Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUX02 | Accelerator Complex U70 of IHEP: Status and Upgrades | proton, ion, target, power-supply | 1 |
Funding: National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" The report overviews present status of the Accelerator Complex U70 of IHEP-Protvino. It is a sequel to prior status reports delivered to RuPAC-2008, -2010 and -2012, and outlines the recent machine-related activity and upgrades in a run-by-run chronological ordering. * Оn behalf of the U70 staff |
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Slides TUX02 [3.512 MB] | ||
TUPSA32 | Magnetic Field Design and Calculation for the FLNR DC-280 Cyclotron | cyclotron, ion, injection, ECR | 105 |
The isochronous cyclotron DC-280 is intended to accelerate the ion beams with A/Z from 4 to 7 up to the energy 8 – 4 MeV/nucleon. The wide range of the magnetic field levels from 0.64T till 1.32T allows to make a smooth variation of the beam energy over the range ±50% from nominal. For operational optimization of the magnetic field the 11 radial and 4 pairs of harmonic correcting coils are used. The numerical formation of the magnetic field is carried out. The problems and solutions of DC-280 magnetic field design are described. | |||
WECA04 | Accelerator Hadron Therapy Technique Developed at JINR | cyclotron, proton, synchrotron, synchro-cyclotron | 131 |
Accelerator hadron therapy technique is one of applied researches realized at JINR. The JINR-IBA collaboration has developed and constructed the C235-V3 cyclotron for Dimitrovgrad hospital center of the proton therapy. Proton transmission in C235-V3 from radius 0.3m to 1.03 m is 72% without beam cutting diaphragms; the extraction efficiency is 62%. The main advantage of this cyclotron in comparison with serial commercial cyclotrons of IBA is related to higher current of the extracted beam. The cancer treatment is realized in JINR on the phasotron proton beam. More than 1000 patients were treated there. A project of the demonstration center of the proton therapy is discussed on base of a superconducting 250 MeV synchrocyclotron. The superconducting synchrocyclotron is planned to install instead of phasotron in Medical Technical Complex of DLNP. The project of the medical carbon synchrotron together with superconducting gantry was developed in JINR. The basis of this medical accelerator is the superconducting JINR synchrotron – Nuclotron. One important feature of this project is related to the application of superconducting gantry. | |||
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Slides WECA04 [1.517 MB] | ||
WEPSB09 | Comparision of Higher Order Modes Damping Techniques for Array of Single Cell Cavities | HOM, impedance, damping, higher-order-mode | 174 |
Funding: Research supported by RFBR grant 13-02-00562/14 and EU FP7 HiLumi LHC - Grant Agreement 284404" The LHC High Luminosity upgrade program considers an option of using additional cavities, operating at multiplies of the main RF system frequency of 400 MHz. Such harmonic cavities should provide a possibility to vary the length of colliding bunches. In order to supply the required harmonic voltage several single cell superconducting cavities are to be used. It is desirable to house more cavities in a single cryostat to reduce the number of transitions between "warm" and "cold" parts of the cryogenic system. In this paper we study electromagnetic characteristics of a chain of the single cell superconducting cavities coupled by drifts tubes. In order to reduce the influence of Higher order modes (HOM) excited in the structure on the beam stability and to minimize eventual power losses we analyze the HOM parameters and calculate the wake potential decay rates due to application of different HOM damping devices. In particular, the methods of HOM damping with rectangular waveguides connected to the drift tubes, the loads placed in the fluted and ridged drift tubes, as well as combinations of these methods are compared. Higher order modes, superconductivity, harmonic cavities |
WEPSB12 | Cascade Interference Switches for Active Microwave Compressors | cavity, operation, experiment, distributed | 180 |
Funding: "Science" state order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Results of study energy extraction devices for S-band microwave pulse compressors are presented. The devices are manufactured as interference switches produced from the circular single mode waveguide and that are differs only by the cascade of identical H-plane T-junctions connected in series at a side arm of H-tee. The versions cascade switches which are matched and unmatched from the side of auxiliary arm of T-junction are investigated. It is shown the variant of cascade switches with the matched T-junctions allows decrease the switching power level few times comparatively the switching power of usual one. Possibility of increasing operation power and stability of output pulses of microwave pulse compressors with such energy extraction devices are confirmed in experiments. There are presented the results of investigation the cascade including two and three switches connected in series by straight arms. It is shown the switching power level for such type cascade switches can be many less than for usual switch with one T-junction. Results of experimental study cascade switches of such type confirming with the results of the theoretical analyses are presented and peculiarities of cascade switches are mentioned. The assumption about good perspectives for the cascade switches manufactured from oversized rectangular waveguide is formulated. The obtained results concerning of the cascade switch operation have been demonstrated the possibility of increasing switch operation power. |
WEPSB13 | Oversized Interference Switches of Active Microwave Pulse Compressors | cavity, coupling, operation, plasma | 183 |
Funding: "Science" state order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Results of simulation and experimental study of two types of the oversized interference switches are presented. The switch of the first type was developed on basis of the simulation of the oversized rectangular waveguide H-tee with the H01 operation mode. Conditions of effective operation of the first type switch as an energy extraction element of active microwave pulse compressors are determined. The output pulse power of 2.8 MW and pulse width of 3.5 ns with the corresponding amplification factor of 17.5 dB for were obtained in the X-band microwave pulse compressor prototype containing the storage cavity made of WR-284 waveguide and the switch made of the waveguide with the cross section area of 58×25 mm2. The results of experimental study of the oversized X-band interference switch of the second type with the synchronous energy extraction through a compact packet of common single mode switches incorporating the five identical waveguide tees are presented as well. Possibility of full synchronization of the switch packet is proved and the conditions of such synchronization are determined. Permissible quantity of the switches in a packet unit is estimated. The output pulse power of 0.8 MW, pulse width of 3.2 ns at the power gain of 12 dB and the pulse power of 2.2 MW, pulse width of 3.5 ns at the power gain of 16.5 dB were obtained when the energy extraction from the five different single mode resonant cavities and an oversized cavity respectively was synchronous. |
WEPSB19 | First Results of Experiments with the Extracted Carbon Beam at the U-70 Accelerator | ion, detector, experiment, booster | 197 |
The scheme of the C ions beam production with energy 455 MeV/nucleon from the U-70 accelerator was described briefly. The equipment facilities for the radiobiology experiments were shown. Experimental parameters of the carbon beam were described. The first experimental results were shown. | |||
WEPSB31 | Project of Demonstration Center of the Proton Therapy at DLNP JINR | proton, synchro-cyclotron, cyclotron, emittance | 228 |
JINR is one of the leading proton therapy research centers of the in Russia. The modern technique of 3D conformal proton radiotherapy was first effectuated in Russia in this center, and now it is effectively used in regular treatment sessions. A special Medico-Technical Complex was created at JINR on the basis of the phasotron used for proton treatment. About 100 patients undergo a course of fractionated treatment here every year. During last 14 years were treated by proton beams about more than 1000 patients . A project of the demonstration center of the proton therapy is discussed on base of a superconducting 250 MeV synchrocyclotron. The superconducting synchrocyclotron is planned to install instead of phasotron in Medical Technical Complex of DLNP. The new transport channel is designed for beam delivery to the JINR medical cabin. | |||
THCB01 | The NSLS-II Booster Development and Commisioning | booster, dipole, synchrotron, injection | 293 |
National Synchrotron Light Source II is a third generation light source constructed at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The project includes highly optimized 3 GeV electron storage ring, linac pre-injector and full-energy injector-synchrotron. Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics built turnkey booster for NSLS-II. The main parameters of the booster, its characteristics and the results of commissioning are described in this paper. | |||
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Slides THCB01 [1.328 MB] | ||
THPSC06 | Development and Testing of Powerful High-voltage Electron Accelerator for Energy-intensive Industries | electron, Windows, operation, high-voltage | 327 |
The report describes the results of the development and testing of the Electron-23high-voltage high-power electron accelerator rated for an accelerating voltage of 1 MV and beam power up to 500 kW at the "NIIEFA" testing facilities. The accelerator is intended for industrial processing of flue gases from coal burning thermal power stations with the aim to reduce concentrations of nitrogen and sulfur oxides. The accelerator may also be used for other energy-consuming processes, such as radiation treatment of wastewater for the purpose of their decontamination or processing of natural gases for their conversion into engine fuel. The report describes the main components and systems of the accelerator, such as the high-voltage generator, the accelerating voltage regulation device, the electron-optical system, the electron source and the accelerating tube, the irradiation field forming system, the beam output device and vacuum system. | |||
THPSC25 | Extending VEPP-5 Control System by Middleware for Injection/extraction Automation | injection, controls, software, hardware | 371 |
CX and EPICS are used at VEPP-5 Injection complex. Each system is in charge of some part of accelerator devices. Middleware layer was added in order to make data processing and facility-level control actions more straightforward. Middleware is separated from clients layer by means of additional CX-server. Architectural approach is discussed by the example of complex injection/extraction automation. | |||
THPSC46 | Simulation and Optimization of Ion Optical Extraction, Acceleration and H-minus Ion Beam Matching Systems | ion, simulation, acceleration, emittance | 429 |
Source of negative hydrogen ions for the implementation of multiturn charge-exchange injection to increase the intensity of IHEP buster is developed. Surface-plasma ion source with Penning discharge is selected as a source of H-minus ions. A high-current extraction system with downstream electron dumping has been designed. A three-dimensional ion optical code IBSimu has been utilized for modelling and optimization the extraction system and ion beam acceleration to energy of 100 keV. A magnetic low energy beam transport line consisting of two solenoids has been designed to match the beam with RFQ. TRACE 2D code was used to optimize LEBT. A deflecting magnet with small angular deflection (10) has been installed between solenoids to eliminate forward tracing of neutral atoms from ions source to RFQ. | |||