Keyword: DTL
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WEPSB47 Depth Dose Distribution of the Bremsstrahlung Generated by the Betatron OB-4 in Different Environments betatron, radiation, detector, electron 266
  • I. Miloichikova, V. Ruchyeva, E. Shuvalov, S. Stuchebrov
    TPU, Tomsk, Russia
  Within a research framework of the development of the new methods to reduce radiation doses for the objects under radiographic analysis, it was proposed to use the pulsed irradiation source synchronized with the detecting device. The previous tests showed a significant radiation dose decline to the objects in comparison with conventional techniques. For estimation of the suitability of using the compact betatron OB-4 as a source of bremsstrahlung for visualization purposes it is necessary to investigate the dosymetric parameters of the device. In the paper the dosimetric parameters measurement technique of the bremsstrahlung generated by betatron OB-4 is described. The radiation dose measurement results from the bremsstrahlung generated by betatron are shown. The depth dose distributions of the bremsstrahlung generated by betatron obtained with the help of the solid thermoluminescent detectors DTL-02 and the dosimeter UNIDOS E equipped with a PTW Farmer cylindrical ionization chamber type 30013 in the different environments (in the air, in the water andin the lead) are illustrated.  
THPSC01 Status of Linacs with High-frequency Quadrupole Focusing LU-30 and LU-30M in IHEP rfq, proton, operation, linac 312
  • S.A. Strekalovskikh
    IHEP, Moscow Region, Russia
  There are two RFQ DT proton linacs, named the LU-30 and LU-30M, in the SRC IHEP of NRC "Kurchatov Institute" that are presently in operation. Both are the unique machines employing radio-frequency quadrupole focusing up to 30 MeV at exit. The LU-30 machine now runs as a proton injector to the booster RC PS U-1.5 that feeds the main PS U-70 ultimately. The LU-30M is now run in a stand-alone test operation mode. Such a parallel functioning of these two accelerators allows to use the LU-30M as an experimental facility enabling R&D on new technical decisions and upgrades for the ageing LU-30. On the other hand, the routine operation of the workhorse LU-30 allows for testing of the technical decisions proposed under a heavy non-stop operation during the U-70 runs for fixed-target physics.  
THPSC07 Single Frequency High Intensity High Energy Normal Conducting Hadron Linac linac, rfq, emittance, focusing 330
  • V.V. Paramonov, V.N. Leontiev
    RAS/INR, Moscow, Russia
  • A.P. Dourkine
    MNIRTI, Moscow, Russia
  • A. Kolomiets
    ITEP, Moscow, Russia
  Funding: Work is supported by IHEP with contract № 0348100096313000178
Taking the care for beam quality and the possibility of practical realization, the scheme and parameters for 400 MeV H linac are considered. The concepts for beam emittance preservation, both transverse and longitudinal, starting from RFQ, following with PMQ focusing DTL and finishing with high energy CCL part are summarized. Different focusing schemes are analyzed for DTL and CCL parts. The pulse beam current is limited to the safe value 40 mA and the average current up to 2 mA is supposed by duty factor of 5%. The single operating frequency 352 MHz is for all linac parts, providing the strong unification both for RF system and elements of accelerating structures. Referring and comparing with existing solutions for another intense linacs, the feasibility and reality of the proposal is confirmed. Expected performances both in beam, parameters and hardware are summarized.