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THX03 Status of the Nuclotron controls, ion, experiment, operation 283
  • A.O. Sidorin, N.N. Agapov, A.V. Alfeev, V. Andreev, V. Batin, D.E. Donets, E.D. Donets, E.E. Donets, A.V. Eliseev, A.R. Galimov, E.V. Gorbachev, A. Govorov, E.V. Ivanov, V. Karpinsky, H.G. Khodzhibagiyan, A. Kirichenko, V. Kobets, A.D. Kovalenko, O.S. Kozlov, K.A. Levterov, V.A. Mikhailov, V. Monchinsky, S. Romanov, N. Shurkhno, I. Slepnev, V. Slepnev, A.V. Smirnov, G.V. Trubnikov, A. Tuzikov, B. Vasilishin, V. Volkov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  • O.I. Brovko, A.V. Butenko, A. Nesterov, A.V. Philippov, G.S. Sedykh
    JINR/VBLHEP, Moscow, Russia
  Since last RuPAC five runs of the Nuclotron operation were performed. Diagnostic and control systems were improved. Commissioning of new quench detection system was completed. Deuteron beam was accelerated up to maximum design energy corresponding to 2 T of the dipole magnetic field. Stochastic cooling of coasting deuteron, coasting and bunched carbon beams was obtained. First run with new heavy ion source was performed. Results of these and other works are presented.  
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