Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUPSA36 | Measurement of the Dose Rate and the Radiation Spectrum of the Interaction of 2 MeV Proton Beam with a Variety of Structural Materials | proton, neutron, target, vacuum | 113 |
The paper presents the results of measurements of the spectrum and the radiation dose during irradiation of different construction materials with 2 MeV proton beam. There are shown the spectra of the induced activity of a number of materials and signals from the neutron detector. Based on the obtained results it is made the optimal choice of the target material, on which it is deposited a thin layer of lithium to generate epithermal neutrons used for boron neutron capture therapy of malignant tumors. Recommendations are given for materials desirable to use inside the high-energy beam transporting channel to reduce the dose of concomitant radiation. | |||
TUPSA37 | Measurement of the Spatial Distribution of Gamma Radiation at Tandem Accelerator with Vacuum Insulation | electron, vacuum, detector, proton | 116 |
In BINP the source of epithermal neutrons for BNCT based on the tandem accelerator with vacuum insulation and a lithium target was created and operates. The paper presents the study of the spatial distribution of the X-ray emission produced by the interaction of accelerated electrons with the materials of construction of the accelerator. | |||
WEX03 | Production of Accelerating Equipment for Nuclear Medicine in NIIEFA. Potentialities and Prospects | cyclotron, diagnostics, target, proton | 125 |
The D.V.Efremov Institute (NIIEFA) is the leader in Russia in designing and manufacturing of the accelerating equipment for medicine. About one hundred of linear accelerators for the beam therapy and more than forty cyclotrons for production of radiopharmaceuticals have been designed, manufactured and delivered to clinics of Russia and some foreign countries. The equipment designed and manufactured in NIIEFA in its technical characteristics is on a par with foreign analogs and sufficiently cheaper in expenditures for personnel training, hardware and software compatibility, warranty and post-warranty service, delivery of spare parts and updating. In accordance with Federal Targeted Programs on the development of medical and pharmaceutical industries up to 2020, the production facilities, material and technical resources have been prepared for the organization of serial production of cyclotrons and gamma tomographs. | |||
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WECA06 | Extended Scope of Application of Industrial ELV Accelerator | electron, high-voltage, controls, vacuum | 137 |
ELV accelerators is a D.C. machines. They were designed and manufactured by Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science. These machines are well known in the world. They are operating from Germany in West to Indonesia and Malaysia in East. Main application of these accelerators is the treatment of polymers. Accelerators for the polymer treatment are equipped with the foil window extraction device. Some kinds of ELV accelerators were equipped with the device for focused beam extraction into atmosphere. It allows the treatment of material with a high beam power density under atmosphere pressure. New development of ELV accelerators is concerning the low energy range and design of self-shielded accelerators. There are the set of self-shielded accelerators. The lowest energy is 150 - 200 kV. These machines are unified with usual ELV accelerators and extend their application area. | |||
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WECA07 | LIA-2 and BIM Accelerators as Part of Radiographic Complex at RFNC-VNIITF | betatron, operation, electron, target | 140 |
The regime of joint operation of LIA-2 and two betatrons in radiographic experiments is described. The brief review of main characteristics for all three used accelerators are presented. | |||
WEPSB03 | System Power Microwave Impulse Compression Based on Double Forming Line | accumulation, operation, scattering, plasma | 159 |
Keywords: double forming line (DFL), compressor microwave pulses, microwave plasma discharger, resonator – storage, input power device (an input power), energy output device. The first part is devoted to the calculation and design compressor using a single-mode waveguides. We investigated the processes of accumulation and energy extraction from the resonator – storage of compressor, the dependence of the efficiency of energy extraction from the compressor on the plasma parameters of the discharge gap: n, q, m, v, r, h - the concentration, charge, mass, the frequency of collisions of free electrons, the radius and height of the cylinder through which flows the discharge. Refinement construction site energy output and its optimization, matching waveguide resonator - drive to the waveguide load in deriving energy from the compressor microwave was produced. The concept of a multi-compressor DFL was proposed and optimization under axial field was make to increase the dielectric strength and reduce the inductance of the discharge gap. In the second part of the paper questions, the design of the compressor DFL on oversized waveguides with working mode H01n was discusses. New constructions of power input devices was propose that allow not only to providing the necessary coupling coefficient with the feed path, but also greatly reduced the excitation of unacceptable modes in the resonator – storage. | |||
WEPSB15 | The Utilization of Standard DC Accelerator ELV for The Tomography | electron, cathode, high-voltage, controls | 186 |
ELV accelerators have been developed at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and occupy a special place in the spectrum of the equipment produced by the Institute. These machines are widely used for radiation modification of polymers and worked well in a variety of processes in many countries of the Eurasian continent. Using serial ELV accelerators for industrial tomography opens up new possibilities for industrial technologies. This increases the requirements on the stability parameters of the injected electron beam. The article formulates the requirements for electron accelerator ELV for tomographic studies, pulsation energy and beam current. Described Schottky effect affects to the shape and size of the ripple current, and the method for increasing the stability of the beam parameters. These machines are unified with conventional accelerators ELV and expand the scope of their utilization. | |||
WEPSB36 | A prototype of a Phased Array for Deep Thermoradiotherapy | dipole, simulation, impedance, experiment | 240 |
It is proven that hyperthermia increases radiation and chemotherapy efficiency. In oncology, the generation of a higher temperature at a tumor-involved region of the body is called hyperthermia. The thermoradiotherapy is widely and effective uses. A phased array of eight dipoles for the hyperthermia treatment of deep-seated tumors is proposed earlier. The power and phase coherently delivered to the radiating elements can be varied, so that the electromagnetic field is increased at the tumor location and decreased in the normal tissues. The prototype of the phased array of two dipoles and the RF power scheme are presented and results of experiments are discussed. Measured and simulated temperature distributions along the line connecting two dipoles are discussed in this paper. | |||
WEPSB37 | Interdisciplinary Glossary – Particle Accelerators and Medicine | interface, diagnostics, electron, proton | 243 |
A general concept of a new interdisciplinary glossary, which includes particle accelerator terminology used in medicine, as well as relevant medical concepts, is presented. Its structure and usage rules are described. An example, illustrating the quickly searching technique of relevant information in this Glossary, is considered. A website address, where one can get an access to the Glossary, is specified. Glossary can be refined and supplemented. | |||
WEPSB42 | Histogram Based Bremsstrahlung Radiation Source Model for the CyberKnife Medical Linear Accelerator | simulation, photon, electron, factory | 256 |
The accuracy of dose calculations is of fundamental importance in treatment planning of radiation therapy. The dose distributions must be calculated and verified by an accurate algorithm. The Monte Carlo simulation (statistical method, based on random sampling) of radiation transport is the only method that makes it possible to perform high-precision dose calculations in the case of a complex geometry. The main bottleneck for the application of this method in practical planning of radiation therapy is the lack of a general virtual source model of the accelerator radiation source. There are several approaches that have been described in the literature*. The goal of this work is to build a source model, based on histogram distributions, to represent the 6 MV photon beams from the Cyberknife stereotactic radiosurgery system** for Monte Carlo treatment planning dose calculations. The transport of particles in treatment head of Cyberknife was simulated. Energy, radial and angular distributions were calculated. Source model was created on the base of the cumulative histograms. This approach provides producing an unlimited number of particles for the next dosimetric planning. Results of source modelling were verified in comparison with full-scale simulation without model. Good agreement was shown with calculations using the source model of the linear accelerator treatment head.
*Chetty I.J. et al. Report of the AAPM Task Group No. 105// Med. Phys. 2007. **Francescon P., Cora S., Cavedon C. Total scatter factors of small beams // Med. Phys. 2008. |
WEPSB43 | Magnetic Buncher Accelerator UELV-10-10-T-1 for Studying Fluorescence and Radiation-Physical Researches | electron, bunching, injection, background | 259 |
Accelerator UELV-10-10-T-1 is equipped with special system of injection and magnetic buncher with the purpose of generation picoseconds the beam duration 50 ps with the current 150 A at energy 10 MeV for studying fluorescence and radiation-physical researches. For maintenance of the magnetic bunching the accelerator works in the mode of the reserved energy when duration of the pulse of injection (2,5 nanoseconds) is much less than time of filling of a wave guide energy (100 nanoseconds). At a pulse microwave of capacity 10 MW the energy which has been saved up in the wave guide, makes about 2 J. It provides an opportunity of a cutting collimator separately chosen bunch after scan of "package" by a rotary magnet. After an output from the accelerator the package electrons from 3-5 bunches acts in magnetic buncher consisting of two electromagnets. In buncher the beam is scanning as "fan", and then focused. At a current of the beam 30 A in the pulse duration 2,5 nanoseconds distinction on energy between the adjacent bunches makes of 300 keV, that provides an opportunity of the cutting collimator the separate chosen bunch after space scanning with a rotary magnet. At a magnetic bunching electrons in "head" of a bunch have the big energy and are transported on trajectories with the big radius than "tail" electrons. Thus "compression" of the bunch on time is attain and accordingly the charge of a bunch increases. | |||
WEPSB44 | Neutron Radiation Monitoring of the Therapeutic Proton Beam Transportation | neutron, proton, monitoring, beam-transport | 262 |
A monitoring system online controls a therapeutic proton beam by measuring a secondary neutron radiation from the beam losses. The system consists of neutron detectors in the transport path passage from Linac to the facility of proton therapy and terminal controller connected to the computer. The neutron detectors measure a level of the secondary neutron radiation in real time along of the transport channel, near the formative elements. The system of the neutron detectors registers temporal variations of the beam intensity in local areas transport medical channel. These changes arise are due to changes in operating mode of the channels or instability of the elements forming the beam. The monitoring system allows to determine a intensity and temporal structure of the therapeutic beam and to detect mode and instability of the formative elements. | |||
WEPSB45 | Small-Size High-Performance ARSA Accelerators for On-Line Testing for ECB for Radiation Hardness | detector, controls, electron, operation | 264 |
A small-size high-performance pulsed accelerator ARSA with the voltage up to 1.3MeV is developed. The accelerator is distinguished for stability of characteristics (spread no more than ±10%), high dose rate of bremsstrahlung (up to 1.5*1010 R/s in a spot 1 cm in diameter), potentiality of intense operation (hundreds of shots a day), electro-magnetic compatibility with radio electronics. There is developed a fiber-optic monitor-dosimeter functionally connected with ARSA control panel ensuring pulse measurement of bremsstrahlung, accumulation of the prescribed dose, reading of data to the computer. To monitor the shape of bremsstrahlung pulses a separate channel is provided. | |||
WEPSB47 | Depth Dose Distribution of the Bremsstrahlung Generated by the Betatron OB-4 in Different Environments | betatron, DTL, detector, electron | 266 |
Within a research framework of the development of the new methods to reduce radiation doses for the objects under radiographic analysis, it was proposed to use the pulsed irradiation source synchronized with the detecting device. The previous tests showed a significant radiation dose decline to the objects in comparison with conventional techniques. For estimation of the suitability of using the compact betatron OB-4 as a source of bremsstrahlung for visualization purposes it is necessary to investigate the dosymetric parameters of the device. In the paper the dosimetric parameters measurement technique of the bremsstrahlung generated by betatron OB-4 is described. The radiation dose measurement results from the bremsstrahlung generated by betatron are shown. The depth dose distributions of the bremsstrahlung generated by betatron obtained with the help of the solid thermoluminescent detectors DTL-02 and the dosimeter UNIDOS E equipped with a PTW Farmer cylindrical ionization chamber type 30013 in the different environments (in the air, in the water andin the lead) are illustrated. | |||
WEPSB49 | Method of Measuring Fast Neutron Fluence Using the Planar Silicon Detectors | detector, neutron, experiment, lattice | 272 |
Funding: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna The technique reported of fast neutron fluence measurements using silicon detectors. One of the main macroscopic effects at radiation damage of silicon detectors by fast neutrons is increase of the reverse current. The increment of the reverse current detector is a linear dependence on fast neutron fluence and is determined by the formula: DI=aIxFxV, where: DI=(I1-I0), (А) – the measured increment of the reverse dark current after irradiation of the detector normalized to temperature of +20 C, aI=(5±0.5)'10-17, (А/сm) – current constant radiation damage of silicon for neutrons with energy 1 MeV, F, (сm-2) - equivalent fluence of fast neutrons with energy 1 MeV, V=d'S, (сm3) – the volume of the detector at the full depletion voltage. The experimental results of measurements of fast neutron fluence with silicon detectors are obtained on the pulsed fast neutrons reactor (IBR-2, channel #3) and on the experimental facility KVINTA JINR, Dubna. |
THZ01 | Superconducting Multipole Wigglers for Generation of Synchrotron Radiation | wiggler, electron, synchrotron, synchrotron-radiation | 296 |
Superconducting multipole wigglers are very powerful instruments for generation of synchrotron radiation of high intensity. Use of a superconducting wire for creation of a sign alternating lateral magnetic field has the big advantages in comparison of permanent magnets and conventional electromagnets. Superconductivity use allows to create much higher magnetic field at the same field period and the vertical aperture for a beam. The high magnetic field allows not only to increase intensity, but also to expand spectrum of synchrotron radiations. The first superconducting wiggler has been made and installed on the VEPP-3 electron storage ring as a generator of synchrotron radiation in 1979. Nowadays tens of the wigglers are successfully working in the various synchrotron radiation centers and more than 10 of them were developed and made in Budker INP. The description of magnetic properties of the wigglers, parameters of both cryogenic and vacuum systems and their technical decisions are resulted in the report. | |||
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THPSC11 | NSLS-II Booster Vacuum System | vacuum, booster, electron, storage-ring | 342 |
One of the last SR source third generation (NSLS-II) is constructed in Brookhaven National Laboratory in present time. To raise the operation effectiveness in continued mode with irradiation of maximum brightness injectors of these SR sources is operated continually on the energy up to energy of the main ring (linac or synchrotron booster). The injection on the full energy allows add electrons to early moved electrons in a storage ring rather than to regulate a magnet system. This operating mode is often named "Top-Up". NSLS-II consists of a linear accelerator on the electron energy up to 200 MeV, a synchrotron booster on the energy 3 GeV, a main storage ring. The status and review of vacuum system are written in this report. | |||
THPSC12 | Effect of the Vertical Velocity Component on Properties of Synchrotron Radiation | electron, synchrotron, synchrotron-radiation, betatron | 345 |
This subject determines more precisely characteristics of synchrotron radiation when charge particle moves on the spiral in physical devices and a space. For this purpose first the Bessel functions of a high order are approximated to within the second approach. It is discussed that the vertical component of velocity in alternating magnetic fields of accelerators significantly changes spectral and angular distributions of radiation intensity. | |||
THPSC26 | Distributed Beam Loss Monitor Based on the Cherenkov Effect in Optical Fiber | electron, positron, storage-ring, linac | 374 |
A distributed beam loss monitor based on the Cherenkov effect in optical fiber has been implemented for the VEPP-5 electron and positron linacs and the 510 MeV damping ring at the Budker INP. The monitor operation is based on detection of the Cherenkov radiation generated in optical fiber by means of relativistic particles created in electromagnetic shower after highly relativistic beam particles (electrons or positrons) hit the vacuum pipe. The main advantage of the distributed monitor compared to local ones is that a long optical fiber section can be used instead of a large number of local beam loss monitors. In our experiments the Cherenkov light was detected by photomultiplier tube (PMT). Timing of PMT signal gives the location of the beam loss. In the experiment with 20 m long optical fiber we achieved 3 m spatial resolution. To improve spatial resolution optimization and selection process of optical fiber and PMT are needed and according to our theoretical estimations 0.5 m spatial resolution can be achieved. We also suggest similar techniques for detection of electron (or positron) losses due to Touschek effect in storage rings. | |||
THPSC37 | A Pulse Generator of X-Ray Quants for Remote Radiation Monitoring | cathode, electron, high-voltage, acceleration | 404 |
For effective implementation of modern methods of X-raying required equipment complexes with increased requirements to the generator X-rays compared to conventional devices used in radiography. These requirements basically boil down to the fact that the radiation source along with small dimensions should provide at least 0.5 m from the target minimum exposure dose of about 10 mR for 1 with the appliance with a minimum area of the radiating surface of the target. These parameters are obtained by using X-rays generator based on high-current diode accelerating tube (AT) operating in the pulse-periodic regime at current amplitude of the accelerated electrons in the tube Im ~ 1 kA, pulse duration 1-10 ns and a maximum energy of electrons reaching several hundred keV The report presents the development of compact AT, which improved definition x-ray image is ensured by using a diode system with a coaxial geometry acceleration of electrons to the anode electrode internal target and explosive emission cathode. AT used to run a specially designed high-voltage pulse transformer-based "Tesla" with surge sharpener. Describes the design and block diagram interface generator X-ray quanta. Feature is the high stability of the generator is not dependent on the voltage, battery charge. Presented the results of experimental testing of the generator X-ray quanta. Also shows the waveform duration x-ray pulses in the presence of the lead filter and without it. | |||
THPSC41 | System for Remote Replacement of Targets of the Target System for CC-Cyclotrons | target, cyclotron, ion, vacuum | 415 |
An automated system for remote replacement of target devices of the target system for cyclotrons of the CC-series has been designed. The system allows one of 5 available targets to be positioned under the beam of the cyclotron at the operator choice. Such a technical solution allows us to have sufficiently smaller overall dimensions of the equipment and less time is required for servicing of water and gas targets. Separate system for target replacement is provided for each beam extraction, which allows the cyclotron to be equipped with 10 different target devices, and makes possible simultaneous irradiation of 2 targets. | |||
THPSC42 | Modernization of the Automated Control System of Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source Using Citect SCADA | controls, software, synchrotron, synchrotron-radiation | 417 |
The running cycle of Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source (KSRS) includes the injection of electrons with energy 80 MeV from the linear accelerator in the booster storage ring Siberia-1, the accumulation of a electron current up to 400 mA and, then, electron energy ramping up to 450 MeV with the subsequent extraction of electrons in the main ring, storage ring Siberia-2, and accumulation there up to 300 mA, and at last the energy ramping up to 2.5 GeV. A few years ago we started modernization of the automated control systems (ACS) of accelerator - storage complex. Modernization has affected the most important parts of the system - the system of data collection and control system. Used advanced solutions based on CAN and VME and modular complexes National Instruments. Currently begins implementation of the Citect SCADA system. In this paper the stages of implementation of the SCADA control system. Showing part of the system, which is already widely used, as well as parts of the system, which is scheduled to launch in the near future. | |||
FRCB03 | Accelerators Application for Radiation Processing of Foodstuffs | electron, controls, framework, monitoring | 470 |
During last couple decades in Russia an interest in the electron-beam sterilization technology has been significantly renewed. The electron beam irradiation occurs at electron energies in the range from 3 up to 10 MeV with dose of 30 kGy. A special research interest is an exploring the possibility to reduce electron energy and dose characteristics upon foods irradiation. | |||