Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUPSA10 | Advanced Optimization of an Low-energy Ion Beam Dynamics at Linac Front-end with RF Focusing | linac, simulation, rfq, acceleration | 57 |
A design and development of a linac front-end, that guaranties the required beam, quality is an issue of the day. A linac with RF focusing by means of the accelerating field spatial harmonics is suggested as an alternative to RFQ system. Simulation results of the low-energy proton beam dynamics at linac, that takes into account main linac parameter optimization, based on advanced dynamical acceptance calculation, are presented and discussed. | |||
TUPSA13 | The Interactive Computer Environment for Designing and Tuning of Charged Particle Beams Transport Channels | synchrotron, controls, operation, quadrupole | 63 |
This paper considers the application package that simulates transport channel of relativistic charged particles. The package provides an interactive mode for the user. It is possible to observe the main parameters of the beam crossing the channel on the PC screen such as envelope and cross-section of the beam at different sections of the channel while changing the main control parameters of the real channel. Enabling of procedures of mathematical programming provides express optimization of control parameters of the channel. The designed package is compact, has a modular structure and can be easily adapted to different software platforms. MATLAB integrated environment is used as instrumental environment, which has a freeware version of this system - SCILAB. Package testing was carried out on the electron synchrotron "Pakhra" during the recalibration of the channel of the accelerator working in different modes, which are determined by conducted experiments. | |||
TUPSA16 | Electron Gun with Adiabatic Plasma Lens | plasma, electron, gun, cathode | 72 |
Funding: This work supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant № 12-02-00866-а) For researches on plasma physics has been designed and constructed the electronic gun with the cold cathode on energy about 250 keV. The electron beam have the parameters: time width of pulses 100 ns, current amplitude 100 A. The adiabatic plasma lens is used to reduce the beam size to the demanded value. The results of tests are presented. |
TUPSA20 | Output Energy Variation in the SC Linac for the Proton Radiotherapy | simulation, linac, proton, cavity | 80 |
Current success of the superconducting linear accelerators based on independently phased SC cavities gives a seriously reason to consider such structure in proton radiotherapy. Superconductivity allow to solve at once some problems concerned with a low rate of energy gain, high length, higher capacity losses and higher cost of the proton linear accelerator subsequently. One of the traditional aims of such facilities is receiving of the beam energy about 240 MeV with possibility of fluently regulation in range from 150 to 240 MeV that responds to irradiate the tumors located at different depth. The possibility of beam energy variation by means of RF field phase in last resonators and number of the resonator turn-off becomes the major advantage of the proton SC linac. The optimal choice of accelerator parameters and the beam dynamics simulation results with using BEAMDULAC-SCL code will presented*. Methods of the output energy variation with beam quality preservation in the proton SC linac will discussed.
* A.V. Samoshin. Proc. of LINAC2012, Tel-Aviv, Israel, TUPB069, p. 630 - 632 |
TUPSA23 | LEPTA - the Facility for Fundamental and Applied Research | positron, electron, vacuum, injection | 83 |
Storage ring of LEPTA facility was commissioned in September 2004 and was under development up to now. The positron injector has been constructed in 2005-2010, and beam transfer channel – in 2011. By the end of August 2011 experiments on electron and positron injection into the ring have been started. The last results are presented in this report: studies of e+/e− dynamics in trap, e+ beam in the ring, LEPTA upgrade (vacuum, e+ source with cryocooler), Channel for PAS. | |||
TUPSA31 | Magnetic System of Isochronous Cyclotron F250 for Proton Therapy Applications | cyclotron, proton, synchro-cyclotron, vacuum | 103 |
In the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems of the JINR the possibility of designing of the isochronous cyclotron F250 with the energy of protons 250 MeV on the basis of magnet with the diameter of pole 6 m, which is used for the synchro-cyclotron is examined. Synchro-cyclotron many years works for obtaining the protons with the energy 680 MeV and with the intensity of extracted beam 2.5 mkA. For the solution of medical problems the required energy of protons comprises not more than 250 MeV and depends on the depth of the tumor arrangement inside a patient. For determining the required energy of protons the information about the mean free path of protons in the correspondence for the position of Bragg's peak in each case is used. Necessary energy of protons is obtained by means of degrader system providing a retarding the extracted beam of protons with 680 MeV to 250 MeV and less. In this case the utilized for medical purposes intensity of beam does not exceed 50 nA. The proposed cyclotron F250 will make it possible to strongly decrease the electric power of magnet and to avoid the need of beam degradation from 680 MeV to 250 MeV. For creating the required magnetic field of the cyclotron F250 it is necessary to change the form of steel spiral shims and disks, located inside a vacuum chamber of synchro-cyclotron. The basic parameters of the magnetic system of the cyclotron F250 with the condition of retaining the vacuum chamber and the magnet yoke of synchro-cyclotron are given. | |||
WEPSB29 | The Induction Synchrotron with a Constant Magnetic Field | dipole, induction, acceleration, betatron | 223 |
In this report possibility of cyclic acceleration of the charged particles in constant in time a magnetic field is discussed. The closed orbit of particles is formed by a set of magnetic dipoles. In each section of dipoles the radial dispersion of trajectories of a beam depends on the azimuthal length of a dipole and has the small size (on the order of several centimeters). As the dipole section has radial focusing and vertical defocusing, using quadrupole lenses between dipole sections it is possible to organize alternating-sing focusing on all perimeter of the accelerator. Particles are accelerated by electric field of the induction sections which powering up is made at bunch approach. The inductor of sections are remagnetized in the range of time between a beam bunches. Stability of longitudinal oscillations is defined by a form of a table of accelerating induction pulses. Such accelerator is able to afford to expand the range of parameters of accelerated particles on their charge and atomic weight as doesn't demand compliance of a resonance of HF-system to the frequency of the circular frequency of accelerated particles. | |||
WEPSB30 | The Compact Induction Accelerator of Electrons for Radiation Technologies | induction, electron, dipole, acceleration | 226 |
The electron accelerator with energy <10 MEV uses a rectangular pulse of the accelerating induction voltage and a trapezoidal pulse of a leading magnetic field. For preservation of radius of an equilibrium orbit to constants special ratios between amplitude-time characteristics of a magnetic induction and the accelerating voltage of inductors are carried out. The accelerator contains alternating-sign focusing in dipole magnets and rectilinear accelerator parts. Total cross-section of inductors of accelerating section is equal to S=WL/Bc, (W-energy of electrons, L-perimeter of an orbit, B<2Bs, Bs-индукция of saturation of inductors, c - velocity of light) | |||
WEPSB39 | Industrial Prototype of Compact CW Linac | klystron, gun, electron, feedback | 248 |
A compact continuous-wave linear accelerator for industrial applications with an output electron energy of 1 MeV and design average beam current of 25 mA is described. The results of beam dynamics, accelerating structure, and RF system simulation are presented, accelerator construction and first results of its commissioning are described. | |||
THPSC05 | Study of Possibility of 600-1000 MeV and 1 MW Proton Driver Linac Development in Russia | linac, rfq, simulation, proton | 324 |
Funding: This project was supported by the Ministry of Science and Education of Russia under contract No. 14.516.11.0084 Alternative nuclear energetic's technologies as fast reactors and accelerating driven systems (ADS) are necessary to solve a number of problems as U-238 or thorium fuel reactor and nuclear wastes transmutation. ADS subcritical system should consist of megawatt-power proton accelerator, neutron producing target and breeder. A number of ADS projects are under development in EU, Japan, USA, China, S.Korea at present. Superconducting linacs or their complexes with high energy storage synchrotron are under design in main projects as a megawatt power proton beam driver. In Russian Federation the complex design for accelerator-driver was carried down more than ten years ago. The new approach to the ADS complex is now under development in framework of the project carried out by collaboration between Russian scientific centers MEPhI, ITEP, Kurchatov Institute. This project was supported in 2013 by the Ministry of Science and Education of Russia. A brief results observation for accelerator part of the project is presented in report. It includes accelerator-driver general layout, beam dynamics simulation, electrodynamics simulations of accelerating cavities and analysis of technological background in Russia. |
THPSC07 | Single Frequency High Intensity High Energy Normal Conducting Hadron Linac | DTL, linac, rfq, emittance | 330 |
Funding: Work is supported by IHEP with contract № 0348100096313000178 Taking the care for beam quality and the possibility of practical realization, the scheme and parameters for 400 MeV H− linac are considered. The concepts for beam emittance preservation, both transverse and longitudinal, starting from RFQ, following with PMQ focusing DTL and finishing with high energy CCL part are summarized. Different focusing schemes are analyzed for DTL and CCL parts. The pulse beam current is limited to the safe value 40 mA and the average current up to 2 mA is supposed by duty factor of 5%. The single operating frequency 352 MHz is for all linac parts, providing the strong unification both for RF system and elements of accelerating structures. Referring and comparing with existing solutions for another intense linacs, the feasibility and reality of the proposal is confirmed. Expected performances both in beam, parameters and hardware are summarized. |
FRCA02 | Time Dependence of Ion Beam Transverse Phase-Space Portrait Orientation During Linac Proton Injector Pulse | ion, high-voltage, proton, ion-source | 459 |
As a result of analysis conducted a transients of the 400 kV column intermediate electrode potential have been determined as one of the main processes responsible for change of beam phase-space portrait orientation during 200 mks, 50 Hz proton injector high voltage accelerating pulse. Beam transport simulation shows high sensitivity of the beam phase-space portrait orientation to variation of the intermediate electrode potential. It has been found that significant variation of this potential takes place due to transition process during a pulse in the capacitor-resistor voltage water divider of the accelerating tube. The divider capacities matching procedure has been performed. The beam emittance measurements results have shown that within the accuracy of observation the beam transverse phase-space portrait orientation remains constant during injector pulse with the accelerating tube voltage divider being compensated. | |||
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