Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUPSA05 | Three Electrode Electron Gun with the Decreased Anode Voltage Geometry Optimization | electron, gun, controls | 45 |
Three electrode gun, consisting of spherical cathode, control electrode and anode, has been designed. Anode potential was varying between 30 kV and 50 kV. For the each potential the control electrode potential has been chosen to achieve the smallest beam crossover in the middle of the first accelerator cell. Calculations was based on the model of the already existing gun – electron injector in the linear accelerator. Then all calculations for the different anode voltages has been repeated for the biger cathode, that means – different cathode electrode geometry. The result to use in the further accelerator calculations has been achieved. | |||
TUPSA06 | Beam Dynamics Calculation in the Induction Linear Accelerator | solenoid, acceleration, electron, simulation | 48 |
The geometry of the induction electron accelerator, which will be used for high current acceleration, has been calculated. For the different currents values the optimum focusing magnetic field and has been obtained. Also a current in the compensative coil near the cathode has been calculated. The cathode electrode geometry was changing to achieve minimum beam oscillations during the acceleration. | |||
TUPSA16 | Electron Gun with Adiabatic Plasma Lens | plasma, electron, gun, focusing | 72 |
Funding: This work supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant № 12-02-00866-а) For researches on plasma physics has been designed and constructed the electronic gun with the cold cathode on energy about 250 keV. The electron beam have the parameters: time width of pulses 100 ns, current amplitude 100 A. The adiabatic plasma lens is used to reduce the beam size to the demanded value. The results of tests are presented. |
WEPSB15 | The Utilization of Standard DC Accelerator ELV for The Tomography | electron, radiation, high-voltage, controls | 186 |
ELV accelerators have been developed at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and occupy a special place in the spectrum of the equipment produced by the Institute. These machines are widely used for radiation modification of polymers and worked well in a variety of processes in many countries of the Eurasian continent. Using serial ELV accelerators for industrial tomography opens up new possibilities for industrial technologies. This increases the requirements on the stability parameters of the injected electron beam. The article formulates the requirements for electron accelerator ELV for tomographic studies, pulsation energy and beam current. Described Schottky effect affects to the shape and size of the ripple current, and the method for increasing the stability of the beam parameters. These machines are unified with conventional accelerators ELV and expand the scope of their utilization. | |||
THX01 | Results of LIA-2 Operation | target, electron, operation, induction | 275 |
Funding: Supported in part by Russian ministry of science and education. Recent results of LIA-2 operation are presented. High quality of intense electron beam has been achieved in designed intervals of energy and current. All key elements of accelerator based on domestic technology successfully passed though long term operational tests. |
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Slides THX01 [1.271 MB] | ||
THCE02 | CW 100 keV Electron RF Injector for 40 mA Average Beam Current | gun, cavity, electron, vacuum | 309 |
CW 100 keV electron RF gun for 40 mA average beam current was developed, built and commissioned at BINP SB RAS. The RF gun consists of normal conducting 100 MHz RF cavity with a gridded thermo cathode unit, CW 16 kW generator with GU-92A tetrode in the output stage and a set of LLRF electronics. The gun was tested up to the design specifications at a test bench that includes a diagnostics beam line. The design features of different components of the gun are presented. Preparation and commissioning experience is discussed. The beam test results are summarized. | |||
THPSC37 | A Pulse Generator of X-Ray Quants for Remote Radiation Monitoring | electron, high-voltage, acceleration, radiation | 404 |
For effective implementation of modern methods of X-raying required equipment complexes with increased requirements to the generator X-rays compared to conventional devices used in radiography. These requirements basically boil down to the fact that the radiation source along with small dimensions should provide at least 0.5 m from the target minimum exposure dose of about 10 mR for 1 with the appliance with a minimum area of the radiating surface of the target. These parameters are obtained by using X-rays generator based on high-current diode accelerating tube (AT) operating in the pulse-periodic regime at current amplitude of the accelerated electrons in the tube Im ~ 1 kA, pulse duration 1-10 ns and a maximum energy of electrons reaching several hundred keV The report presents the development of compact AT, which improved definition x-ray image is ensured by using a diode system with a coaxial geometry acceleration of electrons to the anode electrode internal target and explosive emission cathode. AT used to run a specially designed high-voltage pulse transformer-based "Tesla" with surge sharpener. Describes the design and block diagram interface generator X-ray quanta. Feature is the high stability of the generator is not dependent on the voltage, battery charge. Presented the results of experimental testing of the generator X-ray quanta. Also shows the waveform duration x-ray pulses in the presence of the lead filter and without it. | |||
THPSC48 | Hydrogen Nuclides Acceleration from Laser Plasma in the Diode with Magnetic Insulation of Electrons | laser, plasma, electron, ion | 435 |
New experimental results of obtaining accelerated deuterons in the small-sized diode with magnetic insulation are reported. The effective mode of ion acceleration to energies at 300 keV in the diode with a high voltage anode in order to initiate nuclear reactions D(d, n)3He is obtained with diode current ~0,5 kA and impulse duration ~1 mks in vacuum ~5*10-2 Pa. Containing deuterons laser plasma was generated at the anode during TiD target laser irradiation with a wavelength of 1.06 microns and a power density of ~5*1014 W/m2. Accelerating voltage impulse was formed using Arkadyev–Marx 20 cascade impulse voltage generator with air insulation. Diode cathode covers the anode symmetrically. It is a hollow cylinder permanent magnet with induction on the axis ~0,4 T. Magnetic insulation in accelerating gap leads to suppression of the accelerated electrons current at level of 0.5 in relation to the total diode current. Used methods of accelerating diode ion current, accelerating impulse voltage and penetrating radiations characteristics measurements are described. | |||
THPSC49 | Hydrogen Nuclides Removing From Pulse Plasma Formations | plasma, vacuum, laser, ion | 438 |
The features of hydrogen nuclides extraction from vacuum-arc plasma and laser sources by electric field research results are presented in the report. Such sources can be used in accelerators injection systems and in neutron generators. These processes, found, are strongly influenced by electrostatic oscillations in the plasma boundary, which position continuously varies, in addition to the ions thermal motion. Such movement kinematics determined by the velocity field in plasma formation and its concentration reducing because of the ions extraction. On the basis of this model it shows that plasma boundary moves initially in the direction to the ejection electrode, then stops and begins quickly move back. An equation for the nuclides emission current density from hydrogen plasma surface for their quasiplanar extraction geometry is obtained. | |||