Keyword: software
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TUPSA35 Virtual Laboratory of Vacuum Technique vacuum, simulation, interface, operation 110
  • G.P. Averyanov, V.V. Dmitriyeva, V.L. Shatokhin
    MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
  The report considers the interactive computer modeling of vacuum systems. Operation of real vacuum installations is modeled by simulating computer code. It becomes possible in a short time (with the assessment of real-time) to pass through full cycle of the technologies to reach high vacuum state and to estimate the necessary time. It is possible to assemble virtual installation, to choose the necessary pumps (from the database of low-vacuum and high-vacuum ones), to select the vacuum connecting pipes with the required parameters. The vacuum chamber volume and its internal surfaces characteristics (roughness, types of preliminary processing), defining outgassing from these surfaces are set. Possible leakage in junction places of the individual elements of the system could be taken into consideration. After pumping start, sequential switching on of different pumps and achievement of a certain pressure, possibility of chamber preheating up to the necessary temperature is provided. During the analysis of procedure of pumping optimization of the structure of system and the selected elements is made. The computer laboratory is a part of traditional laboratory of vacuum technique of the Department of Electrophysical Facilities of NRNU MEPhI. Modeling of vacuum systems significantly expands the functional capabilities of this laboratory.  
WEPSB41 The X-ray System with Sub-system of Shaping of Fun-Shaped Beam and its Application in the Custom Inspection Systems electron, controls, detector, target 254
  • Yu.N. Gavrish, A.M. Fialkovskiy, P.O. Klinovskiy, K.V. Kotenko, V.P. Malyshev
    NIIEFA, St. Petersburg, Russia
  The analytical survey of X-ray sources based on linear electron accelerators applied in the customs inspection systems (IDK) was carried out on the grounds of requirements to customs inspection systems. The test results of the linear electron accelerator IDK-6/9 MeV which allows to generate the X-ray mode with energies of 6 and 9 MeV are given in this article. The questions of unification of linear electron accelerators for different IDK are also studied. It is proved that the JSC "D.V. Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus" has the necessary scientific and technical potential and is ready to work out and to produce the X-ray sources for Automobile, Sea and Railway Inspection Systems (IDK). In addition to that the JSC "D.V. Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus" is ready to organize the serial production of X-ray sources for inspection systems.  
THPSC25 Extending VEPP-5 Control System by Middleware for Injection/extraction Automation injection, controls, extraction, hardware 371
  • F.E. Emanov, D. Bolkhovityanov, A.R. Frolov, Ye.A. Gusev
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • F.E. Emanov
    NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
  CX and EPICS are used at VEPP-5 Injection complex. Each system is in charge of some part of accelerator devices. Middleware layer was added in order to make data processing and facility-level control actions more straightforward. Middleware is separated from clients layer by means of additional CX-server. Architectural approach is discussed by the example of complex injection/extraction automation.  
THPSC27 Modernization of VEPP-2000 Control System controls, collider, positron, pick-up 377
  • Yu. A. Rogovsky
    NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • D.E. Berkaev, O.V. Gorbatenko, A.P. Lysenko, Yu. A. Rogovsky, A.L. Romanov, A.I. Senchenko, P.Yu. Shatunov, Y.M. Shatunov
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  Electron-positron collider VEPP-2000 delivered data for the high energy physics since the end of 2009. In the summer of 2013 the long shutdown was started dedicated to the deep upgrade of the wide range of subsystems. The main goal of the improvements is to reach or exceed design luminosity in the whole energy range from 200 MeV to 1000 MeV per bunch. The hardware of the accelerator complex consists of high current main field power supplies, low current power supplies for steering and multipole magnets, pulsed power supplies for channel's elements, RF subsystems, BPM and some other special subsystems (such as vacuum, temperature, etc.). The control system is based on CANbas, CAMAC and VME devices. The wide range of software corresponding to specific hardware subsystems forms complicated interacting system that manages all parts of the VEPP-2000 accelerator facility. Automation software is running on several TCP/IP connected PC platforms under operating system Linux and uses client-server techniques. The paper presents general overview and changes made in architecture, implementation and functionality of hardware and software of the VEPP-2000 collider control system.  
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THPSC29 Controller for RF Stations for Booster of NICA Project booster, controls, acceleration, Ethernet 383
  • G.A. Fatkin, A.M. Batrakov, I.V. Ilyin, G.Y. Kurkin, A.M. Pilan, M.Yu. Vasilyev
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • G.A. Fatkin
    NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
  Intellectual Controller for RF stations based on CPU module SAMA5D31-CM for Booster of NICA Project is presented. Controller measures magnetic field using induction coil and provides corresponding real-time tuning of frequency according to non-linear law with 20 ums period and better than 2*10-4 accuracy. Controller also allows setting up and monitoring several parameters of RF stations. The tester module that generates a sequence of events and signals imitating acceleration cycle is alo presented.  
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THPSC31 Media Server for Video and Audio Exchange between the U-70 Accelerator Complex Control Rooms controls, real-time, operation, network 386
  • I. Lobov, V. Gotman
    IHEP, Moscow Region, Russia
  The media server was developed that implements the exchange of video and audio streams between control rooms for U-70 technological subsystems. Media server has the possibility of making changes into the intermediate video images to embed current technological information. The media server is implemented as a set of threads of execution, one for each video format conversion module. The media server is a chain of successive transformations of video and audio streams from one format to another: H264 - Y4M - Theora formats for video, PCM - Vorbis formats for audio. The final video and audio streams are encapsulated into the OGG container stream which is translating into the local network. OGG container has been chosen because of its completely open, patent-free technology and full support in HTML5. Any Web browser with full HTML5 support may be used as OGG stream consumer. The browser client program has written with tag "video" utilization. This allows for client to work on different platforms (Linux, Windows) and get rid of third-party video plug-ins.  
THPSC38 Development of the Software for the Accelerating Fields in Linear Structures Measurement interface, controls, LabView, network 407
  • E.A. Savin, M.V. Lalayan, A.Yu. Smirnov
    MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
  • A.A. Zavadtsev
    Nano, Moscow, Russia
  The software which allows controlling the whole installation to measure electric fields in the linear structures has been developed. The installation consists of linear structure, step motor drive, motor controller, a probe which moves on the string throw the structure to perturb the field to use the perturbation measuring method, network vector analyzer and the PC. He software interface is user-friendly, user only needs to write down the length of the structure, a desired step of the probe and push the start button. As a result user can obtain the picture of electric field on the structure axis. It is possible to choose between two measuring methods: by S11 of by S21.  
THPSC40 Automated Control System of Target System for PET radionuclids Production target, controls, cyclotron, operation 413
  • R.M. Klopenkov, P.A. Gnutov, M.L. Klopenkov, A.N. Kuzhlev, A.A. Melnikov
    NIIEFA, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • B.V. Zabrodin
    St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia
  An Automated Control System of target system for production of PET-radionuclids has been designed. The system allows on-line obtaining of the data on the status of the target system and remote control of loading, irradiation and evacuation of the activity to synthesis modules. According to algorithms available in the software, this system makes possible emergency situations to be prevented and incorrect actions of the operator to be blocked.  
THPSC42 Modernization of the Automated Control System of Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source Using Citect SCADA controls, synchrotron, synchrotron-radiation, radiation 417
  • E.V. Kaportsev, V. Dombrovsky, Y.V. Efimov, V. Korchuganov, Y.V. Krylov, K. Moseev, N.I. Moseiko, A.G. Valentinov
    NRC, Moscow, Russia
  The running cycle of Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source (KSRS) includes the injection of electrons with energy 80 MeV from the linear accelerator in the booster storage ring Siberia-1, the accumulation of a electron current up to 400 mA and, then, electron energy ramping up to 450 MeV with the subsequent extraction of electrons in the main ring, storage ring Siberia-2, and accumulation there up to 300 mA, and at last the energy ramping up to 2.5 GeV. A few years ago we started modernization of the automated control systems (ACS) of accelerator - storage complex. Modernization has affected the most important parts of the system - the system of data collection and control system. Used advanced solutions based on CAN and VME and modular complexes National Instruments. Currently begins implementation of the Citect SCADA system. In this paper the stages of implementation of the SCADA control system. Showing part of the system, which is already widely used, as well as parts of the system, which is scheduled to launch in the near future.