Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUPSA13 | The Interactive Computer Environment for Designing and Tuning of Charged Particle Beams Transport Channels | synchrotron, focusing, controls, operation | 63 |
This paper considers the application package that simulates transport channel of relativistic charged particles. The package provides an interactive mode for the user. It is possible to observe the main parameters of the beam crossing the channel on the PC screen such as envelope and cross-section of the beam at different sections of the channel while changing the main control parameters of the real channel. Enabling of procedures of mathematical programming provides express optimization of control parameters of the channel. The designed package is compact, has a modular structure and can be easily adapted to different software platforms. MATLAB integrated environment is used as instrumental environment, which has a freeware version of this system - SCILAB. Package testing was carried out on the electron synchrotron "Pakhra" during the recalibration of the channel of the accelerator working in different modes, which are determined by conducted experiments. | |||
WEPSB25 | PRIOR Proton Microscope | proton, target, experiment, vacuum | 214 |
Funding: Joint Helmholtz-ROSATOM FAIR-Russia Research Centre (HGF-IVF-IK-Ru-002) The new proton radiography facility PRIOR* (Proton microscope for FAIR) was developed at SIS-18 accelerator at GSI (Darmstadt, Germany). PRIOR setup is designed for measurement, with high spatial resolution up to 10 mkm, of density distribution of static and dynamic objects by using a proton beam with energy up to 4.5 GeV. The magnetic system of the PRIOR beam-line consists of two sections. The first, matching section, contains electromagnetic-quadruple lenses and provides formation of a proton beam for the objects imaging task (beam size, angular distribution). The second section is a magnification (K ~4) section that consists of four Permanent Magnet Quadruples (PMQ) lenses. Tungsten collimators, installed at central plane of magnification section, provides regulation of contrast of the proton-radiographic images. Investigated object installed between first and second section. The registration system for static experiments consists of CsI scintillator and plastic scintillator (Bicron BC-412) for dynamic one with two types of intensified CCD cameras: PCO DiMAX and PCO DicamPro. In the first experiments with static objects with 3.6 Gev proton, was demonstrated a spatial resolution of 30 mkm. Dynamic commissioning was performed with target based on underwater electrical wires explosion with electrical pulse with current amplitude of ~200 kA and time duration of few microseconds. * Merrill F.E. et al., Proton microscopy at FAIR, AIP Conf. Proc. 1195, 2009, p.667 |
WEPSB33 | Development of the Equipment for the Prototype of a Complex of Radiotherapy at the Nuclotron-M | emittance, target, beam-transport, experiment | 234 |
The report deals with the construction of the carbon beam transport line for biomedical research at the Nuclotron accelerator complex, JINR, Dubna. We have studied the scheme and modes of magneto-optical elements of the channel. Used electronics described. We are discussed the compilation and realization of the plan of treating a tumor located at a depth up to 30 cm. Choice of beam scanning schemes and their optimization are shown. | |||
THZ03 | Production of Superconducting Equipment at IHEP | dipole, cryogenics, solenoid, superconductivity | 301 |
The report overviews the recent SC-related R&D and production activity at IHEP. The scope of the paper extends over the items to follow. Two superconducting magnetic systems of Electron Lens for the Tevatron collider were developed, manufactured and successfully brought into operation. 42 cryogenic electrical feed boxes of various types for the Large Hadron Collider were developed, produced and commissioned. Results of development of fast-cycling SC magnets for the FAIR project are discussed. Operational experience acquired with the largest in Russia cryogenic system for cooling with a superfluid helium of SC RF separator for the beam transfer line #21from the U-70 machine is presented. Test-and-trial results with HTS current leads and dipole magnet employing Bi2223 as well as racetrack coils made of second-generation HTS are reviewed. | |||
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Slides THZ03 [0.823 MB] | ||
THPSC02 | Geometry of Quadrupole Magnet for the U-3.5 Accelerator in the OMEGA Project | multipole, proton, hadron, synchrotron | 315 |
Accelerating complex of intensive beams of charged particles (project Omega) is being developed at IHEP. The main part of this complex is 3.5 GeV ring accelerator. The basic parameters of the quadrupole magnet for this ring are: 5.564 T/m central gradient in the 102.9 mm radius of the "good field"; the injection gradient is 1.222 T/m; the gradient ramp rate is 334 T/m/s. Different profiles of the poles were considered for the purpose of selecting the most optimal 2D and 3D geometries of the magnet. The basic parameters of the optimal geometries are presented. | |||
THPSC13 | Horizontal Emittance Regulation at SIBERIA-2 | injection, emittance, betatron, sextupole | 347 |
Synchrotron radiation (SR) brightness is the most valuable parameter of every SR light source. It depends greatly on horizontal emittance of an electron beam. That's why all modern SR light sources have designed emittance of several nanometers. A horizontal emittance of Siberia-2 now equals to 98 nm. It can be decreased by two ways. First way is to find another working point (betatron tunes) with lower emittance. Maximal possible current values of existing power supplies must be taken into account. Injection efficiency may become worse because of smaller dynamic aperture due to stronger sextupoles. Second way is to rebuild magnetic structure keeping the same betatron tunes. Advantages of this method are good injection efficiency and proved energy ramping process. Modification of the magnetic structure may be done at high energy with more stable electron beam. But the second way is not allowed to reach as lower emittance level as in the first way. Theoretical and practical aspects of these two ways are described in the report. Magnetic structures with dispersion-free straight sections and smooth horizontal dispersion function are presented. Also structure with higher emittance is described in order to reach higher injection efficiency. | |||
THPSC14 | Electron Emission and Trapping in Non-Uniform Fields of Magnet Structure and Insertion Devices at SR Source Siberia-2 | electron, storage-ring, vacuum, wiggler | 350 |
In vacuum chamber of SR source, scattered photons provide high intensity flows of photo emitted electrons along the magnetic fields lines. The unperturbed electrons reach the opposite walls. The relativistic bunches influence the trajectories of low energy electrons. These electrons can be trapped by non-uniform magnetic field. The low energy electron distributions change the operating settings of the storage ring. For Siberia-2 case, the low energy electron densities are evaluated both in quadrupole lenses and in superconducting wiggler on 7.5 T field. The qualitative description of the trapped electrons behavior was developed. In calculations, the analitical solution was obtained and used for estimations of the single impact of relativistic bunch. | |||
THPSC17 | Higher Order Modes Damping for 9-cell Structure with Modified Drift Tubes | HOM, cavity, damping, dipole | 356 |
Funding: Research supported by RFBR grant 13-02-00562/14 This paper is focused on HOM damping in 9-cell superconducting cavities. We are considering HOM propagation outside from the cavity ridged and fluted drift tubes. The analysis of the influence of the parameters of the drift tube on the HOM damping was conducted. The considered methods were analysed and compared. |
FRCA01 | Cooling Storage Ring CR of the FAIR Facility - Status and Perspectives | kicker, injection, lattice, antiproton | 456 |
The Collector Ring (CR) is a wide aperture storage ring of the FAIR international facility (Darmstadt, Germany) dedicated to perform the stochastic precooling of secondary particles, rare isotopes or antiprotons. BINP (Novosibirsk) takes responsibility on the design and construction of almost all systems of the CR. The project status, preliminary design of main systems and results of the modelling of beam dynamics are presented. | |||
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Slides FRCA01 [2.060 MB] | ||