components beyond the standard line. |
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THPAB087 | Emittance Measurements and Simulations in 112 MHz Super-Conducting RF Electron Gun With CsK2Sb Photo-Cathode | emittance, gun, electron, SRF | 3921 |
The commissioning of the coherent electron cooling (CeC) proof of principle experiment is under way at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC).. A 112 MHz superconducting radio frequency photo-emission gun is used to generate the electron beam for this experiment. In this paper we report selected results of experimental emittance measurements and compare them with our simulations. | |||
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THPIK008 | Beam Dynamics for the ThomX Linac | emittance, electron, gun, focusing | 4121 |
We report the results of a recent beam dynamics study that has led to promising working points for the split ThomX photoinjector. ThomX is a back-scattering Thomson light source that will use S-band electron Linac with an energy of 50 MeV to produce 45 keV high X-rays flux (1011 - 1013 ph/s), by means of collision between electron bunches and laser pulses, in the energy range from 45 keV to 90 keV. Since Thomx has been conceived to maximise the average X-rays flux in a fixed bandwidth, the high rate electron-photon collisions impose a linear accelerator combined with a storage ring. The high performances of the accelerator are largely affected by the high quality of the electron beam at the interaction point in the ring. Beam specifications should be achieved at the interaction point to the extent that 1 nC, 50 nA average current per bunch with normalised rms transverse emittance less than 5 mm and around 0.3% energy spread, at the end of the linac. The beam dynamics along the linac has been studied to demonstrate the capability of the accelerator to meet the requirements for the high brightness electron beam using an RF photoinjector configuration. | |||
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THPIK042 | The Magnetic Measurement of Conventional Magnets for Electron Beam Accelerator of Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology | dipole, quadrupole, collimation, electron | 4190 |
The project of electron beam accelerator is worked together completed by NINT (Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology) and IHEP (Institute of High Energy Physics, China). Conventional magnet of the project includes a total of three dipole magnets, four quadrupole magnets, six solenoid magnets, and four correction magnets. All of magnets to complete the measurement by IHEP hall measuring equipment. The integrated magnetic field measurement of the arc-shaped dipole magnet requires simultaneous movement by the X-axis and the Z-axis, using Labview software written a new measurement procedure, the new measurement procedure has been completed by setting the measuring angle and the measuring radius. All measurement results of conventional magnets have reached the physical design requirements, and each magnet were carried out more than twice the measurement, the reproducibility of the measurement results are better than one-thousandth, fully meet the design claim of NINT. | |||
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THPIK107 | Design and Characterisation of the Focusing Solenoidal System for the CLARA High Repetition Rate Electron Source | multipole, simulation, alignment, cathode | 4346 |
One of the critical components of electron injectors based on RF photoelectron sources is the focusing system. The system typically consists of a Main Focusing Solenoid and a Bucking Coil. Combination of these two solenoids should provide proper focusing of the beam at the exit of the RF cavity and zero longitudinal magnetic field in the photocathode plane to minimise the beam emittance. Imperfection of the solenoid design, manufacturing and alignment frequently leads to asymmetry of the focusing field which has to be compensated with additional coils. In order to eliminate mechanical and magnetic misalignment the CLARA photoinjector solenoids are mounted on one integrated bench and before installation into the beamline have been aligned in the magnet laboratory with simultaneous measurement of the magnetic field. In order to define multipole field components, dedicated measurements of the transverse magnetic field have been done. The amplitudes of the multipoles have been obtained from analysis of the transverse field map. We present here the results of field characterisation. | |||
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THPIK115 | Status of the Perpendicular Biased 2nd Harmonic Cavity for the Fermilab Booster | cavity, Windows, booster, simulation | 4366 |
Funding: Operated by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359 with the United States Department of Energy. This is a status report on the 2nd harmonic cavity for the Fermilab Booster as part of the Proton Improvement Plan (PIP) for increasing beam transmission efficiency, and thus reducing losses. A set of tuner rings has been procured and is undergoing quality control tests. The Y567 tube for driving the cavity has been successfully tested at both injection and extraction frequencies. A cooling scheme for the tuner and cavity has been developed after a thorough thermal analysis of the system. RF windows have been procured and substantial progress has been made on the mechanical designs of the cavity and the bias solenoid. The goal is to have a prototype cavity ready for testing by the end of 2017. |
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THPVA009 | Transverse Beam Dynamics of an 8 MeV Electron Linac | emittance, focusing, linac, electron | 4432 |
The IPM Electron Linac is an 8 MeV (upgradable to 11 MeV) electron linear accelerator under development at the Institute for Research in Fundamental Science (IPM), Tehran, Iran. The linac is mainly regarded as a research project providing hands-on experience in the accelerator science and technology. However, it could serve as an x-ray source or play the injector role for a larger facility. The linac consists of a thermionic gun followed by a travelling wave buncher joined to two accelerating tubes. The transverse focusing is provided by the solenoid mag-nets over the buncher and the accelerating structures. Using the code ASTRA, the transverse beam dynamics is studied and optimized in order to limit the RF emittance. Particularly, the effect of coupler asymmetry is investigated, a beam dynamics design of the solenoid channel is presented, and the effect of the solenoid misalignment on the beam quality is examined. | |||
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THPVA011 | Beam Dynamics Studies on Low and Medium Energy Beam Transport With Intense H− Ions for J-PARC Linac | rfq, ion, emittance, linac | 4439 |
Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) linac was intensity-upgraded up to pulse current of 50 mA of H− beam by replacing the ion source and the Radio Frequency Quadrupole(RFQ). We measured beam properties at the end of low energy beam transport (LEBT) line test stand under several conditions to investigate the transverse halo and space charge effects of an intense H− ions. The LEBT is composed of two solenoid magnets. Furthermore, space charge neutralization effects in the residual gas were considered into account to describe the behavior of the beam phase space evolution. LEBT transmission efficiency, beam losses were estimated and optimization for beam matching into acceptance of the RFQ is studied. Two-solenoid based LEBT section is connected to the RFQ which is followed by a medium energy beam transport (MEBT) line. In this paper, we discuss the outcomes of beam emittance measurements and the results from beam dynamics simulations throughout LEBT and the RFQ acceleration. | |||
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THPVA017 | Integer Spin Resonance Crossing With Preserving Beam Polarization on VEPP-4M | polarization, resonance, acceleration, experiment | 4451 |
The method to preserve the electron beam polarization on the VEPP-4M storage ring during acceleration with crossing the integer spin resonance energy E=1763 MeV is described. It is based on the use of the non-compensated longitudinal magnetic field of the KEDR detector. This method has been successfully applied for the needs of the R measurement experiment. | |||
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THPVA121 | Focusing and Bunching of Ion Beam in Axial Injection Channel of IPHC Cyclotron TR24 | bunching, ion, cyclotron, focusing | 4733 |
The CYRCé cyclotron (CYclotron pour la ReCherche et l'Enseignement) is used at IPHC (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien) for the production of radio-isotopes for diagnostics, medical treatments and fundamental research in radiobiology. The TR24 cyclotron produced and commercialized by ACSI (Canada) delivers a 16-25 MeV proton beam with intensity from few nA up to 500 mcA. The solenoidal focusing instead of existing quadrupole one is proposed in this report. The changing of the focusing elements will give the better beam matching with the acceptance of the spiral inflector of the cyclotron. The parameters of the focusing solenoid is found. Additionally, the main parameters of the bunching system are evaluated in the presence of the beam space charge. This system consists of the buncher installed in the axial injection beam line of the cyclotron. The using of the greedless multi harmonic buncher may increase the accelerated beam current and will give the opportunity to a new proton beam applications. | |||
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