Keyword: induction
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TUPSA29 Method of Broadband Stabilization of the VEPP-4M Main Field feedback, experiment, operation, power-supply 100
  • A.V. Pavlenko, A.M. Batrakov, G.V. Karpov, I.B. Nikolaev, V.V. Svishchev
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • A.V. Pavlenko
    NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
  Funding: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, NSh-4860.2014.2
The stability of the main field has great influence on precision experiments on particle physics which are performed on VEPP-4M facility currently. A method of broadband stabilization of the VEPP-4M main field allowing us to achieve field stability better than 0.5 ppm over DC - 50Hz frequency range is presented. The method combines NMR stabilization and feedback loop using induction signal.
WEPSB29 The Induction Synchrotron with a Constant Magnetic Field dipole, focusing, acceleration, betatron 223
  • G. Dolbilov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  In this report possibility of cyclic acceleration of the charged particles in constant in time a magnetic field is discussed. The closed orbit of particles is formed by a set of magnetic dipoles. In each section of dipoles the radial dispersion of trajectories of a beam depends on the azimuthal length of a dipole and has the small size (on the order of several centimeters). As the dipole section has radial focusing and vertical defocusing, using quadrupole lenses between dipole sections it is possible to organize alternating-sing focusing on all perimeter of the accelerator. Particles are accelerated by electric field of the induction sections which powering up is made at bunch approach. The inductor of sections are remagnetized in the range of time between a beam bunches. Stability of longitudinal oscillations is defined by a form of a table of accelerating induction pulses. Such accelerator is able to afford to expand the range of parameters of accelerated particles on their charge and atomic weight as doesn't demand compliance of a resonance of HF-system to the frequency of the circular frequency of accelerated particles.  
WEPSB30 The Compact Induction Accelerator of Electrons for Radiation Technologies electron, dipole, focusing, acceleration 226
  • G. Dolbilov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  The electron accelerator with energy <10 MEV uses a rectangular pulse of the accelerating induction voltage and a trapezoidal pulse of a leading magnetic field. For preservation of radius of an equilibrium orbit to constants special ratios between amplitude-time characteristics of a magnetic induction and the accelerating voltage of inductors are carried out. The accelerator contains alternating-sign focusing in dipole magnets and rectilinear accelerator parts. Total cross-section of inductors of accelerating section is equal to S=WL/Bc, (W-energy of electrons, L-perimeter of an orbit, B<2Bs, Bs-индукция of saturation of inductors, c - velocity of light)  
THX01 Results of LIA-2 Operation target, electron, operation, cathode 275
  • P.V. Logachev, A. Akimov, P.A. Bak, M.A. Batazova, A.M. Batrakov, D. Bolkhovityanov, A.A. Eliseev, G.A. Fatkin, A.A. Korepanov, Ya.V. Kulenko, G.I. Kuznetsov, A.A. Pachkov, A. Panov, A.A. Starostenko, D.A. Starostenko
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • A.R. Akhmetov, S.D. Hrenkov, P.A. Kolesnikov, E.O. Kovalev, O.A. Nikitin, D.S. Smirnov
    RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia
  Funding: Supported in part by Russian ministry of science and education.
Recent results of LIA-2 operation are presented. High quality of intense electron beam has been achieved in designed intervals of energy and current. All key elements of accelerator based on domestic technology successfully passed though long term operational tests.
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