Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUPSA37 | Measurement of the Spatial Distribution of Gamma Radiation at Tandem Accelerator with Vacuum Insulation | electron, radiation, vacuum, proton | 116 |
In BINP the source of epithermal neutrons for BNCT based on the tandem accelerator with vacuum insulation and a lithium target was created and operates. The paper presents the study of the spatial distribution of the X-ray emission produced by the interaction of accelerated electrons with the materials of construction of the accelerator. | |||
TUPSA38 | Estimation of the Efficiency of Biological Shielding for the Circular Hall of U-70 Accelerator at IHEP | shielding, photon, target, neutron | 118 |
Report presents estimation of biological shielding efficiency for annular hall of U-70 accelerator. Distribution of neutron flux in concrete shielding of proton accelerator measurements carried out by method of long-lived isotopes specific activity determination. The experimental data may be compared with Monte-Carlo simulation. | |||
WECA05 | Operation and Development of the BINP AMS Facility | ion, ion-source, background, controls | 134 |
The BINP AMS facility is the accelerator complex for accelerator mass spectrometry. The most distinguishing features of BINP AMS is the use of the middle energy separator of ion beams, the magnesium vapors target as a stripper and time-of-flight telescope for accurate ion selection. Present status and development of AMS complex for extension of applications are reviewed. | |||
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Slides WECA05 [1.129 MB] | ||
WECA12 | SEE Testing Facilities at FLNR Accelerators Complex: State of the Art and Future Plans | ion, cyclotron, heavy-ion, target | 152 |
Funding: This work was sponsored by the Russian Federal Space Agency by special agreement between Institute of Space Device Engineering and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) utilizes U400 and U400M cyclotrons at accelerator complex of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions (FLNR) of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna for heavy ion SEE testing. The ions up to the Xe and Bi with the energy up to 40 AMeV are available for the users. The detailed overview of the facility and the features of diagnostic set-up used for ion beam parameters evaluation and control during SEE testing are discussed. The road map for the strategic development of this field in FLNR is presented. * Proceedings of RADECS 2011 PJ-8, pp.756-759, 2012. ** Proceedings of PAC09, Vancouver, BC, Canada FR5REP099, pp. 5011-5013, 2009. |
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Slides WECA12 [1.485 MB] | ||
WEPSB11 | Test Results of 433 MHz Deuteron Linac (RFQ) | rfq, target, neutron, ion | 177 |
The results of bench tests of the high frequency deuteron accelerator (RFQ) with output energy of 1 MeV and operating frequency of 433 MHz are presented. There are briefly discussed RFQ construction and assembling, rf system, issues of tuning and measuring of electrodynamical characteristics of RFQ. Output data obtained under accelerated beam operation with foil monitor and Beryllium target are given. | |||
WEPSB16 | Studying of the Accompanying Charged Particles in the Tandem Accelerator with Vacuum Insulation | vacuum, proton, neutron, target | 189 |
On the tandem accelerator with vacuum insulation in a steady long mode it was obtained 1.6 mA current of protons with 2 MeV energy. It was studied the one of the possible reasons of current limitation – the appearance of accompanying charged particles during acceleration of the ion beam. The paper presents and discusses the results of the accompanying beam measurement using a special detector. The detector registered an opposite positive current in the range of 80-170 mkA, which is directly dependent on vacuum conditions in the accelerator. Also it was measured the dependence of the dose rate on the total current in the accelerating gap. These measurements confirmed that injected H− beam ionizes residual and stripping gas mainly in the area before the first electrode and two proposals were made to minimize the accompanying current. | |||
WEPSB19 | First Results of Experiments with the Extracted Carbon Beam at the U-70 Accelerator | ion, experiment, extraction, booster | 197 |
The scheme of the C ions beam production with energy 455 MeV/nucleon from the U-70 accelerator was described briefly. The equipment facilities for the radiobiology experiments were shown. Experimental parameters of the carbon beam were described. The first experimental results were shown. | |||
WEPSB20 | Experimental Study of the Time Dependence of the Activity of Delayed Neutrons in the Fission of 235U by Neutrons from the Reaction 7Li(p, n) on the Electrostatic Accelerator EG-1 | neutron, experiment, proton, target | 200 |
In the present work the installation created on the basis of the accelerator EG-1 (IPPE) for the experimental studies of the time dependence of delayed neutron activity from neutron induced fission of 235U is described. Measurements were carried out with neutron beam generated with the help of the 7Li(p, n) reaction. The lower limit of the investigated time range was governed by the proton beam switching system that was 20 ms. It was shown that the temporary characteristics of delayed neutrons from the fission of 235U by epithermal neutrons is consistent with the time dependence which at present is recommended as a standard. In case of the fast neutron induced fission of 235U the measured decay curve of delayed neutrons shows excess of counting rate in the time interval 0.01-0.2 s as compared with the decay curve corresponding to the recommended data. | |||
WEPSB21 | Registration of Gamma Rays from the Reaction 16O(n, p)16N on the Direct Neutron Beam of Cascade Generator KG-2.5 | neutron, target, background, experiment | 203 |
In the present work the results of analysis of the oxygen content in the water with the help of gamma-rays registration from the reaction 16O(n, p)16N is described. The samples were installed permanently on the direct beam of neutrons generated by the reaction 7Li(d, n) in the cascade generator KG-2.5 (IPPE). A comparison was carried out with experimental data obtained by the activation method in similar experimental conditions. | |||
WEPSB23 | Set-up for Measurements of Delayed Neutron Characteristics in Interaction of Heavy Nuclei with Relativistic Protons of the Synchrocyclotron PINP Gatchina | neutron, proton, synchro-cyclotron, experiment | 209 |
In the present paper the method and set-up for measurements of delayed neutron characteristics in interaction of heavy nuclei with relativistic protons are described. On the basis of this method the time dependence of delayed neutron activity has been measured from interaction of 238U sample with 1 GeV pulsed proton beam of the synchrocyclotron of the Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics, Gatchina. The measured data was analyzed in frame of 8-group precursor's model with a unified set of half-lives. Obtained results on the fractional yields of delayed neutrons are compared with the appropriate data from the fast neutron induced fission of 238U. | |||
WEPSB41 | The X-ray System with Sub-system of Shaping of Fun-Shaped Beam and its Application in the Custom Inspection Systems | electron, controls, software, target | 254 |
The analytical survey of X-ray sources based on linear electron accelerators applied in the customs inspection systems (IDK) was carried out on the grounds of requirements to customs inspection systems. The test results of the linear electron accelerator IDK-6/9 MeV which allows to generate the X-ray mode with energies of 6 and 9 MeV are given in this article. The questions of unification of linear electron accelerators for different IDK are also studied. It is proved that the JSC "D.V. Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus" has the necessary scientific and technical potential and is ready to work out and to produce the X-ray sources for Automobile, Sea and Railway Inspection Systems (IDK). In addition to that the JSC "D.V. Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus" is ready to organize the serial production of X-ray sources for inspection systems. | |||
WEPSB45 | Small-Size High-Performance ARSA Accelerators for On-Line Testing for ECB for Radiation Hardness | radiation, controls, electron, operation | 264 |
A small-size high-performance pulsed accelerator ARSA with the voltage up to 1.3MeV is developed. The accelerator is distinguished for stability of characteristics (spread no more than ±10%), high dose rate of bremsstrahlung (up to 1.5*1010 R/s in a spot 1 cm in diameter), potentiality of intense operation (hundreds of shots a day), electro-magnetic compatibility with radio electronics. There is developed a fiber-optic monitor-dosimeter functionally connected with ARSA control panel ensuring pulse measurement of bremsstrahlung, accumulation of the prescribed dose, reading of data to the computer. To monitor the shape of bremsstrahlung pulses a separate channel is provided. | |||
WEPSB47 | Depth Dose Distribution of the Bremsstrahlung Generated by the Betatron OB-4 in Different Environments | betatron, radiation, DTL, electron | 266 |
Within a research framework of the development of the new methods to reduce radiation doses for the objects under radiographic analysis, it was proposed to use the pulsed irradiation source synchronized with the detecting device. The previous tests showed a significant radiation dose decline to the objects in comparison with conventional techniques. For estimation of the suitability of using the compact betatron OB-4 as a source of bremsstrahlung for visualization purposes it is necessary to investigate the dosymetric parameters of the device. In the paper the dosimetric parameters measurement technique of the bremsstrahlung generated by betatron OB-4 is described. The radiation dose measurement results from the bremsstrahlung generated by betatron are shown. The depth dose distributions of the bremsstrahlung generated by betatron obtained with the help of the solid thermoluminescent detectors DTL-02 and the dosimeter UNIDOS E equipped with a PTW Farmer cylindrical ionization chamber type 30013 in the different environments (in the air, in the water andin the lead) are illustrated. | |||
WEPSB49 | Method of Measuring Fast Neutron Fluence Using the Planar Silicon Detectors | neutron, radiation, experiment, lattice | 272 |
Funding: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna The technique reported of fast neutron fluence measurements using silicon detectors. One of the main macroscopic effects at radiation damage of silicon detectors by fast neutrons is increase of the reverse current. The increment of the reverse current detector is a linear dependence on fast neutron fluence and is determined by the formula: DI=aIxFxV, where: DI=(I1-I0), (А) – the measured increment of the reverse dark current after irradiation of the detector normalized to temperature of +20 C, aI=(5±0.5)'10-17, (А/сm) – current constant radiation damage of silicon for neutrons with energy 1 MeV, F, (сm-2) - equivalent fluence of fast neutrons with energy 1 MeV, V=d'S, (сm3) – the volume of the detector at the full depletion voltage. The experimental results of measurements of fast neutron fluence with silicon detectors are obtained on the pulsed fast neutrons reactor (IBR-2, channel #3) and on the experimental facility KVINTA JINR, Dubna. |
THPSC35 | Quench Detector for Superconducting Elements of the NICA Accelerator Complex | operation, booster, collider, acceleration | 398 |
The system provides highly effective detection of quenches in superconducting elements of Nuclotron and NICA facility. Full information about quench element is transmitted to control room. Diagram of analogue quench signal could be displayed on screen for further analysis. The system performs scheduled self-test diagnostics in real time and controls power elements of energy evacuation.
E. Ivanov |
THPSC43 | Electrostatic Pick-ups for Debunched Beams at INR Linac | pick-up, simulation, operation, electronics | 420 |
Pick-ups are one of the most widespread non-destructive diagnostics at charged particle accelerators. These detectors, also known as beam position monitors, are generally used for the center-of-mass position measurements of bunched beams. The paper describes the research results for infrequent case of debunched beams operation. Measurement peculiarities and distinctive features of electronics are presented. The results of test bench-based measurements and 3D finite element simulations are discussed. | |||
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Poster THPSC43 [2.287 MB] | ||