Keyword: controls
Paper Title Other Keywords Page
TUCB02 RF System of the Booster of NICA Facility cavity, booster, acceleration, feedback 26
  • G.Y. Kurkin, A.M. Batrakov, G.A. Fatkin, Ya.G. Kruchkov, S.A. Krutikhin, S.V. Motygin, A.M. Pilan
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • G.A. Fatkin
    NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
  The project NICA is being constructed in JINR, Dubna to provide collisions of heavy ion beams in the energy range from 1 to 4.5 GeV/u at the luminosity level of 1*1027 cm-2*s−1. One of the elements in the collider injection chain is BUSTER – a cycling accelerator of ions 197Au32+. The injection energy of particles is 6.2 MeV/u, extraction energy is 600 MeV/u. Two RF stations are to provide 10 kV of acceleration voltage. Frequency range of operation of the stations in the injector chain is from 634 kHz to 2400 kHz. The provisions are made for autonomous mode of operation of the stations in the frequency range of 0.5 – 5.5 MHz at the same accelerating voltage. Amorphous metal rings of Russian production are used in the RF cavities. RF stations are created in the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk. The stations are tested in the operative mode and will be delivered to the customer in October, 2014. Main design features and parameters of RF cavity, power generator and control system of the stations are described in the paper.  
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TUPSA05 Three Electrode Electron Gun with the Decreased Anode Voltage Geometry Optimization electron, cathode, gun 45
  • E.A. Savin, S.V. Matsievskiy, N.P. Sobenin
    MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
  Three electrode gun, consisting of spherical cathode, control electrode and anode, has been designed. Anode potential was varying between 30 kV and 50 kV. For the each potential the control electrode potential has been chosen to achieve the smallest beam crossover in the middle of the first accelerator cell. Calculations was based on the model of the already existing gun – electron injector in the linear accelerator. Then all calculations for the different anode voltages has been repeated for the biger cathode, that means – different cathode electrode geometry. The result to use in the further accelerator calculations has been achieved.  
TUPSA09 Beam Dynamics Calculations in the Multi-Beam Generator Cavity electron, cavity, impedance, klystron 54
  • E.A. Savin, S.V. Matsievskiy, N.P. Sobenin
    MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
  • A.A. Zavadtsev
    Nano, Moscow, Russia
  In the previously designed, calculated and tuned structure of the compact generator-cavity the beam dynamics for the different geometry options has been calculated. The influence of injected beam parameters to the output power value has been overviewed. Also the geometry of the beam tubes and couple coefficient between cavity and the output waveguide has been optimized to reach the maximum output power value.  
TUPSA13 The Interactive Computer Environment for Designing and Tuning of Charged Particle Beams Transport Channels synchrotron, focusing, operation, quadrupole 63
  • Y.A. Bashmakov
    LPI, Moscow, Russia
  • G.P. Averyanov, V.A. Budkin, V.V. Dmitriyeva, I.O. Osadchuk
    MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
  This paper considers the application package that simulates transport channel of relativistic charged particles. The package provides an interactive mode for the user. It is possible to observe the main parameters of the beam crossing the channel on the PC screen such as envelope and cross-section of the beam at different sections of the channel while changing the main control parameters of the real channel. Enabling of procedures of mathematical programming provides express optimization of control parameters of the channel. The designed package is compact, has a modular structure and can be easily adapted to different software platforms. MATLAB integrated environment is used as instrumental environment, which has a freeware version of this system - SCILAB. Package testing was carried out on the electron synchrotron "Pakhra" during the recalibration of the channel of the accelerator working in different modes, which are determined by conducted experiments.  
TUPSA14 Mathematical Optimization Model of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics in Klystron-Type Buncher klystron, electron, bunching, experiment 66
  • I.D. Rubtsova
    St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
  The paper presents recurrent integral-differential beam evolution model. This model is convenient for mathematical description of specific dynamic processes with due account of particle interaction and electric fields excitation by moving beam. On the basis of this model the problem of beam dynamics optimization is formalized as trajectory ensemble control problem. Analytical expression for quality functional gradient is obtained. Theoretical results are applied for solving problem of beam dynamics optimization in klystron-type buncher.  
TUPSA15 Second Order Method for Beam Dynamics Optimization framework, rfq, acceleration, longitudinal-dynamics 69
  • O.I. Drivotin
    St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • D.A. Starikov
    Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  Funding: This work is supported by St.-Petersburg State University grant #9.38.673.2013.
Methods of beam dynamics optimization of the first order are known and used for beam dynamics optimization*. These method are based on numerical calculation of gradient of functional estimating beam quality. In this report, method of optimization is proposed that includes numerical calculation of the second derivations (Hessian) of the quality functional. Proposed method is applied for a beam in RFQ channel. Control problem is formulated. The propblem consists in minimizing of functional depending on the beam density and on control functions. The control functions are the acceleration efficiency, the synchronous phase, and the channel apperture. For numerical solution the control functions are taken in parameterized form. The process of optimization represents a sequence of steps with use of the first and the second derivatives on parameters, during which the value of the functional decreases.
* D.A. Ovsyannikov, O.I. Drivotin. Modeling of Intensive Charge Particle Beams. St.-Petersburg: Publ. Comp. of St.-Petersburg State Univ., 2003.
TUPSA27 The First Design of Medium Resolution Mass Spectrometer (MRMS) High Voltage Platform in a SPES Project ion, vacuum, interlocks, high-voltage 94
  • S.L. Andrianov
    ITEP, Moscow, Russia
  • M.F. Moisio, C. R. Roncolato
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro (PD), Italy
  A new project of 150 kV high voltage platform (HVP) is developed in a Laboratori Nazionali di Lagnaro as part of SPES (Selective Production of Exotic Species) project for the production of the multiply charged RIB (rare ion beams). The HVP will be located after ECR ion source charge breeder. Medium resolution mass spectrometer (MRMS) is installed at the platform to provide high purity beams with mass resolution about 1/1000. The Draft of platform design including all beamline elements is discussed. There is a several way of feeding equipment on HVP proposed, required engineering services parameters (vacuum system, cooling system, power system and etc) were defined. Some safety measures are proposed.  
WECA05 Operation and Development of the BINP AMS Facility ion, ion-source, background, detector 134
  • S. Rastigeev, A.R. Frolov, A.D. Goncharov, V. Klyuev, E.S. Konstantinov, V.V. Parkhomchuk, A.V. Petrozhitskii
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • L.A. Kutnykova
    Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
  The BINP AMS facility is the accelerator complex for accelerator mass spectrometry. The most distinguishing features of BINP AMS is the use of the middle energy separator of ion beams, the magnesium vapors target as a stripper and time-of-flight telescope for accurate ion selection. Present status and development of AMS complex for extension of applications are reviewed.  
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WECA06 Extended Scope of Application of Industrial ELV Accelerator electron, high-voltage, radiation, vacuum 137
  • D.A. Kogut, S. Fadeev, N.K. Kuksanov, P.I. Nemytov, R.A. Salimov
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  ELV accelerators is a D.C. machines. They were designed and manufactured by Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science. These machines are well known in the world. They are operating from Germany in West to Indonesia and Malaysia in East. Main application of these accelerators is the treatment of polymers. Accelerators for the polymer treatment are equipped with the foil window extraction device. Some kinds of ELV accelerators were equipped with the device for focused beam extraction into atmosphere. It allows the treatment of material with a high beam power density under atmosphere pressure. New development of ELV accelerators is concerning the low energy range and design of self-shielded accelerators. There are the set of self-shielded accelerators. The lowest energy is 150 - 200 kV. These machines are unified with usual ELV accelerators and extend their application area.  
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WECA08 Main Parameters and Operational Experience with New Generation of Electron Accelerators for Radiography and Cargo Inspection electron, target, operation, klystron 143
  • A.N. Ermakov, B.S. Ishkanov
    MSU, Moscow, Russia
  • A.S. Alimov, A.N. Kamanin, V.V. Khankin, N.I. Pakhomov, V.G. Sayapin, N.V. Shvedunov, V.I. Shvedunov, D.S. Yurov
    M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia
  • I.A. Frejdovich, V.V. Klementiev, S.V. Lamonov, Yu.N. Pavshenko, I.V. Shvedunov, A.S. Simonov
    Federal State Unitary Enterprise, Laboratory of Electron Accelerators MSU, Ltd, Moscow, Russia
  • L.Yu. Ovchinnikova, I.Yu. Vladimirov
    Laboratory of Electron Accelerators MSU, Ltd, Physics Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
  We describe main parameters and operational experience with new generation of electron accelerators for radiography and cargo inspection developed with participation of scientists, engineers and technologists from Lomonosov Moscow State University and "Research and Production Enterprise "Toriy". Two accelerators are described: accelerator for radiography UELR-8-2D with beam energy regulated in the range 3-8 MeV and dose rate from 0.5 to 15 Gy/min and accelerator for cargo inspection UELR-6-1-D-4-01 with pulse to pulse energy switching between 3.5 and 6 MeV, with repetition rate 400 Hz and dose rate 4 Gy/min. Both accelerators use klystron as an RF source, which is fed by solid state modulator.  
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WEPSB02 Modernization the Modulators Klystrons Accelerating Stand of the Electron Linear Accelerator LINAC-800 klystron, electron, undulator, interface 157
  • V. Kobets
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  The report discusses the modernization of the modulators klystrons of the first and second accelerating stations of the acceleration stand on the basis of an electron linear accelerator LINAC-800. Results of the analysis of the modulators to determine the conditions of modernization and upgrading. The presented results of work new modulators.  
WEPSB15 The Utilization of Standard DC Accelerator ELV for The Tomography electron, radiation, cathode, high-voltage 186
  • E.V. Domarov, K.A. Bryazgin, S. Fadeev, D.A. Kogut, N.K. Kuksanov, P.I. Nemytov, R.A. Salimov
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  ELV accelerators have been developed at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and occupy a special place in the spectrum of the equipment produced by the Institute. These machines are widely used for radiation modification of polymers and worked well in a variety of processes in many countries of the Eurasian continent. Using serial ELV accelerators for industrial tomography opens up new possibilities for industrial technologies. This increases the requirements on the stability parameters of the injected electron beam. The article formulates the requirements for electron accelerator ELV for tomographic studies, pulsation energy and beam current. Described Schottky effect affects to the shape and size of the ripple current, and the method for increasing the stability of the beam parameters. These machines are unified with conventional accelerators ELV and expand the scope of their utilization.  
WEPSB41 The X-ray System with Sub-system of Shaping of Fun-Shaped Beam and its Application in the Custom Inspection Systems electron, software, detector, target 254
  • Yu.N. Gavrish, A.M. Fialkovskiy, P.O. Klinovskiy, K.V. Kotenko, V.P. Malyshev
    NIIEFA, St. Petersburg, Russia
  The analytical survey of X-ray sources based on linear electron accelerators applied in the customs inspection systems (IDK) was carried out on the grounds of requirements to customs inspection systems. The test results of the linear electron accelerator IDK-6/9 MeV which allows to generate the X-ray mode with energies of 6 and 9 MeV are given in this article. The questions of unification of linear electron accelerators for different IDK are also studied. It is proved that the JSC "D.V. Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus" has the necessary scientific and technical potential and is ready to work out and to produce the X-ray sources for Automobile, Sea and Railway Inspection Systems (IDK). In addition to that the JSC "D.V. Efremov Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus" is ready to organize the serial production of X-ray sources for inspection systems.  
WEPSB45 Small-Size High-Performance ARSA Accelerators for On-Line Testing for ECB for Radiation Hardness radiation, detector, electron, operation 264
  • S.L. Elyash
    VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia
  • S.P. Pukhov, A.V. Rodigin, A.L. Yur’yev
    RFNC – VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia
  A small-size high-performance pulsed accelerator ARSA with the voltage up to 1.3MeV is developed. The accelerator is distinguished for stability of characteristics (spread no more than ±10%), high dose rate of bremsstrahlung (up to 1.5*1010 R/s in a spot 1 cm in diameter), potentiality of intense operation (hundreds of shots a day), electro-magnetic compatibility with radio electronics. There is developed a fiber-optic monitor-dosimeter functionally connected with ARSA control panel ensuring pulse measurement of bremsstrahlung, accumulation of the prescribed dose, reading of data to the computer. To monitor the shape of bremsstrahlung pulses a separate channel is provided.  
THX03 Status of the Nuclotron ion, experiment, operation, TANGO 283
  • A.O. Sidorin, N.N. Agapov, A.V. Alfeev, V. Andreev, V. Batin, D.E. Donets, E.D. Donets, E.E. Donets, A.V. Eliseev, A.R. Galimov, E.V. Gorbachev, A. Govorov, E.V. Ivanov, V. Karpinsky, H.G. Khodzhibagiyan, A. Kirichenko, V. Kobets, A.D. Kovalenko, O.S. Kozlov, K.A. Levterov, V.A. Mikhailov, V. Monchinsky, S. Romanov, N. Shurkhno, I. Slepnev, V. Slepnev, A.V. Smirnov, G.V. Trubnikov, A. Tuzikov, B. Vasilishin, V. Volkov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  • O.I. Brovko, A.V. Butenko, A. Nesterov, A.V. Philippov, G.S. Sedykh
    JINR/VBLHEP, Moscow, Russia
  Since last RuPAC five runs of the Nuclotron operation were performed. Diagnostic and control systems were improved. Commissioning of new quench detection system was completed. Deuteron beam was accelerated up to maximum design energy corresponding to 2 T of the dipole magnetic field. Stochastic cooling of coasting deuteron, coasting and bunched carbon beams was obtained. First run with new heavy ion source was performed. Results of these and other works are presented.  
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THY02 The Status of the Facilities of Kurchatov's Synchrotron Radiation Source electron, injection, kicker, synchrotron 290
  • V. Korchuganov
    RRC, Moscow, Russia
  • A. Belkov, Y.A. Fomin, E.V. Kaportsev, M.V. Kovalchuk, Y.V. Krylov, V.I. Moiseev, N.I. Moseiko, D.G. Odintsov, S.G. Pesterev, A.S. Smygacheva, S.I. Tomin, V. Ushakov, V.L. Ushkov, A.G. Valentinov, A. Vernov
    NRC, Moscow, Russia
  The first electron beam had been received 20 years ago in a storage ring SIBERIA-2 - dedicated synchrotron radiation source in the Kurchatov's Institute and, also, the official opening of the Kurchatov's SR source for the experiments marks 15th anniversary in 2014 . The report focuses on the accelerator complex of the SR source, the development of actual SR source systems, SR beam lines and experimental stations by 2014.  
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THPSC23 Upgrade of BPM System at VEPP-4M Collider electronics, positron, electron, operation 368
  • E.A. Bekhtenev
    NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • E.A. Bekhtenev, G.V. Karpov
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  Funding: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Developed in BINP wideband beam position monitor (BPM) electronics has been installed at the VEPP-4M electron-positron collider. The VEPP-4M operates with two electron and two positron bunches. Wide bandwidth of new electronics (200 MHz) allows the separate measurements of electron and positron bunches with time interval between bunches up to 18 ns. 18 BPMs located near four meeting points are supplied with new electronics. The electronics can measure the position of each of four bunches. BPM system works at two modes: slow closed orbit measurements and turn-by-turn measurements. We present details of system design and operation.
THPSC25 Extending VEPP-5 Control System by Middleware for Injection/extraction Automation injection, extraction, software, hardware 371
  • F.E. Emanov, D. Bolkhovityanov, A.R. Frolov, Ye.A. Gusev
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • F.E. Emanov
    NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
  CX and EPICS are used at VEPP-5 Injection complex. Each system is in charge of some part of accelerator devices. Middleware layer was added in order to make data processing and facility-level control actions more straightforward. Middleware is separated from clients layer by means of additional CX-server. Architectural approach is discussed by the example of complex injection/extraction automation.  
THPSC27 Modernization of VEPP-2000 Control System collider, positron, pick-up, software 377
  • Yu. A. Rogovsky
    NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • D.E. Berkaev, O.V. Gorbatenko, A.P. Lysenko, Yu. A. Rogovsky, A.L. Romanov, A.I. Senchenko, P.Yu. Shatunov, Y.M. Shatunov
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  Electron-positron collider VEPP-2000 delivered data for the high energy physics since the end of 2009. In the summer of 2013 the long shutdown was started dedicated to the deep upgrade of the wide range of subsystems. The main goal of the improvements is to reach or exceed design luminosity in the whole energy range from 200 MeV to 1000 MeV per bunch. The hardware of the accelerator complex consists of high current main field power supplies, low current power supplies for steering and multipole magnets, pulsed power supplies for channel's elements, RF subsystems, BPM and some other special subsystems (such as vacuum, temperature, etc.). The control system is based on CANbas, CAMAC and VME devices. The wide range of software corresponding to specific hardware subsystems forms complicated interacting system that manages all parts of the VEPP-2000 accelerator facility. Automation software is running on several TCP/IP connected PC platforms under operating system Linux and uses client-server techniques. The paper presents general overview and changes made in architecture, implementation and functionality of hardware and software of the VEPP-2000 collider control system.  
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THPSC28 Development of Automation System of the Ion Source PLC, experiment, ion, ion-source 380
  • A.M. Koshkarev, Y.I. Belchenko, A.N. Kvashnin, A.L. Sanin, P.V. Zubarev
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  To operate a source of negative hydrogen ions an automatic distributed control system was developed. This system consists of master controller (Slab C8051F120) and a set of peripheral local controllers (PLC) based on microcontroller Slab C8051F350. Using an optical link between PLC and master controller there was created a system resistant to high-voltage breakdowns of the ion source. To control the system, a special programming language has been created. It includes procedures for checking the necessary parameters, setting the value of the physical quantities to simplify the experiment, verifying the lock status and protection. This system provides two programmable timers, as well as procedures in emergency situations, such as: lack of water, poor vacuum. It can be operated in semi-automatic mode: the script asks operator about preferable actions and then it continues actions depending on the response. All scripts are performed by master controller, and this makes system very rapid (for example system response time is 1 ms).  
THPSC29 Controller for RF Stations for Booster of NICA Project booster, acceleration, Ethernet, software 383
  • G.A. Fatkin, A.M. Batrakov, I.V. Ilyin, G.Y. Kurkin, A.M. Pilan, M.Yu. Vasilyev
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • G.A. Fatkin
    NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia
  Intellectual Controller for RF stations based on CPU module SAMA5D31-CM for Booster of NICA Project is presented. Controller measures magnetic field using induction coil and provides corresponding real-time tuning of frequency according to non-linear law with 20 ums period and better than 2*10-4 accuracy. Controller also allows setting up and monitoring several parameters of RF stations. The tester module that generates a sequence of events and signals imitating acceleration cycle is alo presented.  
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THPSC31 Media Server for Video and Audio Exchange between the U-70 Accelerator Complex Control Rooms software, real-time, operation, network 386
  • I. Lobov, V. Gotman
    IHEP, Moscow Region, Russia
  The media server was developed that implements the exchange of video and audio streams between control rooms for U-70 technological subsystems. Media server has the possibility of making changes into the intermediate video images to embed current technological information. The media server is implemented as a set of threads of execution, one for each video format conversion module. The media server is a chain of successive transformations of video and audio streams from one format to another: H264 - Y4M - Theora formats for video, PCM - Vorbis formats for audio. The final video and audio streams are encapsulated into the OGG container stream which is translating into the local network. OGG container has been chosen because of its completely open, patent-free technology and full support in HTML5. Any Web browser with full HTML5 support may be used as OGG stream consumer. The browser client program has written with tag "video" utilization. This allows for client to work on different platforms (Linux, Windows) and get rid of third-party video plug-ins.  
THPSC32 U-70 Accelerator Complex: Centralized Access to IP-Devices with Embedded Web-Server network, Windows, booster, distributed 389
  • Yu.V. Milichenko, E.V. Takaeva, V.P. Voevodin
    IHEP, Moscow Region, Russia
  The paper describes our efforts to organize centralized access to IP-devices of specific types. Each device includes proper embedded web-server and is connected to an accelerator department network. Today there are tens of the devices are used to give pictures online. A device access is carried out by user understandable device names with the aid of accelerator department web-server. Some arisen problems are pointed. Possible manifold forms of on screen presentation of pictures derived from devices are presented.  
THPSC33 Digital Signal Processing Algorithms for Linac Low-Level RF Systems FPGA, operation, cavity, embedded 392
  • D.A. Liakin, S.V. Barabin, A.Y. Orlov
    ITEP, Moscow, Russia
  A set of LLRF systems had been designed for various applications of resonant RF devices such as accelerators or beam deflectors. This report presents compact signal detection algorithms, used in most of developed systems. Application-specific extension of the signal processing procedure allows the system be synchronized to external self-excited oscillator.  
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THPSC34 A Digital Low-Level RF System for Resonant Beam Deflector of LAPLAS Experiment LLRF, FPGA, interface, operation 395
  • D.A. Liakin, S.V. Barabin, A.Y. Orlov
    ITEP, Moscow, Russia
  A two-resonator heavy ion deflecting system is a part of LAPLAS experiment. ITEP built and put into operation a lightweight prototype of a deflector. Developed high performance radio-frequency control unit provides all necessary options for successful operation in LAPLAS or ITEP installations. The LLRF includes a two-channel reference generator based on a digital signal processing core and resonant frequency control modules, also powered by an appropriate DSP.  
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THPSC38 Development of the Software for the Accelerating Fields in Linear Structures Measurement software, interface, LabView, network 407
  • E.A. Savin, M.V. Lalayan, A.Yu. Smirnov
    MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
  • A.A. Zavadtsev
    Nano, Moscow, Russia
  The software which allows controlling the whole installation to measure electric fields in the linear structures has been developed. The installation consists of linear structure, step motor drive, motor controller, a probe which moves on the string throw the structure to perturb the field to use the perturbation measuring method, network vector analyzer and the PC. He software interface is user-friendly, user only needs to write down the length of the structure, a desired step of the probe and push the start button. As a result user can obtain the picture of electric field on the structure axis. It is possible to choose between two measuring methods: by S11 of by S21.  
THPSC39 Control Systems for Radiography and Cargo Inspection RF Accelerators operation, network, interface, klystron 410
  • A.N. Ermakov
    MSU, Moscow, Russia
  • A.N. Kamanin, V.G. Sayapin, V.I. Shvedunov, D.S. Yurov
    M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow, Russia
  • I.V. Shvedunov
    Federal State Unitary Enterprise, Laboratory of Electron Accelerators MSU, Ltd, Moscow, Russia
  Based on "open technologies" approach to design of control systems for radiography and cargo inspection electron RF accelerators constructed at Laboratory of Electron Accelerators MSU is described. The control system consists of a number of specialized controllers each responsible for separate accelerator subsystem connected via Ethernet interface and Modbus/TCP protocol with control computer which in turn is connected with control panel computer, modulator, power supplies etc. each having its own digital interface. Each controller contains one or several special boards conditioning external analogue and discrete signals and universal microcontroller part providing controller operation and network connection. Both control computer and control panel computer are based on BlueShark SOM (System on a Module) amd run Linux operating system. Custom SCADA-like system has been developed to provide proper accelerator operation and operator interface with support for different levels of access to accelerator parameters.  
THPSC40 Automated Control System of Target System for PET radionuclids Production target, cyclotron, operation, software 413
  • R.M. Klopenkov, P.A. Gnutov, M.L. Klopenkov, A.N. Kuzhlev, A.A. Melnikov
    NIIEFA, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • B.V. Zabrodin
    St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia
  An Automated Control System of target system for production of PET-radionuclids has been designed. The system allows on-line obtaining of the data on the status of the target system and remote control of loading, irradiation and evacuation of the activity to synthesis modules. According to algorithms available in the software, this system makes possible emergency situations to be prevented and incorrect actions of the operator to be blocked.  
THPSC42 Modernization of the Automated Control System of Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source Using Citect SCADA software, synchrotron, synchrotron-radiation, radiation 417
  • E.V. Kaportsev, V. Dombrovsky, Y.V. Efimov, V. Korchuganov, Y.V. Krylov, K. Moseev, N.I. Moseiko, A.G. Valentinov
    NRC, Moscow, Russia
  The running cycle of Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source (KSRS) includes the injection of electrons with energy 80 MeV from the linear accelerator in the booster storage ring Siberia-1, the accumulation of a electron current up to 400 mA and, then, electron energy ramping up to 450 MeV with the subsequent extraction of electrons in the main ring, storage ring Siberia-2, and accumulation there up to 300 mA, and at last the energy ramping up to 2.5 GeV. A few years ago we started modernization of the automated control systems (ACS) of accelerator - storage complex. Modernization has affected the most important parts of the system - the system of data collection and control system. Used advanced solutions based on CAN and VME and modular complexes National Instruments. Currently begins implementation of the Citect SCADA system. In this paper the stages of implementation of the SCADA control system. Showing part of the system, which is already widely used, as well as parts of the system, which is scheduled to launch in the near future.  
THPSC44 Development of Remote Control System for H-minus Ions Source of INR LINAC ion, ion-source, linac, H-minus 423
  • V.S. Klenov, Yu.V. Kiselev, O. Volodkevich, V. Zubets
    RAS/INR, Moscow, Russia
  A system of remote control of surface –plasma source of negative ions for INR RAS LINAC was designed, constructed and put into operation. The INR LINAC negative ions injector is based on the accelerating tube at energy of 400 keV and surface –plasma source of negative ions. Galvanic isolation and spatial separation of elements that are at potential 400 kV in the power rack of the ion source and the host computer are carried out by means of fiber-optic USB-interface extender from firms Icron. A set of multifunctional units from National Instruments allows to monitor the oscilloscope signals with up to 50 Ms/s and to control the ions source power settings. The data acquisition devices programming performed in a LabView graphical environment. Algorithm and LabVew code for fast and safe "conditioning" of the ion source discharge gap and extractor gap from arcing and breakdowns were developed.  
THPSC45 Use of Fast Magnetic Beam Raster System for INR Isotope Production Facility target, isotope-production, vacuum, proton 426
  • O. Volodkevich, S. Bragin, A. Feschenko, O.V. Grekhov, Yu.V. Kiselev, V.M. Kokhanyuk, V.N. Mikhailov, A.N. Mirzojan, V.L. Serov
    RAS/INR, Moscow, Russia
  Fast magnetic beam raster system for INR isotope production facility is developed and implemented. The system enables to increase the isotope production efficiency by providing a possibility of using a higher intensity proton beam on the target of the isotope production facility. First experimental results of system application for irradiation of the targets are presented.  
THPSC53 The NG-10 Neutron Generator for Production of Neutron Fluxes in Continuous and Pulse Modes neutron, ion, target, power-supply 450
  • D.A. Solnyshkov, A.V. Antonov, A.N. Kuzhlev, N.P. Mikulinas, A.V. Morozov, G.G. Voronin
    NIIEFA, St. Petersburg, Russia
  Designed neutron generator is designed for a neutron yield 1x1011 neutrons / s in continuous mode and includes ion accelerator with an accelerating voltage, continuously adjustable in the range of 120-150 keV and a beam current of atomic deuterium ions up to 2 mA, and the target device, in which used Ti-T target different diameters. In addition to high and stable yield of neutrons in time when operating continuously generator provides pulsed mode of operation over a wide range of duration and pulse repetition rate. Pulsed neutron generator operation is performed by modulating the discharge current of the ion source. For this purpose, a unique system of power discharge, which allows for both continuous and pulse modes. In this case it is possible to produce a smooth adjustment of the pulse width of the beam current. Switch from pulse mode to DC promptly made with the remote control.  
FRCB02 Dynamics of Processes in Subcritical Reactor Driven by Linear Accelerator neutron, feedback, linac, proton 467
  • A.G. Golovkina, I.V. Kudinovich, D.A. Ovsyannikov
    St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Y.A. Svistunov
    Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
  Funding: St. Petersburg State University, grant No. 9.38.673.2013
In this paper dynamics of processes in accelerator driven system (ADS) is considered. ADS reactor operates at subcritical level and the necessary neutron supply comes from the interaction of a charged particles beam with a heavy atom nucleus (spallation reaction). Mathematical model of dynamics of subcritical reactor controlled by linear accelerator is presented. Calculation results of transient processes in the reactor core taking into account fuel feedback. The reactor power level control is carried out through the regulation of linac current impulses frequency.
FRCB03 Accelerators Application for Radiation Processing of Foodstuffs radiation, electron, framework, monitoring 470
  • M.A. Zavialov
    RRICT, Vidnoye, Russia
  During last couple decades in Russia an interest in the electron-beam sterilization technology has been significantly renewed. The electron beam irradiation occurs at electron energies in the range from 3 up to 10 MeV with dose of 30 kGy. A special research interest is an exploring the possibility to reduce electron energy and dose characteristics upon foods irradiation.