Keyword: betatron
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WECA07 LIA-2 and BIM Accelerators as Part of Radiographic Complex at RFNC-VNIITF radiation, operation, electron, target 140
  • A.R. Akhmetov, S.D. Hrenkov, P.A. Kolesnikov, E.O. Kovalev, O.A. Nikitin, D.S. Smirnov
    RFNC-VNIITF, Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia
  The regime of joint operation of LIA-2 and two betatrons in radiographic experiments is described. The brief review of main characteristics for all three used accelerators are presented.  
WEPSB29 The Induction Synchrotron with a Constant Magnetic Field dipole, induction, focusing, acceleration 223
  • G. Dolbilov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  In this report possibility of cyclic acceleration of the charged particles in constant in time a magnetic field is discussed. The closed orbit of particles is formed by a set of magnetic dipoles. In each section of dipoles the radial dispersion of trajectories of a beam depends on the azimuthal length of a dipole and has the small size (on the order of several centimeters). As the dipole section has radial focusing and vertical defocusing, using quadrupole lenses between dipole sections it is possible to organize alternating-sing focusing on all perimeter of the accelerator. Particles are accelerated by electric field of the induction sections which powering up is made at bunch approach. The inductor of sections are remagnetized in the range of time between a beam bunches. Stability of longitudinal oscillations is defined by a form of a table of accelerating induction pulses. Such accelerator is able to afford to expand the range of parameters of accelerated particles on their charge and atomic weight as doesn't demand compliance of a resonance of HF-system to the frequency of the circular frequency of accelerated particles.  
WEPSB47 Depth Dose Distribution of the Bremsstrahlung Generated by the Betatron OB-4 in Different Environments radiation, DTL, detector, electron 266
  • I. Miloichikova, V. Ruchyeva, E. Shuvalov, S. Stuchebrov
    TPU, Tomsk, Russia
  Within a research framework of the development of the new methods to reduce radiation doses for the objects under radiographic analysis, it was proposed to use the pulsed irradiation source synchronized with the detecting device. The previous tests showed a significant radiation dose decline to the objects in comparison with conventional techniques. For estimation of the suitability of using the compact betatron OB-4 as a source of bremsstrahlung for visualization purposes it is necessary to investigate the dosymetric parameters of the device. In the paper the dosimetric parameters measurement technique of the bremsstrahlung generated by betatron OB-4 is described. The radiation dose measurement results from the bremsstrahlung generated by betatron are shown. The depth dose distributions of the bremsstrahlung generated by betatron obtained with the help of the solid thermoluminescent detectors DTL-02 and the dosimeter UNIDOS E equipped with a PTW Farmer cylindrical ionization chamber type 30013 in the different environments (in the air, in the water andin the lead) are illustrated.  
THPSC12 Effect of the Vertical Velocity Component on Properties of Synchrotron Radiation radiation, electron, synchrotron, synchrotron-radiation 345
  • O.E. Shishanin
    MSIU, Moscow, Russia
  This subject determines more precisely characteristics of synchrotron radiation when charge particle moves on the spiral in physical devices and a space. For this purpose first the Bessel functions of a high order are approximated to within the second approach. It is discussed that the vertical component of velocity in alternating magnetic fields of accelerators significantly changes spectral and angular distributions of radiation intensity.  
THPSC13 Horizontal Emittance Regulation at SIBERIA-2 injection, emittance, sextupole, quadrupole 347
  • A.G. Valentinov, V. Korchuganov, Y.V. Krylov, Y.L. Yupinov
    NRC, Moscow, Russia
  Synchrotron radiation (SR) brightness is the most valuable parameter of every SR light source. It depends greatly on horizontal emittance of an electron beam. That's why all modern SR light sources have designed emittance of several nanometers. A horizontal emittance of Siberia-2 now equals to 98 nm. It can be decreased by two ways. First way is to find another working point (betatron tunes) with lower emittance. Maximal possible current values of existing power supplies must be taken into account. Injection efficiency may become worse because of smaller dynamic aperture due to stronger sextupoles. Second way is to rebuild magnetic structure keeping the same betatron tunes. Advantages of this method are good injection efficiency and proved energy ramping process. Modification of the magnetic structure may be done at high energy with more stable electron beam. But the second way is not allowed to reach as lower emittance level as in the first way. Theoretical and practical aspects of these two ways are described in the report. Magnetic structures with dispersion-free straight sections and smooth horizontal dispersion function are presented. Also structure with higher emittance is described in order to reach higher injection efficiency.