Keyword: accumulation
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TUCA04 Mechanism of Compression of Positron Clouds in the Surko Trap of the LEPTA Facility positron, plasma, electron, resonance 20
  • M.K. Eseev, E.V. Ahmanova, A.G. Kobets, I.N. Meshkov, O. Orlov, A.A. Sidorin, S. Yakovenko
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  • M.K. Eseev
    NAFU, Arkhangelsk, Russia
  • A.G. Kobets
    IERT, Kharkov, Ukraine
  Results from experimental studies of plasma storage in the Surko trap at the LEPTA facility are presented. The number of stored particles is found to increase substantially when using the socalled "rotating wall" method, in which a transverse rotating electric field generated by a cylindrical segmented electrode cut into four pairs is applied to the positrons storage region. The conditions of transverse compression of the plasma bunch under the action of the rotating field and buffer gas are studied. The optimal storage parameters are determined for these experimental conditions. Mechanisms of the action of the rotating field and buffer gas on the process of positron clouds storage are presented.  
WEPSB03 System Power Microwave Impulse Compression Based on Double Forming Line radiation, operation, scattering, plasma 159
  • G.O. Buyanov, P.G. Alexey, O.A. Andrey, A.P. Klachkov
    MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
  Keywords: double forming line (DFL), compressor microwave pulses, microwave plasma discharger, resonator – storage, input power device (an input power), energy output device. The first part is devoted to the calculation and design compressor using a single-mode waveguides. We investigated the processes of accumulation and energy extraction from the resonator – storage of compressor, the dependence of the efficiency of energy extraction from the compressor on the plasma parameters of the discharge gap: n, q, m, v, r, h - the concentration, charge, mass, the frequency of collisions of free electrons, the radius and height of the cylinder through which flows the discharge. Refinement construction site energy output and its optimization, matching waveguide resonator - drive to the waveguide load in deriving energy from the compressor microwave was produced. The concept of a multi-compressor DFL was proposed and optimization under axial field was make to increase the dielectric strength and reduce the inductance of the discharge gap. In the second part of the paper questions, the design of the compressor DFL on oversized waveguides with working mode H01n was discusses. New constructions of power input devices was propose that allow not only to providing the necessary coupling coefficient with the feed path, but also greatly reduced the excitation of unacceptable modes in the resonator – storage.