Paper | Title | Other Keywords | Page |
TUCB02 | RF System of the Booster of NICA Facility | cavity, controls, booster, feedback | 26 |
The project NICA is being constructed in JINR, Dubna to provide collisions of heavy ion beams in the energy range from 1 to 4.5 GeV/u at the luminosity level of 1*1027 cm-2*s−1. One of the elements in the collider injection chain is BUSTER – a cycling accelerator of ions 197Au32+. The injection energy of particles is 6.2 MeV/u, extraction energy is 600 MeV/u. Two RF stations are to provide 10 kV of acceleration voltage. Frequency range of operation of the stations in the injector chain is from 634 kHz to 2400 kHz. The provisions are made for autonomous mode of operation of the stations in the frequency range of 0.5 – 5.5 MHz at the same accelerating voltage. Amorphous metal rings of Russian production are used in the RF cavities. RF stations are created in the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk. The stations are tested in the operative mode and will be delivered to the customer in October, 2014. Main design features and parameters of RF cavity, power generator and control system of the stations are described in the paper. | |||
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Slides TUCB02 [1.265 MB] | ||
TUPSA06 | Beam Dynamics Calculation in the Induction Linear Accelerator | cathode, solenoid, electron, simulation | 48 |
The geometry of the induction electron accelerator, which will be used for high current acceleration, has been calculated. For the different currents values the optimum focusing magnetic field and has been obtained. Also a current in the compensative coil near the cathode has been calculated. The cathode electrode geometry was changing to achieve minimum beam oscillations during the acceleration. | |||
TUPSA10 | Advanced Optimization of an Low-energy Ion Beam Dynamics at Linac Front-end with RF Focusing | linac, focusing, simulation, rfq | 57 |
A design and development of a linac front-end, that guaranties the required beam, quality is an issue of the day. A linac with RF focusing by means of the accelerating field spatial harmonics is suggested as an alternative to RFQ system. Simulation results of the low-energy proton beam dynamics at linac, that takes into account main linac parameter optimization, based on advanced dynamical acceptance calculation, are presented and discussed. | |||
TUPSA15 | Second Order Method for Beam Dynamics Optimization | controls, framework, rfq, longitudinal-dynamics | 69 |
Funding: This work is supported by St.-Petersburg State University grant #9.38.673.2013. Methods of beam dynamics optimization of the first order are known and used for beam dynamics optimization*. These method are based on numerical calculation of gradient of functional estimating beam quality. In this report, method of optimization is proposed that includes numerical calculation of the second derivations (Hessian) of the quality functional. Proposed method is applied for a beam in RFQ channel. Control problem is formulated. The propblem consists in minimizing of functional depending on the beam density and on control functions. The control functions are the acceleration efficiency, the synchronous phase, and the channel apperture. For numerical solution the control functions are taken in parameterized form. The process of optimization represents a sequence of steps with use of the first and the second derivatives on parameters, during which the value of the functional decreases. * D.A. Ovsyannikov, O.I. Drivotin. Modeling of Intensive Charge Particle Beams. St.-Petersburg: Publ. Comp. of St.-Petersburg State Univ., 2003. |
TUPSA24 | Project of Electron Cooler for NICA Collider | electron, high-voltage, collider, solenoid | 85 |
Electron cooling system (ECS) of the NICA collider is designed to form the required parameters of the ion beam at energy of the experiment in the range of 1 - 4.5 GeV/amu that requires energy cooling electrons from 0.5 to 2.5 MeV. To achieve the required energy of the electrons all elements of ECS are placed in tanks filled with sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) under pressure of 6 atm. For testing items ECS elements the test bench "Recuperator" is used. This paper presents the results of testing the prototype elements of the ECS and the first results of technical design of ECS. | |||
TUPSA25 | Acceleration of the Oppositely Charged Particles in the Single Stream | ion, electron, heavy-ion, plasma | 88 |
One of the problems arising at extraction of heavy ions from plasma is removal of electrons from a stream of particles. Therefore possibility of simultaneous acceleration in one direction as ions (electric field), and electrons (pressure gradient) is represented rather interesting. In work when using the hydrodynamic description in the accelerating interval conditions of cold ions and hot electrons are studied. Possibility of excess by ions of speed of an ionic sound is shown, and the ratio of sizes of streams of be any. | |||
WECA09 | Dedicated DC-110 Heavy Ion Cyclotron for Industrial Production of Track Membranes | ion, cyclotron, ion-source, heavy-ion | 146 |
In the Laboratory of nuclear reactions JINR dedicated accelerator complex on the basis of the heavy ion cyclotron DC110 for the industrial track membrane production has been developed and created. The isochronous cyclotron DC110 accelerates the ions Ar, Kr and Xe with a fixed energy of 2.5 MeV/nucleon and intensity of 10-15 mkA. The cyclotron is equipped with ECR ion source - DECRIS-5 (18 GHz) and axial injection system. The pole diameter of the magnet is 2 m. Isochronous magnetic field formed by shimming sectors on the level of 1.67 T. Accelerated ions 40Ar6+, 86Kr13+, 132Xe20+ have close mass-to-charge ratio, which allows changing particles without changing the operation mode of the cyclotron. Accelerator complex DC-10 is capable of producing up to 2 million square meters of track membranes per the year. | |||
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Slides WECA09 [1.603 MB] | ||
WEPSB04 | Field Optimization Technique of the Multigap H-mode Resonators | impedance, cavity, linac | 162 |
Optimization of the H-mode resonators requires uniform accelerating field distribution on its axes. To realize this task pylons with the holes on its end walls are used in many cases. During applying this technique in case of cavities with low number of periods it was mentioned that the best value of the field flatness was obtained in case of zero gap between end walls of the resonator and the pylon. It means that each pylon has got the electrical contact with one of the end walls of the resonator. For such cavity geometry magnetic field distribution differs from the classical H – resonator: it transforms in one common magnetic flux like in split-coaxial cavities. The analysis of such structures was performed for two types of H-mode resonators: Cross bar H-mode (CH) resonators with working frequency 324MHz and Interdigital H-mode (IH) resonators with working frequency 162MHz. All types of resonators work on the pi-mode and have 9 accelerating gaps. The main stages of E-field flatness optimization inside CH− and IH− cavities are presented at this paper. | |||
WEPSB05 | Optimization of Electric Field Distribution Inside Multi-gap CH-Resonator | impedance, cavity, proton, rfq | 164 |
This paper presents the results of the electrodynamic modelling of the Crossbar H-mode (CH) resonator. The main goal was to get the uniform accelerating field distribution and to optimize effective shunt impedance. The initial model of the 324 MHz cavity consists of 7 equidistant RF gaps with the period length 46.26 mm. To optimize its electrodynamic characteristics the design contains pylons. Solution of the tuning task consists of several steps. Firstly it was chosen the optimal relation between the holding rod length and the pylon's height. Then the most significant improvement on the E-field distribution was introduced by optimizing the gap between end walls of the resonator and the pylon. The final adjustment of the field distribution and the tuning to the working frequency was performed by means of the holes in the pylon. Correct geometry increases effective shunt impedance from 55 MOhm/m to 80 MOhm/m and improves the field flatness to the 97%. The results of optimization the cavities for different particle velocities with 7,9 and 11 accelerating gaps and different aperture diameter are presented. | |||
WEPSB17 | Development of the Injector for Vacuum Insulated Tandem Accelerator | ion, vacuum, neutron, ion-source | 191 |
The Vacuum Insulated Tandem Accelerator is built at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics.* The accelerator is designed for development of the concept of accelerator-based boron neutron capture therapy of malignant tumors in the clinic.** In the accelerator the negative hydrogen ions are accelerated by the high voltage electrode potential to the half of required energy, and after conversion of the ions into protons by means of a gas stripping target the protons are accelerated again by the same potential to the full beam energy. A number of innovative ideas posited in the design make it possible to accelerate intense beams in a compact accelerator. Number of investigations revealed weak points of the accelerator injector: unnecessary beam stripping by the residual gas and complexity to improve the vacuum conditions, the influence of the stripping gas to the ion source operation stability. To ensure the beam parameters and reliability of the facility operation required for clinical applications, the new injector is designed based on the ion source with a current up to 15 mA, providing the possibility of preliminary beam acceleration upto 120-200 keV. The paper presents the design of the injector and the results of calculations performed.
*Aleynik V., Bashkirtsev A., et al. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 88 (2014) 177-179. **Bayanov B., Belov V., et al. Nuclear Instr. and Methods in Physics Research A 413/2-3 (1998) 397-426. |
WEPSB29 | The Induction Synchrotron with a Constant Magnetic Field | dipole, induction, focusing, betatron | 223 |
In this report possibility of cyclic acceleration of the charged particles in constant in time a magnetic field is discussed. The closed orbit of particles is formed by a set of magnetic dipoles. In each section of dipoles the radial dispersion of trajectories of a beam depends on the azimuthal length of a dipole and has the small size (on the order of several centimeters). As the dipole section has radial focusing and vertical defocusing, using quadrupole lenses between dipole sections it is possible to organize alternating-sing focusing on all perimeter of the accelerator. Particles are accelerated by electric field of the induction sections which powering up is made at bunch approach. The inductor of sections are remagnetized in the range of time between a beam bunches. Stability of longitudinal oscillations is defined by a form of a table of accelerating induction pulses. Such accelerator is able to afford to expand the range of parameters of accelerated particles on their charge and atomic weight as doesn't demand compliance of a resonance of HF-system to the frequency of the circular frequency of accelerated particles. | |||
WEPSB30 | The Compact Induction Accelerator of Electrons for Radiation Technologies | induction, electron, dipole, focusing | 226 |
The electron accelerator with energy <10 MEV uses a rectangular pulse of the accelerating induction voltage and a trapezoidal pulse of a leading magnetic field. For preservation of radius of an equilibrium orbit to constants special ratios between amplitude-time characteristics of a magnetic induction and the accelerating voltage of inductors are carried out. The accelerator contains alternating-sign focusing in dipole magnets and rectilinear accelerator parts. Total cross-section of inductors of accelerating section is equal to S=WL/Bc, (W-energy of electrons, L-perimeter of an orbit, B<2Bs, Bs-индукция of saturation of inductors, c - velocity of light) | |||
WEPSB40 | Design of a Linear Accelerator with a Magnetic Mirror on the Beam Energy of 45 MeV | klystron, electron, gun, linac | 251 |
The results of calculation and optimization of pulsed linear accelerator with magnetic mirror on the beam energy, adjustable in the range of 20 - 45 MeV, designed for explosives detection and other applications are presented. The accelerator consists of an electron gun with an off-axis placed cathode with a beam hole on axis; of about 1.6 m long section of standing wave bi-periodic accelerating structure, operating at 2856 MHz, which is optimized to achieve the capture coefficient of more than 50% and of the energy spectrum width of about 2%; of a movable dispersion free magnetic mirror made with rare earth permanent magnet material. Accelerator provides acceleration of the beam with a pulse current of 100 mA to an energy of 45 MeV with RF power consumption less than 10 MW. | |||
THPSC29 | Controller for RF Stations for Booster of NICA Project | booster, controls, Ethernet, software | 383 |
Intellectual Controller for RF stations based on CPU module SAMA5D31-CM for Booster of NICA Project is presented. Controller measures magnetic field using induction coil and provides corresponding real-time tuning of frequency according to non-linear law with 20 ums period and better than 2*10-4 accuracy. Controller also allows setting up and monitoring several parameters of RF stations. The tester module that generates a sequence of events and signals imitating acceleration cycle is alo presented. | |||
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Poster THPSC29 [2.170 MB] | ||
THPSC35 | Quench Detector for Superconducting Elements of the NICA Accelerator Complex | detector, operation, booster, collider | 398 |
The system provides highly effective detection of quenches in superconducting elements of Nuclotron and NICA facility. Full information about quench element is transmitted to control room. Diagram of analogue quench signal could be displayed on screen for further analysis. The system performs scheduled self-test diagnostics in real time and controls power elements of energy evacuation.
E. Ivanov |
THPSC37 | A Pulse Generator of X-Ray Quants for Remote Radiation Monitoring | cathode, electron, high-voltage, radiation | 404 |
For effective implementation of modern methods of X-raying required equipment complexes with increased requirements to the generator X-rays compared to conventional devices used in radiography. These requirements basically boil down to the fact that the radiation source along with small dimensions should provide at least 0.5 m from the target minimum exposure dose of about 10 mR for 1 with the appliance with a minimum area of the radiating surface of the target. These parameters are obtained by using X-rays generator based on high-current diode accelerating tube (AT) operating in the pulse-periodic regime at current amplitude of the accelerated electrons in the tube Im ~ 1 kA, pulse duration 1-10 ns and a maximum energy of electrons reaching several hundred keV The report presents the development of compact AT, which improved definition x-ray image is ensured by using a diode system with a coaxial geometry acceleration of electrons to the anode electrode internal target and explosive emission cathode. AT used to run a specially designed high-voltage pulse transformer-based "Tesla" with surge sharpener. Describes the design and block diagram interface generator X-ray quanta. Feature is the high stability of the generator is not dependent on the voltage, battery charge. Presented the results of experimental testing of the generator X-ray quanta. Also shows the waveform duration x-ray pulses in the presence of the lead filter and without it. | |||
THPSC46 | Simulation and Optimization of Ion Optical Extraction, Acceleration and H-minus Ion Beam Matching Systems | ion, extraction, simulation, emittance | 429 |
Source of negative hydrogen ions for the implementation of multiturn charge-exchange injection to increase the intensity of IHEP buster is developed. Surface-plasma ion source with Penning discharge is selected as a source of H-minus ions. A high-current extraction system with downstream electron dumping has been designed. A three-dimensional ion optical code IBSimu has been utilized for modelling and optimization the extraction system and ion beam acceleration to energy of 100 keV. A magnetic low energy beam transport line consisting of two solenoids has been designed to match the beam with RFQ. TRACE 2D code was used to optimize LEBT. A deflecting magnet with small angular deflection (10) has been installed between solenoids to eliminate forward tracing of neutral atoms from ions source to RFQ. | |||