Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUCA01 | Commissioning 2 MeV Cooler in COSY and Novosibirsk | electron, proton, ion, experiment | 14 |
The 2 MeV electron cooling system for COSY-Julich was proposed to further boost the luminosity in presence of strong heating effects of high-density internal targets. The 2 MeV cooler is also well suited in the start up phase of the High Energy Storage Ring (HESR) at FAIR in Darmstadt. It can be used for beam cooling at injection energy and for testing new features of the high energy electron cooler for HESR. The COSY cooler is designed on the classic scheme of low energy coolers like cooler CSRm, CSRe, LEIR that was produced in BINP before. The electron beam is transported inside the longitudinal magnetic field along whole trajectory from an electron gun to a collector. The 2 MeV electron cooler was installed in the COSY ring in the spring 2013. Electron beam commissioning and first studies using proton and deuteron beams were carried out. Electron cooling of proton beam up to 1662 MeV kinetic energy was demonstrated. Maximum electron beam energy achieved so far amounted to 1.25 MeV. Voltage up to 1.4 MV was demonstrated. The cooler was operated with electron current up to 0.5 A. | |||
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TUCB01 | Ultrahigh Vacuum in Superconducting Synchrotrons | cryogenics, ion, booster, synchrotron | 23 |
The achievement of ultrahigh vacuum conditions in the range of 10-10 – 10-12 Torr is a very complicate task for charged particle accelerators. For superconducting accelerators the main rest gas is hydrogen which does not freeze effectively on the chamber wall even under the liquid helium temperature. Fast ramp of the magnetic field in the superconducting synchrotrons leads to the heating of the vacuum chamber that brings an additional problem for the achievement of the ultrahigh vacuum. In this talk the review of ultrahigh vacuum systems in superconducting accelerators is presented. Non-evaporated getters under the liquid nitrogen temperature are planned to the achievement of necessary vacuum conditions in the new accelerator complex of the NICA project (JINR, Russia). | |||
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TUPSA23 | LEPTA - the Facility for Fundamental and Applied Research | positron, electron, injection, focusing | 83 |
Storage ring of LEPTA facility was commissioned in September 2004 and was under development up to now. The positron injector has been constructed in 2005-2010, and beam transfer channel – in 2011. By the end of August 2011 experiments on electron and positron injection into the ring have been started. The last results are presented in this report: studies of e+/e− dynamics in trap, e+ beam in the ring, LEPTA upgrade (vacuum, e+ source with cryocooler), Channel for PAS. | |||
TUPSA27 | The First Design of Medium Resolution Mass Spectrometer (MRMS) High Voltage Platform in a SPES Project | ion, interlocks, high-voltage, controls | 94 |
A new project of 150 kV high voltage platform (HVP) is developed in a Laboratori Nazionali di Lagnaro as part of SPES (Selective Production of Exotic Species) project for the production of the multiply charged RIB (rare ion beams). The HVP will be located after ECR ion source charge breeder. Medium resolution mass spectrometer (MRMS) is installed at the platform to provide high purity beams with mass resolution about 1/1000. The Draft of platform design including all beamline elements is discussed. There is a several way of feeding equipment on HVP proposed, required engineering services parameters (vacuum system, cooling system, power system and etc) were defined. Some safety measures are proposed. | |||
TUPSA31 | Magnetic System of Isochronous Cyclotron F250 for Proton Therapy Applications | cyclotron, proton, synchro-cyclotron, focusing | 103 |
In the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems of the JINR the possibility of designing of the isochronous cyclotron F250 with the energy of protons 250 MeV on the basis of magnet with the diameter of pole 6 m, which is used for the synchro-cyclotron is examined. Synchro-cyclotron many years works for obtaining the protons with the energy 680 MeV and with the intensity of extracted beam 2.5 mkA. For the solution of medical problems the required energy of protons comprises not more than 250 MeV and depends on the depth of the tumor arrangement inside a patient. For determining the required energy of protons the information about the mean free path of protons in the correspondence for the position of Bragg's peak in each case is used. Necessary energy of protons is obtained by means of degrader system providing a retarding the extracted beam of protons with 680 MeV to 250 MeV and less. In this case the utilized for medical purposes intensity of beam does not exceed 50 nA. The proposed cyclotron F250 will make it possible to strongly decrease the electric power of magnet and to avoid the need of beam degradation from 680 MeV to 250 MeV. For creating the required magnetic field of the cyclotron F250 it is necessary to change the form of steel spiral shims and disks, located inside a vacuum chamber of synchro-cyclotron. The basic parameters of the magnetic system of the cyclotron F250 with the condition of retaining the vacuum chamber and the magnet yoke of synchro-cyclotron are given. | |||
TUPSA35 | Virtual Laboratory of Vacuum Technique | simulation, software, interface, operation | 110 |
The report considers the interactive computer modeling of vacuum systems. Operation of real vacuum installations is modeled by simulating computer code. It becomes possible in a short time (with the assessment of real-time) to pass through full cycle of the technologies to reach high vacuum state and to estimate the necessary time. It is possible to assemble virtual installation, to choose the necessary pumps (from the database of low-vacuum and high-vacuum ones), to select the vacuum connecting pipes with the required parameters. The vacuum chamber volume and its internal surfaces characteristics (roughness, types of preliminary processing), defining outgassing from these surfaces are set. Possible leakage in junction places of the individual elements of the system could be taken into consideration. After pumping start, sequential switching on of different pumps and achievement of a certain pressure, possibility of chamber preheating up to the necessary temperature is provided. During the analysis of procedure of pumping optimization of the structure of system and the selected elements is made. The computer laboratory is a part of traditional laboratory of vacuum technique of the Department of Electrophysical Facilities of NRNU MEPhI. Modeling of vacuum systems significantly expands the functional capabilities of this laboratory. | |||
TUPSA36 | Measurement of the Dose Rate and the Radiation Spectrum of the Interaction of 2 MeV Proton Beam with a Variety of Structural Materials | proton, neutron, target, radiation | 113 |
The paper presents the results of measurements of the spectrum and the radiation dose during irradiation of different construction materials with 2 MeV proton beam. There are shown the spectra of the induced activity of a number of materials and signals from the neutron detector. Based on the obtained results it is made the optimal choice of the target material, on which it is deposited a thin layer of lithium to generate epithermal neutrons used for boron neutron capture therapy of malignant tumors. Recommendations are given for materials desirable to use inside the high-energy beam transporting channel to reduce the dose of concomitant radiation. | |||
TUPSA37 | Measurement of the Spatial Distribution of Gamma Radiation at Tandem Accelerator with Vacuum Insulation | electron, radiation, detector, proton | 116 |
In BINP the source of epithermal neutrons for BNCT based on the tandem accelerator with vacuum insulation and a lithium target was created and operates. The paper presents the study of the spatial distribution of the X-ray emission produced by the interaction of accelerated electrons with the materials of construction of the accelerator. | |||
WECA06 | Extended Scope of Application of Industrial ELV Accelerator | electron, high-voltage, radiation, controls | 137 |
ELV accelerators is a D.C. machines. They were designed and manufactured by Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science. These machines are well known in the world. They are operating from Germany in West to Indonesia and Malaysia in East. Main application of these accelerators is the treatment of polymers. Accelerators for the polymer treatment are equipped with the foil window extraction device. Some kinds of ELV accelerators were equipped with the device for focused beam extraction into atmosphere. It allows the treatment of material with a high beam power density under atmosphere pressure. New development of ELV accelerators is concerning the low energy range and design of self-shielded accelerators. There are the set of self-shielded accelerators. The lowest energy is 150 - 200 kV. These machines are unified with usual ELV accelerators and extend their application area. | |||
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WECA11 | CC-18/9M Cyclotron System | cyclotron, target, ion, resonance | 149 |
The СС-18/9M cyclotron system has been designed, manufactured and delivered to NIITFA, Moscov. The system consists of an updated cyclotron and a targets system. The cyclotron is intended to produce proton and deuteron beams with an energy of 12-18/6-9 MeV and current up to 150/70 mkA. For this purpose, a shielding-type electromagnet and a resonance system have been afresh designed. The target system for the production of F-18 and C-11 radionuclides has been designed in NIIEFA for the first time. | |||
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WEPSB16 | Studying of the Accompanying Charged Particles in the Tandem Accelerator with Vacuum Insulation | detector, proton, neutron, target | 189 |
On the tandem accelerator with vacuum insulation in a steady long mode it was obtained 1.6 mA current of protons with 2 MeV energy. It was studied the one of the possible reasons of current limitation – the appearance of accompanying charged particles during acceleration of the ion beam. The paper presents and discusses the results of the accompanying beam measurement using a special detector. The detector registered an opposite positive current in the range of 80-170 mkA, which is directly dependent on vacuum conditions in the accelerator. Also it was measured the dependence of the dose rate on the total current in the accelerating gap. These measurements confirmed that injected H− beam ionizes residual and stripping gas mainly in the area before the first electrode and two proposals were made to minimize the accompanying current. | |||
WEPSB17 | Development of the Injector for Vacuum Insulated Tandem Accelerator | ion, neutron, ion-source, acceleration | 191 |
The Vacuum Insulated Tandem Accelerator is built at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics.* The accelerator is designed for development of the concept of accelerator-based boron neutron capture therapy of malignant tumors in the clinic.** In the accelerator the negative hydrogen ions are accelerated by the high voltage electrode potential to the half of required energy, and after conversion of the ions into protons by means of a gas stripping target the protons are accelerated again by the same potential to the full beam energy. A number of innovative ideas posited in the design make it possible to accelerate intense beams in a compact accelerator. Number of investigations revealed weak points of the accelerator injector: unnecessary beam stripping by the residual gas and complexity to improve the vacuum conditions, the influence of the stripping gas to the ion source operation stability. To ensure the beam parameters and reliability of the facility operation required for clinical applications, the new injector is designed based on the ion source with a current up to 15 mA, providing the possibility of preliminary beam acceleration upto 120-200 keV. The paper presents the design of the injector and the results of calculations performed.
*Aleynik V., Bashkirtsev A., et al. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 88 (2014) 177-179. **Bayanov B., Belov V., et al. Nuclear Instr. and Methods in Physics Research A 413/2-3 (1998) 397-426. |
WEPSB18 | Modification of the Argon Stripping Target of the Tandem Accelerator | target, ion, proton, tandem-accelerator | 194 |
The paper presents and discusses the project of modified gas stripping target. The idea of the target modification is the following. Inside the high-voltage electrode just behind inlet aperture it is proposed to apply 1 T transverse magnetic field using a two-pole permanent magnets. Similar magnets at the exit of the stripping target return proton beam back to the axis of accelerator channel. In this geometry not only significant suppression of ion penetration of the stripping gas into the accelerating channel can be achieved, but also a significant improvement of vacuum conditions in the accelerating channel and reduction of the ultraviolet radiation from the plasma in the stripping target. It is enough to shift the stripping target to a distance greater than the aperture (20 mm) in the high-voltage electrode and to implement a differential gas pumping. The paper presents results of trajectory calculation of the injected ion beam in Comsol Multiphysics. The geometry of the magnetic system and the system of differential gas pumping using turbomolecular pump installed inside the high-voltage electrode are presented. | |||
WEPSB22 | Conditioning and Monitoring of Cleanliness of High Voltage System with Gesous Insulation | high-voltage, experiment, monitoring | 206 |
Abstract An account is given of new effective technique of conditioning gaseous insulation of an electrostatic accelerator, primary purifying it from free solid microparticles. The procedure of conditioning continuities to obtaining stable breakdown voltage of high voltage accelerator about 7-8 hours (at value of accelerator tank of 9 cubic meter). Three techniques of check of cleanliness of gaseous insulation or carried out early high voltage experiment are proposed. Conditioning effect keeps after tank opening at a repeated input in tank early purified gas. | |||
WEPSB25 | PRIOR Proton Microscope | proton, target, experiment, quadrupole | 214 |
Funding: Joint Helmholtz-ROSATOM FAIR-Russia Research Centre (HGF-IVF-IK-Ru-002) The new proton radiography facility PRIOR* (Proton microscope for FAIR) was developed at SIS-18 accelerator at GSI (Darmstadt, Germany). PRIOR setup is designed for measurement, with high spatial resolution up to 10 mkm, of density distribution of static and dynamic objects by using a proton beam with energy up to 4.5 GeV. The magnetic system of the PRIOR beam-line consists of two sections. The first, matching section, contains electromagnetic-quadruple lenses and provides formation of a proton beam for the objects imaging task (beam size, angular distribution). The second section is a magnification (K ~4) section that consists of four Permanent Magnet Quadruples (PMQ) lenses. Tungsten collimators, installed at central plane of magnification section, provides regulation of contrast of the proton-radiographic images. Investigated object installed between first and second section. The registration system for static experiments consists of CsI scintillator and plastic scintillator (Bicron BC-412) for dynamic one with two types of intensified CCD cameras: PCO DiMAX and PCO DicamPro. In the first experiments with static objects with 3.6 Gev proton, was demonstrated a spatial resolution of 30 mkm. Dynamic commissioning was performed with target based on underwater electrical wires explosion with electrical pulse with current amplitude of ~200 kA and time duration of few microseconds. * Merrill F.E. et al., Proton microscopy at FAIR, AIP Conf. Proc. 1195, 2009, p.667 |
WEPSB32 | Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy at LEPTA Facility | positron, electron, background, scattering | 231 |
Since 2009 year the LEPTA facility at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna is operated with positron beam. Today it is developed into two directions. The first one is getting orthopositronium flux in flight. Slow positrons from 22Na source are accumulated in Surko trap and then are injected into the ring where they should overlap with electrons from the sigle-pass electron beam. In this way the flux of orthopositronium atoms will appear and will be observed in the process of registration of gamma quanta from annihilation process. The second group of works focuses on using the positron injector for Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy (PAS) applications. This method is dedicated to detection of structural defects as vacancies in the solid body lattice. The latest progress of this technique is strictly connected with measurements of PAS characteristics using positron beams. The progress in the LEPTA development, the first results obtained in the PAS, idea and actual state of works concerning the construction of the pulsed positron beam will be presented. The creation of pulsed positron beams is the modern tendency in the PAS domain. It allows to measure the lifetimes of annihilating positron in the depth ca. 1 mkm under the surface. It makes possible the identification of kind of defect. | |||
WEPSB48 | Status of Experiments on Surface Modification of Materials on the Accelerator HIP-1 | ion, experiment, target, diagnostics | 269 |
Ion-implant doping is efficient method of modification for near-surface layers material which used in different technological applications. The most common example of its is increase wear, corrosion, heat resistance of various industrial steels, special alloys implantation for applications in biology and medicine, surface layers of polymers strengthening and changes in the morphology. Works in this direction is executing on TIPR-1 accelerator in ITEP. Bunches of titanium and vanadium which are generated in MEVVA and nitrogen beams are generated in duoplasmatron was mastered acceleration to provide of experimental work. Several series of experiments on the modification of the surface of samples for further study by atomic probe tomography and transmission electron microscopy executed. Nanostructure of the surface layers of oxide dispersion strengthened steels exposed to ion beams showed makeover. | |||
THCE02 | CW 100 keV Electron RF Injector for 40 mA Average Beam Current | cathode, gun, cavity, electron | 309 |
CW 100 keV electron RF gun for 40 mA average beam current was developed, built and commissioned at BINP SB RAS. The RF gun consists of normal conducting 100 MHz RF cavity with a gridded thermo cathode unit, CW 16 kW generator with GU-92A tetrode in the output stage and a set of LLRF electronics. The gun was tested up to the design specifications at a test bench that includes a diagnostics beam line. The design features of different components of the gun are presented. Preparation and commissioning experience is discussed. The beam test results are summarized. | |||
THPSC09 | The Project of Beam Transportation Lines for the DC-280 Cyclotron at the FLNR JINR | ion, cyclotron, diagnostics, heavy-ion | 336 |
The project of beam lines for carrying out physical experiments at the DC-280 cyclotron which is being created at the FLNR JINR is presented. The commutating magnet with variable magnetic field induction up to 1.5 T gives us possibility to bend ion beams in five directions providing ion transportation through beam lines to five experimental setups. The beam focusing in the beam lines is provided by set of quadrupole lenses having the gradients up to 7.7 T/m. The beam lines are intended for the efficient ion transportation of elements from Helium to Uranium with the atomic mass to charge ratio in the range of 4-7.5 at energies from 4 up to 8 MeV/amu. The ion beam power will reach the value about 3 kW. The water cooled current aperture diaphragms will be installed into all beam lines to prevent the tube damage. The beam diagnostics consists of the Faraday caps (FC), slit collimators, sector aperture diaphragms and ionization beam profile monitors. | |||
THPSC11 | NSLS-II Booster Vacuum System | booster, electron, radiation, storage-ring | 342 |
One of the last SR source third generation (NSLS-II) is constructed in Brookhaven National Laboratory in present time. To raise the operation effectiveness in continued mode with irradiation of maximum brightness injectors of these SR sources is operated continually on the energy up to energy of the main ring (linac or synchrotron booster). The injection on the full energy allows add electrons to early moved electrons in a storage ring rather than to regulate a magnet system. This operating mode is often named "Top-Up". NSLS-II consists of a linear accelerator on the electron energy up to 200 MeV, a synchrotron booster on the energy 3 GeV, a main storage ring. The status and review of vacuum system are written in this report. | |||
THPSC14 | Electron Emission and Trapping in Non-Uniform Fields of Magnet Structure and Insertion Devices at SR Source Siberia-2 | electron, quadrupole, storage-ring, wiggler | 350 |
In vacuum chamber of SR source, scattered photons provide high intensity flows of photo emitted electrons along the magnetic fields lines. The unperturbed electrons reach the opposite walls. The relativistic bunches influence the trajectories of low energy electrons. These electrons can be trapped by non-uniform magnetic field. The low energy electron distributions change the operating settings of the storage ring. For Siberia-2 case, the low energy electron densities are evaluated both in quadrupole lenses and in superconducting wiggler on 7.5 T field. The qualitative description of the trapped electrons behavior was developed. In calculations, the analitical solution was obtained and used for estimations of the single impact of relativistic bunch. | |||
THPSC41 | System for Remote Replacement of Targets of the Target System for CC-Cyclotrons | target, cyclotron, ion, radiation | 415 |
An automated system for remote replacement of target devices of the target system for cyclotrons of the CC-series has been designed. The system allows one of 5 available targets to be positioned under the beam of the cyclotron at the operator choice. Such a technical solution allows us to have sufficiently smaller overall dimensions of the equipment and less time is required for servicing of water and gas targets. Separate system for target replacement is provided for each beam extraction, which allows the cyclotron to be equipped with 10 different target devices, and makes possible simultaneous irradiation of 2 targets. | |||
THPSC45 | Use of Fast Magnetic Beam Raster System for INR Isotope Production Facility | target, isotope-production, controls, proton | 426 |
Fast magnetic beam raster system for INR isotope production facility is developed and implemented. The system enables to increase the isotope production efficiency by providing a possibility of using a higher intensity proton beam on the target of the isotope production facility. First experimental results of system application for irradiation of the targets are presented. | |||
THPSC49 | Hydrogen Nuclides Removing From Pulse Plasma Formations | plasma, cathode, laser, ion | 438 |
The features of hydrogen nuclides extraction from vacuum-arc plasma and laser sources by electric field research results are presented in the report. Such sources can be used in accelerators injection systems and in neutron generators. These processes, found, are strongly influenced by electrostatic oscillations in the plasma boundary, which position continuously varies, in addition to the ions thermal motion. Such movement kinematics determined by the velocity field in plasma formation and its concentration reducing because of the ions extraction. On the basis of this model it shows that plasma boundary moves initially in the direction to the ejection electrode, then stops and begins quickly move back. An equation for the nuclides emission current density from hydrogen plasma surface for their quasiplanar extraction geometry is obtained. | |||
THPSC52 | Dynamics of Plasma-Beam Formations in the Acceleration Gap of the Pulse Neutron Generator-based Vacuum Neutron Tube | plasma, target, neutron, ion | 447 |
The analysis of dynamics of plasma flows containing deuterium, zirconium ions, and electrons in acceleration gap of the pulsed neutron generator vacuum neutron tube* is presented in the paper. The investigations have been undertaken with the use of code KARAT** for the two-dimensional time-dependant regime. The limiting currents of each component for the real geometry of acceleration gap have been determined. The differences between the values of these currents and those determined with the use of the Child-Langmuir equation have been demonstrated. The analysis of dynamics of plasma emitter in the gap has been performed by the example of accelerating voltage of 120 kV and pulse duration of 1.2 mks. It has been shown that the value of the current incoming in the gap from the ions source can differ strongly from the current value at the target. For increasing of this value the partitioning of acceleration gap with the use of conductive grid which is transparent for beam and has several geometric configurations has been proposed. The ring configuration of the emitter has been considered for the same purposes. The calculations have shown that the combination of these two methods described above can allow transporting deuterons current from the anode grid to the target without losses.
* E.P.Bogolubov, V.I.Ryzhkov, D.I.Yurkov. Conference "PNG and Technologies on Their Basis",2013,p.14. ** V.P.Tarakanov. User's Manual for Code KARAT. Berkeley Research Associates, Inc. 1992, p.127. |
FRCB01 | Problems and Prospects of the Tandem Accelerator with Vacuum Insulation | high-voltage, ion, neutron, tandem-accelerator | 465 |
Funding: Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (project RFMEFI57614X0181) At BINP for development of boron neutron capture therapy it is proposed and constructed the tandem accelerator with vacuum insulation, which is characterized by rapid acceleration of charged particles. Problems of high-voltage strength gaps due to the large stored energy and strong electrostatic lens are solved. It is obtained a stationary 1.6 mA 2 MeV proton beam having 0.1% energy monochromaticity and 0.5% current stability. It is clarified, that further increase of the proton current in the stable mode without breakdowns is limited by the accompanying current in the high-voltage gaps. It is proposed to make vacuum conditions better in the input of the accelerator using additional cryopump, to modernize argon stripping target by its tilting or shifting and to use differential pumping inside the high-voltage electrode. Obtaining of the 3 mA 2.5 MeV proton beam will allow us to conduct boron neutron capture therapy. |
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