Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUCA01 | Commissioning 2 MeV Cooler in COSY and Novosibirsk | electron, proton, ion, vacuum | 14 |
The 2 MeV electron cooling system for COSY-Julich was proposed to further boost the luminosity in presence of strong heating effects of high-density internal targets. The 2 MeV cooler is also well suited in the start up phase of the High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) at FAIR in Darmstadt. It can be used for beam cooling at injection energy and for testing new features of the high energy electron cooler for HESR. The COSY cooler is designed on the classic scheme of low energy coolers like cooler CSRm, CSRe, LEIR that was produced in BINP before. The electron beam is transported inside the longitudinal magnetic field along whole trajectory from an electron gun to a collector. The 2 MeV electron cooler was installed in the COSY ring in the spring 2013. Electron beam commissioning and first studies using proton and deuteron beams were carried out. Electron cooling of proton beam up to 1662 MeV kinetic energy was demonstrated. Maximum electron beam energy achieved so far amounted to 1.25 MeV. Voltage up to 1.4 MV was demonstrated. The cooler was operated with electron current up to 0.5 A. | |||
Slides TUCA01 [2.066 MB] | |||
TUZ01 | Particle and Accelerator Physics at the VEPP-4M Collider | electron, positron, collider, photon | 29 |
VEPP-4M electron-positron collider is now operating with KEDR detector for high-energy physics experiments in the 1.5−4.0 GeV beam energy range to study of hadrons production in continuum and for precise measurement of the R constant. Parallel with these experiments, the VEPP-4M scientific team carries out a number of accelerator physics investigations. Here are some of them: stabilization of the guide field of VEPP-4M with an accuracy of 10-6 using a special feedback system, development of the method of RF orbit separation of electron and positron beams in VEPP-4M instead of usual electrostatic orbit separation for experiment to test CPT-theorem, finding ways to increase luminosity of VEPP-4M. The paper discusses the recent results, present status and perspective plans of the facility. | |||
Slides TUZ01 [2.012 MB] | |||
TUPSA02 | Superconducting Unclosed Shields in High Energy Physics | solenoid, electron, dipole, booster | 39 |
This paper presents the experimental and theoretical results of studying the unclosed shields made from LTS (low temperature superconductor) and HTS (high temperature superconductor) materials to obtain a homogeneous magnetic field in solenoids. There is a comparison of LTS and HTS shields,the construction peculiarities are described. HTS shield was proposed to obtain the required magnetic field homogeneity (about 10-5) in the 6 meters length solenoid of the electron cooling section which will be installed in the heavy ion collider of the NICA project (JINR, Russia). | |||
TUPSA14 | Mathematical Optimization Model of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in Klystron-Type Buncher | controls, klystron, electron, bunching | 66 |
The paper presents recurrent integral-differential beam evolution model. This model is convenient for mathematical description of specific dynamic processes with due account of particle interaction and electric fields excitation by moving beam. On the basis of this model the problem of beam dynamics optimization is formalized as trajectory ensemble control problem. Analytical expression for quality functional gradient is obtained. Theoretical results are applied for solving problem of beam dynamics optimization in klystron-type buncher. | |||
TUPSA18 | Complex Shunt Impedance and Beam-RF Cavity Interaction | cavity, impedance, damping, resonance | 77 |
Two approaches usually are used to describe beam-cavity interaction in accelerator based applications. The first one is electro dynamical and uses Maxwell equations to derive appropriate equations, field modes expressions being necessary to calculate field amplitudes excited by moving charges in the cavity. The other one uses LC circuit to derive appropriate equations for voltage amplitude induced in cavity by accelerated bunches, thin accelerating gap to some extent being not fully correctly defined representation in such approach. In this paper, the expressions are derived that describe beam-RF cavity interactions in terms of so called complex shunt impedance, strict electro dynamical approach being used in calculations. It is shown that complex shunt impedance module coincides completely with usual shunt impedance definition that up to now is used widely to describe rf cavity efficiency. The physical sense of its phase is given in the paper as well. Both complex shunt impedance module and its phase can be calculated or measured experimentally. | |||
TUPSA26 | Electrodes Form Optimization of RF Deflecting System Wobbler for FAIR Project | cavity, heavy-ion, ion, target | 91 |
Funding: SAEC "Rosatom" and Helmholtz Association The new method for high energy density states in matter investigation, which based on irradiation of combined target by hollow high energy heavy ion beam was proposed in the Institute for theoretical and experimental physics (ITEP). The target consists of a sample of matter at the center and a hollow shell around it. The experiment of high energy density states generation will be carry on at FAIR project. The RF deflecting system (Wobbler) for hollow high energy heavy ion U28+ beam with kinetic energy Wk=1 GeV/n formation is developing at ITEP. The current results of electrodes form optimization for RF deflecting system (Wobbler) which is developing at ITEP for FAIR project are shown in this paper. |
TUPSA28 | The Advanced Nanostructure Steel Modification by Gas Ions Beams | ion, ion-source, power-supply, operation | 97 |
New constriction materials are under developing for the energy sector. They will provide: energy prodaction, store and transportation with high efficiency and ecology safety. One of the main modern direction of new materials developing are nanostructures steel which consolidation oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS). ODS and EK-181 steels have high hot, radiation and corrosion resistance. The experimental program for investigation of nanoclusters generation and growth (in ODS steels) under irradiation of N (and also Ti, V) ion beams is ongoing in ITEP. Ion irradiation is performed at the accelerator complex TIPr with gas ion source duoplasmatron. In this article the source installation and it's power systems development of, as well as the results of ion beam charge state distribution measurements and the first results of ODS materials irradiation by gas ions are described and discussed. | |||
TUPSA29 | Method of Broadband Stabilization of the VEPP-4M Main Field | feedback, operation, induction, power-supply | 100 |
Funding: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, NSh-4860.2014.2 The stability of the main field has great influence on precision experiments on particle physics which are performed on VEPP-4M facility currently. A method of broadband stabilization of the VEPP-4M main field allowing us to achieve field stability better than 0.5 ppm over DC - 50Hz frequency range is presented. The method combines NMR stabilization and feedback loop using induction signal. |
WECA02 | Radiobiological Research with Charged Particles Beams in ITEP | ion, heavy-ion, target, proton | 128 |
Radiobiological researches with heavy ions have been started at ITEP in 2006 on unique heavy ion accelerating facility ITEP-TWAC. The main purpose of these researches is study of the biological efficiency of carbon ions for different types of biological objects, such as tumor and normal cells, in the framework of the development of heavy ion therapy for cancer treatment in Russia. Another possible area of application of this research is the space radiobiology, studying stochastic and deterministic effects of ionizing radiation in the space environment on human. In this work the experimental setup for radiobiological research with heavy ions in ITEP, the dosimetry system for dose measurements and the results of the radiobiological researches with carbon ions are presented. | |||
Slides WECA02 [16.246 MB] | |||
WEPSB12 | Cascade Interference Switches for Active Microwave Compressors | cavity, operation, extraction, distributed | 180 |
Funding: "Science" state order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Results of study energy extraction devices for S-band microwave pulse compressors are presented. The devices are manufactured as interference switches produced from the circular single mode waveguide and that are differs only by the cascade of identical H-plane T-junctions connected in series at a side arm of H-tee. The versions cascade switches which are matched and unmatched from the side of auxiliary arm of T-junction are investigated. It is shown the variant of cascade switches with the matched T-junctions allows decrease the switching power level few times comparatively the switching power of usual one. Possibility of increasing operation power and stability of output pulses of microwave pulse compressors with such energy extraction devices are confirmed in experiments. There are presented the results of investigation the cascade including two and three switches connected in series by straight arms. It is shown the switching power level for such type cascade switches can be many less than for usual switch with one T-junction. Results of experimental study cascade switches of such type confirming with the results of the theoretical analyses are presented and peculiarities of cascade switches are mentioned. The assumption about good perspectives for the cascade switches manufactured from oversized rectangular waveguide is formulated. The obtained results concerning of the cascade switch operation have been demonstrated the possibility of increasing switch operation power. |
WEPSB19 | First Results of Experiments with the Extracted Carbon Beam at the U-70 Accelerator | ion, detector, extraction, booster | 197 |
The scheme of the C ions beam production with energy 455 MeV/nucleon from the U-70 accelerator was described briefly. The equipment facilities for the radiobiology experiments were shown. Experimental parameters of the carbon beam were described. The first experimental results were shown. | |||
WEPSB20 | Experimental Study of the Time Dependence of the Activity of Delayed Neutrons in the Fission of 235U by Neutrons from the Reaction 7Li(p, n) on the Electrostatic Accelerator EG-1 | neutron, detector, proton, target | 200 |
In the present work the installation created on the basis of the accelerator EG-1 (IPPE) for the experimental studies of the time dependence of delayed neutron activity from neutron induced fission of 235U is described. Measurements were carried out with neutron beam generated with the help of the 7Li(p, n) reaction. The lower limit of the investigated time range was governed by the proton beam switching system that was 20 ms. It was shown that the temporary characteristics of delayed neutrons from the fission of 235U by epithermal neutrons is consistent with the time dependence which at present is recommended as a standard. In case of the fast neutron induced fission of 235U the measured decay curve of delayed neutrons shows excess of counting rate in the time interval 0.01-0.2 s as compared with the decay curve corresponding to the recommended data. | |||
WEPSB21 | Registration of Gamma Rays from the Reaction 16O(n, p)16N on the Direct Neutron Beam of Cascade Generator KG-2.5 | neutron, target, background, detector | 203 |
In the present work the results of analysis of the oxygen content in the water with the help of gamma-rays registration from the reaction 16O(n, p)16N is described. The samples were installed permanently on the direct beam of neutrons generated by the reaction 7Li(d, n) in the cascade generator KG-2.5 (IPPE). A comparison was carried out with experimental data obtained by the activation method in similar experimental conditions. | |||
WEPSB22 | Conditioning and Monitoring of Cleanliness of High Voltage System with Gesous Insulation | high-voltage, monitoring, vacuum | 206 |
Abstract An account is given of new effective technique of conditioning gaseous insulation of an electrostatic accelerator, primary purifying it from free solid microparticles. The procedure of conditioning continuities to obtaining stable breakdown voltage of high voltage accelerator about 7-8 hours (at value of accelerator tank of 9 cubic meter). Three techniques of check of cleanliness of gaseous insulation or carried out early high voltage experiment are proposed. Conditioning effect keeps after tank opening at a repeated input in tank early purified gas. | |||
WEPSB23 | Set-up for Measurements of Delayed Neutron Characteristics in Interaction of Heavy Nuclei with Relativistic Protons of the Synchrocyclotron PINP Gatchina | neutron, proton, detector, synchro-cyclotron | 209 |
In the present paper the method and set-up for measurements of delayed neutron characteristics in interaction of heavy nuclei with relativistic protons are described. On the basis of this method the time dependence of delayed neutron activity has been measured from interaction of 238U sample with 1 GeV pulsed proton beam of the synchrocyclotron of the Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics, Gatchina. The measured data was analyzed in frame of 8-group precursor's model with a unified set of half-lives. Obtained results on the fractional yields of delayed neutrons are compared with the appropriate data from the fast neutron induced fission of 238U. | |||
WEPSB25 | PRIOR Proton Microscope | proton, target, vacuum, quadrupole | 214 |
Funding: Joint Helmholtz-ROSATOM FAIR-Russia Research Centre (HGF-IVF-IK-Ru-002) The new proton radiography facility PRIOR* (Proton microscope for FAIR) was developed at SIS-18 accelerator at GSI (Darmstadt, Germany). PRIOR setup is designed for measurement, with high spatial resolution up to 10 mkm, of density distribution of static and dynamic objects by using a proton beam with energy up to 4.5 GeV. The magnetic system of the PRIOR beam-line consists of two sections. The first, matching section, contains electromagnetic-quadruple lenses and provides formation of a proton beam for the objects imaging task (beam size, angular distribution). The second section is a magnification (K ~4) section that consists of four Permanent Magnet Quadruples (PMQ) lenses. Tungsten collimators, installed at central plane of magnification section, provides regulation of contrast of the proton-radiographic images. Investigated object installed between first and second section. The registration system for static experiments consists of CsI scintillator and plastic scintillator (Bicron BC-412) for dynamic one with two types of intensified CCD cameras: PCO DiMAX and PCO DicamPro. In the first experiments with static objects with 3.6 Gev proton, was demonstrated a spatial resolution of 30 mkm. Dynamic commissioning was performed with target based on underwater electrical wires explosion with electrical pulse with current amplitude of ~200 kA and time duration of few microseconds. * Merrill F.E. et al., Proton microscopy at FAIR, AIP Conf. Proc. 1195, 2009, p.667 |
WEPSB27 | Design of Multifunctional Facility Based on ECR Ion Source for Material Science | ion, simulation, target, ECR | 220 |
The traditional experimental method for new materials radiation resistance investigation is a reactor irradiation. However, there are some difficulties during steel exposure in reactor. Simulation method based on ion irradiation allows accelerating the defect generation in the material under investigation. Also a modification of materials by ion beams represents the great practical interest for modern material science. Experiments in both directions are ongoing in ITEP. The paper presents the design of the test-bench based on ECR ion source and electrostatic acceleration which is under development in ITEP. This paper describes the results of beam dynamics simulation in the transport channels of the test-bench. Simulation was carried out in the "real" fields Continuous ion beam achievable at the test-bench enables beam fluence on the target up to 1016 particles/m2. | |||
WEPSB33 | Development of the Equipment for the Prototype of a Complex of Radiotherapy at the Nuclotron-M | emittance, target, beam-transport, quadrupole | 234 |
The report deals with the construction of the carbon beam transport line for biomedical research at the Nuclotron accelerator complex, JINR, Dubna. We have studied the scheme and modes of magneto-optical elements of the channel. Used electronics described. We are discussed the compilation and realization of the plan of treating a tumor located at a depth up to 30 cm. Choice of beam scanning schemes and their optimization are shown. | |||
WEPSB36 | A prototype of a Phased Array for Deep Thermoradiotherapy | dipole, simulation, impedance, radiation | 240 |
It is proven that hyperthermia increases radiation and chemotherapy efficiency. In oncology, the generation of a higher temperature at a tumor-involved region of the body is called hyperthermia. The thermoradiotherapy is widely and effective uses. A phased array of eight dipoles for the hyperthermia treatment of deep-seated tumors is proposed earlier. The power and phase coherently delivered to the radiating elements can be varied, so that the electromagnetic field is increased at the tumor location and decreased in the normal tissues. The prototype of the phased array of two dipoles and the RF power scheme are presented and results of experiments are discussed. Measured and simulated temperature distributions along the line connecting two dipoles are discussed in this paper. | |||
WEPSB48 | Status of Experiments on Surface Modification of Materials on the Accelerator HIP-1 | ion, target, vacuum, diagnostics | 269 |
Ion-implant doping is efficient method of modification for near-surface layers material which used in different technological applications. The most common example of its is increase wear, corrosion, heat resistance of various industrial steels, special alloys implantation for applications in biology and medicine, surface layers of polymers strengthening and changes in the morphology. Works in this direction is executing on TIPR-1 accelerator in ITEP. Bunches of titanium and vanadium which are generated in MEVVA and nitrogen beams are generated in duoplasmatron was mastered acceleration to provide of experimental work. Several series of experiments on the modification of the surface of samples for further study by atomic probe tomography and transmission electron microscopy executed. Nanostructure of the surface layers of oxide dispersion strengthened steels exposed to ion beams showed makeover. | |||
WEPSB49 | Method of Measuring Fast Neutron Fluence Using the Planar Silicon Detectors | detector, neutron, radiation, lattice | 272 |
Funding: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna The technique reported of fast neutron fluence measurements using silicon detectors. One of the main macroscopic effects at radiation damage of silicon detectors by fast neutrons is increase of the reverse current. The increment of the reverse current detector is a linear dependence on fast neutron fluence and is determined by the formula: DI=aIxFxV, where: DI=(I1-I0), (А) – the measured increment of the reverse dark current after irradiation of the detector normalized to temperature of +20 C, aI=(5±0.5)'10-17, (А/сm) – current constant radiation damage of silicon for neutrons with energy 1 MeV, F, (сm-2) - equivalent fluence of fast neutrons with energy 1 MeV, V=d'S, (сm3) – the volume of the detector at the full depletion voltage. The experimental results of measurements of fast neutron fluence with silicon detectors are obtained on the pulsed fast neutrons reactor (IBR-2, channel #3) and on the experimental facility KVINTA JINR, Dubna. |
THX03 | Status of the Nuclotron | controls, ion, operation, TANGO | 283 |
Since last RuPAC five runs of the Nuclotron operation were performed. Diagnostic and control systems were improved. Commissioning of new quench detection system was completed. Deuteron beam was accelerated up to maximum design energy corresponding to 2 T of the dipole magnetic field. Stochastic cooling of coasting deuteron, coasting and bunched carbon beams was obtained. First run with new heavy ion source was performed. Results of these and other works are presented. | |||
Slides THX03 [1.639 MB] | |||
THPSC28 | Development of Automation System of the Ion Source | controls, PLC, ion, ion-source | 380 |
To operate a source of negative hydrogen ions an automatic distributed control system was developed. This system consists of master controller (Slab C8051F120) and a set of peripheral local controllers (PLC) based on microcontroller Slab C8051F350. Using an optical link between PLC and master controller there was created a system resistant to high-voltage breakdowns of the ion source. To control the system, a special programming language has been created. It includes procedures for checking the necessary parameters, setting the value of the physical quantities to simplify the experiment, verifying the lock status and protection. This system provides two programmable timers, as well as procedures in emergency situations, such as: lack of water, poor vacuum. It can be operated in semi-automatic mode: the script asks operator about preferable actions and then it continues actions depending on the response. All scripts are performed by master controller, and this makes system very rapid (for example system response time is 1 ms). | |||
THPSC36 | Experimental Study of the Scattering of 7.4 Mev Electrons Intersecting a Foil at an angle of 5–60 degree to its Surface | target, injection, electron, microtron | 401 |
Angular distributions of electrons incident of a planar target at a small angle to its surface have been measured. Electrons have been injected from a microtron with a particle energy of 7.4 MeV. The dependence of the characteristics of beams on the initial energy and direction of injection of particles, as well as on the material and thickness of the target, has been considered. The intersection and reflection of electrons in the target have been investigated. The angle between the trajectory of the particles and the surface of the target was varied in the range of 5-60 degree. Aluminum, lead, and copper foils have been tested. The thickness of the foils was varied from 50 mkm to 600 mkm. | |||
THPSC47 | Production of Metal Ion Beams from ECR Ion Sources by MIVOC Method | ion, cyclotron, ion-source, ECR | 432 |
Funding: Work supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research under grant number 13-02-12011 The production of metal ion beams with ECR ion sources using MIVOC method is described. The method is based on the use of metal compounds having a high vapor pressure at room temperature: for example, C2B10H12, Fe(C5H5)2 and several others. Intense ion beams of B and Fe were produced at the FLNR JINR cyclotrons using this method. The main efforts were went into production and acceleration of 50Ti ion beam at the U-400 cyclotron. The experiments on production of 50Ti ion beam were performed at the test bench with the natural and enriched compounds of titanium (CH3)5C5Ti(CH3)3. In the experiments at the test bench the beam currents of Ti5+ - 80 mkA and Ti11+ - 70 mkA were achieved at different settings of the source. After successful tests two 3 weeks runs with Ti-50 beam were performed at the U-400 cyclotron for the experiments on spectroscopy of super heavy elements. The intensity of the injected beam of 50Ti5+ was about of 50-60 mkA, during experiment the source have shown stable operation. The compound consumption rate was determined to be about of 2.4 mg/h, corresponding to 50Ti consumption of 0.52 mg/h. |