Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUPSA17 | Axial Injection to a Compact Cyclotron with High Magnetic Field | injection, ion, ion-source, simulation | 75 |
One of advantages of a compact cyclotron over other type accelerators is a small size mainly defined by the facility’s bending magnetic field. In such cyclotrons an application of an external injection is required in some cases. But for high magnetic field of the cyclotrons (over 4-5 T) there appears a severe problem to make the 1st turns in the machine with external injection of accelerated particles. This paper describes a proposal of a new central region structure of a compact cyclotron that permits one to successfully solve the problem of the axial injection into such a facility using a spiral inflector. | |||
TUPSA31 | Magnetic System of Isochronous Cyclotron F250 for Proton Therapy Applications | proton, synchro-cyclotron, vacuum, focusing | 103 |
In the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems of the JINR the possibility of designing of the isochronous cyclotron F250 with the energy of protons 250 MeV on the basis of magnet with the diameter of pole 6 m, which is used for the synchro-cyclotron is examined. Synchro-cyclotron many years works for obtaining the protons with the energy 680 MeV and with the intensity of extracted beam 2.5 mkA. For the solution of medical problems the required energy of protons comprises not more than 250 MeV and depends on the depth of the tumor arrangement inside a patient. For determining the required energy of protons the information about the mean free path of protons in the correspondence for the position of Bragg's peak in each case is used. Necessary energy of protons is obtained by means of degrader system providing a retarding the extracted beam of protons with 680 MeV to 250 MeV and less. In this case the utilized for medical purposes intensity of beam does not exceed 50 nA. The proposed cyclotron F250 will make it possible to strongly decrease the electric power of magnet and to avoid the need of beam degradation from 680 MeV to 250 MeV. For creating the required magnetic field of the cyclotron F250 it is necessary to change the form of steel spiral shims and disks, located inside a vacuum chamber of synchro-cyclotron. The basic parameters of the magnetic system of the cyclotron F250 with the condition of retaining the vacuum chamber and the magnet yoke of synchro-cyclotron are given. | |||
TUPSA32 | Magnetic Field Design and Calculation for the FLNR DC-280 Cyclotron | extraction, ion, injection, ECR | 105 |
The isochronous cyclotron DC-280 is intended to accelerate the ion beams with A/Z from 4 to 7 up to the energy 8 – 4 MeV/nucleon. The wide range of the magnetic field levels from 0.64T till 1.32T allows to make a smooth variation of the beam energy over the range ±50% from nominal. For operational optimization of the magnetic field the 11 radial and 4 pairs of harmonic correcting coils are used. The numerical formation of the magnetic field is carried out. The problems and solutions of DC-280 magnetic field design are described. | |||
WEX03 | Production of Accelerating Equipment for Nuclear Medicine in NIIEFA. Potentialities and Prospects | diagnostics, target, proton, radiation | 125 |
The D.V.Efremov Institute (NIIEFA) is the leader in Russia in designing and manufacturing of the accelerating equipment for medicine. About one hundred of linear accelerators for the beam therapy and more than forty cyclotrons for production of radiopharmaceuticals have been designed, manufactured and delivered to clinics of Russia and some foreign countries. The equipment designed and manufactured in NIIEFA in its technical characteristics is on a par with foreign analogs and sufficiently cheaper in expenditures for personnel training, hardware and software compatibility, warranty and post-warranty service, delivery of spare parts and updating. In accordance with Federal Targeted Programs on the development of medical and pharmaceutical industries up to 2020, the production facilities, material and technical resources have been prepared for the organization of serial production of cyclotrons and gamma tomographs. | |||
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WECA04 | Accelerator Hadron Therapy Technique Developed at JINR | proton, synchrotron, extraction, synchro-cyclotron | 131 |
Accelerator hadron therapy technique is one of applied researches realized at JINR. The JINR-IBA collaboration has developed and constructed the C235-V3 cyclotron for Dimitrovgrad hospital center of the proton therapy. Proton transmission in C235-V3 from radius 0.3m to 1.03 m is 72% without beam cutting diaphragms; the extraction efficiency is 62%. The main advantage of this cyclotron in comparison with serial commercial cyclotrons of IBA is related to higher current of the extracted beam. The cancer treatment is realized in JINR on the phasotron proton beam. More than 1000 patients were treated there. A project of the demonstration center of the proton therapy is discussed on base of a superconducting 250 MeV synchrocyclotron. The superconducting synchrocyclotron is planned to install instead of phasotron in Medical Technical Complex of DLNP. The project of the medical carbon synchrotron together with superconducting gantry was developed in JINR. The basis of this medical accelerator is the superconducting JINR synchrotron – Nuclotron. One important feature of this project is related to the application of superconducting gantry. | |||
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WECA09 | Dedicated DC-110 Heavy Ion Cyclotron for Industrial Production of Track Membranes | ion, acceleration, ion-source, heavy-ion | 146 |
In the Laboratory of nuclear reactions JINR dedicated accelerator complex on the basis of the heavy ion cyclotron DC110 for the industrial track membrane production has been developed and created. The isochronous cyclotron DC110 accelerates the ions Ar, Kr and Xe with a fixed energy of 2.5 MeV/nucleon and intensity of 10-15 mkA. The cyclotron is equipped with ECR ion source - DECRIS-5 (18 GHz) and axial injection system. The pole diameter of the magnet is 2 m. Isochronous magnetic field formed by shimming sectors on the level of 1.67 T. Accelerated ions 40Ar6+, 86Kr13+, 132Xe20+ have close mass-to-charge ratio, which allows changing particles without changing the operation mode of the cyclotron. Accelerator complex DC-10 is capable of producing up to 2 million square meters of track membranes per the year. | |||
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WECA11 | CC-18/9M Cyclotron System | target, vacuum, ion, resonance | 149 |
The СС-18/9M cyclotron system has been designed, manufactured and delivered to NIITFA, Moscov. The system consists of an updated cyclotron and a targets system. The cyclotron is intended to produce proton and deuteron beams with an energy of 12-18/6-9 MeV and current up to 150/70 mkA. For this purpose, a shielding-type electromagnet and a resonance system have been afresh designed. The target system for the production of F-18 and C-11 radionuclides has been designed in NIIEFA for the first time. | |||
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WECA12 | SEE Testing Facilities at FLNR Accelerators Complex: State of the Art and Future Plans | ion, heavy-ion, target, detector | 152 |
Funding: This work was sponsored by the Russian Federal Space Agency by special agreement between Institute of Space Device Engineering and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) utilizes U400 and U400M cyclotrons at accelerator complex of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (FLNR) of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna for heavy ion SEE testing. The ions up to the Xe and Bi with the energy up to 40 AMeV are available for the users. The detailed overview of the facility and the features of diagnostic set-up used for ion beam parameters evaluation and control during SEE testing are discussed. The road map for the strategic development of this field in FLNR is presented. * Proceedings of RADECS 2011 PJ-8, pp.756-759, 2012. ** Proceedings of PAC09, Vancouver, BC, Canada FR5REP099, pp. 5011-5013, 2009. |
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WEPSB31 | Project of Demonstration Center of the Proton Therapy at DLNP JINR | proton, synchro-cyclotron, extraction, emittance | 228 |
JINR is one of the leading proton therapy research centers of the in Russia. The modern technique of 3D conformal proton radiotherapy was first effectuated in Russia in this center, and now it is effectively used in regular treatment sessions. A special Medico-Technical Complex was created at JINR on the basis of the phasotron used for proton treatment. About 100 patients undergo a course of fractionated treatment here every year. During last 14 years were treated by proton beams about more than 1000 patients . A project of the demonstration center of the proton therapy is discussed on base of a superconducting 250 MeV synchrocyclotron. The superconducting synchrocyclotron is planned to install instead of phasotron in Medical Technical Complex of DLNP. The new transport channel is designed for beam delivery to the JINR medical cabin. | |||
THCA01 | Accelerator Complex Based on DC-60 Cyclotron | ion, ECR, heavy-ion, operation | 287 |
DC-60 heavy ion accelerator, put into operation in 2006, according to its specifications - spectrum, charge and energy of accelerated ions, has the high scientific, technological and educational potential. The highest possible universality both by spectrum of accelerated ions and acceleration energy and regimes was built in DC-60 heavy ion accelerator designing. The new interdisciplinary research complex based on cyclotron DC-60 makes it possible to create a highly-developed scientific-technological and educational environment in the new capital of Kazakhstan. DC-60 accelerator is a dual cyclotron, which is capable of charged particles acceleration up to kinetic energies in MeV/nucleon, expressed in the following relation: E = 60(zi/A)2, where zi - accelerated ion charge, A - atomic weight of ion. Relation (zi/A) in formula must be within the following limits: (zi/A)2 = (1/6 – 1/12), that impose constraints on charge of accelerated ions. Thus, range of ions accelerated on DC-60 cyclotron is 6Li to 132Xe, variation of ion energy is over the range 0.33 to 1.75 MeV/nucleon. Some results of our work carrying out on the base of DC-60 cyclotron in the field of production, acceleration and transportation of charged particles, physics of solid state, nuclear and atomic physics, production of track membranes etc are given in the article. Also it will be reported about modern trends of accelerators development in Kazakhstan. | |||
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THPSC08 | The Project of the HV Axial Injection for the DC-280 Cyclotron at the FLNR JINR | ion, ECR, injection, ion-source | 333 |
The project of the high-voltage (HV) axial injection for the DC-280 cyclotron which is being created at the FLNR JINR is presented. The injection system will consists of a Permanent Magnet ECR ion source and a Superconducting ECR ion source, beam analyzing magnets, focusing solenoids, beam choppers, a polyharmonic buncher, 75 kV DC accelerating tubes, a commutating electrostatic deflector and a spiral inflector. One part of the injection system is situated on the HV platform, another part is on the grounded yoke of the DC-280 magnet. The injection system will allow one to inject efficiently ions of elements from Helium to Uranium with the atomic mass to charge ratio in the range of 4-7.5 providing acceleration of ion currents with intensity more than 10 pmkA. | |||
THPSC09 | The Project of Beam Transportation Lines for the DC-280 Cyclotron at the FLNR JINR | ion, diagnostics, vacuum, heavy-ion | 336 |
The project of beam lines for carrying out physical experiments at the DC-280 cyclotron which is being created at the FLNR JINR is presented. The commutating magnet with variable magnetic field induction up to 1.5 T gives us possibility to bend ion beams in five directions providing ion transportation through beam lines to five experimental setups. The beam focusing in the beam lines is provided by set of quadrupole lenses having the gradients up to 7.7 T/m. The beam lines are intended for the efficient ion transportation of elements from Helium to Uranium with the atomic mass to charge ratio in the range of 4-7.5 at energies from 4 up to 8 MeV/amu. The ion beam power will reach the value about 3 kW. The water cooled current aperture diaphragms will be installed into all beam lines to prevent the tube damage. The beam diagnostics consists of the Faraday caps (FC), slit collimators, sector aperture diaphragms and ionization beam profile monitors. | |||
THPSC10 | Magnets of Injection and Extraction Systems of Cyclotron DC280 | ion, emittance, sextupole, injection | 339 |
The design of two magnets of the cyclotron DC280 is presented. The magnets are the parts of injection and extraction systems the cyclotron. The design is based on three-dimensional calculation of the magnet field carried out by using OPERA 3D program code. The influence of the magnetic fields nonlinearities on ion beam dynamics is analyzed. | |||
THPSC40 | Automated Control System of Target System for PET radionuclids Production | target, controls, operation, software | 413 |
An Automated Control System of target system for production of PET-radionuclids has been designed. The system allows on-line obtaining of the data on the status of the target system and remote control of loading, irradiation and evacuation of the activity to synthesis modules. According to algorithms available in the software, this system makes possible emergency situations to be prevented and incorrect actions of the operator to be blocked. | |||
THPSC41 | System for Remote Replacement of Targets of the Target System for CC-Cyclotrons | target, ion, vacuum, radiation | 415 |
An automated system for remote replacement of target devices of the target system for cyclotrons of the CC-series has been designed. The system allows one of 5 available targets to be positioned under the beam of the cyclotron at the operator choice. Such a technical solution allows us to have sufficiently smaller overall dimensions of the equipment and less time is required for servicing of water and gas targets. Separate system for target replacement is provided for each beam extraction, which allows the cyclotron to be equipped with 10 different target devices, and makes possible simultaneous irradiation of 2 targets. | |||
THPSC47 | Production of Metal Ion Beams from ECR Ion Sources by MIVOC Method | ion, experiment, ion-source, ECR | 432 |
Funding: Work supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research under grant number 13-02-12011 The production of metal ion beams with ECR ion sources using MIVOC method is described. The method is based on the use of metal compounds having a high vapor pressure at room temperature: for example, C2B10H12, Fe(C5H5)2 and several others. Intense ion beams of B and Fe were produced at the FLNR JINR cyclotrons using this method. The main efforts were went into production and acceleration of 50Ti ion beam at the U-400 cyclotron. The experiments on production of 50Ti ion beam were performed at the test bench with the natural and enriched compounds of titanium (CH3)5C5Ti(CH3)3. In the experiments at the test bench the beam currents of Ti5+ - 80 mkA and Ti11+ - 70 mkA were achieved at different settings of the source. After successful tests two 3 weeks runs with Ti-50 beam were performed at the U-400 cyclotron for the experiments on spectroscopy of super heavy elements. The intensity of the injected beam of 50Ti5+ was about of 50-60 mkA, during experiment the source have shown stable operation. The compound consumption rate was determined to be about of 2.4 mg/h, corresponding to 50Ti consumption of 0.52 mg/h. |
THPSC55 | Improvement of the Beam Transmission in the Central Region Of Warsaw U200P Cyclotron | ion, ion-source, injection, ECR | 453 |
To date, Warsaw U200P cyclotron exploited a mirror inflector to feed heavy ions extracted from ECR ion source (10 GHz, 11 kV) to the central region of the cyclotron. However, in such configuration very low transmission was reachable after many optimizations. Additionally, the new ECR ion source (14,5 GHz, 14-24 kV) was installed, which offers energies far exceeding capabilities of the currently operated inflector and central region. To avoid these obstacles, we have developed a spiral inflector and redesigned central region of the cyclotron. It was a very challenging task, bearing in mind limited volume of central region in our compact machine, to carve these elements suitably for decent versatility of ion beams offered by Warsaw cyclotron. This project was executed in the collaboration with FLNR in Dubna, Russia. The cyclotron equipped with the new central region works in the "constant orbit" regime. Here we present the results of both computational simulations and measurements of the beam transmission in upgraded central region. | |||