Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUY01 | Status and Perspectives of the VEPP-2000 Complex | luminosity, collider, electron, injection | 6 |
The VEPP-2000 is a modern electron-positron collider at BINP. Last season in 2012–2013 was dedicated to the energy range of 160520 MeV per beam. The application of round colliding beams concept along with the accurate orbit and lattice correction yielded the high peak luminosity of 1.21031 cm-2s−1 at 500 MeV with average luminosity of 0.91031 cm-2s−1 per run. The peak luminosity limited only by beam-beam effects, while average luminosity – by present lack of positrons in whole energy range of 1601000 MeV. To perform high luminosity at high energies with small dead time the top-up injection is needed. At present new electron and positron injection complex at BINP is commissioned and ready to feed VEPP-2000 collider with intensive beams with energy of 450 MeV. Last calendar 2014 year was dedicated to the full/partial upgrade of complex's main parts. | |||
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Slides TUY01 [4.152 MB] | ||
TUY02 | Status of Injection Complex VEPP-5 | injection, electron, damping, closed-orbit | 11 |
The status of Injection complex VEPP-5 commissioning are presented. | |||
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Slides TUY02 [1.386 MB] | ||
TUCA04 | Mechanism of Compression of Positron Clouds in the Surko Trap of the LEPTA Facility | plasma, electron, accumulation, resonance | 20 |
Results from experimental studies of plasma storage in the Surko trap at the LEPTA facility are presented. The number of stored particles is found to increase substantially when using the socalled "rotating wall" method, in which a transverse rotating electric field generated by a cylindrical segmented electrode cut into four pairs is applied to the positrons storage region. The conditions of transverse compression of the plasma bunch under the action of the rotating field and buffer gas are studied. The optimal storage parameters are determined for these experimental conditions. Mechanisms of the action of the rotating field and buffer gas on the process of positron clouds storage are presented. | |||
TUZ01 | Particle and Accelerator Physics at the VEPP-4M Collider | experiment, electron, collider, photon | 29 |
VEPP-4M electron-positron collider is now operating with KEDR detector for high-energy physics experiments in the 1.5−4.0 GeV beam energy range to study of hadrons production in continuum and for precise measurement of the R constant. Parallel with these experiments, the VEPP-4M scientific team carries out a number of accelerator physics investigations. Here are some of them: stabilization of the guide field of VEPP-4M with an accuracy of 10-6 using a special feedback system, development of the method of RF orbit separation of electron and positron beams in VEPP-4M instead of usual electrostatic orbit separation for experiment to test CPT-theorem, finding ways to increase luminosity of VEPP-4M. The paper discusses the recent results, present status and perspective plans of the facility. | |||
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Slides TUZ01 [2.012 MB] | ||
TUPSA23 | LEPTA - the Facility for Fundamental and Applied Research | electron, vacuum, injection, focusing | 83 |
Storage ring of LEPTA facility was commissioned in September 2004 and was under development up to now. The positron injector has been constructed in 2005-2010, and beam transfer channel – in 2011. By the end of August 2011 experiments on electron and positron injection into the ring have been started. The last results are presented in this report: studies of e+/e− dynamics in trap, e+ beam in the ring, LEPTA upgrade (vacuum, e+ source with cryocooler), Channel for PAS. | |||
WEPSB32 | Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy at LEPTA Facility | electron, vacuum, background, scattering | 231 |
Since 2009 year the LEPTA facility at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna is operated with positron beam. Today it is developed into two directions. The first one is getting orthopositronium flux in flight. Slow positrons from 22Na source are accumulated in Surko trap and then are injected into the ring where they should overlap with electrons from the sigle-pass electron beam. In this way the flux of orthopositronium atoms will appear and will be observed in the process of registration of gamma quanta from annihilation process. The second group of works focuses on using the positron injector for Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy (PAS) applications. This method is dedicated to detection of structural defects as vacancies in the solid body lattice. The latest progress of this technique is strictly connected with measurements of PAS characteristics using positron beams. The progress in the LEPTA development, the first results obtained in the PAS, idea and actual state of works concerning the construction of the pulsed positron beam will be presented. The creation of pulsed positron beams is the modern tendency in the PAS domain. It allows to measure the lifetimes of annihilating positron in the depth ca. 1 mkm under the surface. It makes possible the identification of kind of defect. | |||
THPSC23 | Upgrade of BPM System at VEPP-4M Collider | electronics, electron, controls, operation | 368 |
Funding: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Developed in BINP wideband beam position monitor (BPM) electronics has been installed at the VEPP-4M electron-positron collider. The VEPP-4M operates with two electron and two positron bunches. Wide bandwidth of new electronics (200 MHz) allows the separate measurements of electron and positron bunches with time interval between bunches up to 18 ns. 18 BPMs located near four meeting points are supplied with new electronics. The electronics can measure the position of each of four bunches. BPM system works at two modes: slow closed orbit measurements and turn-by-turn measurements. We present details of system design and operation. |
THPSC26 | Distributed Beam Loss Monitor Based on the Cherenkov Effect in Optical Fiber | electron, radiation, storage-ring, linac | 374 |
A distributed beam loss monitor based on the Cherenkov effect in optical fiber has been implemented for the VEPP-5 electron and positron linacs and the 510 MeV damping ring at the Budker INP. The monitor operation is based on detection of the Cherenkov radiation generated in optical fiber by means of relativistic particles created in electromagnetic shower after highly relativistic beam particles (electrons or positrons) hit the vacuum pipe. The main advantage of the distributed monitor compared to local ones is that a long optical fiber section can be used instead of a large number of local beam loss monitors. In our experiments the Cherenkov light was detected by photomultiplier tube (PMT). Timing of PMT signal gives the location of the beam loss. In the experiment with 20 m long optical fiber we achieved 3 m spatial resolution. To improve spatial resolution optimization and selection process of optical fiber and PMT are needed and according to our theoretical estimations 0.5 m spatial resolution can be achieved. We also suggest similar techniques for detection of electron (or positron) losses due to Touschek effect in storage rings. | |||
THPSC27 | Modernization of VEPP-2000 Control System | controls, collider, pick-up, software | 377 |
Electron-positron collider VEPP-2000 delivered data for the high energy physics since the end of 2009. In the summer of 2013 the long shutdown was started dedicated to the deep upgrade of the wide range of subsystems. The main goal of the improvements is to reach or exceed design luminosity in the whole energy range from 200 MeV to 1000 MeV per bunch. The hardware of the accelerator complex consists of high current main field power supplies, low current power supplies for steering and multipole magnets, pulsed power supplies for channel's elements, RF subsystems, BPM and some other special subsystems (such as vacuum, temperature, etc.). The control system is based on CANbas, CAMAC and VME devices. The wide range of software corresponding to specific hardware subsystems forms complicated interacting system that manages all parts of the VEPP-2000 accelerator facility. Automation software is running on several TCP/IP connected PC platforms under operating system Linux and uses client-server techniques. The paper presents general overview and changes made in architecture, implementation and functionality of hardware and software of the VEPP-2000 collider control system. | |||
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Poster THPSC27 [7.957 MB] | ||
FRCA03 | Electron and Positron Beams Transportation Channels to BINP Colliders | injection, collider, booster, factory | 462 |
Funding: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, NSh-4860.2014.2 The overview of electron and positron beams transportation channels from injection complex VEPP-5 to VEPP-4M and VEPP-2000 colliders is presented. The last one is discussed in details. The lattice functions, magnetic elements, beam diagnostic system ans vacuum system are presented. The beam commissioning is scheduled to the end of the year. |
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Slides FRCA03 [1.039 MB] | ||