Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUPSA06 | Beam Dynamics Calculation in the Induction Linear Accelerator | cathode, solenoid, acceleration, electron | 48 |
The geometry of the induction electron accelerator, which will be used for high current acceleration, has been calculated. For the different currents values the optimum focusing magnetic field and has been obtained. Also a current in the compensative coil near the cathode has been calculated. The cathode electrode geometry was changing to achieve minimum beam oscillations during the acceleration. | |||
TUPSA07 | Transit Code for Beam Dynamic Simulation | linac, rfq, ion, proton | 51 |
Multiparticle computer code TRANSIT for simulation of intense ion beams in linacs and transport systems is presented. The code is based on experience in design of ion linacs in ITEP. TRANSIT summarizes the most actual and modern methods and algorithms for integration of motion equations including space charge forces. It is being used in ITEP for design and simulation of conventional RFQs, spatially periodic RF focusing linacs, beam transport systems, RF deflectors, etc. The paper presents general description of TRANSIT code and some achieved results. | |||
TUPSA10 | Advanced Optimization of an Low-energy Ion Beam Dynamics at Linac Front-end with RF Focusing | linac, focusing, rfq, acceleration | 57 |
A design and development of a linac front-end, that guaranties the required beam, quality is an issue of the day. A linac with RF focusing by means of the accelerating field spatial harmonics is suggested as an alternative to RFQ system. Simulation results of the low-energy proton beam dynamics at linac, that takes into account main linac parameter optimization, based on advanced dynamical acceptance calculation, are presented and discussed. | |||
TUPSA12 | The User Friendly Interface for BEAMDULAC-RFQ Code | rfq, interface, linac, space-charge | 60 |
The BEAMDULAC* beam dynamics simulation code is under development at MEPhI Department of Electrophysical Facilities since 1999. Such code includes versions for beam dynamics simulation in a number of accelerating structures as RFQ, DTL, APF, transport channels, ets. The motion equation for each particle is solved selfconsistently in the external fields and the inter-particle Coulomb field simultaneously. The BEAMDULAC code utilizes the cloud-in-cell (CIC) method for accurate treatment of the space charge effects. The external field can be represented analytically, as a series or on the grid. The absence of user friendly interface was the main disadvantage of the code. Last year such interface was developed and will present in the report.
* S.M. Polozov. Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear Physics Investigations, 3 (79), 2012, p. 131-136. |
TUPSA17 | Axial Injection to a Compact Cyclotron with High Magnetic Field | cyclotron, injection, ion, ion-source | 75 |
One of advantages of a compact cyclotron over other type accelerators is a small size mainly defined by the facility’s bending magnetic field. In such cyclotrons an application of an external injection is required in some cases. But for high magnetic field of the cyclotrons (over 4-5 T) there appears a severe problem to make the 1st turns in the machine with external injection of accelerated particles. This paper describes a proposal of a new central region structure of a compact cyclotron that permits one to successfully solve the problem of the axial injection into such a facility using a spiral inflector. | |||
TUPSA20 | Output Energy Variation in the SC Linac for the Proton Radiotherapy | linac, proton, cavity, focusing | 80 |
Current success of the superconducting linear accelerators based on independently phased SC cavities gives a seriously reason to consider such structure in proton radiotherapy. Superconductivity allow to solve at once some problems concerned with a low rate of energy gain, high length, higher capacity losses and higher cost of the proton linear accelerator subsequently. One of the traditional aims of such facilities is receiving of the beam energy about 240 MeV with possibility of fluently regulation in range from 150 to 240 MeV that responds to irradiate the tumors located at different depth. The possibility of beam energy variation by means of RF field phase in last resonators and number of the resonator turn-off becomes the major advantage of the proton SC linac. The optimal choice of accelerator parameters and the beam dynamics simulation results with using BEAMDULAC-SCL code will presented*. Methods of the output energy variation with beam quality preservation in the proton SC linac will discussed.
* A.V. Samoshin. Proc. of LINAC2012, Tel-Aviv, Israel, TUPB069, p. 630 - 632 |
TUPSA35 | Virtual Laboratory of Vacuum Technique | vacuum, software, interface, operation | 110 |
The report considers the interactive computer modeling of vacuum systems. Operation of real vacuum installations is modeled by simulating computer code. It becomes possible in a short time (with the assessment of real-time) to pass through full cycle of the technologies to reach high vacuum state and to estimate the necessary time. It is possible to assemble virtual installation, to choose the necessary pumps (from the database of low-vacuum and high-vacuum ones), to select the vacuum connecting pipes with the required parameters. The vacuum chamber volume and its internal surfaces characteristics (roughness, types of preliminary processing), defining outgassing from these surfaces are set. Possible leakage in junction places of the individual elements of the system could be taken into consideration. After pumping start, sequential switching on of different pumps and achievement of a certain pressure, possibility of chamber preheating up to the necessary temperature is provided. During the analysis of procedure of pumping optimization of the structure of system and the selected elements is made. The computer laboratory is a part of traditional laboratory of vacuum technique of the Department of Electrophysical Facilities of NRNU MEPhI. Modeling of vacuum systems significantly expands the functional capabilities of this laboratory. | |||
WEPSB01 | Modernization the Modulator of the RF-Generator Ion Linear Accelerator LU-20 | ion, operation, linac, high-voltage | 155 |
The report discusses the replacement of the lamp key the modulator semiconductor. A schematic of the modulator and a semiconductor switch scheme protection against voltage surges in the generator lamp. Replacing the lamp key it possible to increase the output power generator. | |||
WEPSB06 | The Optimization of the Buncher at 145.2 MHz to Reduce Multipactor Effect | cavity, electron, injection, beam-transport | 166 |
The results of the optimization of the cavity of the single gap buncher at 145.2 MHz to reduce multipacting effect are presented. Resonant voltages, impact energies and corresponding particle trajectories are obtained. The variants of design to reduce multipacting effect are considered. | |||
WEPSB07 | MultP-M Code Geometry Import Module Performance Optimization | multipactoring, interface, operation, electron | 169 |
The new possibilities of three-dimensional modeling program multipactor MultP-M are presented. On an example, consider an increase in the speed and accuracy of the calculation using a new algorithm for calculating the use of loading geometry format STL. | |||
WEPSB26 | Study of Possibility of Industrial Application of Ion Injector I-3 | ion, target, laser, ion-source | 217 |
Ions injector I-3 of the ITEP-TWAC accelerator complex consists of a buncher, two-gap accelerating cavity and a beam transport line. Laser ion source is used to generate ions for the injector. Possibility of application of the injector to dope semiconductor materials with variable energy ions is considered. Results of beam parameters optimization by numerical simulation to produce uniform distribution of particles density and required energy spread on the target are presented. | |||
WEPSB27 | Design of Multifunctional Facility Based on ECR Ion Source for Material Science | ion, experiment, target, ECR | 220 |
The traditional experimental method for new materials radiation resistance investigation is a reactor irradiation. However, there are some difficulties during steel exposure in reactor. Simulation method based on ion irradiation allows accelerating the defect generation in the material under investigation. Also a modification of materials by ion beams represents the great practical interest for modern material science. Experiments in both directions are ongoing in ITEP. The paper presents the design of the test-bench based on ECR ion source and electrostatic acceleration which is under development in ITEP. This paper describes the results of beam dynamics simulation in the transport channels of the test-bench. Simulation was carried out in the "real" fields Continuous ion beam achievable at the test-bench enables beam fluence on the target up to 1016 particles/m2. | |||
WEPSB35 | Thermal Simulations of the Biperiodical Accelerating Structure with the Operating Frequency 27 GHz | coupling, linac, electron, medical-accelerators | 237 |
Biperiodical accelerating structure (BAS) represents an accelerating structure based on disk loaded waveguide (DLW) with π/2 operation mode. The 1 cm band structure will have very compact transverse size. Such characteristics give it perspective to use in medical accelerators. The results of beam dynamics simulation and electrodynamics study was discussed early. It will important to study the BAS electrodynamics taking into account thermal processes in structure and to design the cooling system. It is important because of the high pulse RF power (about 1.5 MW) necessary for the beam acceleration. The simulation results which are defined using CST code will presented in report. Calculation and determination of the thermolysis coefficient depending on speed, temperature and the water flow direction will make. | |||
WEPSB36 | A prototype of a Phased Array for Deep Thermoradiotherapy | dipole, impedance, experiment, radiation | 240 |
It is proven that hyperthermia increases radiation and chemotherapy efficiency. In oncology, the generation of a higher temperature at a tumor-involved region of the body is called hyperthermia. The thermoradiotherapy is widely and effective uses. A phased array of eight dipoles for the hyperthermia treatment of deep-seated tumors is proposed earlier. The power and phase coherently delivered to the radiating elements can be varied, so that the electromagnetic field is increased at the tumor location and decreased in the normal tissues. The prototype of the phased array of two dipoles and the RF power scheme are presented and results of experiments are discussed. Measured and simulated temperature distributions along the line connecting two dipoles are discussed in this paper. | |||
WEPSB38 | Multifunctional Extraction Channel Development Heavy Ion RFQ (Radio Frequency Quadrupole) | target, ion, plasma, rfq | 245 |
In the ITEP the Heavy Ion RFQ HIP-1 (Heavy Ion Prototype) provides ion beams for two different experimental programs. The first one is successfully ongoing and it is aimed to irradiation resistance investigation of reactor construction materials. Samples of new materials for reactors are irradiated by beams of iron, vanadium ions accelerated by the linac. The structure changes are investigated by both transmission electron microscope and atom-probe tomography. The second one is under development and it is aimed to investigate ion beam interaction with plasma and metal vapor targets. On the basis of beam dynamics simulation the design of new RFQ-output line for both experiments realization was developed. Details of beam dynamics simulation and output line design are presented and discussed in this paper. | |||
WEPSB42 | Histogram Based Bremsstrahlung Radiation Source Model for the CyberKnife Medical Linear Accelerator | radiation, photon, electron, factory | 256 |
The accuracy of dose calculations is of fundamental importance in treatment planning of radiation therapy. The dose distributions must be calculated and verified by an accurate algorithm. The Monte Carlo simulation (statistical method, based on random sampling) of radiation transport is the only method that makes it possible to perform high-precision dose calculations in the case of a complex geometry. The main bottleneck for the application of this method in practical planning of radiation therapy is the lack of a general virtual source model of the accelerator radiation source. There are several approaches that have been described in the literature*. The goal of this work is to build a source model, based on histogram distributions, to represent the 6 MV photon beams from the Cyberknife stereotactic radiosurgery system** for Monte Carlo treatment planning dose calculations. The transport of particles in treatment head of Cyberknife was simulated. Energy, radial and angular distributions were calculated. Source model was created on the base of the cumulative histograms. This approach provides producing an unlimited number of particles for the next dosimetric planning. Results of source modelling were verified in comparison with full-scale simulation without model. Good agreement was shown with calculations using the source model of the linear accelerator treatment head.
*Chetty I.J. et al. Report of the AAPM Task Group No. 105// Med. Phys. 2007. **Francescon P., Cora S., Cavedon C. Total scatter factors of small beams // Med. Phys. 2008. |
THX02 | Experience in Research, Development, Construction and Commissioning of Normally Conducting Accelerating Structures | linac, coupling, HOM, cavity | 278 |
The experience and results of research, development, construction and start of normally conducting accelerating structures for high intensity hadron linear accelerators at medium and high energii is summarized Created methods and obtained results provided construction and start of operation of accelerating system in INR H− linac with designed energy 600 MeV. The research results allow generalize the properties of high energy structures and develop methods and criteria for improvements, with were realized in the development and commissioning of accelerating structures in another foreign laboratories. Basing on research results, the high energy accelerating structure, which surpasses analogues in the total list of parameters, is proposed and approved. | |||
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Slides THX02 [1.259 MB] | ||
THCE01 | INR RAS Linac Proton Injector 100 Hz PRR Operation Mode | operation, proton, high-voltage, linac | 306 |
The injector provides INR RAS linac by proton beam with energy 400 keV, 200 mks pulse duration at pulse repetition rate 50 Hz. PRR of the proton injector has been increased to 100 Hz with goal of rising the accelerator average beam current. Main stages and results of the injector modernization are presented. | |||
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Slides THCE01 [3.518 MB] | ||
THPSC03 | Study of Superconducting Accelerating Structures for Megawatt Proton Driver Linac | cavity, linac, accelerating-gradient, proton | 318 |
Funding: This project was supported by the Ministry of Science and Education of Russia under contract No. 14.516.11.0084 The preliminary design of megawatt level proton accelerator-driver is carrying out by collaboration between Russian scientific centers MEPhI, ITEP, Kurchatov Institute. This project was supported in 2013 by the Ministry of Science and Education of Russia. The linac general layout includes SC Spoke-cavities at middle energy range and elliptical cavity at high energy one. The usage of QWR and/or HWR at 10-30 MeV was also discussed. Due to electrodynamics models of all structures types were designed and the electrodynamics characteristics were studied. QWR, HWQ and Spoke-cavities were proposed to operate on 324 MHz and elliptical cavities on 972 MHz. The main electrodynamics simulation results will present in report. The multipactor study results will also discussed. |
THPSC05 | Study of Possibility of 600-1000 MeV and 1 MW Proton Driver Linac Development in Russia | linac, focusing, rfq, proton | 324 |
Funding: This project was supported by the Ministry of Science and Education of Russia under contract No. 14.516.11.0084 Alternative nuclear energetic's technologies as fast reactors and accelerating driven systems (ADS) are necessary to solve a number of problems as U-238 or thorium fuel reactor and nuclear wastes transmutation. ADS subcritical system should consist of megawatt-power proton accelerator, neutron producing target and breeder. A number of ADS projects are under development in EU, Japan, USA, China, S.Korea at present. Superconducting linacs or their complexes with high energy storage synchrotron are under design in main projects as a megawatt power proton beam driver. In Russian Federation the complex design for accelerator-driver was carried down more than ten years ago. The new approach to the ADS complex is now under development in framework of the project carried out by collaboration between Russian scientific centers MEPhI, ITEP, Kurchatov Institute. This project was supported in 2013 by the Ministry of Science and Education of Russia. A brief results observation for accelerator part of the project is presented in report. It includes accelerator-driver general layout, beam dynamics simulation, electrodynamics simulations of accelerating cavities and analysis of technological background in Russia. |
THPSC18 | Suppression of Mechanical Oscillations in Quarterwave 106 MHz Resonator | cavity, niobium, TRIUMF, superconductivity | 359 |
Analytical calculations and numerical simulations have been done for mechanical eigenmodes of quarter wave superconducting resonators with operating frequency of 106 MHz and 80 MHz. A possibility of frequency shift of mechanical modes in 106 MHz resonator has been estimated by application of the damper. We have optimized the damper's position for suppression efficiency. We have also compared the numerical and experimental results. | |||
THPSC19 | Influence of the Different Geometric Parameters of Superconducting Elliptical Cavities on the Multipactor | accelerating-gradient, electron, cavity, multipactoring | 362 |
The results of numerical simulations of multipacting in the different superconducting elliptical cavities are presented. Question of influence of the aperture radius, equator shape, iris shape and frequency and electron trajectories for different geometrical parameters of elliptic structures are considered. | |||
THPSC43 | Electrostatic Pick-ups for Debunched Beams at INR Linac | pick-up, operation, electronics, detector | 420 |
Pick-ups are one of the most widespread non-destructive diagnostics at charged particle accelerators. These detectors, also known as beam position monitors, are generally used for the center-of-mass position measurements of bunched beams. The paper describes the research results for infrequent case of debunched beams operation. Measurement peculiarities and distinctive features of electronics are presented. The results of test bench-based measurements and 3D finite element simulations are discussed. | |||
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Poster THPSC43 [2.287 MB] | ||
THPSC46 | Simulation and Optimization of Ion Optical Extraction, Acceleration and H-minus Ion Beam Matching Systems | ion, extraction, acceleration, emittance | 429 |
Source of negative hydrogen ions for the implementation of multiturn charge-exchange injection to increase the intensity of IHEP buster is developed. Surface-plasma ion source with Penning discharge is selected as a source of H-minus ions. A high-current extraction system with downstream electron dumping has been designed. A three-dimensional ion optical code IBSimu has been utilized for modelling and optimization the extraction system and ion beam acceleration to energy of 100 keV. A magnetic low energy beam transport line consisting of two solenoids has been designed to match the beam with RFQ. TRACE 2D code was used to optimize LEBT. A deflecting magnet with small angular deflection (10) has been installed between solenoids to eliminate forward tracing of neutral atoms from ions source to RFQ. | |||