Keyword: real-time
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THPSC31 Media Server for Video and Audio Exchange between the U-70 Accelerator Complex Control Rooms software, controls, operation, network 386
  • I. Lobov, V. Gotman
    IHEP, Moscow Region, Russia
  The media server was developed that implements the exchange of video and audio streams between control rooms for U-70 technological subsystems. Media server has the possibility of making changes into the intermediate video images to embed current technological information. The media server is implemented as a set of threads of execution, one for each video format conversion module. The media server is a chain of successive transformations of video and audio streams from one format to another: H264 - Y4M - Theora formats for video, PCM - Vorbis formats for audio. The final video and audio streams are encapsulated into the OGG container stream which is translating into the local network. OGG container has been chosen because of its completely open, patent-free technology and full support in HTML5. Any Web browser with full HTML5 support may be used as OGG stream consumer. The browser client program has written with tag "video" utilization. This allows for client to work on different platforms (Linux, Windows) and get rid of third-party video plug-ins.