Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUX02 | Accelerator Complex U70 of IHEP: Status and Upgrades | proton, extraction, target, power-supply | 1 |
Funding: National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" The report overviews present status of the Accelerator Complex U70 of IHEP-Protvino. It is a sequel to prior status reports delivered to RuPAC-2008, -2010 and -2012, and outlines the recent machine-related activity and upgrades in a run-by-run chronological ordering. * Оn behalf of the U70 staff |
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TUCA01 | Commissioning 2 MeV Cooler in COSY and Novosibirsk | electron, proton, experiment, vacuum | 14 |
The 2 MeV electron cooling system for COSY-Julich was proposed to further boost the luminosity in presence of strong heating effects of high-density internal targets. The 2 MeV cooler is also well suited in the start up phase of the High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) at FAIR in Darmstadt. It can be used for beam cooling at injection energy and for testing new features of the high energy electron cooler for HESR. The COSY cooler is designed on the classic scheme of low energy coolers like cooler CSRm, CSRe, LEIR that was produced in BINP before. The electron beam is transported inside the longitudinal magnetic field along whole trajectory from an electron gun to a collector. The 2 MeV electron cooler was installed in the COSY ring in the spring 2013. Electron beam commissioning and first studies using proton and deuteron beams were carried out. Electron cooling of proton beam up to 1662 MeV kinetic energy was demonstrated. Maximum electron beam energy achieved so far amounted to 1.25 MeV. Voltage up to 1.4 MV was demonstrated. The cooler was operated with electron current up to 0.5 A. | |||
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TUCB01 | Ultrahigh Vacuum in Superconducting Synchrotrons | vacuum, cryogenics, booster, synchrotron | 23 |
The achievement of ultrahigh vacuum conditions in the range of 10-10 – 10-12 Torr is a very complicate task for charged particle accelerators. For superconducting accelerators the main rest gas is hydrogen which does not freeze effectively on the chamber wall even under the liquid helium temperature. Fast ramp of the magnetic field in the superconducting synchrotrons leads to the heating of the vacuum chamber that brings an additional problem for the achievement of the ultrahigh vacuum. In this talk the review of ultrahigh vacuum systems in superconducting accelerators is presented. Non-evaporated getters under the liquid nitrogen temperature are planned to the achievement of necessary vacuum conditions in the new accelerator complex of the NICA project (JINR, Russia). | |||
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TUZ02 | Accelerator Technologies Development at ITEP | proton, synchrotron, rfq, heavy-ion | 34 |
Restart of scientific activity at ITEP associated with join it to the pilot project of NRC "Kurchatov Institute" is the occasion for summing up of intermediate results and existing capability of accelerator physics and technologies development in the institute. School of accelerators construction at ITEP has old traditions and refers on studying, invention, mastering and implementation to operation of technological features of proton and ion beams generation, transportation, acceleration, accumulation, extraction and space-time formation for usage of accelerated beams in physical experiments and applied research works. Historical survey and current state of accelerator science activity at ITEP are presented. | |||
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TUPSA07 | Transit Code for Beam Dynamic Simulation | linac, simulation, rfq, proton | 51 |
Multiparticle computer code TRANSIT for simulation of intense ion beams in linacs and transport systems is presented. The code is based on experience in design of ion linacs in ITEP. TRANSIT summarizes the most actual and modern methods and algorithms for integration of motion equations including space charge forces. It is being used in ITEP for design and simulation of conventional RFQs, spatially periodic RF focusing linacs, beam transport systems, RF deflectors, etc. The paper presents general description of TRANSIT code and some achieved results. | |||
TUPSA17 | Axial Injection to a Compact Cyclotron with High Magnetic Field | cyclotron, injection, ion-source, simulation | 75 |
One of advantages of a compact cyclotron over other type accelerators is a small size mainly defined by the facility’s bending magnetic field. In such cyclotrons an application of an external injection is required in some cases. But for high magnetic field of the cyclotrons (over 4-5 T) there appears a severe problem to make the 1st turns in the machine with external injection of accelerated particles. This paper describes a proposal of a new central region structure of a compact cyclotron that permits one to successfully solve the problem of the axial injection into such a facility using a spiral inflector. | |||
TUPSA25 | Acceleration of the Oppositely Charged Particles in the Single Stream | electron, acceleration, heavy-ion, plasma | 88 |
One of the problems arising at extraction of heavy ions from plasma is removal of electrons from a stream of particles. Therefore possibility of simultaneous acceleration in one direction as ions (electric field), and electrons (pressure gradient) is represented rather interesting. In work when using the hydrodynamic description in the accelerating interval conditions of cold ions and hot electrons are studied. Possibility of excess by ions of speed of an ionic sound is shown, and the ratio of sizes of streams of be any. | |||
TUPSA26 | Electrodes Form Optimization of RF Deflecting System Wobbler for FAIR Project | cavity, heavy-ion, target, experiment | 91 |
Funding: SAEC "Rosatom" and Helmholtz Association The new method for high energy density states in matter investigation, which based on irradiation of combined target by hollow high energy heavy ion beam was proposed in the Institute for theoretical and experimental physics (ITEP). The target consists of a sample of matter at the center and a hollow shell around it. The experiment of high energy density states generation will be carry on at FAIR project. The RF deflecting system (Wobbler) for hollow high energy heavy ion U28+ beam with kinetic energy Wk=1 GeV/n formation is developing at ITEP. The current results of electrodes form optimization for RF deflecting system (Wobbler) which is developing at ITEP for FAIR project are shown in this paper. |
TUPSA27 | The First Design of Medium Resolution Mass Spectrometer (MRMS) High Voltage Platform in a SPES Project | vacuum, interlocks, high-voltage, controls | 94 |
A new project of 150 kV high voltage platform (HVP) is developed in a Laboratori Nazionali di Lagnaro as part of SPES (Selective Production of Exotic Species) project for the production of the multiply charged RIB (rare ion beams). The HVP will be located after ECR ion source charge breeder. Medium resolution mass spectrometer (MRMS) is installed at the platform to provide high purity beams with mass resolution about 1/1000. The Draft of platform design including all beamline elements is discussed. There is a several way of feeding equipment on HVP proposed, required engineering services parameters (vacuum system, cooling system, power system and etc) were defined. Some safety measures are proposed. | |||
TUPSA28 | The Advanced Nanostructure Steel Modification by Gas Ions Beams | experiment, ion-source, power-supply, operation | 97 |
New constriction materials are under developing for the energy sector. They will provide: energy prodaction, store and transportation with high efficiency and ecology safety. One of the main modern direction of new materials developing are nanostructures steel which consolidation oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS). ODS and EK-181 steels have high hot, radiation and corrosion resistance. The experimental program for investigation of nanoclusters generation and growth (in ODS steels) under irradiation of N (and also Ti, V) ion beams is ongoing in ITEP. Ion irradiation is performed at the accelerator complex TIPr with gas ion source duoplasmatron. In this article the source installation and it's power systems development of, as well as the results of ion beam charge state distribution measurements and the first results of ODS materials irradiation by gas ions are described and discussed. | |||
TUPSA32 | Magnetic Field Design and Calculation for the FLNR DC-280 Cyclotron | cyclotron, extraction, injection, ECR | 105 |
The isochronous cyclotron DC-280 is intended to accelerate the ion beams with A/Z from 4 to 7 up to the energy 8 – 4 MeV/nucleon. The wide range of the magnetic field levels from 0.64T till 1.32T allows to make a smooth variation of the beam energy over the range ±50% from nominal. For operational optimization of the magnetic field the 11 radial and 4 pairs of harmonic correcting coils are used. The numerical formation of the magnetic field is carried out. The problems and solutions of DC-280 magnetic field design are described. | |||
TUPSA34 | The Power Supply System of Electrostatic Deflecting Plates for Accelerating Complex NICA | power-supply, booster, injection, collider | 108 |
Three pairs of electrostatic deflecting plates will be placed in the booster ring. They will provide injection of heavy ion beam into the Booster. The power supply system for one plate providing all necessary parameters including suppression of the afterpulses is described in the report. The calculated and experimental results are also presented. | |||
WEX01 | Development of Accelerator Facilities at FSUE SSC RF – IPPE | tandem-accelerator, high-voltage, heavy-ion, ion-source | 120 |
There is a short overview and performed work of FSUE "SSC RF – IPPE" accelerator facilities presented in this paper. This work is reviewed in terms of application in nuclear science and technology. There are some of received results and prospect of accelerator facilities development described. | |||
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WECA02 | Radiobiological Research with Charged Particles Beams in ITEP | experiment, heavy-ion, target, proton | 128 |
Radiobiological researches with heavy ions have been started at ITEP in 2006 on unique heavy ion accelerating facility ITEP-TWAC. The main purpose of these researches is study of the biological efficiency of carbon ions for different types of biological objects, such as tumor and normal cells, in the framework of the development of heavy ion therapy for cancer treatment in Russia. Another possible area of application of this research is the space radiobiology, studying stochastic and deterministic effects of ionizing radiation in the space environment on human. In this work the experimental setup for radiobiological research with heavy ions in ITEP, the dosimetry system for dose measurements and the results of the radiobiological researches with carbon ions are presented. | |||
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WECA05 | Operation and Development of the BINP AMS Facility | ion-source, background, detector, controls | 134 |
The BINP AMS facility is the accelerator complex for accelerator mass spectrometry. The most distinguishing features of BINP AMS is the use of the middle energy separator of ion beams, the magnesium vapors target as a stripper and time-of-flight telescope for accurate ion selection. Present status and development of AMS complex for extension of applications are reviewed. | |||
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WECA09 | Dedicated DC-110 Heavy Ion Cyclotron for Industrial Production of Track Membranes | cyclotron, acceleration, ion-source, heavy-ion | 146 |
In the Laboratory of nuclear reactions JINR dedicated accelerator complex on the basis of the heavy ion cyclotron DC110 for the industrial track membrane production has been developed and created. The isochronous cyclotron DC110 accelerates the ions Ar, Kr and Xe with a fixed energy of 2.5 MeV/nucleon and intensity of 10-15 mkA. The cyclotron is equipped with ECR ion source - DECRIS-5 (18 GHz) and axial injection system. The pole diameter of the magnet is 2 m. Isochronous magnetic field formed by shimming sectors on the level of 1.67 T. Accelerated ions 40Ar6+, 86Kr13+, 132Xe20+ have close mass-to-charge ratio, which allows changing particles without changing the operation mode of the cyclotron. Accelerator complex DC-10 is capable of producing up to 2 million square meters of track membranes per the year. | |||
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WECA11 | CC-18/9M Cyclotron System | cyclotron, target, vacuum, resonance | 149 |
The СС-18/9M cyclotron system has been designed, manufactured and delivered to NIITFA, Moscov. The system consists of an updated cyclotron and a targets system. The cyclotron is intended to produce proton and deuteron beams with an energy of 12-18/6-9 MeV and current up to 150/70 mkA. For this purpose, a shielding-type electromagnet and a resonance system have been afresh designed. The target system for the production of F-18 and C-11 radionuclides has been designed in NIIEFA for the first time. | |||
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WECA12 | SEE Testing Facilities at FLNR Accelerators Complex: State of the Art and Future Plans | cyclotron, heavy-ion, target, detector | 152 |
Funding: This work was sponsored by the Russian Federal Space Agency by special agreement between Institute of Space Device Engineering and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) utilizes U400 and U400M cyclotrons at accelerator complex of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (FLNR) of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna for heavy ion SEE testing. The ions up to the Xe and Bi with the energy up to 40 AMeV are available for the users. The detailed overview of the facility and the features of diagnostic set-up used for ion beam parameters evaluation and control during SEE testing are discussed. The road map for the strategic development of this field in FLNR is presented. * Proceedings of RADECS 2011 PJ-8, pp.756-759, 2012. ** Proceedings of PAC09, Vancouver, BC, Canada FR5REP099, pp. 5011-5013, 2009. |
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WEPSB01 | Modernization the Modulator of the RF-Generator Ion Linear Accelerator LU-20 | simulation, operation, linac, high-voltage | 155 |
The report discusses the replacement of the lamp key the modulator semiconductor. A schematic of the modulator and a semiconductor switch scheme protection against voltage surges in the generator lamp. Replacing the lamp key it possible to increase the output power generator. | |||
WEPSB11 | Test Results of 433 MHz Deuteron Linac (RFQ) | rfq, target, neutron, detector | 177 |
The results of bench tests of the high frequency deuteron accelerator (RFQ) with output energy of 1 MeV and operating frequency of 433 MHz are presented. There are briefly discussed RFQ construction and assembling, rf system, issues of tuning and measuring of electrodynamical characteristics of RFQ. Output data obtained under accelerated beam operation with foil monitor and Beryllium target are given. | |||
WEPSB17 | Development of the Injector for Vacuum Insulated Tandem Accelerator | vacuum, neutron, ion-source, acceleration | 191 |
The Vacuum Insulated Tandem Accelerator is built at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics.* The accelerator is designed for development of the concept of accelerator-based boron neutron capture therapy of malignant tumors in the clinic.** In the accelerator the negative hydrogen ions are accelerated by the high voltage electrode potential to the half of required energy, and after conversion of the ions into protons by means of a gas stripping target the protons are accelerated again by the same potential to the full beam energy. A number of innovative ideas posited in the design make it possible to accelerate intense beams in a compact accelerator. Number of investigations revealed weak points of the accelerator injector: unnecessary beam stripping by the residual gas and complexity to improve the vacuum conditions, the influence of the stripping gas to the ion source operation stability. To ensure the beam parameters and reliability of the facility operation required for clinical applications, the new injector is designed based on the ion source with a current up to 15 mA, providing the possibility of preliminary beam acceleration upto 120-200 keV. The paper presents the design of the injector and the results of calculations performed.
*Aleynik V., Bashkirtsev A., et al. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 88 (2014) 177-179. **Bayanov B., Belov V., et al. Nuclear Instr. and Methods in Physics Research A 413/2-3 (1998) 397-426. |
WEPSB18 | Modification of the Argon Stripping Target of the Tandem Accelerator | target, vacuum, proton, tandem-accelerator | 194 |
The paper presents and discusses the project of modified gas stripping target. The idea of the target modification is the following. Inside the high-voltage electrode just behind inlet aperture it is proposed to apply 1 T transverse magnetic field using a two-pole permanent magnets. Similar magnets at the exit of the stripping target return proton beam back to the axis of accelerator channel. In this geometry not only significant suppression of ion penetration of the stripping gas into the accelerating channel can be achieved, but also a significant improvement of vacuum conditions in the accelerating channel and reduction of the ultraviolet radiation from the plasma in the stripping target. It is enough to shift the stripping target to a distance greater than the aperture (20 mm) in the high-voltage electrode and to implement a differential gas pumping. The paper presents results of trajectory calculation of the injected ion beam in Comsol Multiphysics. The geometry of the magnetic system and the system of differential gas pumping using turbomolecular pump installed inside the high-voltage electrode are presented. | |||
WEPSB19 | First Results of Experiments with the Extracted Carbon Beam at the U-70 Accelerator | detector, experiment, extraction, booster | 197 |
The scheme of the C ions beam production with energy 455 MeV/nucleon from the U-70 accelerator was described briefly. The equipment facilities for the radiobiology experiments were shown. Experimental parameters of the carbon beam were described. The first experimental results were shown. | |||
WEPSB24 | Comparison of Biological Impact of Proton and Ion Beams in Radiation Treatment | target, proton, scattering, heavy-ion | 211 |
The work contains the comparison of biological doses' distribution calculated for treatment of the same targets by proton and ion beams. Advantages of the ion beam are shown for targets with different sizes and with different depths. | |||
WEPSB26 | Study of Possibility of Industrial Application of Ion Injector I-3 | target, simulation, laser, ion-source | 217 |
Ions injector I-3 of the ITEP-TWAC accelerator complex consists of a buncher, two-gap accelerating cavity and a beam transport line. Laser ion source is used to generate ions for the injector. Possibility of application of the injector to dope semiconductor materials with variable energy ions is considered. Results of beam parameters optimization by numerical simulation to produce uniform distribution of particles density and required energy spread on the target are presented. | |||
WEPSB27 | Design of Multifunctional Facility Based on ECR Ion Source for Material Science | experiment, simulation, target, ECR | 220 |
The traditional experimental method for new materials radiation resistance investigation is a reactor irradiation. However, there are some difficulties during steel exposure in reactor. Simulation method based on ion irradiation allows accelerating the defect generation in the material under investigation. Also a modification of materials by ion beams represents the great practical interest for modern material science. Experiments in both directions are ongoing in ITEP. The paper presents the design of the test-bench based on ECR ion source and electrostatic acceleration which is under development in ITEP. This paper describes the results of beam dynamics simulation in the transport channels of the test-bench. Simulation was carried out in the "real" fields Continuous ion beam achievable at the test-bench enables beam fluence on the target up to 1016 particles/m2. | |||
WEPSB38 | Multifunctional Extraction Channel Development Heavy Ion RFQ (Radio Frequency Quadrupole) | target, plasma, simulation, rfq | 245 |
In the ITEP the Heavy Ion RFQ HIP-1 (Heavy Ion Prototype) provides ion beams for two different experimental programs. The first one is successfully ongoing and it is aimed to irradiation resistance investigation of reactor construction materials. Samples of new materials for reactors are irradiated by beams of iron, vanadium ions accelerated by the linac. The structure changes are investigated by both transmission electron microscope and atom-probe tomography. The second one is under development and it is aimed to investigate ion beam interaction with plasma and metal vapor targets. On the basis of beam dynamics simulation the design of new RFQ-output line for both experiments realization was developed. Details of beam dynamics simulation and output line design are presented and discussed in this paper. | |||
WEPSB48 | Status of Experiments on Surface Modification of Materials on the Accelerator HIP-1 | experiment, target, vacuum, diagnostics | 269 |
Ion-implant doping is efficient method of modification for near-surface layers material which used in different technological applications. The most common example of its is increase wear, corrosion, heat resistance of various industrial steels, special alloys implantation for applications in biology and medicine, surface layers of polymers strengthening and changes in the morphology. Works in this direction is executing on TIPR-1 accelerator in ITEP. Bunches of titanium and vanadium which are generated in MEVVA and nitrogen beams are generated in duoplasmatron was mastered acceleration to provide of experimental work. Several series of experiments on the modification of the surface of samples for further study by atomic probe tomography and transmission electron microscopy executed. Nanostructure of the surface layers of oxide dispersion strengthened steels exposed to ion beams showed makeover. | |||
THX03 | Status of the Nuclotron | controls, experiment, operation, TANGO | 283 |
Since last RuPAC five runs of the Nuclotron operation were performed. Diagnostic and control systems were improved. Commissioning of new quench detection system was completed. Deuteron beam was accelerated up to maximum design energy corresponding to 2 T of the dipole magnetic field. Stochastic cooling of coasting deuteron, coasting and bunched carbon beams was obtained. First run with new heavy ion source was performed. Results of these and other works are presented. | |||
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THCA01 | Accelerator Complex Based on DC-60 Cyclotron | cyclotron, ECR, heavy-ion, operation | 287 |
DC-60 heavy ion accelerator, put into operation in 2006, according to its specifications - spectrum, charge and energy of accelerated ions, has the high scientific, technological and educational potential. The highest possible universality both by spectrum of accelerated ions and acceleration energy and regimes was built in DC-60 heavy ion accelerator designing. The new interdisciplinary research complex based on cyclotron DC-60 makes it possible to create a highly-developed scientific-technological and educational environment in the new capital of Kazakhstan. DC-60 accelerator is a dual cyclotron, which is capable of charged particles acceleration up to kinetic energies in MeV/nucleon, expressed in the following relation: E = 60(zi/A)2, where zi - accelerated ion charge, A - atomic weight of ion. Relation (zi/A) in formula must be within the following limits: (zi/A)2 = (1/6 – 1/12), that impose constraints on charge of accelerated ions. Thus, range of ions accelerated on DC-60 cyclotron is 6Li to 132Xe, variation of ion energy is over the range 0.33 to 1.75 MeV/nucleon. Some results of our work carrying out on the base of DC-60 cyclotron in the field of production, acceleration and transportation of charged particles, physics of solid state, nuclear and atomic physics, production of track membranes etc are given in the article. Also it will be reported about modern trends of accelerators development in Kazakhstan. | |||
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THPSC08 | The Project of the HV Axial Injection for the DC-280 Cyclotron at the FLNR JINR | ECR, cyclotron, injection, ion-source | 333 |
The project of the high-voltage (HV) axial injection for the DC-280 cyclotron which is being created at the FLNR JINR is presented. The injection system will consists of a Permanent Magnet ECR ion source and a Superconducting ECR ion source, beam analyzing magnets, focusing solenoids, beam choppers, a polyharmonic buncher, 75 kV DC accelerating tubes, a commutating electrostatic deflector and a spiral inflector. One part of the injection system is situated on the HV platform, another part is on the grounded yoke of the DC-280 magnet. The injection system will allow one to inject efficiently ions of elements from Helium to Uranium with the atomic mass to charge ratio in the range of 4-7.5 providing acceleration of ion currents with intensity more than 10 pmkA. | |||
THPSC09 | The Project of Beam Transportation Lines for the DC-280 Cyclotron at the FLNR JINR | cyclotron, diagnostics, vacuum, heavy-ion | 336 |
The project of beam lines for carrying out physical experiments at the DC-280 cyclotron which is being created at the FLNR JINR is presented. The commutating magnet with variable magnetic field induction up to 1.5 T gives us possibility to bend ion beams in five directions providing ion transportation through beam lines to five experimental setups. The beam focusing in the beam lines is provided by set of quadrupole lenses having the gradients up to 7.7 T/m. The beam lines are intended for the efficient ion transportation of elements from Helium to Uranium with the atomic mass to charge ratio in the range of 4-7.5 at energies from 4 up to 8 MeV/amu. The ion beam power will reach the value about 3 kW. The water cooled current aperture diaphragms will be installed into all beam lines to prevent the tube damage. The beam diagnostics consists of the Faraday caps (FC), slit collimators, sector aperture diaphragms and ionization beam profile monitors. | |||
THPSC10 | Magnets of Injection and Extraction Systems of Cyclotron DC280 | emittance, cyclotron, sextupole, injection | 339 |
The design of two magnets of the cyclotron DC280 is presented. The magnets are the parts of injection and extraction systems the cyclotron. The design is based on three-dimensional calculation of the magnet field carried out by using OPERA 3D program code. The influence of the magnetic fields nonlinearities on ion beam dynamics is analyzed. | |||
THPSC28 | Development of Automation System of the Ion Source | controls, PLC, experiment, ion-source | 380 |
To operate a source of negative hydrogen ions an automatic distributed control system was developed. This system consists of master controller (Slab C8051F120) and a set of peripheral local controllers (PLC) based on microcontroller Slab C8051F350. Using an optical link between PLC and master controller there was created a system resistant to high-voltage breakdowns of the ion source. To control the system, a special programming language has been created. It includes procedures for checking the necessary parameters, setting the value of the physical quantities to simplify the experiment, verifying the lock status and protection. This system provides two programmable timers, as well as procedures in emergency situations, such as: lack of water, poor vacuum. It can be operated in semi-automatic mode: the script asks operator about preferable actions and then it continues actions depending on the response. All scripts are performed by master controller, and this makes system very rapid (for example system response time is 1 ms). | |||
THPSC41 | System for Remote Replacement of Targets of the Target System for CC-Cyclotrons | target, cyclotron, vacuum, radiation | 415 |
An automated system for remote replacement of target devices of the target system for cyclotrons of the CC-series has been designed. The system allows one of 5 available targets to be positioned under the beam of the cyclotron at the operator choice. Such a technical solution allows us to have sufficiently smaller overall dimensions of the equipment and less time is required for servicing of water and gas targets. Separate system for target replacement is provided for each beam extraction, which allows the cyclotron to be equipped with 10 different target devices, and makes possible simultaneous irradiation of 2 targets. | |||
THPSC44 | Development of Remote Control System for H-minus Ions Source of INR LINAC | controls, ion-source, linac, H-minus | 423 |
A system of remote control of surface plasma source of negative ions for INR RAS LINAC was designed, constructed and put into operation. The INR LINAC negative ions injector is based on the accelerating tube at energy of 400 keV and surface plasma source of negative ions. Galvanic isolation and spatial separation of elements that are at potential 400 kV in the power rack of the ion source and the host computer are carried out by means of fiber-optic USB-interface extender from firms Icron. A set of multifunctional units from National Instruments allows to monitor the oscilloscope signals with up to 50 Ms/s and to control the ions source power settings. The data acquisition devices programming performed in a LabView graphical environment. Algorithm and LabVew code for fast and safe "conditioning" of the ion source discharge gap and extractor gap from arcing and breakdowns were developed. | |||
THPSC46 | Simulation and Optimization of Ion Optical Extraction, Acceleration and H-minus Ion Beam Matching Systems | extraction, simulation, acceleration, emittance | 429 |
Source of negative hydrogen ions for the implementation of multiturn charge-exchange injection to increase the intensity of IHEP buster is developed. Surface-plasma ion source with Penning discharge is selected as a source of H-minus ions. A high-current extraction system with downstream electron dumping has been designed. A three-dimensional ion optical code IBSimu has been utilized for modelling and optimization the extraction system and ion beam acceleration to energy of 100 keV. A magnetic low energy beam transport line consisting of two solenoids has been designed to match the beam with RFQ. TRACE 2D code was used to optimize LEBT. A deflecting magnet with small angular deflection (10) has been installed between solenoids to eliminate forward tracing of neutral atoms from ions source to RFQ. | |||
THPSC47 | Production of Metal Ion Beams from ECR Ion Sources by MIVOC Method | experiment, cyclotron, ion-source, ECR | 432 |
Funding: Work supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research under grant number 13-02-12011 The production of metal ion beams with ECR ion sources using MIVOC method is described. The method is based on the use of metal compounds having a high vapor pressure at room temperature: for example, C2B10H12, Fe(C5H5)2 and several others. Intense ion beams of B and Fe were produced at the FLNR JINR cyclotrons using this method. The main efforts were went into production and acceleration of 50Ti ion beam at the U-400 cyclotron. The experiments on production of 50Ti ion beam were performed at the test bench with the natural and enriched compounds of titanium (CH3)5C5Ti(CH3)3. In the experiments at the test bench the beam currents of Ti5+ - 80 mkA and Ti11+ - 70 mkA were achieved at different settings of the source. After successful tests two 3 weeks runs with Ti-50 beam were performed at the U-400 cyclotron for the experiments on spectroscopy of super heavy elements. The intensity of the injected beam of 50Ti5+ was about of 50-60 mkA, during experiment the source have shown stable operation. The compound consumption rate was determined to be about of 2.4 mg/h, corresponding to 50Ti consumption of 0.52 mg/h. |
THPSC48 | Hydrogen Nuclides Acceleration from Laser Plasma in the Diode with Magnetic Insulation of Electrons | laser, plasma, electron, cathode | 435 |
New experimental results of obtaining accelerated deuterons in the small-sized diode with magnetic insulation are reported. The effective mode of ion acceleration to energies at 300 keV in the diode with a high voltage anode in order to initiate nuclear reactions D(d, n)3He is obtained with diode current ~0,5 kA and impulse duration ~1 mks in vacuum ~5*10-2 Pa. Containing deuterons laser plasma was generated at the anode during TiD target laser irradiation with a wavelength of 1.06 microns and a power density of ~5*1014 W/m2. Accelerating voltage impulse was formed using Arkadyev–Marx 20 cascade impulse voltage generator with air insulation. Diode cathode covers the anode symmetrically. It is a hollow cylinder permanent magnet with induction on the axis ~0,4 T. Magnetic insulation in accelerating gap leads to suppression of the accelerated electrons current at level of 0.5 in relation to the total diode current. Used methods of accelerating diode ion current, accelerating impulse voltage and penetrating radiations characteristics measurements are described. | |||
THPSC49 | Hydrogen Nuclides Removing From Pulse Plasma Formations | plasma, cathode, vacuum, laser | 438 |
The features of hydrogen nuclides extraction from vacuum-arc plasma and laser sources by electric field research results are presented in the report. Such sources can be used in accelerators injection systems and in neutron generators. These processes, found, are strongly influenced by electrostatic oscillations in the plasma boundary, which position continuously varies, in addition to the ions thermal motion. Such movement kinematics determined by the velocity field in plasma formation and its concentration reducing because of the ions extraction. On the basis of this model it shows that plasma boundary moves initially in the direction to the ejection electrode, then stops and begins quickly move back. An equation for the nuclides emission current density from hydrogen plasma surface for their quasiplanar extraction geometry is obtained. | |||
THPSC50 | Neutron Accelerating Tubes with Microwave Deuterons Source Using Electron-cyclotron Resonance Effect | neutron, plasma, cavity, ECR | 441 |
The physical principles of increased efficiency neutron accelerating tubes based on the microwave sources of heavy hydrogen nuclides, using the electron-cyclotron resonance effect (ECR) are considered. The authors' theoretical results are given on electromagnetic oscillations generation in the working volume of the ion source of the accelerating tube with the boundary excitation of a microwave discharge. Resonator and waveguide modes for ECR-plasma excitation are thus examined. Features of neutron generation in these accelerator neutron tubes based on microwave source of heavy hydrogen nuclides are analyzed. The algorithm is developed and numerical simulation of neutron pulse formation in neutron generators based on microwave source is done taking into account target shape and the possible deuterons resonant recharge. Frequency dependences of the energy flux density transmitted from an alternating electromagnetic field to the electron component of the plasma are obtained depending on the constant longitudinal magnetic field induction and pressure in the discharge chamber. The results of these studies could form the basis for the efficient domestic portable neutron generators development based on accelerating tubes with microwave hydrogen nuclides sources. | |||
THPSC51 | Ion Source Deuteron Beam Acceleration in Gas-filled Ion-optic System | target, electron, neutron, space-charge | 444 |
Deuteron beam acceleration in ion-optic system of gas-filled neutron tubes was investigated. PIC code SUMA* used for computer simulation of ionization and knock on processes and there influence on deuteron beam parameters. When deuteron and ionized particles space charge self-field forces become the same order of magnitude as external one, virtual cathode may occurs. It is happens because of injected from ion source deuterons cannot overcome their own space charge potential wall and move in transverse direction. However, electrons, produced by ionization, are trapped within the deuteron beam space charge potential wall and decrease it significantly. Thus, space charge neutralization of deuteron beams by electrons, may considerably increase target current and, as a result, output neutron flow. Moreover, own longitudinal electric field rise near the target leads to reduction of accelerating electrode – target potential wall, which was made to prevent knock on emission from the target. As a result, additional knocked on electrons may appear in the region and should be taken into account. The data obtained were compared with experimental results.
* A.N. Didenko, V.I. Rashchikov, V.E. Fortov, Technical Physics, Vol. 56, No. 10,pp. 1535–1538, 2011 |
THPSC52 | Dynamics of Plasma-Beam Formations in the Acceleration Gap of the Pulse Neutron Generator-based Vacuum Neutron Tube | plasma, target, neutron, vacuum | 447 |
The analysis of dynamics of plasma flows containing deuterium, zirconium ions, and electrons in acceleration gap of the pulsed neutron generator vacuum neutron tube* is presented in the paper. The investigations have been undertaken with the use of code KARAT** for the two-dimensional time-dependant regime. The limiting currents of each component for the real geometry of acceleration gap have been determined. The differences between the values of these currents and those determined with the use of the Child-Langmuir equation have been demonstrated. The analysis of dynamics of plasma emitter in the gap has been performed by the example of accelerating voltage of 120 kV and pulse duration of 1.2 mks. It has been shown that the value of the current incoming in the gap from the ions source can differ strongly from the current value at the target. For increasing of this value the partitioning of acceleration gap with the use of conductive grid which is transparent for beam and has several geometric configurations has been proposed. The ring configuration of the emitter has been considered for the same purposes. The calculations have shown that the combination of these two methods described above can allow transporting deuterons current from the anode grid to the target without losses.
* E.P.Bogolubov, V.I.Ryzhkov, D.I.Yurkov. Conference "PNG and Technologies on Their Basis",2013,p.14. ** V.P.Tarakanov. User's Manual for Code KARAT. Berkeley Research Associates, Inc. 1992, p.127. |
THPSC53 | The NG-10 Neutron Generator for Production of Neutron Fluxes in Continuous and Pulse Modes | neutron, controls, target, power-supply | 450 |
Designed neutron generator is designed for a neutron yield 1x1011 neutrons / s in continuous mode and includes ion accelerator with an accelerating voltage, continuously adjustable in the range of 120-150 keV and a beam current of atomic deuterium ions up to 2 mA, and the target device, in which used Ti-T target different diameters. In addition to high and stable yield of neutrons in time when operating continuously generator provides pulsed mode of operation over a wide range of duration and pulse repetition rate. Pulsed neutron generator operation is performed by modulating the discharge current of the ion source. For this purpose, a unique system of power discharge, which allows for both continuous and pulse modes. In this case it is possible to produce a smooth adjustment of the pulse width of the beam current. Switch from pulse mode to DC promptly made with the remote control. | |||
THPSC55 | Improvement of the Beam Transmission in the Central Region Of Warsaw U200P Cyclotron | cyclotron, ion-source, injection, ECR | 453 |
To date, Warsaw U200P cyclotron exploited a mirror inflector to feed heavy ions extracted from ECR ion source (10 GHz, 11 kV) to the central region of the cyclotron. However, in such configuration very low transmission was reachable after many optimizations. Additionally, the new ECR ion source (14,5 GHz, 14-24 kV) was installed, which offers energies far exceeding capabilities of the currently operated inflector and central region. To avoid these obstacles, we have developed a spiral inflector and redesigned central region of the cyclotron. It was a very challenging task, bearing in mind limited volume of central region in our compact machine, to carve these elements suitably for decent versatility of ion beams offered by Warsaw cyclotron. This project was executed in the collaboration with FLNR in Dubna, Russia. The cyclotron equipped with the new central region works in the "constant orbit" regime. Here we present the results of both computational simulations and measurements of the beam transmission in upgraded central region. | |||
FRCA02 | Time Dependence of Ion Beam Transverse Phase-Space Portrait Orientation During Linac Proton Injector Pulse | high-voltage, proton, ion-source, focusing | 459 |
As a result of analysis conducted a transients of the 400 kV column intermediate electrode potential have been determined as one of the main processes responsible for change of beam phase-space portrait orientation during 200 mks, 50 Hz proton injector high voltage accelerating pulse. Beam transport simulation shows high sensitivity of the beam phase-space portrait orientation to variation of the intermediate electrode potential. It has been found that significant variation of this potential takes place due to transition process during a pulse in the capacitor-resistor voltage water divider of the accelerating tube. The divider capacities matching procedure has been performed. The beam emittance measurements results have shown that within the accuracy of observation the beam transverse phase-space portrait orientation remains constant during injector pulse with the accelerating tube voltage divider being compensated. | |||
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Slides FRCA02 [0.824 MB] | ||
FRCB01 | Problems and Prospects of the Tandem Accelerator with Vacuum Insulation | vacuum, high-voltage, neutron, tandem-accelerator | 465 |
Funding: Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (project RFMEFI57614X0181) At BINP for development of boron neutron capture therapy it is proposed and constructed the tandem accelerator with vacuum insulation, which is characterized by rapid acceleration of charged particles. Problems of high-voltage strength gaps due to the large stored energy and strong electrostatic lens are solved. It is obtained a stationary 1.6 mA 2 MeV proton beam having 0.1% energy monochromaticity and 0.5% current stability. It is clarified, that further increase of the proton current in the stable mode without breakdowns is limited by the accompanying current in the high-voltage gaps. It is proposed to make vacuum conditions better in the input of the accelerator using additional cryopump, to modernize argon stripping target by its tilting or shifting and to use differential pumping inside the high-voltage electrode. Obtaining of the 3 mA 2.5 MeV proton beam will allow us to conduct boron neutron capture therapy. |
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Slides FRCB01 [0.815 MB] | ||