Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUPSA13 | The Interactive Computer Environment for Designing and Tuning of Charged Particle Beams Transport Channels | synchrotron, focusing, controls, quadrupole | 63 |
This paper considers the application package that simulates transport channel of relativistic charged particles. The package provides an interactive mode for the user. It is possible to observe the main parameters of the beam crossing the channel on the PC screen such as envelope and cross-section of the beam at different sections of the channel while changing the main control parameters of the real channel. Enabling of procedures of mathematical programming provides express optimization of control parameters of the channel. The designed package is compact, has a modular structure and can be easily adapted to different software platforms. MATLAB integrated environment is used as instrumental environment, which has a freeware version of this system - SCILAB. Package testing was carried out on the electron synchrotron "Pakhra" during the recalibration of the channel of the accelerator working in different modes, which are determined by conducted experiments. | |||
TUPSA28 | The Advanced Nanostructure Steel Modification by Gas Ions Beams | ion, experiment, ion-source, power-supply | 97 |
New constriction materials are under developing for the energy sector. They will provide: energy prodaction, store and transportation with high efficiency and ecology safety. One of the main modern direction of new materials developing are nanostructures steel which consolidation oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS). ODS and EK-181 steels have high hot, radiation and corrosion resistance. The experimental program for investigation of nanoclusters generation and growth (in ODS steels) under irradiation of N (and also Ti, V) ion beams is ongoing in ITEP. Ion irradiation is performed at the accelerator complex TIPr with gas ion source duoplasmatron. In this article the source installation and it's power systems development of, as well as the results of ion beam charge state distribution measurements and the first results of ODS materials irradiation by gas ions are described and discussed. | |||
TUPSA29 | Method of Broadband Stabilization of the VEPP-4M Main Field | feedback, experiment, induction, power-supply | 100 |
Funding: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, NSh-4860.2014.2 The stability of the main field has great influence on precision experiments on particle physics which are performed on VEPP-4M facility currently. A method of broadband stabilization of the VEPP-4M main field allowing us to achieve field stability better than 0.5 ppm over DC - 50Hz frequency range is presented. The method combines NMR stabilization and feedback loop using induction signal. |
TUPSA35 | Virtual Laboratory of Vacuum Technique | vacuum, simulation, software, interface | 110 |
The report considers the interactive computer modeling of vacuum systems. Operation of real vacuum installations is modeled by simulating computer code. It becomes possible in a short time (with the assessment of real-time) to pass through full cycle of the technologies to reach high vacuum state and to estimate the necessary time. It is possible to assemble virtual installation, to choose the necessary pumps (from the database of low-vacuum and high-vacuum ones), to select the vacuum connecting pipes with the required parameters. The vacuum chamber volume and its internal surfaces characteristics (roughness, types of preliminary processing), defining outgassing from these surfaces are set. Possible leakage in junction places of the individual elements of the system could be taken into consideration. After pumping start, sequential switching on of different pumps and achievement of a certain pressure, possibility of chamber preheating up to the necessary temperature is provided. During the analysis of procedure of pumping optimization of the structure of system and the selected elements is made. The computer laboratory is a part of traditional laboratory of vacuum technique of the Department of Electrophysical Facilities of NRNU MEPhI. Modeling of vacuum systems significantly expands the functional capabilities of this laboratory. | |||
WECA07 | LIA-2 and BIM Accelerators as Part of Radiographic Complex at RFNC-VNIITF | betatron, radiation, electron, target | 140 |
The regime of joint operation of LIA-2 and two betatrons in radiographic experiments is described. The brief review of main characteristics for all three used accelerators are presented. | |||
WECA08 | Main Parameters and Operational Experience with New Generation of Electron Accelerators for Radiography and Cargo Inspection | electron, controls, target, klystron | 143 |
We describe main parameters and operational experience with new generation of electron accelerators for radiography and cargo inspection developed with participation of scientists, engineers and technologists from Lomonosov Moscow State University and "Research and Production Enterprise "Toriy". Two accelerators are described: accelerator for radiography UELR-8-2D with beam energy regulated in the range 3-8 MeV and dose rate from 0.5 to 15 Gy/min and accelerator for cargo inspection UELR-6-1-D-4-01 with pulse to pulse energy switching between 3.5 and 6 MeV, with repetition rate 400 Hz and dose rate 4 Gy/min. Both accelerators use klystron as an RF source, which is fed by solid state modulator. | |||
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Slides WECA08 [0.331 MB] | ||
WEPSB01 | Modernization the Modulator of the RF-Generator Ion Linear Accelerator LU-20 | simulation, ion, linac, high-voltage | 155 |
The report discusses the replacement of the lamp key the modulator semiconductor. A schematic of the modulator and a semiconductor switch scheme protection against voltage surges in the generator lamp. Replacing the lamp key it possible to increase the output power generator. | |||
WEPSB03 | System Power Microwave Impulse Compression Based on Double Forming Line | radiation, accumulation, scattering, plasma | 159 |
Keywords: double forming line (DFL), compressor microwave pulses, microwave plasma discharger, resonator – storage, input power device (an input power), energy output device. The first part is devoted to the calculation and design compressor using a single-mode waveguides. We investigated the processes of accumulation and energy extraction from the resonator – storage of compressor, the dependence of the efficiency of energy extraction from the compressor on the plasma parameters of the discharge gap: n, q, m, v, r, h - the concentration, charge, mass, the frequency of collisions of free electrons, the radius and height of the cylinder through which flows the discharge. Refinement construction site energy output and its optimization, matching waveguide resonator - drive to the waveguide load in deriving energy from the compressor microwave was produced. The concept of a multi-compressor DFL was proposed and optimization under axial field was make to increase the dielectric strength and reduce the inductance of the discharge gap. In the second part of the paper questions, the design of the compressor DFL on oversized waveguides with working mode H01n was discusses. New constructions of power input devices was propose that allow not only to providing the necessary coupling coefficient with the feed path, but also greatly reduced the excitation of unacceptable modes in the resonator – storage. | |||
WEPSB07 | MultP-M Code Geometry Import Module Performance Optimization | simulation, multipactoring, interface, electron | 169 |
The new possibilities of three-dimensional modeling program multipactor MultP-M are presented. On an example, consider an increase in the speed and accuracy of the calculation using a new algorithm for calculating the use of loading geometry format STL. | |||
WEPSB12 | Cascade Interference Switches for Active Microwave Compressors | cavity, extraction, experiment, distributed | 180 |
Funding: "Science" state order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Results of study energy extraction devices for S-band microwave pulse compressors are presented. The devices are manufactured as interference switches produced from the circular single mode waveguide and that are differs only by the cascade of identical H-plane T-junctions connected in series at a side arm of H-tee. The versions cascade switches which are matched and unmatched from the side of auxiliary arm of T-junction are investigated. It is shown the variant of cascade switches with the matched T-junctions allows decrease the switching power level few times comparatively the switching power of usual one. Possibility of increasing operation power and stability of output pulses of microwave pulse compressors with such energy extraction devices are confirmed in experiments. There are presented the results of investigation the cascade including two and three switches connected in series by straight arms. It is shown the switching power level for such type cascade switches can be many less than for usual switch with one T-junction. Results of experimental study cascade switches of such type confirming with the results of the theoretical analyses are presented and peculiarities of cascade switches are mentioned. The assumption about good perspectives for the cascade switches manufactured from oversized rectangular waveguide is formulated. The obtained results concerning of the cascade switch operation have been demonstrated the possibility of increasing switch operation power. |
WEPSB13 | Oversized Interference Switches of Active Microwave Pulse Compressors | cavity, extraction, coupling, plasma | 183 |
Funding: "Science" state order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Results of simulation and experimental study of two types of the oversized interference switches are presented. The switch of the first type was developed on basis of the simulation of the oversized rectangular waveguide H-tee with the H01 operation mode. Conditions of effective operation of the first type switch as an energy extraction element of active microwave pulse compressors are determined. The output pulse power of 2.8 MW and pulse width of 3.5 ns with the corresponding amplification factor of 17.5 dB for were obtained in the X-band microwave pulse compressor prototype containing the storage cavity made of WR-284 waveguide and the switch made of the waveguide with the cross section area of 58×25 mm2. The results of experimental study of the oversized X-band interference switch of the second type with the synchronous energy extraction through a compact packet of common single mode switches incorporating the five identical waveguide tees are presented as well. Possibility of full synchronization of the switch packet is proved and the conditions of such synchronization are determined. Permissible quantity of the switches in a packet unit is estimated. The output pulse power of 0.8 MW, pulse width of 3.2 ns at the power gain of 12 dB and the pulse power of 2.2 MW, pulse width of 3.5 ns at the power gain of 16.5 dB were obtained when the energy extraction from the five different single mode resonant cavities and an oversized cavity respectively was synchronous. |
WEPSB45 | Small-Size High-Performance ARSA Accelerators for On-Line Testing for ECB for Radiation Hardness | radiation, detector, controls, electron | 264 |
A small-size high-performance pulsed accelerator ARSA with the voltage up to 1.3MeV is developed. The accelerator is distinguished for stability of characteristics (spread no more than ±10%), high dose rate of bremsstrahlung (up to 1.5*1010 R/s in a spot 1 cm in diameter), potentiality of intense operation (hundreds of shots a day), electro-magnetic compatibility with radio electronics. There is developed a fiber-optic monitor-dosimeter functionally connected with ARSA control panel ensuring pulse measurement of bremsstrahlung, accumulation of the prescribed dose, reading of data to the computer. To monitor the shape of bremsstrahlung pulses a separate channel is provided. | |||
THX01 | Results of LIA-2 Operation | target, electron, cathode, induction | 275 |
Funding: Supported in part by Russian ministry of science and education. Recent results of LIA-2 operation are presented. High quality of intense electron beam has been achieved in designed intervals of energy and current. All key elements of accelerator based on domestic technology successfully passed though long term operational tests. |
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THX03 | Status of the Nuclotron | controls, ion, experiment, TANGO | 283 |
Since last RuPAC five runs of the Nuclotron operation were performed. Diagnostic and control systems were improved. Commissioning of new quench detection system was completed. Deuteron beam was accelerated up to maximum design energy corresponding to 2 T of the dipole magnetic field. Stochastic cooling of coasting deuteron, coasting and bunched carbon beams was obtained. First run with new heavy ion source was performed. Results of these and other works are presented. | |||
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Slides THX03 [1.639 MB] | ||
THCA01 | Accelerator Complex Based on DC-60 Cyclotron | ion, cyclotron, ECR, heavy-ion | 287 |
DC-60 heavy ion accelerator, put into operation in 2006, according to its specifications - spectrum, charge and energy of accelerated ions, has the high scientific, technological and educational potential. The highest possible universality both by spectrum of accelerated ions and acceleration energy and regimes was built in DC-60 heavy ion accelerator designing. The new interdisciplinary research complex based on cyclotron DC-60 makes it possible to create a highly-developed scientific-technological and educational environment in the new capital of Kazakhstan. DC-60 accelerator is a dual cyclotron, which is capable of charged particles acceleration up to kinetic energies in MeV/nucleon, expressed in the following relation: E = 60(zi/A)2, where zi - accelerated ion charge, A - atomic weight of ion. Relation (zi/A) in formula must be within the following limits: (zi/A)2 = (1/6 – 1/12), that impose constraints on charge of accelerated ions. Thus, range of ions accelerated on DC-60 cyclotron is 6Li to 132Xe, variation of ion energy is over the range 0.33 to 1.75 MeV/nucleon. Some results of our work carrying out on the base of DC-60 cyclotron in the field of production, acceleration and transportation of charged particles, physics of solid state, nuclear and atomic physics, production of track membranes etc are given in the article. Also it will be reported about modern trends of accelerators development in Kazakhstan. | |||
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Slides THCA01 [1.485 MB] | ||
THCE01 | INR RAS Linac Proton Injector 100 Hz PRR Operation Mode | proton, high-voltage, simulation, linac | 306 |
The injector provides INR RAS linac by proton beam with energy 400 keV, 200 mks pulse duration at pulse repetition rate 50 Hz. PRR of the proton injector has been increased to 100 Hz with goal of rising the accelerator average beam current. Main stages and results of the injector modernization are presented. | |||
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Slides THCE01 [3.518 MB] | ||
THPSC01 | Status of Linacs with High-frequency Quadrupole Focusing LU-30 and LU-30M in IHEP | rfq, proton, linac, DTL | 312 |
There are two RFQ DT proton linacs, named the LU-30 and LU-30M, in the SRC IHEP of NRC "Kurchatov Institute" that are presently in operation. Both are the unique machines employing radio-frequency quadrupole focusing up to 30 MeV at exit. The LU-30 machine now runs as a proton injector to the booster RC PS U-1.5 that feeds the main PS U-70 ultimately. The LU-30M is now run in a stand-alone test operation mode. Such a parallel functioning of these two accelerators allows to use the LU-30M as an experimental facility enabling R&D on new technical decisions and upgrades for the ageing LU-30. On the other hand, the routine operation of the workhorse LU-30 allows for testing of the technical decisions proposed under a heavy non-stop operation during the U-70 runs for fixed-target physics. | |||
THPSC06 | Development and Testing of Powerful High-voltage Electron Accelerator for Energy-intensive Industries | electron, extraction, Windows, high-voltage | 327 |
The report describes the results of the development and testing of the Electron-23high-voltage high-power electron accelerator rated for an accelerating voltage of 1 MV and beam power up to 500 kW at the "NIIEFA" testing facilities. The accelerator is intended for industrial processing of flue gases from coal burning thermal power stations with the aim to reduce concentrations of nitrogen and sulfur oxides. The accelerator may also be used for other energy-consuming processes, such as radiation treatment of wastewater for the purpose of their decontamination or processing of natural gases for their conversion into engine fuel. The report describes the main components and systems of the accelerator, such as the high-voltage generator, the accelerating voltage regulation device, the electron-optical system, the electron source and the accelerating tube, the irradiation field forming system, the beam output device and vacuum system. | |||
THPSC23 | Upgrade of BPM System at VEPP-4M Collider | electronics, positron, electron, controls | 368 |
Funding: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Developed in BINP wideband beam position monitor (BPM) electronics has been installed at the VEPP-4M electron-positron collider. The VEPP-4M operates with two electron and two positron bunches. Wide bandwidth of new electronics (200 MHz) allows the separate measurements of electron and positron bunches with time interval between bunches up to 18 ns. 18 BPMs located near four meeting points are supplied with new electronics. The electronics can measure the position of each of four bunches. BPM system works at two modes: slow closed orbit measurements and turn-by-turn measurements. We present details of system design and operation. |
THPSC31 | Media Server for Video and Audio Exchange between the U-70 Accelerator Complex Control Rooms | software, controls, real-time, network | 386 |
The media server was developed that implements the exchange of video and audio streams between control rooms for U-70 technological subsystems. Media server has the possibility of making changes into the intermediate video images to embed current technological information. The media server is implemented as a set of threads of execution, one for each video format conversion module. The media server is a chain of successive transformations of video and audio streams from one format to another: H264 - Y4M - Theora formats for video, PCM - Vorbis formats for audio. The final video and audio streams are encapsulated into the OGG container stream which is translating into the local network. OGG container has been chosen because of its completely open, patent-free technology and full support in HTML5. Any Web browser with full HTML5 support may be used as OGG stream consumer. The browser client program has written with tag "video" utilization. This allows for client to work on different platforms (Linux, Windows) and get rid of third-party video plug-ins. | |||
THPSC33 | Digital Signal Processing Algorithms for Linac Low-Level RF Systems | FPGA, controls, cavity, embedded | 392 |
A set of LLRF systems had been designed for various applications of resonant RF devices such as accelerators or beam deflectors. This report presents compact signal detection algorithms, used in most of developed systems. Application-specific extension of the signal processing procedure allows the system be synchronized to external self-excited oscillator. | |||
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Poster THPSC33 [13.540 MB] | ||
THPSC34 | A Digital Low-Level RF System for Resonant Beam Deflector of LAPLAS Experiment | LLRF, controls, FPGA, interface | 395 |
A two-resonator heavy ion deflecting system is a part of LAPLAS experiment. ITEP built and put into operation a lightweight prototype of a deflector. Developed high performance radio-frequency control unit provides all necessary options for successful operation in LAPLAS or ITEP installations. The LLRF includes a two-channel reference generator based on a digital signal processing core and resonant frequency control modules, also powered by an appropriate DSP. | |||
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Poster THPSC34 [8.708 MB] | ||
THPSC35 | Quench Detector for Superconducting Elements of the NICA Accelerator Complex | detector, booster, collider, acceleration | 398 |
The system provides highly effective detection of quenches in superconducting elements of Nuclotron and NICA facility. Full information about quench element is transmitted to control room. Diagram of analogue quench signal could be displayed on screen for further analysis. The system performs scheduled self-test diagnostics in real time and controls power elements of energy evacuation.
E. Ivanov |
THPSC39 | Control Systems for Radiography and Cargo Inspection RF Accelerators | controls, network, interface, klystron | 410 |
Based on "open technologies" approach to design of control systems for radiography and cargo inspection electron RF accelerators constructed at Laboratory of Electron Accelerators MSU is described. The control system consists of a number of specialized controllers each responsible for separate accelerator subsystem connected via Ethernet interface and Modbus/TCP protocol with control computer which in turn is connected with control panel computer, modulator, power supplies etc. each having its own digital interface. Each controller contains one or several special boards conditioning external analogue and discrete signals and universal microcontroller part providing controller operation and network connection. Both control computer and control panel computer are based on BlueShark SOM (System on a Module) amd run Linux operating system. Custom SCADA-like system has been developed to provide proper accelerator operation and operator interface with support for different levels of access to accelerator parameters. | |||
THPSC40 | Automated Control System of Target System for PET radionuclids Production | target, controls, cyclotron, software | 413 |
An Automated Control System of target system for production of PET-radionuclids has been designed. The system allows on-line obtaining of the data on the status of the target system and remote control of loading, irradiation and evacuation of the activity to synthesis modules. According to algorithms available in the software, this system makes possible emergency situations to be prevented and incorrect actions of the operator to be blocked. | |||
THPSC43 | Electrostatic Pick-ups for Debunched Beams at INR Linac | pick-up, simulation, electronics, detector | 420 |
Pick-ups are one of the most widespread non-destructive diagnostics at charged particle accelerators. These detectors, also known as beam position monitors, are generally used for the center-of-mass position measurements of bunched beams. The paper describes the research results for infrequent case of debunched beams operation. Measurement peculiarities and distinctive features of electronics are presented. The results of test bench-based measurements and 3D finite element simulations are discussed. | |||
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Poster THPSC43 [2.287 MB] | ||